Playing Cowgirls, Cowboys and Indians (fmmmm/fffmm) Complete and illustrated

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Playing Cowgirls, Cowboys and Indians (fmmmm/fffmm) Complete and illustrated

Post by pogolsky »

Teaser: Some kids from the city spend a rather boring vacation with their parents at a campsite in a rural mountain area. But when one afternoon they go on a hike through the forest to the next village, their trip becomes much more exciting and captivating than they ever thought possible...

Part 1 - A walk through the forest

We had met on the camping site, in a small village in the Eifel on the banks of the Rur. I had been invited by my friend Georg to spend a week at the campsite with his parents and his sister Sabine.
There we had met two other girls, Sue and Pat, who were friends and also spent a few days at the campsite with their parents. We had become friends with them and had made a few forays
through the surrounding woods and played games in the evenings. Today we also wanted to make a trip into the woods, but Georg and Pat had started a game of chess after lunch and they were in the middle of the game
and there was no telling when they would finish the game.
"So what is it, are you coming now" Sabine asked her brother.
"No, let's finish the game first".
"But that can take forever, we want to go."
"Then just go without us. Or we'll join you later. In which direction do you want to go?"
"Through the forest. Direction Geiselsdorf"
"Okay. We'll follow. You can leave some clues along the way and we'll try to find you then."
"Yes, good, agreed. Sort of like a paper chase. All right, we'll be on our way. See you later."
"Well, okay."

A little later Sabine, Sue and I were on the path that led through the middle of the forest to Geiseldorf. I had changed quickly in the tent and wore a beige shirt with breast pockets and shorts, a scarf and hiking shoes.
and hiking boots.
When I came out of the tent, Sabine came towards me and grinned, because she was wearing a knee-length khaki shirt-blouse dress with breast pockets and hip pockets and boots to go with it.
"Well, Heinz, looks like we're going on safari. Safari through the Eifel, hahaha."
Sabine was twelve years old and quite pretty, had shoulder-length brown hair and already a hint of feminine curves. I myself was just ten. Sue was eleven and she wore a plaid blouse with breast pockets and jeans and
boots and looked pretty like a cowgirl. She had shoulder length straight blonde hair and wore glasses with big lenses and a thick horn frame that made her look very smart and made her pretty face look even more attractive.
We had been walking for quite a while now through the forest, which was getting denser and denser. The path went steeply up a hill and wound through the thickets.
"How far is it to Geiselsdorf?" asked Sue.
"I don't know, maybe five kilometers through the forest," said Sabine.
"And what's in the village? Hopefully at least a store or an ice cream parlor. In these little Eifel villages there's often nothing at all."
"Yes, let's be surprised. But I think it's great here. Very different from the city."
"Yes, here in the woods you hardly ever meet a person. It's almost a little scary," Sue commented.
"Aw shucks, there's no one here. But wait, we forgot to leave some clues for George and Pat."
"No big deal, we followed the signs and told them we were going to Geiselsdorf"
"Never mind, we can still leave some clues. Wait a minute."
I looked for some twigs in the undergrowth and put them on the bow so that they looked like an arrow.
"There, they should recognize the clue."
"Yeah, they're not stupid. Now let's move on."

We walked through the forest for another half hour, staying on the path to Geiselsdorf, which was marked now and then by signs.
We were now on a narrow path that wound its way up a slight incline through a densely wooded area. Then suddenly Sue yelled out.
"Hey, what's wrong Sue?"
"There...there...was someone, behind those trees there!"
"You're crazy, who would be there, " Sabine said.
"I don't know, I saw a boy, with a feather on his head. He was watching us"
"Hahaha, you've seen too many Indian movies, Sue!" said Sabine.
"I'm telling you, there was someone, he was watching us."
I looked around.
"I don't see anyone, but that's exciting. Come on, keep going."


Part 2 - Captured by the village Indians

We walked on. But I was suddenly not quite comfortable in my skin. And the two girls probably felt the same way. As we walked along, we looked tensely into the thicket that surrounded us everywhere.
And then I too saw a figure behind a tree that seemed to be watching us from about ten meters away. It looked like a boy, about our age, who seemed to be watching us.
"Hey, girls, actually someone. That's..."
And then it burst out of the undergrowth. A deafening shriek and scream. The boy came out from behind the tree with a wooden spear in his hand. With a mad screech, he charged toward us.
At the same time, three more figures came out of the bushes, which we had not noticed. They were two boys with naked torsos and short shorts, whose upper bodies were covered with war paint and who wore
wore a feather ornament on their heads. Then there was a pretty girl with black braids wearing some kind of Indian costume. The five attackers had now surrounded us and were dancing around us with wild howls.

We were speechless and shaking with fear and both the girls and I raised our hands a little to show we were surrendering.
"Hugh...Hugh...Hugh.... Surrender yourselves palefaces. Come on! Put your hands up!"
Sabine was the first to find the words again:
"Hey, what are you doing. What...what? Who are you."
The strongest of the Indians, a red-haired guy with freckles seemed to be some kind of chief:
"Hugh. Let the white squaw be silent. You have invaded our territory. That is why you are going to be bound at the stake. We will take you to our camp."
"No. Are you crazy. Leave us alone. Come on we're going on." Sabine tried to stay cool, but her voice trembled.
I for my part was extremely excited. I had always fantasized to play cowboys and Indians and be tied up with a couple of girls. It was like a dream come true.
"Don't be a killjoy, Sabine, better we play along".
I raised my hands up and said:
"The palefaces are unarmed and surrender to the brave red warriors. We come in peace and have no evil intentions."
The chief looked at me contemptuously:
"Hugh. All palefaces speak with forked tongues. You have invaded our territory. You shall pay for it at the stake. There you can prove your courage. Moonchild, you tie them up."
I saw the pretty dark-haired squaw, about eleven years old, take some rope from a pouch she had on the belt of her dress.
"Hugh, cross your hands behind your back, palefaces".
All three of us obeyed, and I could see that both Sue and Sabine were now enjoying the game as well. It was definitely much more exciting than just walking through the forest to the next village.
I shivered with excitement as the squaw tied my hands behind my back. And with a certain fright I had to realize that she knew her trade. The bonds were so tight that I would not be able to untie them by my own strength.
I would not be able to loosen them again.
"There, that's it. Now move along, palefaces. Forward. We'll take you to our camp."
We were pushed forward rudely. It was just like I had always seen in the cowboy and Indian movies. Heavens, this was exciting. And this seemed to be just the beginning of a really captivating adventure....

Part 3 - At the mercy of the Indians

"Onward, pale faces, move!"
It was incredible. Sabine, my friend Georg's sister, Sue, whom we had met at the campsite, and I had been captured by four Indians and a squaw while walking through a patch of woods and were
were now being taken to their camp. I was grabbed several times by the arm and dragged forward or pushed in the back. And my two fellow prisoners, Sue and Sabine, fared no better. The Indians who had taken us prisoners were
between 10 and 13 years old, they had naked torsos decorated with war paint, and they had also painted their faces with red and black stripes. They carried spears carved out of wood, one also had a
Plastic tomahawk, probably it was part of a carnival costume. We were now walking along the narrow path on which we had previously been on our way to Geiselsdorf. We walked in single file, Sue first, followed by an Indian,
then Sabine, again guarded by an Indian, and then I, and behind me walked the squaw, who took pleasure in pushing me forward now and then.
We then turned into an even narrower trail that branched off from the main hiking trail and was surrounded by thick brush. Since I was wearing shorts, my legs occasionally hit stinging nettles or scratched thorns.
The path eventually led into a small clearing surrounded by trees, with a few trees in the middle as well. At the edge of the clearing were two Indian tents, like those sometimes found in gardens or children's bedrooms.
"Hugh. Take the two white squaws into a tent and tie them together. Moonchild, you take the paleface to the other tent and tie her hands and feet."
I was a little sorry to be separated from my friends, and I saw them being grabbed and dragged into the tent. Then Moonchild grabbed me by the arm:
"Forward, paleface. You shall languish in the wigwam for a time before we tie you to the stake with the two white squaws."
I obeyed and crawled into the tent through the tent entrance. I saw that there was a bundle of rope in the tent and also some neckerchiefs.
"Put your feet together, Paleface!"
I obeyed, and Moonchild began to tie my ankles tightly together with several coils of rope. Then she took another rope and wound in me several times around my chest and belly.
"Now open your mouth, paleface, I'm going to gag you so you can't cry out for help."
I was about to obey when a sudden thought occurred to me. Georg and Pat, as soon as they would have finished their game of chess, would follow us into the forest and set out for Geiselsdorf.
And I thought it only fair that they should also join in the game.
"Wait, Squaw, I want to tell you not to be too sure. We have friends who will seek us out and free us from your clutches. You had better let us go free."
"Hugh. Don't make me laugh. We'll capture them, too. Where are they?"
"Still at the campsite. But we've left them signs. They will follow us and free us."
"Hugh. I swear to you, they will share your fate. Now open your mouth, paleface. I'll make sure you can't warn them."
I opened my mouth and Moonchild stuffed a gag in my mouth. Then she fixed the gag with another cloth that was knotted behind my neck.
Then she left the tent. I was tied and gagged alone. I would have loved to have a look at Sabine and Sue, who were surely in the same position as I was.
Then I heard the chief's voice.
"Good, Moonchild and Stinking Bear, you guard the prisoners. Black Eagle, Gray Hawk, and I, we'll go in search of the other palefaces. Once we catch them, they will all go to the stake."
About an hour passed. I was sure that Pat and Georg would also allow themselves to be captured without resistance. Georg and I went to the same class and we were rather lanky and were considered nerds and wusses
and wimps. Besides, we were the only ones who talked and sometimes played with our classmates, and the rest of the boys were jealous of us because of that, so we had to endure the one or other bullying.
I tugged on my bondage a few times, but I was actually unable to free myself. The gag I could have pushed out of the mouth if I wanted, but what would that have helped?

Part 4 - Cowgirls and Cowboys at the stake

Then suddenly I heard howls of triumph outside.
"Come on, tie these two to a tree and get the other prisoners out of the tents".
Shortly after, Mondenkind and another Indian crawled into my tent and my foot bonds were untied. I was hauled out of the tent and the first thing I saw was Pat and Georg standing together by a tree
and they were tied tightly to their torture wood with many coils of rope. Georg had a brown bob and thick glasses. He was wearing jeans and an orange shirt. Pat had a blond bob, she was wearing a
plaid blouse and denim shorts, with tan boots. I saw that they had both been gagged as well.
Then I saw two more Indians dragging Sabine and Sue out of the tent. They had also been gagged.
"Go on, tie all three of them to a tree. And then the torture can begin."
Sabine and Sue were dragged to a tree and I was pushed there as well. I had to stand between the two girls. Our hands were still tied and now a long rope was
wound in multiple turns around our bodies, which were trembling with excitement.
We stood about ten feet from the tree to which Georg and Pat had been tied.
Then the chief and the other warriors planted themselves before us.
"Hugh. Listen palefaces! You have trespassed on our territory and cowardly surrendered without a fight. You shall pay for this outrage at the stake. We will test your courage and try you.
If you pass the test, we will untie you and smoke the peace pipe with you. Hugh! Hugh! Let the torture begin."
My fellow prisoners and I stood frozen in terror. For my part, I was at once frightened and excited to the utmost. I had seen many western movies and had always identified with the palefaces who were
captured, bound, gagged and tied to the stake. And I had always dreamed of playing Cowboys and Indians in the woods with my classmates, and especially with my female classmates
and being captured and tied up. And now my dream had come true here in this sleepy Eifel village.
In the meantime the Indians had taken their weapons and with wild howls they began to dance around the trees to which we had been tied. Involuntarily I tugged at my bonds and I felt the soft
bodies of my fellow prisoners next to me. I felt them trembling, probably like me, out of fear and also out of pleasant excitement. We never dreamed that this afternoon would be so captivating.
After the warriors and the squaw Mondenkind had danced around us for a while, they now leaped at us with wild fury, weapons drawn, as if to slay or impale us, stopping
the blow or thrust only at the last minute. I tried to be as brave as possible and not whimper in fear into my gag, but a few times I closed my eyes in fright.
After this ordeal was over they approached us and started stroking our trembling bodies with the plastic tomahawk or they held the tip of the wooden spears under our chins and poked us lightly.
I felt how, the girls whimpered a few times into their gags and tried to let everything go over me as bravely as possible.

Part 5 - Finallay released and soon plans for on other Cowboy and Indian game

Then after about fifteen minutes they let go of us.
"Hugh. The torture is over. The palefaces have atoned for their outrage and passed the test. Hugh. Untie them."
Our bonds were loosened and our gags removed.
We rubbed our wrists because the bondage was really severe.
Squaw Mondenkind came up to us.
"Wow. Thank you. You guys really played along great. My brothers and I haven't captured palefaces in a long time. I'm Sarah and I'm from Geiselsdorf. These are Robert, Peter and Rudi, my brothers
and this is Theo, their friend."
"Pleased to meet you," said Sabine, "you were really good as Indians, gave us quite a scare, but thank God it was all a game. I'm Sabine, this is my brother Georg, his friend Heinz and these are Sue and Pat.
We are from the city and make here vacation on the camping site. Today with you was really exciting, otherwise there is not so much going on here for young people. Only hiking
is not really our thing.
"Yes, sometimes it's a bit boring here. Although nature is great. That's why we dress up as Indians. And every now and then we find some youngsters from camping who feel like playing with us."
"Yes, I must say that was really fun" said Georg, "when you suddenly jumped on us, it was really weird. And then suddenly Heinz, Sabine and Pat come out of the tent. Really crazy"
"Yes, but actually it was a bit unfair" said Sabine "we palefaces were completely unarmed and you were just able to take us by surprise. If we would have had weapons and if we would have known,
that you Indians were lying in wait to capture us, you certainly wouldn't have taken us prisoner without a fight. I think you owe us a rematch. And then maybe we'll capture you."
"Ha, I don't think so," said Robert, the freckled redhead who had just been the chief. "You city kids would never stand a chance against us; we'd capture you again and again, even if
you had weapons."
"But I'd like to see that first" said Sabine belligerently, "so we have time again tomorrow, but we would need some weapons. Do you have anything like that?"
"Sure we do," said Sarah, who had just been Moonchild. "We've all dressed up as cowgirls or cowboys for Mardi Gras before. We still have gun belts at home and even guns. You can have those if you
"Great," Sabine said, "but we don't want it to turn into a silly shootout. We have to make up rules. If we spot you within firing distance, then you have to surrender. And if you sneak up on us..,
without us noticing you, then we must surrender and you can disarm us. Agreed?"
"Sure thing, that sounds great," Sarah said. "I suggest we meet tomorrow at 2:00 p.m at the old hunting lodge. We'll give you the weapons there. And then we can get started. We'll demarcate a terrain in which we can all
move. And then whoever manages to take the most prisoners wins.
"Sounds fair" said Sabine, "this is going to be really exciting. I think we have to go now. See you tomorrow then. I can hardly wait. It's going to be great!"
"Yeah" said Sarah, "well see you tomorrow.

A little later all five of us were on our way back.
"Wow, that was quite an exciting afternoon" said Sabine.
"Yes, and quite captivating, in the truest sense of the word" I said.
"Really true, it's more exciting than boring walks to the next village" said Georg.
"Do you think we have a chance against them. Today we really lost." asked Sue.
"What were we supposed to do, we had to play along. I didn't want to be a spoilsport and I couldn't fight with them," I said.
"Wouldn't have done you any good either. And besides, they are actually quite nice," said Sabine.
"I'm glad anyway" said Pat, "that was even better than our chess game and that was pretty exciting, wasn't it Georg?"
"Yeah, I'm looking forward too. Okay, see you in the morning then" said Georg.

We had arrived at the campsite and rather excitedly I crawled into my tent. That had really been an exciting afternoon and tomorrow promised to be even more exciting.

Part 6 - Expecting the new game and choosing the right outfit

The next morning I woke up all excited. When I looked out of the tent, it was raining lightly. I was pretty disappointed. I only hoped that it would get nicer towards the afternoon, otherwise our cowboy and
Indian adventure would literally fall into the water. I had breakfast together with Georg, Sabine and their parents:
"Well kids, are you having a good time too. The fresh air is definitely good for you city kids, isn't it?" asked Georg's mother.
"Yes, Mrs. Stockschläger, it's really very nice here. Yesterday we had a really great walk in the forest, didn't we Sabine?"
Sabine almost blushed a little and Georg couldn't help grinning.
"Yes, Mom, we saw lots of animals, a deer, a rabbit, a squirrel, and Heinz knows the names of almost all the trees. He's aces at biology."
"That's wonderful, you'll learn something for school out here too. Well, keep on having fun."
"Yes, thank you, Mrs. Stockschläger. I'm sure these will be exciting days ahead. I'm so grateful that you invited me."
"But that goes without saying, Heinz. We're so glad you're here. Have a great day!"
After breakfast we met Pat and Sue and we sat down on a bench on the bank of the little river that ran right past the campground.
"Wow, I'm getting excited already. It was a funny feeling yesterday when they waylaid us and tied us up. Almost like a real cowboy and Indian movie." said Sabine.
"Yeah, we didn't stand a chance. But today we have weapons, and we know what to expect. They won't take us by surprise that easily again," I replied.
"Yes, and if they do, it doesn't matter, it's just a game" said Sue, "the worst that can happen to us is to be captured and tied up again. And I think that's pretty exciting."
"Yeah me too" said Georg, "but maybe this time Heinz and I will manage to deal with the redskins and free you girls."
"Haha, I'd like to see that," said Sabine, "maybe we'll have to free you guys too. Let's see how much weapons they give us"
"Yeah," but we have to be clear that no one will get hurt or killed in the game, capture is okay, that's exciting enough." said Pat.
"Yeah, sure, but I think the village boys also find more pleasure in tying us up than putting something on us. I've seen how much fun they've had doing that." replied Sabine.
"In any case, I have already laid out my outfit" said Sue, "I have a pair of jeans, boots, a wide belt and a colorful plaid blouse with breast pockets. Plus a blue bandana"
"I put on a dark blue blouse, with breast pockets, then a light blue denim skirt and dark brown boots. Thank God I brought some with me!" said Sabine.
"We'd better not tell our parents that we're playing cowboys and Indians, and especially not that we've been tied up by those village youths, or they'll forbid us to do it." said Georg.
"Of course not" said Pat, "my parents would never allow that. We'd better go into the woods one at a time this afternoon, or they'll notice that we're all dressed like cowgirls and cowboys."

We spent the rest of the morning playing cards. We played hearts and mau mau. After lunch I went to my tent and put on my cowboy outfit. Unfortunately I didn't have boots like the
Girls, but light brown hiking shoes that reached over my ankles. I chose a pair of light blue jeans and a red shirt, with two breast pockets. I tucked a scarf into my pocket that I planned to knot around my
neck once I was in the forest. Georg's parents should not notice that I was dressed like a cowboy. Shortly after that I met Sabine and Georg, who had just left their tent. Fortunately
their parents were taking a nap, so we could disappear unnoticed. Georg was dressed very similarly to me, but he had on a pair of boots that he had borrowed from Sabine, who must have taken several pairs with her on the camping trip.
He was wearing light brown boots, dark blue jeans and a khaki coloured shirt with breast pockets, plus a green bandana. Sabine was dressed exactly as she had announced,
with a dark blue blouse with breast pockets, a knee-length light blue denim skirt, and dark brown boots, in addition she wore a cream-colored neckerchief that she had elegantly draped in her neckline.
"So let's go," Georg said "I've arranged with Pat and Sue to meet them at the edge of the forest. From there we'll walk together to the cabin. It's about 2 kilometers in the middle of the woods.
A little later we met Pat and Sue. Sue looked great in her blue-green-red and yellow plaid cotton blouse with two breast pockets, plus blue jeans, a wide belt and tan boots."
Pat wore a blouse with breast pockets very similar to the short sleeved shirt I was wearing. She wore dark blue jeans with it, dark brown boots and a dark blue bandana with white dots.
"I must say," Georg commented, "we really look like real cowgirls and cowboys. Our village Indians will make eyes. All that's missing are the hats and the gun belts. Let's see what they brought with them"
"Wow, I'm really excited," said Sabine "imagine we go into the forest in this outfit and there are actually Indians who want to capture us. That's really tingly. I can't wait."
"Yes" I agreed, "I never dreamed we would have such captivating adventures on our vacation. This is really great!"

Part 6 Starting a new game

We went into the forest and followed the sign that showed the way to the hunting lodge, we followed a winding narrow path, which led in multiple turns past bizarre rock formations
and then again by dense undergrowth or also by clearer regions, in which one had a free view of the further environment by the tree rows. Then the path led through denser undergrowth again
and after about two kilometers led to a small clearing where the hunting lodge could be found. This was no longer in operation and quite dilapidated, but outside were a few benches, which were covered by a shelter.
covered by a shelter. On the benches sat the five village Indians who were waiting for us. Sarah, the squaw whose name was Moonchild, greeted us:
"Ah great, there you are. You look great. Real cowgirls and cowboys. Great. Look what we brought for you."
She pointed to the table and there were, two toy guns that looked like real Winchesters, then three gun belts with five guns in it, plus five cowboy hats in different colors and two denim vests.
"Help yourselves. I hope that's enough armament for you. Thank God we still have a lot of costumes from the carnival."
"That's great" Sabine said, "I'll take one of the vests and a gun belt, what do you want?"
"I'll take the other vest and a rifle" said Georg.
"And I'll take the other rifle" said Pat.
"Okay Sue, if you want take the two pistols" I said, "one is enough for me".
"Alright Heinz" Sue replied and smiled at me.

We put on the hats and were now really genuine cowgirls and cowboys in full outfit.
"Wow, you look great, palefaces!" said now also appreciatively the freckled Robert, who had put on again war painting on his face and on his naked upper body, and in whose belt a
Tomahawk stuck. "But I guess all five of you will end up back at the stake in no time," he said.
"Let's see about that first," said Sabine pugnaciously, "you won't catch us that easily this time, but first we have to talk about the rules."
"Exactly," said Sarah, "from the point of view of armament, you palefaces have a clear advantage. Your rifles and pistols have squibs in them. If you can get us within ten yards for the rifles and
five meters in front of the shotgun and you shoot, we must surrender and we are your prisoners. Likewise, if you manage to surprise us from behind. If we manage to surprise you from behind, you must surrender
and you will be disarmed and captured. We can then use the captured weapons against you. If one party succeeds in attacking the other with superior numbers,
the outnumbered party must surrender. So much for the rules. Any objections?
"No, that sounds fair" said Sabine. "And what about the prisoners"
"They can either be left bound and gagged, or they can be dragged along. They can try to untie themselves or they can be freed. The game ends when
either all the palefaces or all the Indians have been captured. Otherwise, the game ends at eighteen o'clock and the party that has taken the most prisoners is the winner. And the
party that lost then invites the winners for ice cream at the Burgstadt Ice Cream Parlor. Agreed?"
"Yeah, sounds great" said Sabine. "And when do we start?"

"Right now" replied Sarah, "we Indians are retreating into the woods now. This is your ranch house. You can either stay here or try to track us down in the woods. We'll give you
We'll give you half an hour. Then we will begin to attack you. The hut offers you no protection, it is open on all four sides. So you can't hide in here. So, all right."
"Yeah sure" said Sabine, "then here's to a great game".
"Yeah," said Sahra, "oh, before I forget, there are a few bundles of rope in the hut. You can tie us up with them if you manage to capture one of us. So, go brave warriors. I am sure
we'll tie all the palefaces to the stake again very soon. Let's go. Hugh"

Moonchild, the squaw who had been spokeswoman for the Indians, and her warriors retreated into the woods. I looked after her with admiration. She was very pretty with her dark brown eyes and her black braids, and she had only a few streaks of war paint
on her face. And under her Indian costume of light suede she wore a plaid blouse that she must have captured from a cowgirl. I wondered if we would succeed in capturing her.

Part 7 Defining the strategy for the game

We five palefaces were now alone in our ranch, the old hunting lodge. We took a look inside and realized that Sarah, who was now Squaw Mondenkind again, was right.
The cabin was made of wood and the windows were open and the glass was completely broken out. In addition, pieces of the wooden wall were missing from the back wall and both side walls, so the Indians would have a clear field of fire on
on us. Besides, of course, it would have been boring and cowardly for the five of us to hole up in the hut and wait for the Indian attack. We needed another strategy.
"Okay" said Georg, "here's my plan. Two of us go into the woods on a scout. We'll try to capture one or more of the Indians."
"And what do the remaining three do" I asked.
"We have to set a trap for them" said Georg. "One of us stays in camp as bait. The other two hide in the bushes nearby. The one or two who are in the camp will allow themselves to be taken for a mock ride and
captured. And while the Indians hold him at bay and tie him up, the other two rush out of the bushes and overpower the Indians. What do you think of that?"
"Good idea, Georg," said Sabine, "I like to play the bait. What about you Heinz and Sue, do you want to hide in the bushes. But be careful that they don't take you by surprise"
"Yeah, so Pat and I are going out on a scout" said Georg. "The first thing we'll do is scout the area around the cabin to make sure they don't spy on us. You guys will stay here in the cabin until then and keep a lookout
on the lookout on all three sides. If Pat and I aren't back in ten minutes, they've captured us. Then you must try to find us and free us. All right?"
"Yes," said Sabine, "so off you two go."
Shortly after, Pat and Georg disappeared together into the forest surrounding the clearing. Sabine, Sue and I huddled in the cabin, pistol and rifle respectively at the ready, and start into the forest surrounding the cabin.
Forest. We waited anxiously for Pat's and George's return. After about a quarter of an hour, they did indeed return.
"We circled the area once and didn't see anyone. Either they're farther away or they're well hidden."
"Good, now what?" asked Sabine.
"Now we start our plan" said Georg. "Pat and I will sneak into the woods and find an observation post not too far from the cabin. That way the Indians won't be able to see us. If they creep up,
we follow them. Sabine stays near the hut as bait, you two, Heinz and Sue, hide so that you can intervene as soon as the redskins try to capture Sabine. If anything goes
goes wrong, Pat and I can still try to free you if you are captured. If we manage to capture a few Indians, we can then use them as bait and wait to see
and see how the rest of them try to get out. All right, Pat and I are going to get out of here now and go back to observation posts. Good luck."
"Yeah, thanks" said Sue.
We watched Pat and George disappear back into the woods.
"Alright you two, you find a hiding place now too. I'll stay here and play the naive innocent".
Sabine seemed to like her role just fine.
"Alright Sue, you to the right, me to the left. Good luck!"
"Thanks, you too!"

Part 8 Once again captured by the Indians

My heart was beating like crazy. Wow, that was exciting and thrilling. I headed into the wooded area to the right of the cabin that went up a bit steeply. About fifteen yards from the cabin, I found a small bush that was
was next to a tree. Behind the bushes was a large boulder that gave me some cover. From my hiding place I had a good view of Sabine, who was doing a great job playing her part. She sat
on the bench and lolling in the sun. About fifteen yards to her left, I saw Sue scrambling up a slope and then taking cover between a tree and a rock in a bush. I waited anxiously,
to see what would happen. My fingers clutched the revolver in my holster, but I saw no need to draw it yet. About ten minutes passed without anything happening. I looked at Sabine, who was walking up and down
the cabin. Maybe it was a little too obvious that she was playing bait. Then I looked at Sue, and then suddenly I saw one of the Indians come up behind her. I wanted to scream,
to warn her, but it would have been too late. I saw Sue raise her hands and surrender. And then I saw an Indian sneak up behind the cabin on Sabine's right.
"Hugh. Surrender white, squaw."
Sabine raised her hands in the air. I was utterly fascinated. This was madness to see the girls being captured. I saw Sue coming down the slope with her hands raised high. The Indian who had captured her
had seized the pistols she carried in her holster. Soon the girls were standing side by side with their hands raised high, threatened with their own guns, which had been taken from them.
Now, for the moment, I was the only one of the three of us left free to free the two girls if necessary. I was so fascinated by the capture of my friends that I forgot everything else around me.
around me. Then suddenly I heard the voice of Mondenkind.
"Hands up paleface. Don't move."
I obeyed on the spot and raised my hands.
The squaw was at my back and had crept up unnoticed.
I felt Mondenkind approach and take the revolver from my holster.
"Come on forward, paleface, you will keep the two white squaws company."
I stretched my hands even higher into the afternoon sky and was pushed down the slope by Mondenkind with my own revolver. A little while later I was standing next to my friends with my hands up.
"Hahaha, the palefaces got themselves captured like greenhorns. We'll tie them up, gag them, and bring them to our camp."
"Yes, Hugh, and we'll tie them up with their own ropes from their hut. Come on hands behind your backs, palefaces!"
I was shaking all over with excitement as Sabine, Sue and I had our hands tied behind our backs.
"Now get on your knees, palefaces, we want to prevent you from warning your accomplices. Gag them!" Mondenkind's voice sounded very authoritative and imperious.
And then I felt my scarf being untied and then knotted again behind my neck as a gag. My friends didn't fare any better.
"Now get them ready for transport. Tie them together."
The Indians wound the ample ropes available in the hut several times around our chests and then tied them together with ropes, just as slaves had been tied together in Africa in the past.
"And now forward, let's take them to the camp".
I was the first in our coffle and one of the Indians tugged on the rope that was connected to my chest bonds. We three prisoners, all tied with ropes, were dragged forward.
It felt indescribable, so humiliating, we had been captured so easily despite our weapons, it was so humiliating, but it felt so good.
Our walk through the forest began, we were tied up even tighter than the day before, in our cowgirl and cowboy outfits, city kids tired of civilization, overpowered, captured and tied up by these
Village Indians who had proven to be so much smarter, but it just felt good, just the way I had imagined it in my wild dreams the previous night.
What about Georg and Pat, were they still at liberty? Would they actually be able to free us? Or would they share our fate very soon?

Part 9 A humiliating defeat

Sabine, Sue and I I had been overpowered, disarmed and tied up in no time at the Cowboys and Indians game. It was very humiliating that we had allowed ourselves to be so easily duped and that our well thought out plan to trap the Indians with Sabine as bait had gone so completely wrong. We also felt a high of mockery and contempt when we were tied up, especially since Sabine had the previous day still loudly toned that we, if we would have weapons, would not be so easily overwhelmed. Now all three of us were once again prisoners of the redskins. We knew what that meant. It might now be just a quarter to three and our game was supposed to end around six o'clock according to our agreement. That meant we would spend a good three hours as defenselessly bound prisoners of the redskins and they would surely come up with a lot of tortures to humiliate and torment us. Our only hope was that Georg and Pat were still at liberty and that they would somehow try to rescue and free us.
But this hope was to be dashed very soon. We were scarcely five minutes in the direction of the Indians' camp when the fourth Indian approached us.
"Hugh, we have captured the other two palefaces. We have them tied to two trees over there, and the Stinking Bear is guarding them."
The chief, the Gray Wolf, uttered a wild roar of triumph and laughed derisively:
"Hahaha, the palefaces are sissies, weaker than any squaw of the Sioux; we captured them all within half an hour and got all their weapons. They are sissies and not warriors.
How dare you challenge us and invade our territory? But they shall pay for it. We have plenty of time to martyre them all afternoon by every trick in the book.
Tie the three of them to trees as well. Then we will confer on the manner in which we will martyre them."
The redskins untied the ropes that bound us together and then they grabbed us and dragged us a few hundred yards away to some trees that were opposite the place where Pat and Georg were standing tied within a meter of each other.
They had also been gagged with their own scarves to prevent them from crying out for help, and they had been tied up by every trick in the book, with a long rope which wound in multiple coils around their legs, abdomen and torso. Now we were facing them and were also tied tightly to the tree with a long rope that was wound over and over again around our bodies.
I felt my back and arms and legs being pressed tightly against the tree by the strict bondage. It was so thick that my hands did not touch behind the tree, but my wrists were bound so tightly that I could hardly move. Fascinated, I stared at my fellow captives. The trees to which we were tied stood in a circle so that each of us could see all the other fellow prisoners. We looked just great in our shirts, blouses and jeans and cowboy hats. The Indians sat down in a circle right between us and they talked so loud that we could
could hear what tortures they were planning for us.
"Well, they're all definitely getting the salt gag" said Chief Gray Wolf. "Haha, they will get mighty thirsty".
"Yes, and then one by one we will tie them between two trees and spank them with a branch. And the others will have to watch, tied up, until it's their turn." said another of the Indians
"Yes, and if it gets any hotter, we'll put the two tents in the blazing sun and stick them in, tied back to back, the cowgirls in one tent and the two cowboys in the other.
They're going to sweat a lot, hahaha." Stinky Bear said.
"Well," said Moonchild, "I suggest the Gray Wolf, Stinky Bear and the Gray Hawk go to the camp and prepare everything for the martyrdom ceremony. When everything is ready, one of you will return and we will take
the prisoners to the camp.
"Why don't we take them directly?" asked the Gray Hawk.
"Oh, they're tied to the trees so nicely right now, and they've just heard what else is in store for them this afternoon. We'll let them languish a bit. And in between, we'll pester them a little with
our weapons, eh Black Eagle?"
"Hugh, I see. We're supposed to work and you have your fun with the prisoners, huh?" asked Stinking Bear.
"Don't worry, Stinky Bear, you'll get your money's worth. If the white girls agree to become your squaws, they will be spared the torture. And you'll have lots of fun. Now, come on. Off to Camp."

Part 10 A completely unexpected release

While Mondenkind was saying this, I had the feeling that she smiled at me briefly. I admired how much she could convince and control her rather not so intelligent red brothers.
But what the redskins had said about the planned further course of the afternoon had already teased and made me tremble. We ourselves had consented to this game and now we were once again
the completely helpless victims of these village Indians. And they were going to make us pay for the fact that we had allowed ourselves to be captured so easily. I had seen the fear in the girls' faces when they heard what was to happen to them.
and especially when the redskins said they would be spared the tortures if they agreed to become squaws of the Indian warriors.
Shortly after, three of the warriors were gone, on their way to their camp to prepare everything for our torture.
We five white captives stood tied to the trees awaiting our further fate. It was humiliating and arousing at the same time, the girls looked just great in their blouses, jeans or skirts and the boots,
plus the ropes wound very tightly around their soft bodies so that they were pressed firmly against the wood of the trees.
Moonchild had sat down against a tree and was watching us five captives, the warrior Black Eagle strutted between us and made a joke of approaching us and insinuating a blow with the tomahawk
which he then stopped just short of our heads. He really scared all of us, even though we knew that it was all just a game that we had agreed to.
Especially Sabine had done it to the black eagle, he stood in front of her for a long time, pied her with the tomahawk and took one of her strands of hair between his fingers. She whimpered fearfully into her gag.
Black Eagle looked at her covetously and then began to undo the gag.
"Hugh. The white squaw has beem talking very big yesterday. And today she is a weak and defenseless prisoner of the red warriors. The white men who accompany her are sissies, weaklings who have surrendered
instead of fighting. You do not deserve a squaw. Now you are the property of the red warriors. Our prey. And you please Black Eagle. If you agree to become his squaw and go with him into the forest, you will be spared
the torture.
"Never, you stinking coyote. I may be your prisoner, but I will not go anywhere with you village idiot" Sabine was so outraged and shocked that she almost fell out of character.
"Hugh, hugh, you'll pay for that, white bitch, no one insults Black Eagle with impunity. I'm going to-"
"Leave her alone, Black Alder, right now. Drop that tomahawk and put your hands up. Or I'll send you to the happy hunting ground."
I could hardly believe what I was seeing. While Black Eagle had been harassing Sabine, Mondenkind had risen and snuck up behind his back. Now she was threatening him with the pistol..,
which she had taken from me.
"Hugh, moon child, how dare you. Hugh, now wait."
Black Alder was about to turn around when Mondenkind fired the pistol. Bang.
"Next shot, you're dead, Black Alder, you will now untie the prisoners. Now!"
Again I admired Mondenkind's determined and domineering manner.
"You wretched traitor, I will..."
"Nothing you will, untie them I say, or the game is up."
Reluctantly, the warrior, frenzied with anger, obeyed.
He untied Sabine's bonds. I watched her rip the gag from her mouth.
"Thank you Moonchild...but why?"
"You must know that I am a half-blood. The Indians kidnapped my mother and forced her to become their squaw. The blouse I am wearing was hers."
"You will pay for this Moonchild, I swear to you..." growled the Black Wolf.
"Silence and untie the others! Sabine, you free your friends as well. Quickly!"
A little later Sabine was with me and untied my bonds.
"I must say, quite an unexpected turn of events" I said.
"You could say that" Sabine smiled, "and I almost think our Indian savior has her eye on you. And I'm not sure I'm that comfortable with it."
"You're crazy."
"Well, we'll see"
A moment later we were all free.
"There, now let's give Black Eagle a dose of his own medicine. Sabine, you tie him up. And don't forget the gag."
"With pleasure."
Black Eagle made a grim face. But he allowed himself to be tied up without resistance and also endured the gag.
"Good" said Mondenkind, "we'll use him as bait later. The other warriors will make eyes, hahaha."
"What's your plan now, Mondenkind," I asked.
"We have one rifle and three pistols the rest the warriors took. George, Sabine and I, we sneak up to the camp and try to overpower the warriors there.
The other three of you find a place to hide, tie the black eagle to a tree and use it as bait. As soon as a warrior approaches him,
you sneak up behind him and capture him."
"Great plan, Moonchild, hope it works. Wouldn't want to fall into the hands of your former fellow warriors again. I'm afraid they'll be extremely angry if they catch us again.
if they catch us again," said Georg.
"You're right," replied Mondenkind, "but it's now six against three, and I know the area much better than you do. So our chances are not bad."
I could have kissed Mondenkind, even though that would certainly not have suited Sabine. Instead of standing at the torture post for many hours and suffering numerous humiliating tortures,
we were now all free again and had a good chance of winning the game. And, after all, we had not made up any rule that forbade a member of a party to switch sides.
And with Mondenkind on our side, the game was much fairer and more balanced. I was trembling with excitement. But Georg was also right, if the Indians overpowered us again,
their revenge would be terrible.
We saw Georg, Sue and Pat leave with the red prisoner. George had taken the rifle, and Pat a pistol. Then we followed Moonchild in the other direction, she still had my pistol and the other I had generously left to Sabine. I was shaking all over with excitement. Heavens, this was really an exciting game...

Part 11 Me once again captured by the Indians, tied up to the stake and tortured with a salt gag

Mondenkind, Sabine and I were on our way to the camp of the Indians. I rejoiced, if we were lucky, all three of them were busy with preparations for our torture, so that we could sneak up and
take them by surprise. All we had to do was put them within shooting distance and we would have won the game. After about ten minutes of marching through the forest, Mondenkind put her finger to her
"Shh. We're approaching the camp now. It's just beyond the rise here. We'll climb up here and then hide behind the rocks. We'll have a good view of the camp from there."
We scrambled up the hill and made our way through the undergrowth. At the top lay two larger boulders. From there, through the brush, we could glimpse the two Indian tents,
which lay in a hollow about twenty meters further down. Between the tents we could see two of the Indians squatting on the ground with their backs turned to us. There was no sign of the third Indian.
"This is our chance" said Mondenkind, "if we manage to sneak up on them we can overpower them without them noticing us"
"But where is the third," asked Sabine.
"I don't know. Maybe he's already on his way to send word that everything is ready for the martyrdom ceremony."
"Then we should hurry," I said, "if he notices that we prisoners are gone, they will swarm out and look for us."
"All right. Heinz, you and I will go. Me first, you stay ten yards behind me. If I manage to catch them off guard, you'll tie them up while I keep them at bay. Sabine, you
stay here and watch the area. If anything goes wrong, you'll either try to get us out, or you'll warn the others."
Sabine made a bit of a face, but she didn't say anything.
Then I saw Mondenkind slowly climbing down the slope towards the Indian camp, taking cover behind some trees. I admired the agility and elegance with which she moved.
moved. I had trouble following her at a distance of about ten meters. Mondenkind had now approached within ten meters and was crouching behind a tree. The Indians were still turning their backs on her.
A few more yards and she had them within the agreed shooting distance and could surprise them from behind. I decided to follow her a few more yards. And then I stepped on a dry branch on the
ground. Crack! The Indians turned in a flash and caught sight of me, since I had no cover at the moment. One grabbed the rifle that lay on the ground beside him.
"Hugh. A paleface. Freeze!."
I stood stiffy scared. I saw Moonface, who was hiding behind a tree five yards in front of me and had apparently not yet been noticed by the Indians. She put a finger to her mouth.
The first of the Indians had approached me to nearly ten yards and was aiming his rifle at me.
"Hugh, surrender paleface. Or I'll pump you full of lead."
"Don't shoot, I surrender. Wait I'm coming down."
I raised my hands in the air and descended the hill, passing Mondenkind, who was still crouching unnoticed behind the tree and smiling at me.
A few steps later I was at the bottom with the Indians.
"Hugh, how did the paleface escape, talk."
"Simple, I managed to break the bonds and when your guards weren't paying attention, I ran away. The others are all still your prisoners."
"Hugh. I think he's lying."
"Hugh. I think he is, too. But that won't help him. Go on, tie him to a tree and gag him. I'll keep an eye on the area."
The other Indian, it was the Stinking Bear, grabbed me roughly by the arm and dragged me to a tree that stood near the first tent.
"Hugh, move, weakling."
I had to stand against the not too thick tree and my wrists were tied first. Then another rope was wound in multiple turns around my legs, stomach, arms and chest so that my whole body was pressed
tightly against the tree. At that moment the Gray Hawk emerged from the tent:
"Hugh, what's wrong?"
"The sissy seems to have escaped. Maybe the others too. No idea how!"
"Hahaha, that's a good one. I've just finished making the salt gag's dip. We'll use that to make him talk."
"Hugh, very good. Bring it on."
Stinky Bear looked at me grimly and then he began to untie the knot of my bandana.
"How convenient, paleface, your bandana becomes the perfect torture tool."
The other Indian came back out of the tent with a small plastic bowl. Grinning, the Stinky Bear tied a thick knot in my bandana and then dipped it into the bowl that the Gray Hawk held
held out to him.
"Hugh, we'll give you a taste of this, paleface, chili sauce and a good pinch of salt. Within no time your throat will burn like fire. Now open your mouth, weakling, go on!".
I had no choice but to obey. The gag was stuffed into my mouth and knotted behind my neck. I moaned out. Heaven, that tasted tremendously hot and salty at the same time. What a torture!
"Haha. That will make him talk. But first we'll let him wriggle for a while"
"Hugh, Stinky Bear, Gray Hawk, come here!" Shouted the Gray Wolf, the chief who had been the one to capture me.

Part 12 - Mondenkind and Sabine joining me in captivity

The two Indians left me alone and hurried to their chief, who was still watching the mountain slope, where Mondenkind and further up also Sabine, were hiding. From the place where I now stood tied up,
I could also see the slope, if I turned my head strongly to the right. I could hear what the chief was saying to his warriors:
"Listen. There must be more palefaces up there. You sneak up on them from the side. You Stinky Bear from below and you Gray Hawk from above. Don't let them get away."
Then all was silent. The Gray Wolf was still standing below with his rifle, watching the slope where the two girls were hiding. The two warriors had swarmed out to the side, the Stinking Bear fighting his way
from below through the brush diagonally upward and the Gray Hawk taking a small path that wound its way up the other side of the slope through scattered trees and a few rocks. I saw that both warriors
were armed with the pistols they had captured from us. I turned my head to the right to see what was happening next. And then I saw Mondenkind appear from behind the tree and heard the rumbling voice of the
growling voice of the gray wolf:
"Hugh, Mondenkind, don't move. Hands up, you traitor."
I saw Mondenkind drop her weapon and put her hands up. It was clear to me that she had no chance to escape as the Stinking Bear approached her sideways from below, while the lower slope was simultaneously
was in the field of fire of the Gray Wolf. The Stinking Bear must have immediately tracked her down to her hiding place. Now I saw the Stinking Bear come up behind Mondenkind, he had picked up her weapon and was driving her
now with two drawn pistols the few steps down the slope into the camp. Mondenkind had her hands up and now looked really scared.
"Hugh. Tie the wretched traitor to the tree beside the white weakling. She will pay for her treachery a thousandfold."
Without resistance, Moonchild allowed herself to be tied up next to me. Fascinated, I watched as the ropes were wound over and over again around her cream-colored, leather-like Indian dress with fringes, under which she wore a blue and pink
checked blouse. Then she too was given the salt gag. The trees to which we were tied stood somewhat staggered so that we could admire each other in our strict bondage. Moonchild seemed to be
enjoying it and I had the feeling that she had probably changed sides mostly to enjoy the pleasure be tied up with us, and probably mostly with me. We looked at each other in fascination for a while, and
then we heard the Indians cry out triumphantly. We saw Sabine also being led into the camp with her arms raised high by the Gray Hawk, who was threatening her with two pistols. And a few moments later
later she joined us in our strict and humiliating bondage. She was also tied with multiple coils of rope to the tree standing on my other side and likewise tormented with a salt gag.
The three warriors lined up in kind a semicircle in front of us and regarded us mockingly:
"Hugh, Moonchild, your treachery will not benefit you or the palefaces. My warriors will swarm out and recapture the rest of the the white sissies and free our brother Black Eagle from his ignominious captivity.
he owes to you. Hugh, his vengeance will be terrible. Hugh."

A little later the Stinking Bear and the Gray Hawk were gone, well armed with the rifles and pistols they had taken from us.. We three prisoners stood bound and gagged in a semicircle against our
and opposite us sat cross-legged the gray eagle and stared at us incessantly, his eyes wandering from one to the other and he could not seem to get enough of our bondage torment, which gave him obvious pleasure.
which gave him obvious pleasure. Then he got up and went to Mondenkind, he had a pistol and held it under her chin to tease her, glaring at her without saying a word.
Then he did the same with Sabine and finally with me.

Part 13 - Sue, George and Pat joining us in captivity once again

I don't know how long we stood like that at the stake, maybe half an hour or so, maybe three quarters of an hour. Our throats burned like fire, but when I looked at the girls next to me,
I forgot my torment, it just felt so good to be tied up with them, which is how the Christian martyrs in the Coliseum in Rome must have felt. It was heavenly.
My eyes met sometimes those of Mondenkind, sometimes those of Sabine, then I had them closed again and I enjoyed my bondage, it was as if I could stay like this forever.
Then we heard howls of triumph and a little later Georg, Sue and Pat were brought into the camp also tied up. A short time later they were tied to the trees next to us in the same way as we were and they were also given the salt gag.
The trees to which we had been tied to stand in a semicircle so that we could all see each other dressed in our cowgirl and cowboy outfits, with our
jeans, our shirts and blouses standing strictly tied to the torture pole. It was simply heavenly, just as I had always dreamed. Our tormentors had moved about five meters from the spot where we were
all bound and gagged standing in a circle and seemed to be discussing what should happen to us in the further course of the afternoon. It might be four or half past four.
and since our game was to last until six o'clock, the torture that still awaited us would last perhaps another hour and a half or two hours.

All six of us stood bound and gagged at our torture posts, trying to eavesdrop on what the redskins intended to do to us next. It wasn't difficult, then they were talking pretty loud.
"Hugh, so what do we do with the two pathetic white sissies and their weak squaws and what do we do with Moonchild, that traitor. She must be severely punished"
Black Eagle laughed derisively:
"Yes, she actually fell for one of this two white weaklings. That's what took her mind. She was to be my squaw and she betrayed me to that
Paleface. So I have the right to chastise her to bring her back to her senses."
I shuddered and looked over at Moonchild when I heard those words. She looked at me too and even though she was gagged, I felt like she was smiling at me.
"Hugh, the Black Alder has spoken well," said the Chief Grey Wolf now, "but what does he intend to do with our treacherous red sister. How does he intend to punish her?"
"Hugh. I have a whip and will spank her with it, that will bring her back to her senses"
"Yes, you're right, Black Eagle, that will teach her a lesson," said Stinking Bear, "but what are we going to do with the other palefaces after this?"
"Hugh. They must be thirsty as hell. We've got a couple of bottles of water in the tent. We'll drink those in front of them. That will add to their agony," said the Gray Wolf.
"Yes, and after that they shall watch the traitor get spanked by the Black Eagle, hugh." said the Gray Hawk.

Part 14 - Two wrestling duels and a complete defeat

"Wait, I have another better idea. Let the two white weaklings go one-on-one against the Black Eagle and me. If they succeed in defeating us and tying us up,
they and the squaws will be free. If we defeat and tie them up, you will all continue to be tortured all afternoon."
"Hugh, that's a good idea. Let their squaws see what weaklings they are when we defeat them," agreed the Black Eagle enthusiastically"
"Hugh, so be it," roared the Gray Wolf, "take the gags off the palefaces and ask if they will fight you."
With a grinning face, Black Eagle approached me and took off my gag.
"So, paleface, speak, do you want to fight me. If you defeat me, Moonchild and the squaw with the blue blouse are free. Hugh. Speak!"
I hesitated. I knew that I would not have the slightest chance against this strong guy in a wrestling match. But I had no choice. I didn't want to look like a coward.
"All right, I will fight with you. But please, give the squaws a drink of water and loosen their gags"
"Hugh. Agreed. Gray Hawk. Get the water from the tent and let the squaws drink from it. And I will untie you now, paleface."
I heard that George was also getting ready to fight, and our bonds were loosened. I saw the Gray Hawk come back from the tent with a water bottle. He untied the girls' gag
and let them drink from the bottle. When he went to Mondenkind, Black Eagle cried out:
"No, Mondenkind not. Let her continue to suffer. Only if this paleface here should defeat me shall she be freed from the gag."
A little later Georg and I faced our opponents. Georg took off his glasses and put them down in the grass a bit aside. I thought about whether I should take off my shirt, but then I left it on.
Georg also left his khaki shirt and his light blue denim vest on. I had no illusions, the fight would be short. The two village Indians were strong and Georg and I were the weakest of
in our class and were teased because we always got the short end of the stick in the schoolyard and hallway scuffles.
"Hugh. Let me explain the rules. It's a wrestling match. Kicks and punches are not allowed.The goal is to turn your opponent onto his stomach and tie his hands. The ropes are next to you in the grass.
Georg and I nodded.
"Hugh, let the fight begin!"
Now we were facing our opponents.
The Black Eagle grinned at me with a victorious sneer. And then he lunged at me. He clutched me with both arms and threw me to the ground. He lay on top of me and then, as quick as a flash, he turned me
onto my stomach, grabbing my arm and twisting it behind my back.
"Hugh. Do you surrender, paleface?"
"Yes, yes! I surrender!"
I let him grab my other arm as well, so that my wrists were now crossed behind my back while he squatted on my thighs. He grabbed the rope that was lying next to us in the grass
and began to tie my hands behind my back. Then he grabbed a second rope and tied my feet as well. After that, he connected my hand and foot cuffs together so that I was in a strict hogtie
was tied. Then he grabbed my bandana, unknotted it and stuffed it back into my mouth as a gag and knotted it again behind my neck. The whole struggle had lasted maybe a minute and a half.
minute and a half. After I lay bound in strict hogtie at his feet, Black Eagle let out a triumphant howl and patted his chest with both hands. Shortly thereafter, the
the Stinking Bear joined in the triumphant howl. I saw that Georg had met the same fate as me, he was lying tied in the hogtie a meter beside us on the ground and had also been gagged with his own scarf.
It was really humiliating. What would the girls think of us?

Part 15 Humilated and teased by the Indians

In any case, our opponents felt great and danced around us with wild howls. Then the Stinking Bear turned to Sabine, still tied to the tree, who had been freed from her gag in the meantime.
"Hugh, white squaw, you have seen for yourself what pathetic sissies and weaklings your white men are. Agree to become my squaw. Then I will untie you and spare you all further torture."
"No way, you puffed-up show-off," Sabine snorted, "you may be stronger than my white friend, but he's much more intelligent. I can talk to him. You red-skinned jerk can't even get two straight sentences out."
"Hugh, how dare the white squaw insult a brave red warrior! Well wait I'll gag you again."
Defenselessly I had to watch Sabine being gagged again. Yet I could have kissed her for what she had just said.
"Hugh, gag the other squaws again too" said the Gray Wolf. "They will have it no other way, and shall suffer a thousand torments. And untie Mondenkind and tie her between two trees.
Mondenkind was untied by one of the warriors. Then, still gagged, she was also grabbed by another. She was dragged between two trees and, with her arms and legs spread wide apart
her wrists and ankles were tied to the tree trunks.
"Go on, Black Alder, get the whip and chastise her."
Black Eagle disappeared into the tent and returned a moment later with a toy whip. Georg and I were lying about five meters away from where they had tied up Mondenkind.
We could watch everything closely. Mondenkind, and also Georg's sister Sabine and our friends Pat and Sue, who were squirming in their bonds.
And then we saw how the Black Eagle gave Mondenkind very light strokes on her butt with the whip. But Mondenkind moaned as if she was being severely beaten, that was part of the game.
and she whimpered and moaned loudly into her gag. After about five minutes, the black eagle let go of her.
"Hugh. That's enough. Let that be a lesson to you, traitor!"
"And what do we do with them now?" asked the Stinking Bear?
"Hugh. We tie them back to the trees. After that, we'll look for firewood to roast them"
I was startled. Georg and I were released from our hogtie.
"Move back to the trees, palefaces" said Black Eagle

Part 16 - A completely surprising turn of events

For a moment Georg and I were free. The Indians were so sure of their cause that they no longer thought it necessary to threaten us with a weapon or to detain us. And then
I saw the pistol lying in the grass about two yards from where I was. I raised my hands to indicate that I would go back to the stake without resistance.
And then suddenly I rushed. I grabbed the pistol, straightened up in a flash, and had the entire gang in front of my gun barrel. With my other hand I tore the gag out of my mouth.
"Freeze, redskins, whoever lifts the slightest finger, I'll send him to the eternal hunting grounds. Come on Georg, grab the rifle."
I saw the surprise, both in the utterly shocked faces of the redskins and in the puzzled face of Georg. Then he understood what I wanted and picked up the rifle,
which the Indians in their certainty of victory had carelessly left in the grass.
"Now get down on the ground, lie on your bellies, and cross your hands behind your back. Come on, move."
The Indians looked at me with flashing, angry eyes, but they obeyed. Such were the rules. Shortly thereafter, the warriors who had so recently humiliated us lay belly-down on the ground in front of us.
"Keep them at bay, Georg, I'll free the girls".
I was not going to let nobody take that away from me! And I had earned that! First I went to Sabine. I will never forget the look she gave me. I loosened her gag.
"Wow, Heinz. That was fantastic. I knew you were a hero. I could kiss you."
I blushed.
"Wait I'll untie you"
It took me some time to untie the knot they had used to tie Sabine's wrists.
"Thanks Heinz, I can do the rest by myself. Free the others."
Next, I went to see Mondenkind. I will never forget her look either. I untied her gag.
"That was great of you, paleface. Very brave. My brothers and their friend didn't expect that. Haha, pride comes before a fall."
"Yeah, but if you hadn't gone over to their side we never would have had a chance. Wait, let me untie you."
I helped her to free herself from her hand and foot bonds. I saw that Sabine had freed herself in the meantime and was now untying Pat and Sue.
Mondenkind was also free in the meantime.
"Good we can't take any more chances now. I'll grab a gun and go to Georg," she said.
A little later Pat and Sue were also free. While the Indians were still lying on the ground with their hands crossed behind their backs, we collected our weapons and also those of the Indians,
which we placed in one of the tents.
"What are we going to do with them now?" asked I.
"Well, what do you think," said Sabine, "we tie them to the stake. Let them feel what that feels like.
"Yes, you're right," said Mondenkind. She had grabbed the second rifle.
"Rise, my red brothers, the torture stake awaits you. But not a muckle, nice, hands in the air."
The Indians obeyed and looked at us angrily. We now had all our guns pointed at them and they could not do the least thing.
"Go to the trees, move!"
Mondenkind's voice was now back to being as dominant and bossy as it had been when I had first met her.
"Sabine, you help me tie them up. The rest of you keep them in check."
I watched Sabine and Mondenkind, tie the Indians' wrists together behind the trees. They made the knots so tight that they could not free themselves, but refrained from tying up
the redskins as tightly and with as many turns of rope as they had done with us. They also spared them the gags.

Part 17 Some spicy torture für the redskins and end of the game

"And what do we do with them now?" I asked.
"I think we've won, we'll let them hang from the stakes until the end of the game" said Sabine.
"Yes, but they deserve a little lesson" said Mondenkind "they should try a spoonful of their own medicine. I think there is some of the salt and spice paste left".
Mondenkind stood up and disappeared into one of the wigwams. Shortly after, she came back out with the plastic bowl and a spoon.
"I suggest we four girls feed the brave warriors, hahaha."
Then she went to Black Eagle with the bowl:
"Open your mouth Black Eagle, you can wait a long time for me to become your squaw, I don't want a man to spank me".
"Well wait, you'll regret that, you traitor" growled Black Eagle.
"Not in this game anymore, we won that one" replied Mondenkind, "now come on. Open your mouth, he who can dish it out must also take it. Very nice! A spoonful for Mama."
Mondenkind let him lick the spoon, turned triumphantly, smiled at us, and then passed the spoon to Sabine.
She took it and fed the Gray Wolf, then passed the spoon to Sue, who fed the next Indian, and Pat let the last one lick the spoon with the salty seasoning paste.
Moonchild put her hands on her hips and looked at her former confreres.
"So that shall, be a lesson to you, you should never underestimate anyone, not even a supposedly weak paleface."
"Hugh, if you traitor had not changed sides, we would never have lost".
"Nonsense, I was your prisoner, after all. But Heinz showed you. A paleface defeated all four of you. But enough talking now. We'll let you languish for half an hour.
After that we'll give you water and then the game is over."

We palefaces settled down in the grass, some five yards away from the bound Indians. We had our weapons at the ready, and Moonchild sat so that she had the Indians in view
Indians in case one of them tried to break free. We chatted about this and that and agreed that it had been quite a game.
After about half an hour, the girls got up, Mondenkind got a bottle of water from the tent, and then the girls gave the Indians a drink.
"Okay, time to untie them, the game is over" said Mondenkind a little later.
We went to the Indians and untied them.

"Hugh, you owe us a rematch" hissed Black Alder, "we can't let this disgrace stand."
"We'll discuss that tomorrow at the ice cream parlor." said Moonchild, "Maybe we'll play something else. A treasure hunt, for example. Maybe in the jungle"
"Yes, that would be great" I said. "So we'll meet again tomorrow? At the ice cream parlor in Burgstadt?"
"Yes with pleasure" said Moonchild, "we invite you. You have won after all"
"Well...without you," I said, blushing a little.
"Anyway, see you tomorrow at fourteen o'clock. Then we'll discuss if we're going to make a new game"
"Yeah, great, see you tomorrow." said Sabine.

Part 18 Return to the campsite and plans for a new game

Then Mondenkind left with her brothers and their friend. The four of them looked pretty embarrassed and I don't know if they were mad at Mondenkind, whose real name was Sarah.

The five of us made our way back to the campsite.
"Wow, that was a great game" I said.
"Yeah, but actually we got pretty bummed out" said Georg.
"Yes, but Heinz saved us" said Sabine and I blushed again.
"But only because Mondenkind changed sides. Otherwise we would have stewed at the stake for four hours" said George.
"But that was great," said Sue, "I love being tied up. It was like being in a real cowboy and Indian movie."
"Yes," said Pat, " I never thought our vacation here in this Eifel backwater would be so exciting."
"And it's not over yet," Sabine said, "tomorrow we'll think up a new game. The treasure hunt thing is a great idea."
"Yes," we play Indiana Jones or Tomb Raider, we are archaeologists who go treasure hunting. And the Eifler are the bandits who want to steal the treasure from us" I said.
"Yes, or we mix the teams", that would be fairer, Sabine said.
"Anyway, we'll sort it out tomorrow. Well then, have a nice evening" said Pat.
A little later we had reached the campsite. I ate together with Sabine, Georg and their parents in front of the tent. They had started the grill.
"Well, did you have a good time today?" asked Georg's mother.
"Yes, it was great. These Eifel forests are just great, Mom. You can see and experience so much there. And Heinz knows the names of so many trees and plants," said Sabine, without blushing.
"Well, that's what I call a vacation. You learn something and have fun doing it. That's how it should be!" said her father.
I tried to smile in agreement.
"Yes this is really great vacation!"

A little later I was lying in my tent. This was really the most exciting vacation I had ever experienced in my life. I thought of Sabine, how I had freed her from the shackles and of Mondenkind.
It was simply overwhelming. And it was not over yet. Tomorrow in the ice cream parlor we would think up a new game. And it would certainly be extremely captivating again.

The end (of the first part)
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Post by slackywacky »

Why don't you add chapter 2 in the same thread as chapter 1? This is confusing and makes people search for the other chapters.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
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Post by pogolsky »

Okay, sorry, I will add the next parts in this post. I thought it would be too long if I put the whole story in one post.
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Post by slackywacky »

pogolsky wrote: 2 years ago I thought it would be to long if I put the whole story in one post.
No worries. You could move this chapter to the first one (and delete this one) and have it all together.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Tapebot »

Loved this story! Thanks for sharing, and I hope to hear what happened next.
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Post by pogolsky »

Thank you! Hope you will enjoy the continuation...
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Post by trainer »

Love the imagination here! Great story :D
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Post by Canuck100 »

Really cool tug story, in the same style as the stories on the old site. Loved it! And now I'm curious to find out what happened on the next game!
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Post by trainer »

Canuck100 wrote: 2 years ago Really cool tug story, in the same style as the stories on the old site. Loved it! And now I'm curious to find out what happened on the next game!
Yes couldn't agree more, it does remind me of some of those older stories! :D
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Post by pogolsky »

[quote=Canuck100 post_id=109685 time=1634310180 user_id=90]
Really cool tug story, in the same style as the stories on the old site. Loved it! And now I'm curious to find out what happened on the next game!

Glad you liked it. Next game will probably be kind of a treasure hunt in the Eifel woods were the Eifel village kids will have the opportunity for a captivating revenge
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Post by pogolsky »

trainer wrote: 2 years ago
Canuck100 wrote: 2 years ago Really cool tug story, in the same style as the stories on the old site. Loved it! And now I'm curious to find out what happened on the next game!
Yes couldn't agree more, it does remind me of some of those older stories! :D
Yes, I remember some of the stories from the old site and I loved them because in this kind of capture the flag kid games there were a lot of action and twists...
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Post by Tapebot »

pogolsky wrote: 2 years ago Yes, I remember some of the stories from the old site and I loved them because in this kind of capture the flag kid games there were a lot of action and twists...
Exactly why I love capture the flag stories so much too, like the one by Charlie. I wish more people documented their flag games!
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