Stolen (FMM/F)

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Stolen (FMM/F)

Post by angim350 »

Molly sighed heavily as she mopped up the floor of the bathroom, looking forward to when her shift would finally be finished. She stifled a yawn, trying to ignore the ache in her feet from being stood up for six hours straight. Working in a small micro-brewery had been a lot more challenging than what it had promised - a straight forward way of making money before she went off to uni in two months time.

Six hours. It must nearly be one o'clock in the morning by now.

Molly picked up the pace, wiping her long, dark hair out of her eyes. She tried to avoid her reflection in the mirror - no doubt she looked exhausted, dressed in the bar's work clothes of a dark shirt and black jeans that always felt too tight. Ah well. She'd be home soon, hopefully able to get a good's night sleep before she was back in work the next night. Mopping tights up off the floor.


There was no mistaking them. A pair of dark tights, discarded next to the cubical.

"Classy," Molly muttered to herself, grinning slightly. She'd seen many things since she'd started working in the bar - from pervy old men she could feel checking out her bum when she bent over to serve them, making her hate the jeans all the more, to furious arguments between young couples fuelled by bitter beer and overpriced cocktails, to the truly awful toilet habits that some drunken people seemed to maintain - but this really was special.

Trying not to think about why someone would lose their tights, she bent down to pick them up. And noticed that the fire escape, usually closed tight in the corner of the room, was open slightly. And swaying.

A slight feeling of unease ran through her. It was pitch black outside, and her manager was all the way upstairs counting up. What if someone was trying to break in? She was all alone down here, and at 5 ft 7, with a relatively slim build, it wasn't like she'd be much match for a bulky robber.

"Don't be stupid," she said aloud. She was 18 now, and couldn't let her imagination run riot. Trying not to hold her breath, she walked towards the door to close it. And almost jumped out of her skin when the cubical just behind her snapped open.

She turned quickly, finding a young woman standing there, dressed up in going out clothes. She had shoulder length hair, framing a pretty face with dark eyes. Eyes that were looking at Molly fully alert.

"God, you made me jump!" cried Molly. "Are you okay? What are you doing down here?"

The girl suddenly looked nervous.

"Erm, sorry, I erm, got turned around."

Molly surveyed her slightly. Something didn't seem quite right here. After a second, her memory kicked in.

"Oh wait, I remember you! You were at the bar earlier!"

Molly felt herself blush slightly. She'd refused to serve this girl earlier, as she didn't quite think her 18. And, as she'd not produced any form of ID, it looked like she had been right. Molly felt herself backing up slightly. She hoped this girl didn't want to have it out with her over this!

"Well," Molly continued. "Erm sorry, but we're about to close. Come with me. I'll show you the way out."

"Sure, okay."

The girl smiled at Molly, then started to walk past her. As she did so, something dropped out of her hand.

"Hang on," said Molly. "You dropped..."

In that second, she saw what the thing was. It was a small picture. Of her.

The girl realised instantly what had happened. She turned round with a look of horror on her face.

And then everything happened at once.

The open fire door suddenly swung wide inwards, to reveal a tall young man standing there, surveying the scene with wide eyes.

"Brad..." said the girl.

The young man, Brad, leapt into the room, grabbing hold of Molly and pinning her against the wall whilst putting his hand over her mouth. Molly, in a moment of sheer terror, found herself unable to move. She couldn't believe this was happening. It was as though the world had slowed right down, and things just weren't processing.

Slowly, she came back to reality. She could hear the two of them arguing next to her.

"What the hell...!"

"He's going to kill us!"

"What do we do?"

"I dunno."

Molly, heart threatening to beat out of her chest, suddenly began struggling mightily against Brad's grip, squirming and thrashing, desperately trying to cry out from under his hand. At first, he seemed surprised, then tightened his hold on her, panting slightly.

"Christ, she's strong! I don't know how much longer I can hold her!"

Molly continued to thrash about, feeling more and more terrified by the second. Brad was having a hard time of it, but he wasn't ready to let her go yet

"Steph!" said Brad. "Help me hold her!"

"How?" The girl, who was called Steph, looked as scared as Molly felt.

"I dunno! Maybe we should..."


"Tie her up!"

At those words, Molly felt herself start to cry. She tried scratching at Brad's hands, but he grabbed her arm, twisting one wrist behind her back.

This could just not be happening.

"What? What the hell am I supposed to tie her up with?"

Brad looked round quickly.

"Those!" he cried, pointing at the discarded tights.
Steph hesitated slightly, before bending down and picking up the fabric. At this, Molly started to struggle mightily against Brad’s grip, scratching at his hands. He grabbed her wrist and shoved it behind her back. Molly was powerless as Steph started to wrap the tights round it.
“What… what about her other hand?” Steph sounded like she was about to cry.

“Plah!” cried Molly, desperate.
“We need to keep her quiet!” said Brad, sounding equally as upset. “Hold her wrist!”

Molly felt smaller, more delicate hands take hold of her wrist as Brad fished in his pocket, pulling out a small bit of cloth. Without hesitation, he shoved it in her mouth as she gasped for air. Trying not to retch against the bitter taste of the cloth, she was powerless as Brad twisted her other hand behind her.

Molly winced as Steph quickly started wrapping the tights around her other wrist, her fingers shaking.

“Hurry up!” yelled Brad.

“Shut up!” Steph replied. “I’ve never tied anyone up before!”

After a quick minute, Steph straightened up, brushing the hair out of her eyes. Molly quickly tested her bonds. Maybe if Steph hadn’t ever tied somebody up before, she might not be that good at it. Then again, Molly had never been tied up before. She didn’t know what to do. It was like these events were just a really bad dream. One she couldn’t awake from.

Before she could do anything else, she felt herself be quickly lifted up and flung over Brad’s shoulder, lightness being replaced by dark as he moved into the night. All she could see was a mixture of Brad’s back and dark floor, before she heard a car boot open and found herself be slammed into it. The boot snapped shut with a click, leaving only a tiny red light to illuminate the space.

Molly lay there as she felt the car start up, breathing heavily, desperately trying not to have a panic attack. She felt tears spilling from her eyes as she looked up at the ceiling of the boot, despair overwhelming her. Who the hell were these people? Why the hell were they doing this to her?

She swallowed, trying to make herself think. Who they were was not important right now. The only thing that mattered was getting away as quickly as she could. And that meant fighting them.

Molly was not a fighter. She was not an aggressive person at all. If anything, she was overly nice. Her mother always told her that she needed to toughen up – that the world would walk all over her if she let it. But that was her mother, through and through. Always eager to prove she didn’t need anyone.

Molly wondered what her mother was doing right now. She’d give anything for her to be here.


If Molly was going to fight these guys, she needed her hands. And that was proving to be a problem.

Molly rolled over onto her side, wriggling her wrists, trying to find any slack in the tights. The fact that Steph had never done this before gave her hope. But they just were not coming off.

She strained, pulled and twisted, desperately trying to free her hands. Her fact contorted as she struggled and she felt herself beginning to sweat. For at least ten minutes she continued to pathetically wiggle, moaning softly into the makeshift gag that wouldn’t come out of her mouth. Finally, after one more mammoth strain, she relaxed, heart hammering.

It was hopeless. The tights just would not come off, no matter what she did. She was tied up good by discarded clothes! Tied up so she couldn’t escape by a 16 year old who’d never done it before! Truly stuck.
How was that even possible?

Molly felt a feeling of despair deeper than any other she’d felt up to this point. She was utterly helpless. And these kids were going to do… god knows what? Why did they have her picture? What did they want???

She wouldn’t give up.

Her eyes cast around the boot she was confined in, looking for anything sharp that could maybe use to cut herself free. There was nothing. No tools, no sharp edges – just an empty boot. Well, empty except for her!


She pulled some more, half-heartedly trying to see if her fingers could find any knots. One big one was just out of reach – she could feel it brush against hand. Close, but not close enough.

It was then she’d noticed that the car had stopped moving.

Taking a deep breath, tensing every muscle in her arms, every tendon, lending every bit of her strength down to her hands, she gave one final almighty pull, trying as hard as she could to pull at least one wrist free. She gave a straining cry of frustration as she poured all of her might into her hands, gritting her teeth against her gag. She had to get them out. She had to….

Her bindings were just not coming off. She was either going to have to cut them free, or someone was going to have to untie her. In short, she needed help. And who was going to help her now.

She cried softly as she heard soft boots crunch on gravel. And then the boot opened.
Last edited by angim350 6 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Continue pls!
Check out my DeviantArt page!
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Post by TightsBound »

Great first chapter! I’m a big fan of the binding material. Looking forward to more!
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Post by Solarbeast »

[mention]angim350[/mention] yes, that was a very good start to what seems to be a great story. Great detail with the first part, now to continue the story the same way. Glad to have you on this site.
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Post by Tieup1 »

A very good start to this story, lots of detail, and it is easy to read. I hope part two, will soon be posted. :)
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Post by angim350 »

Thanks guys :)

Brad and Steph looked down on Molly, both of them still seeming very unsettled. Molly shrank back into the corner of the boot, struggling against her bonds. She tried to cry out, but her makeshift gag stifled it.

Brad glanced at Steph, then reached forward, aiming to pick Molly up. The indignity of that suddenly sent a shock of anger through her, and she lashed out with her feet, catching him straight on the nose.

Brad shrank back, clutching his face, blood seeping through his fingers. Molly froze, surprised at herself. And worried what was going to happen now.

“God damn it!” said Brad. “Get the tape from my glove compartment.”


Molly desperately started pulling on the tights wrapped unforgivingly around her wrists once again. She tried to sit up, to try and jump out of the boot. Maybe if she could get on her feet, she could see how far she could run, even with tied hands. Brad noticed what she was doing, quickly pushing her back down whilst trying to avoid her kicking legs.


Steph ran to Brad’s side, holding a roll of duct tape. Brad grabbed it, ripping it open, trying to hold Molly’s legs still by the thighs. He quickly wrapped the tape around her ankles, putting to bed any thought of her going anywhere. Molly forced herself to stop kicking, realising it was hopeless. Her breaths were coming too quickly again, and she found herself struggling to breathe.

Brad finished taping her feet then noticed her breathing. He sighed.

“Look. We are miles from anywhere. Nobody’s going to hear you. I’ll take that out, but please don’t scream at me.”

Molly paused, looked at him, then nodded. He reached in, pulling out the horrible cloth. Molly coughed, taking deep breaths. She stared deep into Brad’s eyes, forcing herself to remain calm.

“Please,” she croaked. Her voice sounded soft, as though it wasn’t hers. “W…what do you want with me?”

Brad didn’t answer, looking towards Steph. She seemed like she wanted to look everywhere but at Molly.

“Look,” Molly said, trying to sit up, wincing as it shot pain through her wrists. “What…whatever this is. I’m not going to say anything, okay? Just… just let me go. We’ll put it down to a bad joke.”

Brad and Steph didn’t move. Molly felt her heart race. The silence had to be a good sign, right?

“Let me go,” she said again. “Please, just let me go.”

“Brad,” said Steph. “Maybe we…”


Brad had sounded, and acted, uncertain up to this point. But he didn’t sound uncertain now.

“It’s too late,” he stated, turning to Steph. “It was too late the second you let her see your damn picture. Now, help me carry her.”

“HELP ME!” screamed Molly, thrashing against her bonds. “HELP ME!”

“Brad! Ollie!”

Brad tour an extra strip of tape off the role, putting it over Molly’s mouth. Molly kept on trying to make noise, hoping to attract any form of attention.


Brad quickly bent over the boot, once again shoving Molly over his shoulder. She glimpsed some gravelled ground before she was quickly carried through a doorway, down a dark hallway and up some stairs. Brad panted slightly – he wasn’t that much taller than her, and it looked like he was struggling with the effort of keeping a prisoner.

At the top of the stairs was another doorway, which they both quickly went through. Molly didn’t have much time to survey the room before she was quickly placed into a straight backed, wooden chair. Brad then quickly bent down and picked up what looked like a discarded skipping rope, wrapping it around her torso, tying her to the chair. Molly winced as he tied a knot, feeling the rope around her middle, wondering if she was going to be able to breathe properly.

Brad sat back, surveying his prisoner, seemingly satisfied. He quickly walked around to the back of the chair, and Molly felt his fingers checking the knots on the tights. He seemed quite happy, not making any adjustments, then walked away.

Molly watched as he headed towards the door, vision misting slightly. She forced herself to look Brad dead in the eye, sending him a silent why. At this he paused, and looked sad.

“Look, I’m sorry. Trust me when I tell you that we… I… didn’t want this. Just… don’t do anything silly. I promise you. Nobody is going to hurt you whilst I’m here.”

He smiled slightly, sadly, then closed the door.

Molly spent the next twenty minutes struggling mightily against her bonds, chair scratching on the floor, desperately trying to free her hands, her feet, or get her body out of the chair. Nothing was shifting at all. She moaned softly, pulling and squirming, not daring to hope that this was all a bad dream. That she would wake up soon and this would all be something she could forget.

But it wasn’t a dream. This was reality.

After a while, she stopped struggling, flicking her sweat soaked hair out of her eyes. As with the boot, she couldn’t escape her bonds on her own. But maybe there was something in this room that could help.

She tried to gage her surroundings, eyes piercing through the darkness. It looked like she was in a small bedroom, with a bed in the far corner, a little chest of drawers and mirror in the other, next to a small window. Her chair was directly facing the door. It looked like it had been placed here deliberately. Probably for this reason.

She tried to keep her wrists still, wincing slightly at how sore they felt. They’d been tied tightly together for a good hour by now, and she was worried she might do them some serious damage if she kept up her struggles. Sweat poured into her eyes as she realised just how warm she’d made herself. Her legs would no doubt be dripping sweat. Not for the first time did she wish the bar had just let her wear a skirt, and not these god awful jeans.

She slumped forward in her chair, not noticing that the door had just opened slightly. Lifting her head up, she noticed a small figure standing in the doorway, light framed around him. As her vision swam into focus, she noticed it was a small boy in pyjamas. She guessed he was no older than six.

For a second, the two of them looked at each other. Then Molly made a soft noise, beckoning him over. She had no idea who this kid was, or why he was here. But maybe he could help her.

The kid hesitated slightly, then slowly approached her.

“Hmph” Molly tried to say through her gag. The kid paused slightly, looking confused, then reached out, grabbed the tape and slowly peeled it off her face.

Molly bit her tongue, trying not to make too much noise. The other two could be nearby, and she had to act quickly.

“Hello,” she whispered. “What’s your name?”

The boy looked at her, then smiled.

“Are you playing cops and robbers or something?”


Molly looked down at herself, clearly tied to the chair.

“Yeah, yeah I am!” She forced herself to smile. “They’ve caught me! But look. If you help me out, urm, you can join in next time if you want!”

“Help you out? Isn’t that cheating?”

The boy smiled again. Molly forced herself to remain calm, straining slightly against her bonds.

“No, it’s part of the game. If someone finds me and lets me out, they get to be the captain!”

“Captain?” the boy sounded intrigued. In a small part of her mind, Molly hated herself for lying to him. But she couldn’t think about that. She had to do what she had to do to get out of this chair.

“Yeah, captain! But, you gotta help me out first.”

The boy nodded, putting the spare tape on the floor.

“How do I help you?”

“Erm, can you see my hands?” Molly moved her wrists around slightly, trying to make them visible. She winced as this made her bonds feel all the tighter. “You see them?”

The boy bent down to look at them, seeing her hands curled into fists as she strained against them despite herself.
“Can you untie them for me?”

He reached out to feel the knots, examining the bindings.

“You sure I get to be captain?” He looked at her with a dark stare, strangely like Steph’s. Molly forced herself to remain calm.

“Yes, yes you do! Just, please, untie me.”

The boy started to pick at the knots, Molly staring at the slightly open door, hardly daring to breathe. Any second now the other two could walk in and catch them. This needed to speed up.

“You okay down there?” she whispered.

“These are tight!” said the boy. “I can’t do it!”

“What? No!” Molly strained some more as the boy stood back up. He looked upset.

“Do.. do I still get to be captain?”

Molly took a deep breath.

“Yes.. yes you do. But please… please try again. I need to get out of this chair. Please!”

She was losing him. He was backing away, looking more and more upset.

Molly squirmed in her chair. Her one help was getting away.

“No, no wait! Look, I didn’t mean to get mad. What’s your name? What…?”


This was a new voice. An older, man’s voice, from downstairs. Molly and the boy looked at each other as they both heard a door slam. Then the boy began to run away.

“No! Please, please help me! Don’t leave me in here!”

Too late. The boy was gone and someone was marching up the stairs. Molly desperately tried to get out her bonds again, failing miserably.

And then the door opened wide once more.
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Post by Solarbeast »

[mention]angim350[/mention] this story is so great because of how much detail you have put into it. I can’t wait for the next phase of the story.
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Post by Tieup1 »

Another good chapter, well done. :)
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Post by angim350 »

A man stood in the doorway, staring at Molly, a vague expression on his face. He was very tall, with muscled, tattooed arms and a balding head. He looked like he was dressed in construction gear, with a bright green reflective jacket and dark work boots. Molly returned his gaze, not really knowing what to say.

“Have they hurt you?”

His voice was deep – and yet strangely familiar. It was also calm, almost like he was trying to be kind to her. Molly felt a tiny bit of hope blossom in her stomach.

“N…no. I don’t think so. My hands are…”

“Your hands?”

Molly turned in her chair, showing her bound hands. He closed his eyes at the sight, as though he didn’t want to look at it.

“Please,” said Molly, swallowing. “Will you help me?”

The man opened his eyes, a sad expression coming on his face.

“It wasn’t supposed to be like this,” he replied. “They acted far too soon.”

He started to walk into the room as Molly grasped the implications of what he was saying. This man, whoever he was, was in on this. Whatever the hell this was.

“I need you to sit still and keep quiet until morning,” said the man, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small pink bandana. “I’m sorry I need to keep you tied up like this, but I can’t risk you running off before we’ve had a chance to talk. And, if I’m honest, that’s not a conversation I can face having right now.”

“What? No… please!!”

Molly wanted to scream. To cry out as loud as she possibly could whilst she still was able to. But there was something about the calm, quietness of this man that unnerved her. And there was his voice. That slightly familiar voice.

The man bent over and wrapped the bandana around her head, the material going to her mouth to stifle any sound. She winced slightly as he tied off the knot behind her head, before he bent over to double check the tights around her wrists and the rope around her waist. Satisfied, he straightened up and quickly exited the room, closing the door tight behind her. Molly could have sworn she heard him sniff as he went.

It was deadly silent after that. Molly could have heard a pin drop in that little room that had become her prison. She had given up trying to free herself, just occasionally making a few involuntary wiggles every now and then. She was beyond scared, yet there was nothing she could do. Except sit in that chair. And wait upon the hospitality of her hosts.

It was funny. If she wasn’t so scared, she’d probably be really bored.

She tried to force her mind to go elsewhere than her inescapable prison. She thought about her mum, who was away for the week and wouldn’t be home to miss her. She thought of her friends, who had gone out that night. Hell, Molly was supposed to have joined them, before she agreed to do another shift. She was supposed to be out in the world. Free to enjoy herself, like other 18 year olds.

Yet here she was, tied to this chair.

She couldn’t help struggling a little bit more, knowing it was hopeless, knowing Steph’s amateur bonds had done more than their job. Tears dripped from her eyes. Her body was having a hard time getting used to being bound up for so long, being so used to being free to do what it wanted for her first 18 years. This wasn’t right. It didn’t feel right. She wasn’t supposed to be here.

She wanted to go home.

She had no idea how long she sat there, unable to move or even scratch her nose. At the back of her mind, she realised she was starting to really need the toilet, and then felt even more horrid at the thought of having to do anything like that here. Eventually, she let that thought melt away as well, doing her best to keep herself sane. At some point, they would have to let her out of this chair. And when they did, she was going to have to be ready.

The hours wore on, the darkness slowly turning to light. Molly wasn’t sure how long she sat there, and she think she even fell asleep once or twice. Not that the chair was comfortable, far from it. If anything, she felt her hands were going cold, which she was sure wasn’t a good sign.

Finally, finally, after what seemed like forever, the door opened again.

Steph stood there, dressed in some pink pyjamas. Out of her evening wear, and with her hair down like that, she looked really young indeed. She was carrying a small tray, containing toast and a bottle of water. Molly felt her heart leap. She was bringing her food!

It was then she realised how hungry she was. She’d not eaten since before her shift, what felt like a million years ago. Maybe this also meant that she was getting her hands untied.

Molly shifted slightly in her excitement, which made Steph look uncertain. She backed away slightly. Molly tried to tell her not to go, making a little noise.


Steph paused, then walked up to her, putting the food down on the floor. She walked round the chair, taking another look at Molly’s wrist bindings. She seemed satisfied. Lifting her hands up, she untied the knot at the back of Molly’s head, then removed her gag.

Molly moved her mouth up and down, trying to loosen it and get rid of the ache.

“Thankyou,” she croaked. Steph nodded, bending down to pick up the water. She opened it up and offered it to Molly, who drunk deeply. She coughed slightly and Steph moved the water away quickly.

“Are you okay?”

Molly looked at her captor, forcing herself not to laugh. Was that some kind of joke? She swallowed slightly, then nodded.

“Would you like some food?”

Steph bent down, picking up a slice of toast. At this, Molly strained slightly against her bonds.

“Wait. Are you going… to feed me that?”

Steph looked confused.

“Sorry, I thought you might be hungry. I can…”

“No, no. I mean, I’m hungry. But, I mean…”

“Oh, you thought.”

“Look,” Molly forced herself to remain calm. “Please can you let me out of this? Just for a little bit.”

Steph stood up straight, looking down on her.

“Please,” Molly said again. “It hurts. At least let me feed myself, damn it!”

“I’m sorry,” Steph replied, looking like she was fighting back tears. “I can’t…”

Molly, despite herself, found herself feeling angry.

“Look at me,” she said softly. Steph complied.

“I’ve been tied up in here, like some sort of animal, all night. I’ve been stuck in the same clothes all night. I’m tired, I’m dirty and I need to just, just… just be a normal girl. So please. Just let me be normal for five minutes.”

“I want to,” said Steph, moving over to the bed and perching down. “But I can’t, okay. I just… can’t.”

“Well, you didn’t have a problem last night!” replied Molly angrily, pulling against her bonds. “Where the hell did you learn to tie someone up this good, anyway?”

“I didn’t. I’ve never done that before. I just did what I thought was good. I’m usually good at things… when I need to be.”

Molly slumped in her chair. She was never getting out of this!

“You must really hate me.”

Steph was actually crying now. “I’m not a bad person you know. Neither is Brad. We were only doing what we were told to do.”

“I’m sorry,” replied Molly, her anger just refusing to leave her. “But grabbing someone in the middle of the night and leaving them tied up like this isn’t exactly nice!”

“I… I know.”

She was really sobbing now, shaking softly. If anything, it was a cry of fear, as much as sadness. Molly felt herself finally calming down.

“Look,” Molly sighed. “I’m sure you are a nice girl. And, whatever the reason you’ve done this, I’m sure you didn’t mean to… cause too much trouble or anything. But this is wrong, okay? This is wrong. You know that.”

Steph didn’t reply, but she was listening.

“I know you’re scared,” Molly said. “But you can stop this now before it gets out of hand. Just… let me out of this chair.”

Steph stood up quickly, wringing her hands nervously.

“What will happen?” she whispered. “To us?”

“I… I don’t know, okay! I don’t even know why this is happening!”

Steph wasn’t moving.

“I promise,” said Molly. “Just untie me and I’ll just go, okay. I won’t say anything about you. About Brad or, or Ollie…”

It was as soon as she said the name Ollie she realised she’d gone too far. Steph backed up, looking shocked.

“You’ve… you’ve met Ollie?”

Molly nodded.

“He came in here last night. I think he wanted to help me.”

Steph looked behind her, at the open door.

“I… I can’t let you go, okay. Not until we’ve figured this out.”

Molly bent her head down, tears coming unbidden to her eyes.

“I want to go home,” she whispered, sobbing quietly. “I just want to go home.”

“Look,” said Steph, sitting down again. “Is there anything else I can do for you? Do you want your toast?”

“I…” Molly looked up, embarrassed to ask what she knew she had to. “I need to go the bathroom.”

Steph sighed.

“Look, I can’t let you out of the chair okay. Please stop asking me…”

“I’m not trying…” Molly felt herself going red. “I do actually need to go. It’s been hours since I last went.”

Steph looked at her, then nodded.

“Wait there.”

She quickly ran out of the room, leaving the toast to go cold on the floor. Molly absently tested her bonds, if anything for something else to do. About five minutes later, she returned with Brad.

The young man looked a little worse for wear. He was hunched over slightly, with a black eye. And his nose was red and blotchy. Her handiwork. The eye however….

“Erm, hello,” said Brad, coming into the room. “Are you okay?”

She really wished they would stop asking her that.

“Yeah,” she replied. “I’m fine.”

“Good. Look, there’s a bathroom down the corridor. I’m going to carry you there and let you wash up. Please don’t try anything, or we will have to leave you here.”

Molly nodded, hardly daring to believe it. Were they actually going to finally let her out of these bindings?

Brad quickly undid the rope around her middle. She took a deep breath, shaking her torso slightly. Brad bent over and quickly picked her up again, like last night. He staggered slightly under her weight, then moved towards the door.

The landing was long and narrow, sparsely decorated with some white wallpaper. There were no pictures, nor anything else that might have highlighted who these people were.

Brad paused behind a door, putting her down on the floor, leaning her against a wall. He then bent down and quickly cut the tape on her ankles. Molly could scarcely believe that she could move them again, kicking them out to get the blood flowing.

Brad opened the door to a small bathroom, beckoning her inside. Molly paused.

“What… what about my hands.”

She motioned to her wrists behind her, still tied together cruelly from last night. Brad looked at her, straight in the eye.

“Please don’t try anything,” he said. Then he turned her around, took hold of the tights, and finally released her wrists.

The relief was unbelievable. Molly sighed slightly, slowly bringing her aching hands before her, relishing in her freedom. She flexed her fingers slightly, massaging her wrists. There were red lines around both of them where she’d tried to free herself, and then felt very tender. But she was free. Finally, free.

Brad was tensed, waiting for her to do anything. But she didn’t have the strength to fight now. She needed time to think. To come up with something. Still rubbing her hands, she went into the bathroom and shut the door behind her.

It was a small affair, with a sink, toilet and bathroom. There were no windows, or any way of escaping. All she could do was what she needed to right then.

Trying not to think about the audience she had outside, she slowly undressed, wincing at the aches her binds had left her. She quickly used the toilet, before stepping under the warm shower. It felt amazing. She revelled in her freedom, in the warm water washing over her, letting her feel like a normal person for a small time.

Then she started crying once again. Crying for what was happening to her. Crying for the uncertainty of what wait for her outside that room. Wondering what the hell was going to happen next.
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Post by Tieup1 »

Another great chapter, good work. :)
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Post by Solarbeast »

Another great chapter and at a good pace as well. Can’t wait for the next update.
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Post by angim350 »

She sat and let the warm water wash over her, knees in her hands, still sobbing quietly. She knew that she’d been in there long enough, that she’d have to come out eventually, but she didn’t want to leave. To come out of that room would be to submit herself back to these people. To probably end up being tied up again. And she didn’t want to give up her freedom just yet.

She looked at her hands through the water, flexing them in front of her eyes. They looked different to her now – like their inescapable confinement had changed them, and her. She had never been tied up before, and she hadn’t liked it. At all. It was not at all like she’d have pictured it, when she’d seen it in films. She always thought that she’d be able to escape if it ever happened to her. And she’d been defeated. Defeated by a girl two years younger than her.

The water was starting to get less hot. She’d have to come out soon. And then what? How long was she going to be a prisoner here? How long was she going to be left tied up again? Was her stolen moments in this bathroom all that she was going to have for privacy? She had never had a boyfriend, never felt comfortable enough to be around someone all of the time. And now she was forced to share her personal space. Her body would eventually need to do private things. Was she to be subject to an audience now, for ever?

No. She was going to find a way to escape.

She stood up, turning the water off, and stepped out of the shower. A small towel had been left on the floor of the bathroom, which she quickly wrapped around herself. Her hair was soaking wet, dripping water down her face in rivets. Looking at the sink, she noticed a small bobble had been left for her. Probably by Steph. A little act of kindness.

As she tied her hair back, Molly glanced at herself in the mirror. Her face looked pale and drawn, but it was still recognisably her. She saw her little freckles on her cheeks, the small red spot that had developed over her right eye (and freaked her out the night before). Whatever she was going through, she was not going to lose herself.

“I’m going to get out of this,” she said to her reflection.

Unfortunately, there was no change of clothes for her, so she reluctantly slipped back on her work gear. The jeans were as uncomfortable as ever, made worse by the fact that she really didn’t want to be wearing them. Finally, she felt ready to go back out there. And face whatever was waiting for her.

She opened the door to find Brad leaning against the wall, patiently waiting for her. He hadn’t moved, or said anything, the entire time she was in there. Yet another kind act.

Then she noticed he was holding two things. A black scarf in one hand. And a coil of rope in the other.

“No,” she said, moving back, control leaving her. “Please don’t do that to me again.”

“I’m sorry,” said Brad.

“Stop saying that to me! Why are you doing this? Why are you doing this to me? I haven’t done anything to you. I… hell, I’ve never done anything to anyone!”


“I want to go home. Please, Brad, I just… tell me what you want with me! Just tell me what you want!”

“We’re going to!” replied Brad. “My dad is waiting downstairs to tell you everything you want to know. But he’s nervous. He needs you to not try to run away. And Molly, listen to me. You don’t want to upset him.”

There was a touch of fear in his voice.

“Your dad?”

“Just… let me tie you. I promise I won’t do it too tight. Listen to what he has to say. Then… I guess it’s up to you.”

“What if I promise not to try to run?”

Brad sighed.

“I can’t trust you. Not yet. And if you got away… it’ll be me who suffers. Steph who suffers. Little Ollie.”

He swallowed.

“Look, you seem like a nice girl, and I’m sorry I’ve done this to you. I truly am. And I’ll try to take care of you. But I’m going to put them first. And right now, that means doing what dad says.”

Molly hesitated, then realised it was no good to argue. Last night had already proven she was no match for Brad. She nodded, moved forward and held her hands out in front of her.

“Erm, sorry. Behind please.”

Molly sighed, then turned around, placing her wrists behind her. He quickly wrapped the rope around her wrists, obviously trying to be gentle but firm. Molly felt each knot as he tied it, trying not to make too much noise.

“Ow,” she whispered.


“You never said,” she uttered, turning round to look at him. “How do you know my name? I never told it you. I never got the chance.” She stifled a laugh.

“My dad will tell you everything.”

“Okay. Look, there is something else you can do for me.”

“Go on.”

“Can you get me a change of clothes? I feel like I kind of stink in these.”

Molly actually grinned, despite herself. Brad looked her up and down and returned her smile.

“Those jeans are bloody tight. I’ll find you something.”

He reached forward with the scarf, quickly tying it around her eyes, blotting out her sight. Molly could do nothing as she felt him steer her carefully down the stairs then along another corridor. She was sat down in a chair like the one upstairs, rope wrapping her legs to the chair so she couldn’t move. Finally, the scarf was removed, and Molly took a look at her surroundings.

She was in a small kitchen, sat at a table. The man from last night was sat across from her. He looked nervous, fidgeting slightly. A door closed behind her, and Molly knew that Brad had left the room. The thought did not fill her with confidence.

The man didn’t say anything. It was like he didn’t know what to say. Absently, Molly tested her new bindings, finding them to be just as tight as before. She sighed.

“Are you okay?”

This family loved to ask her that. She felt the need to laugh again, then suppressed it. There was something about this man that scared her deeply. Especially being helpless as she was.


“No you’re not.” He looked away. “I’m sorry about all this. It was my intention for this to be better. I was going to set up the cellar for you. It’s not fair for you to be tied up all the time.”

The cellar?

“Sorry, I’m doing this all wrong. This wasn’t supposed to be a kidnapping. Well, it was, but not like this. I never wanted to see you hurt. It’s the last thing I want.”

Molly couldn’t find the words to say to him. She simply sat there, watching.

“Look at you,” he stood up, moving closer to her. She flinched slightly, unable to move. “That frown, that look. I knew it as soon as I saw your picture. I’d seen others, of course, but it’s been so long. And I was never allowed to contact you. Never allowed to know you. And you’re, I mean, you’re a woman now!”

Molly felt her heart starting to beat very fast. Was this man truly saying what she thought…?

“I want to know so much. What do you want to study? What are you friends like? What do you like to do? Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? I mean, I just don’t know anything!”

His voice started to get angry.

“She never let me know you. She kept me away. You never knew all this time that you had another family. And there you were. About to go off to University at the other end of the country. I couldn’t let you go without telling you. And I couldn’t get near you without…”

“What are you saying to me?” whispered Molly.

The man looked surprised.

“I’m telling you I’m your dad.”

She’d expected the words, but it didn’t make sense to her. None of this did.

“No,” she replied. “You’re not.”

“Yes, I am. Look, I don’t know what your mum told me about you…”

“She told me that I had a dad. A drunk who beat her, and me. A man who she got rid of years ago.”

Molly held her breath. Her anger had gotten the better of her, but this man had touched a nerve. He didn’t look happy now. At all.

“She lied to you,” he said, walking to the other end of the room. Molly took the opportunity to test the rope around her wrists. If she could just get one hand free…

“You didn’t understand me,” replied Molly. “I didn’t say that you weren’t the guy who could be my father. I’m saying that you couldn’t be.”

“No, I assure you. I…”

Molly jerked angrily in her chair, her ropes pulling tight.

“No dad does this to his daughter. What man could do this to someone he cared for? Look at me. Why are you doing this?”

“It was the only way I could see you.”

“What? You don’t think you could have called me. Arranged to meet up for a coffee? What the hell is this? Why have you…?”

The man slammed his hands down on the table, and Molly shut up instantly.

“OK. You want to know more. I’m telling you that I couldn’t approach you. And now there’s no time left. I couldn’t wait for you to talk to her. For her to tell you to stay away. I had to know you properly. I planned for you to spend some time with me. It was going well, until Steph didn’t do what I asked her to do and let you see that bloody picture!”

Molly took a deep breath. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. It seemed too far fetched. Too silly. Was this man truly the dad she’d been told was never coming back as long as she could remember? Were the kids who’d done this to her – her siblings? This didn’t seem real.

“Okay,” she said to him, trying to look him in the eye. It was hard. “I understand. But please. You don’t need to talk to me in this way. If you want to get to know me, I… I will let you. But you need to let me go.”

She squirmed again in her bonds.

“I promise, I won’t tell anyone. I swear. But I… I just want to go home, okay? Please!”

She felt tears enter her eyes again.

“It’s too late,” the man replied, shaking his head. “I haven’t told you everything yet.”

“What… what do you mean?”

“The reason why I couldn’t wait. Why I couldn’t let you not see me. I’m leaving the country. Well, we are. We are running, actually. And you. You’re going to come with us.”
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Post by Tieup1 »

Great chapter, this story is really interesting.
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Post by angim350 »

“Going to come with you?”

Molly repeated the words, confused.

“What do you mean?”

“We need to leave. And I wasn’t going without losing you again. I’d hoped that you would choose to come of your own accord. But I don’t think that’s happening now, do you?”

“You… you want to take me somewhere? Where? What…?”

“I promise you,” he said, sitting across from her. “You’ll come to see this family as your own. Just give it time.”
“You… you can’t,” whispered Molly. “You can’t just… take me. I have a life. A future. I…”

“You can build all that again from Ireland, I promise you.”


Molly suddenly felt terrified. This was madness, yet to this man, it was real. She could see it in his eyes. It was 100% real.

“HELP ME!” she found herself screaming, thrashing against her bonds. “HELP ME!”

“Shut up!” he spat. “Be quiet!”

But Molly couldn’t be quiet. Her resolve finally left her. She started screaming at the top of her lungs, desperately hoping someone was nearby. The man got more and more agitated, then ran over to the chair, raising his hand to strike her.

“What the hell is going on in here?”

The new voice came from Steph, who was running into the room. She positioned herself between the man and Molly, him towering over her.

“Dad, calm down. Please!”

The man was red with anger. He snarled, shoving Steph out of the way. She fell hard on the floor, the side of her head colliding with the table. Molly stopped making noise, gazing down at Steph.

“Is she okay?”

The man paused, looking down at his daughter. Molly squirmed in her chair.

“Steph! Are you okay?”

Steph stirred, rising slightly. She seemed unsteady as she rolled onto her knees, blood on a cut just above her eye. She put her hands to it, shaking slightly.

Molly struggled against her ropes.

“Help her, damn it! Steph, can you speak to me?”

“Y…yeah,” she said. “I’m okay.”

“Let me out of this!” cried Molly, frustrated. “She needs help!”

“No. I’m fine. Honestly, Dad, I’m fine. Was an… accident.”

The man looked down at his two daughters, an empty expression on his face. He made no move to help either of them.

“Brad!” he called. “Get down here now.”

Brad rushed into the room a second later. At the sight of Steph, he knelt down beside her, but she pushed him away.

“Take this girl upstairs and tie her tight. Then come with me. We are heading out.”

“What the hell happened down here?” demanded Brad, rising to his feet.

The man rushed forward, grabbed Brad and pinned him against the wall. Molly gritted her teeth, desperately trying to get her hands free. Was it her imagination, or were these bindings not as tight? Either way, she was still stuck.

“Don’t you take that tone with me, boy,” he whispered. “Do as I say.”

Brad glanced at Steph, the nodded.

He walked straight over to Molly, grabbed the scarf off the table and wrapped it around her eyes again.

“Wait…” Molly tried to say, but he was already untying her from the chair, quickly throwing her over his shoulder and moving back upstairs again.

“Brad,” Molly said. “Listen to me. Please!”

Brad didn’t want to hear it.

Molly felt them stop, as though Brad was debating what to do. Finally, she felt herself being laid down on a bed, before the blindfold was removed from her eyes.

Brad was sat on the edge of the bed, head in his hands.


He lifted up his head, sighing, then picked up some more rope from the floor.

“I thought you’d be more comfortable on the bed for a bit,” he said. He started to wrap the rope around her feet, Molly wincing as it cut into the bare skin just above her feet. She didn’t move or fight him. Right then, she didn’t know what to do.

However, she started to feel a bit uneasy when Brad rolled her onto her back, connecting the rope from her feet to the rope on her hands. It seriously constricted her movement, which she assumed was the point.

“Why… why are you doing it like this to me?”

Brad said nothing, finishing tying the notes. Molly stretched out as much she could. Her legs could not fully stretch no matter what she did.

“I won’t be long,” said Brad, standing up, work finished. “I’ll bring you a change of clothes.”

Molly spent the next half an hour struggling against her bonds on the bed, trying to find any slack that she could. As usual with this family, there was no slack, no escape. She cast her eyes around the room, seeing if there was anything she could use to cut herself free, but there was nothing. She could just about stretch her legs out, but it seriously tightened the ropes on her wrists. She was utterly stuck.

Her body started to make involuntary tremors, and she forced herself to calm down. This whole situation was just utter madness.

She remembered being five, asking her mother why she didn’t have a dad, and her friends did. She remembered her mother getting angry, telling her to stop asking. That they were better off without him and that she should just move on. This hadn’t really changed as she’d gotten older. Her mother just seemed to get all the colder whenever she thought about him. Then, one day, on Molly’s 16th birthday, no less, she had admitted something to her.

“He used to beat me. And you. He was going to really hurt us if I let him stay. So I got rid of him. Stop asking me!”
Those words had done their job. Molly had gone to sixth form, studied for her A Levels, and not really thought about her dad. She’d made plans for her future, eager to start her new, adult life.

Then this had happened.

Her new, adult life.

This man may be her father. These people may be her siblings. But they damn sure were not going to take that away from her.

Molly cast her eyes around the room, trying to avoid looking at the chair that had been her prison last night. There had to be something…. There! The corners of the desk looked relatively sharp. It would take a while, but maybe she could use it to work the ropes off. She just needed to get there.

Molly gritted her teeth, pulling herself into a sitting position. She could just about do it, despite the rope pulling on her hands and feet. Carefully, she placed her feet on the floor, braced herself, and slowly stood up.

The rope constricted, pulling hard on her wrists. The shock was overwhelming. Before she could do anything, she felt herself toppling over. She hit the ground on her side hard, crying out.

“What are you doing?”

Molly looked up to see Steph in the doorway, the wound on her head still bleeding. She was holding a tray, with a bottle of water and a butty on it. Once again, a small act of kindness.


“You really need to stop you know.” Steph bent down, helping Molly into a sitting position, leaning her against the bed. She’d jarred her shoulder on the fall, and bit back tears.

“You’re going to hurt yourself.”

“Then untie me,” replied Molly, her heart not really in it.

Steph sighed, picking up the water.

“Here,” she said. Molly opened her mouth and accepted the liquid, drinking deeply. She knew she probably shouldn’t drink it too fast, but she didn’t care. She just sat still as Steph then started to feed her the sandwich, her body gratefully accepting it. It was halfway through the second one when she noticed that a bruise was developing under Steph’s cut.

“Does he do that often?” asked Molly.

“No, I mean…”

“I can see it,” said Molly, shifting slightly to try and get more comfortable in her bonds. “You’re terrified of him. You and Brad.”

Steph looked at the floor.

“Brad gets it the worse.”

“Why don’t you leave?”

Molly looked this girl in the eye. Her sister, apparently.

“We… we can’t. They’d take Ollie from us. I’d be put in some sort of home. Brad he… he has some problems of his own. They’d never let him have us. It’s the only way we can stay together.”

“What, by staying with a man who makes you kidnap people? Why did you do it, Steph? Why are you doing this to me? I can see you’re a good person. Please, just tell me.”

Steph winced again at her wound.

“I just wanted to see you. So I came to your bar, just to see you. Dad hadn’t shut up about you for months. I knew what he was going to try… to try to take you. I wanted to warn you. But then you saw your picture and I… we… panicked. We couldn’t risk you going to the police.”

She winced again.

“Look,” said Molly. “You need someone to look at that. It needs cleaning. It might need stiches. I… let me look at it.”

Steph suddenly looked awkward.

“Why do you keep doing this? Trying to get me to let you go? Have I not just told you…?”

“I’m not!” Molly took deep breaths. “I’m not, okay. Look, I’m scared. I’m tired, humiliated and scared More than I’ve ever been in my life. But right now, you need help. It’s kind of my thing, helping people. Or it will be… if I get to Uni.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m going to be a doctor. Or train to be one. I’ve studied some stuff already. Online.”

Steph looked impressed.


Molly nodded.

“Let me take a look at that for you. I promise I won’t try to run, okay.”


“Christ, tie my hands in front if you want. I’ll let you. But seriously, you need someone to look at that.”

Steph hesitated a bit more, then nodded.

“Wait here,” she said. “There’s a first aid kit downstairs.”

“I can’t exactly go anywhere,” replied Molly.

Steph quickly left the room, leaving Molly to sit and muse. This could be her chance to escape, if she played it properly. If this girl finally let her out, she was pretty sure she’d be able to overpower her. Then she could run out of this house as fast as she could and get help. All Steph needed to do was untie her.

And yet.

She couldn’t get the image out of her head of Steph standing in front of her dad to protect her, or the fear in her eyes when she talked about him. She also couldn’t help but think about her chosen career. That she would soon have a duty to help people, regardless of her personal thoughts. And that cut on Steph’s head needed looking at.
Steph returned carrying a small box, quickly placing it down on the floor. She then approached Molly hesitantly.

Molly leaned over, offering her hands to Steph, wincing as the ropes constricted again. Steph reached behind and started fiddling with knots, saying nothing. A minute later, she straightened up. Molly tried to move her hands, but found they were still tied tightly.

“Wait, why…?”

“I’m sorry,” said Steph. She was holding the rope that used to connect Molly’s feet to her hands, still tied to her feet. She stretched it out and loped it around the wooden board at the end of the bed, tying Molly’s feat to it.

“You’re really not taking any chances, are you?” sighed Molly, heart sinking.

“I just can’t…”

“It’s okay. I understand.”

Steph smiled, then leaned over again, releasing her sister’s hands.

Molly quickly brought them before her eyes, massaging them and sighing slightly.

“Does it hurt?”

“Being tied up for hours on end. Yeah, it really does.”

Steph started to look awkward.

“You said I could tie them in front of you,” she said.

Molly considered this for a moment. This was probably her chance. Even with her feet tied to the bed, she could try to get herself free, over power Steph, and escape. Steph seemed to realise this, because she grabbed the rope, suddenly trying to grab at Molly’s wrists.

“It’s okay,” sighed Molly. “Do what you need to do. I’m not going to run.”

Steph nodded, wrapping the rope around her wrists quickly and tying it off. It didn’t seem overly tight, but when Molly tried to move her hands, she felt the cord constrict. She knew it wouldn’t be easy to get this off.

Now trussed up, Molly opened the box that Steph had brought up, finding a damn cloth had already been put in there. Lifting her tied hands up, she began gently dabbing at the wound, hoping the videos she’d watched would be enough for her to do this right.

“You have a… gentle touch,” said Steph.

“Kind of need to have, if you want to be a doctor.”

The task was hard with bound hands. Molly cleaned the wound as best she could, trying to ensure she wasn’t making it worse. She didn’t think Steph would need stiches, but she would be sore for several days.

“Has he hurt you before?” Molly tried to keep her voice steady.

“No,” Steph’s response didn’t sound sincere. “He just… gets mad sometimes.”

“I… ouch!” Molly had over pulled too hard on her wrist bindings. She backed them away from Steph slightly, trying to move them around to keep the blood flowing.

“This is ridiculous!”

“Yeah, I know.”

Molly picked up some plaster strips from the box, laboriously applying them over the cut.

“You’re really good as this, you know,” said Steph. “When did you realise you wanted to be a doctor?”

“All my life,” replied Molly, truthfully. “It’s all I’ve ever wanted… wanted to do.”

It came over her like a wave. All the fear, upset and sadness she’d been feeling over the last few days hit her. She started crying, shaking uncontrollably, tears spilling from her eyes despite her best efforts to stop. She dropped the plasters, burying her head in her bound hands.

Distinctly, she heard Steph saying something to her in the distance, but she couldn’t hear her. She didn’t know how long this went on, but eventually, she felt herself calming down. She took deep breaths, wiping her eyes with her trussed up hands.

She looked up at her sister, red faced and blotchy. Steph was staring at her as though she was some sort of strange creature.

“I’m… I’m sorry,” said Molly. “I just kind of… lost it there.”

Steph felt at her wound, looked at the door, then bent down, taking Molly’s bound hands in hers.

“Sod it. You’re decent, and lovely, and beautiful and deserve better than this. Than this mixed up family. I’m sorry I ever dragged you into it.”

“What are you…?”

Steph was fiddling with the knots around Molly’s wrists. Loosening them.

“I’m letting you go.”


“I can’t make you promise not to tell anyone. It’s not fair to ask it. But I’m not keeping you here anymore. You’re a person. My sister. And I’m not doing this.”

Molly could scarcely believe what she was hearing. Was this nightmare finally about to end? Was she finally going to get to go home?

It was then they both heard the front door slam open.
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Post by Tieup1 »

Another great chapter, this really is a good read. 8-)

Don't know what will happen next, but I'm rooting for Molly.
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Post by angim350 »

Sorry about the delayed response guys! Been working on the next part in Molly's story for a while, but things kept on getting in the way! Thanks for all the good responses though :D

Molly and Steph looked at each for a split second. Steph froze in untying her. Molly swallowed.


Her sister said nothing, looking at the door and back again.

“Steph, please… you said you were going to let me go.”

Molly knew she was begging, but she couldn’t help it. The thought of finally getting out of here, of going home, had overwhelmed her. And it looked like it was going to be taken away again.

“Listen,” hissed Steph. “I can’t let you go now. He’ll catch you and we’ll both suffer.”

“Steph, please, I don’t know what he’s going to do…”

Molly felt the tears coming back. Steph seemed to realise this, because a second later she started untying her again.

“Just promise me you’ll help us. I know I shouldn’t ask it, but…”

Both girls suddenly froze again. Hard footsteps were marching up the stairs. Right towards them.

“Untie me now!” whispered Molly.

But it was too late. Their father was already standing in the doorway, looking at them both, a furious expression on his face.

“What… how?”

He advanced on them both. Molly found herself unable to breathe.

“You need to go to your room now, Steph.” The man closed his eyes, as though trying to contain himself. Molly glanced at her sister. She was milk white.

“Go,” she said. “He’ll hurt you if you don’t.”

Steph paused, then nodded. She quickly ran past her dad, not saying a word. The man remained fixed in place, staring down at his tied up long lost daughter.

“Was she hurt bad?” he pointed slightly to the left over first aid kit, still on the floor.

“She… yes, she was. But it could have been worse.”

The man sighed, then sat on the bed, placing his head in his hands. Molly took the opportunity to pull on her bindings. They felt a bit looser, but they still weren’t coming off. She still needed some help.

“What trouble are you in?” the words came out before she could stop herself. “What is so bad that you have felt the need to do this? To me? To… your daughter?”

“You’re my daughter too,” he looked up at her.

“Then… let me go.”

Molly took a deep breath.

“I won’t tell anyone, I promise. I will go home and forget this. You can sort out whatever trouble you have.”

“Really not enjoyed meeting your siblings, have you?”

“Enjoyed? Are you kidding me right now?”

The man suddenly stood up, and Molly felt herself shrinking back.

“You need to watch your tone. I should have known you’d be just like her. And now I can’t keep you here with them anymore. Not until it’s time to go.”

“What do you mean keep me here?”

Molly felt her insides go cold. She didn’t like where this conversation was going.

“What are you going to do to me?”

The man said nothing. He instead reached into his pocket, pulling out some tissue and a little bottle. Molly didn’t have to see what was written on it to know what it was. She shrank back, struggling mightily against her bonds.

“No! Let me go! Please!”

The rest of her words were drowned out as she felt the tissue be placed over her mouth, the smell of chloroform filling her throat. The last thing she saw before she lost consciousness was the blank stare of the man who called himself her father.

Her head felt like it was going to split open when Molly opened her eyes again. The first thing she saw was a car windscreen, displaying a road moving incredibly fast behind it. The second thing she noticed was her hands were once again tied behind her, the rope incredibly tight. Her feet were also tied together with rope. She was strapped into the passenger seat of a car that was speeding down a county road. Being operated by her father.

Molly tried to move slightly, wincing at her bonds. Like a bullet, all her fear returned to her. This movement didn’t seem to be noticed by her father.

“What… what are you doing?”

He did not answer, eyes fixed on the road. From what Molly could see, the sun was starting to set. Visibility wasn’t great. And he was going incredibly fast.

“What are you doing?” Molly asked, starting to fidget against her bonds. “Please… will you just talk to me?”

Her heart started to beat fast once again. She was, as usual, utterly stuck in her latest bondage. A helpless kidnapped victim. When was this nightmare going to end?


A new voice, one that Molly had heard before. She turned around in her seat as much as her bonds allowed, wincing at the shot of pain that went through her wrists. Ollie was sat in the back seat, looking straight ahead. He also looked a little bit scared.

At the sight of this little boy, Molly felt her perceptions change. This situation was getting worse by the second and it no longer was just about her. She had to think fast. She had to get this boy away from this man as quickly as she could. Which meant she had to get them out of that car. Which meant that she had to get out of her bonds. She just had to.

She started to flex her wrists, twisting them slightly behind her back, feeling for any knots with her fingers. Her teeth gritted slightly and she nervously glanced at the man. To see he was quietly observing her whilst keeping one eye on the road.

“Sorry if it hurts,” he said. “I couldn’t risk you kicking off at me.”

“P…please,” Molly found her voice was a lot weaker than she liked. But she felt horrible. Her head was still hurting from the drugs, her stomach was empty, her tongue dry from lack of water. She needed to get out of here.

“Now now,” said the man. “Don’t go getting all hysterical again. Don’t want to upset this little guy, do we?” The man smiled at his son in the back, who returned the grin. Molly swallowed.

“Where are you taking us?” Molly dared to ask.

“A little place I’ve got up the road,” he replied. “Can’t keep you at the house anymore. Can’t trust you round Steph. She’s a good girl, she might decide to do something stupid.”

“Like let me go?”

The man glanced at his daughter.

“Like let you go.”

Molly couldn’t help it. She strained against her bonds some more.

“No, no, please stop that.”

“Argh!” Molly found some anger coming to her, completely out of nowhere. The man turned back to the road, and Molly felt the car accelerate.

“Please,” she whispered. “At least slow the car down.”

The man didn’t seem to hear her.

“Come on! You’re going to kill us here! Think of your son! You care about him, even if you don’t care about me!”
The words left her before she could stop them.

“Care about you? I’m doing this for you!”

“Doing this for me? Are you serious?”

“Surely you’ve wondered?” he started focusing on her more. “Haven’t you wondered about me? Ever? Despite what that… woman told you?”

“I… yes, okay? Of course I have! But you weren’t there! You left us! And I moved on! I built a life for myself. And now you’re trying to take that from me!”

“It’s a lie! You belong with me!”

His face had gone white, his eyes dangerous. Molly knew she was helpless, trussed up like an animal, but the humiliation she’d suffered over the past few days had just been too much. Something let go.

“You’re insane!” she spat. “If mum kept you away from me, it’s because you’re mental! What man does this? What man kidnaps his daughter, scares her out of her wits, leaves her tied up for days? What man?”

“You don’t understand…”

“No, you don’t understand!” cried Molly, straining against her bonds. “You think I’m going to just become part of your family? Well, I’m not, okay! You can’t keep me like this forever! And I will get away from you! You might be the dad that made me years ago, but you’re not my father. And you never will be!”

There was silence for about five seconds. Then they both heard some soft crying coming from the back seat.

“Olly, be quiet damn it!” shouted the man.

“Don’t yell at him! He’s scared. You’re scaring him!”

“Shut your goddam mouth!”

The man gave Molly a look that should have frightened her half to death. But she returned it.

“You want to know something? I was raising you, as best I could. I came back from the army and I had… problems. I lashed out. Got angry. One day I got too angry with your mum. She and her brother, Uncle Jack, had enough evidence that would have got me discharged. Got me sent down. So I let them keep me away from you all of this time. And you know the funny thing? I ended up getting discharged anyway!”

He started to laugh then, drowning out Olly’s tears. Molly struggled some more.

“Never could keep a relationship going. I had Brad with Annie. She was nothing special. Then I had Steph with her too. And Olly. But she packed up three months ago. Let me with hardly any money. Left me, just like everyone! But no more damn it! No more!”

The car was going incredibly fast now.

“Slow down!” cried Molly. “Please…”

Whatever she was going to say next was drowned out by a sudden screech of breaks. The man had finally returned his attention to the road ahead – and a tree was coming up at them fast. Molly barely had a second to react before the front of the car collided with the wood.

It was a good minute later when the world started to make sense again. Molly slowly lifted up her head from the air bag that had projected itself at her on impact, blinking slightly to clear her vision. Dimly, she could feel that her hands had been jarred on impact and were aching more than ever, but apart from that, she didn’t feel overly hurt.

She glanced at the man who’d been calling himself her father, to find it was slightly different for him. An air bag had detonated, but he had a cut on his forehead and was unconscious. She could smell a slight burning coming from the bonnet, and that helped her focus more.

“Olly!” she cried, trying to turn and look at him as best she could. “Are you okay? Talk to me!”

She heard a small, continuous cry.


Molly gritted her teeth, fighting vigorously against her bonds. She just had to get out.

“Where’s my dad?” came a little voice from behind her.

“Olly! Are you okay? Is anything hurting?”

“No, no I’m okay. I want my daddy.”

Molly felt some relief washing through her. But it was short lived.

“Olly, can you move?”

“Yeah, I think so. Where’s my dad?”

Molly looked at her father. He was still out of it.

“Hey!” she cried. “Wake up! I can’t move here, damn it!”

She began struggling mightily against her bindings, trying to do anything to get herself free. If she could just release her hands…

“Dad!” Olly sounded more upset by the second.

“Wake up, you bloody idiot! Wake up and put this right! I’m stuck!”

Molly suddenly felt more helpless than she had so far. She was tied up in the middle of a wrecked car. With a crying six year old in the back who needed her help. Some doctor she was turning out to be.

How had this happened to her? How had she let things get this bad? She should have fought harder against Brad and Steph. Should have tried to run when she was free in the shower yesterday. She should be able to get out of these damn ropes now. But she couldn’t. She couldn’t do anything.

“Help!” she found herself screaming. “Please, help us!”

Molly tried to see out of the windows. They appeared to be in the middle of nowhere, down a country road. Nobody was in sight. Nobody was around.


“Olly,” Molly said, taking deep breaths. “Listen to me. Your dad, he’s hurt. I can help him, but I need you to help me.”

Olly was sobbing again.

“Olly, please. I need you to get me out of these ropes. I can’t help you like this. I… I can’t.”

Olly didn’t seem to hear her. Once again, she was helpless to her situation. Or was she?

Maybe she couldn’t get Olly to come to her. But if she could get to him….

Molly gritted her teeth, moving her hands around to try and reach her seatbelt clip. She could feel the rope constrict as she felt with her fingers, feeling for the button. She found it then paused. What if it wouldn’t open? She’d seen loads of movies when this stopped someone getting out of a car…

Click. The seatbelt came off, laboriously sliding past the still inflated air bag. One thing down.

With a little bit more freedom, Molly felt with her hands again for the handle to the door, pulling her knees up as much as she could. Almost… there! She had it!

“Olly,” Molly said. “I need you to see if you can open your door. Can you?”

Olly was sobbing again. She could see him now. It looked like the seat belt had done its job and kept him safe. But she couldn’t know for sure. She had to get to him.

“Okay Olly. Hold on. I’m coming.”

She took one last look at her father, who still hadn’t moved. Then she braced herself and opened the door.

She knew that she was likely to fall out, so she tried to roll out as best she could. And roll out she did. Out of the car – and down a hill.

The world spun around her as the trussed up girl tore down a steep grassy hill. All she could think to do was clench her wrists to save her hands. And then it was over. She was at the bottom of a glassy slope, aching all over, in the middle of some trees.

She lay there for what seemed like forever, too scared to try to move. Maybe she’d broken something. How would she ever get away from here if she had? The sight of elongating shadows caught her eye. She knew that it was going to be very dark soon. And the temperature was already dropping. Olly was just up the hill with his father. And they needed her help. Even the man who had done all of this to her. She was a doctor. Or she would be, if she ever got out of this.

Molly sighed, slowly trying to move her hands and flex her fingers. They hurt, but somehow, moved fine. She tried wiggling her toes, which also seemed to have no trouble. It was when she tried to sit up that she felt pain. Her shoulders had both been very jarred by her roll. But, from what she could feel, she wasn’t too badly hurt.

Except one thing. She was still tied up.

It was now or never.

Molly started straining again against her bonds, trying to find any slack. Energy was leaving her along with the daylight, as the night drew in. She did not know how long she lay there, trying to break free. Eventually she gave up, lying on the floor, watching the sky turn from light to dark blue.

“I guess I’m stuck down here now,” she whispered. Tears dripped from her eyes slightly, and she found herself chuckling. In the middle of this nightmare, she had finally found something to smile about. She’d been so scared of the people who had taken her. Now, she’d pretty much gotten away from them. And things were dire indeed. But at least she had her privacy.

She shivered slightly. Night time noises surrounded her, such as owls and crickets. It felt like a whole new world was waking up around her, yet she wasn’t part of it. She didn’t belong down in this field anymore than she belonged with those people upstairs. She belonged in a life she’d built for herself. One that was just getting started. One that she simply could not give up.

She rolled again, ignoring the pain in her shoulders. Maybe if she could get closer to the trees, she could find something to cut the rope. She squirmed along the ground like a worm, not even knowing what she was looking for. She just knew that she had to do something. Anything.

Eventually, she reached the trunk of a tree – and realised she couldn’t go any further. Straining, she propped herself up against it, feeling sweat beading on her forehead. Her activities may have warmed her up a little, but soon she would be cold again. Unless there was something…

Her probing fingers felt the rough bark of the tree. It wasn’t sharp, but its corrosive nature was obvious to the touch. Maybe it could cut the rope. Maybe it could help her escape before the morning came, and she could finally get herself some help. Maybe.

She started rubbing the rope against the bark, taking deep breaths, focusing on her task. As long as she had the energy, she would keep fighting. No matter what it took.
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Post by Tieup1 »

Another superb bit of writing, great story, hope Molly gets out of this. :)
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Post by angim350 »

Molly had never really been one for camping. She’d been on a trip with school when she was younger, but apart from that it had never really appealed to her. She always thought it was too uncomfortable and too cold. She liked having access to home comforts – a warm bed, a proper bathroom, her own things around her. She was quite a home person, if truth be told.


But she wasn’t home. She was in the middle of nowhere. Tied up in the dark.

The tree hadn’t helped her bindings. Maybe they felt a little looser, but she simply didn’t have the energy to keep the rubbing up. So she sat there, shivering, trying to keep herself awake. She felt her body craving some sort of sleep, but she was scared what would happen if she did. It would be just her luck if a wolf or something came along. Not that she’d be able to do much if one did.

Her mouth felt dry. Her stomach rumbled with hunger. From far away, she thought about her father. And Olly. She could do nothing to help them, and it seemed like they hadn’t managed to help themselves. Surely he would have come looking for her?

The night wore on and Molly stayed still. She hardly dared to move, hoping against hope if anything did walk by, it would just ignore her and keep on walking.

“Silly girl,” said a voice from the darkness. Molly looked up, heart beating mightily.

“Is someone there?” she croaked.

“So you’re just going to give up, like always.” The voice took a sarcastic tone. A tone that Molly only knew from one person.

“Mum?” she whispered.

Suddenly, she was there before her. Tall, with short, dark hair and piercing blue eyes. Always dressed smartly, ready to face the day. She was an out and out business woman. And very good at what she does.

At the sight of her, Molly felt relief wash through her. She had never been so happy to see anyone.


The smile that split her face suddenly faltered as she gazed at the figure before her. It wasn’t moving. It was with grim realisation that Molly realised her mother was away on a business trip. And couldn’t possibly be here right now.

“Great,” she said out loud. “I’m hallucinating now.”

She felt like crying and laughing in equal measure. Instead, she simply grunted, shifting slightly in her inescapable bonds.

“I always knew you were a quitter,” said her mum.

“Why are you saying this?”

Molly looked into those cold eyes of her mother. Those eyes that could also be so kind. This was a projection the worst version of Bethany Johnson. A cold, cruel version.

“You’re just going to sit there all night? Not try anything?”

“I can’t get out!” cried Molly, wrenching at her bonds. “Do you not think I’ve tried? I’m just… bloody helpless!”
The words came out in a sob.

“Well, you will be if you don’t try.”

“And what would you do?” shouted Molly. “You’d be so much better, I’m sure.”

The vision of her mother remained silent. And cold.

“You knew, didn’t you? All along. You knew I had a family out there. And you never told me.”

Molly voiced something that she had thought for a while. Bethany Johnson sighed.

“Yeah, I knew. I did what I had to. We had to keep him away.”

“Don’t you think I should have been the one to decide that?”

“And do you really think you missed out no knowing him?” The figure bent over, sitting right in front of Molly’s face. Her daughter sighed.

“I don’t know how I’m going to get out of this, mum. I’m scared.”

“You’re not a child anymore, Mol,” replied her mother. “You haven’t been for a while. You have never just rolled over and took my crap. So, don’t take there’s.”

“What can I do? Please tell me. What can I do?”

Molly looked up at her mother, trussed up, cold, pale. Her mother smiled.


Molly returned the smile. It sounded so simple, but it was obvious. She had to keep going until morning. And then, she would figure something out. She’d find a way to get of these bindings, or struggle her way out of them, and finally get away.

So she sat there. She sat as the night rolled on, every now and again trying to free her hands or feet. Then the horizon began to show the first signs of sunrise, lighting up her surroundings. She was at the bottom of a grassy slope next to the road. A road with a stationery car on it.

At the sight of that, Molly didn’t care who it was, or what might happen. She took a deep breath, and began to yell as loud as she could.


She wrenched at her bonds, rolling away from the tree, trying to get closer to the car.

She heard quick footsteps running towards her, and rolled onto her back. She was saved!

It was then she saw Brad standing over her. And, in that moment, the day went black.

She woke some time later, feeling much warmer and more comfortable. As her eyes swam into view, she noticed she was back in the room from before. She could see the chair, the door, the chest of drawers. She was lying in the bed, with the covers draped over her. Which explained why she was warm.

Molly tried to move, finding that she was still restricted. Looking down, she noticed three things. She was no longer in her clothes, but in some pyjamas that likely belonged to Steph. Her bare feet and hands were tied with red ribbon in front of her, loped together so she couldn’t raise her wrists. And there was a strip of cloth wrapped around her mouth.

Tied up. Again.

Molly felt a sinking feeling as she realised that the man must have taken her back to the house. Maybe the car was too damaged to get where he wanted to. Then she felt a bit sick as she thought that he must have removed her clothes to change her. Or someone must have done. That was a violation!

Absently, she started to struggle against her new bindings, half-heartedly, when she noticed Steph standing in the doorway, holding up a phone. A second later, she heard a click.

“Hmpf,” said Molly. Steph sighed, then walked over, removing her sister’s gag.

“Are you okay?” she asked. “Brad said he found you at the bottom of a hill.”

“I’m, I’m fine. Bit bruised but okay. Is Olly? Have you heard from them?”

Steph looked down.

“I’m going to untie you,” she said. “We have made some food and wondered if you wanted to have some with us?”
“What are you… I don’t…”

“He’s not here,” said Steph. “You don’t have to worry about him. But you need proper food.”

Molly swallowed, then nodded. Her stomach was making involuntary noises, and she realised she’d barley eaten in two days. Steph quickly untied her sister, helping her to her feet. Molly swayed slightly, rubbing her incredibly sore wrists. It would have felt incredible to finally be free, but she ached all over.

“Are you okay?” Steph looked concerned.

“Yeah,” said Molly. “I think so.”

“Here.” Steph reached into her pocket, pulling out some cream. “For your hands.”

She looked awkward, handing Molly the cream then turning away. Molly glanced at the bottle, seeing it was to help irritated skin. Her wrists felt like they had been rubbed red raw, so she guessed this would probably help.

The two girls left the room, heading for the stairs. Now that Molly was allowed to see where was going, and walk for herself, she drunk in a badly decorated layout. The wallpaper looked dirty, as though it hadn’t been properly attended for a while. Molly felt her vision sway slightly, and she gripped the bannister. She felt very weak. But it was incredible to be free again.

To be free. To not be tied up. To finally be in control of herself. She felt she could cry with relief.

The girls finally made it downstairs, the smell of cooking food reaching Molly’s nostrils. They quickly entered the kitchen to the sight of Brad presenting a full breakfast fry up, with a big glass of juice. He caught Molly’s eye and smiled at her, then turned back to his task.

“It’s okay,” said Steph, sitting down. “Help yourself.”

Molly did. Within ten minutes, she’d devoured her food and drunk two full glasses of juice. Within another five, she felt much, much better. Her siblings sat with her, not saying anything. It was like there was an unspoken silence between them, as though no one knew what was going to happen next.

“How are you feeling?” Brad sounded tired. “You fell down a big hill. I didn’t think I’d find you.”

“I’m… I’m okay.” Molly looked at the two of them.

“What happens to me now, then?”

The two exchanged glances. Molly didn’t like the look of that.

“We need to ask you something,” said Steph. “And we know we haven’t got the right…”

“What do you mean?”

“It means you can go if you want to.” Brad straightened up. “You can leave. I won’t try to stop you.”

Molly couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

“You’re… you’re going to let me go? Really? You’re…”

Her voice trailed off. She was shaking slightly.

“Yes,” replied Steph, tears in her eyes. “I’m so sorry for what we’ve done to you. And for what it’s worth – it’s been really good to get to know you.”

“But… I mean…. What about…”

“He’s not here,” said Brad. “We don’t know where he is. Which is why I need to ask you…”

Molly found herself smiling.

“You want me to not tell anyone, don’t you? To just forget what you did to me.”

Her relief was disappearing. Anger was replacing it. Red, hot anger.

“You dragged me away from work in the middle of the night! You tied me up, hurt me, humiliated me! I don’t think I’m ever going to be able to be by myself again!”

“We’re sorry…”

“I was left stuck at the bottom of a hill all night! I was so scared. And you just want me to… let this go!”

“We can’t stop you,” explained Steph. “Tell if you want. We couldn’t blame you.”

“But it won’t change anything,” said Brad. “Not one damn thing!”

He sounded angry now. In that moment, Molly took a look around the room.

“Where’s Olly?” she asked.

“We don’t know!” shouted Brad. “He’s took him somewhere. He won’t answer our calls, he has his passport… we think he’s going to run with him!”

“But…. How…?”

“He never came home,” whispered Steph. “It’s why we had to tie you up again. I thought if we sent him a picture of you, trussed up, he wouldn’t panic. He’d get in touch. He’d think everything was okay.”

“And now he could be anywhere with our little brother. With your brother.”

Molly stood and turned away from them, barely able to comprehend what they were saying. This was just messed up. All of it.

“We know we need to pay for what we’ve done to you, Molly,” continued Steph. “But if we don’t find out where Olly and dad are…”

She left the words hanging. Molly gazed at the wall, trying to avoid turning round to face them. Her body still ached, her wrists were still sore, and she was standing there in some pink pyjamas. She couldn’t do anything about this. How could she? All she wanted to do was go home. And get on with her life. Forget this ever happened.


But what would become of this family? Her brother and sister, who had clearly been raised in terror of their father. So scared of him, they’d kidnapped her to stop him hurting them, or their little brother. Could she really turn their back on them now? Really?

“I won’t tell anyone,” she said, sighing, turning back to them. “I’m going to help you.”

“What?” they said together.

“I’ll help you,” she said, sitting down. “I’ll help you get Olly back. And stop… dad.”

“But why? After what we did?” Steph’s voice quivered slightly.

“Because I don’t think I could live with myself if I just left you guys. But if we do this, we do it my way. And, I’m sorry, but dad goes to prison.”

She waited for a reaction from them. Steph just looked scared, Brad angry.

“He’s a danger to himself and others. I’m sorry, but we need to stop him.”

Steph and Brad exchanged glances, then nodded.

“Okay then,” stated Brad. “What’s your plan?”

Molly swallowed, glancing at her bruised hands.

“Steph,” she said. “I think I’m going to need your, urm, bondage skills again.”
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Post by SLC »

Really nice story. I like the way you keep the suspense up and how unexpected some of the events are. Keep it up!
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Post by Tieup1 »

Another interesting, well written chapter, so many twists, and turns to this story. It is very good :)
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Post by Solarbeast »

This is a great story, but I’m glad we seem to be back in a happier/ less evil type of bondage happenings. I can’t wait to read what the next chapters have in store for Molly.
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Post by angim350 »

Thanks for the good responses guys :D It means a lot. I've thoroughly enjoyed writing this story!!

Molly gazed at herself in the mirror, taking deep breaths. A part of her could not believe what she was doing. A little voice kept telling her to run as fast as she could. But there was a strong voice there too. The voice of the woman she wanted to become one day.

A little boy out there needed her help. And she was going to help him.

Brad had suggested she didn’t shower. If they were going to make this look good, she needed to look dishevelled. Not like she’d just had a nice wash. It was why she was back in her awful work clothes, which were now really starting to smell. Hopefully, this would be the last time she had to wear them. She didn’t think she would be going back to the bar after this.

She did take the opportunity to use the toilet and wash up as best she could. She wasn’t fully recovered by any stretch, but she felt a bit better. Better enough for what she was about to do.

Their father had eventually responded to Steph’s calls, bolstered by the idea that Molly was safely back in their clutches and not running off to the police. The trouble was he was refusing to come to them. So they had to come to him.

Molly took one last look in the mirror, gave herself a winning smile, then went downstairs. Her siblings were waiting for her, Brad holding some rope in his hands.

“Are you sure about this?” asked Steph. She sounded very scared.

“No,” replied Molly. “But we need to get Ollie safe.”

“We’ll need to act fast,” said Brad. He seemed to be having trouble looking her in the eye. “We can’t afford to mess with him. If he realises what we’re doing…”

“I know.”

“I don’t think you do.” Brad sighed. “He’s dangerous, Molly. It’s why we… I…”

“Then let’s stop him,” said Molly, stepping forward and holding her hands together. “Let’s go get our brother.”

Brad shifted. “Behind, I think,” he said.

Molly nodded, then turned, putting her hands together. Brad started to tie her.

“I’ll no make it too tight. You should be able to slip out when you need to.”

“It’s okay,” said Molly, trying not to wince. “Just remember the plan. When we get to Ollie, Steph, you run one way. I’ll run the other and call the police. Brad, you…”

“Try and keep dad busy,” his voice wavered slightly. “No problem.”

“And what happens then,” asked Steph, voice barely above a whisper. “To all of us?”

Molly turned to look at her.

“I honestly don’t know. Let’s just go get Ollie, okay?”

Molly tried to smile at her sister, but faltered. In short, she didn’t know what happened next. Even if she wanted to, she couldn’t escape the fact that this girl and boy had kidnapped her. There was too much evidence. The police would know straight away.

Maybe they’ll be lenient, she thought. Maybe they’ll go easy on them for helping me now.

But they’d lose Ollie.

“There,” said Brad, straightening up. “How does that feel?”

Molly gritted her teeth, testing her bonds. They were tight, but nothing like what she’d been through before. She felt her breathing increase as she thought about the last time she’d been tied up at the bottom of a hill. Then, she forced it down. She could not have some sort of panic attack now. She pulled some more and felt pretty sure she could get free when she had to.

“One final thing,” said Steph. She moved forward and quickly squeezed a small phone into Molly’s pocket.

“For you to call the police,” she said.

Molly wondered about her own phone, back on the bar. She wondered if anyone had called for her. She wondered if her manager had noticed her absence, or just assumed she’d left. Surely Matt would have realised she wouldn’t just go. Maybe he’d already spoken to the Police. Maybe…

“Has there been anything on the news about me? It’s been days now.”

Molly swallowed. Brad and Steph exchanged glances.

“Nothing,” replied Brad.

Molly nodded, not completely surprised. With her mum out of town, she guessed that her boss must have thought she’d left, maybe in a huff. She sighed, thinking about the time he’d asked her for a drink. She’d said maybe, truly meaning it. And it had just not happened. Maybe he held a grudge.

“Okay,” she exclaimed. “One final thing left to do.”

Ten minutes later Molly was in the boot of a small car, slightly more cramped than the one she’d been brought in. She shifted around and tried to get comfy, without much success. Her hands felt for the bulge in her pocket, feeling for the phone. It was a reassuring touch. She could call the police now…

But they’d already discussed this. Their father was too unpredictable. They needed Ollie safe. Then she could call whoever she liked.

God, she thought. I really hope I’m doing the right thing here.

Her stomach fluttered as she felt the car pull up. They were there.

A few minutes later, the boot opened. Brad and Steph stood there, looking down at her. Brad reached in, and helped her out roughly. Molly was about to ask him to not be so rough with her, when she caught a glimpse of their surroundings.

They were at some sort of port, with a few boats docked on a small wooden pier. It was completely deserted, aside from the three of them, two cars – and their father and Ollie, standing a few feet away.

Molly felt fear seeping through her. Once again, she wondered if she was doing the right thing. She knew that her father wanted to spirit them all away. And now here they were. In a port.

“You see!” called out Brad. “We have her. She isn’t going to tell anyone.”

He nudged her and Molly forced herself to speak. To try to play along.

“Please…” she spluttered. “Please just let me go.”

“Not bad,” replied her father. “I honestly didn’t think you had it in you, Bradley.”

He smiled, but looked the worse for wear. The cut on his head had bruised and he looked very on edge.

“Ollie,” said their father, motioning down at his youngest son. “Why don’t you go play with Steph?”

Molly’s heart started to beat faster. The moment was coming when they were all going to have to act quick. Steph walked in front of her, holding her hands out. Ollie ran to her without hesitation, hugging his sister. Molly caught Steph’s eye and braced herself, only to feel Brad’s hold on her tighten.

Suddenly, the rope on her hands constricted harshly. Molly looked round, noticing that Brad was tying an extra knot.

“What the… what the hell are you doing?” she cried, struggling in his grip. Her bonds were now considerably tighter.

“I told you,” said Brad quietly. “I will always put them first.”

“Brad?” yelled Steph. “What are you…?”

“Don’t you see,” explained Brad, finishing tying Molly and grabbing her hard. “If we let her go, she’ll go to the police. We’ll all be separated. Hell, Steph, we’ll serve time for this!”

“I don’t…”

“We need to stick together,” said Brad. “We need to do what dad says. I’m sorry,” he added, looking at Molly. “But we can’t just let you ruin us.”

“No!” Molly couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “You’re insane!” She struggled mightily in his grip. “You’re utterly terrified of him, aren’t you? Steph! Steph!”

“Boat number three,” her dad’s voice was calm. “Steph, take Ollie and get on that boat, now.”

Steph stood still, clinging onto her little brother. Her dad’s gaze turned to her.

“Steph, I’m not going to tell you again. Get on that goddam boat.”

Steph was crying, looking from her dad to Molly. She still hadn’t moved.


Steph looked directly at Molly, then started backing away.

“Steph, don’t do anything stupid!” Brad’s grip relaxed on Molly. He began to walk towards Steph.

Steph kept her gaze on Molly. Molly took a deep breath, then screamed.


At that, Molly kicked out, catching Brad between the legs as he turned. Molly barely had a second to process that Steph had picked up Ollie, swung him over her shoulder, and started to run. For her part, Molly also ran. In the opposite direction.

She heard a furious cry behind her but did not turn. It was hard with her hands bound, but she had to get away from these men. They all had to get away.

Molly ran towards a small warehouse in the distance, sporting a large, open door. She had to find a place she could hide and call the police. And hopefully get the hell out of the ropes.

She picked up the pace, not daring to look back, reaching the building in a few seconds. Not hesitating, she raced into it, finding an open space that looked like it had been some sort of factory a few years ago. There was a couple of crates piled up in one corner, which she quickly dived behind.

It wasn’t the best hiding place, but it would have to do for now.

She quickly tried to free her hands, already knowing it was hopeless. They were very tight now, thanks to Brad. How had she been so stupid to let these kids tie her up again? How had she not seen that Brad was going to pull this stunt?

You couldn’t have known, she told herself. You thought you’d gotten through to them.

She had gotten through to Steph, at least. Hopefully, she’d managed to get away with Ollie. In any case, she couldn’t help them unless she got to the phone. And she already knew that she couldn’t reach the phone with her hands tied behind her. But maybe if she got them in front…

She started moving her hands down her spine, sitting on them to try and slide them out from under her. The rope pulled on her sore wrists and she bit her lip to stop herself crying out. It wasn’t working. She tried moving her hands under one bum cheek, then the other, seeing if it made any difference. It didn’t. After a while, she gave up, once again feeling deflated.

“Come on out!” cried a voice. Brad’s voice. “There’s nowhere to run, Molly. Please, just come out!”

He was moving around in the building. It wouldn’t take him long to find her hiding place. She had to move, but where?

“Please!” shouted Brad. “He’s so mad, Molly. He knows we were going to trick him. I have to keep everyone safe!”
Molly desperately looked around her. There had to be something she could use…

“Please!” she shouted back in horror. “You don’t need to do this, Brad. You don’t.”

“Oh, but he does,” came a new voice. Her dad’s voice.

“Did you find her?” Brad sounded frantic.

“No,” he replied. “She’s run off to the road. She’s gone.”

“Dad… I…”

“She’s gone. I don’t know where she is. So now I’ve got to go.”

“What… what do you…?”

A second later, Molly heard a soft thump, then a crunch. She didn’t move, not daring to breathe. There was silence in the warehouse. Deadly silence.

Then her father was standing right in front of her, looking down with murder in his eyes.

“You’ve turned them all against me,” he said. “So, I’ve got to leave without them.”

He bent over, bearing down on her.

“And you’re helpfully trussed up again. That’ll make it easier.”

“Make what…”

“You’re coming with me. Hope you don’t get sea sick.”
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Post by Tieup1 »

Another exciting chapter, this story is a real good read. :)
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Post by angim350 »

“No!” cried Molly shrinking back, desperately trying to free her hands. “I’m going nowhere with you!”

The man advanced on her, a very black look on his face.

“Don’t try to fight me,” he whispered. “You will not win.”

“I… screw you! Stay away from me!”

Molly desperately looked around her, looking for anything, or anyone, that might help.

“Help me!” she cried. “Please!”

“Dear god, you’ve got a big mouth you know.” The man suddenly lunged forward. Molly waited until the last second then slipped past his grip, ducking under his arms. The man turned slightly, a slight look of surprise on his face.

“Not bad reflexes,” he grinned. Then he lunged again, this time going for Molly’s middle. The girl barley had time to react before he had grabbed her and slung her over his shoulder like it was nothing. She struggled for all she was worth but she was light as a feather to him.

“Save your energy,” he said, carrying her through the building. Through the corner of her eye, Molly saw Brad lying on the floor near the entrance, unconscious.

“What did you do to him?” she cried.

“Oh, he’ll live,” replied her father, almost lazily. “The useless ones always live. It was the same in the army. Lazy arseholes who didn’t want to lift a weapon…”

He went on muttering. Molly didn’t dare to hope that someone would be hanging around outside. But there was no one there. Nobody to help her as she was carried towards a boat, tethered to the dock.

“Where… where are you taking me?” she blinked back tears.

Her father seemed to be done talking. He quickly boarded the boat, a small craft with a little cabin and tiny deck. Molly felt herself being taken in the cabin. Her father paused in the doorway, as if weighing up his options. Then, he seemed to decide something. Molly felt herself placed down in a chair at the side of the cabin. Her father quickly produced some tape, tying her legs to the chair legs easily, despite her trying to avoid it.

“Where are you taking me?” she demanded again. “Why…mmmph?”

“That’s enough of that,” her father spat, putting some tape over her mouth. He straightened up, looking down at his trussed up daughter. “Don’t think I’m doing this as some sort of way to reconnect with you. We’re passed that now.”

Molly didn’t move. She simply gazed at her father.

“You’re… my leverage. I need you to make sure my daughter doesn’t do anything stupid.”

He sniffed, then turned round, starting up the boat. Molly leaned forward, trying to get the tape off her mouth. She needed to talk to him.

“Just sit still and be quiet. I’ll let you go when I get to where I’m going. Well… if my friends don’t figure out something else to do with you.”

He smiled at that last part, then fired the boat up and set off.

He said nothing after that for an hour as they shot through the water, Molly watching the land reduce onto the horizon with a sinking heart. She was so scared she didn’t know what to do. She couldn’t believe what she’d gotten herself into. She’d been free. She could be home right now. But she’d had to be a hero. And now she was paying for it.

But Steph had gotten away.

Molly felt solace in that. In the end, despite Brad’s mistakes, Steph had made the right decision. Hopefully she was safe with Ollie right now. Hiding somewhere. With no idea what was happening to her sister right now.

Molly pulled on her wrist bindings half heartedly, not even really trying. Even if she could get out of her bindings, what would she do? There was no way she could stop her father if he didn’t want to be stopped. And she was in the middle of the damned ocean. On the way to god knows where. She bowed her head, feeling despair well up inside her.


Her mother’s voice filled her mind, banishing all thoughts of hopelessness. She wasn’t done yet. As long as there was breath in her body, she would keep on fighting. She wasn’t going to let herself be at the mercy of some friends of her father’s. She was going to take control of the situation.

She cast her eyes around the cabin, trying not to be too obvious. Then, she saw it. A small box on a shelf near the steering wheel, just about visible around her father. Inside that box would be an emergency kit for boats. And maybe even a flare gun.

A flare gun.

It could certainly serve to even things up between her and her dad. But first, she needed to get to it.

Molly started applying more pressure to her bindings. It was never more important to escape the ropes that once again bound her. She hoped that Brad’s constricted time doing it may have made the bindings looser. Surely, after the amount of times she’d been tied up, she’d catch a sodding break.

After what felt like an age, she felt the ropes loosening. They were still tight, but she could feel a potential ending. Ignoring her aching wrists, she doubled her efforts. Any second…

“What are you doing?”

Molly froze, catching the eye of her father. He was looking right at her whilst steering.

“Seriously?” he said, slamming his hands down on the wheel then moving away from it. He advanced on her, pushing the chair forward and studying her hands. Molly let out a cry of pain and anguish as she felt the ropes once again constrict, making all of her efforts over the last hour useless. Her dad pushed the chair back, then turned away, holding his hands up in the air in anger.

“God, I wish I’d never thought about you again!”

Molly could barley hear him. She tested her now tighter bonds, barley able to move her hands. Her dreams of escaping evaporated. And the despair from before was coming back.

“Mmmmm,” she managed to say through her gag.

Her dad gazed at her, then leaned forward, ripping it off in one fell swoop. An explosion of pain went through Molly’s lips and she coughed slightly.

“Don’t quit, do you? You’re just like your mother, you know. Just like her…”


Molly swallowed, looking up at the ceiling and back again, tears clouding her vision.

“Did you ever love her?”

Her dad paused.

“Yes, I did. Very much. But no matter what I did, it was never enough. I was never enough.”

Her father looked sad. He sat down on the chair in front of the wheel.

“I…” Molly took a deep breath. “I’m sorry for what happened to you.”

“No you’re not.”

“I am.” Molly shifted in her bonds. “My mother obviously hurt you, and for what it’s worth, I am sorry.”

“You wouldn’t say that if you knew the full story. I recon you’d hate me more than you hate me right now. More than my kids…”

“I don’t hate you. I don’t know you. I never had the chance! I didn’t make these decisions. I didn’t stop you knowing me! We could have had… I don’t know what. But we could have…”

Molly let the words die away. She took a glance out of the window. They were now far out to sea, with no land in sight.

“What trouble are you in, anyway?”

“None of your business.”

Her father stood up, turning back to the wheel.

“Maybe I could help you.” Molly sat as far forward as she could go.

“You can’t,” he sighed. “I pissed off some very dangerous people. So now I’ve got to run. I’d hoped my family would come with me. But you…” his voice changed suddenly. “You changed all that.”

“I didn’t mean to. I just… I just want to go home! Please… dad… don’t do this. You can still make this right.”

“No I can’t.”


Her father straightened up.

“I promise. I’ll let you go when we get there.”

Molly sighed.

“Then… do you need to keep me tied up like this?”

Her dad didn’t reply.

“Please,” said Molly. “I can hardly fight you can I? We’re in the middle of nowhere!”

He still said nothing.

“This may be the only time you get to spend with your daughter!” cried Molly. “Do you really want to do it like this?”

“What’s my name?” he father’s voice was that calm coldness from before.

“What? I…”

“You haven’t asked. Not once.”

“I… I’ve been a little… distracted!”

“Sat there, trying to make me think you actually give a damn…”

“I… I don’t know how I feel!” stated Molly truthfully. “Damn it, you need help, can’t you see that? Please… let me out of this chair. Just for a little bit. I’ll… I’ll help you get away.”

“It’s Brian,” he said. “For the record.”

He stood up, ripping off more tape. Molly could say nothing else before it was back on her mouth, stopping any further noise.

As her father, Brian, turned away from her, Molly finally felt herself let go. It was like before, in the room with Steph, when she’d felt so utterly helpless against what was happening to her. Her last idea had failed. And she didn’t know what else to do.

It was then Brian straightened up, gazing out of the window. Molly followed his gaze through her teary eyes. There was another boat approaching them. With flashing blue lights.

It was the coastguard.

Her father hesitated, then pushed her chair over. Molly hit the ground hard, jarring her sore shoulders.

“Do anything and I will have to stop them,” he whispered. “Don’t think that I can’t.”

He then turned to walk outside onto the deck, leaving his trussed up, struggling daughter on the floor.
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Centennial Club
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Post by Tieup1 »

Brilliant chapter, will Molly ever get away ?
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