milagros317 : 03 - The Next Babysitting Episode: Jay at Karen’s House (f+/m)

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milagros317 : 03 - The Next Babysitting Episode: Jay at Karen’s House (f+/m)

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milagros317's stories
03 - The Next Babysitting Episode: Jay at Karen’s House
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By [mention]milagros317[/mention]

Sat Oct 02, 2010 10:41 am

The Next Babysitting Episode: Jay at Karen’s House

After the Columbus Day weekend of playing with her very ticklish bondage toy, Jay, Karen was eager to babysit for him again. A couple of weeks went by with no word from his mother, Betty, a widow. Karen wondered if Jay had changed his mind about liking their continual tie-up games. She needn’t have worried. The real reason that Betty hadn’t called her to babysit again was that her new boyfriend, Samuel, was out of the country on business. It was October 29 when she did call.

“I wanted to know if you’re free to babysit all of next weekend, early Friday evening to late Sunday night,” said Betty. “Samuel will be getting back from London midweek and we want to spend the weekend at a resort hotel in Atlantic City.”

“I would love to,” said Karen, “but I would have to take care of Jay at my house, not yours. You would have to bring him over before you leave on Friday.”

“I guess that would be OK,” said Betty, “but why?”

“My parents will be away for the weekend of November 5th to 7th also,” said Karen, “and I’ve already promised them I’d be home all weekend to make sure my two youngest sisters, Katherine and Kristine, don’t get into any trouble. Actually, only my Mom will be coming home on Sunday afternoon, after dropping my Dad off at the airport. He’ll be away for a week in Chicago, on business for his company.”

“No problem, then,” said Betty. “I’ll drop him off at your house about 6p.m., already fed his dinner. I wouldn’t want to disappoint him. Do you know that he’s been doing all of his chores without complaining now? He rakes leaves when I tell him to, he cleans the garage and the basement when I ask, he puts his dirty laundry where it should be, in the laundry room, it’s amazing how much he’s changed in the two and a half weeks since you babysat for him. He raved about how wonderful you are the next few days afterward and I had a great idea. I told him that I might not use you again as his babysitter. He was devastated. He begged me to use you again. He actually got down on his knees and begged me. I told him I wouldn’t even consider it unless he behaved himself and did all his chores. He’s a reformed boy now, he does everything I ask of him, with no whining and no complaining. He must really have a crush on you.”

“Oh well, that’s natural at his age,” Karen said. “And the fact that he loved being tied up all weekend helped a lot, he really seemed to enjoy it.”

“In that case, feel free to keep him tied up all weekend again,” said Betty. “I will pack the four padded cuffs for his wrists and ankles with his clothes so you can easily tie him to a bed both nights. And don’t forget point out to your sisters how ticklish he is. It will do him good to be on the receiving end of that for a change, you know how he took advantage of those other babysitters.”

“Don’t worry,” said Karen, “he will definitely be laughing quite a lot, all weekend. My sisters will be delighted to see to that.”

“How many sisters do you have?” asked Betty.

“Kerry and Kelly are twins,” said Karen, “aged 14. They’re not the ones I’m supposed to be looking after. Katherine and Kristine are also twins, 12 years old. They’re the youngest.”

“From the other names,” said Betty, “I’ll bet Kristine isn’t spelled with a ‘CH’.”

“That’s right,” said Karen, “we’re the five K’s. My parents first met, about 20 years ago, at a five kilometer race for some charity event for their college. They were both freshman then. They joked when they got married that their children would all given names like Karen, Kevin, Kelly, Kenneth, and so on until they had five K’s in honor of their meeting that way. Kind of sappy, if you ask me.”

“No, it’s very romantic of your parents,” said Betty. “I can imagine, with five sisters there, that Jay will be tickled pink to be the only boy in the house.”

“Tied up tight and tickled pink, all weekend, over and over again,” said Karen, and they both laughed.

“On Sunday night,” said Betty, “I’ll call you from the highway to let you know when I’ll be arriving home. Be back in my home and have him tied securely to his bed by then. He’ll have his key to our house with him.”

“Sure thing,” said Karen. “I’m sure he’ll be fast asleep there when you get back, tired but very happy.”

Jay was dropped off at 6p.m. promptly on Friday evening. Betty, in a hurry to get over to Samuel’s house for their weekend away, let him out of the car with his suitcase and drove on.

He rang the bell and was admitted to the house by Karen, who hugged him and kissed him on the forehead.

“So glad to see you,” she said. “I’ll show you to the guest bedroom and you can put your stuff there for now. Your mother said you would get dinner before you got here, is that right?”

“Yes, I’ve eaten already,” said Jay, following her upstairs, and very happy to see that her very lovely size 11 feet were bare.

“I’ve eaten early myself,” said Karen, “so that I’ll be able to tie you up while my sisters are eating. I trust that plan is agreeable to you? If so, don’t say a word, just kneel down and kiss all of my toes, once each, to thank me.”

Jay put his things on the bed, knelt down, and kissed all of her toes. He stayed on his knees and looked up at her, expectantly.

“Take off your shoes and socks and your shirt,” she ordered. “Then use the bathroom, you’re going to be tied up for a long time. I’ve bought puppy pads, you’ll see one of them downstairs in the family room, that’s the room with the big TV. Lie down on your back on that puppy pad, I’ll be waiting for you there.”

Jay followed her instructions did find her waiting for him as he got down on his back on the puppy pad.

“Hands over your head,” said Karen, and Jay complied.

She put clean knee socks on his hands, his fingers and hands being completely covered by the portion intended to go over her foot with the rest of the socks extending past his elbows.

“This will prevent rope burn as well as keep your fingers out of action,” said Karen.

As she spoke, she was already tying his wrists together over his head with half a dozen loops of rope, neatly cinched. She tied his elbows toward one another. She tied his bound wrists to the leg of a massive couch, designed to seat her whole family of seven.

“Try to move the couch,” she said, “pull as hard as you can with your arms.”

Jay yanked his arms with all his strength but the very heavy couch didn’t budge.

“Excellent,” said Karen, picking up more ropes.

She tied his legs together at mid-thigh, just below his knees, and at his ankles. She tied his big toes together with soft yarn.

“I need some help,” she called out in a loud voice to the kitchen, “bring Dad’s barbells here for me.”

Jay heard stirring around in the kitchen and footsteps. It took all four of Karen’s sisters, two at each end, to carry the large barbells into the family room.

“Put them down above his ankles,” said Karen.

“You r father can lift that?” asked Jay, incredulously.

“He sure can,” said Karen, as her sisters adjusted the placement of the barbells. “He’s 6’5” tall, played football in college, and keeps in shape.”

Karen lifted his bound bare ankles a few inches and tied them securely to the bar, half way between the massive weights. She tied his toes back to the rope around his ankles. She put a pillow under his ankles so that they rested on it instead of being suspended in the air. She put another pillow under his head.

“Open wide,” she said.

Jay opened his mouth wide and soon had a used, soiled, stinky gym sock in his mouth. Karen used duct tape to secure it there, wrapping the duct tape around his head three times.

“That’s Kristine’s dirty gym sock,” she said to him. “She’s the youngest, just 17 minutes younger than Katherine. I turned it inside out so that you can taste the sweatiest part that was pressed up against her bare foot. I’ve got enough dirty socks saved from all of us to last all weekend.”

Jay grunted something through his newly acquired gag but it was unintelligible.

“Don’t bother to try to talk,” said Karen. “All we want to hear through your gag is laughter. This is a perfect position for tickling you. Your feet, belly, ribs, and armpits are all vulnerable. You’ll be spending quite a lot of time here, tied to the couch’s leg and the barbells.”

The four younger sisters were smiling down at him. All of them were barefoot, wearing blue jeans and t-shirts.

“You already know me and my twin sister Kerry,” said Kelly. “We tickled you insane last month at your house, three days in a row.”

Kelly rubbed one bare sole on his gag, on his nose, and finally on his forehead. Kerry did the same.

“We’ve never met,” said Katherine, bending over so that her blue eyes were staring into his brown eyes. “I’m Katherine. My twin sister Kristine and I are 12. Karen told us your birthday and we’re exactly one month older.”

She stood back up, stood on one leg, and also rubbed one bare sole on his gag, on his nose, and on his forehead. So did her twin sister Kristine.

“I’m Kristine,” she said, now poking him in the ribs with her toes. “That’s my sock in your mouth. I do hope that you’re enjoying the taste of the sweat from my foot.”

“Now that you’ve met everybody,” said Karen, “it’s time to blindfold you. I think it will tickle more if you don’t see what’s coming.”

She first placed large gauze pads over his eyes and then wrapped an Ace bandage around his head to hold them in place. Finally, she wrapped a black wool muffler over the Ace bandage and knotted it behind his head.

Satisfied that he was denied all sight, she sat down near his belly and lower rib cage. Without warning, she dug into his ribs with all ten fingers, causing him to howl through his gag and pull hard. Neither the couch nor the barbells budged, not a fraction of an inch.

Kerry sat down by his left armpit. She dug under his arm with five fingers and used her other hand to tickle his upper ribs on that side. Kelly did the same at his right armpit and the right side of his chest.

Katherine sat down by his left foot. She picked up two of the four hairbrushes with plastic bristles that Karen had purchased and placed there. She used one of them on the ball of his foot and the other on his heel and his arch. Kristine sat by his right foot and picked up the other two brushes, doing likewise.

Now, with all five of them tickling him at the same time, Jay was totally overwhelmed. He shrieked with uncontrollable laughter. He began to sob, wetting the gauze pads. He pulled on his bonds to no avail. Karen began to taunt him, but in a sweet voice, not a mean one.

“Poor little baby Jay! So ticklish and so helpless, I almost feel sorry for you. Not really, though, because this is just what you wanted, isn’t it? To be our bondage toy, our ticklish little bondage toy, ours to play with, as much as we want. Tickle, tickle, tickle, little baby Jay. We might just decide to tickle you all night long and all day tomorrow. We can, you know, there’s no way you can stop us. We’ll just tickle you as much as we want, on and on and on, while you laugh until you pee in your pants.”

She glanced at her watch and saw that they’d been tickling him for a little over twenty minutes.

“Stop now,” she said, and her sisters all stopped tickling him. “He needs a five minute break to breathe every twenty minutes, and I’ll take out his gag, temporarily, to give him water, every fourth break.”

“We’re really quite kind torturers, aren’t we?” said Kristine.

“Yes,” said Kelly, “we want him to survive to be tickled again tomorrow. But let’s rotate after each break so we all get a chance at all his ticklish spots.”

“Good idea,” said Karen, “we’ll rotate clockwise after each break.”

It was around 9p.m. and Kristine was tickling under Jay’s left arm when she noticed that his struggles had ceased. He was no longer pulling on the ropes or even wriggling much; he just laughed and laughed into his gag, lying back and accepting the tickling.

“That’s right, Jay,” she said, bending her head down to talk directly into his left ear. “Just lie back and accept it, accept that this is the way things should be, the way that they will always be. You’re totally helpless, just the way you should be. The women around you are strong and free, able to do anything they wish, and that’s just the way they should be. You’re utterly unable to defend yourself, which is just the way it should be. You get tickled and tickled and tickled, as long as we want to tickle you, as long as it amuses us to watch you laugh, which is just the way it should be. You stay tied up until we decide otherwise, which is just the way it should be. I’m free to get up and eat a delicious snack, leaving only eight hands to tickle you, but all you can taste is my foot sweat off my stinky gym sock, and that’s just the way it should be, too. Accept it, baby Jay, accept it. This is just the way things should be. You are in your proper role now, a very ticklish bondage toy who is here for the amusement of strong young women. That is just the way things should be, and that’s the way they’re going to stay, forever and ever.”

“Don’t wax all philosophical on us, Kris,” said Kerry, “it’s just a tie-up game.”

“No,” said Kristine, “for him I think it’s more than that. I think he really accepts his role as our bondage toy, ours to play with, forever if we want him that long. I think he’s just lying back in ecstasy, in submissive heaven.”

“Either that or he’s fallen asleep,” said Katherine.

They all laughed, but Karen checked on his breathing to make sure he was awake and not in distress.

Around 10p.m. Karen called a halt to the proceedings, saying that he needed to get ready for bed.

“We’ll have him right back here, tied the same way, after breakfast tomorrow,” she said. “And we’ll be able to do the tickling contest, as we planned.”

The others nodded agreement and began to help her untie him. Soon he was lying on the family room rug, out of the ropes and with his gag and blindfold removed. He stayed quiet for a minute, blinking at the lights after being blindfolded so long.

“Get yourself cleaned up, take a shower and put on your pajamas,” said Karen. “Then lie down on the bed in the guest room, all four limbs stretched out.”

Without a word, Jay got up to follow her orders.

When she had him locked into the four cuffs and securely tied down to the bed, Karen sat in a chair and placed one bare sole on his lips.

“One hundred licks,” she ordered.

Jay licked her sole its full length, heel to toe, one hundred times. He did the same to the other sole when she presented it.

She was about to say good night when he spoke.

“Karen, please,” he said, “could you give a message to Kristine?”

“Sure,” said Karen.

“Tell Kristine that she was right,” said Jay. “I was lying back and accepting it all, not struggling, not even trying to struggle, just accepting that I was in my rightful place and that everything was just the way it should be.”

“Really?” ask Karen.

“Really,” said Jay. “I should be utterly helpless at all times, with my ticklish spots exposed. You and all your sisters, but especially Kristine, should be strong and free, free to tickle me insane, to tickle me as long as you wish, as often as you wish, forever. To keep me as your bondage toy forever. Tell Kristine that she was right, that I accept that that is just the way things should be, that I surrender to her. Please tell her that I surrender to her, I’m her ticklish bondage toy, now and forever.”

“I’m sure she’ll be pleased,” said Karen, quite sincerely. “Now get some sleep, you have a long hard day ahead of you tomorrow.”

[To be continued.]

Sat Oct 09, 2010 10:55 am

On Saturday morning, Jay was awakened at 8a.m. by Karen tickling his feet. She contented herself with ten minutes on each foot, holding back his toes with one hand while applying the devastating strokes of the plastic hairbrush with the other hand. He was howling with loud laughter for the whole 20 minutes.

“You would have woken up the whole house with that laughing,” she said, upon finally stopping. “But my sisters are all awake already, awake and eager to get started on our contest.”

She unlocked the four cuffs from his wrists and ankles and gave him his instructions.

“Go take a shower and then get dressed. Only underpants and pants, no shirt. You need to be shirtless and barefoot for the contest. Then come down to the kitchen for breakfast. We’ve already eaten.”

Jay sat down in a kitchen chair, shirtless and barefoot as ordered, wearing clean underpants and his blue jeans. Kerry pulled his arms behind his back, pulled his hands through the hole in the back of the chair, and tied his wrists together. She pulled them down and tied them to the horizontal brace between the chair’s back legs.

Meanwhile, Kelly tied his legs to the two front legs of the chair, both at the ankles and at the knees.

“That will do,” said Karen. “There’s no need for an elaborate chair tie, he won’t be here long. He just needs to be helpless so he realizes that he depends on us to feed him.”

Kristine sat down next to him and proceeded to feed him cereal, one spoonful at a time. She then fed him scrambled eggs and orange juice, holding a glass with a straw for him.

When she finished feeding him, she stroked his cheek with her hand. She stood up, towering over him, and then leaned down and looked deeply into his eyes.

“Karen told me what you said last night. I accept your surrender. I’m very glad that you realize exactly how things should be. You’re my ticklish bondage toy, now and forever. You belong to me, a ticklish little baby boy, to be tied up any way that I want to, for my amusement. Don’t ever speak to me or my sisters unless directly asked a question. You’re to be totally submissive and totally obedient at all times. I’m going to have lots of fun with you.”

Jay smiled and nodded, not saying a word.

As Kelly and Kerry untied him, Karen gave him his instructions.

“Take a bathroom break, you’re going to be tied up for a very long time. Go down to the family room and lie down on your back on the puppy pad. Your bondage there will be exactly the same as yesterday, hands encased in socks, stretched over your head, and tied to the leg of the couch. Elbows tied towards each other, legs tied together in several places, ankles tied to the barbell, and big toes tied together and tied back to your ankle ropes. We’ll be kind enough to put pillows under your head and under your ankles again. You’ll be gagged with a soiled, dirty sock of Kristine’s and you’ll be blindfolded just as you were yesterday. Go on, get a move on it.”

With Jay lying on his back, bound just the way he had been on Friday, Karen explained to him their plans for the day.

“We’re going to have a tickling contest now, and it’s going to take a very long time,” she said. “In each round, each of the five of us will come in here, alone, and tickle you for 15 minutes. You’ll get five minutes to recover afterward. You won’t know who it is because you’re blindfolded and the tickler won’t speak. In each round, we’ll draw lots randomly to fix the order in which we come in.

“After each tickler is done, you’ll be ungagged during your recovery period just long enough to say a number from 1 to 10. 1 will mean that it hardly tickled at all, and 10 will mean it tickled so much you thought you were going to die laughing. Be honest, that’s all we ask of you. You won’t know who the tickler was, so just give your honest estimate of how much it tickled. The tickler won’t say a word so you can’t tell who she is. Just say the number as soon as you’re ungagged and then open your mouth to be given some water to drink. She will gag you again before leaving this room.

“It’s important that each tickler be alone since none of us should have the advantage of seeing what worked well or didn’t work well as done by the previous ticklers. There are various brushes and other tickling implements here for us, besides the ten fingers that God gave us.

“In the first round we’ll each tickle your ribs, in the second round your armpits, in the third round your very sensitive and vulnerable feet, and in the fourth round any one other area of your body that we choose. Do you understand?”

Jay nodded. He gulped as he did the math in his head. Disregarding the recovery intervals, 15 minutes of tickling from each of five people for four rounds each was 300 minutes, or five hours. He trembled in his bondage.

“There will be a break for your lunch,” said Karen. “We’ll have plenty of time to eat our lunches when others are tickling you. But we’ll just feed you one of Mom’s protein shakes for lunch, that way we won’t have to waste the time untying and re-tying you.”

Jay heard footsteps as they all left the room. A few minutes later, he heard only one set of footsteps coming back in.

Without warning, ten strong fingers dug into his ribcage, five on each side. He howled into his gag. He struggled in the ropes but could hardly budge a fraction on an inch. The tickling seemed to go on forever, he couldn’t believe that 15 minutes hadn’t elapsed yet.

Finally it stopped and he felt himself getting ungagged.

“Six,” he said.

A bottle of water was held to his lips and he drank, happily. He was soon gagged again.

“Six,” said Kelly, back upstairs in the living room.

Karen wrote that score down.

“I wonder who’ll win,” she said. “I hope it’s me.”

“Well, I hope it’s Kristine,” said Kelly. “Not that I’m trying to lose, no, I would never do that in any contest, and tickling him is so much fun, anyway, that I just naturally try to tickle the crap out of him. But Kris really seems to like him, and wants him as her bondage slave. I hope she wins.”

Kristine, the second tickler in the first round, was just then digging into Jay’s rib cage in the family room. She carefully noted just how much he struggled in the ropes as she tickled each spot. She went back to the half dozen spots that seemed good, and soon narrowed down her search. The very best spots were between his third and fourth ribs from the bottom, on the extreme sides of his body. When she dug into both of those spots simultaneously, he tried to levitate off the floor. She smiled and dug in right there with a sadistic grin on her face.

“Eight,” said Jay when he was ungagged.

“The first round is done,” said Karen. “Kristine leads with eight points. Kelly and I have six each, Kerry five, and Katherine four. Now we go at his armpits. Let’s draw cards for order.”

Karen had separated the ace, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of hearts from a deck of cards. She now shuffled them up again, then spread them face down on the coffee table. Each sister grabbed a card.

“I’m first this time,” said Katherine, brandishing the ace.

Katherine smiled as she stopped after fifteen minutes of torturing Jay’s armpits. She knew she had done better; his shrieks of laughter through his gag had been very loud compared to her first round. She removed his gag.

“Eight,” said Jay, and Katherine smiled again.

Going fourth in round two, Kristine at first tried all five fingers in each of Jay’s armpits. That worked well, but not as well as a toothbrush scrubbing in each. But two fingers only worked better than five, so she stuck with that for a while. Trying one finger, she soon saw that two had been better. She spent the rest of the fifteen minutes relentlessly prodding under each of his arms with two fingers, her index and middle fingers. Jay howled with ticklish agony and sobbed into his blindfold. She smiled in glee. He was so very ticklish, the perfect tickle slave, the perfect bondage toy, ever so amusing to tickle without mercy.

She reluctantly stopped when she saw that the time was up. She removed his gag. At first he only gulped and caught his breath. Finally he managed to speak.

“Ten,” said Jay.

“Round two is done,” said Kristine. “He’s obviously much more ticklish under his arms than he was on his ribs. Kristine leads with 18 points, I have 15, Kelly 14, and Kerry and Karen are tied with 12. I’ll go feed him his lunch now.”

“What flavor of protein shake would you like?” Karen asked Jay after removing his gag. “In the fridge we’ve got strawberry, blueberry, peach, and apple honey.”

“Apple honey,” said Jay.

“Bring down an apple honey,” yelled Karen up to the kitchen.

Kelly brought the shake downstairs and Karen fed it to Jay, slowly, not hurrying him.

“You’re halfway done with the contest,” said Karen. “And the best part comes next‘”your very, very ticklish feet.”

Jay shuddered in anticipation as she re-gagged him.

Kerry, going first in round 3, knew what Karen had told all of her sisters, that her own experience tickling Jay’s feet showed that the plastic hairbrush was the most effective implement and that his most ticklish spot was the center of the balls of his feet. She proceeded to use two of those brushes, one on each foot.
Jay’s reaction was electric; he howled and thrashed exactly as if he had received an electric shock. He was sobbing within two minutes, laughing so hard that he was crying.

When he seemed to be getting used to it just a tiny bit and thrashing with less vigor, she moved the brushes down to his heels. She smiled at the reaction, louder laughter and stronger struggling against the ropes.

She suddenly stopped, realizing she’d gone past the time limit by about 30 seconds. She removed his gag.

“Nine,” said Jay, still out of breath.

Karen, going second in round 3, knew that holding back all the toes of one of Jay’s feet so that his sole was motionless made the tickling with the plastic hairbrush even more devastating to him. She did that, alternating feet every minute to keep him from getting too used to it. She occasionally shifted briefly to his arches and his heels, just to keep him guessing what would come next. When her time had expired, she really thought that Jay had passed out, but was reassured when did manage to speak.

“Ten,” he said, panting for breath.

Karen smiled, gave him some water, reapplied his gag, and went upstairs to record her own score.

Kristine, going last in round 3, also knew about holding back his toes and doing one foot at a time to get a better effect. She had something to add to that technique, tickling between his toes with the hand holding them back while still tickling just as relentlessly with the hand holding the hairbrush. She smiled at his ticklish plight, his futile quivering in his bondage as he laughed himself into ticklish agony. She never game him a moment’s pause in the full fifteen minutes. She removed the now very soggy sock from his mouth after unwrapping the Ace bandage from around his head. She waited patiently for him to get his breath and speak.

“Eleven,” he said.

“He said eleven,” reported Kristine, back upstairs in the living room with her sisters. “But there is no score above ten, so record it as ten. And he should be punished for not following instructions.”

“Well, just take it as a compliment and forgive him,” said Karen, recording Kris’ score as a ten. “That keeps you in the lead with 28 points. I have 25, Kelly 22, Kerry 21, and Katherine 20.”

“I’m not sure of the rules for this last round,” said Kelly. “Can I pick the same body part as somebody else picked?”

“Yes, since you won’t know what part they picked,” said Karen. “You can’t change your mind after you start tickling him, you can’t pick one of the three places that we’ve already done, and not his butt or his private area, either.”

“Ugh, who’d want to touch him there,” said Katherine.

Karen reshuffled the five cards and spread them face down on the table. Each sister took one.

“I’m first again,” said Katherine.

Katherine picked Jay’s belly as her target. She tickled him there with soft brushes, firm brushes, and her fingertips. She got an excellent ticklish reaction using a soft brush down in his navel. Otherwise, her fingertips were best on the surface of his belly. The rating she got in the end was six.

Kelly tickled his neck, finding that a stiff brush worked best there, moving in circles over the sides of his neck. But his neck proved disappointing as a target for tickling and her rating was five.

Karen dug her fingers into Jay’s collarbones and was quite pleased at how hard he laughed. Other implements there weren’t much good, so she went back to her fingers and dug in with enthusiasm. This produced a rating of seven.

Kristine had a friend at school who was horribly ticklish on her kneecaps, so she decided to try that area. She struck gold. Jay howled with surprise and horror as she dug at both of his kneecaps, right through his jeans, with a crunching, squeezing motion of all five fingers of each hand. He had never known that his kneecaps were ticklish, much less that they were one of his worst spots. He howled and thrashed and soon he was crying into his blindfold. The rating he gave was nine.

Kerry tickled his thighs, both front and back, staying clear of the forbidden areas. She found that digging in her fingernails worked best and wound up with a rating of six. As the last tickler of the last round, she left him ungagged.

“What area did you tickle? You can tell us now, you’ve already won,” Karen said to Kristine.

“His kneecaps,” said Kristine. “My friend Jenny goes nuts when I tickle her there, and poor little baby Jay seems to be even more ticklish on his kneecaps than she is on hers. You have to really dig in with all your fingers, crunch and squeeze, as if you were trying to actually compress the bone.”

Her four sisters all nodded, taking a mental note of this for the next time they would tickle Jay.

“Well, the final score is a clear victory for Kris, with 37 points. I have 32. The rest of you have 27 or 26.”

“I’m happy for you, Kris,” said Kelly. “You do want him as your bondage slave.”

“Yes, I do,” said Kristine. “I’ve always been the youngest here, the baby among five sisters. Now I have a baby brother, a ticklish baby brother to play with and tickle, who wants to obey me and serve me, forever.”

“I”ll change the prize to be that,” said Karen. “I never told him what the prize was for this contest.”

Jay heard many footsteps as they all came downstairs to stand around him. Still ungagged, he licked his lips nervously.

Karen leaned down and removed his blindfold. He blinked at the light in the room after so many hours blindfolded.

“Kristine is the winner with 37 points,” said Karen. “I was second with 32 points and the others were in the 20’s. I was going to punish you for saying ’11,’ which we recorded as a 10, by the way. That was not following instructions. Your orders were to say a number from 1 to 10. I was going to punish you for that with a very severe, very long spanking. But Kristine, as the winner, has pardoned you. You should be grateful to her.”

Kristine didn’t correct Karen’s misstatement. She was the one who wanted Jay to be punished, of course, and it was Karen who had brushed that suggestion aside. She realized what Karen was doing for her and kept quiet. She sat down in a chair and removed the sneakers and socks that she’d been wearing all day.

Jay, not having been asked a direct question, kept quiet also.

“Yes, you should thank her for that with your future behavior, Jay. Kristine, step forward and claim your prize for winning this contest,” said Karen.

Kristine stepped forward and placed one bare foot on Jay’s chest. She stood tall and proud, one foot on the floor and one on his chest, pressing down on him.

“I claim you as my property, my bondage toy, my tickle slave, MINE!” she said.

“You must obey Kristine, now and forever, and serve her to the best of your abilities. Is that clear, Jay?” asked Karen.

“Yes, Karen, it’s clear, and I agree,” said Jay. “Kristine, I will serve you and obey you forever.”

Jay and Kristine both looked very happy as she stepped back from him. She got a chair and placed it with the seat over his chest, two legs on either side of him. She adjusted its position and sat down.

“When is dinner going to be ready?” she asked Karen.

Karen remembered when she had put it in the oven from the freezer and calculated. “About two hours,” she answered.

Kristine placed her left foot over Jay’s mouth.

“My foot is stinky,” she said, “because I’ve been wearing sneakers and thick socks all day. Lick it anyway. Lick my sole, from heel to toes, over and over again. After an hour, I’ll have you switch feet.”

Still stretched out in bondage, Jay extended his tongue and licked, over and over again, obedient to his new owner. Kristine smiled, feeling his soft wet tongue cleaning the dried sweat and grime off of her soles.

After dinner, Kristine allowed Jay to shower and dress again with a t-shirt and with clean underpants. She ordered him to sit in a sturdy dining room chair which she had placed in the center of the living room.

She tied his wrists, forearms, and elbows to the arms of the chair. She tied his thighs, just above each knee, to the posts holding up the arms of the chair. She tied his calves and ankles to the legs of the chair. She tied his upper thighs with ropes going around the seat of the chair. She tied his chest with ropes going around the back of the chair, pressing his back into it.

She gagged him with another of her used, grimy socks, held in his mouth with an Ace bandage. She blindfolded him as before.

She began by tickling his kneecaps, held motionless by his bondage. He howled in his gag, and shook the whole chair with his attempts to move. It shook but didn’t budge on the floor. She kept right on tickling his kneecaps, her sisters watching her technique.

“You’ll all get your turns,” she said. “I like to share my tickle slave.”

Within five minutes Jay was sobbing into his blindfold, laughing so hard that he was crying. Kristine began to taunt him.

“Poor little baby Jay! So very ticklish on your kneecaps, aren’t you glad that I found that spot? Tickle, tickle, tickle, my dear little bondage toy. It’s so much fun to tickle you, to tickle you insane, to tickle you until you nearly die laughing, I just love it, I really do. Tickle, tickle, tickle, my dear little bondage toy. Every time you laugh, it makes me want to tickle you more. Every time you squirm, it makes me want to tickle you more. Tickle, tickle, tickle, my dear little tickle slave. I don’t see how I can ever stop tickling you. Maybe I’ll tickle you all night long. There’s no way you can stop me. Tickle, tickle, tickle, my dear little tickle slave. All you can do is laugh and laugh, and pray that I might show you mercy, eventually.”

Stuck in the chair tie, all Jay could do was laugh and pray. But when Kristine finally had her fill of tickling his kneecaps, Karen wanted her turn. Then Kelly, then Kerry, and finally Katherine, for they all wanted to try this new spot, to see what kinds of crunches and squeezes made him laugh the hardest, to watch him cry and thrash in his ropes.

Jay was totally exhausted when they finally untied him at 11 o’clock. Kristine ordered him to shower one more time and lie on his bed in pajamas, ready to be tied in for the night.

“Can I take over putting him to bed?” asked Kristine, while Jay was in the shower.

“Sure,” said Karen. “Just make sure all four cuffs are securely locked and tied to the bedposts. Cover him with the blanket, but with his head, wrists, and ankles sticking out so you can see the cuffs. I made him lick my feet again, 100 licks on each sole, before leaving the room.”

“That’s not enough for me,” said Kristine. “At least 250 on each sole.”

Both young women laughed.

“You can come over to his house with me every time I babysit him from now on,” said Karen. “He’ll be your slave, you can have fun, and I’ll collect the babysitting money while you play with your bondage toy.”

“That sounds like a fine arrangement to me,” said Kristine.

After Kristine had tied Jay in for the night, after he had eagerly licked her bare soles, 300 times each (she deciding that 250 wasn’t enough after all), she spoke to him.

“Do you realize that Karen would have walloped you, spanked you hard and long, for disobeying your instructions and giving a rating of eleven?”

“Yes, Kristine,” said Jay. “Thank you ever so much for sparing me from that. Thank you, I’m ever so grateful to you for it.”

Hearing the sincerity in his voice and looking at the expression of love and devotion on his face, Kristine realized what a great favor her oldest sister had done for her with that deception.

“You’re welcome, my bondage toy,” said Kristine. “And sleep well, because we’re all going to tickle the crap out of you again tomorrow.”

[To be continued.]

Sun Oct 17, 2010 9:53 am

On Sunday morning, Jay was awakened by Kristine tickling his feet with her fingers. Seeing that he was awake, she sat down on the bed, pulled the toes of his left foot back, and tickled the ball of that foot furiously with the plastic hairbrush. After five minutes, when he was howling with laughter and shaking the bed with his tugging on the four cuffs, she switched to his right foot.

“My dear little bondage toy, my dear little tickle slave,” she said, “I’m going to tickle you insane. I’m going to tickle the crap out of you, over and over again. And I’m going to let all my sisters do it, too. That’s just the way we like it, having a cute, helpless little boy to tickle and tickle and tickle, forever.”

By the time she was satisfied, Kristine had been tickling his feet for half an hour and his soles were quite pink from her attentions. At long last, she unlocked the four padded cuffs holding his wrists and ankles.

“Get yourself cleaned up, take a shower, brush your teeth, and get dressed. Underpants and blue jeans only, I want to be able to tickle your bare belly and ribs, not to mention your armpits, and of course your bare feet. When you’ve done that, come down to the kitchen for your breakfast. Go!”

She smiled at the sight of him, obedient to her orders, remembering never to speak unless she addressed a direct question to him.

Jay found a dining room chair at the kitchen table and sat in it without having to be ordered to do so. He put his arms behind the chair, wrists crossed.

“No, I want to tie your arms individually to the arms of the chair,” said Kristine.

Jay immediately put his arms on the arms of the chair. Kristine tied his wrists, forearms, and elbows to the arms of the chair. She tied his thighs, just above each knee, to the posts holding up the arms of the chair. She tied his calves and ankles to the legs of the chair. She tied his upper thighs with ropes going around the seat of the chair. She tied his chest with ropes going around the back of the chair, pressing his back into it.

“Good sitting posture is important,” she said, nodding with approval at her handiwork.

She sat down next to him and began to feed him a bacon and cheese omelet. She held a glass of orange juice to his lips ever once in a while. She never asked him what he wanted to eat next, but rather fed him as his owner, presuming correctly that he would docilely eat whatever she provided.

“Very good, Jay,” she said. “You’re quite the obedient and docile slave, which is just the way it should be. You’re my very own bondage toy, mine to play with. Isn’t that true?”

“Yes, Kristine,” he answered. “And that’s just the way it should be.”
“Hi, Kris,” said Karen, coming into the kitchen. “Need help carrying him in his chair to the living room?”

“No, I’m plenty strong enough to do it,” said Kristine.

She immediately proved this by hoisting up the chair, although not quite as easily as Karen could have, and carrying it into the living room. Karen, making coffee for herself, smiled and thought that it was quite amusing that she got paid for babysitting while Kristine was doing all the work.

“Will the rest of us get to tickle him today?” she asked, loudly enough for her voice to carry into the living room.

“Yes,” called back Kristine, just as loudly. “After lunch, when I set him up in the family room downstairs. For the morning, I want to tickle torture him all by myself.”

She had just competed gagging Jay with another of her used, soiled gym socks and was in the process of wrapping an Ace bandage around his head to hold it in his mouth securely. She then blindfolded him.

“I’m going to try something new now,” she told him. “I’m going to put earplugs in your ears, Mom uses them to help her sleep sometimes. Then I’m going to put headphones over your ears, too. You should be deaf then as well as blind. I want to see if the sensory deprivation makes you more ticklish. Don’t be scared, I’ll be right here all of the time. I won’t leave you alone. I’ll be right here and most of the time you’ll be feeling me tickling you. Don’t be scared, I’m going to take good care of you. After all, I don’t want any harm coming to my property, my bondage toy, my very own tickle slave.”

Kristine took two clean earplugs out of the container of 24 she had found in her parent’s bathroom. They were disposable, designed for one time use only. She carefully rolled them as directed and inserted them in his ears. She then put a set of stereo headphones on his ears, not connected to any source of music. Having played with these items with her sisters, she knew that he would not be hearing any ordinary sounds. In fact, to have him hear anything at all, she would have to put her mouth inches from his covered ears and shout loudly. She had no intention of doing that.

Kristine began by tickling his ribs, digging in all ten fingers. She soon shifted to his kneecaps, a much more sensitive area. He howled through his gag and thrashed as much as he could, which wasn’t much. She smiled as she tickled him, taking great joy in her ownership of such a cute little tickle slave.

“You’re all mine,” she said, knowing that he couldn’t hear her. “All mine. I’m going to see if you can be molded into the perfect slave for me. Most boys are gross, I don’t like being with them much. But a boy trained only to serve me, who knows that his only reason for existing is to serve me and please me, that kind of boy I might like.”

She smiled contently as she tickled him and tickled him, all morning long. She did remember to give him breaks to catch his breath every 20 minutes. She relished the fact that he was laughing so hard that he was crying, sobbing into his blindfold. She relished the joy of having him utterly helpless, unable to move, see, speak, or hear, totally at her mercy.

At noon she finally stopped, watching him take about five minutes to be breathing normally again. She took the headphones off of his ears and then removed the earplugs.
She unwrapped the Ace bandage from his head.

“Spit out my sock,” she ordered.

Jay spat out the now soggy gym sock and it fell onto the chair seat between his thighs.

“Were you more ticklish being unable to hear?” she asked.

“Yes,” he said. “Having nothing to think about but your touch, having no sight or hearing but only being able to feel, the tickling was more intense to me.”

“Excellent,” said Kristine. “I’ll keep that in mind for the future. I’m going to untie you now and I want you to shower again, you’re all sweaty and you’ve wet yourself. Put on clean underpants and your other pair of blue jeans. Then come to the kitchen for lunch.”

When Jay got back to the kitchen he was surprised to see that there were only kitchen chairs there, not a sturdy chair suitable for a chair tie. He sat down next to Kristine and waited for her instructions. Only Kelly was there also, he didn’t know if the others had eaten lunch early or were going to eat later.

“This will be a test of your obedience,” said Kristine. “Put your hands behind the back of the chair and clasp them together. I’m not going to tie you, but remain motionless just as if you were tied. Only your mouth is to move, eating whatever I give you.”

“That’s amusing,” said Kelly, “he’s totally obeying you.”

“Yes, he’s turning out to be a very docile and obedient slave,” said Kristine, feeding him half of a sliced turkey sandwich, piece by piece, tearing off pieces with her bare hands. “He’s been such a good boy so far today that I’m planning to allow him to kiss my toes after lunch.”

Kelly laughed and, having finished eating herself, left the kitchen. Kristine continued both eating her own lunch and feeding Jay two whole sandwiches.

“You need a big lunch, you’re only going to have a protein shake for dinner,” she remarked. “I’ve decided to keep you tied up after lunch until it’s time to take you back home. Your mother won’t be back until about 11p.m., Karen says. She’ll stay up until your mother calls and take you home then.”

Not having been asked a question, Jay remained silent and motionless in the chair, just eating the food that Kristine gave him. He was pleased when, having finished feeding him, she took off her sneakers and socks.

“Down on your belly now and kiss my toes,” she commanded, standing up from her chair. “Twenty-five kisses on each toe.”

Gratefully, Jay knelt down and kissed her toes, 25 times each, remaining flat on his belly when he was done.

“Good, that’s your reward for being such an obedient slave. Now go downstairs to the family room and lie on your back with your ankles under the barbells.”

Jay had been lying there for about five minutes, motionless, obedient to Kristine’s orders. He heard a toilet flush upstairs and soon heard her coming down.

Kristine put a clean pair of Karen’s knee socks on his hands, his fingers and hands being completely covered by the portion intended to go over her foot with the rest of the socks extending past his elbows. Jay knew this was to prevent rope burn on his wrists as he pulled and pulled futilely on the bonds later.

Kristine tied his wrists together over his head with half a dozen loops of rope, neatly cinched. She tied his elbows toward one another. She tied his bound wrists to the leg of a massive couch, designed to seat the whole family.

She tied his legs together at mid-thigh, just below his knees, and at his ankles. She tied his big toes together with soft yarn.

She lifted his bound bare ankles a few inches and tied them securely to the bar, half way between the massive weights. She tied his toes back to the rope around his ankles. She put a pillow under his ankles so that they rested on it instead of being suspended in the air. She put another pillow under his head.

“Now open your mouth wide,” she said.

Jay opened wide and soon had a used, grimy, stinky gym sock in his mouth. She used duct tape to secure it there, wrapping the duct tape around his head three times.

“That’s even more secure than the Ace bandage,” said Kristine.

She put two thin black socks, rolled up, over his eyes and then taped them in place with duct tape. She wrapped a black muffler around his head, covered the duct tape.
“He’s ready,” she yelled loudly, now standing in the stairway.

Soon Jay heard many footsteps coming downstairs.

Kelly sat down at his right foot, ready with a plastic hairbrush. Kerry did the same at his right foot. Katherine sat within reach of both of his armpits and Karen sat within reach of both of his kneecaps.

“Now you’re really in for it,” said Kristine, sitting by his head and holding two soft brushes, one in each hand. “I’m just going to stroke your ears and neck gently with two brushes, but my sisters are ready to really dig in and tickle you without mercy. They haven’t had a chance yet today and I think they’re eager. I’ll make them stop every 20 minutes and give you a chance to catch your breath, but that’s about all the mercy you can expect. You’re going to struggle at first, but I want you to try to surrender to it, surrender to the relentless tickling, accept it as your due, as your fate, as just the way things should be. Try that for me, my dear little bondage toy, my property, my docile and obedient slave.”

She nodded her head and all her sisters began to tickle him, relentlessly, eagerly, with enthusiasm and vigor.

Kristine kept time carefully and kept a close watch on Jay’s breathing. She made sure that he got his breaks and was never in trouble.

During each break, the other four sisters changed positions so that each of them would get a chance to tickle the different parts of his body.

During each break, Kristine leaned down and kissed Jay’s forehead above his blindfold. She would always then whisper something encouraging in his ear.

“My dear little bondage toy, you’re being such a good boy today, I’m getting really fond of you. Just relax and enjoy it, enjoy being our tickle slave.”

After each break, ten hands would get busy again, tickling him without any pause or mercy.

It was just after 3p.m. that afternoon that all five sisters were shocked at the early appearance of their mother entering the family room. Karen got up from where she had been tickling one of Jay’s feet.

“Mom,” she said. “You’re back so early. Usually you get here well after dinner when you and Dad are away for the weekend before one of his business trips.”

Alice, their mother, scowled as she answered. “I don’t understand it either. During lunch he told me to take him to the airport, that he had a much earlier flight to Chicago than usual. But I know very well that the conferences start tomorrow morning, so there’s no reason he has to get there earlier. You know how your father gets, he had that look on his face meaning he didn’t want to hear any more about it. So we checked out of the hotel and I drove him to the airport and here I am, about six hours earlier than you expected me. I see that you’ve been amusing yourselves with little Jay.”

“Yes, we’ve pretty much kept him tied up all weekend and we’ve been tickling him insane most of the time,” said Karen.

“I think I’ll join in,” said Alice. “I need to relax and get my mind off of your father. Tickling a helpless, cute little boy should be fun. And your father would be furious if he knew that you’d been using his barbells as a bondage anchor for a little boy.”

She and Karen both laughed at that thought. Roger was indeed possessive of his barbells and had forbidden anybody else from even touching them.

“Don’t worry, tomorrow we’ll put them right back where Dad left them,” said Karen.

Karen sat back down and resumed tickling Jay’s left foot. Kelly, who had been tickling both of his armpits, kept tickling one of them and pointed to the other. Alice sat down and dug in under Jay’s other arm, tickling with gusto, using all ten fingers.

Jay continued to laugh into his gag and sob into his blindfold. He had long since stopped struggling or thrashing; he was calm, deeply in a submissive zone, accepting the tickle torture as just the way things should be.

“Time for a break,” said Kristine.

Her four sisters stopped immediately, her mother taking a few seconds more to realize that they were supposed to stop.

“He needs to catch his breath,” explained Kristine. “After twenty minutes of straight tickling we give him a break to breathe again. That way we can go on and on for hours, and likely drive him insane. But he seems to love it.”

“I should hope so,” said Alice, grinning broadly. “He’s the center of attention of six beautiful women. He ought to be thrilled.”

Kristine leaned down and kissed Jay on the forehead. She then spoke directly into his ear.

“Our mother is here now and she’s joined us. All six of us are going to tickle you endlessly, until dinner time, anyway. Her name is Alice, but you better call her ‘Ma’am’ if she directly questions you. You’ve been such a good boy, I might allow you to lick her feet after dinner.”

Kristine nodded and they all went back to tickling him, having changed places as usual. Twelve hands were driving him insane with tickling. Alice, now tickling his kneecaps, was delighted to see how ticklish they were. But she had a question for Kristine.

“What do you mean, lick my feet? That’s gross, I’ve been wearing these boots and socks since just before going down to breakfast at the hotel.”

“He’s licked my feet for hours and hours,” said Kristine. “And he’s thanked me for the privilege. Karen had him licking her feet before me, back when she was babysitting him at his own house, too.”

“Yes,” said Karen. “In fact, I had him clean and soothe them by licking them thoroughly right after my jogging exercise. He licked off all the sweat and grime and thanked me for the privilege, too.”

“Wow,” said Alice. “Nobody has ever licked or even kissed my feet. All my life men laughed at them for being so big.”

“Yeah, even bigger than mine, you wear size 12,” said Karen with a grin. “This is your chance to get them licked and licked, for hours, by a boy who, strangely enough, loves to do just that. He’s good at it, too. His tongue is very soothing and he has great stamina, he keeps right on licking. Go for it, Mom.”

“I will,” said Alice, “definitely. But you haven’t stopped growing yet, kid, so don’t be so sure you won’t end up wearing size 13 yourself someday.”

After the six women had all had their dinners upstairs, Kristine came downstairs to attend to Jay. She removed his gag and his blindfold. She fed him a strawberry flavored protein shake and some water. She placed a chair straddling his chest, with two of its legs on either side of him.

“Mom should be able to sit there and put her feet right at your mouth, Jay. You are to lick them and lick them, as much as she wants, without every stopping. I don’t care how sore your tongue gets, keep it up, and never even pause. Is that clear?”

“Yes, Kristine,” said Jay. “It will be a pleasure.”

They both heard footsteps as Alice came back downstairs. She sat in the chair, removed her knee high black leather boots. She pulled off her thick fuzzy socks.

“My feet are sweaty and grimy, and they have sock lint on them from those fuzzy socks,” she said to Jay. “But I want you to lick them anyway. Lick and lick, we’ve got lots of time before your mother calls to tell Karen to take you home. Karen will have all your things packed and clothes ready for you to put on. So get started.”

She placed her left foot at his lips and Jay began to lick it. Seeing his limited mobility in his bondage, Alice helped him by moving her foot around so that he could get to every part of the sole, from heel to toe. She had him suck her toes, one by one. She had him lick every speck of grime, sweat, and lint from her soles.

She kept him licking her feet, over and over again, long after they were already clean. She changed feet about every half hour, and took a bathroom break when he’d be at it for about three hours.

“Your mother should be calling soon,” she said, back from the bathroom. “All my life first boys my age and then men when I grew up told me that my feet were too big and also ugly. Nobody every caressed them or kissed them, not until today, you’re the first. What do you think, Jay, are they too big and ugly?”

“Oh, no, not at all, Ma’am,” said Jay. “You’re a tall woman, Karen told me that you’re 6’3” tall. If you had little dainty feet, then you would surely fall over every time you tried to stand up.”

Alice laughed at that thought. “Go on,” she said.

“So they’re not too big, not at all. They’re the perfect size for your height, just perfect. And they’re not ugly, certainly not. They’re very lovely, in fact. I’m so grateful that you let me lick them for such a long time. Thank you, thank you ever so much. I want to lick them forever, I mean as much as you want me to, I mean that I’m at your service.”

Jay blushed at that last statement and looked away from her.

“You don’t have to blush,” said Alice, “you’re really a very sweet boy. And you will most certainly be licking my bare soles every time you’re at this house.”

Jay blushed again as Karen and Kristine came downstairs.

“His mother just called,” Karen said. “I should untie him and get him ready, she’ll be there herself in half an hour and would like him home not long after that.”

Alice got up and left the room, carrying her boots and socks. Karen and Kristine untied him, which took a while given all the ropes that he was in.

“Get showered one more time,” said Kristine, “and change into the clothes that Karen has laid out for you in the upstairs bathroom. There’s a plastic bag for your dirty laundry there, too.”

When he was dressed and ready to go, Jay saw that all six of them were lined up near the front door and all were barefoot.

“Kiss each of our toes, ten times each toe,” said Kristine.

Jay kissed all 60 toes reverently, ten times each.

“I’ll be driving you home,” said Alice, sitting down to put on socks and her boots.

After Betty took Jay up to bed, she came back downstairs and gave Alice the money for Karen.

“I’ll give this to Karen,” said Alice. “And I wanted to tell you that it worked out splendidly having Jay at our house. Any time that you want Karen to babysit for you, feel free to send him to us instead of having Karen come here, if that’s convenient for your. He’s such a sweet boy! It’s a pleasure to have him around.”

“That’s very nice of you to say,” said Betty. “I may do just that, it is convenient to just lock up the house and know he’s being taken care of elsewhere. Of course, he’ll be 13 in the spring. Once he’s 13 I won’t be using a babysitter any longer when I’m just away overnight.”

“He can have sleepovers, then, if he wants to,” said Alice. “My younger twins, Katherine and Kristine, are his age and they had fun playing together this weekend. You wouldn’t have to pay for babysitting, it would be just a sleepover with friends.”

“And they would keep him out of trouble by tying him up?” asked Betty.

“I’m sure they would,” answered Alice.

“Excellent,” said Betty. “That seems to be the way your oldest, Karen, reformed his behavior in the first place.”

“It’s all settled, then,” said Alice. “We’ll be more than happy to be his home-away-from-home when you’re out of town. And I’ll be sure they keep him tied up, pretty much 24/7, so you can be sure he never slides back into bad behavior.”

“Perfect,” said Betty. “Could I tell you a secret? Not to be told to anybody just yet?”

“Sure,” said Alice, “you can count on my discretion.”

“Samuel proposed to me this weekend,” said Betty.

She smiled broadly and took a ring out of her purse. It had a 4-carat round brilliant cut diamond in a platinum setting.

“Wow, that’s quite a rock,” said Alice.

“Yes, but I’m not going to wear it until we announce our engagement in the newspapers next month. We’ll have our wedding in June. He wants to take a month vacation and show me all the places I’ve wanted to visit in Europe, Rome, Florence, Venice, Paris, and Madrid. But I didn’t know what to do with Jay, he hates the idea of a summer camp. Would you really take him for a whole month, or even six weeks?”

“We’d be delighted,” said Alice. “We’d really love having him. And you would never have to worry about him getting into trouble, my daughters would keep him all tied up, 24/7, never alone, always watched over.”

“And they all know how very ticklish he is, I hope,” said Betty. “That’s a very effective way of keeping him in line.”

“They all know,” said Alice. “And you can be sure we’ll never let him forget how very ticklish he is. Just as surely as we keep him tied up 24/7, we’ll be sure to keep him laughing.”

The two women laughed and hugged each other, each of them thinking of the different pleasures to come that summer, after Betty’s wedding.

[To be continued.]

Sat Oct 30, 2010 11:25 am

Jay’s mother Betty and Samuel went ahead with plans for their wedding, which was eventually scheduled for June 26. It being the second marriage for both of them, it was a very small ceremony with only close family present.

Betty had taken a leave of absence for eight weeks from her job and Samuel, who owned his own business, had given instructions to his managers about how to keep in touch with him during that period. They were expected to return on August 21.

Jay’s necessary possessions, including clothing, had already been brought over to Alice’s house the day before the wedding, for his long stay there during Betty and Samuel’s honeymoon trip to Europe. Betty packed what she thought he would need and included the four padded bondage cuffs. She brought everything over herself, and tried to get Alice to accept some payment for having Jay as a house guest for eight weeks.

Alice refused, saying that it would such great fun for her daughters to keep Jay in bondage all summer that she ought to be paying Betty. The two women hugged each other as they said good-bye. Both were amused by the thought of the girls having such fun tying up Jay and tickling him, day after day, right there in Alice’s house.

It really was Alice’s house now. Roger’s early departure and late return from that business trip back in November had aroused her suspicions. Knowing what a good liar he was, she didn’t confront him about it but rather hired a private detective to follow him on his next business trip, in January.

She wasn’t surprised when Roger again left early, Saturday morning, for a trip to the company’s headquarters in Chicago with meetings to begin on Monday morning. He didn’t return until Thursday evening, even though she understood the meetings were scheduled to last only two days.

The detective brought back dozens of photos of Roger and Tanya, a cute young secretary who went with him to Chicago. She was 22, just five years older than Karen, his oldest daughter, who had just turned 17.

The photos were damning, and a separation was arranged very quickly after Alice’s lawyer showed them to Roger. In the separation agreement, Alice got primary custody of their five daughters. She also got the house among her share of their assets.

When he turned 13 years old in March, Jay had been told by his mother that he no longer needed a babysitter when she was away for a night or two. Most boys would have greeted this news with joy, but Jay was sad. It meant he wouldn’t get to be tied up and tickled out of his mind by Karen and her sisters, most especially Kristine. He had truly loved the fact that Kristine now considered herself his owner and he truly considered himself her devoted slave. He looked forward to licking her bare soles as his greatest reward for humble obedience to her. He said nothing of this to him mother Betty, but kept hoping that her wedding plans would go ahead as anticipated.

The day of the wedding, Sunday, June 26, 2011, Jay was in a nervous state of anticipation. He had not seen any of the sisters, nor their mother Alice, for months. But he knew that all was in readiness for his stay there and he could hardly contain his impatience as the wedding vows were being spoken.

Kristine, who had turned 13 in February, was equally excited. Her very own bondage slave and tickle toy would be delivered by taxi right from the wedding, in just about an hour. She had wonderful plans to enjoy tickling, teasing, and lightly tormenting him, all summer long, with the enthusiastic help of her mother and all her sisters. She smiled and scrunched her toes with pleasure, thinking about how much fun it would be.

It was 10p.m. The long taxi ride was over. Jay tried to tip the driver but he said that he had already paid, including tip, by Jay’s parents.

Kristine, hearing the taxi pull up, was waiting for Jay and opened the front door as he approached it. She wordlessly pointed down to her sneakers as he entered, still wearing his only suit that he had worn to the wedding.

Jay immediately prostrated himself on the floor in front of her and began kissing the tops of her sneakers, alternating after ten kisses on each sneaker. Kristine folded her arms and smiled in satisfaction as he continued. All her sisters and her mother came to the front hallway to watch.

“That’s good, you may stop now, and lie on your back, arms at your sides,” said Kristine.

Jay obeyed her. She placed one foot on his chest, pressing down just a little.

“I’m glad that you acknowledged me as you owner,” she said. “It has been months since your mother brought you here to be babysat. I realize you’re too old for that now, but you are still my property, my bondage slave, my tickle toy. You are never to speak unless asked a direct question. In fact, if the question only requires a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer, just nod or shake your head. You are to obey me and my mother and my sisters at all times. You are to show us all the utmost respect at all times. Karen is about to hand you a leather collar with a buckle that accepts a padlock. She is also going to hand you the key to that lock.”

Karen did so. The collar was padded and had six D-rings attached to it.

“Put it on now, Jay. Adjust it so that it’s comfortable for you.”

Jay obeyed her, finding the right notch to buckle it on.

“Now lock it,” said Kristine. “You don’t need the key for that, it’s an ordinary little padlock that goes through the opening in the prong of the buckle. Just click the lock shut.”

Jay did so.

“You have the key that will unlock it,” said Karen. “I gave it to you. Do what you wish with that key, now.”

Jay reached up and handed the key to Kristine, who smiled as she put it into her pocket.

“Thank you, Jay,” said Kristine. “That shows that you are voluntarily my property, my slave, my bondage toy, and my tickle toy, all mine to tickle and tease and tie up and play with, mine forever. You have just, of your own free will, surrendered all control to me. Is that right?”

Jay nodded his head yes.

“Excellent,” said Kristine. “Now I want you to get up and go to the guest room. There you will find your pajamas. Change into them, brush your teeth, and get ready for bed. You’re going to have a long day tomorrow so I want you well rested. When you’re done in the bathroom, lie down on the bed in the guest room and lock the four bondage cuffs around your own wrists and ankles. Stretch out ready to be tied to the bed and wait for me.”

Kristine smiled again as Jay obeyed here, scurrying up the stairs with the collar locked around his neck.

“He must be a natural submissive,” said Karen. “He gave you the key so eagerly, with such a look of devotion on his face.”

“That was gratifying,” said Kristine. “We have eight weeks to train him to be my perfect slave, too.”

“Remember,” said Alice, “no rough stuff. No marks or bruises of any kind. His mother gets him back just the way he is now.”

“Of course, Mom,” said Kristine. “You can trust us never to harm him. I would never do that anyway. He’s so cute when he’s helpless, I just want to tickle him forever and help him utterly helpless, tied up 24/7. I’m his owner and his protector, I really like him. I just show my affection with tickling, lots and lots of tickling.”

“All of you young women should do that,” said Alice, “and I will, too. We’ll show him that we all really love him by tickling him, ever so affectionately, with breaks so he can catch his breath.”

“And reward him by allowing him to lick our feet,” said Karen. “Don’t forget how much he loves to do that.”

All six of them laughed, thinking about how amusing it was to have Jay lick their bare feet.

Jay was awakened on Monday morning, somewhat early, by Alice tickling his feet. She sat on his legs and held back the toes of one foot, ticking the sole furiously with the plastic hairbrush that worked so well. She switched feet about every five minutes.

As he laughed and laughed, she explained some things to him.

“I’m going to be working Monday to Friday, as usual, for the whole summer,” she said. “So I’ll get to tickle you much less than all my daughters. Karen has a part time job at the fitness center teaching a women’s self defense course, so she’ll be here less than her sisters. The two pairs of twins will be devoting themselves to you. Won’t that be nice? Four young women, two your age and two aged 15, all spending their days keeping you helpless, tying you up in different ways, tickling you all the time. Won’t that be fun?”

Alice, glancing at her watch, paused in the tickling. Jay nodded agreement while his laughter died down.

“That’s why I’m going to tickle your feet every morning,” said Alice, “starting at about 7a.m. I’ll do it on weekends, too, just because I get up early then anyway. Great, you’re breathing well again so I’ll resume.”

She did so and soon Jay was howling with laughter once more. She kept tickling and tickling, and in time he was laughing so hard that he was sobbing.

“Good morning, Mom,” said Kristine, entering the guest room.

“Good morning, Kris,” she answered. “I have to leave for work now, so you can take charge of him. I want him to say kiss me good-bye first.”

Alice got up from the bed and sat in a chair near the bedside. She slipped her feet out of her sandals and put one sole at his lips.

“Just five kisses, your lips closed, don’t lick,” she instructed him. “That’s the way you’ll kiss me good-bye when I go to work.”

He kissed her sole five times and did the same to the other one when she presented it.

“See you tonight, little tickle toy,” she said, putting her sandals back on and getting up to leave for work.

After Jay was untied by Kristine he followed her instructions, dressing in only his swimming trunks after using the bathroom and taking a shower. He came down to the kitchen and was permitted to eat breakfast himself, not tied up.

“It’s rather tedious feeding you bite by bite,” said Kristine, “so I’ll only put you in a chair tie for meals when I think it would be amusing and have the time. Right now I’m anxious to get you tied in the family room. Dad took his precious barbells with him when he moved out, but I told Mom we’d never find a better bondage device for you that didn’t look kinky to visitors, so she bought an identical set. Go there and lie down in position, you’ve been tied that way before several times, go there as soon as you finish eating. We’ll all be waiting for you there.”

Indeed, when Jay got down to the family room after breakfast, all five sisters were there with ropes in their hands, a truly wonderful sight to him.

Karen put a clean pair of her own knee socks on his hands, his fingers and hands being completely covered by the portion intended to go over her foot with the rest of the socks extending past his elbows. Jay knew this was to prevent rope burn on his wrists as he pulled and pulled futilely on the bonds later.

She then tied his wrists together over his head with half a dozen loops of rope, neatly cinched. She tied his elbows toward one another. She tied his bound wrists to the leg of a massive couch, designed to seat the whole family.

Kerry tied his legs together at mid-thigh, just below his knees, and at his ankles. Meanwhile, Kelly tied his big toes together with soft yarn.

Kerry lifted his bound bare ankles a few inches and tied them securely to the bar, half way between the massive weights. She tied his toes back to the rope around his ankles. She put a pillow under his ankles so that they rested on it instead of being suspended in the air.

Katherine put another pillow under his head.

“Now open your mouth wide,” she said.

Jay opened wide and soon had a used, grimy, stinky gym sock in his mouth. Katherine used duct tape to secure it there, wrapping the duct tape around his head three times.

“That’s quite secure,” said Katherine. “Those aren’t my socks, they’re Kris’ socks. It’s fitting that you taste the sweat from the feet of your owner. Kris has saved up a lot of pairs of grungy, sweaty, grimy gym socks over the last few weeks, just so that you’ll never lack for a suitable gag.”

Kristine put two thin, clean black socks, rolled up, over his eyes and then taped them in place with duct tape. She wrapped a black muffler around his head, covering the duct tape.

“Now you’re all ready for a long tickle torture session,” she said, looking down at Jay. “I’m going to call this the standard barbell tie. It’s perfect for getting at your three best spots, your armpits, your kneecaps, and your very sensitive soles.”

Looking up at her sisters, she said, “Let’s get started!”

Kristine herself dug into both of his armpits, using all ten fingers. Kelly and Kerry each took one of his kneecaps and kneading it, in just the way that drove him crazy. Katherine and Karen sat down at his feet and tickled his taut soles, alternately using plastic hairbrushes and their fingers.

Jay howled and shrieked into his gag. He yanked on his bonds but the barbells and the couch wouldn’t budge at all. He laughed so hard that he cried.

After every twenty minutes of tickling, Kristine called for a break and let him catch his breath for five minutes. The young women took the opportunity to change positions and get at other parts of his body.

When Karen was at his head, taking her turn tickling his armpits, she leaned down and spoke directly into his ear, making sure that he could hear her through his ticklish agony.

“Such a sweet little ticklish baby boy! So cute! We all just love tickling you. We missed you, we really did. I don’t do babysitting any more, you were my last client. I work part time now at the W.O.W. center, that stands for Women Only Workouts. I teach three classes there, fundamentals of self-defense, kickboxing, and tai chi for beginners. Fifteen hours a week altogether, mostly in the evenings for working women. But I do miss you and that’s why I’m going to spend most of my days here at home, tickling you and tickling you. That’s the way I show my affection for you, dear little Jay, by tickling you insane, because I know that you love it. Deep down, in your heart, you just love what we’re doing to you. Tickle, tickle, tickle, dear little ticklish baby boy toy!”

After that round of tickling Karen excused herself to go do her jogging and she left her four younger sisters to continue the tickle torture. They did so with glee, thoroughly enjoying the sight of Jay squirming and wriggling in his very secure bondage.

When Karen returned, three of her sisters were eating lunch in the kitchen. Kristine was down in the family room, carefully feeding Jay a blueberry protein shake for his lunch.

“When you’re done, can I have him for an hour?” asked Kristine.

“Sure,” said Kristine. “I’m going to go eat my lunch now anyway. What are you going to do to him?”

“Nothing, it’s what he’s going to do to me,” said Karen. “My feet are all sweaty and grimy after jogging ten miles in the hot summer sun. I’m going to leave his gag off, take off his blindfold so he can see what he’s doing, and have him give me a very thorough tongue bath on my feet.”

“Excellent!” said Kristine. “Make sure that he licks every last speck of grime and every last drop of dried sweat off. And make sure he thanks you for the privilege afterward, it’s important that he be trained in good manners.”

As Karen got a chair and put it astride his chest, with two legs on either side of him, Kristine removed his blindfold. He could now see Karen unlacing her running shoes and pulling off her stinking, sweat-stained socks. She placed one foot on his lips.

“Start licking,” she said. “Fully extended tongue, long licks, and I’ll move my foot around so that you can get to all parts of it. I’ll let you know when to suck my toes, one by one.”

It actually took more than an hour, about 70 minutes, until Karen was satisfied that both of her feet were cleansed of all the grime she had collected and well soothed. By the time he was finished, all her sisters were watching and planning to have the same treatment done to them as well.

“Only one of us each day” said Kristine, “because it did take over an hour for Karen to get that really thorough tongue bath on both feet. Mom will want these, too, so we don’t want to have him doing more than one a day. I’ve just written down a schedule. Karen on Mondays, because she just had hers. Me on Tuesdays, Kelly on Wednesdays, Kerry on Thursdays, Kathy on Fridays, Mom on Saturdays, because she isn’t working on weekends, and me again on Sundays. I get two because I’m his owner.”

Nobody objected to this and Karen got up and put on clean socks.

“What do have to say to me, Jay?” she asked. “Go ahead, you may speak.”

“Thank you ever so much for allowing me to clean and soothe your very lovely bare feet, Karen,” said Jay. “Thank you ever so much!”

“You are most welcome,” said Karen. “And you heard the schedule that Kris just made. You are a very, very lucky slave, to be permitted to give all of us tongue baths, on both feet. But now it’s tine to put your blindfold and gag back on, because we certainly want to tickle you until dinner time.”

Even as she spoke, Katherine and Kerry were doing just that, using the same materials for the blindfold but a different one of Kristine’s soiled socks for the gag.

“I’m taking his rib cage for the first two hours at least,” said Kristine. “I want to count his ribs with my thumbs, over and over and over again.”

It didn’t take long for Jay to be turned into a quivering mass of jelly, tickled into insensibility, sobbing into his blindfold. He surrendered to the tickling, not struggling much, just laying there and quivering, laughing and sobbing, utterly helpless and totally defenseless. He didn’t know who was scraping hairbrushes on his soles or who was digging into his kneecaps and his underarms, but he was sure it was his beloved owner, Kristine, counting up and down his rib cage, over and over again, with her thumbs counting each rib.

“Look at him, he’s in the jelly state,” said Karen. “He’s not struggling at all now, he’s just lying there and taking it.”

“You’re right,” said Kristine, “and that’s great. That’s just the way things should be. Physically, he’s utterly helpless. He’s tied up so well that he couldn’t escape in a million years. Mentally, he’s totally surrendered to us. He’s given in, understanding that we control him in every way and totally accepting it. Just the way things should be. It’s a shame we’ll have to stop for dinner when Mom gets home.”

At 5p.m., Karen excused herself to eat an early dinner before going to work to teach her evening classes at the W.O.W. center. An hour later, the four younger sisters stopped tickling Jay as they heard their mother’s car pull into the garage.

She greeted them as they were untying him and told them what to start cooking for dinner. By the time she got back down to the kitchen, changed into comfortable clothes, dinner was almost ready.

Jay, under Kristine’s orders, was upstairs taking a shower and putting on a clean pair of swimming trunks. When he got downstairs, he reported to the dining room as ordered and sat in the empty chair next to Kristine.

Kelly and Kerry immediately began to bind him to the chair. They tied his torso securely to the back of the chair, causing him to sit up straight. They tied his ankles to the legs of the chair, and also tied his legs, just below the knees, to the chair’s legs. Ropes around his thighs where tied under the seat of the chair. They stopped and looked at Kristine.

“Yes,” she said, “tie his arms, too. This is his first dinner here for the summer so I want it to be a special occasion.”

Kelly and Kerry tied his wrists to the arms of the chair and also tied his arms, just below the elbows, to the chair’s arms. Ropes around his upper arms were tied around the back of the chair.

“You’ll never get out of that,” said Kerry with a smile, tickling him under the chin just to tease him.

She and Kelly sat down at the table on the same long side as Katherine. Jay was in between Alice and Kristine.

“Most of the time I’ll let you eat unbound,” said Kristine to Jay. “On special occasions like tonight, your first dinner with us here this summer, you’ll be in a very secure chair tie and we’ll feed you, bite by bite.

“That way,” she continued, “you will be reminded with every bite that I own you. You are my slave, my personal property, and you are totally dependent upon me. You get to eat exactly what I feed you or have somebody else feed you, every bite is a gift from me. Do you understand?”

Jay nodded his head yes. Alice and Karen took turns feeding him so that each of them could have time to eat herself.

Alice and her daughters talked through dinner, she describing her day at work and they telling her all about the fun they had tickle torturing Jay. When they got to the part about Karen getting a thorough tongue bath of her sweaty, tired feet, Alice laughed. They described the schedule that Kristine had devised.

“Every Saturday I will certainly look forward to that,” said Alice. “And I’ll likely want him to spend at least an hour on each foot, not an hour total. After all, I’ve got the biggest feet in the house, size 12. His tongue is going to be quite sore by the time I get through with him.”

“For now you have the biggest feet in the house,” said Kristine. “But I’m taller than you were when you were 13, you told me that yourself, I might wind up taller than you with bigger feet.”

“I have enough trouble buying shoes, that’s a contest you don’t want to win,” said Alice. “But I’ve hardly had a chance to tickle Jay today, just his feet early this morning. I’m hoping for a nice tickling session after dinner. We do want to put his to bed around 10:30 or 11 every night, though.”

“Of course, Mom,” said Kristine. “My slave will be at your disposal shortly. Now that we’ve fed him, we can all get him back into the standard barbell tie while you eat some dessert. We had most of chocolate cake for dessert after lunch but we left one slice for you.”

Coming downstairs to the family room after eating the chocolate cake, Alice saw Jay tied to the couch’s legs and the barbell just as he had been back in November.

“Take whatever spot you want, Mom,” said Kristine. “We tickled him all day long, except for the time he was licking Karen’s feet. You get to choose your spots all evening.”

Alice sat down near Jay’s legs.

“I’ll start off with his very ticklish kneecaps,” said Alice. “With him wearing swimming trunks, they should be even more sensitive than they were through his blue jeans in November. Let me test that theory by starting before the rest of you, just for a few minutes.”

This was quite true, Alice found. Kneading her strong fingers into his bare kneecaps made him laugh uproariously into his gag and thrash as much as could in the secure bondage. Grinning with glee, Alice tickled his kneecaps for about five minutes before nodding to Kristine that the rest of them could start.

Kristine and Katherine tickled his bare soles with hairbrushes. Kerry dug into his armpits and Kelly tickled his rib cage.

All five of them smiled as it became clear that he was sobbing into his blindfold again, laughing so hard that he could not hold back the tears.

“Just relax and enjoy it,” said Kerry, talking directly into his ear as she kept ticking him under the arms. “Surrender to it, the way you did this afternoon. Just surrender to it, go limp and realize that you’re helpless, that fighting us just makes it worse. Just relax and become a ticklish blob of jelly, ours to tickle and tickle and tickle, with no will of your own.”

Jay began to do just that, relax and accept the tickling. He stopped pulling on the ropes and just quivered in his bondage.

“That’s right,” said Kerry, “that’s being a good little bondage slave, totally surrender to Kris, your owner, give up all control, relax and let Kristine direct your tickle torture, accept it and enjoy it. You know that you really love it, that you really want it, and that you really wish in your heart to be Kris’ slave for ever and ever.”

Jay admitted that to himself and gave in, gave himself up to the bondage, accepted it as just the way things should be. He merely shook and quivered as they tickled him, still sobbing into his blindfold but supremely happy to be Kris’ tickle toy, her bondage slave, her property.

Kristine finished tying Jay’s four cuffs to the bed and put the blanket over him, pulling it up so that his feet and ankles stuck out.

“I do trust you,” she said, “but I will always verify that your cuffs are locked and securely tied to the bed every night. Now you will give me my good-night licking.”

She sat in a chair near the bed and put her left sole on his lips. “Lick each sole 300 times, giving me count after every 50.”

Jay licked her sole 300 times and then did the same for her right sole when she presented it.

“This was only the first full day of your summer of bondage here,” said Kristine. “You’re mother and stepfather won’t be back for 55 more days. What do you think about that? You may speak.”

“I wish it were 55 years,” said Jay, with both love and sincerity in his voice.

“Aw, you’re very sweet,” said Kristine, kissing him tenderly on the forehead before she left the room.

[To be continued.]

Sat Nov 06, 2010 10:02 am
It was Saturday morning, July 16th. Jay had been the willing bondage slave to Kristine for almost three weeks. He was awakened, quite early as usual, by her mother, Alice, tickling his feet.

“I love that you’re tied up every night so that I can wake you up with tickling every morning,” said Alice.

There was a big grin on her face as she held back the toes of his left foot with one hand while tickling his sole furiously with a plastic hairbrush held in her other hand. After about ten minutes, she switched to his right foot. She hummed to herself as she tickled his right foot to her heart’s content, tickling in rhythm to the song.

Finally done with his morning tickling, she unlocked his wrists and ankles from the four padded cuffs.

“Take care of your bathroom chores and report to the kitchen for breakfast. Be wearing only your bathing suit,” she told him.

After breakfast, Jay expected that the sisters and their mother would order him down to the family room, as usual, for what they called the standard barbell tie. Instead, Kristine took him by the hand and led him outside to the backyard. He was surprised to see a tent pitched there, and his eyes widened.

“Yes, my sisters put up the tent just as I was putting you to bed last night,” said Kristine. “While you were licking and licking my bare soles, they were setting up this big tent. For a change today, you’re going to be staked out on the grass, inside the tent. That tent has no floor. It will keep the sun off of us all and keep the neighbors from seeing anything, but you’ll be able to enjoy the feeling of real grass on your back. Then we plan to tickle you insane, to tickle you into the jelly state, until you’re a quivering, quaking, blob of ticklish flesh, totally helpless and utterly defenseless, laughing into your gag and sobbing into your blindfold, for hours and hours. What do you think about that? You may speak.”

“That’s just the way things should be,” said Jay, looking at her with adoring eyes.

“Yes, that’s just the way things should be,” said Kristine, kissing him on the forehead with genuine affection. “You really are a very docile and obedient slave and that pleases me.”

Having now entered the tent, Kristine gestured that Jay should lie on his back. He did so, stretching out his four limbs so that his wrists and ankles were near four large stakes that had been driven into the ground.

All six women set to work tying him down. Alice was wearing blue jeans and a t-shirt with no bra, and thick white athletic socks with her running shoes. Her five daughters were similarly dressed above the ankles, but all barefooted.

Kristine herself put his hands and forearms into clean knee socks before tying his wrists, very securely, to the two large stakes near to them. Katherine pounded four smaller stakes into the ground, two near each of his elbows. She tied his arms, both above and below each elbow, to those stakes. Kelly pounded four smaller stakes into the ground, two near each of his knees. Kerry, right there with her, tied his legs to those stakes, both above and below his knees. Karen tied his ankles to the large stakes near them. She then tied each of his toes back, with fuzzy yarn, to the ropes around his ankles.

Alice told him to open his mouth and popped a soiled, grimy, sweat-stained gym sock of Kristine’s into it. She wrapped duct tape around his head so that the sock was securely held inside his mouth. She took a pair of goggles, intended for swimming, and put them on him. But these goggles had been altered. The formerly transparent lenses over his eyes had been painted black, both inside and outside. Soft cotton had been glued inside as well, so that it would be pressed against his eyes. Finally, Alice drove two more small stakes into the ground near his neck. She put a small pillow under his head, one that just fit between the stakes. She then tied the D-rings in his collar to those small stakes, restricting movement of his head.

All six of them stood up and surveyed their work with approval. Other than wiggling his fingers inside the knee socks, Jay had very little freedom to move at all. He was stretched out spread-eagled, helpless to their touch.

“This stake-out on the lawn looks very secure and very amusing,” said Alice. “And I like the goggles very much, they go with his bathing suit. Now let’s tickle him until he goes insane.”

Within seconds, there were 12 hands eagerly tickling Jay, tickling his collarbones, neck, armpits, ribs, belly, knees, and feet. Various brushes were at hand to use as well, and the six women tickled him without a pause, sometimes changing the implement they were using so his skin wouldn’t get used to any one particular form of tickling sensation.

Within ten minutes he was laughing so hard that he was crying, sobbing into the goggles. They continued tickling him, happy that he was so sensitive and so very ticklish.

“Twenty minutes, stop to let him catch his breath,” said Kristine.

They all stopped while Kristine, who had been tickling him under the arms, listened closely to his breathing. After a few minutes, she was satisfied that he was back to breathing normally.

“Resume,” she said to her sisters and mother, and they did so eagerly.

“You’ll always get rest breaks to be able to breathe well,” she said to Jay. “I love tickling you so much! It would be easy to tickle you until you passed out, but I’ll never do that. That would be mean. No, it’s much more fun to let you recover and tickle you almost to the point of passing out, over and over and over again, for hours. Tickling is the perfect form of light torture. It does you no harm, you recover from it quickly, and yet it shows you how dominant we are, your ticklers, driving you crazy, making you laugh hysterically, as much as we want, for as long as we want.

“My dear little tickle toy! My dear little bondage slave! I thought it might take all summer to train you into the perfect slave, but you’re there already. So docile, so obedient, so eager to be tied up all the time! You must be a natural submissive, you take to it so readily. Well, you’ve found your paradise here. All of us and going to dominate you and tie you up and tickle you, all summer long. Enjoy it, my slave!”

Several hours later, it was time for lunch. The five sisters all went into the kitchen to have theirs. Alice come back outside to the tent with two strawberry flavored protein shakes. One she fed to Jay, after taking out his gag. The other she drank herself.

Kristine came out to the tent just as Alice was finishing her shake.

“Good timing,” said Alice. “I’ll go inside now and get ready for my tongue bath. You can watch him. Take his goggles off, I want him to see what he’s doing.”

Alice left and Kristine removed the goggles from Jay. She saw that the cotton inside was soaked with his tears. She pulled a chair over and sat down, using his chest as her footstool. She put the goggles down.

“Those can dry out while you’re giving Mom a tongue bath on her feet. You do remember that she gets it on Saturdays, I hope. Do you know what she’s doing now? Don’t answer, that was a rhetorical question. You probably noticed that she was wearing socks and running shoes while the rest of us are barefoot. That’s for a reason, but not because she’s going jogging today. No, she’s upstairs now in her bathroom, using the hair dryer. Not on her hair, she hasn’t just washed it. No, she’s using the hair dryer on her feet, still inside their socks and shoes. She’s blasting her feet with heat, to make them sweat, to make them sweat a lot. She wants you to really taste her foot sweat, to taste a lot of it, to clean it all off with your tongue. She’ll be back down here in about 10 or 15 minutes, with the sweatiest, most stinky feet that she’s ever had, all for you to lick clean. That way you’ll understand your role here, the role of a very obedient slave, whose greatest reward is to be permitted to lick the sweat off of our feet.”

Kristine stopped talking and just tickled Jay lightly on the ribs, using her bare toes to prod and poke him. She was still doing so when Alice returned.

“Is this chair comfortable enough, Mom?” she asked. “Or should I bring down one of the dining room chairs?”

“It’s fine,” said Alice, “it’s big enough to straddle his chest so I can be in position for my tongue bath.”

Kristine got up and Alice moved the chair as she had planned, then sat down.

“Have fun, Mom,” said Kristine, going back to the house.

Alice slowly removed her shoes. She held them down to Jay’s nose, sticking the inside of each shoe over his nose, and ordered him to sniff. He smelled each shoe, sniffing deeply.

“What do you say?” she asked. “Speak.”

“Thank you so much for allowing me to smell the inside of your shoes,” said Jay. “It was an honor.”

She slowly pulled off her socks, both deeply stained with sweat. She held each one to his nose and he sniffed deeply, with needing to be ordered.

“What do you say?” she asked. “Speak.”

“Thank you so much for allowing me to smell your socks,” said Jay. “It was a great honor.”

“And now I want my tongue bath,” said Alice. “It may take you all afternoon because my feet are so sweaty and so stinky. Begin!”

Jay began to lick her left sole which she placed on his lips. He licked and licked with full extension of his tongue, over and over again. He sucked her toes when commanded. He licked every portion of her foot as she placed it in position. The aroma was quite overwhelming but he kept to his job, licking her bare foot clean, licking reverently and gratefully.

Two hours later, Kristine came out to see if Alice was done.

“I’m having too much fun to let him stop,” said Alice to her. “Come back in about another two hours. He’s really an excellent foot-licker. He doesn’t let the stink bother him, in fact I think he really likes it, at some level. He’s quite eager to please and takes instruction well. This is so nice, I want it to go on forever. Make that until dinner time, will you? Just before dinner time, come back and let me know that my dinner is ready. It’s Kelly’s turn to cook tonight, if I remember correctly.”

“Yes, it’s Kelly’s turn,” said Kristine. “I’ll be back when dinner’s ready.”

When Kristine returned at 6:30pm, Kerry and Karen were with her to help in untying Jay from the elaborate stake-out. Alice withdrew her left foot from his tongue and spoke to him.

“That was a fine tongue bath, young man. Thank you. Now what do you have to say to me? Speak.”

“Thank you ever so much for allowing me to lick your very lovely bare feet,” said Jay. “It was a very great honor. Thank you!”

Alice stood up and placed one bare foot firmly on his chest.

“You’ve found your true calling, Jay. You make an excellent slave and I’m sure that your owner, Kris, is proud of you. Now they’ll untie you.”

Even as she was speaking, the three sisters there were untying Jay from all the stakes.

“When you’re untied,” said Kristine to him, “run upstairs and take a shower. Put on a clean bathing suit and report to the dining room for dinner.”

It was after dinner and Jay was back in the standard barbell tie down in the family room. All six women were tickling him. Kerry and Kelly were each raking one of his soles with a plastic hairbrush. Karen was tickling his kneecaps with both hands. Alice was tickling his rib cage, kneading his ribs one by one, up and then back down again. Karen was tickling his armpits, digging in with all ten fingers. Kristine, sitting comfortably on the carpet near his head, was tickling his ears and nostrils with a soft brush while talking to him.

“Such a ticklish baby boy! We’re having so much fun, tickling you insane, that we might just never stop. So much fun! Every time you wriggle and squirm it inspires us to tickle you more. Every time you sob, it inspires us to tickle you more. Every time you laugh into your gag, it inspires us to tickle you more. Poor little baby Jay, so very ticklish and utterly helpless, just the way you should be.”

“It would be wonderful to just keep him here as our bondage slave forever,” said Alice. “He makes such a good foot-licker, I can’t bear to give him up.”

“I’m afraid that his mother and her new husband, Sam, will be back in August, Mom,” said Karen. “And they might be more than a little peeved if you don’t send him home to them on schedule.”

“I know,” said Alice. “I was just day dreaming. It would be perfect to have him as our very own bondage toy, our tickle slave, our personal foot-licker, always and forever.”

“MY slave,” said Kristine, “my bondage toy, my tickle slave, my personal foot-licker. But of course he would be under my orders to serve all of my sisters and my mother.”

All six of them laughed at Kristine’s possessiveness but also welcomed the thought of having the very ticklish, very submissive Jay as their property, for their amusement.

The tickling continued, with brief pauses to let Jay return to normal breathing. He was clearly in the jelly state, laughing almost silently into his gag, sobbing into the cotton in his goggles, quivering slightly but in no way resisting, giving himself up totally to the tickling, surrendering totally to his owner. They tickled and tickled him, keeping him in submissive bliss in his helpless bondage.

At 11:30pm that night, Jay had been locked into his cuffs and tied to the bed, as usual. Kristine, sitting in a chair by the bed, had had her bare soles licked as usual, but had asked for 500 licks on each sole this time. As she was about to get up and kiss him goodnight on the forehead, she noticed an urgent look on his face. She settled back into her chair.

“You look like you want to say something, Jay. You may speak.”

“I just wanted to tell you how much I love you,” said Jay. “I love your mother and all of your sisters, but you most of all, Kristine. What your mother said is what I really want, to stay here forever in this house, to be nothing but your slave, your property, your bondage toy, your tickle toy, your personal foot-licker, forever and ever. I love you and worship you and want to serve you forever and ever, Kristine.”

Kristine got up and kissed him tenderly on the forehead.

“That’s what I want, also,” she said. “I wish it were possible. I love you, too, my dear little bondage slave. I love most of all when you’re in the jelly state. I don’t know if you realize that’s what we call it when you’ve been tickled so much and for so long that you don’t even struggle any more, just like there and quiver like a bowl of ticklish jelly. I think Mom loves you best when you’re giving her feet a tongue bath. I really love that, too, but not as much as having you in the jelly state, just a blob of ticklish flesh, all mine to tickle and tickle and tickle, forever.”

“I didn’t know that you called it that, but I know what you mean,” said Jay. “In my own mind I call it ‘the bliss of surrender’. It means I can barely make any sound laughing any more, I’m laughing quietly in my gag, I’m crying slowly but steadily, and I can’t move. It’s not really that I can’t move, I don’t even want to move any more. I’ve surrendered to the endless tickling, surrendered and accepted it, and it’s wonderful, it’s agony but wonderful at the same time, I have no problems, no worries, no cares, all I have to do is lie there and be tickled, that’s all I have to do and I love it. I love it so much! It’s pure bliss. I wish you could keep me that way, in what you call the jelly state, forever and ever.”

“I wish that, too,” said Kristine, again kissing him on the forehead.

Without another word, she left him tied to the bed for the night, content.


Samuel and Betty, Jay’s mother and stepfather, returned from their honeymoon on August 21 quite a few hours later than scheduled due to airport delays. Jay was driven home by Alice the next day, Monday, with his belongings.

Most of them had never been used, of course, as Jay had spent the whole summer wearing only his bathing suits. He didn’t bother to tell his mother that, nor did he inform her of what had been done to him in the eight weeks she was away.

Within a few days she and Samuel told him that his mother’s house had been on the market while they were away and that a buyer had been found. They would all be moving to Samuel’s house, in a town 40 miles away. This horrified Jay since it meant he would be far from Kristine and her family. He had been vaguely aware that Samuel, of course, had lived in a house of his own, but somehow he had been under the impression that that house would be sold and Samuel would be moving into his mother’s house.

“But we’ll be so far from Karen, how will she be my babysitter any more?” he burst out with, without time think.

“You’ve forgotten,” said Betty, “that I told you when your turned 13 in March that you don’t need a babysitter any more. Most young men would welcome that. I think you have too much of a crush on Karen, anyway. You’ll soon be interested in girls your own age.”

Jay didn’t explain that it was really her youngest sister Kristine that he loved, and that she was his own age. He somehow didn’t think his mother would understand.

Things worked out just as badly as Jay anticipated. Samuel’s house turned out to be huge, over 20 rooms. Jay hadn’t known that Samuel was so wealthy, but it mattered little to him. Going to a better school meant nothing to him either, since he was now far from Kristine, who he still thought of as his owner.

His mother was right in the long run. In due time, he did become interested in girls his own age at his new school. Unfortunately, whenever he mentioned tie-up games to them, they treated him like a freak and broke off seeing him. He was sad, and longed for the summer of bliss that he had once known.

The years passed. Jay went to college and graduated. He got a job that he didn’t much like, working for a big insurance company as a software engineer. He never found a woman who would treat him as a bondage slave, a tickle toy, a foot-licking servant that she cared for and appreciated. He had been to commercial dungeons and paid professional Dommes to reenact some of the events of that summer, but it wasn’t the same. They didn’t really love him the way Kristine had, they were only going through the motions. He was not a happy man at 23, ten years after his summer of bliss.

Tragedy struck. His mother and Samuel were in their car on the New Jersey Turnpike when a drunk, driving an SUV at about 110mph, smashed into them from the side, sending their car spinning off the road. They were both killed instantly. The drunk survived and went to jail for two counts of vehicular homicide. That was little consolation to Jay who had really loved his mother and been genuinely friendly with his stepfather.

Samuel’s lawyer handed him all of the paperwork, including the accountant’s reports and the brokerage statements. After paying all state and federal estate taxes, Jay was richer than he had ever dreamed possible. He was shocked at how much Samuel had had invested and now realized that the one 20-room house in which he and Betty had lived had been modest compared to what he could have bought.

“You can do anything want to now, young man,” said the lawyer. “It’s all settled now, you are free to do as you wish.”

Jay nodded and left without another word. The first thing he did, the very next day, was quit his job, which had never much liked. He had the luxury of telling his boss and his boss’ boss at United General Life Insurance Company exactly what he thought of them.

Jay got his affairs in order, invested his vast inheritance the way he saw fit, sold Samuel’s house and furniture, and moved into a hotel near the Newark airport. He was a rich man, aged 23, unencumbered by a fixed residence or by any job or close relationships.

Kristine had been shocked to hear from Jay. Not that she had forgotten him; she remembered the summer of his bliss at her house very well indeed. She had heard that the family moved 40 miles south and, by a few years later, presumed that he had moved on with his life to other girlfriends, presumably. She never expected to hear from him again, certainly not now, a little over ten years later. But she agreed to talk with him, in the very house where he had been her bondage slave.

Jay arrived on a Sunday afternoon at 2pm. He had only a briefcase with him. He was greeted at the door by Kristine.

“Wow,” he said as a greeting. “You really did wind up taller than your mother. And you’re more beautiful than ever.”

Jay began to kneel down to kiss her shoes, but Kristine hoisted him up by his elbows and stood him up again.

“None of that,” said Kristine. “I’m willing to hear what you have to say, but don’t start by kissing my sneakers. And yes, I wound up at 6’5”, two inches taller than my mother. Size 13 feet, too, a full size bigger than her feet. I’m the youngest but the tallest of all my sisters. Katherine is only 6’ 4 ¾”, and I never let her forget about that quarter of an inch. I hope don’t mind if Karen and my mother join us in the dining room. The three of us still live here.”

Jay just nodded and walked with her into the dining room. He saw Alice and Karen sitting there. Karen, now 26 by his reckoning, was about the same height as her mother now.

“I was very sad to read about your mother and Samuel in the newspaper,” said Alice. “We are all very sorry for your loss.”

“Thank you,” said Jay. “I appreciate it.”

“What are you doing now, Jay?” said Kristine.

“Actually, I just quit my job,” he answered. “I used to write software for United General Life Insurance Company. You can’t image anything more boring than that. But I’m here to talk about my future, what I hope to do.”

“Nobody here can help you get another job,” said Kristine.

“That’s right,” said Alice. “I’ve unemployed now, also, with my benefits due to run out in three more weeks. The company I worked for went under. Kristine and Karen work at the W.O.W. Center, you remember, Women Only Workouts. It doesn’t pay that well, and, to be honest, we’re struggling to even stay in this house.”

“Kerry and Kelly are both married,” said Kristine, “with kids of their own, too. Well Kerry had two and Kelly one and one more on the way. Katherine has a life partner, Helen. I guess she never liked guys much. She and Helen live in California now. Karen’s been married and divorced, and she doesn’t want to talk about the bum she married, so don’t ask her. But none of us can help you with your future or with a new job.”

“It’s not that I need a new job,” said Jay. “I quit when the estate was settled, when I saw how very rich Samuel had been. He and my mother never discussed money with me, except to tell me not to worry about them paying for college. I was shocked at how much I inherited. I quit because the job was so boring and the people I worked for were such stupid, conceited morons. I had the luxury of telling them that, in detail, the day that I quit.”

Jay took out the briefcase and handed the papers in it to Kristine. He eyes widened and she handed them to her mother who passed them on to Karen.

“Why didn’t he have a winter home in Aruba, maybe, and a summer mansion on the shore on Cape Cod, and a skiing retreat in Switzerland?” asked Alice.

“I guess all he cared about was his business, working to make it grow, and then about my mother, after he met her. They rarely traveled after that big honeymoon trip,” said Jay.

“Fifty-five million dollars,” said Karen, with the awed tone of a woman who had been trying to see how to scrape together a few thousand in time for the next mortgage payment on her mother’s house, in which she lived by necessity.

Jay got out of his chair and prostrated himself on the floor at Kristine’s feet. This time she didn’t stop him as he kissed and kissed the tops of her running shoes, over and over again.

“That’s enough kissing, you may speak,” said Kristine.

“Kristine,” he said, “I want you to be my owner. I want to be your bondage toy, your tickle slave, your devoted foot-licker. I want to serve you and obey you forever and ever.”

“That sounds quite agreeable,” said Kristine, now smiling.

“You should marry him, Kris,” said Alice. “It will be more secure that way.”

“I will be honored to be your husband as well as your slave,” said Jay, still at her feet. “You know how much stamina I have as a foot-licker. I would be glad to lick you anywhere else that gives you pleasure, or not if you don’t wish it. I would be at your service, in any way that you want, 24/7. I would expect to be kept in bondage, 24/7. You would decide exactly how I serve you and I would always obey you. I will of course serve your mother and any of your sisters who are here or who visit here.”

“Yes, say yes to him, Kris,” said Karen. “I’ll babysit him whenever you need me to, I promise.”

“Yes, Jay, I will marry you,” said Kristine.

She placed one running shoe firmly on the back of his neck and pressed down slightly.

“You will be my husband and my slave, mine to do with as I see fit,” she said. “I will love you and cherish you as my bondage toy, my tickle slave, and my personal foot-licker. I haven’t decided yet whether to allow you to lick, um, elsewhere. Maybe I’ll see if you deserve it after a year of devoted service. Bondage 24/7 is a given, you’ll be tied up all the time. A permanent tie-up game, I love it!”

And so it was agreed, and so it was settled. They all lived happily ever after.

The End

[For those of you who liked this fictional story, don’t worry. It won’t be my last one here.]

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Post by milagros317 »

Thank you for re-posting this story from the old site! It is one of my favorites of my stories. :D
:ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
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Post by Canuck100 »

milagros317 wrote: 3 years ago Thank you for re-posting this story from the old site! It is one of my favorites of my stories. :D
Your stories are great, glad to have the occasion to put them under the spotlight again!
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Post by sensitivefeet »

Wow... I am still shaken out myself after having read it... That is just... overwhelming...
Remind me: once hogtied, just before I placed the ballgag... you said:"Please, anything but the feet"?... Good...
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