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Who is your favorite monster?

Poll ended at 1 year ago

Cooper the Werewolf
Andrei the Vampire
No votes
Khufu the Mummy
Nando the Merman
Hugo the Troll
Total votes: 13

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Post by WaffleSquidge »

I never post on here I'm generally a lurker but I love this! All the monsters are so cute and the way it's written is a lot of fun. I hope these poor guys get away from the professor and hopefully enjoy some quality bondage time together under far nicer circumstances.
Really looking forward to seeing what happens!
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Straitjacketed wrote: 1 year ago Hugo gets my vote!
Isn't he just adorable?
KidnappedCowboy wrote: 1 year ago I chose the Merman as my favorite. So delightfully devilish to confine a Merman, who enjoys the freedom of the seas to a tube. Bondage doesn't always have to entail rope, chains, or cuffs! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Hard agree, it's always fun to come up with new ways to keep hot men under a tight leash. :mrgreen:
WaffleSquidge wrote: 1 year ago I never post on here I'm generally a lurker but I love this! All the monsters are so cute and the way it's written is a lot of fun. I hope these poor guys get away from the professor and hopefully enjoy some quality bondage time together under far nicer circumstances.
Really looking forward to seeing what happens!
Thanks a lot! I'm really glad you left a comment. It's hard to not get attached to the monsters, something I'm sure Igor can sympathize with.

Depending on how the next chapter shapes up, it looks like I may divide it into two parts and post the first on the regular schedule.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »



Hello? Is this thing on?

I hope it works, this is the first time I’m using a tape recorder and I want to make a record of everything that happens today. Yeah, I can use the lab’s security cameras and voice detectors and probably would get a transcript from them if I had a chance later but this one makes me look like an investigative journalist so I’m going with it.

Ah, I’m rambling.

To summarize things, Professor Pickett is currently outside, doing some maintenance on the lightning rods at the roof of the manor, taking all the semen samples with him for some reason. He didn’t tell me why and I’m not interested in finding out. Today, I’m freeing all the monsters in the lab. This research is no longer about advancing the science of cryptozoology, it’s just about his mad ego which should’ve been obvious if I wasn’t so enamored- anyway.

I don’t think Professor ever gave me enough credit to imagine me betraying him so I have more security clearances than I probably should have. And, in the last weeks, I got adept enough at the system so that I can decrypt and hack into the main system, overriding the vital security protocols.

That’s to say, I found Professor’s passwords scribbled under his notebook.

Confident that nobody would notice their absence during the current thunderstorm, which is only getting stronger, I already let out His Radiance and Nando, both of whom were pleased (but not as enthusiastic as I’d think) about getting out, though I think the merman was suspicious of this sudden change of heart. It was a lot harder to convince Adrien but realizing how I’m not joking out, he simply shouldered his coffin with a deep sigh and made a run for the underground tunnels where Professor uses to deposit his toxic wastes to a local lake.

Now, I’m on my way to find Cooper. He must have got himself unleashed and running around in the tulips… wait, what was that?


(whispering) …oh, no. I thought I let out Cooper but I think Professor got him before he went to the roof.

I’m currently in front of one of the emergency exits. Cooper is in front of me, bound and gagged in a manner I never saw before. He’s placed inside a metal dog cage that’s one size too small for his big body, forcing him to sit hunched forward, even without the aid of silver chains that held his large arms behind him and opened his legs with a frog tie.

The thick collar around his neck forces his head down, attached to a D-ring on the bottom of the ring. Two automatic mecha-tentacles are alternating between shocking his furry chest and taking turns to pump him with an extension dildo. Struggle as he may, the only thing he can do is moan to the brutal-looking plug gag harness around his head that fills his large oral cavity and is held fast despite the sharp fangs of the werewolf. He’s also blindfolded and earplugged, completely unaware of my presence.

Why Professor is doing this?! I can see that Cooper has a cock cage on, it can’t be for milking him! This is just for his own amusement, the werewolf clearly doesn’t enjoy this!

That’s it, I’m going to free him. I’m sure Professor won’t notice if I keep it quick.


Cooper, can you hear me now? Don’t worry, I’m going to rescue you. No, don’t panic, Pickett doesn’t know I’m here, he thinks I’m visiting grandma. Cooper, stop shaking your head so much, I’m just about to get you out of this… damn it, why everything is locked?


Alright, calm down, I’ll get your gag out, then you can tell me what’s going on…

(Cooper’s voice) “Igor, run! It’s a trap!”



As I slowly came to myself, I blink my eyes, realizing that I’d been knocked out.

“Wha- how? where? who?” I carefully articulate my questions while my eyes dart all around me to understand what’s going on. I’m in the center of the lab’s main center, strapped to a metal operation table from my ankles, wrists, waist, and chest at metal straps. However, my surroundings look distinctly different.

Gone are the various machines and gadgets crowding the room. Aside from my table and a large platform with a control board, the only remaining objects in the cold, silver interior are the huge, ceiling-sized tubes. They’re mostly empty, with the largest one on my left looking even fuller and bubblier than usual.

I try to force my bonds open in vain and then hear a slow clapping voice. I look at the source - the platform, half-hidden in shadows - where Prof. Pickett emerges, sarcastically clapping his hands.

“Igor, Igor, Igor… my poor, stupid minion. For all the things I’ve done for you, were you thinking of repaying your debt to me by ruining the invention of the century? No, millennium?”

I gulp. Even if I wanted to revolt against him, it’s hard to look my idol in the eyes and told him how I feel about him. I guess, there’s still some affection and admiration inside me for his genius.

“You… I owe you nothing,” I protest.

He lifts a well-plucked eyebrow. “Nothing? I gave you this internship to gain experience. I let you learn from the best. I even gave you my dog’s house for you to sleep in!” He closes his eyes and sighs. “That’s why I usually prefer robots. They’re much more obedient.”

I try to turn the tide of the conversation. This is going nowhere. “Cooper! What did you do to him?!” Pickett dismissively gestured behind me, which I tried to look at as much as my bonds allow.

There, Cooper lies face-front on the floor, his limbs pulled back by chains in a brutal hogtie. A cage muzzle with a large bit inside gags him, which currently looks unnecessary as he’s still out of commission.

“Oh, right. The mutt you’re so in love with.” I turn back to glare at the Prof. He carries on as if nothing happened. “You and your monsters. You treat them like pets. Like they’re your friends to play with. You never understood what was my plan!”

“And what’s your plan? …sir?” He must be planning to tell me or he’d just throw me inside the mutant piranha pool and be done with it. But that wouldn’t give him a chance to gloat, which he immediately starts to do.

“You see, Igor, other mad scientists never appreciated my genius,” he begins to pace on the platform, his men wedges clicking on the metal grates. “They’re always calling me ‘insane, but not in a good way’ and other hurtful things, not giving any attention to my research and treating me as if I’m worthless.”

Completely self-unaware of his hypocrisy, he continues: “But they’ll no longer be able to laugh at me when they see the results of my studies! I found something no other individual experiments on monsters can ever hope to achieve! Behold!”

I look at… the giant chemical tube! “Is this some sort of monster pheromone?” I predict. “Like, something that can arouse and control all monsters?” That would be pretty deadly, not to mention effective, seeing all monsters are different. It took me a painfully long time to learn that.

Prof. Pickett grimaces. “Cute. But as usual, you have no imagination. No, you troglodyte, this is not for the other monsters. This is a monster itself! Let me introduce you to Subject 001 itself: the monarch of all the supernatural creatures!”

I look at the tank again. It’s… certainly a large amount of bizarre liquid. How it can be a monster? That thing doesn’t even look alive. Just as I voice my concern, Prof. Pickett shut me up and keep going. Nice to know how some stuff never changes.

“You see, this was my plan all along! Gathering essences from different monsters and combining them until I found the right ratio of chemicals and cryptic material that holds together.” I know I’m used to milking our subjects but this is kinda gross. How much cum is there in this thing?

“And tonight! I’ll finally succeed in creating an artificial monster filled with the powers of the strongest monsters! Able to surpass any other creature on the earth in strength! And it will obey nobody but me! With its help, I’ll be unstoppable! I’ll be able to snatch any men and monsters I desire, making them my involuntary subjects to make Subject 001 even stronger!”

He spreads his arms wide, a flash of sudden and very convenient lightning emphasizing his words.

“Behold! The birth of my magnum opus: MONSTER MASH!”

I blink. I think I see what makes this guy too lunatic even for mad scientists. But I can’t deny that this was kinda hot.

“And you Igor!” I flinch. I thought he forgot about me being there. I look at Pickett’s smiling face. “You can help me conquer the world! As my pet, of course. You can even keep your old job, aiding me to torture the juices out of all the powerful monsters I collect. Even your mutt can come.”

I glance back at Cooper. He’s awake now, desperately thrashing against his bonds.

This is tempting. Even if I get well with the subjects, I know they wouldn’t look twice at my ugly mug if they weren’t locked inside a cell with me. Having to keep them by my side would be better than my own rescue plan. And maybe Pickett will finally realize my worth and see me as his equal!

I open my mouth.


The shocked look on Pickett’s face is worth it alone but I keep going.

“No, I won’t be your subservient puppet! I don’t want to be your slave, nor anyone’s prison guard. During the time I spend with the subjects, I came to care for them and learn that there are people out there who can love me for who I am! It’s about time I get over this abusive mess with you and finds myself a guy (or guys) who can treat me right! Even if you kill me, you can’t take that away from me!”

Panting, I take a breath and add. “Also, you’re short.”

Pickett just stands there, his hands shaking, and for a moment I think that he’s going to yell at me but he just presses a button on the panel, causing a metal tentacle to slap my face hard before wrapping itself badly tight around my mouth.

“Mmmhhhpphh!” I groan.

“Thankless wrench.” Pickett snorts. “Have it your way. You can be MONSTER MASH’s first dinner, then.”

He pulls a big level and the whole building shakes with power. I can hear bolts of lightning rapidly crashing against the roof over our heads and the power lines on Subject 001’s tube beginning to glow.

Lightning rods! That’s how he must be planning to gather the energy required to bring his artificial monster to life!

I struggle against my bond and look back at Cooper, finding nothing but broken chains in his place! Between his business, Pickett must have tied him up with non-silver chains!

One part of me is sad that the werewolf is gone and he didn’t try to rescue me but I know this is better than what I deserve. After everything I did to them, it’s only fair for monsters to escape without me, leaving their torturer behind and having a chance at survival. At least, until the Mad Doctor conquers the entire world, which I have no doubt he can. For all his insanity, none of his predictions about monster studies ever turn out to be wrong.

The lightning flashes filling the room start to become unbearable. The Subject’s tube fizzes, then come to a boil. Pickett throws his head back and screams as the chemical inside the tube slowly rises, taking form.

“Come! Chill me, thrill me, fulfill me. Creature of the night!”

I distinctly feel the helplessness of the subjects as I can do nothing but helplessly pull at the straps holding me down and let out muffled cries against my gag, as the Subject’s brightness grows in intensity and its churning begins to crack the tube it's imprisoned.

Then, a sudden CRASH raddles the entire device, causing the energy flowing inside the Subject to stop!

For a second, I think about how this can be a part of Pickett’s plan but just as shocked as I am, he howls at someone at the same level as the machine. “You impudent cow! I’ll make you pay for that!”

Hugo?! I turn my head just in time for the troll to rear back and run with a forward lean, headbutting the tube with his horns. Too used to his docile self, his current state almost terrifies me. The veins in his arms and shoulders are bulging and there’s a primal fury in his eyes. “STOP PICKING ON IGOR,” he bellows as he easily bends the reinforced steel like paper mache.

And he’s not alone! Pickett angrily slams a few buttons to summon more mechanic tentacles from the walls, intending to restrain Hugo. Faster than my eyes can perceive, a few of them stop a few meters away from the troll and fall to the ground in shreds. A nonchalant-looking Andrei transforms into his regular self from a swarm of bats and gives me a cheeky grin. “You are the only one who made things fun around here,” he quips as he shapeshifts into a black raven with razor-sharp wings to take off shredding more robots. I think it’s a good thing he’s normally so calm, he’s not someone I’d mess with during the night.

A couple of robot arms that manage to sneak past Andrei are caught in the air - by none other than His Radiance Khufu himself! They shake in his grasp for a second before taking a golden color and crumbling to dust. Khufu uses his curse to make away with a few other security claws, looking more insulted than anything. “Is this all this court jester can muster?” he asks in a surprisingly accent-free speech. “These serpents have nothing on the ones my mages could summon.”

As I watch the monster with awe, a sudden yank at my cuffs piqued my attention. It’s Nando, using his… a wrench to pry the manacles open. I guess his abilities are not very useful out of the water but hey, I didn’t know he was talented with machines.

“Thanks,” I say when he ungags me. Nando scoffs. “Don’t thank me. It was those other idiots’ idea to come back and rescue you. I think this is better than what you deserve but hey,” he pointed at Pickett with his thumb. “You’re not that bad. Definitely more acceptable than that louco.”

Pickett must have seen that he’s in a losing battle and he made a few too many powerful enemies so he rushes to the stairs on the platform, no doubt planning to bring some of the powerful inventions he used to bring down monsters before. However, a huge, dark blue jumps on his back and slams him to the grates with a thunk. Cooper growls in his lupine form, pressing the mad doctor’s face against the hard metal before looking at me and wagging his tail.

“I knew you wouldn’t abandon me,” I shout. “Cooper, you’re a good boy!”

For a minute, everything is alright. My friends (I think I can call them) came back to rescue me, my compassion and dedication to them paid off and the evil scientist was defeated!

Then, the test tube breaks with a resounding crack, setting the MONSTER MASH free.

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Post by blackbound »

That's so nice of the "monsters", looks like Igor's approach has saved his hide.

Unfortunately I'm too terminally online to think of Monster Mash as anything other than the MLP cum jar. Don't look that up if you value your sanity, and if you know what I mean, I'm sorry.

Also interesting to see that the mad scientist at least has some classic musical taste.

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Post by Volobond »

"Also, you're short." Absolutely beautiful.

The format change was a fun surprise, and while Cooper's severe bondage was hot, I'm glad he and the monsters got free and chose to help Igor. Though with the Monster Mash on the loose, who knows what'll happen???

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Post by Guardianbound »

Love igor finally standing up for himself.

Can't wait for the finale, hopefully igor and all the monsters will stay together and continue their fun
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Post by gag1195 »

I think I love everything about this chapter! The suspense, the uncertainty, the monologuing, the monster's quips, Cooper being ferociously adorable! Even Nando came back to help!

I'm so excited and scared to see how this ends, even though I definitely don't want to say goodbye to Igor and his monsters!
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

blackbound wrote: 1 year ago That's so nice of the "monsters", looks like Igor's approach has saved his hide.

Unfortunately I'm too terminally online to think of Monster Mash as anything other than the MLP cum jar. Don't look that up if you value your sanity, and if you know what I mean, I'm sorry.

Also interesting to see that the mad scientist at least has some classic musical taste.
Never underestimate the power of friendship (and gay attraction)! :mrgreen:

Also, glad you get that reference.
Volobond wrote: 1 year ago "Also, you're short." Absolutely beautiful.

The format change was a fun surprise, and while Cooper's severe bondage was hot, I'm glad he and the monsters got free and chose to help Igor. Though with the Monster Mash on the loose, who knows what'll happen???
Guardianbound wrote: 1 year ago Love igor finally standing up for himself.

Can't wait for the finale, hopefully igor and all the monsters will stay together and continue their fun
It was about time Igor and the monsters got to have some comeback. The next chapter is already written so it'll come in a couple of days. Keep an eye on it!
gag1195 wrote: 1 year ago I think I love everything about this chapter! The suspense, the uncertainty, the monologuing, the monster's quips, Cooper being ferociously adorable! Even Nando came back to help!

I'm so excited and scared to see how this ends, even though I definitely don't want to say goodbye to Igor and his monsters!
Thanks! I got attached to this setting, too but I hope it'll end with a satisfactory note for everyone.
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Post by harveygasson »

Ah god what a great post and such a cliffhanger! Love that they all came back to save Igor
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

harveygasson wrote: 1 year ago Ah god what a great post and such a cliffhanger! Love that they all came back to save Igor
Thanks! Everyone coming back for Igor was one of the highlights when writing this chapter, it was a lot of fun.

The final part will be coming in a few hours, which will be followed by an epilogue a few days after.

Stay tuned!
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Post by DeeperThanRed »


Writing down everything that happened last night is going to feel surreal but experiencing them was already the most bizarre thing that ever happened to me and I milk monsters for a living. So… I guess I’ll start from the part where MONSTER MASH awakened.

I don’t know what I was expecting him to look like some sort of slime monster or a gigantic blob from one of those late-night horror movies I enjoy. Shapeless, mindless, and set on mindless consumption of anything on its path.

At first, things seemed that way.

When Subject 001 broke out of its (or “his”, as I would later learn) tube, it spilled on top of the poor Hugo standing right next to it, plastering him to the floor. Despite his impressive strength, the troll could do nothing but try to find leverage against the semi-transparent monster coating his body, only his clenched fists and upper face emerging from it.

With a growl, Cooper leaped on MONSTER MASH, Andrei following suit but they soon too were captured by two slimy tentacles that shot from its main body and pulled them inside. Both of them had their limbs pressed against their torso and their mouths covered with slime quicker than even their supernatural senses can perceive.

His Radiance and Nando tried to shield me but two mucky hands grabbed them like they were ragdolls and not fully grown men. Khufu’s mouth was filled with thick sludge as he hurled what I assume an Ancient Egyptian swear, his curse fully ineffective against the monster grabbing him.

But of course! Prof. Pickett made this monster from the essences of all of them, mixing them with who-knows-what kind of supernatural ectoplasm and logic-defying toxins. It was stronger than all of them combined and then some. He’s unstoppable by them!

Thankfully, as frantic as their struggles are, my friends seemed fine, MONSTER MASH seemingly uninterested to drown or squash them. They’re simply held tightly by his gelatin-like body, unable to escape or even cry for help.

And then, as if holding on to his genetic origins rekindle something inside, or maybe due to command in its program, MONSTER MASH began to shift. The large mass of purple slime holding the monsters remained but a part of it rose above the rest, curling around itself before taking the form of a vaguely humanoid blob, then a proper one after some pause.

It… no, he… looked like nothing I envisioned. He looked like a short, slender boy with defined but lean muscles. He was young, his appearance as of a man barely above eighteen. Dark locks fell to his neck and incandescent eyes looked around with a vacant curiosity. His skin was a healthy light brown but gradually turned into a see-through purple toward the ends of his arms and legs, the latter still attached to his main, shapeless body.

Oh, and yeah. He was butt-naked.

While I was awestruck, I completely forgot about the mad doctor, who reminded himself by yanking me from the collar of my shirt and throwing me to the floor harshly.

“Finally! My nightmarish creature is fully sentient! Now, MONSTER MASH… fulfill your reason for existence. Help me conquer the world… starting by destroying this backstabbing little worm!” Pickett pointed at me, spawling as his scream cracked. I can’t believe I used to have a crush on him.

But I didn’t have time to dwell on my terrible taste in men. I flinched as Subject 001 laid his eyes on me. My friends’ muffled cries became louder, all of them trying and utterly failing to free themselves and rescue me.

My heart pounded in my chest as I felt glowing eyes studying me as they can see my thoughts. I know MONSTER MASH can easily catch me faster than I think, pulling me inside his slimy body and drowning me. I have no chance of resisting if five monsters didn’t.

So… why he’s not doing anything?

Also realizing that something was amiss, Pickett yelled at his creation once more. “What are you waiting for?! Destroy him!” His voice got even more aggrieved if that was possible.

The monster examining me blinked for the first time, then spoke. “Are you Igor?”

I could do nothing but nod. At least I didn’t wet myself in my final moments, I remember thinking. A small victory.

MONSTER MASH slowly nodded. “I will not hurt you.”

Prof. Pickett sputtered and began to scream more commands and insults but I just stood there, realization dawning on me. For all his intellect, Pickett couldn’t just download consciousness into a monster with no memories. As childish as he looked, the creature’s personality had to come from somewhere!

And it looked like the tabula rasa that was MONSTER MASH’s psyche was shaped by Cooper, Adrien, Hugo, Khufu, and Nando! None of them wanted to see me get hurt so in a way, the slime monster also had feelings for me! I guess? In a way? I’m still not 100% sure.

Either way, everyone in that room could agree that Pickett’s racket was getting to be too much.

“You useless pile of muck, I’ll show you to disrespect my ord-mmph!” As if a lightning bolt, the creature swung his hand, sending a wave of slime crashing against Prof. Pickett. The mad scientist fell to the ground, the material coating him solidifying before he can hit the surface. A solid, elastic purple covered him from head to neck like a mummy (I would know), wrapping around his mouth and eyes for good measure.

As MONSTER MASH turned to me, his creator, the genius Prof. Pickett was reduced to a moaning, wiggling worm on the ground. Here’s why you need to read Frankenstein critically, kids.

“I’m bored of this.” The newly-born monster speaks again, his voice still raspy and alien but sounding more and more like a weary young adult than an eldrich abomination. “Do you also want to rule the world?” he asks. His face is devoid of expressions but something tells me that he doesn’t want to bother.

I shake my head. “Do you want to rule the world?” I should’ve known better than to put ideas in his mind but I can’t help it. I’m a mad doctor’s minion!

MONSTER MASH replicates me. “I was created to surpass all monsters but they,” five hunks moaned in protest as he shook them in his body. “They are weak. I am already the strongest being on the planet. There is no point to prove it.”

He looks at me. “I also… want to keep you content.” I’m still not sure whether I imagined that blush or not.

I gulped. “Maybe, you should decide what else you want on your own,” I suggested carefully. “There’s a whole life ahead of you and you can do anything you want… as long as you don’t hurt anyone. I know some people are into what you’re doing to my friends so maybe go find them?”

MONSTER MASH tilted his head, a gesture I think he got from Cooper before suddenly began absorbing the extra parts of him holding the other monsters, leaving them gasping and for some reason, rock-hard. Huh, I must have something to do with Nando’s powers.

I don’t know how gallons of slime fit into that twink but the first subject didn’t even leave a drop. Only after everyone was free, did he wave to me. “I will see the world for myself, then. I want to visit Egypt. And Norway. And others. See you later.”

I thought this was a bit abrupt farewell, right before two purple geysers shot from his shoulderblades, curling around themselves and solidifying into two huge wings, vaguely shaped like a butterfly. MONSTER MASH flapped them so hard that the resulting gust pushes us all away and rocketed him into the air.

Breaking the mansion’s roof and possibly the sound barrier, the strongest monster in the world disappeared into a now-clear night sky with a full moon.

For a few minutes, we all just sat there and tried to process what just happened. Then, Cooper broke the silence: “Igor! I’m sorry I left you!” 187 lbs of muscle bumped into me, taking my breath away in a very literal sense.

As the werewolf nuzzled his hairy face to mine, everyone else gathered around us. Only then I could spare a look at everyone’s condition.

“I’m glad we got rid of that pervert,” Nando sighed as he kicked the writhing mass that was Pickett on the floor hard and turned to us. “Is everyone OK?” Not that it was much skimpier than his usual clothes but his outfit was limited to a dark blue speedo that barely covered any part of his treasure trail.

Turns out they were, but all of them were in varying states of discomfort over their clothing, or a similar lack thereof.

Cooper was only wearing some red, tight briefs with a keyhole opening in the back for his tail to pass when he transformed, miraculously kept together but now straining dangerously as he cuddled me.

Khufu was similarly clad in short golden boxer briefs and inexplicably, his crown. Looking quite comfortable in his ensemble, he crouched and put a hand on my shoulder. “You defeated the evil wizard spectacularly. I’m sure that ushabti will return one day but you set him on a nice path.”

Andrei laughed. “Tell me about it.” The pale vampire only had a black thong to cover his modesty. “I didn’t have much excitement in a century. There’s no boring day when it comes to Igor, you sexy little thing.”

Hugo got the worst of it: normally modest troll had nothing to wear after I released him, other than a green jockstrap that hardly even covered his still-erect member, let alone hiding his freckled ass that was lifted by the straps of the kinky underwear. Still, he lifted one hand from covering his nipples and waved at me. “I’m happy we’re all together and free.” His smile could light a city.

“Not all of us, little calf,” His Radiance pointed to Pickett, who looked like he was sobbing under his bonds. Cooper growled.

Andrei scratched his chin. “So, what do we do with him? Let him go?”

“Yeah, there won’t be a happy ending for him,” Nando said spitefully. “I say we make him piranha snack.”

I hummed, causing all guys to look at me. I think about how lucky I am to have them in my life and have them stay on my side, even if I helped them in their imprisonment. I was lucky that they were all into this and discovered… let’s say new interests, along the way. Pickett wasn’t so lucky. “That’s just me but I think I have an idea about how to give him his happy ending. I promise you’ll all like it.”

25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by harveygasson »

A brilliant end! Looking forward to the epilogue
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Post by gag1195 »

This was really sweet! I didn't expect to feel bad for Mr. Mash. But I guess he didn't ask for the pain of omnipotence, did he? I hope we get to hear from Mr. Mash and how he's doing! I'm also really looking forward to what Igor and the monster hunks have planned for this last update!
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Post by blackbound »

So polite! And it seems to be a prequel to Neon Genesis Evangelion? :D

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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

I'm with [mention]gag1195[/mention]...

I feel sorry for Monster Mash!! :(
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

gag1195 wrote: 1 year ago This was really sweet! I didn't expect to feel bad for Mr. Mash. But I guess he didn't ask for the pain of omnipotence, did he? I hope we get to hear from Mr. Mash and how he's doing! I'm also really looking forward to what Igor and the monster hunks have planned for this last update!
KidnappedCowboy wrote: 1 year ago I'm with [mention]gag1195[/mention]...

I feel sorry for Monster Mash!! :(
I feel like he's going to be fine. Unlike Frankenstein's monster, he was savvy enough to get his creator out of the way quickly.

The epilogue should come out tomorrow so I hope it's up to your alley!
blackbound wrote: 1 year ago So polite! And it seems to be a prequel to Neon Genesis Evangelion? :D
Nobody turns into Fanta in this timeline. Not enough Freudian drama. :(
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Post by blackbound »

DeeperThanRed wrote: 1 year ago Nobody turns into Fanta in this timeline. Not enough Freudian drama. :(
I was thinking he sounded like one of the Angels. Get in the goddamn mech, Shinji Igor!

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Post by wataru14 »

Wow! I just read the last few chapters and it just gets more fabulous with each installment! Igor and the monsters have so much charm and personality, I feel like I know them all. And a thrilling climax, complete with Rocky Horror quote!

Fantastic job!
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Post by Volobond »

Wonderful work, my friend! I'll admit, I wasn't expecting Subject 001's response, but it makes quite a lot of sense. And he's got a whole kinky world to explore! I can't wait to see what you have in store for our stable of hunky monsters...

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

I can't thank you guys enough for all the great comments. The epilogue is here and while it's sad to let these characters go, I hope I can return to this setting one day. I hope all the readers, old and new, enjoy this conclusion!


Pickett moaned as he felt Andrei’s cold mouth over the bulge in his thin cotton briefs. The vampire smirked between laps and continued sucking on the mad doctor’s hard-on through the underwear that barely contains it.

Meanwhile, Cooper was ruthless towards his chest, sucking and biting on the scientists’ pink nipples with no mercy. Each time the werewolf’s sharp fangs enclosed his small tits, Pickett would hold his breath, afraid that a bite would be taken off from him. So far, his fears were unfounded but it didn’t make him less aroused.

Hugo, normally gentle, had a feral air around him. He kissed Pickett in the mouth with almost a predatory voracity, sucking on his tongue and nibbling his sensitive lips. As his chin held firmly between the young monster’s calloused hands, Pickett could almost feel his mind going blank among all this pleasure.

Khufu, seemed excited about the prospect of Pickett getting wrecked by the others, as the human could feel the pharaoh’s rock-hard member poking his ass through their underwears. As his arms were held behind his back, he had no choice but to be used as it rubbed throughout between his cheeks.

For all his bravado, Nando was content with worshiping Pickett’s feet with utmost dedication. The tongue on his soles, between his toes, and the lips pressing around them felt almost more sensual than the assault on his dick. The merman’s mouth felt like brine tickling his feet and his strong grasp holds on to the older man’s ankles in a place like manacles.

This is so hot, Pickett thought among short flashes of mental clarity. He was always into his subjects but he never thought he could have them service him too willingly. No surprise, he knows how to pick the neediest sluts, dying to serve a human of superior intellect. Now, five strapping men in kinky jock undies were gang-banging him like there was no tomorrow. He briefly wondered how the hell they even started this orgy but his train of thought was lost as Hugo started licking his neck roughly.

Eh, he could worry about that later. At least he got rid of that pesky Igor. That cheeky minion! He thought he could escape with his harem! It seems Professor Pickett got another victory in his hands and he had every intention to enjoy it to the fullest!


Igor thoughtfully tapped a finger to his chin. Collecting samples was going well, without any issues. He knew Pickett never tested this machine (more like he never had a chance to) so he was glad it worked as intended and didn’t just fry the mad doctor’s brain on the spot.

Behind the glass he was standing on, Pickett was strapped to a metal chair, his wrists held tightly on the armrests, and his legs raised to chest level. The older man was naked completely other than a pair of loafers and dress socks on his feet. All around him, there were machine parts designed to maximize his stimulation and extract his essence.

A well-lubed, rotating dildo was methodically being pushed and pulled inside and out of his defenseless hole, hitting his prostate at every rotation. A pair of crocodile clamps were attached to his nipples, sending mild shocks at random intervals. His head was covered in a helmet with a pair of headphones and an opaque visor built-in, trapping Pickett in a virtual, erotic dream until the experiment was over. The scientist was ball gagged to silence the constant moans coming from him, though it didn’t do anything against the drool leaking from his lips or the constant stream of pleasure moans.

Finally, a milking machine was attached to Pickett’s painfully erect cock, sucking up any come that it can produce and collecting it in a tube. In the first hour of the experiment alone, Pickett came three times and produced a good amount of semen. Igor predicted that he’ll be able to go for another 8 hours before they gave him a break and he remembered everything and realize his perfect happy ending was nothing but a fabrication designed to keep him content as a guinea pig.

He would struggle, try to plead for mercy and yet, easily slip into his artificial dreamworld tomorrow.

Igor stretched his arms above his head, moaning happily as he hears a pop. He could leave the professor here and go for lunch. After all, he needed to check on his friends, all of whom had personalized bondage rooms Igor designed with them and were free to leave whenever they want.

Closing his notebook Igor considered letting Pickett go, not the first time this month. After all, how much harm he could cause when he couldn’t go a day without his well-conditioned mind reducing him into a panting heat?

After some consideration, Igor, a now full-fledged Mad Scientist himself, decided to leave his old employer where he is now. After all, advancing science was always his goal and there was a lot of society that could learn from the essence of such a genius.

Igor locked the observation room right as he heard another moan of climax and walked down the familiar lab building, whistling happily.

When he first started this job, he never thought how far he would come. Furthermore, he came to help and become very close with a group of handsome, attentive monsters, which was something he could only dream of as a teenager dreaming of being big in the mad academia world.

Now, not only his friends (even partners, if he had the courage to tell that) were free, but they were also able to get back on their feet better than they were before Pickett captured them. In his words…

“Cooper, always dutiful, managed to get his job as a forest park ranger back, compensating for his long absence with the money we found in the manor’s vault. His working hours are a lot more flexible though, as he spends the days he’s free at my place, usually wearing nothing but a tail plug, a custom-made collar, and a bit-gag. He’s a great puppy, just like he’s a great buddy to have.

Andrei is able to go around more often with the solar protection screen I developed, now not sleeping literally half of the day away. He still likes to travel and brings back all kinds of interesting men who think a vampire with a castle is hot. With his usual laidbackness, he’s equally comfortable as a teasing dom or a moaning sub as I put a big ballgag between his teeth and hook him up into the good old milking machine.

Khufu (we’re on the first name basis now), is still the same pharaoh. He never got away from feeling like a king so there’s a lot of ordering around. But unlike with the Pickett, we don’t hate this comically serious man asking for a sandwich with too much gravitas. After all, he’s also used to feeling like a mummy. When he gets too heated, I always make a point of mummifying him with tape and leaving out his dick and chest for fun.

Nando, after seeing the situation of the nearby lake, makes cleaning it his mission, making all of us help him. Even with all the advanced machines in my hands, it wasn’t an easy job but seeing him swimming there, fishtail flipping in the clear water faster than I can see, was worth it. Without any predators or fishing boats, we can also use the lake there for our own games. If you ever see a merman wrangled in a net and had a gas mask hood over his face… let’s say he wants to be there.

Hugo is by far the most changed one. He’s still an introvert and prefers to spend his time looking after the strange mutant plants in the greenhouse. But he’s always up for joining the rest of the guys in our plays and he even stopped flinching during thunderstorms. Not that it stopped him from sneaking into our beds when that happens. His old cow milking role is always open to him and he even talked the other monsters into joining him as fellow ‘bulls’. ”

All in all, Igor was in a great place. He had five monsters he needed to attend to and who knows? If everything goes well, maybe they’ll find others who want to join their strange little group. Recently, he even got an offer to work as a monster tamer from a big organization, finding and capturing monsters who may come to enjoy being bound and gagged.

But that’s a story for another research journal.

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Post by Volobond »

Incroyable! (Pardon my French.) An absolutely wondrous conclusion to Igor's story, and well worth his induction into the atypical annals of mad academia!

Pickett being forcibly converted into a test subject is so deliciously filled with poetic irony, and I love the perfect endings for the pup, the vampire, the king, the merman, and the bull!

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Post by blackbound »

Making him remember his plight between sessions is a devious detail! Overall, I think everyone lived happily ever after, whether they wanted to or not.

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Post by gag1195 »

Imma need that other research journal ASAP! jk... mostly... This was a great little romp of a story and I am very sad to see it end. Great work!
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Post by Guardianbound »

Great ending. I'm happy for Igor, making progress in the mad science community, and keeping a monster harem on the side.

Can't wait for your next story, whenever you decide to write again.
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Post by grayboxers »

Oh, it's so beautifully satisfying. I was only half-reading this story at first since it seemed a bit out there for my tastes, but then the characters just got better and better. Probably one of the most wholesome collection of non-humans (and Igor) I've seen on this site.
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