Timmys Weekend (m/m)

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Timmys Weekend (m/m)

Post by FelixSH »

Chapter 1

„When Mrs. Miller mentioned you, it sounded like you were exactly who we were looking for. And after talking to you, I still feel that's true. You seem like a very mature young man.”

“Thanks, Mr. Lint. I'm glad to hear that, as I'd really like to get this job.”

“Great, we'd like to have you, too. Just the way Johnny's grades got better, and how he even started to dress nicer, he seems to have matured a lot, since you started babysitting and tutoring him.”

I listened, not sure what to think. It was nice, that my parents didn't get angry at me, as my grades started to really lag behind. We simply talked, and decided to get a tutor for me. Still, it was a weird feeling, especially when they suggested to get someone who could also watch over me, when they were traveling. It was a perfect fit, of course – my former babysitter wasn't available anymore, having gone to college. Someone for both jobs was ideal for them.

Taylor seemed like a good choice to me, too. He had such a nice big-brother-energy, like someone that you would trust immediately. He didn't talk down to me, and I DID want to help me with my school work, which he had already proven to be good at, too. He even bought me a coke one time at school, when the vending machine had eaten my money.

So, I actually looked forward to spending time with him. He felt like a fun person to be around, and he had already promised to do more stuff with me than just study. Having never had a big brother, this sounded really fun to me.

My mom dragged me out of my thoughts. “So, Timmy, what do you say? Your friend Johnny likes him too, doesn't he?” I nodded. “Yeah, we don't talk much about it, but he seems to be happy with Taylor. I don't mind, if nothing else, he can explain well.”

And that was that. We shook hands, Taylor said, he would just come along with me on Friday, after school, and would stay with me until my parents would be back on Sunday evening. And, while he threatened to do some studying, he also promised to do some other fun stuff. I was looking forward to that.


“Taylor, huh? Yeah, he certainly helped me improve my grades”, was all Johnny had to say, when I told him about my new babysitter. Not wanting to bother him with that topic any more, I switched topics slightly. “So, do you want to come over on Saturday? He promised a surprise, if I would study hard today, and I'm sure he won't mind having you there, too.”

My friend started to play around with his shirt collar, seemingly uncomfortable. I just assumed, that he really didn't want to be remembered, that he had a babysitter. When it started, it had soon become a sore spot for him, not being accustomed to having someone over to watch him, after one year of just being left home alone. That it also was someone tutoring him, didn't help either. His parents had been really angry about his grades, making this inevitable.

But before Johnny could answer, Taylor appeared, ready to get going. “That sounds like a great idea. How about tomorrow, after lunch? I could study with you two for an hour or two, and then start with the fun?”

My friend closed his eyes, slowly nodding. He clearly wasn't into the idea of studying on the weekend, but it would be more enjoyable with him around, for sure.

“Great, see you then. Are you ready, Taylor?” My babysitter nodded, and we were off. It was a really fun walk, as he joked around with me, and told me about stuff he got away with, over the years. He actually glued a teacher to a chair, once, without getting punished. I always had assumed, that jokes like this were an urban legend. But all the details at least made the story a very enjoyable one, so I just took is as the truth.

Back at home, I threw my backpack into a corner. “Yay, weekend!”

Taylor laughed, but waggled a finger. “Not so fast, we are doing some studying today and tomorrow, don't forget.” I sighed, but nodded. Sure, that was an important point, after all. But with his help, I was sure it would be more fun than just being stuck in my room, getting more and more frustrated with my homework.

“Great. So, let me make something to eat, and then we can start, ok? What would you like?”

I could choose? Hmm, would he...?

“Pancakes would be great.” To my surprise, Taylor nodded. “Sure thing.” I was right, this guy was amazing. He didn't even mind making me unhealthy food. Awesome.

After a glass of water, I moved for the stairs. “Ok, let me just change out of my uniform, ok?”, I said. “Wait, I have a small surprise for you. You can change afterwards. But first, close your eyes, and hold out your hands.”

A surprise, already? Sure, I couldn't wait to take off my tie, but it wouldn't hurt to do it five minutes later. Grinning, waiting for whatever awesome thing would be coming my way, I did as I was told.

But instead of feeling something given to me, I heard a strange ripping-sound, and felt something being wrapped strictly around my hands, forcing them into a crossed form, my left lower arm stuck onto my right one. I opened my eyes, shocked to find my arms taped together.

“Hey, what are you doing!? Why are you tying me up?” My eyes grew, as I saw the changed impression of Taylors face. Gone was the benevolent, kind smile, exchanged with a mean grin, and a hard edge in his eyes.

“Shut up”, was all he said, before ripping the tape of the roll, and starting anew on my upper arms. I tried to free my hands, while moving my arms around to make it harder for Taylor to tape them to my side. But I failed at both, soon having my arms stuck on my side, with my hands still imprisoned in a cluster of tape.

“What the hell!? Let me go!!”, I screamed, struggling. Why did he do that? Where was the fun guy, who joked with me, and made me feel good, by just being in his presence. I wasn't even angry at the moment, just shocked.

“What about shut up do you not get, dork? You are my prisoner over the weekend, and you will take it. It doesn't matter, if you like it or not. So, do yourself a favor, and cooperate, or you will get punished.”

I still didn't quite get what was happening, but decided that I needed to get away from this. I tried to break into a run, but didn't get far. Taylor jumped me. It hurt, when I crushed onto the ground, while having his body falling on top of me. “Oww! You're hurting me! Please, stop!”

Still struggling, I could hear the annoyance in my captors voice now.

“Ok, you bug, do you want something to eat?” I didn't answer, just continued to wriggle around, wishing for my parents to come back. I felt lonely and cold, just wanting to be saved from this bully. “Please, just let me go!”, I screamed.

“Look, either you cooperate right this instant, or you won't get any lunch for the next few hours. Do you get that? Stop your annoying begging! You won't get free, and the sooner you accept this, the better for you.”

All hunger was gone, I didn't care at all for getting something to eat. All I wanted, was to get away from Taylor. To be freed. I didn't think straight, being caught by terror. But my scream was cut short, as I felt some rough fabric being pushed into my mouth, as soon as I opened it. “STOMMMPHH! HMMPH!!”

I heard tape being ripped off, while I pushed the fabric out of my mouth again, and continued to struggle. “Please, stop!! Let me go, please!! PLEASE!!!” It was like a struggle for my very life, throwing my body around as good as I could, with the older, heavier kid sitting on my back. But with my arms stuck, I couldn't get anywhere.

“God, you are annoying. Shut up!”, was the only response, while Taylor shifted his body, so he lay on top of me, rubbing what I now realized to be a sock against my mouth. I had reacted fast enough to close it, but still grunted in vain, with my eyes closed. But there was no helping it, soon, the older boy found a way to press through my lips, pushing the sock back into my mouth.

I felt so defeated. No matter how I fought, it felt like there was nothing I could do. He was simply stronger and bigger than I am, and on my own, I simply had no way of defending myself. My hands and arms were stuck, a gag filling my mouth and there wasn't a single thing I could do about it. Soon, a second sock followed (“It's your own fault, for being so obnoxious!”), and with my mouth filled up so much, that my cheeks started to bulge, it was harder to push them out, before I felt another piece of cloth tied over my nose, mouth and below my chin. It nearly hurt, as the fabric was pulled back as far as possible, before being knotted of at the back of my head.

There was so much stuff in my mouth, I had a lot of trouble moving my tongue at all. And while the cloth didn't stop me from opening my mouth, it was strict enough that it was all that was needed, to make sure that the socks were staying where they were.

“Well, as you didn't want to listen, you won't get anything to eat for now. To your room, now!”

Without any care, not interested in my struggling or my begging, Taylor picked me up and forced me to walk up the stairs, into my room. There, I was made to sit on the ground, my feet being forced into a crossed position, similar to my hands. At this point, I felt exhausted from the constant struggling, and just let him wrap more tape around my feet.

“Mmm!”, I whimpered, which made my captor laugh for the first time, since we had gotten home. It even was the same, fun-loving laugh, that I had known from him for the first time. The charming smile had come back, too.

“What, are you sorry? Good. If you behave, you'll get your pancakes later.” I looked at this awful guy, not sure what to think. Was he serious, being nice again, now, while keeping my tied and gagged? “Mmm?”

“Well, I promised your parents to make you study, so I will. For now...”

I was still exhausted, so I didn't even try to struggle, while Taylor took my math book out of my backpack. We had talked about my problematic subjects, and this was on the top of the list. To my bewilderment, he simply put the book in front of me, onto the floor.

“You can still use your hands to open the book, and flip pages, so open it wherever you are, and read the chapter. You probably never did, so you'll start here, and try to understand the exercises. I'll help you later, with whatever you don't understand. Clear?”

Still tired, I just nodded. I only wanted to be left alone, for now. The whole experience, as short as it probably was, had left me deeply tired. I just didn't want to interact with anyone, at the moment. Even bound and gagged, having Taylor leave would be preferable.

So, in defeat, I nodded. Please, just go away.

“Good boy”, he said, patting me on the head. I didn't even have it in me, to try talking back. Thankfully, he did walk out, but with the door open. Still, better then nothing, as he did go down again.

First, I tried to compose myself. I still hadn't completely internalized, what just happened. An hour ago, I was looking forward to spending time with an awesome guy, even learning with him, and enjoying a nice Friday after school. And now, I was tied and gagged, completely helpless, not even able to move to a single feet without excessive work.

Even a small thing, like the fact that I still wore my school uniform, added to this awful, eerie feeling that I was stuck with. The first thing I normally did, when getting home, was getting rid of the dress shirt and tie, and now, that noose still pressed against my neck. Despite my hands bound being tied in front of me, I just couldn't get my fingers to the top button of my shirt, to release that pressure. Even this little bit of freedom was taken away from me.

Normally, being at home on a Friday, was the nicest time of the week. The point, from which it took the longest to the next school day. Being at home, feeling cozy, knowing that I would soon be able to play video games, just feeling save from stress.

I realized, that this feeling had already begun to get corrupted. I was at home, but not save, as the only one here was a bully, who was stronger than me. A bully, that my parents thought to be a nice guy, taking care of me. And no one to save me, help me against him.

It wasn't save here. I felt cold and lonely, helpless, finding myself to wish for help. And knowing that none would come only added to the grim feeling that had spread through my head.

The feeling got worse, as I realized that Taylor was standing outside my room again, talking to someone. I wasn't as exhausted anymore, an hour had passed, with me just getting accustomed to this new, bad situation. I grunted, trying to get his attention.


No reaction. I was ignored, or maybe not even heard.

“You can come over, buddy, It's a nice house, just have to do some babysitting.”

This asshole even wanted to invite someone here. Did he plan to have a party in my own house, while I was jailed inside my room, tied and gagged? What the hell?!

“HMMPHHH!”, I cried, louder this time. And Taylor heard me, but didn't seem too happy about it.

“Shut up!”, he just screamed, before continuing talking with his friend. “Oh, not you. Don't think about him, I tied him up in his room, immediately after school. And he'll stay there, for the rest of the day.”

What? He seriously wasn't planning to letting me out, for the whole day? He really just used me to get some money, and put me out of the way, as soon as possible. “HMMPHHH!!! PPMMPHHH!!!”, I screamed, pissing him off even more.

“SHUT UP!”, sounding even more angry now. At this point, my fear was gone, I was just angry. This was my house! How dare he abusing my parents trust like this?!

“Don't worry, buddy, I have some blackmail material, to force him to say nice things about me to his parents.”

I could feel my face getting cold. Blackmail? What did he have? What could he have?

“His dad already told me, that they are looking for someone for the next few weekends! Haha!”

I immediately realized, that he was right. I got incredibly nervous. My parents hoped to have a long-time babysitter on hand with him. And if he could force me, to tell them that I liked him, I would be stuck with him. The thought of spending many of the next weekends, or even just single days, tied and gagged, stuck in my room, sent cold showers down my spine. No, whatever way of blackmailing he had, having him tell it to my parents couldn't be worse than this!


“M M M M P H H H ! ! ! ! ! ! M M M M M M P P P P H H H ! ! ! ! ! !” I would not accept this. I would fight this. Give me back my home!

By now, he had moved in front of my room, and I looked at him, ready to punch him. Not that he cared, of course. With all the calm in the world, Taylor put the phone back into his pocket, before looking angrily at me.

“That's it! Time for a stricter gag!” It wasn't a threat, just an announcement. He didn't even care about my struggling, while taking off the piece of cloth over my mouth, picked up the roll of duct tape he had used before, and started wrapping it around my head. It was harsh enough, to push the socks that made my cheeks bulge, back in again. It made my mouth being filled out even more. A few more rounds were used, wrapped around from under my chin to above my head. After that, the piece of cloth was tied over my lover face again, as before.

The only difference was a stinking sock, that was now stuck between my cloth gag and my tape gag. The smell was bearable, but awful enough, and would probably drive me insane in a few minutes.

“HMMPHH!! MMMPH!!”, I screamed into my gag, impotently struggling against my bonds, getting nowhere.

Taylor didn't even look at me, talking in a normal tone, like a slightly annoyed father. “Well, as you can't behave, you won't get any pancakes. I guess it'll just be some vegetables and rice, something healthy.” He moved his head, looking clearer at me. “Look, the earlier you behave, the easier this will get. And I promise, you will be stuck with me, so better start now.”

I had rarely before been so angry, but that only increased my feeling of impotence. All I could do was throw my head around, and move my body slightly left and right. It was incredibly frustrating, and every time I remembered, that his was my home, and felt the tie knot press against my neck, it added to my intense feeling of helplessness.

Before leaving me alone, he told me one more thing. “To be clear, I WILL make you study. Use the time to read the stuff in your book, I WILL punish you, if you don't do your work. That your friend gets better grades now is due to me working with him. Got it?”

I just looked furiously at Taylor, but he didn't care, just walking back down. And a last, desperate effort of trying to get out didn't yield any more success, than the ones before.

But the anger weakened soon, and I was left with the fear of further punishment. The stink of the sock was bad, but I knew he could take it up a few notches. Additionally, with no means of getting out of the tape, and having nothing to do, whenever the fear got lighter, boredom set in.

And so, I did the only thing I could do: Study. At least, it took my thoughts away from my horrifying situation.
Last edited by FelixSH 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Mummybag »

That’s another great story… i think the weekend is going to be a very long one for Timmy. I’m already looking forward to the next chapter!!
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Post by harveygasson »

Great start! Looking forward to seeing where you go with this one
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Post by Gino »

Yes, I also like it very much :D
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Post by Xtc »

Good start.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Gil »

Very nice start so far :) I'm curious how it will go further :)
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Post by jshao91 »

Another perfect start. Looking forward for the next.
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Post by FelixSH »

Thanks a lot, I didn't expect so much feedback. I'm glad you guys enjoyed the start of the story. Might be a bit, before the next part is ready, though, just for your information.

Also, I thought about adding a picture to each chapter, so, did the one in the first chapter add something? I'm not trying to fish for compliments, just want to know if it's worth the additional work.

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Post by Mummybag »

FelixSH wrote: 2 years ago

Also, I thought about adding a picture to each chapter, so, did the one in the first chapter add something? I'm not trying to fish for compliments, just want to know if it's worth the additional work.
It absolutaly is… keep creating them!
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Post by harveygasson »

I think it's definitely worth it! I like when you get some visual elements to the stories to see if what you've got in your head is the same as what the author envisioned
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Post by The slave »

this story is really excellent although i think a sequel could be a great idea
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Post by Scottstud94 »

Amazing, love the babysitter and I’m hoping there’s plenty more
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Post by Batsox »

Fantastic story. I look forward to reading plenty more 🙂
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Post by bondagefreak »

Very glad to see this little piece bumped back up into the active story threads.
Babysitter stories are always a blast, even more so when sockgags are involved.
Awesome job, [mention]FelixSH[/mention]. Your stuff is always fun and never disappoints!

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Post by FelixSH »

Thanks everyone, for replying. Your feedback is always highly appreciated.

I have an exam tomorrow, and hope to be then, finally, able to write something new. Not immediately a continuation to this story, but it is not forgotten, and I plan to get back to it.

I didn't want to reply, without posting a new chapter, but at this point, I wanted to at least say thanks, and show that I do read your replies. I'm glad so many people enjoyed the first chapter. Sorry if I got anyones hopes up, but, as I said, there will be more. I hope to get to it in February.

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