WPC Harris in,.. Just another Sunday (complete!) FF/F

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Deleted User 769

WPC Harris in,.. Just another Sunday (complete!) FF/F

Post by Deleted User 769 »

Wilting under the glare of the oppressive midday sun our hero, WPC Stevie Harris, (23, police constable, karaoke queen and sometime damsel in distress) had decided to take a break from the rigours of patrolling the local high street to investigate the inside of a nearby convenience store, specifically the contents of their well stocked chiller cabinet.

Returning to the counter clutching a bottle of something suitably cold and refreshing, Stevie was surprised to discover the check-out till was unoccupied. Counting out the correct change for her purchase and leaving it on the counter, WPC Harris was all set to resume her duties when she heard the sound of raised voices emanating from the back of the store. Curiosity winning the day, Stevie ventured into the storeroom to discover two figures dressed up in black suits and domino masks threatening a pair of bound and gagged shop assistants.
It was hard to shake the thought that the assailants looked like villains from the old Batman TV show.
And me without my cape, Stevie thought to herself.

Deciding that now might be a perfect moment to make a staged, strategic withdraw so she could radio for assistance Stevie began (slowly) backing away from the scene, walking on tip toes like the heroine from a Hanna Barbera cartoon.
Exit stage left, pursued by armed robbers,..

Sadly however, stealth had never really been her forte and Stevie found herself walking straight into a crate of milk bottles, the resulting crash being a noise loud enough to wake the dead.
All at once, four heads jerked in her direction.
For a moment time seemed to stand still.

“Don't move!” the (significantly) larger of the two crooks yelled in a voice that suggested she had just discovered a caterpillar on her salad

Stevie, perhaps unsurprisingly, did exactly as she was told (despite the approaching tide of milk that threatened to consume her work boots)

Why did this have to happen tonight, of all nights, she asked herself as she raised her hands

That said, it had been relatively quiet on the abduction front these last few weeks, so maybe she was past due?,..

“What are you doing here?” She barked, as though the young police officer had broken curfew

“Believe it or not, I stopped by for a drink. In case you hadn't noticed it is an unseasonably warm day,.. 'How hot is it?' I hear you ask, why, it's so hot that I saw a fire hydrant chasing a pack of dogs. In fact, it's so hot that I saw a I saw a coyote chasing a jack rabbit,.. and they were both walking,..”

“Are you quite finished?!” She snapped angrily.

“Actually, I have a couple more,.. “ Then, seeing the stony expression on the woman's face
“but I guess they can wait for another time,..”

“Or not at all. Now walk over here,.. slowly!”

Stevie, her hands still raised, sauntered back into the storeroom careful not to collide with anything else.

"Smart move," said the first robber. "Do what we say and you might get out of this alive.

“You silver tongued devil you” She remarked in a suitably breezy tone.

It was at this point that the second of the crooks, a pretty if stern faced young woman with her long blonde hair tied back in a severe ponytail, noticed her outfit.

Although not particularly tall for a police woman, the sight of Stevie, dressed up in her starched uniform (consisting of a crisp white shirt buttoned at the collar, black trousers and chequered, clip-on neckerchief) was enough to strike fear into the hearts of the craven and the cowardly.
It was all too much for The Starling who began tugging at the sleeve of her erstwhile guardian,

“Holy cop-conundrum! She's po-po”

“What's that?”

“She's with the Feds. The 5-0. The fuzz,..”

Ms. Smith stared back at her, incomprehension write large across the contorts of her expansive face.

“She's with the local law enforcement,.. the Police!”

“Well, why didn't you just say that?”

“Sorry” The Sparrow said dropping her head.

“And what did I tell you about pointing your gun sideways?!” She added grimly.
Sheepishly, The Sparrow corrected her grip.

“I must say that I love your outfits” Stevie remarked with a glint in her eye “Makes me wish that I'd packed my Wonder Woman costume this morning. Did Quentin Tarantino have a garage sale?”

The first of the robbers, a tall, lump of flesh and bone with a face that only a short-sighted Mother could love, glared at the officer.

Ms. Smith didn't understand exactly what was being said, but it had the credence of banter.
Ms. Smith did not like banter.
In fact, she was firmly on the record on the subject of humour of any kind.
She was against it.

“Will you please stop that infernal prattling, it's giving me a head ache!”

“Oh, I am sorry to hear that. Maybe they have some paracetamol in the store,.. Would you like me to go look?” She asked, flashing a big friendly grin.

“No I would not! What I would like is for you to stop talking. Can you do that?”

Stevie, who was well versed in such exchanges, placed her own hand over her mouth
“Mn lnpf hrm fmhlmd” She mumbled happily.

“Thank Goodness for small mercies!” She said, sounding relieved.

“Is that a crack about my height?” Stevie asked, sounding (mock) offended.

“No. It is not!” She replied emphatically her face fixed with the expression of someone perpetually swallowing a wasp.

Stevie remembered her Mother warning her, “If the wind changes,..you'll stay like that!”
She wondered if she was referring to Ms. Smith.

“Okay, so let's cut to the chase. If you agree not to harm either of the girls then I'll agree to act as your hostage”

“What an excellent idea” She said, flashing a wicked grin that suggested she was going to enjoy this,

“Ms. Starling, why don't we take our young guest upstairs and make her comfortable”

“In what sense comfortable, draw her a bath, or fix her a drink,..?”

“I think she means that she wants to 'take me somewhere cold and damp and tie me up'” Stevie added helpfully

“Oh” She replied, evidently still a little confused “Why didn't she just say so?”

“Dramatic license I guess” she replied before threading her arm through that of her two captors as though asking them to dance “Shall we?,..”

Fifteen minutes later and WPC Harris was in the not entirely unfamiliar position of being bound and gagged and locked inside a storage closet. Although the elements of capture and restraint held something of a seductive fascination over Stevie, she nevertheless felt obligated to make at least a token effort to escape. Her struggles, such as they were, were motivated more as a point of principal than with any real hope of escape. She had been tied up enough in her short career to recognise that her skills as a modern day Houdini were somewhat negligible.
As predicted, her brief period of frenetic struggling achieved precious little save causing her forehead to glisten with sweat.
Her wrists and ankles were tied by thin cord (possibly the same material the shopkeeper had used to bind bundles of newspapers) whilst more of this material had been employed to pin her arms to her sides. Indeed, it was only the sleeves of her starched dress shirt that prevented the snug rope from abrading her skin. Her kidnappers had also taken steps to prevent the plucky young police woman from calling for help by filling her mouth with a man's handkerchief, itself tied in place by a neck-tie.
The room, which was in reality closer to a storage closest offered little in the way of help. Indeed, exposed blades, or sharp edges were somewhat conspicuous by their absence. The door was heavy and any cries for help were unlikely to be heard through her gag.
Stevie knew that if she waited long enough for the next shift to arrive she would be discovered and rescued by the night staff, but she had a dinner date to prepare for.
Fortunately in their haste to bind and gag her they had neglected to carry out a thorough search. Consequently, with a bit of manoeuvring Stevie was able to retrieve a tiny, disposable phone from somewhere deep within her trouser pocket.
There was a surprising amount of signal for a locked room in a cellar Stevie thought to herself as she unlocked the handset. From there it was mere child’s-play to press the numbers to call her flatmate.
After an interminable wait, which seemed to last several life times, she was relieved to hear Natalie's voice on the other end of the line.

“Hmn Nht', Hmt'f mm” She whispered with a state of urgency through her gag.


“Nht'. Hmt'f mm. Ftmvnm Hm'vm bmmn gndnhppmd”

“I'm sorry, is there anybody there?”

“Nmf. Hmt'f mm. Hm'm whnfpmrnng bmghhfm Hm'vm bmmn gndnhpmd,..”

After a few minutes she heard Natalie, apparently speaking to someone else

“It's no-one. Maybe Stevie forgot to lock her phone again and butt dialled me”
WPC Harris groaned as she heard Natalie end the call.
Refusing to be cowed, Stevie shifted the gagging mass around in her mouth until her teeth were largely exposed around the band of damp silk, before trying the number again (not easy with her hands bound)
Almost immediately Natalie answered, this time sounding concerned.
“Stevie, is that you?”

“Hmt'f mm. Hmt'f rmhlln mm!”

Natalie, who had some considerable experience of her flatmates adventures in ropes and gags understood immediately.

“Oh, Stevie.” She said breathlessly “I was afraid you'd stood me up. Wait, are you in trouble?”

“Nhh ghhld fhn thht,..”

“You can’t speak?”

“Nht rmhlln, Hm'vm ght h fhgg jhmmmd Hmn mn mhhth!”

“Hold on, it's tough to understand you. Grunt once for yes, twice for no”

“Hm'm nht h trhnnmd fmhl”

“No. Of course not. Sorry” She said trying, and failing to stifle a laugh.“I take it you need my help?”

“Nmf” She replied sheepishly.

“And you didn't call any of your colleagues in the police because,..?”

“Hmt'f mmbhrrhffnng” She admitted.

“Okay, so you can’t talk and you didn’t send me a text. Are you tied up?”

“Nmf” She replied in a suitably, world weary tone


This was turning into a game of twenty questions,.. “Whht dh nhh thnng?!”

“There's no need to be rude” she replied, sounding amused rather than hurt.

“Who did this to you?”

“H phnr hf grhhgf drmffmd lngm h Blhmf Brhthmrf Trnbhtm hgt. Hm thnng thmn’rm Fnftmrf”

“A female Blues Brothers tribute act?” She said, checking understanding.


“”Okay,” She said, sounding like she was taking dictation, “And where are you?”

"Hm'm lhggmd Hmn h fthrm glhfmt”

“You're always being locked in a store closet. Be more specific”

"Hm'm ht thm nmwfhgmntf hn thm hnghftrmmt”

“The newsagent on the high street?”


“Which one?”

“Thm hnm thht ghvm mm fhhd phnfhnnng”

“The one that gave you food poisoning? Ha, ha! Okay, Ill be there as soon as I can. Stay safe sweetie and try not to get into any more trouble,..”
Silently Stevie had to ponder how exactly she could get into any more trouble, trussed up as she was, but decided that this wasn't the time to argue. In truth, she was mightily relieved. Eternally grateful that she had someone to call at moments like this she decided to prop herself up in the corner of the room and wait patiently for rescue.

With nothing to do but sit and wait out her captivity in increasing discomfort, Stevie started to conduct a brief inventory of the stock room. How ironic, she mused to herself, locked in a room with a life-time's supply of chocolate, and singularly unable to indulge herself.
Wasn't this one of Dante's seven layers of Hell?
At last she heard the unmistakable sound of the door being unlocked. All at once, framed by the light of the doorway, stood Stevie's flatmate, her partner in crime and frequent co-conspirator.
Standing at just 5'2'' in her stockinged feet, Natalie Barnes was living proof that good things are often delivered in small packages. With shoulder length brown hair and a pair thick rimmed glasses, Stevie always thought she looked a little like the kooky manager of a book-store in a romantic comedy. A talented writer and a somewhat frustrated aspiring journalist, Natalie was currently serving her apprenticeship as a fax/ copy girl at the City's (3rd) biggest newspaper.
“So this is where you've been hiding all this time. My cooking must really be bad if you would rather spend the evening trussed up in a cupboard than eat dinner with me” She said, in her distinctive west-coast American accent.

Stevie found herself grinning behind her gag. She had never been so happy to see her friend.

“Little Stevie Harris, all bound up, gagged and tied. Have you been having fun without me?” She teased,..

“Nmvmr” Stevie mumbled back.

“You know, I've got half a mind to leave you like that. It's so much more peaceful”

Stevie, gamely, tried to mount an angry protest, but her heart wasn't in it.

“You're a sight for sore eyes” Stevie said as Natallie finally unhooked the gag from the corner of her mouth allowing her to spit out the balled up cloth.

“Are you just saying that because I'm here to rescue you?”

“Of course not. Sorry I missed your dinner. I was unavoidably detained”

“So I see” She said drinking in the mental image of her girlfriend in ropes.

“Can you stop undressing me with your eyes for a moment and cut me free? The robbers could be back at any moment” She said with an unfamiliar sense of urgency

“That seems unlikely”

“Why do you say that?”

“When I got done talking to you on the phone I called the station, The police apprehended Jake and Elwood's ugly Sisters about ten minutes ago”

“And the hostages?”

“They're both fine and talking to the authorities”

“That's a relief. Did I ever tell you, you're my hero?”

“Not frequently enough”
(*bursting into song paying little heed to either pitch or tone)“I can fly higher than an eagle, 'cause you are the wind beneath my wings!!”

“Oh, stop” Natalie said bashfully

“Too much?”

“A little perhaps. I hope you worked up an appetite”

“Are you kidding? After chewing on this rag for the last hour I'd gladly eat a horse”

“Sadly, horse is off the menu tonight” Natalie smiled

“Pity. Still, beggars can't be choosers. Now, is there any chance you can help me loosen these ropes?”

“Must I?”

“If it's not too much trouble”
Kneeling down on the cold stone floor Natalie began to examine her girlfriends restraints

“These knots are pretty good” She said, acknowledging the work of a skilled technician

“Yeah, those ladies sure knew their stuff. I strongly suspect they were former Girl Guides”

“So,” Natalie said, cutting her bonds with a pen knife, “What were they like?”

“My kidnappers?”

“Yeah” she said, trying to appear casual.

“Do I detect a hint of jealousy?” Stevie asked with a suggestive grin

“Maybe a little. Or maybe I always wished that I could be the one to tie a gag around that pretty little mouth of yours”

“Hmm, maybe later,..” She teased.

“So,” Natalie said, separating the last of the cords “How was your shift?”

“Let's see, I was kidnapped at gun point, tied up and locked in a broom cupboard,..” She said stepping free of her ropes and taking a theatrical bow to an imaginary audience.

“So, fairly standard afternoon then,..?”

“Ha, ha! Pretty much. I take it dinner is ruined?”

“I'm afraid so S. But the night is young and it's a magical world,.. let’s go exploring,..”
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Awesome story as always!
Check out my DeviantArt page!
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Post by MaxRoper »

I am so pleased to learn WPC Harris has a social life. Perhaps she can have a relaxing evening at home, trussed up by someone she knows and loves, rather than spending all her time restrained by strangers.

Thanks for yet another exceptional tale.
Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »

MaxRoper wrote: 5 years ago I am so pleased to learn WPC Harris has a social life. Perhaps she can have a relaxing evening at home, trussed up by someone she knows and loves, rather than spending all her time restrained by strangers.

Thanks for yet another exceptional tale.
And thank YOU for the positive feedback!

I actually have writen a follow-up tale where we get to see a little of Stevie's and Natallie's home life - spoiler alert one of them spends the evening tied up.

If there was enough interest I'm sure I could be persuaded to post it on this site,..
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Stiletto Amore wrote: 5 years ago
MaxRoper wrote: 5 years ago I am so pleased to learn WPC Harris has a social life. Perhaps she can have a relaxing evening at home, trussed up by someone she knows and loves, rather than spending all her time restrained by strangers.

Thanks for yet another exceptional tale.
And thank YOU for the positive feedback!

I actually have writen a follow-up tale where we get to see a little of Stevie's and Natallie's home life - spoiler alert one of them spends the evening tied up.

If there was enough interest I'm sure I could be persuaded to post it on this site,..
Post it!!!
Check out my DeviantArt page!
Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »

TamatoaShiny123 wrote: 5 years ago
Stiletto Amore wrote: 5 years ago
MaxRoper wrote: 5 years ago I am so pleased to learn WPC Harris has a social life. Perhaps she can have a relaxing evening at home, trussed up by someone she knows and loves, rather than spending all her time restrained by strangers.

Thanks for yet another exceptional tale.
And thank YOU for the positive feedback!

I actually have writen a follow-up tale where we get to see a little of Stevie's and Natallie's home life - spoiler alert one of them spends the evening tied up.

If there was enough interest I'm sure I could be persuaded to post it on this site,..
Post it!!!
Okay, you twisted my arm, I'll start digging around in the attic and see what I can find,.. ;)
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Stiletto Amore wrote: 5 years ago
TamatoaShiny123 wrote: 5 years ago
Stiletto Amore wrote: 5 years ago

And thank YOU for the positive feedback!

I actually have writen a follow-up tale where we get to see a little of Stevie's and Natallie's home life - spoiler alert one of them spends the evening tied up.

If there was enough interest I'm sure I could be persuaded to post it on this site,..
Post it!!!
Okay, you twisted my arm, I'll start digging around in the attic and see what I can find,.. ;)
Yay! Can’t wait to read it!!!
Check out my DeviantArt page!
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