All Inclusive Fitness: A Weekendverse Story (MM/MM)(Concluded 8/04/22)

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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Omigod! Where to begin?

This story is exciting in so many ways. I love the bondage in it...the innovative ways in which Liam and Connor were tied up and gagged all over the gym and now the ways they've turned the tables on their captors and the planners of their kidnapping/torments.

Watch Out, Peter!!! :twisted:

But what I love especially is the way Liam and Connor mesh and bond so well! ❤️
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Post by gag1195 »

@Bradstick Answers to questions, Questions to answers! I beg you not to praise Peter too much, he already has enough of an ego! :lol: We will learn more bout Kyle and Santiago down the line, don't worry!

@Wedgieboy69 Revenge will definitely be sweet, and probably painful indeed!

@Volobond Peter (and maybe Markus) possibly being behind all this has been the prevailing theory, and I'm finally happy to validate those comments! And yes, I'm loving the support Santiago is getting! Though you may be competing with @Bradstick for Santiago...

@Guardianbound I don't want to spoil anything, but I will say that it's probably not going the way you might be thinking. And you are being too harsh on Connor. Can't blame him for a little note! Could have happened to anyone!

@NeedControl Glad you're enjoying it, friend!

@socjuc Liam and Connor certainly proved their mettle throughout this story, haven't they? Poor Santiago couldn't handle it! And thank you so much for your kind comment! I really appreciate it!

@KidnappedCowboy You humble me with your comment! I couldn't give a better summary! :D And yes, as devious as this plan was, it succeeded in bringing Connor and Liam closer!

Really happy to see everyone enjoying this chapter of revelations! Thanks so much everyone! Stay tuned for the next chapter, as we now learn more about Connor's plans!
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Post by gag1195 »

Sorry this one has taken me awhile! Daylight Savings hit hard and I've had a difficult time bouncing back! I also had a stressful few days at work- my Boss's Boss visited and spent a lot of time observing me. So I have a slightly longer update for you all! I have a chapter or two more for this part of the tale, sort of an ending of this first part, but rest assured, this is not the end of the journey! Let me know what you all think!

Part 19: Road Trip

Liam watched and waited, wondering what his dream hunk had in mind. His immediate thought went to their destination. Is Connor going to confront Peter? What about Markus? What is Connor planning?

Connor then fanned the flames by asking his next questions to Santiago, who still had his head hanging low, trying to avoid their gazes. “S.T. is Peter expecting to hear from you two stooges? Like a check in? Some indication his stupid plan is working?”

Santiago nodded. “Sí. When things were a success, when we left the two of you tied up for the night, Kyle was supposed to text Peter.” At this point, Kyle once again screamed into his gag, hoping to interrupt and stop the defeated man from spilling even more of the original plan. But his muffled complaints were ignored. Santiago was an open book, and no amount of Kyle trying to intimidate him was going to close it again. “‘Hope you had fun at the opera. You missed a fun night at the bar.’ That’s what we’re supposed to text.”

Liam considered what Santiago said. That made sense. It was innocent and innocuous enough that it wouldn’t raise suspicion if Markus saw the text, but would tell Peter everything he needed to know.

Connor nodded and confidently crossed the room towards Kyle’s speeding treadmill. The blonde was bucking against his ropes, shaking his head as the personal trainer stepped up to the machine. Connor again ignored the protesting, and in an act of seeming mercy, switched off the treadmill. Kyle breathed a sigh of relief as the conveyor belt slowed to a crawl, then finally to a halt. The bound burglar collapsed over the console of the cardio machine, out of breath. Liam knew that feeling all too well. Kyle’s legs were practically jelly, and bound as they were, it was almost impossible to stand upright.

It also meant that Kyle was too exhausted to put up much of a fight as Connor fished the phone out of his pocket. The redhead fiddled with the device for a moment, pulling off one of his gloves for easier control. He grabbed hold of Kyle’s man-bun, yanking his captive’s head up, then held the phone screen in front of Kyle’s pain contorted face. Liam heard the telltale click of the phone unlocking, and Connor was underway, furiously typing the message to Peter.

Connor waited, staring at the phone, unsure of what to expect. Liam found himself holding his breath, waiting for the new message alert, but it never came. Given how late it was, and how much later it could have been for this plan to succeed, Liam supposed it wasn’t that surprising for Peter not to respond. He was most likely asleep by now, tired from his date, the tediousness of the opera, the sex and bondage with Markus that surely followed. There’s also the possibility that he’s the one who ended up tied to the bed. If this was supposed to be Markus’ night, maybe Teach kept control after they got home.

After a minute or two of silent waiting, punctuated by Kyle huffing and puffing to regain his breath, Connor slipped the phone into his pocket. “No response. Not that surprising though.” He seemed to have reached a similar conclusion Liam had. “Now, it’s time to get this shitshow on the road!” He began untying the rope tethering Kyle to the treadmill, and took the opportunity to check and retighten the ropes around the man’s chest and ankles before hoisting him off the treadmill. Kyle still wore his defiant glare, to the point where his eyebrows seemed permanently fused together, but he did not fight against Connor’s hold. In fact, given the state of his own jelly-legged imbalance, the bartender was leaning against the muscular trainer to keep himself upright.

Connor sighed, then reached his arm low to grab Kyle’s legs. He hefted the smaller man up, holding him in his arms bridal style. Kyle was not happy, but there was little he could do to stop it, unless he wanted Connor to drop him and send him tumbling back to the floor. So there he remained, angrily pouting, even as he cozied up against Connor’s broad chest.

The redhead hunk returned to Liam and Santiago, bouncing Kyle every so often to adjust the man’s weight. He nodded toward the duffle bag of bondage gear. “Alright Liam, since I’ve got my hands full, you’ll have to get Santiago ready.” Liam practically saluted as he ducked into the bag, listening to the string of instructions his hunk rattled off. “He needs a tight chest harness, and a lead. You can cut the duct tape around his ankles. He knows better than to run, right?” Santiago silently nodded. “Once all that is done, come grab Kyle’s socks. Santiago can clean them during the ride.”

Liam dutifully gathered up the necessary rope, as well as the roll of duct tape for Santiago’s eventual gag. The bull of a man didn’t resist when Liam knelt next to him and pushed up back to a sitting position. He began wrapping the ropes around Santiago’s chest the way Markus and Peter had taught him, weaving under the man’s armpits, cinching where his instructors had, and tying off the knots precisely. Connor studied his work with a critical eye, then winked down at his crush. Liam blushed, but pressed on. He added a length of rope to the front of the chest restraints as a lead, then ripped off the tape around Santiago’s ankles. The massive captive splayed his legs out more naturally as they were freed from their bindings, but otherwise made no movements. Liam noted the frankly huge snake trapped in the dark jeans.

“Up and at ‘em. Boy!” Connor commanded, and Liam shot up, followed quickly by Santiago, who moved with impressive speed and control considering his upper body was wrapped in rope. Connor chuckled and leaned over to kiss Liam. “I was talking to S.T. there, but I’m not complaining.” He pressed their lips together. “Especially when you’re this cute…” Liam moaned against Connor’s words. Until Kyle bucked, the grumpy child that he was, having been squished between the two lovebirds.

Connor and Liam broke apart, the redhead shaking his agitated package. “Just because you’re not having fun anymore, doesn’t mean the rest of us can’t.” He turned, pointing Kyle’s sweaty feet towards Liam.

Liam didn’t need to be told what to do. He slipped the black boot off Kyle’s right foot, then painstakingly pulled the sweat drenched dark fabric free. He tossed the offending material at Santiago, who allowed it to land on his shoulder without putting up resistance. Liam spent a moment forcing the boot back onto Kyle’s now naked foot, then repeated the process with his other foot.

He gathered the pungent socks and began balling them up when Connor stopped him. “Wait! Quick change of plans. Just one. They’re long enough for you to knot in the middle and make a cleave gag. Finish it with as much duct tape as you think Santiago deserves. Save the other sock.”

Again, Liam nodded and began carrying out the trainer’s demands. He held up the sweaty rag as far from his face as he could, looping it over itself to form a thick knot in the middle of the sock that would have been long enough to extend to one’s calves. Liam reached up, stretching on his tiptoes to reach the man’s head, and moved the stink knot closer and closer to Santiago’s face. The living mountain did not resist as the fabric brushed against his lips and entered. In fact, the goliath even leaned down to make it easier for his captor. Liam forced the sock in so it was securely in Santiago’s mouth, then pulled the ends tight around his scruffy head. Knotted, tightened, knotted again and cinched, and that post-cardio workout gear wasn’t leaving Santiago’s mouth for a long while. The satisfying screech of duct tape greeted Santiago’s waiting mouth. He’s been so cooperative, and he’s got such nice stubble… Liam considered as he began wrapping the sticky silver around and around. He decided to stop after the fourth rotation. It was enough to keep the cleave gag in place, and silently secured Santiago, but it wasn’t so much as to be truly vindictive.

Had this been Kyle? Liam might have gone a bit overboard with the tape. But Santiago had proven himself more pawn than mastermind. He had seemed earnestly remorseful during his torture and interrogation. It seemed a shame to add more to his predicament than Connor had planned. I almost feel sorry for Santiago… but then he glanced down again at the massive erection. He was clearly enjoying this. Liam added two more rotations, smacking the end down against his cheek to smooth the tape.

“Excellent!” Connor praised. “Now, S.T. do not move from that spot!” He shifted once again, angling Kyle’s head closer to Liam. “Now, I need you to do the same thing for Kyle. Yes, I know he’s already gagged, but I think he needs a… fresh one!”

Kyle vehemently shook his head as Liam’s leather digits tried to pick and pull the current gag off. “Hold still you bastard!” Liam found himself grunting out as Kyle squirmed in Connor’s arms.

“FMMMMMMFFMMMMU!” Kyle shouted, headbutting Liam’s hand away.

“Do you want me to drop you?” Connor’s icy tone returned, and Kyle lessened his struggling. Liam seized the opportunity to quickly unwrap the old gag and fish out the now saliva soaked bandana.

Kyle protested as soon as he was given back his power to speak. “Let me go! You had your fuckin fun, you proved your point! And fuck you Santiago, you fucking pansy ass traitor! Don’t you dare put that soc-guuuuuphhhmmm!”

Liam happily ended his ranting. The knot was shoved in, the ends knotted, and ten rounds of tape effectively silenced the raging beast securely held in Connor’s arms. Connor smiled at his quieted captive, then beamed at Liam. “Liam, if you could be a dear and grab the duffle bag? Oh, and Santiago’s lead, of course!”

The trainer didn’t wait for a response, already walking towards the lobby, jostling his uncooperative charge. Liam gave a cursory glance around the space, quickly stuffed some stray rope back into the bag, then zipped up the duffle. He slung it over his shoulder and took hold of the loose end of the rope connected to Santiago’s chest. The bodybuilder waited expectantly, still firmly rooted in place under Connor’s orders.

“You really are enjoying this, now, aren’t you?” Liam whispered, out of earshot of his crush.

“Mmmhmmm…” Santiago sheepishly mumbled, and Liam made note of the bashful look the towering man gave him. He smiled up at his prisoner before turning towards the door. He gave a short tug and immediately felt the rope slacken as Santiago closed the distance, and began following eagerly behind the model turned master.

Connor was waiting for them in the lobby where he directed Liam to grab his gym bag. Liam hefted both duffle bags for a moment, then inspiration struck. His own bag was fairly light, holding his personal effects- phone, wallet, keys- and his work clothes. Hare and Bull’s bondage bag was much heavier, full to bursting with restraints and toys. He pulled that bag off his shoulder and tossed it over Santiago’s head, where it rested on his right shoulder across his chest. Satisfied, Liam grabbed his bag and followed Connor out the main door of the gym.

Liam was instantly worried about being seen. He and Connor were escorting two bound and gagged men across the parking lot. This would be a lot to explain if anyone saw them, if the police were called. But thankfully, given how late it was, there wasn’t a soul in sight.

Connor led the group over to his vehicle, a huge dark green SUV. Liam saw that the tires were caked with mud, evidence of off-roading, but otherwise the car was decently clean. Connor flashed his own set of keys and the SUV was quickly unlocked. As he opened the back door on the driver’s side, the interior light flooded out into the otherwise deserted parking lot. Liam could see that the windows were tinted, all except the windshield.

Connor carefully deposited Kyle into the seat and buckled in the bucking stud. He patted the bartender’s cheek. “Aw, someone’s excited for the trip!” He glanced back at Liam. “Take Santiago to the other side, then hop in the passenger’s seat. I need to do one more thing before we go.”

Connor jogged back off towards the gym, leaving both prisoners in Liam’s care. The model did as he was told, walking his massive captive around the back of the SUV to the other side. He opened up the back door and ushered Santiago inside. He offered no resistance, hopping into the seat alongside Kyle, who remained in his fuming state the entire time. Liam pulled the seatbelt over Santiago’s hard on, then quickly slammed the door closed.

What is Connor planning? Where are we going? We aren’t taking them home, are we? Whose home are we going to? Liam looked back over the otherwise empty parking lot. He had taken the train today, so unless he felt like braving public transportation in the city at 3am, Connor bondage mystery machine was his only option.

So he climbed into the passenger’s seat and closed the door. He didn’t say a word, listening to the muffled curses from Kyle, found a store of energy and was using it to growl and grumble, while Santiago moaned contentedly in his seat. It was an interesting symphony to be sure.

Thankfully, Connor returned a minute later. He quickly hopped into the driver’s seat and started up the SUV. As he pulled out of the spot, he turned to Liam. “Sorry about that. Had to make sure we were really locked up. I also took the liberty to delete the security footage from tonight. No reason that needs to be saved for Courtney or someone else to see!” Liam and their prisoners all breathed a collective sigh of relief at that.

The rest of the ride continued in relative silence, other than the grumbling and moaning from the backseat, until Connor spoke up again. “So, tweedledum and tweedledouche, listen up. You pulled some shit tonight. Which means you owe Liam and I some serious comeuppance. Santiago”, He turned his attention to the massive man seated behind Liam. “I know this wasn’t your plan, but you still went along with it. In light of that fact, you’re going to give Liam and I a free tune up, each, along with a complimentary oil change, and a free interior cleaning/detailing the next time we bring our cars in.” Santiago looked like he was ready to protest, but instead slowly shook his head.

Connor stole a glance at Liam and added, “Santiago owns his own mechanic’s shop, so I know he’ll make it work to accommodate our very reasonable request.” Liam nodded, already picturing the man in those mechanic’s coveralls.

“And Kyle, when Liam and I come to your bar for a date night soon, we expect the VIP treatment- private booth on the VIP overlook, top shelf drinks, dedicated service by you of course. I’ve got an outfit in mind, but I’ll text you about it later. Understood?”

“Fmmmmmgmmmu…” Kyle thrashed at the driver, but eventually nodded and hung his head. The blonde was finally admitting defeat.

Connor smiled and winked at his date. “Oh, and one more thing. As far as Peter is concerned, his plan worked. Don’t know if he’ll ask for details or what, but if he does, everything went off without a hitch. We almost got out once, but you caught us and kept us in line. Which means Liam, things are normal at work. You can tell him that we shared our feelings and are exploring this relationship, but if he presses, just say it happened during our session tonight. Understood?”

The entire car nodded, agreeing to Connor’s terms. If Peter isn’t gonna find out, then where are we going right now? Liam noticed Kyle increase his struggling again, looking out the windows with wide eyes.

“Recognize where we are, Man-Bun?” Connor gloated as the SUV turned a corner and Liam saw their destination. The Cloak and Dagger Bar. “You tied me up at work, so fair’s fair, eh bartender?” he dangled Kyle’s key ring again, drawing everyone’s eye to the set of work keys hanging from the middle.

“I briefly thought about taking you two home, but I think Santiago would’ve liked that.” And indeed, Santiago nodded enthusiastically, humming at the thought. “Besides, I want some alone time with my new boyfriend here. So you two chucklefucks will be spending the rest of the night in the bar storeroom.”

The parking lot of the gay bar was packed, not surprising for late Friday night. But Connor didn’t waste time looking for a normal spot, and instead drove towards the back alley where the backdoor was waiting. “Ready?” He asked as the SUV slowed to a stop.
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Post by Bradstick »

The main take away from this chapter is how smart Connor is! He is a lot smarter than I originally gave him credit for. I was thinking he was gonna show up at Peters house and dish it out in the middle of the night.

But no, he is much more calculating than that. For one he now has a free date in a private section of a bar, and a free oil change for the both of them. That’s incredibly smart in its self.

Then he tells them all that Peters plan went perfectly. He has a plan for revenge and that I am super excited for. Personally I don’t think he deleted the footage. I think he made a copy for himself then deleted it. Maybe he will show it to Marcus and get him in on the revenge.

Plus now we get to see Kyle again in a cute “outfit” for their private date. Overall another great chapter. And take all the time you need to make these chapters. You don’t need to make excuses, not to us anyway. This is something you do in your free time and sometimes life is crazy. Take all the time you need!
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Post by Volobond »

More than one of Liam's dreams may be coming true tonight! I love how Liam still thinks of Markus as Teach, and although I personally would've tried to keep Santiago as a pet, I think Connor's punishment is fair enough. I hope Markus helps out when it comes to Peter's inevitable punishment! ;)

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Post by Guardianbound »

Keeping some of the punishments practical, I love it. Taking care of his car and fixing a next date with Liam at the same time. I wonder if Connor and Liam are going to spend some time at the bar like they initially wanted to, or if they're heading home for some cute couple cuddles.

Also, I like how you responded to work stress with writing a longer update :lol: Thank you for that. Can't wait to see how this part of the story ends. The spinoffs from spinoffs that you can generate from the world you've created, so excited to see which set of characters you intend to focus on for your next tale.
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Post by gag1195 »

@NeedControl glad you're still enjoying everything- at least I hope that's the case! :lol:

@Bradstick Connor is indeed very smart! It takes a lot of effort to try and organize your own business and charity, and everything else for his planned community center! He's definitely playing the long game with his revenge. As satisfying as it would be to confront Peter immediately, Connor has an even better plan up his sleeve! Also, appreciate all the support!

@Volobond No matter what, Liam is still the star pupil! And yes, it is very tempting to keep Santiago as a hunky pet, but like Connor said, that didn't seem like much of a punishment for the Bull. And don't worry, I know you and the rest of the readers will enjoy Peter's eventual punishment!

@Guardianbound We'll be seeing the answer to your wonderings next chapter! Also, I felt bad that I wasn't able to devote time to this story as I originally intended! daylight Savings sapped my energy, and when I finally got the urge to write again, my stressful workdays hit! So I knew I had to power through! besides, writing this chapter did help me decompress from the stress of work, so it's all fine!

Enjoyed your comments, your thoughts, and of course, your support! If you haven't commented yet, I'd really love to hear from you!
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Connor's really milking their newfound control over Kyle and Santiago for all it's worth and I can't blame him. :mrgreen:

This chapter was really well worth waiting and it's nice to see that the night is still not over.
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Post by TayDay95 »

Wooo! What a ride this story is! So glad I came back to it!

[mention]gag1195[/mention] The way your characters interact with each other is so unpredictable and exciting, not to mention believable. I'm finding Liam and Connor just as hot and entertaining as Markus and Peter in your previous stories!

That last chapter was hot as hell, especially loved Kyle losing his shit only to be well and truly shut up by Liam seconds later, and I like Santiago admitting that he's enjoying being Liam and Connors captive hehe ❤️

Keep up the great work my friend you're a natural with these tales 😊
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Post by gag1195 »

@DeeperThanRed Can't blame him at all! He and Liam have earned these forthcoming rewards, if you ask me! And yes, no worries, There's still a chapter or two more before this night ends for the new couple!

@TayDay95 Welcome back and welcome aboard! Thank you for the kind words! It really means a lot! And I know Peter and Liam appreciate the compliment! Markus and Peter are a lot to live up to, so it's nice to see that Connor and Liam are well on their way! Hope you enjoy the rest of this story as it unfolds!
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Are Santiago and Kyle going from the frying pan into the fire? :twisted: :twisted: :D
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Post by gag1195 »

@KidnappedCowboy Fire may be too strong a phrase, but they certainly won't be getting off that easily, rest assured!
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Part 20: Stored Away

Connor smiled wickedly as he practically jumped out of the car. He brandished Kyle’s keys, and the back door of the club easily opened. Connor pocketed the set of keys before retrieving his frustrated captive from the backseat. Anticipating his fate, Kyle had grown repentant. The angry bravado of the bartender had faded, replaced with remorseful eyes and muffled begging. But it was far too late to change Connor’s mind.

The trainer scooped up the defeated blonde and held him close against him as the pair crossed the threshold of the Cloak and Dagger. That left Liam to once again lead the surprisingly content mechanic into the bar. As expected, Santiago offered no resistance when Liam opened the car door and tugged on the lead.

“Come on, Big Guy. Not sure what Connor has planned, but I’m sure you’ll enjoy it!” Liam couldn’t help but tease as Santiago blushed.

“Mmmmhmmm!” He smiled beneath the tape and happily followed the smaller man. Liam collected the bag of supplies before closing the door and joining Connor and Kyle inside.

As soon as Santiago entered the bar, Liam reached behind him to close the door and lock it. Not that he expected any issues, but he didn’t want to take any more chances tonight. The four men were at the end of a dimly lit hallway, empty aside from a few boxes stacked against one wall. The door at the far end obviously led to the club proper. Multicolored flashes of light illuminated the cracks around the door, and the intense thumping of the music was only barely contained by the heavy duty “Employees Only” barrier. A handful of other doors were scattered on either side of the hallway, and thankfully each was labeled with a slightly faded placard.

Connor led the procession passed a closed office door and the staff restroom. He stopped near the other end of the hall, in between a pair of doors on either side. The door on the left was the stereotypical kitchen door, round windowed, able to be pushed open from either direction. Liam poked his head up, then breathed a sigh of relief. No activity in the kitchen. It was a sparse set up, as the bar only had basic options. Mostly appetizers and finger foods. And most were cooked to order, but this late at night, demand for mozzarella sticks and nachos was low.

The other door held Connor’s interest. The storage room. He awkwardly reached for the handle, doing his best to keep ahold of Kyle. he jiggled the handle. Locked. The redhead sighed and released his prisoner, standing the bartender up. As Connor fished the keys out of his pocket, Kyle was forced to balance on his still wobbly legs. He made no move to try and escape, despite being just a few hops from the door to the main room, but that didn’t stop Connor from reaching out with his free hand and tightly gripping the back of Kyle’s neck.

“Don’t want the Hare to get any ideas about hopping away.” He threatened, squeezing the scruff of the blonde’s neck.

“Mmmmmm hhhmmmmmm mmmm!” Kyle pleaded, hoping to stay on Connor’s good side.

Connor was about to respond when the click of the door unlocking took his attention. The storeroom opened, revealing a well stocked supply space full of metal shelves and boxes. The lights were off, but hummed as Connor flicked them on, bathing the room in orange-yellow cones. The personal trainer shoved Kyle into the room, causing the smaller man to fall forward onto his knees and eventually his face. Liam quickly pulled Santiago in after them and once again hurried to shut and lock the door.

“So, what’s the plan?” Liam whispered. He wasn’t entirely sure why. These back rooms appeared empty and with the music blasting on the other side of the wall, it was doubtful that anyone would hear the goings on in the storeroom. Still, whispering felt right in this situation.

Connor smiled at him. “ We’re gonna get them all nicely stored away, and let them think about how fucking stupid they were!” He took Santiago’s lead from Liam and pulled the big man closer to him. He undid the lead rope then commanded, “Lay down.” his voice remained calm, but Santiago jumped into action as if a drill sergeant had just screamed at him.

S.T. took a knee, then carefully lowered his massive frame all the way to the floor of the storeroom. Connor was on him as soon as he landed, hovering over Santiago’s thighs, facing the man’s feet. The trainer pulled up Santiago’s ankles one at a time, untied and removed the man’s humongous black boots. He set the black leather shoes neatly off to the side next to a shelf full of boxes of official Cloak and Dagger Napkins.

Connor sniffed Santiago’s gigantic feet, but didn’t have much of a reaction. “I guess S.T. folded too quickly to work up much of a sweat. Oh well, it’ll still do!” Taking the former lead rope, the trainer swiftly bound the Bull’s socked feet together. As he stood up, he gave Santiago a final order. “Keep your feet up, just like that!”

And Santiago obeyed, keeping his knees bent and his bound ankles up in the air.

“Liam, would you untie Kyle’s legs, and then help me get him into position?” Connor asked as he took the duffle bag from the model, giving him a quick kiss during the hand off.

Liam nodded and got to work. He knelt over the quieted bartender and began undoing the ankle restraints. Kyle did not kick or fight as Liam was braced for, and instead, he simply lay there. The fight was finally over, he had just been the last to realize it.

Connor leaned over Kyle as well and pulled the blonde up by his shoulders. Now kneeling, Connor pushed the man-bunned captive closer to Santiago who had dutifully remained still. Liam watched as Connor forced Kyle to squat over his fellow prisoner. The two were now ass cheek to ass cheek, the smaller blonde sitting on Santiago’s well toned buns. Liam noted, however, that Kyle was facing the same direction Connor had been, facing Santiago’s upright feet.

Connor quickly uncuffed Santiago and readjusted the man’s hands and wrists before recuffing them, so that they rested out of the way of Kyle’s hands or butt. He then tossed Liam a coil of rope, then went to work without a word, expecting Liam to follow.

Connor adjusted Kyle so the blonde was kneeling, his bent legs and feet on either side of Santiago’s thighs. He wound rope around the bartender’s left ankle, cinching it tight. He then wrapped the other end of the rope around Santiago’s right forearm. He pulled on the rope, hard, pulling both men’s limbs closer and eliciting quiet moans from both. He tied it off in the middle, far out of reach from either man’s fingers. Liam watched, then copied the hunk exactly, down to the chorus of moans.

Connor found a final piece of rope and connected Kyle’s and Santiago’s chest bindings together, further limiting each man’s ability to struggle and move. Liam was satisfied with their hard work. Hare and Bull had been fully contained, thoroughly restrained, completely defeated.

But Connor wasn’t finished yet. He tossed Liam the roll of duct tape, then struck. He shoved Kyle’s face into Santiago’s socked feet, still waiting up in the air. Kyle protested, naturally, but Connor’s firm leather grip held the feet and blonde in place.

“Anytime now, Liam!” Connor raised his voice as he wrestled with Kyle’s thrashing head.

“MMMMMMMMMM FFFMMMMMMM HMMMM!” Kyle erupted in protest, his aggressive nature returning for one final attempt to fight back.

Liam didn’t give him that chance. The model ripped the tape free and, as fast as he could, began wrapping the sticky silver around Kyle’s head and Santiago’s feet. Around and around it went, careful to not trap Connor’s hands in the process. Kyle tried his very best to break away, but the ropes tethering him to the mechanic curtailed those efforts. In no time at all, Kyle’s nose was buried in between the slightly sweaty soles of Santiago’s socks. Liam folded the tape down and took a moment to inhale. Hardly any stank rose up from the mountain of a man. Connor was right, it could have been a lot worse. The way Kyle is going on, you’d think he was smelling Peter’s three day workout socks.

“I think our work here is done!” Connor announced as he packed away the tape and remaining bits of rope. “Just one more thing…” His voice trailed off as he led Liam back out of the room, leaving their captives to whine and struggle on their own.

The redhead took Liam’s hand and guided him towards the main room of the club. They slipped through the door, trying not to draw attention to themselves. Thankfully the crowd didn’t notice. The music was deafening, pumping and thumping in Liam’s head and chest. A sea of bodies gyrated beneath the everchanging beams of light. Liam shouldn’t have been surprised. It might have been past 3 am, and his own night might have been bizarre, but for everyone else, it was any other late night at the club.

Connor and Liam did earn a few looks and stares as they forced their way towards the bar. Some men checked them out, only to cast a glare at their intertwined hands before scoping out other, less attached, options. Others looked at the couple’s interesting fashion choices; used workout shorts and leather gloves certainly made a statement. Liam was grateful that Connor’s determined look kept most of the other patrons away.

The redhead made it to the end of the bar, and flagged down the man behind it. Liam recognized the man, and his trademark bartending look. The dark skinned man was shirtless, except for a green striped hoodie, which was unzipped to show off his extremely impressive torso.


“CONNOR!” Grant the bartender smiled and shouted over the rhythmic music that reverberated throughout the space. “HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU? IT’S A BIT LATE FOR YOU, ISN’T IT?”


Granted shrugged. “YEAH, IT’S JUST ME. KYLE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE HERE, BUT HE FLAKED ON ME. HIS LOSS, THOUGH! I’M MAKING A KILLING IN TIPS TONIGHT!” He cheered and flashed a smile, as he poured a refill to the man seated next to them. The patron winked at Grant and slid a twenty across the bar.

“HOW LONG YOU OPEN FOR?” Connor asked, raising his voice even higher as the song dropped the beat in an auditory explosion of techno sounds.


“CAN YOU SPARE TWO MINUTES? WE NEED TO SHOW YOU SOMETHING!” Connor nodded his head toward the Employees Only door.

Grant cocked an eyebrow but ultimately nodded. “GIMMIE TWO MINUTES TO GET THESE FOLKS TAKEN CARE OF!”

Connor and Liam nodded, before once again, the redhead took his partner’s hand and danced him back towards the door.

They waited for Grant outside the storeroom, and Connor took the opportunity to reacquaint his mouth with Liam’s. The model had no objections, until Grant stepped into the hallway and ended the make out session.

As the door closed and the music finally died down, the bartender spoke in a normal tone. “You know you two aren’t supposed to be back here, right?” He looked the two of them up and down, focusing his gaze on Liam. “Hi, I’ve seen you around, but I don’t think we’ve properly met. Grant.”

“Liam.” he responded, taking the man’s outstretched hand.

“So, judging by what I just witnessed, you must be…”

Connor finished his sentence, “My new boyfriend, yes. Well, it might be too soon to use that term, it’s still pretty new.”

“It’s been a weird night.” Liam blurted out in agreement.

Grant laughed. “Just got together, eh? Still not sure what that has to do with me or the off limits area of my bar.”

Connor took a few deep breaths before answering. “I can’t really go into detail, but let’s just say we won a bet. And we need you to keep an eye on the losers until the bar closes. We can’t give any more information than that.”

Connor opened the storeroom door, and Grant looked in to see Kyle and Santiago turn their heads, as best they could, to look up at them. Kyle’s eyes were wide with fear, and seeing Grant renewed his efforts to free himself.

Grant smiled, closing the door again. “Well, I guess that explains why I’m working alone tonight!” He turned to Connor. “Lost a bet, huh?”

Connor blushed. “Well, not exactly, but I really can’t say more than that. None of us can. We just need you to trust us. So, can you keep an eye on them and let them go after the bar closes?”

He pushed Kyle’s phone and keyring, along with Santiago’s knife, into Grant’s hands.

“Ugh, fine!” Grant agreed, quickly pocketing the items. “But I expect a full story soon!”

Connor hugged him before racing down the hallway, Liam right behind him. “I promise, you will! Just a few loose ends to tie up!” He called behind him.

The couple left Grant alone in the hall as they hurried back towards Connor’s car. As the redhead sped off, Liam relaxed, fully relaxed for the first time since Santiago first grabbed him. He looked over at Connor, the man of his dreams, the flame haired knight that had tried to protect him, the calculating dom that orchestrated their escape and revenge. In the shadowed streetlights, he appeared even more handsome than Liam could imagine.

Connor stole glances of his own, the corner of his mouth curling up in a wicked grin. “So, Liam, back to my place?”
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Post by Bradstick »

Poor Kyle, he tried to submit to Connor to get on his good side and ended up bound face first in Santiago’s big feet. Can’t say I don’t envy him though, being stuck with his feet in my face sounds like a great time!

Grant seems pretty interesting as well. It will be interesting to see how he plays into the Next upcoming stories as well. Your doing a great job with the series and can’t wait to see what Connor does with Liam at his place
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Post by Volobond »

Heh heh, a fitting punishment for Hare and Bull, and more to come! As always, thrilled by a new chapter.

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Post by TayDay95 »

Love the unique tie you put Kyle and Santiago in, it's gotta suck for Kyle but like the boys said it coulda been worse. Grant's a real hunk and I hope we get to see him in action some time soon. Sounds to me like Liam and Connor might be wanting to copulate their new relationship judging by that last line from Liam 😉

You're still knocking it out of the park @gag1195 keep it up!
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Post by Guardianbound »

I find involving Grant makes the situation a whole lot more humiliating for Kyle, much more than those mild socks. Happy to see Connor and Liam getting some real alone time together.
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Post by socjuc »

I am hoping Grant takes this chance to impart his own treatment for Kyle. He is already bound and gagged, it's a golden opportunity that fell in Grant's know for Kyle not showing up for work! :lol:
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Post by blackbound »

socjuc wrote: 2 years ago I am hoping Grant takes this chance to impart his own treatment for Kyle. He is already bound and gagged, it's a golden opportunity that fell in Grant's know for Kyle not showing up for work! :lol:
I dunno, sounds to me like Grant needs to be disciplined for taking random patrons at their word and not checking the story! ;)

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Getting to wait until Connor and Liam picks them up seems like a proper punishment for the two ex-captives. You gotta love how they are being "babysat" in a noisy bar where everyone haves fun outside.
socjuc wrote: 2 years ago I am hoping Grant takes this chance to impart his own treatment for Kyle. He is already bound and gagged, it's a golden opportunity that fell in Grant's know for Kyle not showing up for work! :lol:
blackbound wrote: 2 years ago I dunno, sounds to me like Grant needs to be disciplined for taking random patrons at their word and not checking the story! ;)
Why not both? :mrgreen:

Grant is one hot guy, I wouldn't mind seeing him in both roles. Hmm, maybe Kyle frees himself before the bartender comes to check up on them...
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Post by Boundfreak »

This story is great, really enjoying it so far.
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Post by gag1195 »

@Bradstick As much as you would enjoy Kyle's predicament, Kyle would definitely disagree with you! Oh well, not like he can really verbalize his complaints!

@Volobond Thank you friend! I'm happy to see this final punishment for Hare and Bull be so well received!

@TayDay95 I suspect the only way to make it better is if Santiago's socks actually had been very pungent! Kyle might have actually gotten off easy! And don't worry, this is not the last we'll see of Grant!

@Guardianbound The humiliation is the cherry on top of Kyle's punishment, indeed! And yes, next chapter we'll finally get some Connor and Liam alone time!

@socjuc Of course, only because Kyle skipped his shift... right? ;)

@blackbound Friend, you are always so quick to suggest these characters should receive some form of punishment! :lol: I'll just say that Connor isn't just a random patron, so there is some relationship and trust there, otherwise you're right, Grant should have never gone along with Connor's plans!

@DeeperThanRed Both is an interesting option, as is having Kyle escape... hmm... perhaps Kyle's and Santiago's story isn't quite over yet...

@Boundfreak welcome aboard! Happy to have your comment and happy to see you're liking this story! Not sure if you've had the chance to yet, but I would encourage you to go back and read my previous stories as well! Would love to see your thoughts on them too!

Thanks for taking the time to comment, everyone! I have one more chapter planned out for this part of the story. Don't worry! This is not the end of this tale, but there may be a bit of a break after this upcoming chapter!
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Post by blackbound »

Oh I fully admit it's the flimsiest of excuses to see this hunk get roped up.

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Post by gag1195 »

blackbound wrote: 2 years ago Oh I fully admit it's the flimsiest of excuses to see this hunk get roped up.
Glad you recognize this, lol! And Don't worry, I'm sure I can arrange something soon so we can all enjoy a roped up Grant!
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