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Absolutely not!
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Post by Veracity »

Ah ha! A twist in the tale! I like it!
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Well, pirates should never be predictable, should they?
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Part 19

Jonah Gives Up the Chase

Jonah had returned and declared that he couldn’t find Roy, and Rob had declared the he knew and asked Jonah to, “Hang on a mo’.” He stood and, after a short delay returned with his bound, gagged and blindfolded little brother in tow. Neither he nor Stewart had seen any reason to release him earlier even though he had obviously won the contest with Dave some time previously. When Roy found out how long he had been left tied up unnecessarily, he, like Dave, also hoped the they would not lose their island privileges so that he could get his revenge without the danger of any come-backs.

Once Jonah had overcome his open-mouthed disbelief at the presentation of his erstwhile quarry, there followed a certain amount of ‘discussion’ about the fairness of Roy’s strategy as he was left standing around like two spare ends without a middle.

“You said you’d left him in the dunes.”

“He did.”

“But then I moved him back here. Shut up, Shrimp, you don’t get a say.” By then Jonah was laughing tentatively but the next five minutes settled matters to the satisfaction of all. Roy and Dave had suffered enough to satisfy Jonah, who had to agree that he had searched neither the dunes nor the gun emplacement (probably not fair) before Stewart moved his quarry. I suspect that all present, including Roy, who was now face down on the ground with his brother sitting on his back, thought that the risk he had run of being discovered immediately made up for any element of cheating, if that was really cheating in any case. Jonah had to admit that he wished he had thought of that strategy in past games in which he had been involved. Once more, his propensities/experience continued to surface.

“Or perhaps it WAS cheating?” Roy really didn’t want to hear his brother making that suggestion.

“Shut up, Shrimp, like I said: you don’t get a say.” Rob tweaked the tufts of hair on Roy’s temples, you know: the place where it really hurts. Roy allowed himself a muffled squeal before deciding that silence, if not exactly golden, might at least avoid any more pain. At least Rob’s fingers had loosened Roy’s blindfold as his fingers sought their targets.

“OK, let’s leave it to our guest to decide.” Jonah listened carefully. If he decided that Roy had not cheated, then he should give him the choice of either being staked out while Dave sorted lunch or prepare the comestibles himself. Poor Dave, there was really no doubt. Jonah untied Roy, who decided that he would take the time to vit the latrines and change into his spare swimming costume. Even he couldn’t stand the smell any longer. They were more or less the same as the spares that Trevor sported some weeks previously: a goldy coloured boxer-brief with thin, dark, vertical stripes.

Roy had to play the next part of the game very carefully. The longer he could take, the later he would get staked out ready for the tickling contest. However, Rob was certain to be wise to that subterfuge and there were certain to be consequences if he even got suspicious – and he was a very suspicious person as far as his brother was concerned.

Dinner was soon ready and enjoyed by Jonah, Rob and Stewart but probably rather less so by Dave and Koff even though they had their gags and blindfolds removed. They had to eat and drink with their heads propped up on Roy’s thighs as he knelt and fed and watered them as carefully, or so he claimed, as possible. With all the wasps around, at least he did bother to wipe them down carefully afterwards with the discarded blindfolds. He even got on with the washing up without being ordered to do so but all good(ish) things must come to an end and finally he had to present himself to the older lads to be prepared for the tickling contest. At least he thought he was unlikely to lose that.

Jonah Decides

“OK Roy, go and join your mates.”

“And if you’ve got anything else to say, Carpet ’Ed, think again”.

“And you Monkey.” For once in his life, Koff thought again and stopped telling his older mates that he could take whatever they could dish out; after all, he seemed to be considered as guilty as Dave and Roy of kidnapping a potential grass who could drop them all in it whenever he wanted to. Dave thought about that ‘severe’ gag and hoped that the older boys would forget about his assertion about the contest being unfair. Dave was ever the optimist.

Three boys collected four ropes between them and Roy moved somewhat resentfully over to the vacant set of stakes. He lay down and presented himself for restraint. He probably suffered more than the other two ‘contestants’ in that he was stretched much tighter than either of the others so he thought he would point out that Koff was being treated far more leniently. That was the last thing he said before the pre-positioned stick was tied tightly into place. It was probably less effective than a newly applied fabric gag would have been but it would stay tight for much longer.

“Oh no he’s not,” asserted Stewart, in reply to Roy, as he pulled the plug out of Koff’s li-lo. As a result, Koff earned himself the next gagging. It did little to stop him trying to explain the high regard in which he held Stewart as Stewart dragged the virtually deflated air-bed from under him.

Dave kept quiet.

“You reckon Koff deserves tightening up a bit?” The majority of those entitled to vote did, indeed, reckon so. Having two strands of rope between the stakes and each of Koff’s extremities was about to come in useful. Stewart retrieved the maul while Rob went to the supplies for two more substantial wooden stakes, but shorter ones this time. One was inserted between the ropes securing Koff’s right ankle and one between those of his left one.

“Windlass shanty, Poirate Stewart?”

“Arrrr, oi think so, Poirate Roaab.” What followed was pure torture, not so much because the sticks were being wound causing the ropes to twist together, thus drawing Koff tighter, (Even the recent encounter between Koff’s well padded, and now quite bruised, behind and the ground was worse than that.) but because the activity seemed to require several verses of “Way-hay, Susie-Anna”; the version with the rude words about Weston girls*. THAT was real torture on everyone’s ears. At least the duet had to cease so that Stewart could ask Jonah to drive his stake into the ground while he held onto it. Jonah was very careful with his task, which demonstrated a considerable act of faith on Stewart’s part. With both stakes driven home, Koff was given the opportunity to use his safe word. What followed was obviously the usual soliloquy.

“Where there’s no sense . . .” Stewart was obviously intent on ignoring it but Jonah was beginning to think that, maybe, Koff had suffered enough.

“Yeah, typical Koff.” Jonah was only slightly reassured by Rob’s assertion.

While the discussion concerning who should tickle whom, was underway, Stewart was busy wrapping a short stick with one of the discarded fabric strips. He claimed that, as a favour to his little brother, he was going to give him something special to bite on during his imminent torments. Dave broke his silence. It was brave – but it was foolish. There was no way he was going to be able to stop his big brother forcing his lovingly created artifact between his teeth. Even so, he considered expelling it again in favour of continuing his stream of invective directed towards his brother. Much past experience, however, saved him the bother and Stewart secured it with the pre-positioned cord.

At that stage, Jonah probably didn’t understand that the invective was simply a customary part of the Pirates’ usual games. However, he comforted himself with the knowledge that, even gagged as he was, Dave was offered the chance to use his safe word.

“Right, Jonah, (Or more accurately, “Roi’, Joanurr,”) guest gets to choose: which one d’ you wan’?” Stewart indicated the stretched-out Pirates with a generous wave of his arm.

“And you get to select the tools as well.” The first option was obvious but the second required some explanation.

Now, the easiest game was obviously Dave, who was doing his best to psych himself up for the trials to come. But there didn’t seem to be much sport in that, so Jonah chose Koff, who started mouthing off again but the others just started laughing at his efforts and imitating him with their index fingers clamped between their teeth. That increased Dave’s despair even more, surely being tortured by the grockle (the Devil he didn’t know) would be preferable to the Devil(s) he knew only too well.

Once “Select the tools,” had been explained, Jonah said that surely an Englishman didn’t need artificial aids. Once more, Rob realised that Jonah was fitting in rather too well into the group so, before he could embark upon an extended Pirate-like rant on the subject, he interrupted, “Right, just to be fair on the worms, you get to decide which one of us tickles which one of them. Dave held his breath.

The younger dark-haired boy couldn’t win really; his brother could always reduce him to a squirming jelly not long after flexing his fingers and Rob was renowned for taking his time and building up the suspense to the extent that his victims would often start sobbing in anticipation. On reflection, he hoped Jonah would sentence him to the torture of anticipation, there was just a chance that he might not embarrass himself quite so quickly.

“Well, probably not tickle your own brothers, they must be used to that.” Dave exhaled but there were certainly torments to come.

*Suffice it to say that the second verse starts: “Weston girls en’t got no drawers . . .”.

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Post by Gino »

I wouldn't mind trading with the victims now - I love being tickled :D
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I'm sure Dave would swap with you.
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cool... :D
definitely another nice story and I'm ready for the next chapter :D
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Sorry, @Gino, a few days to wait yet.
I've only got one chapter in hand so far!
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ok I'll wait... :D
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Part 20

Jonah Digs In

Rob decided that, in his self-appointed capacity as Official Starter he should make sure that Roy’s ‘borrowed’ braces were in place. His brother could always readjust them after he had finished with them. With the official regalia in place, the formal opening of the competition was announced. “Fellow Pirates, take your marks.” Rob, Jonah and Stewart knelt by their victims’ feet. “Get set.” Dave started whimpering. “Go!”

Jonah had no time to learn from the experts all the while he had to get set in immediately but Koff’s substantial body bucked a treat as he attacked first the soles of his feet and then all the way up to the tops of his undefended thighs.

“Don’t forget, you can always sit on him if he wriggles too much.”

“Whu’ ong, uwastang.” Delicacy demands that Koff’s assertion concerning Stewart’s parentage and where he should go remains untranslated.

“No need for that, I can reach all the way from his feet . . .,” Jonah demonstrated, “ . . to his thighs . . .,” Koff did his best to double up as Jonah’s fingers worked their busy way up said thighs untl tthey were perilously close to Koff’s skimpy briefs. “. . . from here. And I can even do this.” Jonah mounted a sudden attack on Koff’s midriff staring at his sides and continuing to his belly-button and down to within danger point again.

In the meantime, Stewart and Roy gave their subjects the attention they deserved. Dave managed to hold out better than he feared he would until . . .

“Why didn’t you blindfold them? We always do; right puts the wind up them. They can’t see where the next assault is coming from.” Jonah could obviously no longer care about giving away his past history to the Pirates.

Rob thought an official announcement was called for. “Gentlemen, on the count of three, stop tickling.” Three spreadeagled boys stopped their limited bucking but continued with their heavy breathing for quite a few seconds. “Gentlemen, find your blindfolds. You may use packing tape.”

That was not what any of the victims needed to hear – even if Dave did get a much-needed break from the torture. Fabric strips (all well-used) were located, wrapped round three heads and tucked in. Six knees trapped three heads while there was a civilised queue for the use of the seemingly inexhaustible roll of packing tape. As guest, Jonah, of course, got first go. He simply taped three rounds of the shiny brown stuff round the fabric without tangling Koff’s hair at all. Stewart and Rob were not as merciful and used even more tape. Those blindfolds were going nowhere!

“Gentlemen, are we all done?” The gentlemen confirmed that they were. “Fellow Pirates, take your marks,” Jonah noticed that he seemed to have been included in the fellowship as the three torturers moved stealthily into their chosen positions and Koff made a vain attempt to look under his blindfold, “Three, two, one - - -Go!” Thirty over-active digits went to work. Isn’t it surprising how much bucking a spreadeagled body is capable of?

One of the tensioning stakes was dislodged allowing Koff’s left leg a little more scope to flex with slightly more ability to avoid Rob’s unseen fingers. No one saw any reason to stop the tickling onslaught in order to correct the situation. Dave was desperate not to embarrass himself; at least Rob’s technique might extend the time before his inevitable submission or worse. The dread of the inevitable alone, however, might even be enough to provoke his bladder into betraying him. Rob dragged a lazy finger round Dave’s already well-developed pecs, paying special attention to his nipples. Every impressive muscle in Dave’s body tensed. There was a pause, a very short one, just enough to stop Dave from breathing while he waited. There then followed an all-out attack on his sides, his belly and his armpits. Dave’s squealing was nearly as impressive as it was humiliating. Rob stopped. Dave went rigid. He simply wanted to die.

Jonah had noticed Koff’s reaction when he tickled (more like scratched, really) Koff’s feet and thought he would give then some more attention before running his fingers provokingly up the insides of this thighs. Koff’s less constrained left leg gave full reign to its newly discovered relative freedom but it was still unable to avoid Jonah’s fingers to any appreciable extent. A sudden change of attack to Koff’s heaving belly accompanied Jonah’s move to straddle his victim. Koff was now pinned even more inescapably to the ground as Jonah’s assault on his armpits and even his chin continued.

Stewart’s technique was, as one might expect, more direct; he sat on Roy’s chest and gave his belly and sides a brutal seeing to. As he reached forward, poor Roy nearly lost it as the tops of his thighs got prodded and more or less excavated by Stewart’s powerful fingers. Roy thought it would serve Stewart right if he let go of his bladder before his tormentor could lift himself out of the way as he reached down to give his legs some attention. No, probably not even Koff would have done that. Roy just had to hope that Stewart hadn’t noticed the effect that his fingers had when they explored his midriff. Stewart repositioned himself to attack his subject’s chest and armpits. Roy’s breath was rough and spasmodic.

The triple assault continued. It was almost as if the tormentors were not trying to force a result and were merely trying to extend the suffering of their subjects for as long as possible. Thus, there were several breaks in between changes of target areas – and many sly sideways glances exchanged between Jonah, Rob and Stewart. It’s amazing how much communication can be achieved through a series of nods, raised eyebrows and pointing. Yup, there was an unwritten agreement to draw the torment out for as long as possible.

Once Stewart thought things had gone on for long enough, he raised his arms. The tickling stopped as Rob and Jonah looked at him. Three sweating victims held their breath. Stewart pointed at at Rob and nodded towards Dave while running his hands up and down his own thighs. Rob nodded. He already knew Dave’s weak spot but Stewart obviously thought it was time to bring things to a climax and the older boys knew that the losing tickler was not going to have to pay a forfeit.

In the same few seconds that the exchange took, Jonah raised his arm. When he had attracted Rob’s and Stewart’s attention, he pointed at Koff’s feet, raised his eyebrows, and repeatedly nodded his head slightly. In return he received thumbs up from his fellow torturers. Stewart looked at Jonah and Rob and then pointed at Roy’s belly. Rob gave the thumbs up and nodded his confirmation. Tactics having been decided, it was obviously time to bring things to a conclusion. The “discussion” had only taken about five seconds but to the staked-out boys, it seemed like an eternity. Rob raised his right arm and counted by waving his upper arm in sync with extending his fingers: one, two, three, he then curled them again and extended his thumb.

The all-out attacks were brutal and soon Dave was trying to say, “Muscle Monkey,” as clearly as he could but Rob took several seconds to register the call. I’m sure he didn’t delay things deliberately, or did he? At about the same time, a despairing wheezing noise betrayed the fact that Koff had lost control. The torment stopped and Dave metaphorically kicked himself for not being able to hold out for just one second longer. Only breathlessness prevented Roy from making a yell of triumph.

Jonah Helps with the Verdicts

Their efforts having exhausted them, Jonah, Rob and Stewart thought they would retire to the chairs and open one of those redder-than-red Corona bottles. They passed it round, wiping it cursorily with their hands before passing it on – manners at all times! Even they didn’t manage to deplete the entire two litres completely and the bottle was probably still about half full when Rob capped it again.

What should (in Rob’s opinion) have been a peaceful drink was disturbed by his brother, who seemed to want to say something. Now, we all know that he would have been fairly comprehensible but, for some reason, nobody seemed to understand him. Roy started bouncing up and down the best he could as he became more and more furious. The older boys were in no hurry to rush their drink; after all, that might encourage eructation and that would be bad manners, wouldn’t it? Roy’s frustrated squealings reached a crescendo.

Rob called the meeting to order. “Fellow Pirates, it is time to reach your verdicts. Please discuss the situation while I turn the volume down a bit.” With that, he stood and approached his protesting little brother. “A word in your shell-like, Shrimp.” He straddled Roy and started alternately flicking his nostrils, one flick per word. “Do. I. Have. Your. Attention. Now?” Roy cut his losses and lay still - there was obviously to be no justice. To paraphrase what Rob was explaining: “You might think you’ve just won the tickling contest and I suppose you have but we haven’t reached our verdict yet so either lay there and suck it up or Do. I. Need. To. Explain. Things. More. Clearly.” Roy’s stinging nose helped him to understand. Rob returned to his colleagues

The verdict was simple enough: Roy had won and should be released (when they were ready), and it was unclear who had lost. The following discussion concerned the advisability of continuing the tickling but even Stewart thought that was unfair to Koff and, for once, so did Koff. Jonah suggested that Dave and Roy be tied together and that Roy prepared the evening meal. That was agreed readily enough with certain corollaries among which was the agreement that, having been tied up for so long already, all three should be allowed at least a couple of hours freedom. Not as altruistic a decision as you might believe.

The learned judges having come to their just decision, Rob and Stewart released Roy’s arms and told him to finish the job himself and then free his fellow sufferers. He had better persuade Dave, though, that he had to stay gagged until he’d had the chance to beg “his betters” to forgive him for his earlier protest. To have the tickling torment over, Dave thought it was almost worth it but Roy tied his arms behind him before releasing his legs, just to make sure. Koff, once he’d had his arms freed, was left to finish off for himself whereupon he rushed for the gun emplacement for a change of clothing, such as it was. Roy thought it would be wise if he didn’t wait to be told to tidy up all the bindings and simply got on with it, leaving neatly coiled ropes and tidily folded fabric strips ready just in case they might be needed. I wonder what made him think that?

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Post by Gino »

WOW, what a horny tickle torture, I enjoyed it :D
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Post by Xtc »

Thought you might. :)
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are there more chapters coming from Jonah? :D
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There are, but not all have been completed yet.
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OK :-)
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Part 21

Jonah Makes Some Decisions

As soon as Roy had completed his chores, he returned to the judges’ chairs in time to see Dave grovel almost indecipherably but sufficiently to be relieved of his gag. He was even allowed a pull from the Corona bottle as, once he had arrived, was Roy. There was even a share left for Koff once he appeared wearing only a rather outgrown pair of white cotton school footy shorts and, judging by the VPL, some rather skimpy yellow underpants.

Things proceeded pleasantly for about an hour until the general consensus was that a kickaround on the beach was called for. It was almost like a normal weekend on Longholme. After quite some time (You know: boys and their football.) Jonah suggested that they go for a swim. Most of them thought it was a good idea. Koff did not. Rob said that was OK because he wasn’t going to go for a swim.in any case. “OK worms, come here. Kneel.”

Stewart claimed that he thought that their postures did not show sufficient respect for Jonah. Jonah managed to keep a straight face as the kneeling lads had to link their fingers, place them on their napes and force their elbows back. “Oh yes, kneel upright. No sitting on your heels”. Jonah expressed himself contented with their display of humility. Dave was stacking up reasons to get revenge on his brother and that annoying gingha.

Rob explained that, before any penalties were exacted on the losers in the tickling contest, the matter of an evening meal should be addressed. It was obviously much to early for Roy to set about his kitchen tasks but Rob had something special in mind. Koff and Dave could either help Roy or they could prepare to be tied together. For the sake of his mate, Koff agreed to help. Rob had decided that he fancied a mackerel feast. That suited the younger boys who, once they had agreed to go fishing, headed to the old dinghy.

Three fishermen climbed aboard, rigged the craft and cast off. Roy knew a good fishing spot by a bank in mid channel and helmed the boat to where he knew the fish tended to shoal when the tide was right. Two mackerel lines were unfurled while the skipper circled. Concentration was important, not only to spot any action on the lines but to make sure of taking avoiding action whenever Roy muttered, “Ready about”. It was never a good idea to allow oneself to get a whack over the head when the boom came around.


Rob liked to think that the ‘worms’ hadn’t suspected his ruse. He wanted them out of earshot while Stewart and he tried to sort out the position they were in with regard to being banned from accessing Longholme for a long time. He had to know.

Before asking the big question, Rob held his counsel as Jonah, Stewart and he went for a swim out to the rock and back. The West Country lads were surprised by Jonah’s facility in the water and he certainly did not disgrace himself in what inevitably became a competitive race. The swimmers left the water and decided to sun themselves on the landing stage where Rob tried as casually as possible to bring up the big question. He wasn’t exactly subtle and Jonah burst out laughing.

“That’s it: break it gently, Sherlock.” Stewart could hardly speak, not being exactly subtle in his dealings with others himself but Jonah was still grinning.

“Look guys, what those two little prats did was no worse than what my Scout Troop and the losers from 2nd St. Josephs do to one another all the time. We would have done the same to them if we’d found them trespassing on our patch. Neither troop has anyone like Koff, though. He’s weird.”

“Yeah.” Rob and Stewart allowed themselves a certain sigh of relief. “So, you’re not going to rat on us, then?”

“Nah, it’s all good. I’m enjoying myself now.” Stewart and Rob were relaxing more by the minute.

“So, were alright, then?” Stewart was still not convinced.

“Look, I just told you.” Jonah stood. “Watch: upon my honour I will not try to get you – or the worms – into trouble for what they did to me or for what you have done to them since.” Jonah made the three-fingered Scout salute as he spoke and offered his left hand. Neither of the Pirates being Scouts, that was a bit awkward but they soon took the hint and shook the proffered hand.

Rob was still a bit tentative. “Can I ask a favour?” Jonah was suspicious but it would do no harm to listen at least. “Don’t tell them yet,” Rob pointed at the distant dinghy,”It’s too good having them where they have to do what we say.” Until then, Jonah was more than ready to let the poor little quits off the hook but, you know . . .

The deal was struck.

Jonah Lends a Hand

Following another dip in the Chanel, the lads noticed the old dinghy returning and thought they should go and attend to the fire, it would not do to have their preferred roaring flames if Roy was to be able to use it to cook on and who doesn’t enjoy playing with a camp fire? That suited Jonah, he was one of those Scouts who didn’t consider that he had been camping unless at least one meal a day was prepared on an open fire.

By the time the fishing party had moored up, unrigged the dinghy and reached the gun emplacement, the other three boys were affecting a casual air as they sat in the folding chairs ready to receive tribute. They greeted the successful hunters in silence until they took the hint and fell to their knees. Poor Koff, he might as well have gone swimming for all the concealment his white cotton shorts were providing following having to wade in the Chanel to moor the dinghy. No one was indelicate enough to mention it - this time.

Not much happened for some time, well, nothing of interest in any case. Mackerel were floured from supplies, fried, (Jonah temporarily put on a shirt and helped out) and eaten. No one bothered with the tinned veg, and more of the booty from Stewart’s raid was given good homes. The inevitable blackened, aluminium kettle was placed on the fire having been over-filled and charged with not much to too much instant drinking chocolate.

After the repast had time to settle, (about two minutes, I think) all except Roy gathered in a circle for a game of frisbee. The usual rules concerning catching, fair throws, kneeling for missing fair catches, etc applied until Roy called foul. He didn’t see why he was clearing the aftermath of dinner while Dave and Koff were enjoying themselves.

“He’s right, you know.”

“Ah thanks, *mate*!”

“OK, you two, get some ropes . . .”

“. . . and some gag and blindfold stuff.” Stewart and Rob were used to completing each other’s sentences.

“And get on over to the trees.”

“Wha’ d’y think, Jonah: you gunna tie ‘em up or shall we make Shorty the Shrimp do it?”

“Wouldn’t he not tie them up very well?”

“You mean deliberately?”

“Yeah, well, they are his mates.”

Then Rob got an idea. ”How about Roy ties them up . . .

“Unless they make it difficult for him, in which case, I’ll do it.” By the looks on their faces, they probably wouldn’t want Stewart to do so.

“. . . then we’ll give them a time limit to escape. If they escape, they stay free . . .”

“But probably only till bedtime.”

“. . . and Roy has to be tied up instead.” Roy wasn’t sure whether he had the best of the deal or not. He assumed that, having won the tickling contest, he should be allowed to avoid the ropes. But he thought better of saying so!

A decision was needed. “OK by you, Jonah?”

The ‘worms’ looked at Jonah who nodded, just once. “Tell you what, Roy, I’ll help.” Dave didn’t like the sound of that. Koff was inscrutable.

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another cool story :D
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Post by Xtc »

Thanks, [mention]Gino[/mention]
Let's hope i can keep ahead of things.
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Part 22

Jonah and Roy Cooperate

There was a slight but noticeable difference in height between Dave and Koff, with Koff being the taller but Roy already had an idea how he could negate that difference – or at least reduce it to insignificance. In the meantime, though, he wanted to make things easy for himself and his assistant. Dave and Koff were positioned carefully under a substantial tree branch and made to stand back-to-back. Roy invited Jonah to echo what he was doing on the other side of their prisoners.

Long ropes were taken and doubled while the prisoners were told to hold hands. Both Dave and Koff held his fellow’s right hand in his left, leaving their arms more-or-less straight. Roy bound Dave’s right wrist to Koff’s left by wrapping the bight three times round both wrists and tying off simply leaving a loop “just in case”, and a lot of left-over rope. Jonah copied the tie on the opposite wrists. Roy then took the free ends on his side and tied them together with a simple overhand knot in both ropes so that it would be just below the victims’ elbows when the ropes were raised. He then told Dave and Koff to hold their arms out. Taking the strands in counter directions before tying them off with several simple knots left his subjects tied at the wrists and just below the elbows. Jonah copied him and suggested that a few frapping turns would be in order.

“Oh yes, just a few frapping terms,” repeated Dave, mimicking Jonah’s (comparatively) posher accent.

Jonah affected his poshest accent, “And, of course a jolly nice gag in a minute.” Dave didn’t think he would bother mimicking that.

After the frapping turns had been tied off, there was still a lot of rope left and the prisoners’ arms fell to their sides. Jonah had a suggestion. Roy thought it was a good one. He was also thinking that it was a pity that the Pirates couldn’t recruit the grockle but the thought of what he believed was still hanging over the Pirates soon drove that idea from his head and, besides, he wasn’t even a local. Jonah brought both his free ends down through the loop that he had left “just in case” and suggested that his subjects might like to, “Move their bums apart”. Experience told both Dave and Koff what was likely to happen next and, sure enough, Jonah and Roy swapped ropes by passing them between the two bound boys. By the time the binders had pulled tighter and tied the ropes off to the handy loops, there was no way Koff and Dave could raise their arms and there wasn’t more than about two feet of rope left in each of the free ends.

“Doan’ toi bad f’r a grockle, do y’?” Jonah just looked smug.

“OK, Shrimp, gags next or feet?”

“Well, I wouldn’t want you to hear any more of that insulting mimicry so how shall we do it? They brought a lot of stuff across.” They certainly had: there were fabric strips, short ropes, short sticks, all sorts of things.

“What, no socks?”

“When did you last wear socks?” That was a fair question because, as you know, the boys had worn little more than swim-briefs, bush hats, and flip-flops or sandals for weeks. Roy didn’t get the implication of Jonah’s question, though.

“Watch this.” Jonah selected a reasonably short, thinnish nylon rope and wrapped it three times round his fingers. A further three turns round the loops thus formed and another three dexterously threaded between the previous sets soon gave Roy the idea: Jonah was forming a monkey’s fist just like he would use for a throwing line. He could guess what it was for and copied the knot. Jonah declared that. With such a thin rope, the knot would not be big enough for Dave’s gob and Roy agreed that Koff needed something bigger as well. The insertion of a small pebble into each while Dave demonstrated the need for it, was declared to be in order. Roy and Jonah tightened the knots around the pebbles. Even Koff thought that the result of tying a gag made of such a thin rope could be quite painful if it was applied too tightly.

Once the knotmeisters, as they had styled themselves, had completed their masterpieces, Roy gave Jonah the choice of recipient. He chose Koff, who immediately embarked upon one of the usual diatribes about, “Dong his worst because he was an Englishman . . .,” except that Koff was claiming to be an “Engwiffma’” by the time Jonah had lodged the packed knot in his mouth. He was right about the pain, though and only hoped that the cord would loosen with time. He was (relatively) pleased to note that it was, at least, a nylon rope so the knot would not swell as it got soaked with his saliva. Both tiers certainly did tie the gags very tightly in place.

“Think they’re tight enough?”

“Yeah, they’ll probably bed in a bit yet.”

“True, but there’s always all the packing tape.” Opinion was divided among the four lads as to whether that was a good thing or not. Jonah was certainly fitting in better than any of the pirates would have believed.

There was obviously a certain amount of staggering around as Dave and Koff were being secured but there was, as yet, no danger of their falling over and, obviously, no point in their trying to escape. Nevertheless, Jonah decided that prisoners should have their legs secured. Roy agreed. I think that those enraged responses were more heartfelt from Dave than for Koff but, you know, “England expects . . .”

The binding was very similar to the way the victim’s arms were secured, except that they were secured at the ankles and just below the knees (a bit further below Koff’s knees than Dave’s), but there wasn’t as much rope left over. What was left was used to make sure that Dave and Koff were unable to spread their legs by more than about a foot. That reduced their stability by a surprising extent. Jonah had relaxed enough and Roy had forgotten his place enough to share high fives. Two of those present didn’t appreciate that.

“Think they’ll be OK?”

“Might need a bit of support.” Both Koff and Dave tried to reassure their tormentors that they did not.

“Yes, I think you’re right. I got an idea.” Dave wondered whose side the slender blonde was supposed to be on. Roy went for another rope, a well-worked, coarse, hemp rope that had been carefully back-spliced to prevent its ends from fraying. Koff didn’t think that it was a good time to draw attention to the quality of his work. (The Pirates had a lot to thank Koff for, not just for being a willing (usually) and uncomplaining (when he was gagged) prisoner, but also for the time he often put into maintenance tasks when he was in one of his “I want to be alone” moods. Roy wound the rope tightly round the waists of his subjects. It was fiddly work with their arms secured as they were but it was certainly effective. When he had finished, there was a wide, almost corset-like binding round their midriffs that sat down on Koff’s hips and up against Dave’s ribs. It did not look comfortable. Neither was it going anywhere.

Jonah didn’t quite see how what Roy had just done was going to give Koff and Dave any support until he remembered that hefty branch above their heads. The branch wasn’t too high off the ground but would be just out of reach if either of the captives was able to reach up. That made Roy’s next job easier than it might have been. He didn’t even need to tie one of those monkey’s fists in the end of the nylon rope that he had selected for the purpose of “supporting” Dave and Koff. On the third attempt, Roy threw enough of the rope over the branch to be able to grab the end. He asked Jonah to hold the other end while he pulled more of the rope over the branch. He grabbed hold of the hanging rope and threw the free end back over the branch whilst being careful not to relinquish the loop so formed. OK, so that left both ends of the rope on one side of the branch and a hanging loop on the other. Roy threaded both free ends through the loop and carefully adjusted them until both strands were roughly equal. Pulling on both rope-ends resulted in a lark’s head tied round the branch.

Roy reached up and tied a simple overhand knot somewhat above Koff’s head in both strands simultaneously. “OK, Grockle Boy, one for you and one for me.” Roy handed one end of the rope to Jonah. The following actions were somewhat difficult to achieve due to limited working space and a lot of free rope. Jonah copied what Roy was doing.

Firstly, the rope ends were pushed between the upper arms of the victims and forced down between the rope ‘corset’ and the hips of the losers, one on each side. Dave’s assertion that Jonah could keep his hands away from his bum could be heard quite clearly in spite of the still fairly effective, and certainly far from comfortable, gag. Roy sounded very upset, “Oh come on Dave, don’t make us stop now; but we really need to reinforce that gag, just in case Jonah gets upset.”

“You wouldn’t like me when I get upset.” Jonah was still happy to play along.

“Don’t worry about it too much, though, there’s lots of packing tape left.”

“And we can always do it once we’ve made sure you’re safely supported.” Yup, Jonah was fitting in better with each passing torment.

As I’m sure you will understand, the sensation as the nylon rope was pulled as far through the gap as possible made both boys stand up a bit straighter. Once more, a gentleman would not have commented but, once more, Koff felt very little shame; there were prices to be paid for a Pirate’s enjoyment. The ropes were taken in hand, pulled tight and kept as tight as possible given the working conditions as they were raised again. Dave’s heels left the ground but returned by the time Jonah and Roy had secured the rope with a couple of half hitches. Ok, so that might have provided a bit of support to the conjoined prisoners but they would be more likely to be left with all four feet in the air if they did lose their footing. Roy had not finished.

“Oi, Grockle Boy, watch this.” Roy formed a blood bight in his rope end just below the level of Dave’s armpit. Then he threaded his end of the rope through it so that the resultant loop enclosed Dave’s right arm and Koff’s left rather loosely. The result immediately slipped down to his subjects’ bound elbows. Jonah repeated the procedure with his end of the rope. Roy looked up at the overhand knot. Jonah smirked and nodded.

Jonah, being slightly the larger binder, took both free ends in his hands and crouched down enough to allow Roy to sit on his shoulders. Then he stood and handed one end to his passenger. Who threaded it between the strands above the overhand knot. The other end soon followed in the opposite direction and Roy dismounted. The ropes were soon pulled tight and Roy decided that they should be tied-off around the loops circling Dave’s and Koff’s armpits. Neither tier spared the knots.

“There. All nice and safe now.” Once more, high fives were shared.

Dave just couldn’t resist it. What he said was something like, “Why don’t you two just kiss and have done with it?” Neither Roy nor Jonah could be absolutely sure of what he said but it did serve to remind them of something that might otherwise have been forgotten.

“You wanna go?” Roy offered the seemingly inexhaustible roll of packing tape to Jonah who bowed his head in acceptance and unwrapped about a foot of the stuff in front of Dave’s face. Dave could have tried to avoid the brown stuff because it was always a pain trying to stop it sticking to itself but he knew that such attempts would, eventually, prove fruitless and that measures taken to prevent his avoidance techniques would probably be painful. Jonah carefully wrapped three rounds of tape round Dave’s head trapping the knot in his mouth and one of those fabric strips against the back of his neck; Jonah was in a relatively merciful mood.

Jonah said that he thought Roy was being very considerate protecting his mate’s hair like that. Roy said that there was plenty more white cloth where that came from for other uses. Both prisoners got the implications of that and, sure enough, both were soon blindfolded.

Jonah and Roy stood back to admire their work. “Testing?”

Roy and Jonah stepped forward again. “Testing!” Roy and Jonah each simply raked the nearest pair of ankles to him sideways. The pair of prisoners stayed upright although more or less hanging by their armpits and soon regained their footing. Koff earned himself a reinforcement to his gag, but Roy didn’t bother with protecting his hair. Two self-satisfied binders returned to the folding chairs but only Jonah got to sit.

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Post by blackbound »

Some interesting and creative bondage. Those nylon gags sound very uncomfortable on their own, but hey, the victims had to have known what was coming if they should complain...

I'm glad the pirates are also aware of the importance of a good blindfold. It's just not the same without.

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Post by Xtc »

I can't help wondering what revenge they will take and upon whom when they find out that they have not had to be good little prisoners.
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Post by blackbound »

Xtc wrote: 1 year ago I can't help wondering what revenge they will take and upon whom when they find out that they have not had to be good little prisoners.
Oh yeah, better make sure they're tightly tied down when they find out and can remain so until they calm down!

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Won't work. Just gives 'em time to plot in peace.
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Part 23

Jonah Listens to Pleas

“OK, Roy, don’t just sit there, I need to get another photo.” At least Roy wouldn’t have to kneel in front of his ‘betters’ so he willingly accompanied Jonah to where he could get a photo of him with the rock in the background and Jonah could get one of him against the landing stage. Roy tentatively tried to get Jonah to say whether he still intended to rat on Dave and him to their parents and made all sorts of improbable promises to try to avoid it. Jonah was close-mouthed. Roy was not at all comforted. What would the Pirates do with their leisure time without access to Longholme? What would their big brothers do to Dave and him if they lost their island privileges as a result of what they had done to Jonah. The future was very uncertain.

During Jonah’s absence from the site, Stewart had started his inevitable workout using tree branches, heavy objects and even the old cannon as something under which to hook his toes. Stewart took physical culture seriously and he certainly had an impressive physique which his little brother was trying to emulate. Rob simply took the opportunity to catch up on that latest Batman comic. Roy and Jonah returned and got on surprisingly well in conversation. Jonah invited Roy to occupy Stewart’s seat while it was unoccupied. Roy looked questioningly at his big brother who graciously assented. Roy was very careful to thank both his benefactors profusely.

Eventually, Stewart completed his workout, put on a really ratty old pair of plimsoles, (Were they really supposed to be white!?) and departed for a jog round the island interrupted by a short swim while Jonah and the MacGregor brothers settled to a game of ‘go fish’ seated on the ground. Upon his return, Stewart suggested that, if the worms were to be tied up overnight, that they ought to release Koff and Dave for a few hours until bedtime. It was a sensible idea because, although the situation they had been left in was certainly entertaining because every time one of them moved, he yanked the other one out of his equilibrium, it was also physically demanding. As Rob said, it was a good job that their guest couldn’t understand what they were saying in case he was offended by the terms the effectively hanging boys were using to describe one another. Jonah said that was most considerate, not that accurate interpretation was all that difficult.

Roy, as the person who had tied them up, was detailed to release Dave and Koff, and Jonah offered to lend a hand. Roy’s determined thanks for anything Jonah did was getting wearing on the newcomer but Stewart and Rob said that they were pleased to hear it because they, “Would. Not. Want. Jonah. To. Say. Any - thing. To. Their. Par -ents. Would. They?” Jonah thought that Roy and the others must have cottoned on to the fact that they were being strung along by then but, if they had, they certainly sowed no signs of taking any chances.

Before any progress could be made towards freeing Dave and Koff, Stewart thought he would intervene. “Keep them gagged until we speak to them.”

“Yeah, and just tie their wrists behind them so they can’t remove the gags.”

“Yeah, then they can come and kneel in front of Jonah.”

“You too, Shrimp.”

“You won’t mind tying his wrists for him, will you, Jonah?” Predictably, Jonah continued to play along. The knots and packing tape had some work to do before Koff and, especially, Dave gave up protesting as a bad job.

It must have taken a good ten minutes before Dave and Koff could stand independently and another two or three before their wrists were secured behind them and, “Just so as we don’t waste rope,“ as Jonah put it, their wrists were soon secured to their waists. Even so there was a considerable amount of rope draped across the ground. Jonah soon had Roy’s wrists secured behind him with a square lashing that left little scope for movement in his forearms. At least that was as far as his restraints went.

“As I was saying, ‘Just so as we don’t waste rope,’” Jonah took hold of the free ends and pulled them between the legs of his still-blindfolded prisoners. That wasn’t what they really wanted to feel even before he passed the improvised leads into Roy’s bound hands. “OK, walk on.”

Roy carefully led his mates across to where Stewart and Rob were seated awaiting the arrival of the bound lads. Jonah joined them and Roy knelt. So did Dave and Koff but only following a reminder from Stewart.

“OK, worms, how are you going to convince Jonah not to tie you up overnight?”

“You first, Roy.” Roy’s bullshitting was spectacular even by his high standards. It involved such masterpieces as, “How can I run any errands he might want if I’m tied up?” and, “I promise I’ll do whatever he says from now on.” That was, of course, immediately dismissed on the grounds that he had no choice in that matter any case.

“Right, that’s enough, shuddup.” Roy thought it would be a good idea to do so. There then followed a discussion about whether he should be gagged and blindfolded, “In fairness to the other two.” I suspect readers can imagine what the decision was. Roy ended up with the protective pad, that Jonah had used to spare Dave’s hair getting pulled out when his gag was removed, knotted and tied in his mouth. Rob thought his brother deserved to have the cloth strip knotted again in his mouth, “Just to keep him out of trouble.” Dave’s blindfold also moved round one place leaving Roy blindfolded, bound and gagged.

At least Dave had the sense to keep quiet until his gag was untied and he was told to make his bid. “His explanation was a bit more basic: “Supposing I want a piss in the night?”

“You could always wet yourself.”

“Oh, come on, boys. Jonah, please.”

“I’ll consider it. Next.”

Stewart tied the monkey’s fist in his brother’s mouth again and used Koff’s blindfold to cover his eyes. Dave hoped that, if he behaved himself, at least he might escape the threatened fate,

The squeal as Stewart quickly stripped the tape from Koff’s unprotected face and hair was spectacular (and somewhat out of character). “OK, Koff?”

“Nggfff, nggf.” Koff nodded. “Safety word?” Rob’s offer had the usual effect as Koff shook his head silently.

“Right, let’s hear what you have to say to stop us tying you up overnight.”

Stewart untied Koff’s rope gag and Koff immediately launched into, “Pirate scum, I am an Englishman . . .”

“Someone stop him for fuck’s sake.”

It’s difficult to be sure once Jonah had stuffed the monkey’s fist back into Koff’s mouth and tied it behind his neck, but it did look as if Koff was grinning before he was pushed face down on the ground. He even stopped his oratory.

“’E’m a prat.”


Stewart sat on Koff’s shoulders and was issuing orders. “Give us them shorts.” Jonah was somewhat taken aback but Rob wasn’t. Koff was soon left clad in only his yellow mini-briefs as Rob handed Stewart his white cotton shorts, which had dried some time ago. Koff obviously re-started his, “I am an Englishman . . .” speech which was ignored completely as his shorts were jammed over his head and secured over his eyes by more of the shiny, brown tape. At least pulling his blindfold off wouldn’t be too painful next time.

“Shut up, Capet-‘Ed?” There was no way Koff was going to quit while he was ahead (Looked at from his own point of view.) and his gag was soon reinforced by even more of that tape than was used previously. Jonah wondered whether Koff had enough hair to be able to afford to lose any more. Koff was ‘assisted’ to his knees and the rope that hung down behind him was used to secure his crossed ankles so that he was hardly able to raise his bum from his heels. He was obviously satisfied with his treatment because his address to whoever could hear him ceased.

Jonah Has an Idea

“Well, that’s two votes to one.”

“Since when has this been a democracy?

“You are quite right, Stewart. How shall we tie them up?” There was no point in Dave and Roy protesting and, for once, they didn’t. Koff was happy enough except for the fact that his poor, bruised bum was resting on his heels. The jury went into conclave. The three wise men (or wise monkeys, depending on your point of view) delivered their verdict. All three prisoners should be released for a couple of hours to do what they needed to do and to take at least some respite from being tied up and, after that, they should report to be tied up for the night. There would be no need to guard their captives too closely because escaping would not be their best advised course of action. Nobody, however, was in too much of a hurry to release any of the kneeling Pirates. Until Jonah took pity on Dave.

Dave was untied and left to free Roy, ropes and cloths were tidied up and even Koff agreed to be released eventually. An almost ‘normal’ couple of hours passed with even the defaulters allowed to draw chairs up to the fire. Koff thought he’d pass on that until he was advised that he could use his slightly deflated li-lo as a somewhat over-sized cushion. All attempts to draw Jonah’s decision about the fate of the Pirates out of him failed and even Stewart and Rob tried to pretend that they had no idea of the eventual outcome.

Eventually, Rob decided that it was time for bed and asked the ‘worms’ if they had any ideas how they ought to be restrained. The usual ideas were aired and discarded by the Seniors as being boring until Jonah said that he had an idea. He’d already figured out that Koff would put up with anything they could throw at him but he thought he had something for the other two that should be entertaining. One recipient of such an honour looked smug but the others looked very suspicious.


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Post by blackbound »

The fiends are really dragging this out for as long as they can. Let's see what doom the worms bring upon themselves...

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