Another time I tied my cousin M/FF

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Another time I tied my cousin M/FF

Post by LaxMax »

Hello! This is a continuation of a true story I had written about tying my cousin, you can find it in true stories if you are interesed. The story is bascially an innocent bondage story where I tie my cousin, but later that night her freind came over. My cousin had offered me to tie her up again but I didnt. This fictional story is what would have happened if I decided to play more bondage games with my cousin and her friend that night. Hope you like it.

.....Later that night Xena's friend Sienna came over. It was like 11 pm and Trent fell asleep, I hung out with Xena and her friend. I had found a roll of duct tape and wanted to tape Sienna. I had already tied Xena so I didnt want to over do it.

"Im gonna tape you up" I kept telling Sienna, but she was really shy.

Eventually Xena said "Please leave her alone Ill let you tape me up"

Xena than layed on the bed face down. She crossed her hands behind her back and put her ankles together.

Xeena was never this willing to be bound, but she was trying to protect her friend. I felt bad , but aslo was intriguied. Xeena would be my good little hostage if I left her friend alone, plus I had never actually used duct tape on her, something I knew she could escape as easily as my amateur ties.

"Deal" I said, and quickly moved other to Xeena, facedown on the bed. I pulled the tape and it made a loud sound as it came off the roll. Sienna looked a little nervous but Xeena was calm ready to accept you bondage. I wrapped the tape around her wrist 5 times.

"Thats a lot of tape" Xeena said pull her wrist slighlty.
"Its enough so you cant break free" I said as I smiled. "Now your feet"

Xeena lifted her socked feet for me. I told her to cross her ankles, which she did, then I wrapped her ankles with a lot of tape, moving up her calves slightly.

"There now you're taped up" I smiled as Xeena struggle to sit up. She eventually moved around and sat.

"Please just dont put tape on my mouth, I want to talk" Xeena asked me.

"I wont, for now lol" I teased Xeena, my poor cousin did not know my plans.

We watched tv for a while, but I was getting bored. My cousin would tug on her bounds every so often and her and Sienna talked about boys and school stuff. I had my cousin taped up but I wanted to keep playing bondage games. I had a plan. I got up.

"Where are you going" Xenna asked.

"Ill be back soon" I left and went into Xeenas room next door, I heard her call after me. "You better not be up to something!"

I was looking for a blind fold, It was part of my plan to get both girls taped up. I found a hair band, one big enough to cover the eyes. I came back into Trents room to see Sienna trying to free Xeena. They had no scissors so it was almost impossible. "Not trying to get out are you" I said

"Cmon let me out now" pleased Xeena.

"I will soon, but first I want to play a game..." I said

"Ugh no more games you already taped me up" Xeena said pulling on her binds.

"I promise this is the last one, just play along, it will be quick".

"Ugggggg FIne! just hurry" Xena pouted,

I wasted no time, I put Xeena back on her stomach, I lifted her feet and put more tape on her ankles, I attahced the tape to her wrists, hogtying my cousin. Then I took a few of strips of tape from the roll

"Hey what are tou doing!" she said as I hogtied her. She tried to pull out of it franticallly. "I dont wanmmmmmphhhhh!"
I intereupted her protests with a strip of tape. After I applied all my strips of tape as she could do was moan and mppph.

"mmmm mmmmmppph mmmmmppppph!" She was upset that I gagged her, but I was exicted, I quickly put the hair band over Xeenas eyes!

"MMMMMPPPHHHH!" She said shaking her head wildly, not only had I gagged her agaisnt her wishes, I had not even told her that I would blindfold her ansd she was not having it.

"Dont worry I let you out soon, I just want to get your present ready"

"MMPPHHH!mmmmmppppph?" Xeena still struggled and made noises through her gag.

I looked at Sienna, who did not move throught his hold ordeal, she was too facinated with what was happeneing and to nervous to ask questons or do anything. I moved over to Sienna and sat next to her.

"Is it weird that I have your friend tied up" I asked
"A little" said Sienna "I want to hang out with her so could you please let her go?"

"I will, but only if you let me tape you up" I whispered, Xeena was still struggling a little but realzing she was stuck she resgined herself to the constant mpphing, and the occasional tug on her bounds.

Sienna gave me a worried look. She had nevre been tied or taped and wasa not sure what to think.

"Dont be scared, look Xeena is mad but she is fine it doesnt hurt. I just want to tape you up for a little then Ill let you both go.

Sienna was hesitant, but seen Xeena struggle she wanted to do everything she could to helo her. " And then youll let us both go?"

"Yes" I said. After a couple minutes Sienna said "Ok" she put her hands behind her back and looked at the floor.

I wasted no time. I grabbed the tape and started wrappin it wound her wrist. Xeena could hear the tape and knew what was happneing, her friend was getting taped up and she was helpless to stop it.

"Mppphh, mmmmmmppppphhhhhh. MMmmpppph mpppph MMMPPPHHH! She flailed and yelled into the tape gag. Tugging on her bounds and rolling around on her stomahc trying to get free, but the tape didnt give.

I was taping Sienas ankles at this point, then I put her on her stomach and hogtied her as well. She would lightly pull on her bounds, but Sienna was a good prisoner. I took off strips of tape and she knew I meant to gag her. She closed her looks tightly and pulled them in, like when you tell someone to be quiet.

"Very good" I said as I smoothed the strips of tape across Siennas lips. When she was completely bound and gagged I took off Xeenas blindfold.

"Tah Dah!" I said "I have you and Sienna tied up now!"

Xeena had tied herself out from struggling, but when she saw Sienna her vigor was renewed.

"MMMMPPPPPHH!!!!" she screamed furiously.

"mpphhh......" Sienna made the softeset gag noises. She was trying to be good so I would let them out sooner.

"Ok after one tv show I will let you out"

Xeena struggled and screamed while Sienna gave me a sad face, she knew she had been tricked.

For the whole half hour show they stayed taped up. The would struggle a little, look at eachother and try to talk through their gags. After a while they gave up and wathced the show. I sat between them the whole time, loving the behavior of my prisoners.

After the show was over they looked at me, waiting to be released.

"Mpppnhhhh...." said Xena while Sienna only sat in silence. Unfortunatelty for them, Im a liar...

"Ok time for bed" I said

"Mppppphh!?" Xeena said then started to struggle again. Without skipping a beat I picked the hogtied Xeena up. She struggled but after I told her I would drop her if she didint stop she calmed down. I carried her to her room and placed her on the bed.

"MMPPPPHHH!" she squeeled through her gag as I walked out. I went back to Trents room retrieved Sienna, who looked terrified at this point. I placed her on Xeenas bed next to her, then headed towards the door.

"Goodnight" I said as I turned off the lights, an closed the door.

"MPPPHHHHH!" Xena screamed. Even Sienna finally screamed into her gag "MMMMMMPPPPHHH!"

I pretended to leave the room, but I stayed in the dark, watching my hostages struggle. The tried to kick and scream, the wiggled their hands and tugged on the tape binding them, They tried to take eachothers gags off, but to no availe. They tried to free each other but do to the hogties they could barely move. They struggled for at least an hour before they finally got tired. I heard soft sobs, Sienna had started to cry. Xeena rubber her gagged face on hers trying to comforr her and wipe her tears. They were stuck and would not escape. After another hour they girls had fallen asleep. They looked so innocent when asleep, Siennas eyes were still red from her tears, but they looked peacfull now, hogtied and tape gagged, theyre bodies moving up and down slowly as they breathed.

It was late and I got to play with my prisoner so now it was time to let them go. Ididnt want to wake them so I didnt want to rip the tape off of them. I looked for sone scissors in Trents room, then came back, I cut the tape hogtying them, then cut their ankles and wrist tape. I did not remove the tape as pulling it would wake them, and I lef them gagged for the same reason, but I figure they could move so they would be able to free themselves. I went home.

Needless to say my uncle did not want me back to visit fro some time.
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Post by Lxale4 »

More xena please
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