My new job (FM/FM) Chapter 5 added (4th of july 2022)

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My new job (FM/FM) Chapter 5 added (4th of july 2022)

Post by Knuffe »

This story is set in Norway. The names is given in english. It is also written as a diary entry.

1: I do.

April, 1950.

Dear diary,

I was lived in a small town in the eastern part of Norway close to the Swedish boarder. I was twenty one I meet my future husband for the first time. I came from a middle class family with three siblings. My dad worked as a carpenter and my mum was a stay home mother. After school I started to apply for work, but didn't find anything right away. Finally I saw an add in the newspaper that was for a secretary. I had no expirence, but I felt that I could always try to apply for it. But thought that I would never get it.
A week a letter showed up adressed to me. It was machine written and in a neat white envolope with a stamp. Excited I started to open it and unfolded the white paper that was inside it.
"Dear Miss Fiona Thompson,
I am pleased to inform you that you have been called in for an interview next Thursday at 11 am.
Best wishes and see you then,
Mister Tom Silverston"
I felt like a ton came of my shoulders as I re-read the letter two more times. In joy I told my mother and father. They was very happy for me and since I was the youngest of the three children they had it was a relief for them that all three now had jobs. My oldest sister; Ann, was a registered nurse and my middle sister; Elisabeth (just called Lis), was a journalist in a newspaper.
- I am so happy for you, my mother said.
- I am also, my father said.
- You need to make sure you are dressed in your best cloths, mother said.
- I will, I answered.
I was filled with happiness and joy so I had a hard time to sleep that night.

The days was going along slowly, but then came Thursday.
It was a sunny day with some clouds on the blue sky above. I had dressed in my best white blouse, black skirt that went down to my ankels. I had borrowed Lis's pantyhose and her black heels. The jacket was a black in a slighter lighter color then the deep black skirt. My mother had done my hair and I did my own make up. A small handbag was lent to me by one of our neighbours.
And so was I on my way.

The building was located on the west side of the town. It wasn't a big building, but about three floors and built in bricks. An small parking lot was right outside filled up with cars, bikes and cycles. An sign over the door told me that I was at the right place. I looked at my watch and it was a quarter to 11. I went inside an came into a small hallway with doors on both sides. Some chairs was placed along the wall by the entrence. I took a seat and looked around. The hallway was white and it was silent in it. I could hear some feet walking above me and the doors was all white wooden. I sighed as I sat there. It was a sigh of relief more then of bordom.

- Miss Thompson? A voice said suddenly.
It was a male voice. A gentleman dressed in a blue suit stood suddenly in one of the doors. Since there was no one else there I got up and walked over to him. I extended my arm to him and say hello to him. We shook hands and went inside.
- Please take a seat, he said and setted himself behind a desk.
- Thank you, Mister Silverston.
He looked at the papers infront of him and read them quickly before he looked at me again.
- I need a secretary, but I can't see you have any past expirences as that. Have I understood that correctly? He asked.
- Yes Sir, I have no past expirence as a secretary. I finished school last year and have been looking for work ever since then, I explained.
A small smile formed in his face and he said: - I understand. Work can be hard to come by. I understand your situation, but I can't hire you. However I do need an maid at my house. I am a single man and let's be honest I am not a good person when it comes to cleaning. So if you would say yes to become my maid I can help you somewhat.
First I was disapointed in that he didn't want me as a secretary, but then I heard his suggetion about becoming his maid and I thought that I could do that since I loved cleaning and was a person that liked having order around me.
- I do. I would like that, I heard myself saying.
- Great. Could you start next monday? He asked.
- Of course, Mister Silverston.
- Great. I will look forward to see you then.
He followed me out and I stood outside the building not sure if I had made the correct choice, but if he held his words I would have another job and that would better then being without anything as I saw it. However my father didn't see that way.
- No daugther of mine is going to work as a maid, he said and was angry.
- It is just a sidestep dad. I need work and the only work I have gotten so far is this job. I will continue to look and apply for work. It is just so I can get some expirence. Besides I know that Mrs Rivera's daughter is work as a maid in Oslo. She has better grades then me, I replyed calmly.
- That is true, Thomas, my mother said.
My dad (Thomas) looked over at my mother that nodded. He sat down in the sofa and sighed. He was a proud man, but still it was my life and I was 22 years old and didn't want to live home that much longer. Don't get me wrong dear diary. I love living with my parents, but I am want to feel life and live it without worrying that I might upset my parents bring a man over. Not having to tell them where I go out and with who. Freedom if you understand.

The next day I got a letter from Mister Silverston. He informed me that I was hired as the maid and that he expected me to his house on monday at 8 am sharp and he also included an adress to the house. He was living half way between an small town thirten minutes north of where I lived and this city. The house was marked on a map that he had included and it seemed like it was built in the middle of the forest. I knew on thing and that I had to have my dad to drive me up there, because there was no buses that drove in those parts that early in the morning.
My dad agreed to drive me up there on monday. He wasn't happy about it, but I guess my mother have had a talk with him about this. So he didn't say anything negative about it.

Monday came and I had sleept very little that night. My dad had washed the car for the drive up there. My mum had found some cloths for me and packed them for me. I had removed some of them that night and packed more cloths I liked. I followed my sister Ann's advice about not using to much make up. I also set my hair up into a pony tail as it felt like a natural thing to do for me.
My mother gave me an hug before I sat carefully into the car so not my skirt wouldn't get dirty or my pantyhose. I waved as we drove off and towards my new workplace.

The house was a two store house painted white and with a white fence going around it. It was a forest on three sides of the house; just leaving the front side "naked" with a large garage and shed in front. A grassy garden seemed to stretch from the front to the back side of the house on the right side of the house seen from the front.
My father came to a stop at the fence. He turned towards me and asked nicely: - Are you sure you want to do this, Fiona?
- Yes, dad. I am sure.
- Good luck. Be as good as you can be, he said.
- I will, dad, I said and gave him a hug before I got out of the car.
I waved as he turned the car and drove off. I looked at the clock. It was ten minutes to eight so I walked with my small suitcase down the gravel road and on dot eight I rang the doorbell.
Mister Silverston opened up and he smiled a wide smile when he saw me standing there with my suitcase.
- Welcome Ms Thompson, please enter.
He walked a step to the side so I could walk inside. He closed the door behind me and followed me to what I think was his home office.
We both sat down.
He picked up some papers that he pushed over to me. I carefully took them. It was two papers. Handwritten in a beautiful italic handwriting.
- This is your contract. It states what I expect of you and what your duties are. It also tells you what your pay is and holidays. It also states a very important point on side two that you are sworen to keep things that are said in this household and/or things done in this household a secret. It is very important to me. If you are a person that can't keep secrets then please just leave, he said in a very sure tone.
- I have no problems keeping secrets. You can trust me, Mr Silverston, I said with a very clear voice.
- I hope so. Then there is the issue of your uniform. It is on your bed upstairs and I hope it will fit you. You are to wear it when you are on duty. You have every third weekend off, he stated.
I looked at the contract and saw the points that he stated out.
- Do you want me to sign this now, Mr Silverston? I asked.
- Yes. Please.
I got an pen from him an with a swift motion I signed my name.
- Thank you, he said.
He looked at my signature before he left the papers on the desk and rose from the chair he was sitting in.
- Let me show you to your room, he said and walked in front of me to a room on the second floor.

The room I was given was a large bedroom. It had a bed, a small round table with two chairs, two huge windows with white curtains draped to the side. The floor had a red carpet. Two bookcases and a dresser. A large mirror. Two cabinets for storing of cloths. On the white bedcover was a black dress with an white apron and head dress.
- That is your uniform that you will be wearing when you are in service and this is your room, he pointed out.
- Would you want me to change now? I said and sat down my small suitcase.
- Yes, you may do that. I will down in my office so you can come in there when you are ready, he said and left the room.
- Yes sir, I said and gave a little curtsy as he left the room.
I looked around one more time and took it all in. My own room. It was a lot bigger then that I have had.

An quarter later I walked into his office and dressed in my uniform. It was a little heavier then you expected when you see it, but it fitted me fine. I had used the large mirror to look when I tied the apron ties into a perfect bow in my back. I knew that the head dress was a fit on the middle of my head. He smiled when he saw me.
- You look good in that uniform, he said and walked over to me.
- Thank you, Mister Silverston, I said and gave a small curtsy as he looked me over.
- May I ask if you read the whole contract? He asked kindly.
- I read most of it, I answered wondering what he meant by it.
He pulled out a chair and told me to sit on it. I wasn't sure what to do, but I did as he told me to do since he was my employer now.
I ironed out my skirt and apron.
- Wait here a second, he said before vanishing out of the room.
I looked around and tried to think about what parts of the contract I hadn't read, but I couldn't remember. I could hear him coming in again and suddenly my arms was taken and forced behind me and the chair.
- Hey, I screamed.
He didn't answer me, but he started to tie a rope around the wrists while they was crossed behind the chair back. He tighten the rope a couple of times while knotting the rope three times during the winding of the rope.
- What are you doing?! I screamed.
- What does it feel like? He answered calmly and suddenly he came infront of me.
- You are tying me up. Untie me right now! I pointed out sharply.
- If you had read the contract fully you would have seen that I can do what I want with you as long I am not comitting any crimes. Tying you up is actually listed as one of the things I can do to you as long as I do it as a game or challenge, he said.
- I am not here to play games with you, I protested and I felt a scarf being pulled inbetween my teeth pulling my mouth tightly backwards.
- Much better, he commented when he had tied the gag in the back of my head.
He started to wrap ropes around my upper body tying me to the chair. The ropes went above and under my breasts and was secured in the back of the chair. I tried to protest, but I couldn't speak a word. He tied also a rope over my lap that went under the chair making it harder for me to slide out under the rope held my upper body to the chair. He also tied my legs to left front chair leg.
I was now helpless tied and gagged to the chair and this was only my first day on the job. He looked at the clock on the wall. It was almost 10 am and he sighed.
- I need to go to the office, but if you should manage to get free so is my telephone number on my desk. Call me. See you tonight, he said and kissed me lightly on my forehead.
I blushed of the kiss and heard him heading out. Not long after the car started and I could hear it drive off.
I was alone. Bound and gagged to a chair. And for my new employer this was a game.
I sighed!
Last edited by Knuffe 1 year ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Trammel »

Great story! Great Start! Looks like Fiona is going to have an interesting time with her new job.

I can hear it now. Phone rings and the answering machine comes on, "Please leave a message since the staff is tied up right now."

The struggle is real! :lol:
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.

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Post by Knuffe »

Trammel wrote: 2 years ago Great story! Great Start! Looks like Fiona is going to have an interesting time with her new job.

I can hear it now. Phone rings and the answering machine comes on, "Please leave a message since the staff is tied up right now."

The struggle is real! :lol:
Thank you so much :D
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Post by Ovi1 »

Lovely story, lovely premise. Will be nice to see it continued.

I do get the feeling that English is your second language. If you need someone to iron out the errors before posting, hit me up.
I believe you would be a lot more comfortable in ropes
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Post by Knuffe »

Ovi1 wrote: 2 years ago Lovely story, lovely premise. Will be nice to see it continued.

I do get the feeling that English is your second language. If you need someone to iron out the errors before posting, hit me up.
Thank you :D

Yes, english is my second language :!:
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Post by Knuffe »

2:A rope, a chair and a gag.

April 1950

Fiona Thompson sat bound and gagged to a chair in the home office of Mister Tom Silverston. She couldn't believe that is how her first day on the new job as a maid in this household started. He had claimed that it was meantion in her contract, but she couldn't remember to have read it. He had left her here to struggle free untill he came home again or manage to escape the ropes.

Dear diary,

I had to take some time from writing this as my feelings from expirence this again was a little more emotional then I had expected. This was the first time I had been tied up and gagged as an adult and it came very unexpected to me. I had played Tie up games in my youth, but this felt like something more then a tie up game. More as a challenge to escape the ropes before Mister Tom Silverston came home again. I wasn't sure how to answer that challenge of his. First of all the ropes and gag was tightly fasten and I couldn't get up from the chair. If I got up on my feet the ropes on my upper body and over lap wouldn't I manage to get the chair off besides my legs was tied to the left front chair leg. How would I ever get free on my own? The thoughts flew my mind as I was trying to thinking of an idea to break free. I tried to peek over my shoulders to see where the knots was placed, but I couldn't see them. The folds of the fabrics of my uniform was obstruting the view. If I just got over to the desk so could I maybe find something there, I thought.
I started to see if I could somehow manage to manuvor the chair over towards the desk.
At first it seemed like it wouldn't work because of my legs was tied to the chair leg. Frustrated I started to tip the forward in the chair; not to much so I fell forward, but enough that I managed to take what you may call a babystep forward. I sat down again. I breathed out an sigh of releif. I was happy that I hadn't fallen over, but I had managed to moved somewhat forward towards my goal.
I can't become to eager in this or I will fall, I thought and desided that I should make another attempt. Slowly I managed to get up on the tips of shoes and managed to take a small step forward. I sat down carefully and I felt I could do this with taking my time.
Just don't stress, I thought.

During my next hour or so I had made some what progress in my way over to the desk. But it was starting to get tiredsome to do this. The legs was starting to feel more heavier as the unusal way I tried to move forward teared on my engery level. I also was starting to dry up in my mouth as the gag made it hard to close my mouth and I wasn't geting any liquid to drink since I was tied up to this darn chair.
I thought that I was going to quit the job after this. I would just get over to the desk, geting untied somehow and call him to say I quit. I felt irritated that I falled for this trap of his. I was not only angry at him, but also on myself. I felt so helpless and frustrated. I was sweating under the uniform and it started to get somewhat uncomfortable as I was very selfaware to that kind of things. I think I was glad that I was gagged because then I couldn't yell as much I would have done if I wasn't. Using words that would make my mum blush and my father to threaten to use his belt on me. They was not for using profanity in your language. I had felt the belt several time as I grew up for swearing and just thinking about it let's me remember what it felt like and the pain to sit on those hard chairs afterwards.
I looked over at the desk and I could see a pen laying on it. It was on a notebook of some kind. I knew that I could maybe use that pen to help me with the ropes on my wrists. I had seen that work in a movie at the cinema so I thought that would work for me too. I just had to get over to the desk and get a grip on it.

It took me two more hours to get to a point where I actually could get a hold of the pen. Even if it was not easy to get a hold of a pen with your hands bound crossed behind the chair standing on your tippy toes leaning backwards into an odd position with my body I managed to do it after several tries. I felt like had been doing a marathon run just from trying to get that pen.
I sat back down again. I was breathing heaviley. I felt that my legs was shaking from all that stress with the muscels tensing up and now being sent into relaxtion. I had to calm down. My heart was beating rapidly and felt that I would fall over if I tried to get up again. So I sat there for three or four minutes to calm down again.

I clicked the pen so the tip came out. I really wished I had an mirror so I could see how he had tied the ropes and where the knots was, but I hadn't the time or energy to even try to find one. I knew that there was one in the hallway. But with the thought of how long it had taken me to just get over here I wasn't going to allow me to think about it. I knew I would do this without any mirrors. With my fingers I started to search out the knot. It felt like it was on the top of my wrists above some of the ropes that was used to tying my wrists together.
I started with the pen tip to poke at the knot. I was trying to get the tip inbetween the ropes that made up the knot. It was hard at the start because with no one to guide or visually see the knot it was just guessing where to poke the tip at.
Suddenly I feel that the pen glides inbetween something. I stop with what I am doing and breaths in and out a couple of times.
Could this be it? I thought.
I tried to carefully bend the pen upwards. It didn't move at all. I tried to move it downwards and it did move an inch or two. I felt a feeling of joy fill up inside me. It wasn't that much, but still it was movement at least. I tried to move it sideways, but it didn't move either way. But I did have movement when I pushed the pen down.
I pressed it again and this time it gave me a little more hope. An inch more of hope of getting free.

I kept pressuring the pen down and each time I could feel it going down more and more downwards.Suddenly I got a gut feeling that I should keep the pen in a more solid grip before I do anything else. I fixes my grip on it and bend it down again. I feel that top of the knot gives after and small sence of the rope loosning a little fills me with even more joy.
I tried to use a finger to part the rope more and it slowly did that. I felt the last part of the knot was geting untangled. It was a short sigh escaping from my body. I started to pull on the wrist rope. I wasn't sure if it would help me, but I tried and I found one of the rope ends. I pulled it and slowly the rope started to get undone. Round by round.

I stood up from the chair and the last pieces of rope fell down onto the floor. I held on to the desk as my body felt powerless. I felt like falling because my body couldn't held my weight up. I was amazed how my body reacted to being free again from the ropes. I felt an tangling feeling in my body as the blood started to rush back into the wains as I had gotten up from being sitting tied to the chair for multiple hours. I held onto desk harder as I didn't want to sit down again.
It didn't take a long time before I got back an normal feeling in my body. I carefully started to move my legs and slowly walked over to an table that was about halfway between the desk and the door. As it felt I had the energy back in my body I went upstairs and changed out of my uniform. I putted on a bathrobe before I grabbed the towel and my soap and walked over to the bathroom. A shower would feel great now.

A long shower felt good. My body started to relax again. The warm water onto my skin felt great. I loved the feeling.
As I stood there an plan started to form inside my mind. I was sure I would quit my job here, but not after some payback for the stress this had I been thru most of this day. I finished up the shower, dryed off and went back to my room.
It was time to put my plan into motion.
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Post by slackywacky »

Nice! Thank you for writing this. Looking forward as to what Fiona will do.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Knuffe »

3: A game changer

April, 1950

Miss Fiona Thompson had been hiring to be Mister Tom Silverston's maid. An easy job she might have been thinking, but it was a steping stone to maybe get something else in the future. However the first day didn't start as she might have been thinking. She had been tied up and gagged to a chair in his office and let to free herself before he got home. Working her way over to his desk she found an pen that helped her to free herself and after several hours bound and gagged to the chair she found her way to the bathroom for a long shower where an plan for revenge started to form inside her head.

Dear dairy,

I had found the things I had been looking for. I had even cleaned up the his office again. Nothing but the ropes neatly bundled up and the scarf laid neatly beside them in the sofa. In the basement I had found some stuff that had me questioning what Mister Silverston had been up to in the past. I had grabed some of the stuff and brought it with me upstairs in the attic. I had also placed a chair there.
And now I sat in the darkness waited for him.

The clock in the office signaled that the time was 5:00 pm. The old grandfather clock was the only sound in the whole buliding. I wondered when Mister Tom Silverston would turn up again. I knew that the office day ended at 4:00 pm. So either he was shoping or he was runing late for another reason. He hadn't gotten any telephone call from me since I didn't want to warn him. I wanted him to feel (if he did feel) bad for leaving me there bound and gagged for hours. Suddenly I could hear a car driving up to the house.
I mentally preped myself for what I should do as I heard someone unlock the door to the house and closing the door behind them.
- Fiona?! he yelled out, but I didn't answer him.
I could hear him go into the office. He stopped as he saw the empty chair sat back where it had been. The ropes and gags that was placed on the sofa.
- What the heck, he said and looked around, - Fiona?!
Suddenly I leaped from where I was behind the door to the office. I was glad that I had on a pair pants and a sweater. Leaping out like that in a skirt or a dress wouldn't be to my advantage. I tackled him so we both fell down on the floor. I heard an "Ommph" as we hit the floor. I could also feel the hard wooden floorboard as my body hit it. The pain was sent as a shockwave inside me, dear dairy. I got up fairly quickly and grabed his wrists. He tried to see what was happening over his shoulders.I grabbed one of the ropes and started to tie his arms behind his back. I had never tied anyone up so I had to guess what would be a good way to do it. I managed to tie them cross and wind the rope crisscrossed around them. I tied an tight knot to finish it off.
- Get up, I said and got off him.
- You have to help me, he answered.
I got a hold of one of his arms and helped up him to a standing position. He looked at me and smiled.
- You got out, he said.
- No, thanks to you, I said harsh to him.
- I am sorry, he said, - but it is in your contract. That was your test.
- Be quiet, I said and cleave gagged him tightly.
I gather the rest of the ropes and pulled him along with me up to the attic where I had made the room up there ready for him. I had layed out some of the stuff I had found in the basement and I wondered how he would react to this.

It was a small lightbulb hanging from the celling. The light didn't light up a lot, but it did the trick for where the chair and the small area around it. He said something into the gag when he saw what I had done, but I wasn't interested in what he had to comment on.
- Sit on the chair, I said.
He sat down onto the chair. He spoted the things on the floor and a small grin came behind the gag I had tied on. I took a chain that had been in the basement and a padlock. The chain was long, but had small interlocked chains forming the main chain. I took the chain and started to thread the chain around his waist and the back of the chair. I looped the chain over his shoulders and back to the chair chaining him to the chair. I padlocked the chain after doing this six times. I was sure he wouldn't manage to get of the chair. I looked at him sitting there. He didn't seem to scared or anything, but I didn't care. I took another chain and used it over his lap. It was padlocked also. With ropes I tied his legs to the chair legs.
- So now you can feel how it is like to being bound and gagged not knowing how to escape or for how long you will stay like that... and yes I quit as your maid. I didn't signed up for this, I said.
- You signed the contract, he said from behind the gag in his mouth. The words came out a little diffrent.
- I didn't find any places in the contracted that I should expect to be tied up and gagged and be left alone, I snared back at him.
He laughed into his gag to mock me. I felt the anger inside of me growning slowly little by little.
- What do you think if I left you alone as you are now? Would you find that funny? I snared at him.
- I would love it, he said and laughed again.
- Darn you! I yelled and went down from the attic and to my bedroom in the house.

Sitting on the bed I was wondering what I should do next. I felt the anger inside of me growing as I never had felt it before. He triggered something inside that wanted to put him in his place. I just wanted to yell at him, dear dairy. I started to read the contract again and I couldn't find any points about being tied up and gagged and left alone, but I did however find a point about that I had to do as he told as long I was on duty. It meantion that could be anything that was within the realms of the laws and nothing criminal.
I had signed the contract without noticing that point. I blaimed myself for not reading it that well as I thought I had. I sighed.
I got off the bed and pulled off the somewhat tight black sweater. I stood there in my white bra. I pulled off the black pants also. The white panties under the pants was smaller then I was used to. I found the maid dress again. I slowly slipped it on. The black dress now felt more like a prision suit then a uniform. I fastened the head dress. Then came the big white bib apron. I fasten the crossed straps in the back and tied the ties in the waist.
I putted my cloths back into the closet and then went back up again to the attic.

He looked at me with an grin on his face. I started to undo the chains with the padlocks on him and then the ropes. He didn't say anything to me the whole time. He just smiled this grin of victory. He removed the cleave gag himself.
- Please follow me to my office, he said and left without looking back at me.
I followed behind him. I didn't try to say anything. I just felt that I had lost or failed in standing my ground. I just wanted to cry and hide somewhere no one could find me. I felt like a submissive woman, dear dairy.

He sat on the desk and told me to sit in the one of the chair.
- I understand that you feel that you have been tricked into this, but it isn't my fault that you didn't read the contract. Let me tell you something that not many people know about me, he said and looked at me.
I looked at him to listen what he wanted to tell me. I wasn't sure if I wanted to listen to it, but I figured I would give it an chance before I would tell him my mind about abuse his powers like that.
- Let me say this. I have some "strange" likes. I like to see a woman helpless in ropes. I like what is called light bondage. I also like being helpless also tied by a woman. That to see her struggle is a great visual that I enjoy to watch. I also like to stuggle to see if I manage to get free. I am what they call a switch. But I am not into the serious heavier stuff. I like to look at this as a game. Like when you played a cowboy and indians or police and burgler. I bet you have played that, he said with an calm voice.
I nodded to that I played that when I was much younger then that. I could remember being tied up as I was a indian woman. Tied to a tree and gagged with a scarf. But it was a game and I remember that the boys liked to watch as we girls tried to break free from the ropes.
- They are childhood games, I said.
- I know, but there are many adults that play them now also. Now it is maybe a little more common to play behind locked doors. Listen, I should maybe have told you about it, but I figured you are an adult and could take it. I am sorry for that.
I didn't answer him.
- Listen, I would love to have you as my maid. I would also love to keep tying you up and have you tying me from time to time. We could work out an time for when it would happen in head of time.
I thought about it.
- I would consider it. But only if we tell about it before hand so we could be ready for it. We could never leave each other tied up. And I need a raise in my wages, I said. The last item was just to see how willingly he was do it.
- I can live with those terms, he said, - I will raise your pay with 500 norweigan kroners a month.
500 was a lot of money back then so I didn't complain or dare to say 700.
- You have a a deal Mister Silverston, I said.
He smiled.
- So what else did you find down in the basement, he said with a grin on his face.
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4: First social event

17th of May, 1950

Miss Fiona Thompson had been hiring to be Mister Tom Silverston's maid. An easy job she might have been thinking, but it was a steping stone to maybe get something else in the future. However the first day didn't start as she might have been thinking. She had been tied up and gagged to a chair in his office and let to free herself before he got home. Working her way over to his desk she found an pen that helped her to free herself and after several hours bound and gagged to the chair she found her way to the bathroom for a long shower where an plan for revenge started to form inside her head. She managed to get Mister Silverston tied up and chained to a chair in the attic and as she was about to leave the house she read the contract again and found out that he had been correct about certain things. She untied him and he brought her to his home office to talk to her. He told her about his secret about enjoying tying up people and being tied up.

Dear diary,

It was the Norweigan Constitution Day. It was a beautiful sunrise outside. Mister Tom Silverston had asked me if I could please work from 2 pm till 7 pm. He had some guests he wanted to entertain and that we (him and me) could have a game of tie ups. I told him that I could do that if he promised that his guests would not get included to these games. He promised on his heart and soul. So I agreed to it.

I got up early that day. The clock was 6 am and I could hear the birds singing outside. I laid there listening to them for a few minutes. I got out of the bed and filled the sink with water. I undressed completly to wash myself from the somewhat sweat that the springheat had managed to produce during the night. I emptied the sink when I was done and walked over to the chair beside my bed. On the chair was the cloths that would wear that day. Today the maid dress was red and with the white big bib apron. The head dress was also white. The underwear was the usual; bra, panties and a petticoat. The petticoat was a full frilly in the color of white. Even if I didn't start before at 2 pm I would dress earlyer so I was finished till the event would start. Mister Silverston had hired a cook that would come at 9 am and start to make the food. I was glad I didn't have to do that. I am not a good cook; not even an average one at best. So I got dressed. The pantyhose was very thin and skin colored. One piece at the time I got dressed.
I looked at myself in the mirror. Standing there in the uniform I felt somewhat stylized. I think it is hard to put my finger on it, dear diary, still there is something wrong with the image I see.

I spent the time setting the table outside in the garden. A beautiful long table with an white lace table cloth was placed between the apple trees. The garden had a lot of flowers and bushes with berries. I loved the garden. Many evenings I had walked around in it looking and smelling the flowers. I loved the silence and the smells.
It was a long path to go back and forth to the kitchen door, but I had figured that if I started early I wouldn't have to stress about it. I was lucky that two men from Mister Silverston's company had been kind enough to put the table and the sixteen chairs out for me. It would have taken me hours to do that and I wasn't sure if I would have enough energy left serving today.

The guests started to come at 1:30 pm. Mister Silverston did greet his guests as they arrived and pointed them to the way to table in the garden. I had putted out some sodas that was bottled up in a cooler so they could drink something while they waited for the event to started.
They men came in their best suits and the women came in light dresses with small gloves on their wrists and big summerhats on their heads. I knew some of the women from their stores downtown, but never knew how much they changed when the good dress and make up came on. It was as they was someone diffrent. The first couple of times I felt hurt, but I noticed that I didn't care after an half an hour or so.

I felt that I did a good job at serving. It was my first event serving at anything so I was very pleased with myself and the quality of the work that I had fullfiled it with. After the guests had left I started to carry in again all the plates and other things that had been on the table. I had to go back and forth several times and I felt that the heels started to "kill" me. I so wanted to take them off, but I didn't dare to do that. Beside I didn't want to ruin the pantyhose with geting green on it. But after an half an hour I was done and I took a seat on the kitchen chair. By then the cook had left allready so when I got up again I closed and locked the door.
I went into the home office of Mister Silverston. He was seated behind the desk and looked up at me.
- I am done with my shores, Mister Silverston, I said and curtised to him.
- Great, Fiona. I have some stuff to finish up. You can go to your room and wait for me there, he said with a smile.
- Yes Mister Silverston, I said and curtsied as I went out of his office.

I walked up the stairs to the second floor and went to my room. The air was nice and clean in there. I took a small bottle of perfume with the sent of flowers and with a very light touch I let a small spray of the perfume fly into the room. I sat down on the bed as he told me to do. I wondered what he wanted to do. Was I the one to be tied or he? I had tied him a couple times and he seemed to like it tight. He had tied me too, but nothing complex or to tight. A couple of chair ties as he called them. I had grown to learn to accept being tied and gagged as a part of my duties. They didn't happen often so I felt content to do it. Sometimes I got a tingling feeling in my body when he left me there while he went to the store or the office and I had to figth to get free. Sometimes I got a present for being a "good girl" or "good maid". Not that I had asked for it, but because he wanted to he told me when I refused to get them in the start of this.
Not long after he came and knocked on my door. The door opened and Mister Silverston did enter with an blue bag. I knew the blue bag now and what was inside it. He smiled as he entered. I noticed that he had left the jacket downstairs and was dressed in waistcoat, shirt and pants. He had on his shoes still and I guess he had on white socks. The tie was missing I noticed as he came closer.
- So are you ready? he asked.
- Yes, Mister Silverston, I answered.
- I have told you to call me Tom when you are off duty, he answered.
- I am sorry, Tom. Yes I am ready.
- Much better, he said with an smile.
He sat the bag down and opened it.
- Before we start I need to ask you something, I said.
He looked at me.
- Would you mind being tied up in your underwear? he asked kindly with a small blush on his cheeks.
I looked at him and studied his face. Was he joking? Or serious? It was hard to deside on what he was.
- Are you serious? I asked carefully so I didn't upset him.
He become quiet and looked at her. - No, he suddenly said to her, - I am serious in my question Miss Fiona Thompson.
- I see. Well, I am not that comfortable being in my underwear infront of men. I haven't been that so much.
- It is okay. We can do a normal chair tie, he said.
- No, we can do it. I just wanted to tell you in advance. But please promise no photos or letting others inside to see me like that, I said a little worried.
- I appreciate that, he smiled and pulled a rope out of his blue bag.
I stood from the bed that I was sitting on and started to undress. I was feeling shy as I said I had never been seen in my underwear by a man before and therefore I had never undressed infront of a man before either. I slowly removed my large bib apron and wondering if I should turn away as I undressed, but I came to that he would see me undressed as he got to tie me up.
I folded up the cloths nice and put them onto the chair till I stood there in the petticoat, stockings, bra and panties. I looked at him and blushed as I had my arms infront of the bra to cover up some.
- Could you remove the petticoat? he asked gently for not upseting me.
- Would it be in the way? I asked.
- Yes, but I could work around it if you want to keep it on.
- No, I can take it off, I said.
I slipped the petticoat down to the floor and my pantyhosed legs was on show and so was also my panties. I felt naked even if I had my underwear on, but I also felt somewhat strangely comfy with it also. I don't why tho, dear diary.
- How do you want me? I asked.
- Just turn around with your hands palm to palm so can we take it from there.
- Okay, I said and turned around standing with my back towards him.
I put my palms side by side. I could feel the ropes starting to being layered around my wrists. Round for round it entraped my palms next to each other before he clinched the rope twice and tied four knots on the top of the rope.
- How is that? he asked.
I tested the ropes and I found them to be tight, but not to tight so I am told him so.
He got another rope and started to tie my ankels next to each other and he tied them the same way that he had tied my palms. I looked down on him to see how he did it. The ropes felt very snug.
- Please sit on the bed, he said.
I jumped the few steps to the bed and plumped down onto the bed.
He grabed an new rope and this time tied it below my knees.
- Could you lay down on your front? He asked kindly.
I tried to lay down on the bed and rolled over so I was laying as he told me. He grabed another rope that he tied to my ankels and gently he bent my legs towards my buttom. He tied the rope to my rope on my palms. The rope did it so I couldn't unbend my legs.
- This is called a hogtie, he told me.
- I feel tied allright, I answered him.
- That was the general feeling I was going for, he laughed.
I let out a small giggle.
- I will gag you now and you can struggle little for me, he said.
He found a long strip of cloth. He tied a knot in the middle of it and inserted the knot in my mouth. He then took the long stripes and wraped it around my head three times. The tightness and the knot in my mouth made my sounds muffled. Normally I am sure I would freak out, but I had been gagged like that one time before so I knew that I had to breath with my nose and stay calm. Even if the knot filled my mouth somewhat I could breath easily. I looked up at him where he stood and looked at me. I blushed as he could see me tied up and gagged in my underwear.
- Could you please wiggle for me? he said.
I wiggled a little for him. I could feel my bum sway from side to side as I moved my legs. My arms was ankered to them and moved with the legs.
- Great, he said, - I will be right back.
And then he went out of the room. I looked after him and tried to protest under my gag.
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Post by Knuffe »

(Thank you for all the support that I have gotten due to my living partner's illness. It will take longer times to write these chapters and I hope people like reading them. For me to write in novel form is more like the novels I write in vanilla form; it is just form of the dark side of my life that gets out :lol: )

5: First hogtie

Evening of 17th of May, 1950

Miss Fiona Thompson had been hiring to be Mister Tom Silverston's maid. An easy job she might have been thinking, but it was a steping stone to maybe get something else in the future. However the first day didn't start as she might have been thinking. She had been tied up and gagged to a chair in his office and let to free herself before he got home. Working her way over to his desk she found an pen that helped her to free herself and after several hours bound and gagged to the chair she found her way to the bathroom for a long shower where an plan for revenge started to form inside her head. She managed to get Mister Silverston tied up and chained to a chair in the attic and as she was about to leave the house she read the contract again and found out that he had been correct about certain things. She untied him and he brought her to his home office to talk to her. He told her about his secret about enjoying tying up people and being tied up.
Her first social event is the Norweigan Constitution Day (17th of May) and after serving all day she agrees to some tie up fun. She finds herself tied up and gagged on the bed when Mister Tom Silverston walks out of her bedroom without an word.

Dear diary,

I looked at the open bedroom door and listen to his footsteps going down the stairs. I tugged at the tight ropes binding me in this "hogtie" (as he called it) and I could hardly move. I tried to use my fingers to find the knots on the ropes on my ankels or my palms, but to no use. I tugged again on the ropes while swearing inside of myself for letting him to tie me like that. Oh, why did I go along with being bound and gagged in my underwear I wondered. I was a fool and I deserved the mess I was in. The gag was well wrapped around my head three times with each wraping going between my teeth so I couldn't yell and even if I could have the knot that was in my mouth would have muffled my crys anyway. You are great to get into a mess, Fiona, I thought to myself feeling stupid and angry.
What had he planed for me?
I struggled again in my ropes. I felt how my bra cups pressed against even more against my breasts now that I was laying on the bed. My stockings was geting a rift from the struggling. I felt like crying because I didn't like this tie. I hated it.
Suddenly he was back in the room.
I felt like a ton of bricks had been lifted from my shoulder (or my body). I wanted to cry, but I felt like I would be a fool if I did like. I wanted to seem to be strong and confident. I tugged on the ropes, but he didn't seem to care about them or that I was tied up in this "hogtie". He had brought something that was in a small bag and this bag was black. He opened it and pulled out two items from it that he placed before me on the bed so I could see them close up.
The first object I knew what was. It was a sleeping mask. The other one had I never seen before. It was a ball with a piece of rope in the center of it. He removed the gag carefully. A big wet blup of spit followed the knot out and ran out out of the sides of my mouth. He sat down on the bed next to the items that he had set there.
- I want to put this blindfold on you and I want to gag you with this, he said and pointed to the ball with the rope.
- What kind of gag is that? I asked.
- This is a ball gag, he said and picked it up.
- It looks like the knot in the piece of fabric you used to gag me with, I said and looked at the wet knot.
- That is correct, he said.
I looked at it again. The ball wasn't that big, but it would fill my mouth or at least keep my mouth open. The ropes looked soft and wasn't of the rough kind that you would use on packages and stuff. If I managed the knotted fabric I would manage that ball gag (?) item. How diffrent would it be really?
- Is the ball soft or hard? I asked.
- It is very soft, but hard enough to keep your mouth open when you bit down on it. So kind of semi soft maybe, he answered.
- I can try it, I said.
- Are you sure? He asked.
- Yes, but you most promise me that you will not leave me again if you don't ask me if it is okay? I said.
- I promise, he said.
I opened my mouth for the first time willing for a man. Mister Tom Silverston carefully placed the ball inside my mouth and took the two rope pieces and tied them tightly behind my head. I felt how the ball filled my mouth and made it hard to even try to close my mouth on it. No matter how hard I bit down on to the ball it wouldn't flatten enough so I could close my mouth. It was like the cotton knot in the fabric.
He then fasten the sleeping mask over my eyes.
I was in total darkness. The only sense I had left was my hearing and I felt how much more that was highten now that the blindfold was over my eyes. I tugged at my ropes that kept me in the hogtie. I felt helpless. Not just a bit helpless, but I felt extreamly helpless in this situation and I knew I needed to trust Mister Silverston with all I had. I felt comflicting thoughts in my head. How and why did I let him do this to me? I tugged the rope even harder and felt how they kept me tightly bound and helpless.
- I am still here, he said and I felt him strok my legs carefully almost as a breath of air on a warm summer day.
I felt somewhat more comfortable hearing that. I wished that I wasn't this helpless and in my underwear. I blushed just thinking about it. In my underwear for the first time with a man. My father would beat him up if he knew.
I tried to say something, but the sound was muted and not understandable.
- Don't worry I won't leave you like this, he said.
- I hope so, I tried to say.
He stroked me carefully over the back and I felt how light his touch was. Did I like this after all? I thought. Did I like being tied up and being helpless? The shocking thought hit me hard. Was I some kind of unnormal person that seemingly liked this? I didn't think that Mister Silverston was unnormal even though he liked this and being tied up. I had to think about this some more I desided.
I wiggled my feet as he started to trace one of his fingers on the soul of the feet. I didn't know that I was that ticklish under my feet, but it could been something being unable to stop him that made it more exciting. I tried to wiggle away from him, but it was useless because of the hogtie. I squeeled into my gag and it was somewhat muted.
- So you like being tickled there, he said with a laugh and found a feather that he used on her feet.
- Please! Stop! I begged laughing.
- You want me to continue, he smirked and let the feather travel down my legs.
- No!!! I screaned laughing and trying to wiggle away from the feather.
He didn't stop, but he knew that I didn't mean it also. I wanted him to continue, but it was my auto response to the situation that came (or at least tried) out. I think he knew that somehow.

I felt that I started to get tired in my limbs. The arms and legs pressed into position over a long time. My mouth was drying up from being forced open by the ballgag. I don't know for how long I had been tied up for, but it felt like hours.
- Are you geting tired? He asked as if he could read my mind.
I nodded to answer it.
- I understand that. I will untie you in a few minutes, he said.
I heard him get up from the bed and took some step out on the floor. I feared he would leave me here again and this time even more helpless then ever before and it would be emberresing if anyone saw me or found me in this way I was now.
- I am just going to look at you from a distance for the last time today, he said.
I felt at ease. I could hear him breath a little heavier and took some steps back and forth to the bed. I wasn't sure what he was doing, but sometimes I felt his hand on my body. Just stroking me softly.
- Could I ask you something? He suddenly asked me still while I was ballgagged in the bed.
I nodded and wished he would remove my gag and blindfold soon.
- Could I draw you tied up sometime? Not now, but at a later date maybe? He asked.
- Draw me? I tried to say.
- Yes, he said.
- Let me think about it, I answered.
- Okay, he said.
I suddenly felt he starting to untie me and slowly I started to get feeling of being free again. The last item he removed was the ballgag. A bit gulp of spit followed, but landed on a towel he had gotten and put under my head. It was a good feeling to be released again. I gave him a hug for releasing me and he hugged me back.
- I will let you be alone now, Fiona, he said and packed the items back to the bag.
- Thank you Tom, I answered.
He slowly walked out of my room and I sat on the bed in my underwear. I had been hogtied and ballgag. Blindfolded. I felt unsure if I liked it or not, but something inside of me told me that I should trust him. A small tingling feeling inside of me told me also that I liked it.
I got up from the bed and grabbed some new underwear and a towel before I walked to the bathroom to get a hot shower.
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Post by Inkstain »

This is great! I wish I was Mr, Silverston! :D ;) :mrgreen:
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Post by Knuffe »

Inkstain wrote: 1 year ago This is great! I wish I was Mr, Silverston! :D ;) :mrgreen:
Thank you. I am glad you liked it :D
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