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Revenge is sweet! (M/M)

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 12:37 pm
by ozhoneyuk
Sorry it's been a while!

This story follows my last stories, 'More than I bargained for' & 'My revenge on Tom' - links below!

More than I bargained for (M/M)

My revenge on Tom (M/M)

A week or two had passed since my failed revenge on Tom, where he had got loose from my hogtie and then convinced me to let him tie me up again, only to torture me with our friend David. I was determined to carry out my revenge on both of them, but needed to ensure that they wouldn't get loose, I didn't have a good track record with keeping people tied up. There was only one person I could turn to for help, which was David's older brother, Jake. Jake was 17, and had a soft spot for me as I had known him for years. I didn't see him that much, as he was usually hanging out with friends his own age. I text him asking for his help with something, he called me back and I explained what had happened with Tom & David. I was sure that Jake would help, as he was always looking for an excuse the torment his younger brother... something I would use to my advantage. Jake said that he would be happy to help me to improve my rope skills, and would even help me torture Tom & David as that sounded fun. He assured me that together, we could pay them back for what they had done to me... I was thrilled. We arranged for me to come over to Jake's house that afternoon, as no-one was at home and Jake didn't have any plans until that evening.

I went round to Jake's around half an hour later. Jake was at least 6ft, so was huge compared to me, he was also blonde & blue eyed like David. Despite our difference in age (him being 3 years older) we always got on well, he said I wasn't annoying like David and his other friends. Jake said that my torture must have been hilarious. He said, "are you really that ticklish Austin?", I told him not to get any ideas. Jake said, "what you gunna do kiddo"... and jumped on me and launched a brief but deliberate tickle attack on my ribs and armpits, I went berserk and started thrashing around and screaming. Jake found it hilarious, he said I must have been a picture being tied up and having those reactions to being tickled... I got the feeling he felt he had missed out! To distract him, I asked Jake if he would be able to show me how to tie proper knots, so that I could tie Tom & David up and keep them tied up, he said sure.

We spent the next couple of hours perfecting my rope skills, Jake also had a collection of ropes and was experienced in tying people up, he said he and his friends used to play tie up games all the time when they were younger. Jake showed me how to tie a variety of different knots, but most importantly he taught me how to keep everything tight and the knots well out of reach. He tied my hands in front of me so that I could see the steps he was taking, and then let me tie his hands up the same way, including behind his back. Eventually it clicked, I had got the knots right and he wasn't able to release his hands from behind his back... I left him for 5 minutes before agreeing to untie him, I didn't want to piss him off after all. He also showed me how to properly hogtie someone, and again let me practice on him. He wasn't able to escape, which was great! I let him go straight away when he told me to.

Jake suggested that I tie both Tom & David up spreadeagle style to my bed, I had a large double bed so could tie them up next to each other. He said this way, you'll be able to easily access all their ticklish areas... and there will be absolutely nothing they can do to stop you. Jake said, I'll show you how to tie them if you like? I'll tie you to my bed and will show you what knots I use. I agreed, and he said for me to hop on to his bed and lie on my back. He got four lengths of rope, and proceeded to tie each hand and foot to the opposite corners of the bed frame. He did this slowly, showing me which knots to use and the method of tying the ropes to both the limbs and the bed itself. He said that this tie leaves the victim completely unable to do anything at all, they are totally helpless. I pulled at the ropes binding me to the bed, I had to agree with him, I was completely stuck. There was no way of reaching the knots, and the ropes had me stretched out tightly on the bed.

Jake laughed, he said "you haven't learned have you Austin, I asked what he meant. He said, "you've just let me tie you up again with me knowing how ticklish you are"... I started to madly struggle and protested that he wasn't being fair, and begged him not to tickle me. Please Jake, I cant handle it! I'll do anything, just don't tickle me! It fell on deaf ears. Jake sat at the bottom of the bed and slowly peeled both my socks off... I hadn't initially noticed that he had tied the ropes above the socks... he had planned this...bastard. I started to babble something to him, but he started tickling both my feet, I went nuts! I was lost in a fit of giggles, Jake was expertly ticking both of my soles, switching from light brushes with his fingers, to harder scratches up and down. On each foot, he bent my toes back with one hand whilst using the other hand to tickle the area under my toes. I could barely speak where I was laughing so hard. Somehow, my feet were way more ticklish than before, he had a certain method which was driving me wild. I continued to try and plead with him to stop... after around 5 minutes he did. "That was great, I can totally see why Tom & David enjoyed ticking you Austin, you're great to play with". He went on, "I won't tickle you for much longer, but I have to have a go at your top half".... I began struggling again but I couldn't move an inch, I wanted to tell him to fuck off but didn't want to antagonise him and prolong my suffering.

I couldn't believe I was tied up and being tickled again, although it wasn't half as bad as last time, I knew Jake was just messing with me. Please don't Jake, I can't handle it, I pleaded. "Of course you can", he replied. He scooted up the bed, and lifted my t-shirt up and stretched it over my head, I was now unable to see... which heightened my feeling of helplessness. He then went quiet, I took a deep breath as I knew he was about to begin. Suddenly I felt a light sensation in my armpits, Jake was lightly prodding and making circle movements in my pits, I laughed softly and tried to move myself away from him... which was a waste of time. Out of nowhere, Jake turned the pressure up and dug in deeply... my whole back arched and I laughed hysterically, which shortly turned into screams. Jake clamped his hand over my mouth, and continued to assault my armpits one at a time with his other hand... mmmmpppphhhh, was all the noise I could make now. Jake had a quick tickle on my ribs, sides & stomach... and then stopped. I was breathing really heavily, I begged him again not to tickle me anymore. He said "no worries kiddo, I just couldn't resist it". He then untied me from the bed, I wasn't annoyed with him at all, the tickling had been very brief, and he had helped me nail my knot tying! It was worth the brief tickle torture that Jake had inflicted on me. At least I knew how Tom & David would feel. Jake said he would be happy to help me torture them, he said that Tom in particular was a cheeky little shit and needed to be taken down a peg or two. We agreed that I would tie them up the next day (Sunday), and that I would text Jake once they were bound so that he could come over... the plan was all set. Jake lent me his collection of ropes, so that I didn't alarm Tom by asking him to bring over our collection.

I text both Tom & David in our group message, asking if they wanted to come over mine tomorrow (Sunday) to play computer games... both agreed to come over at 11am. The next day arrived, my family were again heading out for the day which left me the house... perfect. They came over, and we played games for about an hour. I then told them both that I wanted a chance to get even from the previous week, and wanted to tie both of them up. "Are you sure Austin", Tom said mockingly. "It didn't end up too well for you last time, you'll get tickled again"! Smug bastard I thought, he was the one going to be tickled senseless... I bit my tongue. I simply said, "maybe that will be the case but I want to try". Both Tom and David conceded, and I pulled the pile of ropes out I had borrowed from Jake... "where did you get all that from" asked Tom, I just said I had found them in my garage. They seemed to buy it. David said, "when we get loose we'll make your tickle torture unbearable... just warning you!" I ignored him, and asked both of them to remove their t-shirts and socks, leaving them in just their shorts. I then asked both of them to lie on their backs, next to each other on the bed. I may have been getting ahead of myself, but I was sure I sensed some nervousness in them both... good, I was glad. I wanted them to feel nervous, I wanted them to feel the sense of panic they made me feel, and I wanted them to feel the horrible effects of being tickle tortured. I felt no guilt at all, they did this to me so I was just returning the favour.

I started with their hands first, tying Tom's right hand to the top left hand corner of the bed, and David's left hand to the top right hand corner... I followed the same steps that Jake had done on me. Keeping the rope tight, and well secured to the bed. The knots were great, and well out of the way of their searching fingers.... Tom & David were silent. I then tied Tom's left hand to David's right hand, so that their wrists were stuck together, but so that their fingers couldn't reach the knots, and then lashed this to the top of the middle bed post. Again, I made sure that all of the knots were well out of reach from both their fingers. I asked them how they felt, "easy to get out of this" Tom said, I knew he was bluffing. I then repeated the same process with their feet, pulling both of them down the bed first to ensure that they were stretched and that there wasn't any slack. Tom's right foot was tied to the bottom left hand corner of the bed, and David's left foot to the bottom right hand corner. I then tied both Tom's left foot and David's right foot together, and tied this to the bottom of the bed using he middle bedpost... they were stuck. I knew it, and they knew it, not that they were willing to let on to me.

Right I said, your tie wouldn't be complete without a gag right!? I had actually found something in my garage, which was a roll of brand new black duct tape... really sticky & strong! Jake had taught me something else the day before, which was how to make a makeshift ball gag. I had never even heard of a ball gag before, Jake showed me some pictures online. The makeshift gag was made by using his miniature snooker balls, shoved into a long sock so that it could be tied round someone's head with the ball in their mouth without them swallowing it and choking. The size of the ball was perfect to fill the mouth, and the sock ensured it didn't slip down their throat. Jake had tried it out on me, it was very effective and with duct tape added it would be even better. I had already put the mini snooker balls into two of my long rugby socks... I didn't want David recognising the mini snooker balls. I took the pre-stuffed rugby socks out of my sock draw. Both Tom & David stared at them, "what the hell are those" asked Tom. I told them that they would make a ball gag, and explained what was inside the socks. David in particular was unsure, I told him that they didn't have a choice. I gagged David first, by putting the ball into his mouth and wrapping the rugby sock round his head and tying it off at the back. I then did the same to Tom, both of them tried to talk but although they could make some noise, they couldn't form intelligible words. I told them I wasn't finished, and showed them the black duct tape. They started to moan and protest, again I showed no mercy and finished the gags by wrapping the duct tape over the ball gag and round their heads. When I was finished, I asked them to try and make some noise, muffled shouting was all I could hear.... result. As a final test, I quickly dug into both of their armpits... they freaked out and started struggling like mad, but I still couldn't hear them. I said, OK, you've got 30 minutes to escape. If you don't, which I don't think you will, I'm going to tickle the shit out of both of you.

I wasn't leaving them alone this time, I sat on my chair on the other side of the room watching the show. I text Jake telling him to come round, and told him they weren't getting out. Tom & David worked really hard to escape, they were focussing on trying to untie the knots tying both of their hands together... it wasn't happening, I had done too good a job. Sweat was beginning to form on both of their foreheads, I could tell they were getting frustrated. After about 10 minutes, they appeared to give up trying... I taunted them by telling them that the tickle torture would begin soon... and that I was going to make it hell for both of them... they were beginning to panic. My doorbell rang, Jake was here! They both looked at me, I told them it was probably someone selling something and that I would get rid of them... I went downstairs.

When I walked back into my room with Jake behind me, their faces were a picture... I told them that the tickling was going to be worse than they thought, but that they deserved it. Jake walked over to the bed, "hello little bro!", he said to David. "It's been a while since you've been tied up, I should do this more often to you"... David started to protest and struggle... I couldn't make out what he was trying to say but he obviously wasn't very happy. Tom was just staring at us, Jake walked over to him and told him that he had always wanted to tickle torture him... for being a cheeky little shit and that he was going to make it unbearable. Tom just closed his eyes. I explained to Tom & David that Jake had helped me to perfect my knot tying, and that they were going to suffer as a result. I explained to Jake that they had another 10 minutes to escape. Jake said "don't bother, they're not getting loose, let's begin".

We agreed to tickle them one at a time, so that they knew what it was like to be tickled by two people at the same time. Jake wanted to torture Tom first, I was perfectly happy with this idea. I asked Tom if he was ready... he didn't even try to respond. I opted to tickle his upper body, Jake would tickle his feet. I kneeled on the floor next to the bed, I didn't even warn Tom, I just dug straight in. It was brilliant, Tom was thrashing about and making futile attempts to scream into his gag... I was going to town! I tickled every rib, his stomach, his belly button and especially his armpits... this was one ticklish guy! He was bucking around on the bed, trying to fight the ropes that were making him so helpless. I enjoyed every second of his misery. Jake meanwhile was creating hell on his feet, tickling every spot, it was clearly driving Tom crazy. I was just glad it wasn't me on the receiving end for once. Tom was an absolute mess by this point, he was bright red and had tears streaming down his face. After around 10 minutes, we gave Tom a break. Tom was sweating horribly... he was exhausted.

We then moved our attention to David, who had been watching us torture Tom in horror. David had been unable to help Tom through his ordeal, but knew he was getting it next, that must have been torture in itself. Jake told me to tickle David's feet as they were his most ticklish spot... older brothers would know this I guess. David had told me before that Jake used to tickle him until he cried when he was younger. Hopefully he was going to cry today, he deserved it after all! David was already in panic mode, it sounded like he was pleading with us. I took position by his feet, and dragged both my index fingers down each of his soles... David jumped (or tried to), I couldn't believe the effect. Jake said "told you, and he hates it!". David's face showed me that he hated it. Tickling David was way more fun, he was at least twice as ticklish as Tom. While Jake attacked his armpits and ribs, I was tormenting his feet. He tried to curl his toes and move his feet away, but nothing was stopping me, I carefully tormented his soles.I could see that he was trying to pull the ropes away from the bed, but he was completely stuck. We spent the next 20 minutes or so tickling them, alternating between Tom & David and changing places between their feet and upper body... it was so much fun. David was a complete wreck, his brother knew where all his ticklish spots were and made sure they were exploited. When we thought they couldn't take any more, we both stopped. I think I had carried out my revenge, they were both just lying their trying to catch their breaths... they were ruined. I said to them "not much fun is it guys!?"... they just looked at me in disgust.

Jake and me sat down on then floor, he said "that was fun!". I agreed. "You know, I think I could have more fun today".... I didn't clock on fast enough, but then suddenly realised that Jake was looking at me and laughing. I was too late, I bolted for the door but Jake caught me and wrestled me to the floor, "time to tie you up Austin!". I struggled and tried to scream but Jake clamped his hand over my mouth, I was no match for him. Jake bent my arm behind my back, it was beginning to hurt and I stopped struggling and went limp. "Good boy, you'll make it worse for yourself if you struggle". Jake took his hand off my mouth, and slipped my t-shirt over my arms... I couldn't believe I was going to be tied up again. That part I didn't mind of course, it was just the tickling I couldn't stand. At the thought of being tickled, I started to struggle again, Jake pushed a pressure point in my neck which hurt like hell... wisely, I stopped struggling. I pleaded with Jake, I said we could have more fun tickling Tom & David. Jake just said, "I'll have more fun tickling all three of you!" Jake tied my hands tightly behind my back, and tied my elbows together as close as they would go without hurting me. His knots were tight, there was no way I would be escaping. He then removed my socks, and repeated the process with my ankles and knees, and used a final piece of rope to hogtie me. The hogtie was really tight, my fingers were touching my feet. I hadn't said anything more to him, I was hoping my silence would mean he didn't feel it necessary to gag me. Jake went round all of the knots, checking everything was tight and that he hadn't left me any opportunity to escape, this was the tightest hogtie I had experienced yet. Satisfied, he slapped my bum and told me it was time to gag me... damn. I was mortified, Jake had tricked me again and I had been totally unable to stop him, he was way bigger than I was so it would have been hopeless to fight him anyway. He took the black duct tape, and started to tape my mouth. It was really tight, he kept wrapping it round and round my head, making sure that I was unable to push the tape away with my tongue. I was silenced... Jake dug into my ribs to force me to try and make some noise, my hysterical laughing was completely muffled by the tape... he was happy with that. I tried to struggle, and to twist around to find the knots. This was a really tight hogtie, I wasn't going anywhere. I looked up at Tom & David, who were still tied to the bed. I could tell that they were delighted that Jake had tied me up... I could pretty much see their smiles from behind their gags... I turned away so that I didn't have to see their smug faces mocking me.

Jake said "you're the best one to tickle Austin, it's just too much fun to see you squirm". He turned to Tom & David, "don't think this means I'm untying you, I'm going to torture all 3 of you all afternoon"... Jake looked me in the eye, and asked me if I was ready. I tried to scoot away from him, I didn't know what I was hoping to achieve by doing this as the hogtie made it difficult for me to move anywhere, I just made myself look silly. Jake sat on the floor next to me, and dragged me into the position he wanted me in. Suddenly he started to jab my sides, he subjected me to another horrific tickle attack... and particularly focussed on my armpits which was literally driving me insane. I was bucking and squirming everywhere, but the hogtied kept me exactly where he wanted me. I don't know how he did it but it was the worst tickle attack I've ever had, I thought it would never end. Once he was finished here, he gave me a 2 minute break before turning his attention to my feet. "Shall we see how your feet hold up Austin, I think that's your worst spot"... I had to agree, my feet were horribly ticklish. Again I babbled something incoherently behind the gag. Jake lightly started to brush his fingers up and down my soles, and then turned the pressure up and started to bend my toes back and tickle the area underneath. I was going wild, which he was clearly enjoying. I don't know how he did it, but he was able to tickle my feet until I felt like I was going to die... he carried on for a few more minutes before giving me another break. Jake then gave both Tom & David another round of sustained tickling, neither of them were coping well.

Eventually Jake seemed to get bored, and said that he was going out so would begrudgingly let us go. He untied me from my hogtie, I tried to be angry with him but that didn't last for long... I was just glad to be free of the bindings. Jake helped me to untie Tom & David. Jake then headed out, saying it had been fun and that we would do it again soon... I knew this would be the case.

The three of us laughed at the situation, Tom & David said even though the tickle torture had been horrendous, it was worth it to see the tables turned on me and to watch me be tortured by Jake... I told them to piss off. We spent the rest of the day just hanging out, doing normal stuff and enjoying our time together. However we also planned to get our own back on Jake, we knew it would be difficult as he was much bigger than us, we came up with a plan... but that's another story!

Re: Revenge is sweet! (M/M)

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 9:34 am
by ziptiedboy
Another great read! Can’t wait to see what happens when the oldest gets tackled!

Re: Revenge is sweet! (M/M)

Posted: Fri May 01, 2020 4:49 am
by Canuck100
Revenge is not only sweet, but fun for the reader too! Great story!