How Mark becane the Troop Mascot (m/m)

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How Mark becane the Troop Mascot (m/m)

Post by drawscore »


I'm Mark, and I'm almost 11. I can hardly wait, 'cause when I'm 11, I get to join my brother's scout troop. Right now I'm a cub scout, but my best friend, Kevin, is already 11, and has joined scouts.

My older brother is Ronnie, and we fight a lot. He's going on 14, and he treats me like I was a disease, especially around his friends. But if I ever get into trouble, he's the first one to come and help me. He thinks I don't know it, but I do.

Most of the time I hang out with my best friend, Kevin. He's called “Little Kevin,” to tell him from Big Kevin, who is almost 16, and the senior patrol leader of the scout troop. I also run around with the kids from my cub den, Terry, Steve, Greg, and the twins, Tommy and Bobby. They're all ten, but I'm the oldest.

When I'm not with my friends, Mom tells Ronnie to watch out for me, so I wind up hanging out with him and his friends. Ronnie thinks I'm an anchor around his neck, so when I go with him over to his best friend, Charlie's house, my brother, Charlie, his cousins, Scott and Allen, and their friend, Doug, use me for knot tying practice.

I don't mind, because Ronnie insisted that each time they practice on me, I get to practice on them. He doesn't know that I found out about it six months ago. He also doesn't know that I know he secretly gave the OK for me to be the troop mascot.

It happened like this: Ronnie's troop was in the middle of "western month," and they were learning to spin ropes, lasso poles (and each other), and ride horses out at Red Jeff's uncle's farm. We learned how to milk cows, too.

One night, Ronnie was going to spend the night with Charlie, Scott, and Allen. Doug would be there, too, and Mom insisted that Ronnie take me along, since they wouldn't be home, and Mom didn't want me home by myself. We talked Scott's and Allen's mom into letting Kevin come along, too. She was reluctant to have seven boys over, but Scott, Allen, and Charlie begged and pleaded with her, and she finally said "Yes!" I guess she was nervous about all of us being there, since she and Mr. Bradford were going to the same party as my and Kevin's parents.

We weren't there five minutes when Scott said "Hey, let's us be outlaws, and Kevin and Mark can be our hostages!" Everybody except me and Kevin thought it was a great idea. But there was no arguing with them, so we let Scott and Doug tie us up. They did a good job, too. I couldn't get loose, and neither could Kevin until we got ourselves back to back, and started picking at each other's knots.

After that, we watched TV for a while, then Charlie and Ronnie decided that Scott, Allen, and Doug should be the hostages, so we went back up to the bedroom, where the three of them played their roles to the hilt. Doug was enjoying it, mainly because he was real good at getting loose, and liked to show off. He reminded Ronnie and Charlie to "Gag us real good, too! You don't want us talking and making escape plans!" Ronnie and Charlie were more than happy to grant that request. I found two red bandanas, rolled them together, and gave them to Ronnie, who tied them over Doug's mouth real tight. Doug couldn't have talked if he had a megaphone.

Scott, Allen, and Doug were all pretty good at getting free, so none of them stayed tied too long. When they did get loose, they wanted to return the favor to Ronnie and Charlie. Me and Kevin watched, and I secretly wished I was the one doing the tying. I'd show 'em how to tie up a prisoner! I'd show 'em all!

After they got done tying Ronnie and Charlie, me and Kevin said we wanted payback for Scott and Doug tying us earlier. Doug just laughed, and said that he'd get loose from either of us in less than five minutes, and he probably was right. Scott tried to weasel out of it, but Doug said it would be good practice for us, and he finally said "OK!"

Doug also wanted to show off his costume for the scouts' western month campout, and asked where he could change. Allen directed him to the bathroom down the hall, and while he was changing, Kevin went to work tying Scott. Ronnie and Charlie sat there, still tied, and I almost thought I heard Charlie laugh as Kevin tied Scott's hands behind him.

As Kevin started in on Scott's feet, Doug walked back in. He was wearing a pair of gold corduroy pants with a wide black leather belt, a blue shirt with the collar turned under, and a pair of Apache boots. He said he got them at the Goodwill store for $12, and if he got 'em for that price, he got a hell of a bargain. I saw the same kind of boots in a western store, and they cost $65. He'd keep them a long time, too. Doug wore a size 6 1/2 shoe, but the boots were size 11, or at least it said so on the sole.

Doug's corduroy pants were almost the same color as buckskin, and would have looked better if they had fringe down the legs. Except for his dark hair, he looked pretty much like the kid on TV, Israel Boone, except 2-3 years older.

"What'd'ya think?" he asked.

The rest of us said "Cool!" or "Neat!" except for Charlie and Ronnie, who were still tied and gagged, but they nodded their heads, and "mmmppfff'd" what sounded like approval.

I don't know why I did it, but I asked Doug what Kevin and me would get if I tied him, or if Kevin tied Scott so they couldn't get loose. Doug laughed again, and said he always got loose. Then, he boasted that if he couldn't get loose, that he, Charlie, Ronnie, Allen, and Scott would be our prisoners for the rest of the night and all day tomorrow. All the others agreed, too.

Kevin asked how we could tie them, and Doug replied "Any way you want to! I'll still get loose!"

Kevin took Doug at his word, and tied Scott's arms, as well as his hands and feet. Before gagging him, Kevin extracted the promise that Scott would not try to escape until I had Doug tied.

I made Doug lay face down on the bed, then pulled his hands behind him, and tied them together. I had about a foot and a half of tail, and didn't want to leave it where Doug could get at it, so I looped it around his belt, then tied it to the other end of the rope. After that, I wrapped his ankles real good, then I gagged him with the double rolled red bandanas

Scott and Doug put on a good show for us, struggling and making loud "Mmmppfff's" beneath their gags. Charlie and Ronnie had long since gotten loose, and were laughing at their struggles.

They didn't laugh long. Scott undid his hog tie, slid his hands under his butt, and untied his feet. Then, he stepped through his hands, pulled down his gag, and untied his hands with his teeth.

Doug wasn't so lucky. With his hands tied to his belt, he couldn't get them under his butt, and the knots were tied just out of reach of his long fingers. Sweat dripped off him as he fought, but after 20 minutes, he was still tied, and nowhere close to getting free. I asked him if he wanted to be untied, and he shook his head, obviously embarrassed that a 10-year-old had tied him so good.

Charlie said not to touch him, and my brother said I'd spend a lot of time tied up in my closet at home, if I even thought about helping him get loose. Another 20 minutes passed, and Doug, unable to pull his hands down, and soaked with sweat, used his tongue to push away his gag, and asked to be untied.

Ronnie, Charlie, Scott, Allen, and Doug were ours! Well, at least for the rest of the night, and tomorrow. Kevin and I were on top of the world! I'd done what nobody else had ever done, and that was to tie Doug so he couldn't get out. It felt great. It felt like hitting the game winning home run in the bottom of the ninth inning of the seventh game of the World Series.

Then Kevin remembered one of Doug's rules that we agreed on a month or so back. "Hey, Doug!" Kevin laughed. "You pushed the gag out, you talked, and you couldn't get loose. That's five more ties you owe Mark and me!"

Charlie said "Hey, that's right! And you owe five to each of the rest of us, too!" Doug tried to protest, but was shouted down by the rest of us, and after that, accepted his fate.

I thought his protests were a little weak, and that he agreed to the decision too easily. I guess he welcomed all these chances to show off.

It wasn't very often that me or Kevin, or any of my friends, tied any of the older kids so they couldn't get out. But we liked trying, and now, we had a night and a day to do it. We liked seeing them get tied by each other, too, so we could laugh at them as they fought to get loose. They didn't like being laughed at, and after they got out, we'd better be gone, or it would be us tied up and gagged, and being laughed at.

I called Kevin over, and we talked about what we were going to do with our prisoners. Across the room, Doug was catching hell from the others for not being able to escape, and for volunteering them to be our captives for the next 24 hours. Doug scowled, and said that they didn't complain when he did it, and that they all agreed to it, and that they had no reason to complain.

I have to give Kevin credit for being a real sneaky weasel, 'cause he figured out a way to keep the five of them out of our hair, and so busy with each other, that they wouldn't have time for us. He remembered another of Doug's rules that said if you borrow someone's clothes, you get tied up wearing those clothes by everybody that was there when you did it. So, Kevin again asked how we could tie them, and Charlie mumbled something. "Speak up, Charlie! I can't hear you!" Kevin said.

Charlie said "We agreed that you could tie us any way you wanted to!"

"Good!" said Kevin. That's all I want to know!"

Kevin smiled, and asked "What to you think of Doug in green?"

I gave him a puzzled look, and said "I guess it's OK!"

"Fine!" Kevin said. "Doug, you can keep your shirt, but you have to wear Scott's green cords."

Scott got his green corduroys out of the drawer, and gave them to Doug, who went down the hall and put them on. When he got back, Kevin tied his hands and feet, then gagged him with a blue bandana.

Then, Kevin sprung his trap. "Doug, you owe everybody here two more free ties for borrowing Scott's pants!"

It didn't take long for the rest of them to figure out what we had planned, and they weren't happy. But they fell into a trap of their own words and rules, and me and Kevin weren't going to let such a golden opportunity slip away.

Before we were done, we had tied them all up in each other's clothes, and each other's pajamas at least twice, and we sat back and laughed as the "penalty ties" kept mounting. And they had to go along, 'cause if they didn't, me and Kevin would spread it all over the neighborhood and the scout troop, that they had welshed on a bet, and they'd have a hard time living it down.

We also knew that they would probably cancel out any penalty ties they had on each other, except maybe for Doug, who liked getting tied, and then escaping. But that still left us with a bunch on all of them, and we weren't about to give any of them up, unless it was to our friends, so they could have the chance to try out their knots on the five of them.

Doug swore us to secrecy about tying him up so he couldn't get out, and we agreed, under one condition, and that was that he would spend some time teaching us to tie better. His lessons helped, too. Pretty soon, I was able to tie my friends in the cub scout den so they couldn't get free, and I was holding Charlie and Ronnie longer than five or ten minutes. But a couple of new rules came out of that night. First, no tying of the hands to belts or belt loops, and second, penalty ties for borrowing clothes applied only if you really borrowed them, not if you were "made" to wear them by a captor. But since the rules couldn't be back dated, all the penalty ties we accumulated that night would stand.

After that, Ronnie loudly protested, and called me a weasel, a pest, a worm, and a number of other names. Doug countered with "That's what'll make him such a good troop mascot!"

Ronnie protested loudly, but when they all left to take the vote, Ronnie was my biggest supporter. He said that anybody that can do to Doug what I did, earned the right to be the troop mascot. They had left me tied and gagged on Charlie's bed, (and wearing Scott's pajamas) and didn't think I heard them when they were talking, but I did, and that's how I know.

Later that night, one other funny thing happened, and that was when I was taking a penalty tie on Charlie. He was in his pajama pants, and I had his hands and feet tied, and had him gagged with one of the long bandages. Kevin tied a bandana around his forehead, and stuck a feather in it, then said he could be an Indian for the troop's western days campout. The rest of us all laughed, all except Charlie. I think he wanted to roast Kevin over a slow fire.

I tried the same thing when I tied Ronnie, but he gave me that "If you do, your ass is grass!" look, so I put the bandana and the feather down. Allen didn't have to face Ronnie's wrath, and picked up the bandana and feather, and did it anyway. Ronnie wasn't happy about it, but decided to take it out on Allen, instead of me. But I still laughed.

So that's how I got to be the troop mascot. It was a real fun night, and I hope I can stay over with Scott, Allen, and Charlie again. And the next time, maybe I will tie the bandana around Ronnie's forehead and stick the feather in it. He looked funny as a "pajama Indian." And Doug, Scott, Allen, Charlie, and Kevin, would make good pajama Indians, too. Even without the bandana around their heads, and a feather in it.

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Post by Xtc »

Fond memories of this one. Thanks for adding it to the board.
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Post by Veracity »

What a nice innocent little story. Thanks for sharing it.
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Post by harveygasson »

Nice to hear things from Mark's point of view. Great story
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Post by cj2125 »

Nice story! Sounds like a fun sleepover for the youngest kids! Thanks for sharing
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Post by fratboydanny »

I am so happy you are sharing stories, Drawscore, rather than just critiqueing others. This was a very fun read. I hope you will share more adventures of these lads.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Not usually the type of story I'm into, but definitely an enjoyable read.

As I was reading this, I couldn't help but thinking that this would make one hell of a comic book ;)
Thanks for sharing this with us, Drawscore.

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Post by FelixSH »

I probably read this, together with your other stories, nearly ten years ago on that other website that had died years ago. (tugstories, i think)

Anyway, I'm glad to have used this chance to reread it, as it was a lot of fun. I like how nice everyone in the story actually is to the younger kids.

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