An Unlikely Brotherhood (M/M)

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An Unlikely Brotherhood (M/M)

Post by grayboxers »

Hey all, this is a continuation/sequel to the story I wrote a bit ago featuring Jake's first experience being tied up , and I wanted to keep going with these characters. Enjoy!

Ch1: A Nice Walk

It had been a few weeks since the break-in, and Jake had been getting along just fine. But, he still had that one burning question. Eventually, Jake found himself walking around with Dylan on one of his guard rounds. No better time to bring it up, he supposed.

"Hey, Dylan... Remember that night we got tied up?"

Dylan looked over at Jake. "Well, yeah hard to forget it. What about it?"

Jake thought for a moment about the best way to lead into his question. "How did... how did it feel, for you? To be tied up like that."

"Well, basically like I said that night. A bit painful because of that gag, and pretty embarrassing because I was tied up. Why?"

"I..." Jake just had to bite the bullet and say it! "I think I kind of enjoyed it? Is that normal?"

Dylan stopped short. Jake almost tripped stopping next to him. Dylan didn't seem too shocked, and spoke "Well I wouldn't call it 'normal', but there are definitely some guys who like being tied up. Not even necessarily in a sexual way. My brother's that way, actually." Dylan talked about his younger brother, Mitchell, a lot. "We played cops and robbers a lot when we were kids, and eventually he just insisted on being the robber and having me tie him up. It's pretty funny, he didn't grow up to be a robber but I basically grew up to be..." Dylan took his handcuffs off his belt and turned towards Jake, grinning "...a cop."

Jake looked at Dylan. The guy seemed even taller than usual in his security guard uniform, and had a very specific glint in his eye.

"Are you implying?"

"Yes. Only if you want to." Dylan waved his cuffs around a bit. "You probably won't actually get arrested in your life, " Dylan joked, "but do you wanna know what it feels like to be cuffed? I've been cuffed before for training and stuff, and it's not bad. I promise."

Suddenly, Jake was being given another chance to be restrained. And this time, it was by somebody that he knew. "Well, you're one of the few guys I'd trust for this. So sure."

Dylan chuckled. "Glad to know you trust me, means a lot actually." He then turned to his business-like demeanor. "Alright, turn away from me with your hands behind your back." Jake obliged, and felt the metal of Dylan's cuffs click into place on one wrist, then the other. He tugged against the force, and found that his hands were going nowhere. Dylan's voice was softer again. "Comfortable?"

"Comfortable enough" responded Jake, taking in this new experience. He was still mostly mobile, but if he was to, say, try and run away from Dylan, he probably wasn't going to make it very far. Cool.

The pair continued their lap around the building, talking about the same mix of stuff as usual. Work, career plans, sports, and so on. It almost felt normal, and Jake sometimes was able to forget that he was handcuffed like a criminal as he walked around with his friend Dylan. After about a half hour, the pair reached the door to Dylan's office, their starting and ending point for these trips.

Dylan took some keys out of his pocket. "Well, you seem to be having fun with those but I do need them back. Can't have you handcuffed and working on the computers." Jake turned around and presented his wrists to the security guard. As the cuffs were being taken off, Jake broke the silence.

"This is going to sound weird, but... thanks for doing this, Dylan." Jake slowly got the sentence out.

Dylan was much more casual about it. "No problem, man! Did you enjoy this, too?

"Yeah, it's more fun when I'm not scared too."

"Makes sense, makes sense... You want to be tied up more, don't you?"

Jake turned back around to face Dylan. "Man, is it that easy to tell?"

Dylan smirked. "Just a hunch. Well, I can't do it here, would be dangerous. So do you want to meet for dinner some night and then we can go back to my place? I still have a lot of the rope from when Mitch and I used to play cops and robbers." The pair had gone to dinner together before, but this was about to be a very unusual night out.

"Sure, sounds good to me!" Jake replied.

The two set a date for tomorrow, since neither of them had work, then waved goodbye as Jake set off towards the server room to finish out his shift. Tomorrow was going to be fun.
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Post by grayboxers »

and we continue! I had a very clear idea for the first... 3 or so chapters on this, and then I'll see where it's going from there. This one ended up being pretty long, but take it all at once, from me!

Ch2: Meeting Mitchell

The next evening, Jake met Dylan at the guys' favorite dinner spot. It was just a plain old sports bar, and given that Dylan didn't drink (and Jake couldn't!) they always just got wings and soda and hung out for a while. Today was no different, but what Jake was really excited about was their plans after dinner.

After they were done eating, the boys went back to Dylan's apartment. Jake had been there a few times before, so he knew what to expect. It was a simple deal, with a living area and then a small hallway leading to Dylan's bedroom and a bathroom. Dylan always kept it impossibly neat, compared to Jake's apartment anyway. After walking in and locking the door behind them, Dylan sat on the couch and sighed. Sunset was still streaming in the window; it was about 7pm on a summer day.

"Well, you wanted me to tie you up tonight, right? Wanna just do it right away?"

Jake was glad that Dylan shared his eagerness. "Unless you have anything better planned, sure! I've been thinking about this all day man!"

Dylan chuckled. "Well, that's a bit of pressure. I think I can live up to the hype. Give me a sec, let me go get the stuff. Sit in that chair for me." Dylan gestured over to one of the chairs at the table, a standard affair with no armrests and a high back. "Oh, and you'll probably want to take your shoes off before I tie you!" Dylan called back as he walked down the hall towards his bedroom.

Jake obediently pulled the chair into the center of the room and kicked off his sneakers, revealing his gray low-cut socks. The rest of his outfit was pretty casual: black running shorts and a gray t-shirt with some DnD joke on it. Jake then sat in the chair, awaiting his fate. It didn't take long before Dylan returned with a cardboard box, presumably with all of the ropes he planned to use. Jake also noticed that Dylan had taken off his converse at some point, leaving him in just his white socks (similar in style to Jake's) and his usual casual wear of jeans and tight white t-shirt. Dylan plopped the box onto the table.

"Alright guy, ready? I was thinking of tying you up just like I used to do to Mitch, you even remind me of what he used to be like, small body frame and all."

Jake shifted in the chair, trying to be as comfortable as possible before the restraints went on. "Ready as I'll ever be. And say, Dylan..." he paused for a sec until Dylan looked at him. "Thanks for doing this for me, again."

"No problem!" Dylan didn't miss a beat, already taking ropes out from the box. "I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss doing this to my brother a bit, plus I'm happy to help you figure out the whole deal with enjoying being tied up. Better me than some stranger, I hope."

And with that, Dylan set off tying up Jake. Jake's hands were pulled behind the back of the chair and bound through the bars, forcing him to sit perfectly straight against the back. Then he felt his right leg being tied to the chair's counterpart, and then his left leg handled the same way. Dylan then looped a piece of rope around Jake's torso, knotting it behind the chair. The same was done to Jake's thighs and stomach, effectively pinning him to the chair on every feasible surface. Dylan paused to check on his captive: "You havin' fun over there? Or at least not too uncomfortable?"

Jake grinned back at Dylan, and responded with an affirmative. "We'll see how comfortable this is after some time, but for now it's good. And definitely secure." Jake pushed against his bonds dramatically, but got nowhere. "Did your brother ever get out when you tied him like this?"

Dylan nodded. "Yeah, a few times, but I got better as we got older. And now, he probably wouldn't be able to go anywhere." Dylan said with an evil half-grin as he produced a roll of standard silver duct tape. "Ready for this?" he asked as he waved it in front of Jake's face. Jake steeled himself, then gave the okay for a gag. Just like that night at work, only this time it was someone he trusted.

And Dylan wasted no time at all with securing Jake's mouth. A few simple wraps of tape around his mouth and head were enough to silence the younger boy, but Dylan added a few more extra as well. Just to be safe. Confident that Jake was secured, Dylan stepped back to admire the job.

"Perfect", he said, before walking over to the couch and sitting down. He had made sure to tie Jake in a direction that they could still see each other, and didn't blindfold his younger friend either. "I'll let you enjoy that for a bit, then we can do other stuff. Alright?" Dylan asked. Jake could only nod as his form of communication now, so he nodded yes.

An uneventful few minutes later, Dylan was surprised by his phone buzzing. Quickly checking the message, he jerked his head up to look at Jake. " brother decided to surprise me and stop by. Tonight. In like five minutes. You're a little... stuck there. Do you want me to try and hide you or do you want to meet him like this? For what it's worth I do trust him to show him this, if you're also willing to."

Jake thought for a moment. He'd never met Mitchell, and didn't expect to be seen tied up by anyone besides Dylan, but... Mitch did seem like a cool guy from the way Dylan talked about him, and Dylan did trust him. So Jake figured he could also probably trust the guy. Plus, Dylan had mentioned that he already told his brother about that night at work, so he had some context. Jake nodded yes to Dylan, and that was that. Dylan shot a quick text back to his brother, and the pair waited for a few minutes until there was a knock on the door.

"That's him!" Dylan said, and jumped up to answer the door. Letting his brother in, Jake got to see the guy for the first time. He was tall, even taller than Dylan, but very thin in frame. His hair was a bit on the long side, and messy, contrasting Dylan's short buzzcut. Jake could see why he reminded Dylan of his brother now. Mitchell was wearing dark camo cargo pants and a loose gray t-shirt, and walked in aloof until he saw Jake.

"...oh." started the younger brother. "You know Dyl', when you said that you had a friend over I didn't think you meant like this."

Dylan laughed "Yeah, yeah, but where's the fun in telling you before you got here?" Mitchell, this is my friend Jake. Jake, my brother Mitchell." Jake and Mitchell shared an introductory nod.

The brothers moved over to the couch and sat there for a while, talking and catching up. From what Jake could pick up, Mitch was right in the middle of Jake and Dylan's ages, at 22 years old. He lived about 40 minutes away and was working odd jobs like food delivery while going through his associate's degree at community college. The younger brother used to be a lot smaller back in high school, but shot up in height during these last few years. Of course, he kept the same skinny frame that he always had. Aside from a few glances from each brother, it was like Jake wasn't even there and the brothers were having a grand old time just talking to each other.

It didn't stay that way. Eventually the conversation trailed off and Mitchell looked back over to Jake. "Hey, could you take that gag off?" he asked his older brother. "I wanna talk with him, it's only fair." he continued as he approached the still-bound Jake. Dylan got up after his brother and walked over to Jake, carefully taking the tape off. It only stung a little bit.

"Ow- hi Mitchell, nice to meet you." Jake smiled, finally able to talk to the newcomer. "What do you think of your brother's work on me?"

Mitchell had to think about how to continue the conversation. "Well... do you like being tied up?" And so Jake filled the younger brother in on his experiences with Dylan, and how Dylan had mentioned that Mitch also liked being tied up, and how he was also tied up like Dylan was that night at work. Mitch nodded; he had heard that story it seemed.

"So, basically... yes." Jake finished his explanation. Mitchell nodded, seeming to follow everything. He then had an idea, and got a giddy smile on his face.

"Say, Jake, how would you like a fellow captive?!" Both Jake and Dylan were surprised at the sudden offer, but Jake wasn't going to say no. It got boring being tied up alone, so how about being tied up with someone else? Mitch turned to Dylan and explained: "I was actually going to ask you to tie me up like we used to do, at some point this weekend, for old times' sake. Convenient that you gave me an excuse. Do you have more rope?" he asked.

Dylan looked at the box still on the table. "Yep, got plenty of it still." He sighed. "Alright, sit down" he demanded as he pulled another chair over to face Jake's. Mitchell kicked off his shoes, revealing drab green socks that matched his pants, sat down, and Dylan began working on restraining him the same way that Jake was subjected to.

"You're a lot taller than when I last did this..." muttered Dylan, as he needed to stretch to reach around his brother. Mitchell winced as Dylan pulled a specific loop rather tight.

"And you're a lot better at this then when we last did it." retorted Mitchell, as he was becoming more closely attached to his chair by the second. "I did miss this though."

"Thanks, work trainings" grunted Dylan. He was in all-business mode now, finishing up the process of securing his brother. After the last rope was done, he stepped back and compared the two bound boys. Basically like a mirror. He then grabbed the roll of duct tape waved it around, asking "Any last words?"

Jake and Mitchell looked at each other and both answered a negative. Dylan gave his brother a tape gag, a few revolutions around the head just like Jake had on. Then, Jake got his second gag in the same style. Both of them could only make vague moans through their gags. "Test your bonds" offered Dylan, and both boys went to town but made no progress. Dylan was a good captor.

Dylan chuckled at his helpless brother and friend, then headed over to his bedroom to do something. A few minutes later, he came back out dressed in gym clothes: red shorts and a white tank top. He started to put his sneakers on.

"I'm going downstairs to work out." The apartment building had a gym a few floors down. "Of course I'll lock the door so nobody finds you. You can try to break out, but I feel like that won't work." Dylan laughed. "See you guys soon! You look great, by the way!"

And so Dylan left, locking the door behind him and leaving Mitch and Jake in their shared predicament. The two looked at each other for a bit, letting the position sink in. Jake could see in Mitch's eyes that he was enjoying this, and thinking about it so was he. Both boys struggled for a little bit, until Jake decided to just there and relax. But Mitch didn't stop. He struggled, for real, looking like he was desperately trying to escape. But his eyes still showed that he was having the time of his life.

For all of his thrashing, Mitch only made himself sweat and was still tied up when his brother came back, about 45 minutes after he left. Dylan came back in the door, also a bit sweaty from his workout, and smiled when he saw the boys right where he left them. Jake was basically just enjoying the show of Mitch trying to escape at this point, but those ropes weren't budging.

"Hey guys, glad the ropes are holding. You're having fun, Mitch." Mitch finally stopped his struggling to happily grunt at his brother. "Well, I need to shower, so I'll leave you two for a bit longer. See you in a few!" and Dylan strolled to his room, ignoring Jake's token (and not very convincing) pleas for release. Mitch went back to his struggling routine, and so it continued for the length of Dylan's shower.

After the older brother emerged, hair still damp, he walked over to the captives. Jake quickly noted that Dylan changed to sweatpants after his shower. Dylan started freeing Jake, working the ropes off one by one. He left Jake to take off the gag, and switched to freeing Mitch. The younger brother finally went still and let his elder brother take the ropes off, then ripped off his own gag with a surprising amount of energy. Too much, even, as he winced from the tape coming off.

"Well, I had fun." started Mitch. "You definitely did get better at that, Dylan. Ever had to actually tie someone up for work?" Dylan shook his head.

"Nope, the job's pretty boring. Guess we could call this my practice, in case I do ever need to. You definitely enjoyed that, bro." Dylan clapped his hand on Mitch's shoulder. "And what about you Jake? You don't hate me yet, right?"

Jake waved his hands around a bit. "No, no, of course not! We're still cool. Mitchell here makes for a very... entertaining time. And of course, I trust you. Thanks for letting me feel what it was like." Dylan shrugged in response.

"Yeah, Mitch likes the part where he's trying to escape. Glad you liked it too. I can't exactly say this would be a regular thing, but..." Dylan smiled. "I could tie you up again in the future. We already hang out enough. You're a fun subject. And like I said, the practice could come in handy one day. Now, want to do anything else besides get tied up?"

Jake laughed. "Yeah, I could do normal stuff now!" and three boys did exactly that: they spent a few hours playing games on Dylan's Xbox, hung out, talked about some stuff, and so on. Jake left a bit before midnight, exchanging numbers with Mitchell and promising that they'd see each other again soon. The brothers waved a goodbye to Jake and then went back to hanging out; Mitch planned to spend the night, so he had all the time in the world to catch up with his older brother.

Jake drove home, smiling to himself in the car. "Yeah, I did enjoy that." he thought aloud. "And apparently that's alright."
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Post by Canuck100 »

Really enjoying your story. And you’ve left the door opened for more chapters, loving this
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Post by The slave »

I really love this story
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Post by grayboxers »

And we continue!

Ch3: Time with Mitch

"You're friends with his brother now too? What's next, you'll tell me the family adopted you?" Jake's mom joked as he started out the door.

"What, am I not allowed to have friends?" Jake played along with him mom. He knew she was just messing with him.

"Kidding, kidding! Glad you're still making friends. It gets harder after college, you know. Be safe!" Jake's mom waved him goodbye out the door.

Jake was excited for today. He and Mitch had been texting back and forth constantly since they first met that night at Dylan's place, and the two hit it off immediately. Mitch had a certain casual energy about him that meshed well with Jake. Now it was the next weekend, and not only was Jake heading out to Mitch's apartment, but he was staying the night! Mitch offered his couch because it was kind of a far drive (about 50 minutes, it looked like), and Jake happily accepted. This left the boys more time to hang out, get to know each other, and of course, more time to tie each other up.

Neither of them were subtle about it. They both enjoyed being tied up, and they both were going to be tied up at least once at some point. But of course, they also wanted to actually get to know each other, since they didn't really have much time to talk one-on-one at Dylan's place last weekend.

Jake arrived at Mitch's place at about 6pm. A very casually-dressed Mitch met him at the door, and let him in. Mitch's apartment was also pretty basic, but notably less clean than Dylan's. Now that's not to say that it was a mess, but there was some stuff lying around. And comparing a place to Dylan's is kind of unfair, to be honest! After Jake took off his shoes and left his overnight bag on the side, the two guys sat on the couch and talked for a while.

The most interesting thing that Jake learned about Mitch was that the guy was actually a massive military nerd. MilSim and shooter games, or anything else to do with the military down to the aesthetics, he was about them. Suddenly his outfit made a bit more sense: Mitch was wearing a pair of black sweatpants, another pair of those same military green short socks, and an a-shirt of the same color. He even flipped his waistband down to reveal a pair of camo boxer briefs, making it a count of 3 out of 4 pieces of clothing that fit his favorite theme. Mitch also walked around and pointed out some other camo stuff he had: a backpack, his bedsheets, and so on. Little stuff, but he made sure to get something in the military-inspired patterns whenever he could. It was pretty endearing, really.

"What's funny is I wouldn't last a day in the actual military, but that won't stop me from thinking it looks cool." Mitch continued. He was probably right: Mitch was tall, seemed to be about 6ft 5 now that Jake could finally get a proper look, but he had no muscle on him at all. The guy was just a twig, a lot like Jake.

Mitch also talked a bit about seeing military guys tied up: "It's just cool to me, and I like to imagine myself like them. The defiance, trying to escape... you know, that kind of stuff." Jake just nodded and let Mitch talk. It made sense, seeing how much fun the guy had trying to escape his brother's bonds last week.

The transition into talking about tie-ups led to an obvious next step. "Well," started Jake, "I'd love to help you pretend that you're a captured POW... But I have no idea if I could hold you. I've never tied anyone up, only been tied myself."

Mitch was unfazed. "Nah, it's easy! It was always Dylan tying me up too, I just paid attention in the meanwhile. The way I think of it, so long as you make all four of a guy's limbs useless, he's not going anywhere. Easy enough, right?" Jake nodded, but hesitantly. "Well..." Mitch continued, "I feel like I'm going to be showing you first. May as well!"

And the pair set off into Mitch's bedroom, and Jake was instructed to lie on Mitch's bed, face-up. Mitch then looped some rope around Jake's ankle, and attached it firmly around the side to the leg of the bed. This was repeated with the other ankle, and then both of Jake's wrists.

"See what I mean? All four limbs." Mitch cheered, poking each of Jake's now-immobilized extremities. Jake saw what the older guy meant: that, plus the knots being firmly out of reach of his hands, left him helpless. "You comfortable?" asked Mitch, leaning on the side of his bed.

Jake thought about that for a second. Yes, actually, he was pretty comfortable. He was laying on a bed, technically. "About as much as I could be, I guess." is what he gave Mitch as an answer.

"Cool. Say, unrelated, do you wanna hear about the most dickish thing Dylan did to me while he had me tied up?" Jake gulped a bit. Now that was a loaded question. Mitch didn't even wait for an answer. "Well, it wasn't that bad I guess. But he gagged me with one of his dirty socks, without even getting an okay from me! It tasted like feet, and he left me like that for like, four hours!" Jake was getting nervous now. Was this going to end in...?

"Fortunately, I'm not that much of an asshole!" Mitch laughed, as he produced a sock from his drawer. Same color as the ones he had on. "Clean, I promise you." He waved it around in front of Jake's face. "But still going in your mouth all the same." Jake groaned and complained a bit, but Mitch was having none of it. Eventually he was able to shove it in, followed by wrapping some digi-camo duct tape to keep it in place.

"Perfect. Now, stay comfy." Mitch patted Jake's shoulder. "You're a great captive." He smiled at Jake, and Jake felt the genuineness in it. Maybe it was the more casual demeanor of the younger brother, or maybe it was the details and explanations he gave as he immobilized Jake, but this was even more comfortable than being tied up by Dylan. He felt safe. And that's not a shot at Dylan either!

Mitch walked out of the bedroom and towards the living room, and Jake could hear him turn his PS4. It wasn't long before he could hear Mitch getting lost in Call of Duty; he probably had a headset on and couldn't hear Jake even if he tried. The bound boy tested his captivity: no give. Realizing he wasn't escaping (and not even sure if he wanted to escape!), Jake relaxed into Mitch's comforter. This was actually pretty nice. He probably looked hilarious, laying there in his outfit of red running shorts and a black t-shirt. His black socks contrasted neatly with the rope holding his ankles down. It was a bit chilly in the apartment, and Mitch clearly had the AC on quite high, but it wasn't terrible. Jake was Mitch's captive for now, and he was loving it.
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Post by Likho »

I really like this story :)
Definitely one of the coolest I've read on this forum!

You perfectly described that wonderful feeling of being tied up or handcuffed by a trusted colleague. No fear for my safety, no fear of being compromised or ridiculed, and without the obnoxious (to me) sexual overtones. Just fun :) We're buddies, maybe we even talk about normal stuff... but still, I'm the one with my hands cuffed behind my back and my friend is the one with the handcuff keys in his pocket :D
I love it!
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Post by Canuck100 »

Really glad you’re continuing this story, I love the tone.
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Post by The slave »

I love the rest of this story
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Post by grayboxers »

Okay, so I'll be honest and say that this chapter marks the end of the "initial" idea I had in my head for this, but I'll probably try and keep going with it more after this.

Ch4: Learning Process

"Hey, wake up!" Mitch's voice barked from the doorway. Jake opened his eyes. He hadn't actually fallen asleep, but was close and was resting his eyes when Mitch came back to get him. It had probably been an hour or so since Mitch had left him tied up to play CoD. "Sleeping's extra, don't ya know?"

Jake tried to answer but was reminded of his gag as it muffled his response. Was meant to be something like "I'm awake, I'm awake!" Whatever. Jake waited until Mitch walked over to undo the gag before he tried to talk again.

"As I was trying to say, I was awake! Just resting. I'm on a bed, what more do you want from me?"

Mitch chuckled. "Struggling, maybe? That's the fun part for me."

"Yeah not so much for me, I just like relaxing while being tied up."

"Okay, fair enough. But you're not getting off that easy, I wanna be tied up too! I think I 'taught' you enough." Mitch gestured to Jake's bindings as he spoke. "Let me get you out and then we'll talk about it." Mitch spent all of thirty seconds untying Jake, just freeing up each of the four knots holding him in place.

Sitting up for the first time in a while, Jake had to reorient himself. First order of business: "Do you have something to drink? Socks are made to soak up water so my mouth is a bit... lacking in that right now." Mitch nodded, and the boys went over to his fridge for drinks. Soda for both of them. With Jake's mouth rehydrated, they could plan their next game.

"Well, you want me to tie you up... how about a hogtie? I could tie you up like I was that night with Dylan." Jake offered.

"I won't say no to that. Let's see if I taught you well. All four limbs, that's all there is to it." Mitch seemed like he was trying to reassure Jake that it was easy! He then walked over to a closet and grabbed a box, showing the contents to Jake. "Here's what I have, use whatever you want on me."

Jake looked at the box. The big thing that caught his eye was a bunch of different brightly-colored (in contrast to Dylan's selection of standard silver) duct tape rolls. Used "for labeling stuff" according to Mitch. Yeah right. Jake selected a bright blue roll from the offerings, and put the rest aside.

"Alright, my new POW, lie on your stomach." Mitch complied eagerly, clearly the older boy was just as excited to get tied up as Jake had been. Mitch found the largest space on the open floor and dropped himself into it, awaiting Jake's next instructions. Jake had him bring his ankles and wrists all as close together as possible behind his back, then looped the duct tape around all four limbs. Definitely not a "clean" hogtie, but it worked.

"So this is what they did to you?" Mitch piped up from the floor.

"Yeah, it's not too bad, right? You're not uncomfortable are you?"

"No, no, I'm good!" Mitch confirmed.

"Alright cool" Jake held the tape up towards Mitch's mouth. "They also gagged me, so... any last words?"

"Uh, while I'm tied up you can play on my PS4 if you want!" Mitch cheered.

"Cool!" Jake felt himself smile a little as he wrapped the tape around his new friend's head, looping around his mouth maybe four, five times? It was definitely enough to keep Mitch quiet, and that was the goal. After that, Jake walked around to Mitch's front and knelt down to look him in the eyes. He could already guess the answer but he still had to ask: "You good?"

Mitch nodded and grunted happily, confirming that yes he was good. Jake set a timer on his phone for an hour, and hopped onto Mitch's couch to play some CoD. Occasionally he noticed Mitch enthusiastically struggling, but it looked like his hogtie would hold.

After a fun solo session of shooting at people, the hour was up. Jake went over to Mitch, and started the task of undoing the tape. He decided to leave the gag for last. A few smart scissor cuts later, Mitch's limbs were free. The gagged guy stood up and slowly worked off the tape from around his mouth, revealing a smile.

"Well that was fun! And you're not bad at it! See, told you it was easy enough." Mitch flexed his wrists, noting some tape residue still on them. He clapped a hand on Jake's shoulder. "Just a bit more practice and you'll be tying people up like in the movies!"

Jake brushed off the praise. "Well, I wouldn't go that far. But thanks, glad you liked it."

The boys ordered a pizza, then spent a few hours getting to know each other better, playing together on Mitch's PS4. Things got a bit heated, and eventually a bet was struck:

"Alright, tell you what. Whoever does worse next match gets tied up again. Should be a fun bet, right?" Mitch was getting amped, his competitive streak showing through.

"You have infinitely more experience than me with this game, and this is a very losing bet for me... so sure!" Jake knew he was digging his own grave, but he didn't come to Mitch's place to *not* be tied up.

And the boys played another match. Not only did Mitch beat Jake, he demolished him. Like, a full order of magnitude worse than before. The bet really did something to his motivation, Jake supposed.

"God damn you're good at these games. Was fun though." Jake had lost but was smiling, wondering what Mitch's next tie would be.

Mitch shrugged. "Thanks, it's my one hobby so I'd hope I was good at it." He put his controller down. "Okay, think it's time you saw what a real hogtie was like. Whatever those guys did to you that night, it worked, but that's a bit hacky. You ready?"

Jake stood up, in mock surrender. "Yes, yes I'm ready. Where do we start?"

Mitch thought for a second, then had an idea. "Actually, wait a sec. I have a fun addition for this. Follow me."

Mitch led Jake over to his closet: a pretty big walk-in one, and with a dramatic show he revealed to Jake a small collection of wrestling singlets. "So, you wouldn't ever guess this, but out of the two of us Dylan wasn't the one to do a sport in school. I was! I wrestled, and even though I was a small guy, sometimes that's an advantage. I've been thinking all day about how much you remind me of my younger self, so how about getting tied up in one of these? I've only kept them for memories but you probably fit them."

Jake couldn't help but laugh. It was a funny idea, and he was down. "Sure! I've never worn a singlet before so I guess this can be the first time for that too." He picked out a dark green singlet, and Mitch gave him the privacy to change into it. When he emerged from Mitch's room, he walked over and asked "Well, how do I look?"

Mitch grinned at Jake. "Like a shining example of why wrestling needs weight classes!"


"Hey, that's not even an insult. I was the same way! You look basically like I did. You look good, I promise! Go check in the mirror!" Mitch ruffled Jake's hair and pushed him towards the bathroom, letting his friend get a look at himself in the singlet. Jake posed in the mirror for a bit, taking in how the singlet fit his form. He did look kinda cool, to be honest.

Jake reemerged from the bathroom to see Mitch laying out some green ropes. "You ready?" He asked, gesturing to the floor near him. "On your stomach, you know what a hogtie is."

Jake took his position on the floor, and let Mitch start to tie him up. This was much cleaner than what the robbers had done to him: first his wrists were bound behind his back. Then came the ankles, and finally the two were connected together with a third rope. Mitch cinched it tight, and the result was a "proper" hogtie this time.

"There!" punctuated Mitch as he finished. "See what I mean?"

Jake tested his bonds and found that they were immaculate. "Yep, yep I see. I'm comfortable. When's the gag coming? I know it is." Jake predicted.

Mitch produced a dark green bandana, same color as the singlet Jake was wearing. "Already on it. Open wide!" Mitch used the bandana as a cleave gag, and Jake let him. After trying the knot on the back of Jake's head, the younger boy was again silenced for the time being.

With his friend bound again, Mitch got himself comfortable. He grabbed a beer from his fridge, popped it open, and sat down on the couch. Then he shifted Jake so that he could see the TV, and the pair agreed on a cowboy movie that they found to watch. It was a generic campy action movie, and even featured the hero hogtied for a scene. Mitch prodded Jake with a playful "hey look, it's you!", and Jake groaned back. Unfortunately for Jake, he was still bound after the hero got free and won the day. Not a bad watch.

After the movie, which was about 90 minutes, Mitch looked over at a very complacent Jake and asked "I guess it's still comfortable, but I should probably free you now, huh?" Jake nodded. He actually didn't feel like he had been tied up for a whole hour and a half already. The time went much faster with a friend, he guessed.

Mitch undid the ropes, and Jake stood up again. He had a dumb grin on his face that betrayed how much fun he was having, and started complimenting Mitch's ropes. "Yeah, that was fun, and surprisingly comfortable. Guess you're better at restraining someone than those robbers were!" The pair laughed at that. "And yeah, a singlet is actually really comfortable to be tied up in. Thanks for making me change, I guess."

Mitch sighed. "Ah, makes me wish I still fit into my old singlets. Late growth spurt will do that to you. Maybe I should get bigger ones now. Glad you liked it! Now unless you wanna sleep in that, you can change back now."

Jake did honestly consider sleeping in the singlet for a moment, but decided to change back into his looser clothes. The guys sat on Mitch's couch and talked, mostly about wrestling memories, for a bit longer before Mitch got up to head into his room. He found a spare blanket and pillows and tossed them towards Jake.

"Alright, we can do more tomorrow. I'll be on my computer for a bit and then I'll be asleep. G'night!"

"Night!" Jake called back as Mitch closed his door. Jake tested out lying down on the couch. Perfectly comfortable. He dressed down to just his boxers, set up the pillows and blanket, and lay there on his phone for a bit before eventually falling asleep himself.
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Post by CowboyStud »

Could we get one of them tied up in tight wrangler and cowboy boots maybe ;-)
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