The Brotherhood - Riverdale Tales (MM/MM) (ILLUSTRATED) -- Updated chapter 19 5/12/24

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Post by stimle »

Dang, this story is fantastic and just keeps getting better. I can't wait to see what befalls the Winchester brothers next! Like the previous poster said, 'Oh, how the tables have turned!'
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Post by stimle »

Also, the illustrations are amazing.
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Post by Carnath »

stimle wrote: 2 years ago Dang, this story is fantastic and just keeps getting better. I can't wait to see what befalls the Winchester brothers next! Like the previous poster said, 'Oh, how the tables have turned!'
Thanks a lot for your comments. They mean a lot to me :)
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Post by stimle »

Hey Carnath - I also sent you a PM.
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Post by Carnath »

Yeah I saw them. Thank you for your suggestions!
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Post by george_bound »

Well that was a great turn of events there although I would definitely have been as incredulous as Archie, lol! Really love the gag talk translation too! Now what to do with the Winchester brothers... although I'm sure they have something up their (bound) sleeves to turn the tables again ;)
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Post by Carnath »

The Brotherhood: Riverdale Tales, chapter 9

“It’s you and me now, asshole!”; Archie angrily hissed at Dean. At the same time, he grabbed with his right hand the plug gag which had been lying on the floor, still wet with his drool.

Dean’s eyes widened as he realized what was coming from him. But it was already too late, and he was completely powerless anyway: Archie’s left hand quickly grabbed his hair and pulled them up, causing Dean to yelp in surprise rather than pain. Swiftly, Archie took advantage of this moment to force the plug between the hunter’s lips.


Dean had no choice but to deal with the plug now invading his mouth, hurting his tongue in the process, then forcing it to stay under the plug, effectively preventing him from uttering any smart protest. He almost instantly tasted Archie’s saliva in the plug, which caused him to try to dislodge the gag, more as a reflex than anything. But before he had time to really use his jaw muscles, the boy had quickly grabbed the buckle of the gag and was already locking it behind his head.

And he was locking it FUCKING TIGHT. The strap was almost cutting into his jaw’s flesh, causing Dean to let out a “oww!” the gag turned into a “Nmmmm!”. The boy obviously didn’t care, his face still contorted with anger.

“Now what, you scumbag?!” Archie almost yelled at him. “Don’t like the taste of your own medicine?! Didn’t know how it’s like to be face-fucked by this thing, did you?!”

« Mnmhm mnrm phhnn mnn phhnnh, mnn mnphphmm hrnph!”

Dean glared at Archie angrily. He tried to wriggle, to dislodge the gag, to do anything to put him back in his place. But while Jughead had been freeing the jock, he had time to assess his bondage, and had realized it was nearly flawless… the cuffs biting into his wrists despite the fabric of his gloves were the secured one, and he would not have done a better job with the ropes himself; and the hogtie was the cherry on the cake. The boy had not let him any chance ; at least, he would need a lot of time to unwrap such bondage. And judging by the glares he had been exchanging with Sam, his sibling had reached the same conclusion. He let out another grunt in frustration while he feebly wriggled in the hogtie, the soles of his booted feet pointing at the ceiling.

Dean was powerless again, and he hated it.

While Archie was taunting him, Jughead laid a hand on his shoulder.

« Archie », he said, « Calm down a bit. You’re almost scary right now ».

« Calm down?! Jug, those guys just broke into my house, drugged me, tied me up, interrogated me, chloroformed me again, gagged me with my own sock, then with that… thing, and all you tell me is to calm down? »

« All I tell you is that it would be no use to beat them. What I’d like now is answers, clearly they’re not just burglars, they were about to abduct you ».

« Yeah, they told me so… »

« You said they interrogated you? What did they ask? »

« I don’t really know Jug, they were talking gibberish about a prophecy, and other cult stuff… then they mentioned G&G and our characters. »

« What? ours? »

« Yeah, they specifically asked about you, too! »

« Okay », Jughead said, now more determined. « It’s time for a counter-interrogation, don’t you think? »

« Yeah »

« Too bad you’ve just gagged him… » Jughead said as he reached for the buckle of Dean’s gag.

« Don’t! », Archie interrupted him. « Let’s do this one first. He was the one asking the questions, and he seems to be the smart one », he declared as he suddenly ripped the tape gag off Sam’s face, revealing the piece of cloak Jug had stuffed his mouth with. The action caused Sam a little muffled cry of pain as the tape was brutally removed from his skin, while Dean grunted behind his plug gag, both due to the fact of being called dumb and because he can’t stand seeing his brother being manhandled.


“Gah”, Sam let out as Archie extracted the stuffing which had been inside his mouth.

“So”, Jughead started”, “first things first. What’s your name, yours and your pal’s?”

Sam slowly raised his head, just a bit because of the severe hogtie which was aching his back, and locked eyes with Jughead. But he just stayed like that, slightly smiling.

“Oh, you want to play that? Fine”, Jughead said. “This was rhetorical, I already heard your pal here call of “Sam”.

“And this one’s Dean”, Archie added.

“See? And I won’t be surprised that you’re actually criminals on the loose or wanted by the authorities anyway, so that won’t be an issue. So Sam, next question… »

Sam sighed. « You’re wasting your time, kiddo. I won’t tell you a single thing ».

« So what? I gag you again and we just call the cops? »

Sam shrugged… again, as much as his hogtie would let him. « Maybe you should. We’ll be set free soon enough anyway ».

« And why is that? » Archie mocked. « Are you escape artists or something? It doesn’t show… »

« I think it’s more related to the organisation they belong to… isn’t it? » Jughead tempted.

Again, Sam just gave him a mocking look.

« This could be harder than I thought » Jug sighed. « Arch, we may find some clue in their car. I was in a hurry but they had many stuff I couldn’t look into ».

« I’m on it. Stay here and watch them ».

Archie left the garage while Jughead was sitting in the old armchair, the same in which Dean had been sitting in before during Archie's interrogation.

« So let’s start again. Tell me more about your organisation. »

« Don’t know what you’re talking about. Do you, Dean? »

« Nnpm. Nn nnmn. » Dean muttered behind his gag.

« What’s with these cloaks then? Looks like a cult or something »

« We just found these in a Halloween store. They look fancy’ don’t they? »

« What do I need to do to have some serious answers? Torture you maybe? Or your pal? Should be easy, since you can’t move at all… »

Sam’s smile faded. Instantly, at hearing a threat against Dean - even a void one - his looks started to throw daggers at Jughead. « Don’t start playing this game boy. You’d be very sorry ».

« Hey Jug! », Archie said as he returned, « look at that ». He was carrying a black “device” in his right hand. Jughead could see a mass of black straps dangling from it.

« What the fuck is that? »

« It’s twisted, but I think it’s some kind of… muzzle? To lock on people? And look, Jug, there are in their trunks a crazy bunch of stuff to restrain people, I saw tons of ropes, rolls of tape… even a straitjacket I think… that, plus all the ropes they used on me. Not to mention the chloroform. Who the fuck are these guys? »

« He won’t tell me » Jug said’ pointing his boot at Sam. « But they’re clearly professionals. I wonder… »

Jughead stopped as he realized that Dean was emitting small grunts since Archie’s return. He looked at him and saw that his gaze was locked on the muzzle, eyes opened wide. Archie followed his look and saw that too.


« What’s that big boy? Wanna try it? » Archie taunted, while moving a step forward to Dean.

«Nn! Nn, phphnm nmmnm frnm mm! Nnn’ph phnnch mm mmnphh phhnph phhnng ». Archie took one step further. « NN! GN NMMNM!! » The plug gag still firmly set in his mouth prevented his speech from being intelligible, but the message was obvious: his eyes were now bulging, he wriggled frantically yet vainly in his bondage, and he was loudly breathing through his nose. Dean was panicking.

« Dean » , Sam hissed, « Calm down! »

« Oh no », Jughead said, standing up and taking part of the game. « Archie’s right, he’s obviously still too loud despite the first gag. Arch, give me that thing ».

Archie complied and handed the muzzle to Jughead. He took a brief moment to look at the straps, understanding how they word, then kneeled in front of Dean, agitating the muzzle just under his eyes.

«Nnnnn, nnnnnn. Pmmnphm. Nnph phhnph! »

« Well, you don’t seem to enjoy the idea.. but here’s an alternative: if you answer me honestly, not like your pal here, you won’t need to be gagged… what do you think? Will you answer me? »

Dean nodded frantically.

« Okay then », Jug said and unbuckled the plug gag, then eased it out of Dean’s mouth. Just like a few minutes ago with Archie, the gag produced an odd popping sound as he was soaked with saliva.

« Gah », Dean « said » in reflex. Jughead tossed the soaked plug gag away, but kept the muzzle in Dean’s plain view.

« So, let’s start again… what’s your organisation? »

« Uh… it’s called the brotherhood… »

« Dean! » Sam said harshly.

« Tell me more. What’s your aim? »

« We… fight demons »

« Don’t mock me! » Jug sternly said. « Want the muzzle? »

« No, it’s true ! There are supernatural beasts on the loose, and now demons too, and we fight them. As hunters before, but we were… recruited by the brotherhood, they’ll organise the war and… »

« Dean, SHUT UP! », Sam’almost screamed.

Jughead was confused. It all sounded totally gibberish, but Dean still seemed panicked by the muzzle, and Sam’s reaction let him think that he was telling the truth… or at least, that they were convinced by what they said.

He turned to Archie, who seemed lost too.

« Arch? I think Sam here could use another gag. He’s starting to get loud”.

Archie smiled as he fetched the rolled up cloak piece that had been stuffed into Sam’s mouth before. “My pleasure”, he answered.

“No, don’t you dare gag me again boy, I warn you, I aaaggh”. Sam’s threat ended in a cry of pain as Archie seized his long hair in order to have him open in mouth.


“There, open wide”, he said smilingly as he forced the balled up cloth in his mouth again. Sam tried to fight it but was powerless. The cuffs still gripped his gloved hands as firmly as before, and the ropes circling his chest, legs and ankles didn’t get any loose. Not to mention the hogtie.

Archie quickly grabbed the discarded roll of strong tape. Before Sam could manage to spit out the cloth, the jock pressed one strip over his lips. Then, he took the roll and circled it around Sam’s head, over the first strip, gripping his hair in the process. He then used his palm to press the tape over Sam’s face in order to reinforce its grip.

Sam gave him a murderous look.

“Hey, don’t give me that look!” Archie said. “You’re the ones who showed me how to do this.”

“Fnch mnn, hnm”, Sam mumbled behind his gag.


Dean had been watching the whole process in agony. In addition to seeing his little brother being manhandled, he felt doubly powerless. First because of his bondage whose ropes and cuffs were still as snug as the ones binding Sam, but second because of the muzzle Jughead was still holding under his eyes. That damn thing completely paralyzed his mind.

“So”, Jug resumed. “An organisation to fight demons, huh? And what does it have to do with us?”

“Because of a prophecy”

“NMNN! NPH’PH PHMCRMPH PHPHNFF!”, Sam yelled. But the cloth invading his mouth and the strong tape had not only rendered his protests unintelligible, it also had greatly muffled them, and thus weakened their impressive impact.

“Yeah”, Dean resumed. “That the red paladin and the hellcaster would fight along us… or maybe the hellcaster will be our enemy? I don’t remember…”

“And you think that would be us?”

“The prophecy also mentioned a woolen crown”

“NMNN!”, Sam yelled again.

Dean gulped.

“Okay, obviously you’re telling the truth. But we’re taking it from the wrong angle. First things first. Where is your brotherhood located?”

“Nmnn, nnph phhnph! PHhmm’mm hnmm nph!” Sam screamed again, this time contorting like a madman in his hogtie too.

“Hey! Stay still”, Archie said, using his feet to pin on Sam's back. His converse shoe let a dusty stain on Sam’s shirt.

“Well…” Dean replied, his eyes going from his brother to the muzzle. “It's not on any map…”

“Describe it!”

“It’s in the mountains… 3 hours west from here…”

“Be more precise! Archie, do you have a map somewhere?”

“Yeah, let me just…”

Archie never finished his sentence. As he was standing up, a bright light illuminated the garage through the window, blinding everyone in there for a second. Before they could recover their sight, they heard a smothered detonation, and then the sound of broken glass as a projectile was passing through the window.

The thrown object landed in the middle of the room, between the four men. Jughead had just the time to see that it was some sort of canister, and to decipher the label - it read CHCl3.

Jughead understood in horror just as a thick smoke started to escape from the canister. It had a strong, sweet smell…
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Post by gag1195 »

OOOOO! Great bondage, great pictures, and more intriguing questions. Fantastic chapter! I can't wait to see (hopefully) all 4 guys tied and gagged! If this is the brotherhood, I doubt that they'd appreciate Sam and Dean's failure, and may leave them bound as punishment. The question is, who gets the muzzle? :lol:
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Post by stimle »

I'm very excited and intrigued at the direction this story has taken!
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Post by Carnath »

gag1195 wrote: 2 years ago OOOOO! Great bondage, great pictures, and more intriguing questions. Fantastic chapter! I can't wait to see (hopefully) all 4 guys tied and gagged! If this is the brotherhood, I doubt that they'd appreciate Sam and Dean's failure, and may leave them bound as punishment. The question is, who gets the muzzle? :lol:
Thanks :)
stimle wrote: 2 years ago I'm very excited and intrigued at the direction this story has taken!
How so?
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Post by stimle »

Well, for starters, the tables have been turned on the Winchester Boys, especially Dean. He's not used to coming out on the short end. Here, he's not only ragged, tied, and taunted, he's terrified of that muzzle. The final twist - having the canister tossed into the room - it just the icing on the cake. Who's behind it? How long do we have to wait to find out? What other humiliations are in store for our 'heroes' (specificially Dean)???
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Post by privateandrews »

How much do i like this story, ALOT is the answer. Having the macho Dean reduced to a info spilling machine because of the muzzle is a nice touch. love the bondage and gags , the pics are also fantastic. more please.
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Post by Carnath »

Hehe thanks [mention]stimle[/mention] [mention]privateandrews[/mention]

You already had some clues about Dean and his relationship to the muzzle in the first chapters of the first storyline :)
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Post by Carnath »

The Brotherhood: Riverdale Tales, chapter 10

8 hours ago, in the Brotherhood lair

“Where are they?!?”, a loud voice exclaimed. Luke and Dave were abruptly interrupted in their discussion by the sudden shout. Turning their heads, they saw Elder Peter closely followed by Elder John, walking in their direction at a brisk pace, the sounds of their heavy boots echoing against the walls. Both displayed a stern face, but John also seemed particularly angry on top of that.

“ Dave ”, he said, “ Where are my sons? They don’t answer my calls. ”

“ I don’t know, Elder ” Dave replied, slightly bowing. « I warned them to stay close, as I know you would like to talk to them after my report, but I didn’t actively watch on them. I had to deal with Luke and his friend ».

Peter drew a walkie-talkie from one of the pockets of his cloak. “ Gate? This is Elder Peter. Come in! ”

A worried voice answered after a few seconds. “ Yes, Elder? ”

“ Jeff, is that you? I need to know if the Winchester brothers have left the Temple today? ”

« Huh… yes, I saw them pass the gates three hours ago in their car… »

“ WHAT? ” John exclaimed.

“ Where did they go? ”, Peter asked.

“ I don’t know, Elder. They barely talk to us anyway, or only to despise us, and I had no reason to stop them either. I… ”

Turning a button, Peter switched off the device, cutting short the conversation. « John, this is unacceptable ».

“ Can’t agree more ”, John mumbled angrily.

“ Any idea where they can be? ” Peter asked, looking again at Dave and Luke.

“ No, elder. But we can use the tracking device of their car, or the bug in their cell phones. ”

“ Let’s do that ”.

Five minutes later, they were all standing in a room full of massive screens and computers. Despite the medieval look of the whole estate, the Brotherhood was fully equipped with modern tech. All four were standing behind a fifth brother, who was frantically hitting his keyboard.

“ Soooo, Sam and Dean….. wheeere are you? Hmm-hmm…. ”, he hummed.

“ Topher, hurry up! ” John said.

“ He! Elder, this is delicate tech, I have to hijack the satellite signal to align with our bugs, and to check our internal database since you didn’t remember their IDs, and then… “

“ Topher… ”

“ Ha. Here they are! ” he exclaimed, showing them a map who just popped on his main screen. A red dot was slowly moving, following a green line figuring a road.

“And where is this?”

“The data of the car are consistent with those of their phones. They are… ” - he zoomed out the map a little bit - « approaching a town called… Riverdale”.

“What the heck are they doing there?” John exclaimed.

Topher chuckled a little. A new pop up window appeared on his screen. “According to Wikipedia, it’s a dynamic small town near a river and a forest. How bucolic… oh, and they have a diner locally famous for their milkshakes too. Maybe they wanted some vacation?”

“ I mostly see it’s dangerously close to Greendale, which is forbidden ground for us”. Peter said. “ Do you think they could have betrayed us to the witches?“

“Unlikely” John replied. “ I know my sons, they’re brats on the loose, but they’re no traitors to humanity”

“In either case, we need to bring them back asap. They at least need to be pulled back in line!”

“If I may, Elders…” Dave spoke. “I’d like to volunteer for this mission. I feel responsible for their misbehavior, as I was supposed to oversee their mission”.

“I’d like too!” Luke intervened. “I have some unfinished business with them!”

“Obviously, after what they’ve done to you. That’s part of why we want them anyway…” Peter commented. “Okay, go gear up. Your task is to bring them back here!”

“Hey Dave”, Topher added, still looking at his screen. “I’ve just activated the microphone of Dean’s phone. You’ll be able to hear their conversation during the trip”.

“Thanks, Brother”. Dave turned to Luke, smiling. “I guess you’ll drive the van, then!”
One hour later, they passed the gate of the Brotherhood. Dave and Luke were carrying two bags of quite heavy gear; Luke had asked what it was, but Dave had remained quite vague, just saying it was “usual stuff for such disciplinary missions”.

Now Luke was indeed driving toward Riverdale while Dave was in the back of the van, a set of headphones on his ears, spying on the Winchester’s conversation.

Approximately midway, he came back to the cab.

“What’s the news?” Luke asked.

“Apparently”, Dave began, “they really just wanted to get some vacation time out of the Temple. And they actually drove off to Riverdale at random. And they indeed went to that diner Topher mentioned ”.

“So… nothing too bad? They’re just having a good time… instead of having retribution in the brotherhood…” Luke’s hands contracted on the wheel. “They’re just being dickheads, as usual” he mumbled.

“That’s not it”. Dave added. “If I listened well, they apparently think that they’ve just found the red paladin and the hellcaster”.

“What? From the prophecy which was just cast today by our prophet? But… that’s impossible!”

“I’d rather say unlikely… Stepping on them by pure chance is a huge coincidence, and I didn’t picture them as teenagers but… prophecies could be tricky, and there might be other forces at work there. But that’s not even the question. Even if they’ve found them, they can’t just act alone without referring to the elder. Let’s hope they’ll stop where they are…”

Two hours later, Luke saw a sign indicating the entrance of Riverdale county.

“Hey, we’re almost there! Are you okay?”he called Dave, who was still in the rear compartment. One minute later, he came back again to the cab, grunting.

“This is worse than I thought. Where to begin… First, they decided to capture the boy they’ve identified as the red paladin. They went to his house and interrogated him, but so far he seems to be an absolutely average teenager. But they nonetheless decided to bring him back to the lair.”

“What? But… did they call the Elders or…?”

“Precisely not. This violates all the protocols. This kind of operation needs to be carefully planned. For instance, we need to give a plausible explanation for the disappearance of the kid…”

“So they’re back to the Temple? Do we turn back?”

“Nope… a friend of this boy came into play and surprised them. Apparently, he managed to turn the tables. Now the Winchesters are the captives and they are being interrogated right now”.

“What the fuck? Are you saying two teens have captured the Winchester brothers?”

“Yeah. So long for the tale of the legendary hunters, I guess… but anyway, I called the Elders and told them about the situation. We have clearance to use full disciplinary powers”.

“Which means ?”

“Right, you’re still a novice, you’ll see… For now, I need you to drive to this address…”

20 minutes later, Luke parked the van in front of Archie’s house, just in front of the Impala.

“They’re still there apparently. And there’s light on the garage”, he commented, as he rejoined Dave in the back of the van.

“Yes they are. We need to hurry!” Dave replied, as he was handling a long tube he was positioning over his shoulder. Luke took a moment to realize it was a weapon.

“Woah, Dave, isn’t launching a rocket on the house a little bit too much?”

“Relax” he said as he stepped out of the van. “It’s a mere grenade launcher. And we don’t kill any human, remember? Look at the ammos!”

Luke did. He saw a small crate containing several canisters labeled CHCl3.

“Reassured? Now, go find something to block the garage’s door, if you please!”
A thick smoke started to escape from the canister. It had a strong, sweet smell…

“It’s chloroform! Archie, quick, we need to get out of there!”

Almost stepping on the Winchesters, Jughead rushed to the garage’s door. As he grabbed the handle, the anesthetic gas had already spread in the whole room, as it was concentrated in the grenade. Jughead could feel it going aggressively through his nose and irritating his eyes. He had had a sniff before chloroforming Dean, but this was something completely different; despite not having to breathe it from a compress under his nose, he felt the drug far more concentrated, thus far more potent.

Jughead tugged on the handle. One time. Two times. The door trembled but didn’t move.

“Archie! *cough* “It’s jammed shut! *cough* Come and help me!”

“Jug, I *cough* I can’t… breathe… *cough*”

In horror, Jughead watched his friend take a step forward, then stumble, as if his legs couldn’t carry him anymore. Archie tried to stand up again, but only managed to crouch. His eyes were drying out, his ears buzzing, his lungs burning, and all the strength seemed to vanish out of his muscles. This time, the effect of the chloroform was even faster.

“Jug, everything… spinning… I can’t…” he mumbled, before falling on his back.

“Hold steady, Archie!”. Jughead tried to breathe in his elbow, but this was no use, he now could feel the chloroform going in his lungs too. “It’s faster for Archie because he’s already been ragged twice tonight”, he thought.

“You’re doomed, boys”, Dean spoke, slightly smiling. The charm of the muzzle was broken. “Our friends are going to save us *cough*, and you’ll pay for what you did to us.” His voice was becoming fuzzy, but he continued his taunts. “I’ll give you a small tip: it’ll be faster if you breathe deep, like that”.

He indeed took a deep inspiration. His eyes shut down, but he managed to mumble “Nighty-night boys!” as he was drifting off.

Not paying attention to his taunts, Jughead tried again to knock the door down, using his shoulder to bang against it, but the drug was taking hold and he lacked force. On his second try, he stumbled too, falling on his knees.
He desperately tried to reach the door knob again, but realized that it was futile. His ears were buzzing too and his muscles were getting weaker and weaker. He couldn’t reach it, let alone the idea of standing up. He realized his mind was clouding too.

“This… I can’t… must be… a way out”. These were his last thoughts as the chloroform finally dragged him into unconsciousness too.
Outside, Luke could hear some banging against the door, and some outbursts, both getting weaker and weaker each second. Within a minute, everything had gone quiet again.

“These grenades contain a very concentrated dose of chloroform. It’s designed to knock out everyone in a 10 meter radius within a minute if they’re indoors. Seems like it did its job” Dave explained.

“Yes. What do we do now?”

“Now, we collect the Winchester and we make sure these boys don’t follow us”.

“We don’t take them too?”

“Like I say, we must collect more intell about them, if they really are the ones from the prophecy… the Elders agree, the risk of ruining everything with a hasty kidnapping is too high. Think of Nick!”

Luke clenched his fists at the evocation of his friend’s fate.

“Anyway, the way Sam and Dean did, I doubt everyone will believe in the existence of the brotherhood, even if they talk. Everyone will think of a burglary that went wrong. But we’ll deal with the damage control later. Here, take this!” Dave said, as he was handing a tight gas mask to Luke.

The two men took a moment to adjust the devices on their faces and check they were airtight.

“I’ll deal with Sam and Dean” Dave said, his voice slightly distorted through the mask. “Go take something in the van to tie the boys up. Rope and tape only, we can’t let any gear back”

“Understood” Luke said. He went to the van and opened one of the large bags they had been carrying. Miles of rope and several rolls of tape, as well as other gags, handcuffs and binding gear. He even spotted two muzzles. He chose four coils of ropes to begin with, as well as a roll of gray strong duct tape.

Dave was dragging Sam out of the garage as he went in, ready to carry out his task.
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Post by gag1195 »

Oh how the tables quickly turn. Poor Archie, going right back into the ropes after finally being released, this time joined by Jug! And I'm sure Luke and Dave will want to keep Sam and Dean safely restrained until they safely make it back to headquarters! Looking forward to more!
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Post by Carnath »

Thanks for your comment :)
I'll try to upload the next part soon!
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Post by TightropesEU »

Love this story. The graphics are great, the detail of ropes and gags are so hot...

Question: why do you use extra line-breaks? It make scrolling and reading more difficult!
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Post by Carnath »

TightropesEU wrote: 2 years ago Love this story. The graphics are great, the detail of ropes and gags are so hot...

Question: why do you use extra line-breaks? It make scrolling and reading more difficult!
Thanks for your appreciation.

I don't really know what you mean about the line-breaks, to me it appears normal, 1 blank line between each paragraphs...
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Post by sami200456boyfriend »

Hey since you mentioned Greendale I wouldn't be surprised if Ross Lynchs Harvey Kinkle showed up and gets captured too.
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Post by Carnath »

sami200456boyfriend wrote: 2 years ago Hey since you mentioned Greendale I wouldn't be surprised if Ross Lynchs Harvey Kinkle showed up and gets captured too.
Funny, I already answered this exact same question on DA today ;)
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Post by Carnath »

Sorry [mention]TightropesEU[/mention] , I didn't understand you were talking about the previous chapters. Indeed something was odd with the indentation, it was probably a glitch from the copy & paste I did.

I edited it so it should be easier to read now :)

I hope to post the next chapter this week, if people are motivated enough to read it!
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Post by sami200456boyfriend »

Carnath wrote: 2 years ago
sami200456boyfriend wrote: 2 years ago Hey since you mentioned Greendale I wouldn't be surprised if Ross Lynchs Harvey Kinkle showed up and gets captured too.
Funny, I already answered this exact same question on DA today ;)
@Carnath I know this is username is different but it is really me Maleficents from deviant. My account got suspended. So could you tell everyone there that I can still see their updates but I can't talk or favorite them. But I'm still watching them.
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Post by Carnath »

Glad to hear you're still alive! Any idea to what happened to your account?

To answer your question, I don't have any plan for Harvey right now, but I like to link the universes, so it's definitely not out of question :)
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Post by sami200456boyfriend »

Carnath wrote: 2 years ago Glad to hear you're still alive! Any idea to what happened to your account?

To answer your question, I don't have any plan for Harvey right now, but I like to link the universes, so it's definitely not out of question :)
Probably what happened to some of the others. Thinking their pictures are not approite. Mine was taken down just for favoriing them. Kinda stupid since I'm been there for years with no problems.
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Post by Carnath »

Chapter 11

Luke came into the garage. He saw the three men lying there, unconscious; he first recognized Dean, who was lying on his side, unconscious. His body was surrounded by tight ropes wrapped around his chest, his ankles, and his legs. Plus, Luke noted that his wrists were tightly cuffed with a rigid pair of handcuffs locked over his gloves. Finally, a piece of rope was connecting his ankles to his handcuffs, putting him in a restrictive hogtie.

“Woah” , Luke thought. “These boys weren’t joking”. He also noticed a discarded black mass of straps on the floor… “A muzzle” he thought. “Dave told me about that. It’s used to reinforce a gag by blocking the jaws… what does it do here?”

Luke then looked at the two boys also lying unconscious. There was a large, quite muscled redhead. And another boy, slightly less muscled, but wearing an odd woolen beanie.

“Red paladin…and hellcaster with his woolen crown… right, but this still would be a huge coincidence…”

Luke started to work. He decided to start with Jughead, as he was the nearest to the door. He first put him in a crouched sitting position, bending him to prevent him from falling again. The boy was completely limp against him, his arms dangling as he was being maneuvered.

Luke then folded the boy’s arms in his back, putting his arm horizontally. He then started to wound rope around his wrists, several turns around them, then another few turns perpendicularly, before cinching the ropes with a reef knot, taking care to put it out of the boy’s finger’s reach.

Luke then took a longer rope and started wounding it around the boy’s chest, over his t-shirt and his jacket, slightly creasing them at the passage of the tight ropes. He made two turns, then cinched it with two little vertical coils between his chest and each arm. He then connected this rope to the one holding the boy’s wrists, slightly lifting them and locking the arms parallel.

He recalled Sam’s lessons as he was driving with them in the Impala. “Tying only the wrists up is not enough”, he had said. “Even if tied on the back, it still allows far too much movement of the arms, and will ease an escape attempt. A proper bondage must immobilize the arms, and the easiest way to do so is to solidarise them with the torso. But beware, if it’s too loose, the chest rope could fall with a mere wriggling”.

With that in mind, Luke took a third coil of rope and started wrapping it below Jughead’s pecs muscles, just below his shoulder, parallel to the other rope. He then passed a loop over his right shoulder, connected it to the harness in his back, then passed another loop over his left shoulder, and finally cinched the whole framework.

Dave came back at this moment, casting an appreciative look over his work. « Good job, his arms are completely locked. Don’t forget to tie his legs and to gag him too! »

« I’m on it! »

« Good. I’ll deal with this one and then check the house. We have to make sure they didn’t left anything behind », he said as he was starting to drag Dean outside.

Luke uncoiled a new rope, starting to bind Jughead’s legs. This was a more easy method : same roping as the wrists, with the perpendicular coil to tighten it, at three different points: at the ankles, then above and below the knees. Some say two anchor points are enough, but Luke experienced first hand how three ropes make the victim feel far more restricted, as if their legs were fused together.

As he cinched the last rope over Jughead’s boots, he started to look around to see something which could serve as a gag. His eyes laid off over Archie’s former gag, the wet sock still attached to its strip of tape.

« Gross, but efficient » Luke thought, as he seized the sock with his gloved hand and reach out to Jughead’s face. With a gentle pressure on his chin, he opened the boy’s mouth, slightly but enough to allow him to stuff the sock in his oral cavity. The boy let out a very faint « mmh » sound out, but since chloroform was still filling the room, he could not have woken up anyway.

Luke then used his own roll of gray strong tape, cutting off a strip and plastering it over Jughead’s lips. He used his hands to press on the strip, to reinforce its grip, then on reflection, he positioned another strip over the first one, then made a whole turn around Jughead’s head before cutting it off.

« That should do it », he thought as he positioned him against the wall. « Now for the other one… »

Patiently, Luke took care of Archie’s limp body, using the same technique, this time starting with his legs. As he wounded the ropes around his chest, he noticed that the boy was far more muscled behind his shirt, as he felt the ropes dug into his pecs.


After 10 minutes, Archie was completely trussed up just like Jughead. The gag looked the same too, although Luke used a discarded oil rag rather than a sock for the stuffing.

« One last touch », he thought as he positioned the two boys back to back. He then wrapped a rope around their chests, binding them together.

Dave came back at this moment. « Ok, there’s nothing left, and I even collected some things rather useful about these boys… Let me see your work. Hmmm… good, but there’s a flaw »

« What? »

« Look at their hands. Individually, you took care to slip the knots beyond their finger’s reach, but if you put them back to back, they can access each other’s ropes ».

« Crap. I didn’t see that »

« You can fix that. Just use your tape to swathe their fingers. That should prevent them to use them, as if they were wearing mittens ».

So did Luke, quickly and swiftly.

« Hurry up now », said Dave. « We already took a lot of time. Grab the chloroform grenade and shut the door behind you, to maintain the air saturation.

« Okay ».


Luke collected the canister and went out, closing the door behind him. The surroundings were still desert, they had managed not to alert anyone. After checking there was no one in sight, Luke and Dave unbuckled their gas masks.

« Finally », Luke inhaled deeply, « this thing is rather smothering ».

« It’s kind of the purpose », Dave chuckled.

« By the way, where are Sam and Dean? In the van, or… »

« Go check out for yourself », Dave said as he opened wide the rear doors of the van ».

Luke took a step forward and took a look indeed. What he saw made his jaws drop.

The Winchester brothers were sitting here, each sitting against a wall of the van, but whereas Luke expected them to be free and maybe recovering from the drugs, they were still unconscious and bound as snugly as before, but on top of that, their heads had been engulfed in muzzles. Moreover, steel collars had been locked on their necks, and these were linked with chains to hooks riveted on the walls, thus preventing the siblings to move their heads without strangling themselves.


“What…? But… ” Luke said, astonished.

“Yeah, I know, technically, I should have put them in the straitjackets following the new protocol, but they were already bound very snuggly - kind of impressive work for those kids - so I just added the muzzles and collars. Oh, and I also added a small pad of wax in their ears to deafen them. Special devices: there are very tiny balls but when they come in contact with cerumen, they expand so that they fill the whole ear canal in two seconds”.

“But…isn’t it against the Second Rule? ““I shall never, under any circumstances, willingly harm or do any hostile action against a fellow Brother”, Luke recited.

“Yes…unless the Elders state otherwise. The First Rule overrides the second one. And in that case, they asked me to use disciplinary powers against them. Which means neutralizing them and cutting them off from the world. Hence sensory deprivation. Speaking of which…” he held two leather padded blindfolds to Luke. “There is still the final touch… would you mind?”

Luke remained speechless for a second, then determinedly took the blindfolds in his hand. He climbed into the van, and tightly strapped one over Dean’s eyes, then Sam’s.

“I wish I could tell them something… now they’re in that state”.

“They will be trialed by the Grand Master himself apparently, so I’ll bet you’ll have the occasion. In the meantime…” Dave spinned a tiny keychain around his gloved finger. “I’ll drive the van, but we need to remove their car as well. Would you mind?”. Without waiting for the answer, he threw the key to Luke, who caught them mid-air.

“My pleasure”, he answered, and finally allowed himself to grin at the sweetness of revenge.

Five minutes later, two vehicles exited Riverdale, leaving behind them only the night… and two teenagers asleep, bound and gagged.
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