Being Ruthless on Ruth (m/f, mmm/f)

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Being Ruthless on Ruth (m/f, mmm/f)

Post by I_Will_Tie_You_up »

Hello guys,

This is a other short story from my early years. I will describe the best that I remember. After "My first time" ( this was the next time I finally got to tie someone up.

I like to give situations proper context so the good part takes a while.
Me and this girl did not always got along. We were on the same class and one day we got into a serious fight. We were both 11 or 12 at the time and we were both really tall kids for our age with similar body structure. So even if I gave my best neither of us knocked the other out. A teacher had to separate us, but since she was a girl and I failed to take her down next day the word was "You got beat up by a girl!". No matter how many times I said "She didn't beat me, the teacher separated us, I was going to win!" no one could care less.

Funny thing we both got soon into karate after that. There as only one dojo where we lived, but still imagine my face when I saw her there. Luckily at the beginning no ones puts kids sparing for real. Also karate competition works by points were hitting to hard gets you a penalty. So we never had a proper rematch. Until...

(Final note. Our sensei had his own dojo at his place and kinda trusted us to stay out of trouble so he would let his son open the dojo to us if we wanted to train early.)

People involved:
Me: 14 years old, tall, dark hair and slim structure. I could not stay still for two seconds and a very electric kid.

Ruth: at 14 years old she was already set up to be a gorgeous women. She was almost as tall as me, athletic figure, bright smile, short and well cared hair and green eyes. Yes I had a big crush on her and she knew it.

The guys: The other two boys that were with us. Names Evan and Andre. Evan was our sensei's son, 16 and Ruth's crush, the bastard. Andre, 15 years old and the most devious kid you can imagine!

We were all in our gis, me a red belt, Ruth and Andre a brown belt and Evan a black belt.

I have no idea how she felt comfortable training with us, but occasionally she would join. Well on with what happened...

We were close to a tournament so we were sparring and goofing around a little. Evan talked about one fight he had won at school and to my horror Ruth just couldn't old it in. "I beat him up in a fight on school once." She said pointing at me. It took me and the boys a second or two looking at each other before we reacted to that.

Of course they burst into laughter and did not believed in me when I said we never finished the fight. "If you didn't took her down you lost dude. She is a girl!" Evan was more than happy to tease me with this and of course so was Andre. "Didn't you also lost to Kate once? Aren't you tired of getting your ass kicked by girls?". Kate was another girl we trained with. I was getting mad at this point. "Kate won by points and sensei ignored most of the punches I gave her!". None of this was getting through their ears and my eyes stopped at Ruth who was not saying anything, just giggling. When you have a crush on a girl at this age it's very easy for her to use it against you.

"Why don't we finish it now?" I was angry and wanted a no rules match. She laugh. "I will just beat you again. I am more graduated than you." She said pointing at my red belt and her brown belt. I has sick on the weekend I was supposed to make the exam to brown belt, but I was done with trying to explain myself. "Good! You won't have any problems then."

The guys were adoring all of this. She agreed and we got our protection gear. Evan pretended to be her coach and Andre mine. No idea what Even said to her, Andre just told me "Try to score 3 point hits over and over!" It actually sounded like something I wanted to do. They sat down, we started and eventually the match ended with me landing a side kick to her head that made her fall. That is a 3 point move funny enough. I swear I still remember the sight of her head flopping back as my leg guard hit her face. Don't judge me it was fair payback. I asked her if she was fine and she gave me a thumbs up without getting up. She was not crying and looked like she just needed a moment.

"Oh my God you actually did it!" Evan sounded surprised. I wasn't since she was not there sparing early with us most of the time so even if a belt below her I had more combat experience. I turn to him and Andre talking and not long after I was suddenly tackled from behind at waist height.

You can guess who it was...
I will admit I was surprised by how fast she recovered after a freaking kick to the face! Truth is leg guards protect the person hit a little just like boxing gloves do. We fell to the ground with her still hugged at my waist.

"This is not over!" Ruth was a very competitive person even against boys. She was not willing to letting me take the win. "Ohhhhh dam!" They guys were having a blast at my misfortune of having my body slammed against the ground. I reacted fast and as soon as she let go of my waist to start climbing me I turned turned over to not give her my back. In karate we don't have that much ground practice so neither knew what we were doing. So I am sure if this had happen when we first fought I might have lost due to her better position, but luckily for me puberty had already kicked in and I was heavier and stronger than her at this point. I gave her a bear hug and manage to turn us to our sides. We struggle a bit and I manage to get on my knees pushing her down, she still on her side. I then gave my best to force her on her stomach, only 90º to go. Again we had no ground training so neither of us knew how to use our legs in a wrestling match so it was down to pin the other down (which I was trying) or pull of some arm lock (which he was trying). Eventually I turned her and sat on her back with my adrenaline pumping in all cylinders. I was more drained than her, a bit more and I would have lost.

"She almost won!" Andre had to make his depreciate comment or else his head would explode. "As if! I won both times easy!" She was trying to get up and I supported my hands on her back to keep her pinned down. "We are even then since I beat you that other time." If she knew what those words would mean to her she would have never said them.

"What?!" With that I started to tickle her sides and she started flopping like a fish out of the water. "Admit neither of us won that time!" She was fighting me as much as she could, retracting her arms to protect her sides. I grabbed them and pulled them behind her back. "Last chance admit we are not even!" "No! You lost that time! You are the one that needs to admit it." To me that was green light.

"Can you get me one of the kids white belts?" I knew the guys were enjoying the drama of the situation so I asked them to help things going and of course Andre didn't took a second to get up and get one the belts our sensei had in store in case one of them forgot the belt at home.

"What are you going to do?" She asked figuring out where I as going with this. "Get off me!" She was struggling hard now and I had to secure her arms using my body weight. "I am going to make you admit that we had a draw before. You still have a chance to!" Andre didn't take long and had with him a bundle of white belts. It was Andre so I shouldn't had been surprised at that point. Ruth looked to him with the belts and saw her future on Andre malicious eyes. "I am serious when I say I won back then you are being a sore loser about it!"

"Your choice. Give me a belt." Andre drop the belts next to me and I reached for one. With a hand less holding her arms she manage to get one of them off her back. I tied the end of the belt around the wrist I had with control over. I need to say kids white belts are way WAY more flexible, marrow and malleable then adult belts so they could be used to tied her. After I had one wrist tied I secured it with my knee and pulled her other arm that I started tying too. "I am telling you to let me go! Evan?" She was kicking and squirming not amused with her situation. Her plead for Evan was in hope that the sensei's son and older of us would put some sense in our heads.

"I have nothing to do with that. Work it out between ourselves." He was super chill and did not care at all that we were tying her up. As long as she was untied before his father arrived everything was fine.

"I am going to tell sensei about this!" This was her last despair card feeling her hands secured behind her back. "No you are not. Andre does your phone takes pictures?" This was when not everyone had a mobile phone with a camera. "No." Sadly mine didn't had that feature either so we were out of a way to black mail her. "Nine doesn't have one too, now what?" It took Andre's devious brain a second. "I know her hone does! We can send the pics to Jonh (Another guy that trained with us) and tell him to keep them."

"You are not touching my phone!" Me and Andre exchanged eyes and a smile. No words needed to be said, she was the only girl there so he could go the girls dressing room and get her phone out of he back easy. He stormed out to get her phone and I started giving attention to her legs. I sited on her legs to keep them still and warped a belt around her ankles. "I am serious! Let me go!" She was yelling at this point and I looked at Evan. He was our leader and if he had told me to stop at that moment I would. He simply shrugged his shoulders letting me know to not worry and keep going. I got up and went for the shoes that we all have to take off before we entered the dojo. I met Andre with the phone on hand on my way and he asked me where I was going seeing Ruth on the ground trying to untie herself and me running on the opposite direction. "I just came to get a gag to shut her up." I smiled looking at Ruth while I got my socks from inside my Vans (again don't judge me it was what everyone used at the time). Her eyes doubled in size. "Don't you dare!" I couldn't care less about what she had to say if she was not going to admit what I wanted her to admit.

I return and pick up another belt. Before I continue don't feel so bad for her, she was laughing the hole time this took place. Yes she was embarrassed that I beat her and tied her, but she was taking some enjoyment of the situation. Still she tried to kick me even with her ankles tied and sitting on the floor. I moved behind her and force her to lay on the ground stomach down once more. "Last chance! Admit it!" At this point Andre was standing up waiting for me to do it to start the photo shoot. Evan did not had moved an inch and was just enjoying the scene. "NEVER!" I didn't needed anything else to shove both of my socks in her mouth and secure them with the belt around her head. "Noooommmmpppphhh!"

"Oh shit he actually did it!" Andre was now laughting histerically as the camer started clicking. "So now I will tickle you to death! When you are ready to admit we had a draw snap your fingers and I will let you go. Got it? Good!" I didn't waited for her to make any sign with her head to answer me and just started my assault on her sides.

"MMMMPPPPHHHHH" She was trashing all over the place. Andre and Evan were both laughing. Andre just enjoyed others misery, but I was surprised Evan was allowing this. Later he told me it was because he had been talking a lot with Ruth outside of practice and was sure she would never tell on us. I asked for more details, but he never told me anything else about it.

"Go for her feet next!" I feel bad for Andre remembering this before I did. "She needs to be more restrained then." I picked more belts.


"Shut up you brought this on yourself." I dragged her by her feet to the... I have no idea the name of this in English so this: ... 20&bih=969

I sat her with her back against it and use one belt around her arms tie them to the wooden bars and the other around her torso belly button height. After all was set and done I sat down and went for her feet, but she could still retract her legs and if I was not careful she was going to kick me. I did not knew what a hogtie was at that time, it would made things way easier for me. I just took a step back and let Andre take his pics.

"Mmmmmppphhhh!" She was getting uneasy and we could tell by her expression that she was getting nervous. I looked at Evan again. "If I can't make her admit it in five minutes I let her go." I was pleading to his good will. "Five minutes and nothing more." He ordered. I only had her for more 5 minutes. Both of our expressions changed. It was another fight, my tickles against her will power. I walk around her to avoid her kicks and force her legs down with my body weight. I kept sited on her legs and told Andre to time 5 minutes on the phone. "Ready? GO!" I began my assault and Ruth almost tore the hole thing off the wall. "MMMMMMMPPPPPPHHHHH!" MMMMPPPPH! MMMMPPPPPPHHH!
I was waiting to hear her fingers snap, but to her credit she endure on my attack on her feet. "Time is up!"

"Damit!" I said as I got up and looked at her still catching her breath. I looked at Evan again. "She is almost broken just a little..."

"No!" He got up for the first time since this hole situation started. "She had enough and my dad won't take long. So I can't take long either." By the look on his face I knew what he meant and I stepped back. "Me too!" Andre came to join the party.

"MMMPPPHHHH!" Ruth had a despair look on her face and her eyes were pleading to Evan. "Don't worry it's just for a bit. We don't need you to admit to a draw or whatever." They took turns tickling her feet, but neither of them took long. I probably did it for longer than both of them together, but I still enjoyed the show.

"Ok untie her." I looked at Ruth and it hit me that she could be furious and was about to be free to try to beat me up again. I knelled next to her and start untying her arms. "You beat me to this since I never got you to admit anything so we are even. Agreed?" She nodded with her head and I undid the belt around her head. She spat out the socks. "That was disgusting! Couldn't you have used anything else?" Her first words were not threatening to kill me in a painful way so I was happy. "I had nothing else. You could have just admitted it."

"I will never admit something that never happened. I looked her for a second and she had a malicious smile. I finish untying her wrists and got up letting her undo the rest herself. The belt on her legs was easy, the one around her torso not so much since the knot binding her to the wooden bars was behind her.

"You are a sore loser!" She said after getting up. "I am not putting those belts back!" I did not answer that, I knew I had to do it so I gather the belts. "Don't care if you don't admit it, no one can deny what just happened here." She was not happy about that, but I believe she was not willing to risk going against me again.

That was that. Andre never send the pics to Jonh, even he had a little decency, and just gave her the phone back leaving the pics a souvenir. She probably deleted them all. After that day unlike what I thought it was going to happen Ruth kept smiling and being nice at me. Still don't get why. Especially with Evan and Andre taunting us both for the situation until I had to move. Sadly years passed and eventually I lost contact with all of them.

To this day this was one of my favorite times tying up someone.

Post by Hojojutsutengu »

Something always wonderful about fighter girls getting bound up. Excellent story.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Hojojutsutengu wrote: 4 years ago Something always wonderful about fighter girls getting bound up. Excellent story.
I agree with this 👆

Thanks for sharing this story with us
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Post by TallJane »

I wish I was to one sparing with you to see who would tie up who at the end.
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