Rupert and the Pirates (m/m)

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Rupert and the Pirates (m/m)

Post by Xtc »

Just thought I'd post a little one-off I wrote for a young member of DA.

Comments would be very welcome.
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Post by Xtc »

(An uplifting tale of immense cultural worth)

It’s difficult for a teen boy to admit that he’s a trained dancer. Everyone assumes that the “Ballet Boy” is gay and he can often get a hard time in school. Sam didn’t have that trouble, alright, he was gay but he had been accepted into a specialist residential dance academy where that didn’t seem to matter and he didn’t stand out from the other boys. He was starting to win prizes in competitions and was really enjoying life. There was, however, one secret that Sam, or Roo as he had been known since he was very young because he was always leaping around all over the place, thought it was better for him to keep: he really liked the idea of being tied up.

Well, Sam had to sublimate his desires, especially those that were inevitable when a gay boy frequently shared a dressing room with several other very fit youths. He had one special friend with whom he shared a dorm and they kept one another satisfied in the privacy of their room. He did not, however, think it would be a good idea to share his desire to be bound even with Seb. Things rubbed along quite well, though, until it came to that time: that time when all the students got the chance to choreograph their own short ballets for the Christmas Show.

Some of the more self-centred poseurs (and there were plenty of them) chose to take centre stage with solos but that wasn’t the way with all of the students. Sam, Seb and Naomi preferred to work together and decided that they would follow one of the suggestions on the notice announcing the special end of term show. That prompt was “Pirates”.

The three fourth year students sat in the common room making their plans. Seb suggested that Naomi should be a damsel who had been captured by Blackbeard and Captain Jack Sparrow. Naomi was having none of it and declared that she should dance the part of Captain Anne Bonny and that the boys could suit themselves who played the kidnapped landlubber. After very little discussion, (Naomi has that effect on people.) it was decided that Seb would dance the part of Calico Jack Rackham and, with only very token objections, Sam would dance Rupert ( ‘Roo-pert’, get it:?), the pirates’ hostage. Sam was well pleased.
Each dance contribution was limited to three minutes. Naomi tried to talk the producer into extending it to nine minutes because there were three dancers. I told you she was good. But not that good! She had to settle for four minutes. She did, however, persuade the producer to allow her company two flats for their scenery.

The plot was soon resolved; Sam got more or less his own way for some reason. Mary and Jack would escort their unwilling captive to a cave but, on the way, he would escape. They would then, with many athletic jetés and totally unnecessary pirouetting, stage the recapture of the ‘unfortunate’ boy. The only consideration that took any time to resolve was whether Rupert should finally escape or whether he should be recaptured by the pirates. I leave you to guess which one Sam preferred.

Once the plot had been decided, the production work was shared between the trio amicably: Naomi was going to deal with the costumes and makeup design, Seb was going to source the music and prepare the CD, Sam was to source the props and design the set, and they would all paint the scenery and work on the choreography together. They were determined that the result of the consequent assessment would be an excellent one.
The costumes were easy, the Pirates would wear leggings and ruffled shirts that were easily available from Wardrobe, and Pirate hats, plastic pistols and cutlasses from the local joke shop. Fairly stiff collars worn below the knee would represent turned-over boot tops without impeding movement. Wide belts would accommodate the pistols and the cutlasses when the Pirates weren’t wielding them in a flamboyant manner. Seb decided that he would look better if he simply tucked his shirt into his belt leaving him bare-chested. Naomi called him a tart. Seb grinned. So did Sam.

Naomi decided that Rupert should dance barefoot and look somewhat ragged so that the audience would pity him. Sam agreed but, being dancers, their ideas of ‘ragged’ were a bit more exotic than yours and mine. Sam had an old pair of those over-long football shorts that are so fashionable. They were a bit tight round the unmentionables now but the satiny material would sparkle when it caught the light. All they needed to do was to cut off the hems and then to tear the legs somewhat artistically. Being expected to wear shorts that were tight at the top suited Sam, they wouldn’t impede his movements and would enable him to display his renowned flexibility. Not only that, but Sam had been of an age genuinely to need to wear a dance belt when dancing for several years. He had got used to having his crack flossed every time he moved and what teenage boy would not appreciate the ‘enhancement’ that some such garments provide?

The Costume Designer asserted that both of her male dancers were obviously complete tarts when Sam suggested that he dance topless. As usual, Naomi’s suggestion prevailed: Rupert would wear a tattered, ‘dirty’ (ballet dirty, that is; Naomi would distress it tastefully) white t-shirt that had been ripped right up the front. Sam liked the sound of that until Naomi suggested the use of double-sided sticky tape to stop it falling off his shoulders.

So far, so good. Now, how should the Pirates secure their prisoner?
Obviously Sam had to be able to dance so binding his legs was out of the question. Sam had to agree but he did find it somewhat disappointing. They tried out various ways of ‘binding’ his arms and Sam rather hoped that they’d have to try a few more before settling on the final solution.

The first attempt was with a pair of rubber handcuffs bought from the same joke shop that had supplied their pirate costumes. Sam slipped his wrists into the loops and ran around, pirouetted and gestured a bit but they soon agreed that he looked like a fairy wafting his arms around like that. The next suggestion involved the same rubber cuffs but with Sam’s hands behind him.

Rupert could still duck and dive, leaving plenty of scope for comical collisions between the Pirates while he rolled out of the way before easily regaining his feet. Problem: Sam’s hands kept slipping out of the rubber cuffs. “Obviously,” suggested Sam, “Rupert has to be bound more securely.” Seb gave him one of his looks. Sam tried to look innocent. He did, however, manage to convince his collaborators that he would still be able to do all his clever moves (except, perhaps, protracted spins) with his wrists bound securely and that he would look very skilful working under such restraint. Naomi thought that Seb seemed to agree to binding Sam effectively rather too readily. Let’s face it: anything that would moderate his roommate’s hyperactivity sounded like a good idea to the taller cohabitee. For some time past he had wondered whether Sam should not be restrained at most other times.

Technical considerations (and those of avoiding causing Sam real pain during the prolonged initial rehearsal times) demanded that Seb rope-cuffed his hands slightly apart. It must be said that he enjoyed the practice sessions as Sam and he tried out various techniques in their own room. So did Sam! Both boys pretended that they didn’t notice.

Following some research, they found a technique that would bind Rupert’s wrists securely but that could be quickly removed once the scene was over so that Sam could take his bows in the conventional manner. Seb became adept at forming the tie over several attempts and he couldn’t suppress having more thoughts about getting some peace by leaving his friend like that for the rest of the evening. No, all the while he could move around at all, that would be ineffective.

Seb sighed and made to untie Sam. Sam dodged neatly out of his way just as Rupert had evaded the Pirates in rehearsals. “A-Hah! With one bound, our hero is free!” Sam stopped. “Nah, wait on, mate.”


“I want to stay like this for a little while”

“Yes! There is a God!” Seb managed not to shout out loud but that’s exactly what he was thinking. But he was also thinking, “Now, if I could only gag him as well - - -“ Following his initial surprise, Seb managed not to look too delighted – but it was a close run thing.

They spent the next hour or so just chilling with a bound and topless Sam seated and enjoying planning discussions, general conversation, and a video (Who said boys can’t multi-task?) without bounding around (Yes, I DID write that deliberately.) the room for the first time since they had roomed together – all of three years!.

Before the House Parents were due to make their rounds, Sam was untied and the boys prepared themselves for bed. It had been a good evening.
Over the next couple of weeks, choreography was finalised, Sam spent a few more evenings tied up, make-up was tried out, four different tracks were segued into one another, a Ship was painted on one flat and the representation of a cave on the other. All that remained to be done was to make sure the technical support could realise Sam’s lighting design and scenery manipulation. No problem, they were pros and it wasn’t the most demanding concept they had ever had to realise.

It came to the night of the performance and our little company had claimed an area of the dressing room. All thoughts of male- and female- changing rooms had been abandoned years ago, somewhat against the wishes of some of the more prissy, older members of staff. One could remain perfectly decent as long as sensible precautions were taken – not that that bothered most of the youngsters all the while they were focussed on their productions.

Naomi’s make-up was quite simple as she merely exaggerated her natural features and applied a couple of bright blue pantomime clown type patches to her cheeks. The boys each had more of a problem. Seb needed to darken his face and add a five-o’clock shadow before applying similar patches to Naomi’s. He also had to make up the front of his torso as he was to be bare-chested. That was fairly easy as long as he didn’t put his shirt on until afterwards.

Once Sam had shed his dressing gown, he also was topless as he started his make-up routine. Well, when I say topless, I mean topless form the toenails up except for his dance belt. No one seemed to take any notice; Sam wasn’t all that disappointed in the circumstances – honest!. Both boys had trim but well-defined dancer’s figures but Seb was slightly the taller of the two with noticeably wider shoulders and a somewhat deeper chest.

Sam had no problem making up his own legs to well above his knees but, as soon as he had done so, one of his mates called across the dressing room, “Oi, Sam, you old tart, put ‘em on now, mate”. As he pulled up the remains of his old football shorts and fastened the draw-cord, Sam opined that he was a spoilsport. As Rupert would be wearing just a rather flappy t-shirt, Sam had decided some time ago that his entire torso should be made-up ‘just in case’. Naomi was involved in her own preparations so she missed that signal. Rupert was to be paler than Calico Jack and Sam was not to apply the pantomime patches to his face so his make-up was easy. After that, help was needed, wasn’t it? Sam managed his arms and his chest and abdomen efficiently and Seb got ready to deal with his back. It has to be said that, as Seb carefully spread the greasepaint over his friend’s torso, both boys were grateful for their industrial strength underwear and it is probably a good job that kissing once the job was complete would have smudged their makeup.

By now, Ann Bonny was ready and she looked across to her colleagues. She sighed knowingly, “OK, you two, I think that’s enough.” Rupert and Calico Jack pretended not to know what she meant.
It was time for “Rupert and the Pirates” to receive its premiere performance and the lights went up on the Pirates’ ship.

The djembes of Xenakis’s “OKHO” started sounding and Ann Bonny leapt onto the stage checking ostentatiously to see that the coast was clear before beckoning with her cutlass. Calico Jack entered prodding Rupert with his cutlass. The Pirates grabbed their captive and made several circuits of the stage and the lights faded on the pirate ship.

The music changed to Montague’s “Chip Chop Chatterbox”, that would please their contemporary professor but counting was a real so-and-so. With the disjointed music, Rupert struggled against his captors. The music stopped.

One bar rest and the dancers froze. The Pirates looked alarmed and Rupert thrust out his chest facing the audience. He was free.

For the first time melody came into the music; the snare drum of Shostakovitch’s “Leningrad” accompanied a prolonged chase. The Pirates leapt and lunged, Rupert always ducked under them or rolled across their backs. The Pirates hammed it up royally and the lights came up on the cave.

Eventually Rupert found himself trapped between the Pirates’ cutlasses. The dancers froze. Ann Bonny drew her pistol and Messian’s noisiest tam-tams sounded as she knocked out their fugitive. More tam-tams as Rupert fell back onto Calico Jack’s shoulder. Rupert sagged and his top parted. Yes, I think that Sam did ‘forget’ the double-sided sticky tape on purpose. Calico Jack, now also bare-chested himself carried off the ‘unconscious’ boy with a lot of pirouetting while Anne Bonny brandished her cutlass triumphantly and ‘fired’ her pistol to the final crash of the largest tam-tam.

As he was carried off, a truly contented Sam couldn’t help thinking about what plot he could suggest for the Easter Concert. He thought he had an idea.

Seb had arranged the timing of the musical compilation very carefully so that there would be plenty of time for their planned curtain calls. To the enthusiastic applause from three family groups (including some embarrassing whistling from Naomi’s dad), the polite applause of the teaching staff and various levels of enthusiasm from the other students, Ann Bonny took the stage again, rather more slowly than was usually considered necessary, and took an elaborate bow. That gave Seb the opportunity to undo the last knot of Sam’s bonds.

Ann left the stage and returned with the two boys. The two Pirates flanked Rupert and all three took their bows. Sam’s shirt had ‘accidentally’ slipped down to his wrists and, of course, he couldn’t reinstate it, could he? The three dancers returned to the wings and Seb and Naomi worked to quickly release Sam’s wrists. For some reason Sam’s shirt came away completely in spite of the fact that Naomi had hitched it up so that Seb had access to his wrists. Holding hands, the three dancers bowed several times and, once Naomi reckoned that they couldn’t milk the applause any longer, Ann Knocked out Rupert again and Calico Jack carried him off on his shoulder.

Sam spread himself dramatically like a starfish and then sagged lifelessly over Seb’s shoulder to an unbelievably flexible extent but, yes, he did have an idea for the next show: “Tarzan and the White Slavers”.
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Post by MisterMistoffelees »

With Sam as Jane, amirite? :D I'd watch it!
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Post by Xtc »

But Jane couldn't go topless - - - could she?
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Post by MisterMistoffelees »

Well, there is that.
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Post by Vixen »

Hmm! i may not be a strong reader even less a strong writer since i didn't do anything for the last several months but i'll still comment on this story that was pretty enjoyable so far! good job! props to it's writer... might inspire me to do some stuff again. "the Kidnapped by pirates" is a tug topic i like allot.
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Post by Xtc »

Thank you.
As I said: it's a one-off.

Go on, go for it: write something.
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Post by MisterMistoffelees »

Maybe we should have a Pirate TUG contest of some kind.
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Post by Xtc »

That might be a good idea.
We're considering a story contest at the minute.
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Post by Vixen »

Not sure if i'm good enough to attend one but i'll definitely write a Story about pirates (FxF+M )
Frankly i want to be headed towards More...Un casual Bondage stories (i'm the creative type yeah)
Such as Pirates x Adventurers
Aliens x Space exporers
Or Tribal x Explorers as well.

i feel like doing orignal detailed stuff this year!
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Post by Xtc »

Pick your starting point, know where it will end.
The rest is filling!
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Post by cj2125 »

Nice sotry! Oh, if Seb and Sam knew each other's thoughts I'm sure both of their probelms would be solved in a manner that left evryone happy! The cruel irony :mrgreen:

I know this is a one-off story but if you ever feel like writting about “Tarzan and the White Slavers” I wouldn't complain.
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Post by Lorddunmore »

Xtc wrote: 5 years ago That might be a good idea.
We're considering a story contest at the minute.
"International Talk like a pirate day" is Wednesday, 19 September. I am serious, do a search and you will see! Anyway, that might be a good day to release the results of a Pirate-Themed contest. Say, make the deadline on the 7th or so, that would give the judge(s) time to cast their vote(s).
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Post by Johnsnow »

Interesting story. Does need gender tag though
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Post by Xtc »

Johnsnow wrote: 5 years ago Interesting story. Does need gender tag though
BUM!! Done it!
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Post by MisterMistoffelees »

Xtc wrote: 5 years ago That might be a good idea.
We're considering a story contest at the minute.
Funny, but over at my dA place, I already have a little something that might work for this. Just imagine me having something that could actually fit in the "For Everyone" section! :lol:
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Post by Xtc »

Perhaps it's your second childhood!
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Post by MaxRoper »

Pirates and bondage definitely go together and there haven't been enough pirate tales here.
Kudos to [mention]Xtc[/mention] for another excellent tale. I love the short stand-alone ones.
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Post by Xtc »

Thanks for that feedback. Without such contributions, we writers can't really tell how much (or little) our work is appreciated.
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Post by Dominik »

Xtc wrote: 5 years ago But Jane couldn't go topless - - - could she?
Why not? :D :twisted:
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Post by Xtc »

I suspect Sam might have to dance the part of "Boy"; he's not really built like Tarzan - or Jane!
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Post by cj2125 »

Xtc wrote: 5 years ago I suspect Sam might have to dance the part of "Boy"; he's not really built like Tarzan - or Jane!
That might hurt his ego, specially if Seb lands the role of Tarzan (which between the two of them I guess he’ll be more fit to play it)
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Post by Xtc »

I winder if Sam has seen the old films where Johnnie Sheffield had to spend some time tied up? That might convince him.
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