The Summer of Super (ffm/m)

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The Summer of Super (ffm/m)

Post by Chris12 »

The eyes of the entire nation were on Heraldry Square. There under the evening sky no less than forty hostages awaited their doom. Bankers from the nearby financial district, police men and woman, the staff of the local restaurants and even children visiting the nearby arcades all knelt on the ground, bound, gagged with tape and with bombs strapped to their chests.

''I wish to thank you all for volunteering to be my hostages!'' sneered a tall man who looked as if he had walked off the set of the latest blockbuster movie. With his flowing black cape, his pharaoh's headpiece and serpent shaped staff he easily looked the part of an evil super villain. This was exactly what he was, Pharaoh: resident super villain and scourge of do-gooders ''I just hope my demands are met. If not my disappointment can be rather....explosive!''

The assembled goons all laughed at this villainous pun, but the hostages cried out in horror. The bombs on their chest kept ticking down and if the demands of Pharaoh were not met they would explode.

Then something came from the sky. Was it a bird? Was it a plane? No! It was Titanium Girl! The great defender of this city and the symbol of peace. The golden haired woman descended from the sky. As villainous as Pharaoh's cape was, so heroic was the red cape of Titanium girl. And just as how Pharaoh looked like an obvious villain, Titanium girl couldn't look any more like a super hero if she tried. Aside from the color being white instead of blue her outfit was eerily similar to that of Superman, or in her case more like Supergirl.

''Ah Titanium Girl. Why am I not surprised'' Pharaoh chuckled and aimed his staff at the newcomer ''Get her!'' he barked at his minions who swarmed the newly arrived heroine.

''Oh Pharaoh. You should stop letting your men embarrass themselves like this'' Titanium Girl smiled brightly before punching one of the goons so hard she literally send him flying ''Come and get me you thugs!'' she barked and proceeded to easily beat down half of the goons, with the other half quickly cowering behind their master '''re ready for your weekly beating, Pharaoh?'' she grinned, pumping her fist and marching at the supervillain.

''''Hahahaha! Oh I think rather than facing defeat I shall instead acquire one more hostage for my collection!'' The villain laughed deviously. He aimed his staff at one of the hostages, a young boy and fired a magical beam his direction.

''You bastard!'' Titanium girl did the heroic thing by shielding the lad with her own body. She screamed it out as magical energy coursed through her body. The beam floored her and she did not get up again.

''Bind and gag her'' Pharaoh ordered his minions ''And be sure to strap a bomb to her chest too!''

''What are...ugh! Unhand me! You rotten thugs!'' The heroine shouted. Special chains were taken out that even her super strength could not break. The criminals clamped the woman in chains, wrapping the chains around her body and binding her hands in front of her ''I said let me goMMMMMH!'' to finish it off a cloth was pulled over her mouth.

''And here you have it!'' Pharaoh laughed. He used magic to make Titanium girl levitate towards him, grabbing her long blonde hairs when she was within reach ''The last hope of your city! Now my helpless hostage! I hope the city shall deliver my ransom VERY soon now! Oh....and I think our lovely Titanium girl hopes so too!''

''Hrmmh! Nmmmmmmh!'' The captured heroine let out a scream as a bomb was strapped to her chest. Three minutes remained on the timer ''Ymm wmmh gmmh mmh wmmh tmmh!'' she screamed through her gag.

''I won't get away with this? And who's gonna stop me!? Mwahahaha!'' The arch villain laughed and pushed his prisoner on the ground so he could place his boot on her head as a sign of conquest.

''I am!'' A youthful voice yelled. Something small came their way VERY fast and before Pharaoh could even blink all his goons were defeated on the ground ''Ehehe! See! I punched your goons into next week!'' a tanned young girl appeared and let out a cheeky grin. She wore a red hood and cape, along with a blue spandex suit and a small mask to cover her eyes

''Ah yes....Mystic.....Titanium Girl's devoted little sidekick. How could I have forgotten'' Pharaoh rolled his eyes and rather than aimed his staff on the young girl he instead aimed a remote on the hostages ''I could prattle all day about why a child like you could never defeat me but I shall keep it brief. Stand down or I am going to blow up the hostages! Does that sound like a deal to you?''

''Ya really doesn't! So bye bye bombs!'' Mystic yelled and suddenly the bombs ripped themselves apart from the hostages and started flying into the air ''Here! Lemme blow them up for you!'' With her super speed Mystic dashed over to Pharaoh's side, stole his remote and detonated his bombs when they were safely in the air.

With both super speed and telekinesis Mystic was already a mighty heroine in her own right.

''You little brat! You're grounde...I mean you're DOOMED!'' An enraged Pharaoh yelled and used his own magic to freeze Mystic's body in place ''You think you can defeat me in matters of magic! I was a super villain when you were still in diapers, young lady!''

''W-what!? N-no! nonono! This can't happeMMMMMH!'' Slowly but surely Mystic got encased in ice which eventually covered her mouth and wiped her cocky smirk off her face

''Prmmh! STMMMH!'' Titanium girl shouted desperately at the sight of her protege in peril.

''Now if you'll excuse me! I've got new bombs to attack to my prisoners! now with YOU as a spare hostage!'' Pharaoh snarled but soon he had to use his staff to block several ninja stars ''Oh what now!?''

A figure even smaller than Mystic appeared, a red ninja scarf across his neck, katana on his back and a black ninja mask on his face ''Ronin at the scene! Ready to save the day!'' Titanium Girl's second sidekick said, throwing a barrage of ninja stars at villain.

''Rmmh!'' Titanium girl moaned out for the little figure as he made his way towards her ''Mmh mmmh!''

''Don't worry! I'm here!'' Ronin said and quickly undid the chains that held Titanium Girl. Without removing her gag the now freed heroine let out a roar and charged for, punching Pharaoh into the nearby building.

''Mmmf!...ah!'' she pulled down her gag and turned her attention to Mystic ''Don't worry, dear. I got you'' she smiled reassuringly to her iced Sidekick and shattered the ice with her fist ''Now lets take that criminal down like a team!''


The following morning Titania listened to the morning news as she was making breakfast for her children.

''In a brazen display of heroism Titanium girl has saved the city once again! With her prodigious sidekicks she brought down the vile Pharaoh and rescued the hostages! In less fortunate news Pharaoh has broken out of prisons within hours of entering it and is now plotting his revenge''

''Honey I'm home!'' An Egyptian man entered the kitchen and kissed the blonde woman on the cheek ''Sorry I'm late. The police was quite insistent I stayed in late last night''

''The things you do for work'' Titania responded slightly sarcastically ''Amir, you should really stop ro...'' she started to say until they were interrupted.

''MOOOOOOM! She's bullying meeeee! Make it stoooooop!'' A shrill voice shrieked. Two children came into the kitchen. A black haired 14 year old girl with the Egyptian features she took from her dad, and a 12 year old boy who looked blonde and Caucasian like his mother. The boy was running from his sister but she was much faster, so fast in fact that at times she seemed like a blur, a blur that haunted her brother's steps and repeatedly yanked his briefs up in a wedgie.

''Eeeeep! Make it stop! Make it stoooop!'' The blonde peeped when his briefs shot up once more.

''Harley, please put down your brother'' Amir sighed exasperated ''I'm serious, young lady!''

Harley looked unimpressed ''Is your disappointment going to be explosive when I don't let the dweeb go?'' she asked him defiantly

''Dad! Mum! Please help! She's....AAAAAAAH!'' the boy floated up in the air as if by magic, his belt floated away from his pants to wrap around his wrists, and a nearby cloth floated to the lad to wrap around his mouth ''GHMMMMMMMMMMH!'' he screamed desperately, now hanging upsidedown.

''No. My disappointment is not going to be explosive, but I was going to give you the cold shoulder like I did last...ouch!'' Amir answered until his wife pulled his ear harshly.

''Dear! I told you not to freeze the children'' Titania said strictly ''And Harley, you are only to use magic on the job! Now put him down''

''MMMMMH! NMMH-ouch! You suck!'' David whined when the dispelled magic caused him to fall down on the ground hard.

''I'm going back to work'' Amir shook his head and headed for the front door ''I'll be staying late. Me and the lads are going on a field trip tonight''

''Lay off the bombs this time honey!'' Titania yelled after her husband.

''Bye dad! See you tonight!'' Harley giggled and waved after her father.

''We should be off too children. We don't want to make a bad impression on our last day'' Titania said. She would be joining the siblings to school where she had a teaching position. Fairly petite, a normal outfit, glasses and her long hairs tied in a ponytail, there was little to suggest Titania was anything else then your average teacher even if she looked a decade younger than a mother of two logically should.

"'Oh boy! The last day before summer!'' David grinned as they made their way to the car ''Sis! Do you know what that means!?''

''That you can spend a lot more times on the beach with your friends? All zero of them?'' Harley answered. David was not amused.

''No'' The boy answered with a pout ''It means that without homework and classes we have much more time for work with mom!'' he said and started to smile ''And with dad...I guess''

''Nothing beats the three of us teaming up and beating the crap outta dad!'' Harley chuckled

''Yep! And we've got all summer to do so! Its going to be.....the SUMMER OF SUPER!'' David declared and struck a ''heroic'' pose.

''You are SUCH a dork'' Harley groaned in disgust.

''.....dear, please don't say it like that'' Titania too wasn't very amused by the statement nor with the pose.

The trio got in the car and started driving to school ''I expect you two to be on your best behavior today. Harley, don't get into trouble'' Titania urged her more willful child ''And take care of David, I don't want to take him off the flagpole again''

''T-that only happened once, mum!'' David blushed uncomfortable. His hands went to his butt as if remembering the event brought back the pain too.

''Yeah....once a day you mean'' Harley scoffed meanly.

''Is your name perhaps Harley QUINN!?'' David growled and clamped his hand on Harley's mouth ''What's that? Can't hear ya!'' he grinned, using his other hand to grab her wrist.

''Hmmh! GRMMH!'' Harley growled angrily. In response to her displeasure David's briefs yanked themselves up and moved right over his head in an atomic wedgie.

''EEEEEP! No fair! MOOOOOOM!'' The blonde screamed in pain, trying to remove the briefs from his head only for a magical force to hold them in place ''I-it hurts!...stoooop!''

''CHILDREN! I WILL turn this car around if you're no....ah!'' Titania was about to lecture the two but was distracted by a strange man in a trench coat jumping straight in front of their car.

''Ah! mom that's....MMMMMMH!'' David tried to warn them only for the trenchcoat to give way for eight long metalic tentacles that sprouted from the man's back, one of them which slammed through the car window and wrapped around David's mouth, pulling the boy out of the car.

''Hey its Doctor Octo Tentacles!'s it going Squidward? Want me to beat you a seMMMMMMMH'' Harley screamed when she got seized just like her little brother, only this time one of the tentacles wrapped themselves around her legs as well.

''David! Harley!'' Titania yelled in shock. A tentacle reached out for her too but with the palm of her hand she wacked it away in a manner akin to striking a particularly annoying fly ''Let them go Octo! They're just kids!''

''Kids! You mean spawns of you and Pharaoh! Those pest Mystic and Ronin! They've foiled me for the last time and so have YOU Titanium girl! I discovered your identity! I attacked you when you're off duty! And I'll now kill you! muhahahaha!''

'' know I am Titanium girl'' Titania asked, exiting her vehicle and marching at the tentacled villain.

''MMMMMH! MOMMH! HLMMMMMMH!' David and Harley both groaned, squirming desperately in the tentacles.

''Sure did! Mwahahaha! I thought of paying your classroom a little visit! Taking your darling student as my hostages! But taking your own flesh and blood hostage works much better! Bwahaha! Look at you all frozen in fright! You know you can't strike me because if you do....''

''NMMMMMMMMMH!'' The children screamed it out. The tentacles started wrapping themselves around so tightly as to cause intense pain.

''.....'' Unlike what the villain said Titania was anything but frozen. Instead she calmly marched at the villain and punched him so hard he flew into the nearby wall. The villain was knocked out cold and the tentacles released their victims.

''Ah!....t-that was bones hurt'' Harley whimpered in pain.

''Ah YES!'' Unlike his sister who seemed quite shaken David cheered ''The first villain of the summer defeated! Its a great start for the summer of super!''

''Oh can you pu-lease shut uuuuup about your summer of stupid!'' Harley snarled at her brother

''Pfff.....make me!'' David glared and snarled straight back of her.

''Oh I will! I'll shut you up so good they'll need to...''

''Children!'' An exasperated Titania shut down any further bickering ''Well....if you are able to fight like this again you are most likely fine. That, at least is good. But this little distraction does mean the three of us are gonna be late for school''

"'I TWO are late for school. I can get there in 20 seconds if I want to'' Harley bragged ''Unlike you two I'm not a slowpoke''

''No super speed when not at work, Harley'' Titania warned her daughter ''We're taking the car as normal people, and we shall be yelled at for getting late like a normal family''

''Oh goody.....'' Harley responded by rolling her eyes.

''Right! First we get yelled at for being late! Then we'll finish our school day'' David grinned ''And the moment we're done with school it will be....''

''Don't say it!'' Harley snapped.

''Darling please don't...'' Titania sighed and started to blush

David grinned, planting his boot on the defeated Octo and struck a pose ''THE SUMMER OF SUPER!''
Last edited by Chris12 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Xtc »

Thanks for the fun, [mention]Chris12[/mention] .
Pleas find some way of gender-tagging it before some miserable git of an admin reminds you to. Thanks.
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Post by harveygasson »

Cool story nice work
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