Fighting Pitt Hustle (MM/M)

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Fighting Pitt Hustle (MM/M)

Post by Opal »

This is a story featuring the characters Sett, Twisted Fate, and Graves from the video game League of Legends, featuring a thumbnail of art I commissioned!
“So…” Malcolm mumbled, uneasy and nervous. “What now?” He gestured to the bound mass of a man between him and his lover. The man in question? A large, hulking specimen of Vastayan blood and human ferocity, enshrouded in what could only be described as a skin-tight, full-body leather sleeping bag.

Sett, the boss of the fighting pit both outlaws found themselves in the main quarters of, lay on his bed, wrapped in the most expensive eel-skin leather money could buy. Ropes criss-crossed between pairs of anchoring eyelets positioned at key points along his body; his ankles, knees, hips, wrists, elbows, and shoulders served to create a repeating diamond-like pattern that started from his neck and ended at his toes.

It reminded Tobias of the characteristic scale pattern of the deadly water snakes that lurked in the swamps of his home, the Blue Flame Isles. This snake, however, would not be going anywhere anytime soon. The ropes cinched the leather bag around Sett’s body, and internal pockets sequestered his enormous biceps into their own sleeve-like prisons; even if he wasn’t squeezed by the ropes, the zipper that went from his crotch to his chin was more than enough to prevent him from escaping. But Tobias liked to be thorough; this was an operation that was, without a doubt, going to go wrong eventually.

A thick black muzzle, made of the same eel-skin leather, reinforced with Ionian silk padding, pushed a thick bulb into the wolf-man’s mouth. He had insisted on the muzzle when Tobias first began his bondage; he wanted something “to sink his teeth into”, as he had put it. The outlaw was more than happy to oblige, relieved that his captive was none the wiser to his actual intent.

After the bulb was safely nestled behind the man’s fangs, a web of straps was pulled and buckled, fastened around his head to ensure that the leather panel that held the ball was stretched taut over his lower face. Tobias had to admit, he looked quite the sight, encased in all this expensive, soft leather that gleamed dully in the low light of his bedroom. A muzzle reducing his angry growls and words to quiet mewls; all for play, of course. Tobias doubted Sett had caught on to his ploy yet; any angry sounds coming from his gagged mouth were surely him playing the part of captive he had so desperately wanted to play.

Then, a leather blindfold was snapped onto eyelets conveniently positioned along the straps of the muzzle; this piece, Tobias had noted, was the thickest of all the gear Sett had provided him with so far. There was no way on Runeterra that Sett would be able to see through this black eyepiece; it molded softly to his face, gently pressing down on the bridge of his nose and dipping into his closed eyes as Tobias fastened it.

A final touch; two small, black orbs, placed into his ear canals.. “Piltover Saviors”, Sett had called them, a favorite of the Piltover police force. Extra-strength noise blocking earplugs, created through the marvel of Hextech-engineering, that reduced hearing by 95%. Perfect for saving your hearing when firing heavy artillery weapons. Or, in this case, deafening a captive. Tobias had some difficulty dropping them into Sett’s wolf-like ears, but he had managed.

Then, it was done. He was finished. Bound head-to-foot, muzzled, deafened, and blinded. His red hair stuck haphazardly out from between the straps of the muzzle. Tobias had noted, while strapping up his muzzle, that his hair was immensely fine and smelled of elderberries. No doubt an expensive shampoo; nothing but the finest for the richest man in all of Ionia.

A quiet huff escaped Sett’s nose as he squirmed gently between the two men, unaware that Malcolm had even joined Tobias once his partner had given him the all clear.

“Mmmph mmr…” Came a half-attempt at speaking. It was clear he was in his own little Heaven, cocooned in leather and not having to worry about a thing for just one blissful moment.

Unfortunately, thanks to Tobias’ and Malcolm’s shenanigans, that blissful moment was about to become an eternity.

“Almost makes me sad.” Tobias muttered mourfully. “He paid me up front. Quite handsomely, too.” He looked at his captive, eyes sweeping across the leather and ropes to ensure he was securely bound.

“Ya know, he was actually quite nice once we got away from all the people. Never thought this guy was a big softie.” He sighed quietly, resting a hand softly on Sett’s leather covered chest, earning a pleased purr from behind the leather muzzle.

“Don’t let your stupid heart ruin this now.” Malcolm rolled his eyes, throwing a burlap sack onto the foot of the bed, careful not to touch Sett’s bound feet (although he doubted the man would feel it through the leather).

“Where does he keep the goods?” The gruff man asked, ever focused on the prize.

Tobias pointed to an enormous dresser as he hopped off the bed. “Second drawer. Scoped it out while he was in the bathroom.”

“Perfect.” Malcolm giggled to himself as he practically skipped over to the drawer, yanking it open and gasping at the amount of wealth he saw.

“Wow, look at all this!” He dropped the sack, reaching in with both hands to scoop out fistfuls of golden chains and ruby-red gems. “Tobias…”

He looked at his cowboy friend, eyes glittering.

“We’ve done it. We can finally go clean! And all we needed was some trusting sap to hire you as a private dancer!”

“Mmmm…” Another contented sound from Sett, who was making faux attempts to free his arms from the sleepsack. Tobias wondered how long it would be before the wolf-man realized he wasn’t going to be freed from his predicament any time soon. Then, the struggles would become real.

“Yeah, we struck it big.” Tobias replied, bending over to retrieve the sack. He held it open for his partner, who began shovelling treasures into it. “A shame about him, though.”

Malcolm looked at Tobias like he had been struck, stopping mid-shovel.

“What, do you want to write him an apology card?? He’s lucky he’s not in this bag and being taken along as a hostage!”

“I just hate to see a nice guy finish last.” Tobias shook his head. “Maybe I’ll send him a calling card once he’s freed. Just to make sure there’s no hard feelings.”

“You’re crazy.” Malcolm resumed shovelling. “Your bleeding heart is gonna get us killed.”

Tobias shrugged. “Rather have a heart than not.”

Malcolm scoffed, but said nothing.

“Mmmphmm…” Sett was growing restless. They had agreed on a thirty minute time limit, and it’s clear he was keeping track of time in his head. That window had elapsed.

“Mmmp? Mmmrmph?”

Tobias sighed. “Let me at least tell him. He’s gonna be here for the whole night; he told me his secretary doesn’t arrive until 8 A.M.”

“Fine.” Malcolm sighed. “Whatever makes your little baby feelings ache less.” With that, he swung the loaded sack over his shoulder. “But make it quick. I wanna cash in before the jeweler closes.”

Tobias walked to his captive, who was still very clearly enjoying his captivity. With a heavy heart, he bent down and pulled the earplug out from Sett’s right ear.

“Hey.” He said softly, making Sett grow still. “It’s me. I’m sorry I wasn’t honest with ya, but this is a robbery.”

The reaction was immediate; Sett’s body arced up and off the body, several inches into the air. The leather creaked loudly as he put his full strength into an escape attempt; the muzzle became filled with yells, reduced to near inaudibility by the leather.


“Shh, relax.” Tobias placed a hand on Sett’s chest, forcing him down into the bed, ignoring the panicked huffs of air coming from his captive’s nostrils.

“I left a note for your secretary to release you. We’re only taking one drawer of jewels. Terrible hiding spot, by the way.”

“Mrmo! Mrmmmo!”

From experience, Tobias knew that the gagged words spilling from the muzzles were pleads for him to reconsider.

“Sorry, friend. It has to be this way. For what it was worth, I really enjoyed my time with you.” He tapped the muzzle softly. “Maybe we can see each other again? In a less strained situation.”

“MMmr mrna mmmin MMMH MMU!”

Again, from experience, Tobias knew that that particular string of gagged words was a threat on his life.

“Maybe not. In any case, I’m sorry. See ya around, partner.”

And with that, he replaced the earplug and stepped away. Sett resumed his violent struggling, the bed and leather creaking from the force. The sack, however, held strong. There was no way he was escaping. He was going to remain wrapped up until the next morning.

“Ya done?” Malcolm asked, nodding his head towards the door.

“Yeah, I’m done.” Tobias straightened out his coat. “Let’s ride.”
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Post by FelixSH »

I never played LoL, but like that piece of fanart a lot. Your story is a nice, fitting piece.

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Post by RopedBud »

Wow that was a hot story for sure! Would love to see the whole commissioned pic tho 😏
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