Office Invasion (Robberies Look Easier on TV) (M/MM)

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Office Invasion (Robberies Look Easier on TV) (M/MM)

Post by DeeperThanRed »

I'm sorry, this is quite possibly the silliest thing I've ever written.


“Why do you think they are fighting about this time?” Danny from the accounting department asked, pointing to the two burly men on the other side of the meeting room, who seem to be in the middle of a heated argument.

Rebecca from the human resources lifted her gaze from her phone only for a second the assess the situation and promptly decide it wasn’t worth her time. “Leave them be. They have been like that ever since I first got this job.”

“Are you sure?” Danny watched the two men get into each other’s personal spaces a bit too much.

“Yep. You’re new here but you’ll get used to it. They are only like that to each other.”

And she was correct. Harun and Richter were the top workers in the office. They were both dutiful, productive, and respectful to their colleagues: ideal workers, if it wasn’t for their long-standing rivalry with each other. With both of them being in their mid-thirties, they were the epitome of manly charisma, a pair of well-dressed gentlemen in the prime of their lives.

“I got this,” Harun would say whenever you try and fail to use the photocopy machine, taking the papers out of your hands. Like clockwork, Richter would appear out of nowhere, putting a hand on the other man’s wrist to stop him.

“No, you don’t. Last time you forgot a page, remember? I’ll handle this.”

And then they would do all the work for you in an attempt to outdo each other, which nobody protested.

They would buy everyone coffee in turns to prove who is more generous and it wasn’t uncommon for drinking nights or birthdays to be arranged by them. Again, to see who got the better organization skills.

Even their bodies seem to be in a competition. They were both tall, muscular men with wide shoulders and perfect posture apparent under the fitting suits they seemed to like so much. Harun’s short, black beard was always maintained with care and it was impossible to see Richter with his blond hair out of place.

In all honesty, their good looks were one of the main reasons most of the ladies in the department and more than a couple of gentlemen overlooked their childish rivalry.

The same rivalry that led them to stay overnight on a Thursday night to finish that month’s performance report after everyone got out.

“You didn’t need to stay, you know,” Harun said as he typed the paper in front of him to the computer perfectly without even looking at the screen. “I’d finish my work faster without you here.”

Richter slammed his cup of coffee down on the table. It was getting dark and they were in the building the whole day but the only sign of wear he showed was his slightly loose tie. “Big words! I think you’re forgetting about who wrote that project review for you last week!” He was in the middle of filling an Excel form with frightening speed. “You’re losing your edge. Don’t be surprised if I got that employer of the month award this time!”

Harun stopped in the middle of the sentence he was writing. “You’re bluffing.”

“Oh, am I?” Richter raised a perfect brow. “Don’t be surprised if it’s my handsome face on the wall next time you see it.”

“Funny, I would use handsome when-” Before Harun could finish his sentence, the door of the office opened with a loud bang as if kicked with force.

A man dressed all in black and wearing a ski mask jumped inside, waving a gun in his raised hand. “NOBODY MOVE! THIS IS A HOLDUP!”

There was a moment of silence where indeed nobody moved.

“Are you serious?” Harun scoffed, folding his arms on his large chest. “If you didn’t notice, we are in the middle of our unpaid overtime.”

Richter shook his head and tsked. “He doesn’t sound a day older than twenty. Young people these days have no respect for honest work.”

“SHUT UP!” The robber yelled, his voice rising an octave. He coughed before quickly continuing. “Now both of you raise your hands and slowly walk towards me. No funny moves.”

To his irritation, two office workers took the “slowly” part to heart and took time to save their work on their computers and tidy up their desks.

“You’re lucky we were interrupted,” Harun said, as they strode towards the robber. “I’d hate to finish my work too early and leave you working alone.”

“That’s enough!” The robber threateningly pointed his gun at Richter. “You! Blond one! Go to that duffel bag on the floor and take out two pairs of handcuffs from inside.”

“It’s Richter.” The man in question calmly did what he was asked. “You know, some manners go a long way when dealing with people.”

The robber opened his gun’s safety. “I. Don’t. Care. Now both of you: Strip. And when you’re done, I want you to take those handcuffs and put them on. Tightly.”

Normally, this part would make his victims nervous but to his surprise, Harun began unbuttoning his shirt immediately, revealing a tattoo on his right pectoral along with tight abs. “You just needed to ask. Time to show the results of my muscle training! Jealous yet Richie?” he asked with a confident smirk. “I told you my gym routine was superior.”

Richter scowled, throwing away his jacket which almost landed on the robber. “Superior my boot. Everyone can get those abs.” Practically ripping his buttons off, he exposed his big pectorals and a wider waist that was still tight with muscles. “Try surpassing these.”

Harun rolled his eyes. “It’s better than that kid over here, I’ll give you that.”

“Oh yeah, we can agree on that one. He’s practically a beanpole.”


Even with the ski mask, the twitch in the robber’s left eye was unmistakable. “If you don’t shut up and cuff yourselves, I’m gonna put a bullet in both of your brains.” He thought he could have some fun with these white-collar gym bunnies but the situation was quickly getting not worth it.

Both Harun and Richter mumbled some stuff along the lines of how they were just doing what he wanted and how he’s getting too worked up. But to their credit, they both helpfully secured their own wrists behind their backs with the police-grade cuffs provided to them.

But not until a five-minute pissing contest on who could get their tighter without cutting blood circulation.

“Now what?” Harun lightly shoulder-tossed Richter. “It’s getting late.”

Richter retaliated by kicking Harun in the shin. “What he just said. Don’t you have school or something?”

Without any word, the robber took out a roll of duct tape from his duffel bag and walked to them. First, he used Richter’s tie to cleave gag him and then slapped six strips of tape over his mouth, fixing the gag, with some going under his chin. Then, he stuffed Harun’s mouth with his own pocket hankie and sealed it inside with three rounds of tape around his head.

After that, he taped his ankles tightly to each other and used the remainder of the roll to tie their arms together above their cuffed wrists, leaving them to slack.

“Mmmppphhh!” Harun complained under his gag but the voice but muffled significantly. He could feel the stickiness in his beard and felt like he would need a good barber to mend it after the tape ripped off some of it.

“Hhhmmm nnnngggg gggnnmmm!” Richter groaned in agreement. This was his favorite tie and he hated to send it to dry cleaning.

“Finally,” the robber grinned. “I managed to shut you both up. Now, let me show you two himbos who’s the boss in here.”

Without losing any time, he tucked his gun into his pants and started to unwrap the hunky businessmen in front of him. He first relieved Harun of his belt and dropped his pants to his ankles, revealing a shock of white, bikini briefs that stood out against the man’s tan tights. A thin treasure trail was followed by a small, triangle opening right below the waistline and a sizable bulge.

Licking his lips, the robber moved on to the next target, seeing neither man really protested and seemed more annoyed than anything. Fools, he thought. They wouldn’t be so calm when I began pounding them against the desks. By the time I leave with all the credit card info I need, I’ll have two daddy slaves.

He smiled to himself as he lowered Richter’s pants and saw that the man was wearing a pair of black, tight boxer briefs with no back. His member wasn’t as impressive as his coworker but he made it up with a plump, ass with a trim blond buzz that jiggled as he squirmed against the cuffs.

It’s no coincidence they were wearing these kinky underpants under their suits, the robber thought. Without a doubt, these two muscle sluts were secretly waiting for a real man (like him) to come along and claim his right on their built bodies. After he took them to his hide-out and had all the fun he wanted to have, maybe he could sell the sloppy seconds to some rich old guy. That would teach them to take him so lightly.

“Alright, boys,” the robber said with smugness dripping from his voice. Harun looked at Richter blankly, who merely shrugged.

If one could read his thoughts, they would see that Tim (this was robber’s real name) wasn’t very confident in himself and he projected this by trying to take down men more successful, masculine, and powerful than him.

Harun and Richter were basically heat-seeking missiles for his fragile ego.

“I call the shots from now on and it’s about time you regret disobeying me in the first place.” Tim reached out and groped one of Richter’s pecs, rolling the nipple under his fingers. “Now I wonder which one of you would bring more money when I sold you as slaves.”

So far, Harun was just going along with the skinny kid’s words, eager to prove he was tough enough to endure what he was dishing out but this got his attention.

“MMMPPPHHH!” He pushed Richter aside with a shoulder check. “PPPGGGGMMM MMMMMNNN!” Of course, he was worth more! Anyone with eyes who could see his trim body and angular features would be a hit!

“YYYMMM MMMM HMMPHH CMMMSSSNNN!” You must be crazy, Richter roared behind the tie and tape gag covering his mouth. He was obviously more sturdy and prim than Harun! If he was good enough for married investors who kept checking out his rump, he would smash sale records as a slave!

Both men started pushing each other and opposing with as much as their bonds allowed, swaying on their feet to maintain their balance despite their tied ankles. They were too busy trying to get in front of their rival and prove they would make a better job to pay any attention to Tim.

Said man felt like he was losing it. “STOP THIS!” he desperately yelled, only for his captives to increase their efforts, using their chests and shoulders to ram each other like. “Why don’t you listen to me, you litt- OOFF!”

Tim’s breath was knocked out as a particularly strong tackle by Richter toppled Harun over and he was knocked down on the floor, the robber cushioning his fall. However, as his coworker was no longer there to absorb his momentum, the blond hunk followed behind them, landing on the robber just like his companion.

“Mmmmhhh!” Harun winced and complained behind his gag. This was just like Richter! That brute had no control over his strength. He struggled to teach and resume their sparring.

However, Richter was in no mood to let Harun take the upper hand! “Hmmmmm ppphhhooouu!” Just as the tan man began lifting himself up with his legs, he used his body to ram into him, causing him to drop on their captive again.

“Wait, wait! Stop! I said get off me-mmmmm!” Tim couldn’t finish his sentence as his mouth was filled with the soft, hairy chest of Harun. Under other circumstances, the brawny guys pushing their man-tits against each other would arouse him (and it still did). However, with both men being bigger than him, there were over 300 pounds of hard muscle over him that continuously squirmed and pressed him down with their weight. Their tied legs were also tangled with his, preventing him from getting up.

As Tim struggled to breathe with firm pecs pushing down on his mouth and nose, he struggled to get his hands under the naked, sweaty torsos of the men who were supposed to be under his mercy. “Hmmnpooo! Sshhttoommmpph!” His eyes bulged as musk emanating from the perspiring bodies of two office worker studs filled his lungs.

He could fill himself getting hard in his pants against his will as two barely covered erections rubbed against him. Oh god, Tim thought with dread. They were enjoying this! They forgot all about him and were too busy competing to realize their struggle and muscle was going to suffocate or squish the hapless robber under them. He wished he never messed with these two freaks!

The last thing Tim saw before his vision got dark was Harun pressing his taped lips to Richter’s.


When the morning came and Rebecca from human resources got to the office earlier than normal, she was surprised to find the door open.

She was even more surprised when she found Harun from marketing and Richter from planning inside; tied hand and foot and gagged with tape. For some inexplicable reason, they were both sound asleep nearly naked, their shirts and pants dangling loosely from their limbs.

It took her a while until she realized there was a third man hidden under their broad bodies, sprawled uncomfortably on the floor, a gun laying inches away from his hand.

Rebecca wasn’t sure what happened last night but she could tell that guy in black was bad news so she made sure to immobilize him with a roll of tape laying nearby before she called the police and finally released the now-awake couple.

When the rest of the office started pouring into the building, the cops secured the place with police tape and were in the middle of arresting a young man who seemed to be weeping and begging to be put into jail.

“Wild,” Danny from accounting mumbled as he brought a cup of coffee to Rebecca. “I can’t believe our workplace almost got robbed by that crybaby. I guess it’s a good thing our office studs forgot they are enemies for a minute”, he said, pointing out Harun and Richter, who was currently talking with an intimidated looking officer, covering their bodies with blankets.

Rebecca snorted. “Enemies? Honey, they are married for almost a decade now. We’re throwing them a surprise anniversary party next month.”

“Married?!” Danny turned his head to look at the aforementioned men again. Sure enough, they were busy trying to pass on their blankets to each other, while also holding hands. “But they fight all the time!”

“Eh, more like bickering, honestly. Some couples are like that.” Rebecca tapped her chin thoughtfully. “I’m pretty sure it’s their way of foreplay.”

When Danny took a glance at them again, Harun had discarded his blanket and was busy kissing Richter with surprising force, while his husband’s hands squeezed his barely covered ass. The officer they were just talking to appeared to be torn between separating them and watching the show.

“Huh,” Danny said. “That’s actually kinda hot.”

25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by Straitjacketed »

Hahahah yes, it's so silly - yet so delightful!

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Post by gag1195 »

A very humorous little story! I can't help but feel sorry for Tim! He clearly bit off more than he could chew. Richter and Harun are so incredibly sexy, and their constant, playful bickering is great, especially when they are both firmly bound and gagged.

I really am enjoying these small little stories from you! It really is a gift!
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Post by Straitjacketed »

Oh, and my future prediction for Richter is that he'll skip one too many gym sessions, lean into the Krispy Kremes a little too hard and morph, slowly, into Chief Hopper from Stranger Things.

Which is, of course, No Bad Thing. :)


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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

If one could read his thoughts, they would see that Tim (this was robber’s real name) wasn’t very confident in himself and he projected this by trying to take down men more successful, masculine, and powerful than him.
Where have I read this before? :lol:

Loved it, [mention]DeeperthanRed[/mention]
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

[mention]gag1195[/mention] Thank you, I'm really glad you enjoyed it. Agreed, the hunky husbands were a bit too much for one person to handle. :mrgreen:

[mention]KidnappedCowboy[/mention] I thought maybe I was getting too obvious when writing it but decided to leave it, haha.
Straitjacketed wrote: 2 years ago Oh, and my future prediction for Richter is that he'll skip one too many gym sessions, lean into the Krispy Kremes a little too hard and morph, slowly, into Chief Hopper from Stranger Things.

Which is, of course, No Bad Thing. :)

I'd have no complaints.

I'm sure he'd still be proud of his strong body and Harun would love him just the same no matter how he looks, with some occasional teasing.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by Straitjacketed »

DeeperThanRed wrote: 2 years agoI'd have no complaints.

I'm sure he'd still be proud of his strong body and Harun would love him just the same no matter how he looks, with some occasional teasing.
I too would have no complaints.

Perhaps Harun also goes on to join the police? I think "middle-aged single parent police chief in a small town with a supernatural secret" may be my newest fetish. :)


If M/M overkill bondage in stupidly excessive amounts of gear is your thing as well as mine, here's a list of my TUG stories.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Straitjacketed wrote: 2 years ago
DeeperThanRed wrote: 2 years agoI'd have no complaints.

I'm sure he'd still be proud of his strong body and Harun would love him just the same no matter how he looks, with some occasional teasing.
I too would have no complaints.

Perhaps Harun also goes on to join the police? I think "middle-aged single parent police chief in a small town with a supernatural secret" may be my newest fetish. :)

Haha, that sounds like a pretty promising premise for a story. Why should teenagers get all the fun when supernatural horrors strike? :D

(I also highly approve of the use of Rahul Kohli in here)
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by Volobond »

This was hilarious and adorable! Especially so when Harun and Richter were both bickering to be sold as slaves! :lol:

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