How I got started (m/m)

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How I got started (m/m)

Post by Me2 »

I had posted this one the previous forum but that seems to be gone now so here it is again. This is the story of how I got interested in being bound, but unlike others who seem to have had the good fortune to encounter groups who perhaps by virtue of an ongoing culture of TUGs had broken down the usual taboos that seem to be associated with the activity, I quickly came to keep TUGs very secret indeed.

I can be sure about the age I was when I got started because of where we lived at the time. Everything I am describing happened well before my 7th birthday. I had started to be drawn to the idea of being restrained at a very early age, certainly before 5. A number of things that happened to me very young may have contributed to this, and one in particular had a big impact but the detail is a bit hazy so I will skip it for now.

I initially had no-one to tie me up or anything and I wasn't too good at it myself. In trying to think about what would be more satisfactory I got interested in handcuffs. I remember there being a book in the school library that depicted a robber being handcuffed and I would spend all the time I could just looking at this and trying to imagine what it must be like to be bound like that.

I guess I was about 6 when I was then given a Meccano set. I soon realised that I could make some handcuffs from the little curved steel sections. They worked after a fashion but had a bad problem in that the edges of the metal were awfully sharp so they were not at all comfortable. At this time I would play fairly openly. I even remember an occasion where I played with a friend although we didn't do that much with them. Actually I didn't have much option about being at all secret as our house at this time was ludicrously small, in fact there was only one bedroom so I didn't even have my own room.

It was the birthday of a nearby friend and a huge party was being organised, but on the following weekend. I went to see him on his actual birthday, before the party, and he showed me what he got as presents. Now the thing that everyone was into was "cowboys and indians", mainly thanks to such TV series as "The Lone Ranger"on the still fairly new TV service (yes, this all happened in the 50's). He had a new cowboy set and the special feature this included was a set of plastic handcuffs.
The handcuffs were not like the ones you mainly see today. They didn't have a key, but rather an awkward catch to unlock them. Imagine two half circles of square box section of grey plastic, I guess about 1cm across, but one slightly larger than the other so one slides into the other. They are hinged together at one end, where the chain links attach, and the larger one had the catch at the opposite end. The smaller one had some kind of ratchet formed on it which engaged with the catch mechanism. So when closed up fully it looked like a fairly uniform circular ring, and when worn the catch mechanism was at the outermost part, opposite the chain linking the two wrists, which made it somewhat awkward to open them oneself, especially behind your back (Sorry, not a very good description, but I hope it makes some sense).

I tried these once and just loved the feeling of them. Unlike my improvisations they were really comfortable. We played a bit with them and I just remember being so amazed that such a thing was obviously sold in shops. But I was seriously affected by how excited I felt and became concerned that it might be visible to anyone watching.

The day of the big party came and it seemed like half the school had been invited. In fact there was a hidden agenda here, the party wasn't entirely what it seemed. His house was situated in a huge garden which contained loads of big trees. A proper little woodland and great for games. We spent a lot of time running about and eventually playing cowboys and indians. This turned into a sort of game of tag with the person caught getting handcuffed to a tree until rescued. I remember there had been some discussion about tying up in a cowboy/indian context, and it was generally accepted that cowboys tied people with their hands in front and indians with their hands behind.
The game proceeded and I got caught and dragged over to a tree. My arms were pulled behind the tree and the handcuffs produced. I found this experience so exciting, but also so embarrassing that it might be noticed that I was affected by this so much, that I started to panic. Before they could fasten me to the tree I started to fight like my life depended on it. I got away, and later someone else ended up bound to a tree, with their arms pulled back round the tree and with the cuffs only just reaching between his wrists it made it really hard for the him to work the catch. I so wished it was me, but at the same time I so didn't want to be seen enjoying this.

From that time onwards I would always avoid any public TUG situation just because of not wanting to reveal my strong interest. I saw my friend a few weeks later. Mysteriously, the handcuffs had been confiscated by his parents, with no reason given. I was later to discover that the party had also been a farewell party for me! I didn't realise it at the time but my parents had bought a bigger house (any house would have been bigger) and that we were soon moving a very long way away. I would never see any of these friends again.
At the new house I kept TUGs entirely secret. I have never quite understood why it was that I seemed to instinctively realise that there was something not quite right about my interests and that I should be absolutely secret about it. So I played TUGs by myself from here on, but that's another story I guess.
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Post by Xtc »

Thanks for re-posting this here.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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