Kat's ordeal TBA-F/ff PART added 8/7

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Kat's ordeal TBA-F/ff PART added 8/7

Post by herdfaninrva »

This is an idea that I submitted for the damsel-in-distress story. Apologies to [mention]TamatoaShiny123[/mention] as I wrote this with some adult content.

I have not decided which gender the primary captor will be.

Kat thought that she was perfectly safe. Alone on an open stretch of beach on the Eastern Shore, no one around for miles. For most people, it was too cold for a walk at night, but she loved the way the crisp October air felt on her skin. She had thought about going naked, but on the odd chance that she would encounter a family or law enforcement, she had put on a small, think, and very tight tube top and her skimpiest bikini bottom. Within a few minutes, top was straining to keep her rock-hard nipples inside. Her bottom was doing the same with her pussy lips. As she walked, her feet occasionally submerged by the water, she became lost in her own private world. Suddenly, she felt something round and cold against her back. A gun! “Don’t turn around and don’t make a sound,” a disguised voice said.

“Please don’t hurt me,” she whimpered.

“I said not a sound! Nod your head if you understand…Good. Get on your knees, hands behind your back, ankles crossed.” Kat immediately did as instructed and felt the cold steel of handcuffs being locked on her wrists. A blindfold was next. “Open your mouth wide.” She did so, and what felt like a cotton wash cloth was stuffed inside. An elastic bandage was added to secure it in place. A collar around her neck followed. She could feel the metal of a leash on her stomach. Next female hands uncrossed her ankles then attached shackles to them. “On your feet.” With some help from she presumed the same lady, she got up. “Picture time! Get some from the front and back. This will be the first batch.”

“First batch for what?” she thought.

After several flashes, she felt a tug on the leash. “Get moving!” A jolt of electricity to her butt emphasized the command.

How long and in which direction they wandered along the beach Kat could only guess. At first, she tried to focus on which side the sound of the waves came from, but there were times when she couldn’t hear them. Finally, they stopped, and she felt her top being pulled down. “NO!!” she tried to scream into her gag, but nothing came out. “Those nipples are perfect for these,” she heard the disguised voice say. “We’ll have no trouble getting them to stay on for the pictures.” Without warning, Kat felt the intense pain of the clover clamps as they were snapped onto her sensitive tits. Though blindfolded, she easily detected several camera flashes. ”We’re going to release your hands so that we can move them in front of you. Any false moves, and those clamps will be on for hours. Understood?” Kat nodded that she did and offered no resistance as her hands were repositioned. When they were she was ordered to touch the sand with them then felt her bottom being pulled down. There was no doubt in her mind what was coming next. SMACK! SMACK! Within seconds her ass felt like it was on fire. “That’s good,” the voice said. “Nice and red. That should get her boss’s attention.”

“Boss?” she thought. “I’m being kidnapped for real! What do they want from him?”

“Ok,” the voice said. “One more picture then we’re ready to send them to him. Let’s get her in the car.”

“Should we pull her clothes back up?” another disguised voice said.

“No. Since she made it easy for us, just take them the rest of the way off. Might have more of an effect if he sees her naked. Hands over your head!”

Kat was too stunned to do anything but comply. She screamed into her gag as the clamps were removed then she felt her top being pulled over her head and the strings of her bikini being untied. She was picked up and gently laid onto a carpeted floor. The cuffs on her wrists and feet were attached to something inside the car.

How long they drove and which direction(s) she had no clue. She had never been so disoriented in her 20 years on Earth. When they finally stopped someone picked her up carried her a short distance. As soon as she hit the ground, she felt the cold steel on her wrists and ankles. Railroad tracks! Were they going to leave her there to be killed by the next train? For the first time, she panicked. “Relax, lady! These tracks are out of service. You know, the one’s your boss’s company shut down last year. You’ll be here for the next train that comes through because that’s what will get you released. Until then, you’re our little slave girl. If that train never runs, well, we’ll have a new addition to our little group forever.” A few more flashes then she felt the clamps back on her nipples. Were it not for the gag, her scream would have been heard for a long way. More flashes. She was rolled over, more flashes then another hard spanking followed by still more pictures.

Carried back to the car, she found herself bound tightly to one of the seats. Strangely, she felt what seemed to be another woman beside her. Besides her body, she could tell that this woman as also bound.
Last edited by herdfaninrva 5 years ago, edited 6 times in total.
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Nice start!
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Post by Solarbeast »

Great start. I can’t wait to read more of this story.
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Post by herdfaninrva »

After another period of driving with far too many turns for Kat to have a clue where they were, they came to a stop beside, unknown to Kat, her car. One of the kidnappers took the SD card from the camera and placed it and a note inside.

“We have your gal Kat. What we have done to her is a taste of what she will experience until you comply with our demand. Plus, tonight we will start putting these pix on every Internet site that you can think of and many that you won’t. We’ll start in order, so you’ll have a little time before the world sees how beautiful she is naked and punished for YOUR actions. Don’t bother trying to find us from the metadata on the pix. We’ve erased all of that with multiple passes. Our demand is simple. Reactivate the rail line all the way to Cape Charles. At least one train a day each way Monday through Friday. Her pain and humiliation will increase every day until you do. You have one week, then she becomes our permanent slave girl. When we see the first two trains complete the run, we’ll tell you where you can find her.”

Kat felt the car begin moving again. As it did she heard the first normal-sounding voice since she had been taken. It came from the bound woman beside her. “Are you scared?” Kat nodded “yes.” “You have reason to be, but not as much as you think. This will end in one of two ways. Either your boss will reopen the rail line like we want and we’ll release you, or you’ll join me as a slave girl. I’m subject to being whipped, spanked, having my nipples clamped, and other things at any time. I’m always restrained in some way. I may be bound and blindfolded like you and I are now or locked in a room or building from which there is no chance of escape. But this is a life I chose. I’ve always been submissive, and I enjoy the feeling of helplessness. I enjoy being punished and at times punishing others for the pleasure of those watching. I will probably be ordered to punish you, and I will enjoy that. Still, I nor anyone else will do anything that will permanently damage you. You’re far too beautiful for that. You don’t need to fear for your life. We’ll take care of you like a family member. You’ll be our captive, but most of the time, it won’t be unpleasant.”

The words were strangely comforting. Until now, Kat imagined herself in all manner of situations all far worse than what had been described. She had no reason to believe this unknown woman. For all she knew, every word could have been a lie, yet somehow she did believe her. In due time, the car stopped again, and Kat was helped out. She was glad she was barefoot because she could tell that she was on sand. The chill on her body told her it was probably still dark or early morning. She felt a collar being placed around her neck. A tug on the attached leash and a shock to her very sore butt got her moving. After a few steps, the sand turned to concrete, and they were obviously going down a ramp. The air suddenly warmed, so she knew she was indoors. The concrete changed to carpet then back to concrete, this time much rougher that the first section – uncomfortable to walk on but not severely so. She hoped the woman was with her but did not know. A metal door slammed loudly, and she heard it being locked. “I’m going to release your bonds now,” the familiar voice said. “When I finish, get a drink then we’ll talk.” When the blindfold came off, Kat took a look at her surroundings. She was in a prison cell, but an unusual one. Hard points were all along one wall and the ceiling. Obviously, several people could be bound in here in any position comfortable or uncomfortable. Yet on the other side were two beds that looked like they could have come from her bedroom at home. In contrast, there were two thin mats on the floor near the hard points. There was a small kitchen and a private bath room with of all things a hot tub. The contrasts were almost too much for her tired mind to handle. Kat finished her break but was unsure what to do next so just stood in the middle of the room. “Pick a bed and have a seat.” Kat did so and immediately put her hands behind her back as she expected to be cuffed. “Relax. You will be tied up for bed soon, but not now…I am called Kajira here, which means, ‘slave.’ My birth name does not mater now. That’s also for safety if you are released. The less you know about us, the better for all. How are you?”
“Better now. Still very confused about what’s going on. Where are we?”

“I honestly don’t know. By my choice, I am always blindfolded when we leave. What I do know is that we are under ground at a beach on the ocean. I’m allowed at times to go out and walk, sunbathe, and swim. I’m always restrained even though I have no desire to leave. You will be, too. There is nothing but sand and water in sight. No landmarks at all. If I go out, I’m blindfolded until we’ve gone some distance with a lot of turns.”
“Could you leave if you wanted to?”

“Yes. I have a safeword that would mean that I would immediately be given food, clothing, the keys to an apartment, and enough money to live comfortably for a year. I’ve been here for five years and never considered using it.”

“Isn’t your family concerned about you?”

“I have no family. I was dropped off at an orphanage when I was just a few weeks old. No information about my birth parents.”


“Not really. None who noticed when I came here. I’ve moved around all my adult life trying to find what I’ve found here.”

“What’s that?”

“People who understand me and take me and like me for who I am. I am called and treated as a slave, but all my roles and punishments are ones that I have chosen to accept. I can change them at any time if I want. Nothing that happens to me is against my will…OK, enough talk for tonight. Soon, you will sleep in the bed, but tonight on the mat. I’ll take some pictures after I tie you up. I could sleep in the bed but will tie myself up and join you. You will have to take all your other discomfort alone, but not tonight.”
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Post by Solarbeast »

This was an interesting continuation to the story. I can’t wait to read more. It will be interesting to see if her boss gets the note and reacts or not.
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Pls continue
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Post by herdfaninrva »

The next part is in progress. May be up Tues., more likely Wed.
"I can't tell why I love the smell of coal smoke, valve oil, and steam." Johnny Horton
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Post by Deleted User 1895 »

Please do write more - very interesting story, very exciting too.
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Post by herdfaninrva »

Will do. Hopefully this weekend.
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Post by herdfaninrva »

Short continuation.

Kat was exhausted from her ordeal but at first had trouble getting to sleep. As she was sure her captors intended, she could feel every rough spot in the concrete below her mat. She couldn’t sleep on her back because her butt was still sore from the spankings. On top of that, her mind was in overdrive trying to process it all. Some of the thoughts she was having were strange to her. They made no sense yet were undeniable. Finally, she did mange to get some badly needed sleep.

As dawn broke, a passerby noticed Kat’s abandoned car along the road and called the police who in turn called her boss. He raced to the scene and arrived as the forensic team finished processing it. “What do you have?” he asked.

“Absolutely nothing,” the sergeant replied. “No signs of a struggle, no finger prints on the note, no metadata on the pictures.”

“May I see them?”


“Poor Kat! Such a sweet girl! How can they be doing that to her?”

“Simple. It’s their way of encouraging you to do what they want.”

“What do we do now?”

“Well, sir, this is going to be a hard one for anyone in my department to advise you on. I’ve been in law enforcement for 25 years – handled a few kidnappings – and this is the first time that I’ve ever agreed with the kidnappers’ demands. All of my department will, too. This area is hurting, and we need that line to be active again. I’ll arrange a meeting between you and the FBI. This could be a federal matter anyway since we’re so near the state line.”

“That won’t be necessary for now.” A beep from his phone indicated that something of interest had been posted on line. It was the pix of Kat bound but still in her bikini. “The nudes are next. You have 12 hours to respond to this post with the progress you have made. If we are happy with it, we won’t post them. If not, they go up.”

About that same time, Kat was rudely awakened by a bucket of frigid water thrown onto her by Kajira. She was very thankful for her gag as what would have come out of her mouth would have been unladylike. “That’s how we wake up slave girls around here,” Kajira laughed as she began to untie Kat. “You’ll get your chance to do the same to me if you’re here long enough. I hope you enjoy doing it to me as much as I enjoy doing it to you.”

“You’re a slave but you enjoy tormenting others? I don’t understand.”

“I am actually a switch. I enjoy both sides. I just enjoy the slave side much more. I know that you want to go home and for you, I want that to happen. Selfishly, though, just in the time that you’ve been here, I’ve realized how much I would like to have a sister slave. Maybe if you do get released we’ll find one for me. Now, breakfast is getting cold. Get something to eat, jump in the hot tub for a bit, then we’ll see what happens.”

“OK. That was worth the cold water for. Thanks.”
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Post by Solarbeast »

Interesting continuation. I can’t wait to read more of this story.
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Post by herdfaninrva »

No bondage in this part, but I wanted to post anyway. Update on Kat's side coming soon. Edited slightly for clarification.

“Mr. Black, I don’t care what they’re doing to Kat,” Mr. Williams, the railroad’s owner retorted. “If she hadn’t been out there alone in the middle of the night, this wouldn’t have happened to her. That line was losing money, and I will not reopen it.”

“Perhaps if she were your daughter, you would feel differently.”

“I have no daughter, so I wouldn’t know. And I don’t care either. Get with the police, the FBI, whomever, and find her. If they don’t it’s on you, not me.”
“Yes, sir.”

With a heavy heart, Mr. Black returned to his office to respond to the post. He immediately noticed that the pictures gave no indication that she was being held captive. Even so, he was shocked at the response it had generated. He knew that Kat was beautiful on the outside and in fact even more so on the inside, but the “likes” and positive comments about the pix were overwhelming. Still he had to message the captors even though it was hours before the deadline. No point in waiting. “I’m sorry to report that no progress will be made before the time is up. I will see if there is something I can do by tomorrow. Please don’t hurt Kat, and give her my love as her friend.” As he hit “Send” he remembered a link that he had seen weeks earlier on the company’s intranet. Since he didn’t think he was supposed to have access to it, he had ignored it at the time. Now he had a reason to see if it would work.
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Post by herdfaninrva »

Kat returned from the hot tub to a broadly smiling Kajira. “You’re an Internet sensation!”


“The pix of you tied up in your cute bikini have over 200 likes each, and they’ve not even been up 12 hours yet. Oh, and we got a message from your boss. Bad news. He hasn’t made any progress, so the nude pix are going up soon. Can’t wait to see what kind of reaction they get.”

“You’re joking! People actually like seeing me tied up?”

“It’s about 50/50 in the comments. Half like the bondage and half your outfit or lack thereof. You look surprised.”

“I am.”

“Why? I’m not surprised at all. Even with your face hidden behind the blindfold and gag it’s obvious to anyone that you’re a pretty lady, and a lot of people think that we’re prettier when we’re tied up. Before I forget your boss sends, and I quote, his love as your friend.”

“I didn’t know he cared enough to do that. You said I would have to endure more today than I did last night. Guess we might as well get going with that. That’s a good note to end the fun part of my day on.”

“You’re right. We’re running behind, so you’ll see me punished later for that. Hands behind your back!...Mouth open…Face down on your mat, feet in the air.”
When Kajira had cuffed her ankles tightly together, the disguised voice came over the speaker. “Make sure you get them nice and red and that she screams into the gag. This is going up as a video with screen grabs. 25 hard swats. For every one that isn’t hard enough, we’ll add to your punishment.”

Kat immediately felt the pain of the crop on her soft soles. Blow after blow rained in rapid succession. Her throat soon became sore from her attempts to scream. She knew that no one could hear and if they did they would only revel in her pain, but somehow it did make it more bearable.

“Well done, Kajira, these are perfect, but you still must be punished for getting us behind schedule. Leave her where she is. Get on the mat beside her. Blindfold yourself. Put the security cuffs on your ankles and wrists. When you hear the door lock, you’ll find the key and your instructions on your bed.”

A few minutes later, the door slammed loudly, and Kajira freed herself. Beside her was a steel plate with dull spikes covering it. Her instructions came as a surprise, but she immediately set to work carrying them out. After releasing Kat, she told her, “Revenge time for you.”

“But I don’t want to take revenge.”

“You have no choice or we will both suffer far more than you can imagine. You are to tie me exactly as you were then give me 50 of the same strokes I gave you. Since I am regularly punished on my feet, the effect will be the same as you experienced. When that is done, you are to put that plate over there against the wall, guide me to it. Once I’m standing in the middle, you will tie my hands to the wall so that I cannot move. I will be there for one hour.”
Tears streamed down Kat’s face as she realized that she had no choice but to do as instructed. Even though Kajira had helped kidnap her and had given her feet a pounding that would hurt for some time to come, she felt no anger, no hatred toward her. In fact, she was quickly beginning to consider her a friend. “Was it Stockholm Syndrome?” she thought. Absolutely not! Everything about her cellmate showed that no matter what she was doing inside her was a kind, and loving heart. There was no malice, no desire to harm. This was just her way of living. One that she had chosen freely and enjoyed. Pushing those thoughts aside, she carried out her instructions exactly as given.
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Please continue this
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Post by herdfaninrva »

Will do. Life got in the way for a while. Just started the next section a few minutes ago.

Side comment: I would love to make this an illustrated story but don't have a model to work with. I know that the nude scenes can't be illustrated as written, but something similar with the "victim" clothed would be great. Better, if there is a lady near Richmond VA who would like to play Kat, I'll do the photography.
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Post by herdfaninrva »

In his office, Tom Black was growing more frustrated by the moment. He knew that somewhere on the map of the company’s entire system there had to be something that would help him help Kat. What was it? Where was it? Just as importantly, how could he cover his tracks as he searched. Williams was not going to do anything, and the police had no leads. The FBI would certainly do everything they could, but it would take time. Besides, deep inside, he agreed with the kidnappers. That line should never have been closed. How could he help both the people along it and Kat? Suddenly, it hit him. It would mean that Kat would be held at least another day, but it just might work. A beep from his phone. The nudes were up, and the positive comments were flooding. Her face was still unrecognizable, so when she was freed no one would know it was her. However, the message was clear that that would not be the case for long. “There will be one more batch with her face concealed. This time tomorrow, her face will be out there for the world to see unless we get what we want.”

When Kajira’s punishment time ended, Kat released her, and they took a seat on the beds. “Break time,” Kajira told her. “Unless punishment is for something major, it is always followed by time to recover. What I did was a violation of the rules but one that had no real consequences. If it had, I would have been taken down by one of my owners and taken to the dungeon and endured much more. You probably would have been taken there to watch.”

“So you don’t consider what just happened severe?”

“I don’t look at things that way. It is what my owners consider appropriate for my behavior. Honestly, though, they know that I enjoy having my feet whipped and spending some time on that particular plate. There are others that are much sharper. Not enough to cut but painful to a level I don’t enjoy.”

“May I as a favor?”


“May I see the comments people are making about my pictures? You can tie me up as tight as you want, gag me, punish me in any way you like. I know you can do that anyway, but I want to see them and to know what it’s like to be punished because I asked to be.”
Before Kajira could answer, the disguised voice replied, “That is acceptable, but in addition to what she proposed, she must agree to be taken to the beach, tied spread-eagle and photographed with her face uncovered. She will be flogged in that position while not gagged. If she makes one sound, both of you will be whipped when we come back in. Do both of you agree?”

"I can't tell why I love the smell of coal smoke, valve oil, and steam." Johnny Horton
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Post by Solarbeast »

Interesting continuation. It seems to me that she may be starting to enjoy some of the things being done to her. I can’t wait to read how you will continue the story from here.
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Post by herdfaninrva »

Making some changes in my life so will not be continuing this story. If anyone wants to do so, you are welcome to.
"I can't tell why I love the smell of coal smoke, valve oil, and steam." Johnny Horton
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