Tied up on stage - An Actors life (F) NEW PART POSTED

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Stiletto Amore
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Tied up on stage - An Actors life (F) NEW PART POSTED

Post by Stiletto Amore »

An Actors life - Episode the First

I was 18 when I decided to quit school and move in with my English Professor.

As you can probably imagine, this decision somewhat failed to meet the approval of either my friends, or family, but I was young and naive, and he was a published author with a voice like silk and a fancy cappuccino maker.

Despite all expectations we lived together happily for three wonderful years, right up until the moment that I discovered that he'd been cheating on me with my best friend.

I like to think I took the news about as well as might reasonably be expected.

By which I mean, I cut off the sleeves from his fancy suits, melted all of his vinyl and carved a series of rude words into his perfectly manicured lawn.

I also stole the cappuccino maker.

Later, when I had been invited (by the police) to leave the property, my parents graciously offered to allow me to stay with them until I could get back on my feet.

It was a welcome, if rather humiliating proposition - not least because it meant sleeping on my childhood bed complete with One Direction bedspread - but at least I had a roof over my head.

So there I was, a divorcee at the grand old age of 21, sentenced to live out my remaining days a lonely bachelorette until, inevitably, I would be eaten by my own cats.

It was in this, rather sunny disposition that I first laid eyes upon the notice in the church window advertising open auditions for a local amateur dramatic group.

To this day, I'm still not sure what compelled me to take the flyer - I guess I thought it might be a fun way to meet new people, or maybe I just wanted an excuse to leave the house during the day - either way, that night after a particularly depressing series of rejection letters, I found myself calling the number listed and, after a brief chat, agreed to attend their next meeting in the old rectory.

Truth be told, I wasn’t even looking to get cast in the play, I'd have been just happy to get involved in sewing costumes or painting the scenery, but when the Director heard that I’d done some acting at school (I like to think I gave the definitive performance of Daisy - the cow from Jack and the Beanstalk) she positively insisted that I try out for the female lead.

'Curvy', 'generous' and 'buxom' are all plus sized euphemisms which have been used to describe my body-shape over the years - along with some decidedly less generous terms which need not trouble us here - so I was more than a little surprised that they would consider me for such a pivotal role (although it probably didn't harm my cause that I was the only cast member under 40). However, as a proud BBW (that's Big beautiful woman, for those of you less familiar with online dating profiles) I thought I owed it to myself to at least give it the old college try.

According to no less an authority than Spencer Tracy, the secret to giving a good performance is to know your lines and avoid bumping into any furniture - and by that metric alone my audition was a roaring success - I even managed to elicit a few laughs from the dialogue - but it was still a considerable surprise when, a week later I saw my name at the top of the call sheet.

Cue hearty congratulations and backslapping's all round from my erstwhile co-stars.

"Made it, Ma! Top of the world!" I thought to myself as I rode the bus home.

Still feeling elated from my casting I decided to pass the time by highlighting all the parts of the script where my character was speaking.

'Golly' I noted 'there sure are a lot of lines to learn'.

It soon became clear that my character seemed to lack every skill required for undercover police work (for one thing she thought it was entirely appropriate to wear her uniform to a stake-out) and after a series of hilarious mishaps she was captured by the villains and taken hostage.

'Oh my!' I exclaimed, finding myself starting to perspire with nervous excitement as I read how Billie was bound and gagged by a deranged Scottish hit-man.

I could hardly believe my eyes. Did this mean I was going to have to get tied up - on stage - in front of everyone!?

Now at this point I should probably disclose that, ever since I was a little girl, I’d been secretly fascinated by the idea of being taken prisoner and was quietly thrilled whenever I stumbled upon a cartoon, or a kids movie, that featured a damsel in distress.

Indeed, as far back as I can remember I'd privately longed to be kidnapped and made helpless like the characters in my story books, but had always been far too scared to ever tell anyone.

And now I was going to spend at least two nights (and a matinee) acting out my most secret fantasies in front of a fee paying audience. Well, it was almost too much to process.

Feeling flushed with embarrassment at the stirrings in my nether regions I hurriedly stuffed the offending document deep into my satchel and resolved to get off at the very next stop lest anyone take notice of my ever reddening face.

Finally back in the sanctuary of the family residence I rushed up the stairs to my room to study the script in greater detail.

Reading (and then re-reading) the section it quickly became clear that my character spent a significant portion of the second act hoping across the stage whilst in a state of bondage.

It was a really funny scene, with lots of doors slamming and comic pratfalls, but all I could think about was what it would actually feel like to be trussed up in front of all of my friends and family.

Then, a rather chilling thought occurred - Would anyone be able to tell that I was, quote/ unquote 'into it'?

Nervously, I decided to take the scientific approach - to whit, perform a live reenactment of the scene in the hope that it would help me conceal my state of arousal come the first rehearsal.

Giddy with excitement I rushed around the house gathering supplies, selecting an old dressing gown cord, a roll of packing tape left over from the move, and a bunch of handkerchiefs for my ropes and gags.

Next came the costume. In order to make things feel as authentic as possible I decided I wanted to dress the part as well - which meant assembling a faux police uniform from the disparate items in my wardrobe - no mean feat when you consider that I spend most of my waking hours dressed like a goth scarecrow.

Sifting through the mountain of ripped jeans and oversized tour shirts I finally discovered one of my old school shirts and a pair of smart green trousers I last wore for a job interview that I spectacularly failed to get.

Having decamped to my parents bedroom to make use of their full length dress mirror (it was a little after three in the afternoon so both were still at work) I slipped my arms into the neatly pressed sleeves and slowly buttoned up the starched white blouse (leaving the collar open) before clumsily struggling into the pair of, rather uncooperative slacks.

Relieved to finally be able to breath out again, I proceeded to tuck the shirt tails into the waistband of the trousers before perching on the edge of the bed to apply my church shoes and a pair of thick black socks.

Costume change complete - I stood and admired myself in the mirror.

Growing up I had always loathed having to wear anything with sleeves, much less a collar, but now found, to my considerable surprise and delight, that I rather liked how formal and proper it felt to be dressed this way.

But something still wasn't right - my character was really obsessive about all things related to her job, it stands to reason that she would be equally fastidious about her police uniform.

Taking a deep breath, I reached up to button the top button of my blouse.

The collar was now at least a size too small, but after a great deal of effort I was finally able to fasten it into place.

My heart was beating hard, I'd never worn a shirt like this before (even whilst at school) but somehow I knew this was just how my character would dress, besides which, I was surprised to discover that I rather liked the way that it looked on me.

Behold your new Queen of Geek Chic.

I tied my long red hair, usually worn as a mess of curls, into a tight bun and smiled to myself - the transformation was complete - now there just remained the small matter of rendering myself immobile,..

Perched on the edge of the bed I began to firmly tape my feet together, wrapping the sticky brown packing material around my thick ankles a total of four times before ripping it free from the roll.

Kicking out my legs I found myself marvelling at the sight of my bound legs.

Even though I would have been able to get free any time I chose, it still felt strangely thrilling to have, even a small part of my body restrained.

Deciding to take things one step further I shook out one of my Dad's old handkerchiefs (don't worry - it was clean!) and placed it over the lower half of my face and pulled it snugly (but not too tightly!) around my mouth.

I then watched myself in the mirror as I knotted the material behind my head and under my ponytail.

Whilst I quickly discovered that the makeshift gag wasn't terribly effective in keeping me quiet, it certainly looked the part, and with my hands clasped behind my back it was easy to lose myself in the fantasy that I was a helpless damsel in distress.

I then spent a thoroughly enjoyable few minutes mewing to myself in the mirror, trying out various facial expressions - joy, despair, hope, pleasure,..

Perhaps unsurprisingly I soon discovered how hard it was to convey emotions when half your face was covered with a triangle of thick fabric (well, duh!)

Then, almost immediately, the solution presented itself - I would tie the handkerchief in my mouth, just like they do in the movies!

With grim determination, I folded the cloth into a thick band before nervously placing it between my teeth and pulling it as tight as I dared and double knotting it behind my head.

"Mmmphh!" I heard myself yelp with excitement.

I really shouldn't really be doing this, I thought to myself, much less enjoying it.

But in order to make myself truly helpless I knew I would need to find some way of restraining my hands.

After a handful of failed attempts at performing a self-tie, I did what any self respecting member of Generation Z would do, and looked it up on the internet.

Following the instructions on the, super helpful, youtube instructional video I began by wrapping the dressing gown cord around each of my wrists, leaving the ends of the ropes free so that I could make a knot. I then cinched the cord between my wrists so they were tied into separate cuffs - a quick double bow knot later and I was thoroughly bound.

Satisfied with my afternoon's work, I slipped the gag back between my teeth and stared with fascination at my image in the glass.

It was hard to believe that this buttoned-up stranger was me.

Not only that, but was it my imagination, or did I look kinda' of cute with a gag in my mouth, my round cheeks bulging out over the starched white handkerchief,..?

Everything felt so tight and restrictive, the ropes around my hands, the tape around my ankles, even the buttoned collar of my blouse. And with my hands fastened behind my back (as per the stage directions) there wouldn't be anything I could do about it,..

And just to think, I was going to spend the next two months rehearsing being tied up like this, with no one any the wiser that I was secretly loving every second.

However, just as I was about to fully lose myself in the fantasy of being a captive police officer, I heard the unmistakable sound of the key turning in the front door.

I frantically glanced up at the clock.

"Cripes!" I thought to myself (or words to that effect) my parents were home from work already.

“Hannah, can you downstairs come and help set the table?" Mom called up from the hall.

"Mmph-Just coming!" I replied, frantically plucking the gag from between my teeth.

Flushed with panic, I hurriedly slipped free from my ropes (a far trickier manoeuvre than expected) and tore the tape from around my ankles.

After frantically stashing the items under my pillow I was halfway down the stairs before I realised that I was still wearing my father's handkerchief tied loosely around my neck.

Suddenly gripped by blind panic at the thought of my secret shame being discovered I struggled to undo the double knot before finally stuffing it into the back pocket of my trousers.

"Neither of us felt like cooking tonight so we're going to order takeout" Mom explained as I began dishing up the plates.

"Pizza?" I said hopefully, already salivating at the prospect.

"Sure, why not? Fredo's okay for everyone"

"Fredo's - yum!" I proclaimed.

"Sounds good - I'm famished" Dad agreed, adding his vote to mine.

During lockdown my parents had read an article that said that the more often families eat together, the less likely the kids are to smoke, drink, or elope with a married man twice their age, and so every night I'm forced to endure a forensic interrogation at the hands of my Mother on the events of the day - It was a lot like living with the Stasi - if the Ministry for State Security were a middle aged couple with a fondness for cardigans and homemade jams.

The first topic of conversation for tonight - why was their 21 year old daughter dressed in her old school uniform.

"Are you feeling alright Dear" Mom asked, studying my outfit.

Nervously pulling at the tight collar of my blouse, I found myself cursing the fact that I didn't have time to change into some black, and loose fitting before dinner.

"Yes, why?" I stammered, already on the back-foot.

"Well, it's just I can't remember the last time we saw you dressed in something without holes in the knees," She said pointedly "And isn't that one of your old school shirts?"

"I was having a clear out and found it at the back of my wardrobe," I said, hurriedly taking a bite.

"That doesn't explain why you decided to put it on," Mom pointed out, her curiosity piqued.

"Maybe I was feeling nostalgic," I mumbled, after shoving yet more pizza into my mouth.

"But you used to hate wearing your uniform," She continued "you were always getting detention for forgetting your tie, or refusing to button your collar when asked"

"Maybe I had a change of heat. Besides, I thought you of all people, would approve!"

"How do you mean?"

A conservative dresser by nature, my Mother wore her twin set and pearls like a second skin

"Well, for one thing, you're always going on at me for 'dressing like an unemployed grave digger'"

"I said that!?"

"Among other things," I replied, her views on my all black wardrobe being a matter of long standing public record.

She peered over her glasses "Well, all joking aside I think you look very smart,"

"Thanks Mom" I found myself replying, unaware that I was walking into yet another trap.

"So, does this mean we can finally throw away all those tatty old band t-shirts?"

"What? No! Of course not!"

"I was just saying to your Father I need some new dusters-" She teased

"So, any news on the job front?" Dad asked, riding to my rescue.

"Alas no," I said, "But on the plus side, at least I've got some new exhibits for my wall of rejection letters"

"Well, chin up dear, I'm sure something will come up soon"

"Thanks Dad - Oh, I did have some good news to share with the group though,"

"Oh,?" Mom replied cautiously

"You remember that local am-dram club I joined last week?"


"Well, guess who they cast as the lead in their next play?" I said beaming with pride.

“They did?! Hannah - that’s amazing!”

“Yeah, congratulations Kid" Mom said.

"Thanks guys” I said, blushing nervously

"So, what's it about?" Mom asked, eagerly "Tell us everything!"

"It's, um, a comic farce set in a series of interconnected hotel rooms - I'm an undercover cop sent to spy on an embezzling Mayor - it's a really funny script - with lots of falling over and slamming doors - and best of all,.. I get to eat a donut on stage every night"

"Noice!" Dad said approvingly

"I can't believe it - our daughter - the actress" Mom cooed, taking out her phone "I can't wait to tell the Fam'!"

I should explain, The "Fam'" is what my Mother calls the extended family - she thinks it makes her sound young and hip.

To be clear, it does not.

"Now you've done it Han," Dad teased as he helped me clear away the dinner things.

Sure enough, within minutes my phone was lit up with messages of support from friends and (extended) family members, which I quickly ascertained were sent in response to a Facebook post from my Mother which read thusly:

"Just wanted to congratulate our wonderfully talented daughter Hannah Mackintosh for getting cast as Billie the cop in Unnecessary Farce. Break a leg Han! (not literally of course!)"

For the rest of the evening I found myself fielding enquiries from scores of people in my Mothers expansive contacts list (507 names and counting!) asking for details of the performance dates and how they could get tickets.

It was undoubtedly thrilling, if a little overwhelming - at this rate everyone my Mother had ever met would be queuing up to see me perform - not to mention get tied up!

But that was a problem for future Hannah, tonight I was happy to bask in the goodwill of my adoring fans.
Last edited by Stiletto Amore 1 year ago, edited 2 times in total.
49% snooping detective, 51% Damsel in Distress.
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Post by Ovi1 »

Nice story! And plenty of plot points for continuation. I also love that you avoided starting with "person A looks like this" but weaved the physical descriptions into the story. Great job!

Your writing style is very much like a speaking style. Which makes perfect sense for a pov story and ofcourse grants for easy expression of thoughts. But I would tone that down a little bit for readability. But that is just 1 opinion ofcourse, and you should write however you want to write. People will find and read those they like the most.

Also, this is the first story I read of yours, so no need to take me too seriously.

Overall: love it, please continue
I believe you would be a lot more comfortable in ropes
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Stiletto Amore
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Post by Stiletto Amore »

Thanks for taking the time to read what I've written and for giving such thoughtful feedback - it is very much appreciated.
So glad you enjoyed the story so far.
Ovi1 wrote: 1 year ago Nice story! And plenty of plot points for continuation. I also love that you avoided starting with "person A looks like this" but weaved the physical descriptions into the story. Great job!

Your writing style is very much like a speaking style. Which makes perfect sense for a pov story and ofcourse grants for easy expression of thoughts. But I would tone that down a little bit for readability. But that is just 1 opinion ofcourse, and you should write however you want to write. People will find and read those they like the most.

Also, this is the first story I read of yours, so no need to take me too seriously.

Overall: love it, please continue
49% snooping detective, 51% Damsel in Distress.
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Post by charliesmith »

Amazing start! I enjoyed how you introduced your character to self bondage.I hope you continue this story :)
Please feel free to read and comment your thoughts.
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Post by Stiletto Amore »

charliesmith wrote: 1 year ago Amazing start! I enjoyed how you introduced your character to self bondage.I hope you continue this story :)
That's very kind of you to say - thank you! Hope you enjoy the second part (when I finally finish it)
49% snooping detective, 51% Damsel in Distress.
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Post by Trammel »

Welcome back. You are an amazing writer. I love this story and look forward to more.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.

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Post by slackywacky »

That was fun. Thank you for posting.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Stiletto Amore »

Trammel wrote: 1 year ago Welcome back. You are an amazing writer. I love this story and look forward to more.
Thank you so much for the kind and supportive words! I really hope you enjoy the next chapter :D
49% snooping detective, 51% Damsel in Distress.
Cub reporter and part time escapologist - They call me Houdini in heels
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Post by Stiletto Amore »

slackywacky wrote: 1 year ago That was fun. Thank you for posting.
Thanks for the lovely feedback :D
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Post by MaxRoper »

Another fun tale from my favorite detective. Your style is unique and delightful. A new Stiletto Amore story is always cause for celebration. Thanks for sharing your work!

Post by JFBound »

I like the story so far.
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Stiletto Amore
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Post by Stiletto Amore »

MaxRoper wrote: 1 year ago Another fun tale from my favorite detective. Your style is unique and delightful. A new Stiletto Amore story is always cause for celebration. Thanks for sharing your work!
Aww, shucks! You're making me blush! Thanks for the lovely feedback :D
49% snooping detective, 51% Damsel in Distress.
Cub reporter and part time escapologist - They call me Houdini in heels
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Post by Stiletto Amore »

JFBound wrote: 1 year ago I like the story so far.
Thanks - I'm glad you're enjoying it :D
49% snooping detective, 51% Damsel in Distress.
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Post by Bondageboi »

Do we get to,see,the play your tied up in?
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Stiletto Amore
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Post by Stiletto Amore »

Episode the Second

A few days later the cast gathered round a large wooden table in the rectory and introduced ourselves, along with the name of the character we were playing.
A kindly looking figure in a pair of dungarees and rainbow t-shirt spoke first.
Mrs Henderson was the high school principal and wife of the local vicar (hence the loan of the rehearsal space)
“Hi everyone - my names Ruth and I’m the Director and I'm also playing the part of the Mrs Meakley”

The next person to speak was a thin, rake of a man with a row of buck teeth.
“I’m Stan, and I’m playing Officer Eric Sheridan”

Next to speak was a giant of a man with a gleaming bald head and a bushy red beard.
“Aye! - My names Micheal and I’m playing the part of Todd - the Scottish hit-man!”
It was my turn.

I should say, in case anyone were wondering, I was dressed in a pair of black leggings and a Princess Bride t-shirt.
I took a deep breath.
“My name’s Hannah and I’m playing the part of Bille, the Damsel in Distress”
Much to my relief, everyone laughed.
Hmm, maybe this wouldn’t be quite so awkward after all,..

When everyone had spoken we proceeded to read the script aloud, with Ruth, the Director, describing the action as it occurred.
It was a really nerve racking experience, particularly when I knew we were fast approaching the part of the play in which Billie was abducted, but the section passed without incident - I even felt confident enough to put my hand over my mouth to act out the gag sounds when they appeared in the stage directions.
The cast and crew were incredibly warm and friendly and I enjoyed a very happy afternoon discussing the play and the history of the theatre group.
Things only got really interesting when the subject of publicity pictures came up.
“It’s for the website” the Director explained “To announce our next production”

“But Ruth dear, we haven’t even been fitted for our costumes yet” The old man playing the Mayor felt obliged to point out.

“I realise that Gerald,” replied Ruth patiently “But it shouldn’t be too hard to rustle up a handful of props and some donuts”

“Well, I suppose I could always wear my morning suit,” Gerald harrumphed.

“And I’ve still got that kilt I wore to a wedding last year” Micheal offered.

Since most of the characters in the play were dressed in their civvies (although most would disrobe before the final curtain) it was agreed that everyone else could wear their own clothes to the shoot - which just left me.

“And what about you Hannah, I know it’s incredibly short notice, but do you think you can get your hands on something that looks like a police uniform by the weekend?”

“Um, I don’t know, maybe,” I stammered pretending to think.
"Actually, I think I've got my old uniform from school - would that do?"

“That sounds perfect" Beth agreed
All that remained were the aforementioned props.

“Okay,” She said looking down at her list “We need some glazed donuts, a toy gun, some rope, a VHS machine, a gag and a pair of handcuffs”

“I can bring some donuts from the bakery” Stephanie (Karen, the accountant) chimed in.

“That would be super awesome - thank you Steph!” She said, crossing off the item.

“I’ve got my old service pistol at home” Gerald volunteered.

“Are you sure that’s safe?” Ruth asked, sounding worried.

“Don’t worry - it’s been decommissioned"

“Just like it’s owner,” Micheal interjected raising a few laughs, and Gerald's considerable ire.
I later learned that the two of them had a long standing rivalry that stretched back to when they owned rival butchers on the opposite ends of the high street.

“My Granddaughter has some handcuffs in her toy box - I can probably get her to throw in a police badge too,”

“Great - yes! Thanks Stan - that would be perfect!”

"I think we still have an old VHS player in the garage"

“Good. Good,” Ruth said, hurriedly scribbling out the items on her list "And I'll find the ropes and gags for the lovely Hannah!"

I swallowed something cold and jagged and hoped no one would notice my reddening cheeks - but if anyone did, they were too polite to mention it.

From now on, the only topic of conversation at the family dinner each night was the play, and more specifically my part in it - with Mom seemingly fascinated by every stage of the rehearsal process, particularly when she learned that we were taking some publicity pictures the next day.
"My goodness that's so exciting - you must send me the link as soon as they're up!" She insisted while dishing up the meatloaf.
I nervously agreed, whilst wondering how it would feel to have pictures of me tied up shared across social media,..

Early Saturday morning I arrived at the rectory with my old school outfit/ Billie's police uniform folded neatly under my arm (I was far too self-conscious to wear it out in public)
Since everyone was already dressed in their costumes, I was the only one who had to go upstairs to change.

Yay! My own dressing room at last.

I felt a slight tingle as I pulled the Cure t-shirt over my head and slipped my arms into the crisp white shirt.

Slowly buttoning the front of the starched blouse I left the collar open for now (after all, some pleasures should not be rushed) before pulling on the trousers and fastening them in place with a thick leather belt.

Next came the toy police badge which i pinned to my chest and a pair of die cast steel handcuffs which I hooked onto a loop on my trousers (these would be great for practising with at home, I thought to myself)

Only then did I try to fasten the top button - at first it wouldn't close and I had a brief moment of panic - but finally, on the third try it closed tightly around my neck, leaving the starched collar resting snugly against my throat.
I felt elated. It was a perfect fit!

Excited, and faintly aroused at the thought of what thrills would await me, I trotted back-downstairs to receive the verdict from my faithful public.

"Wow! Hannah! You look amazing!" Ruth beamed "This is just what I was picturing"

"Officer Billie Dwyer Ma'm, pleased to make your acquaintance" I said, adopting a cod-Southern accent.

On the table were the various props for the photo shoot, including a length of thick boating cord and a handful of red and black school ties.
("I keep some spares in my desk" Beth explained - "but don't worry Han, I had them all washed")

Although everyone agreed that my costume was simply perfect for the character of Billie, it was universally accepted that Micheal (as Todd) stole the show in his tartan kilt and knee high socks.

"I hope you're wearing something under that dress of yours" Gerald teased.

"I've told you before, old man, it's a kilt, not a dress!" He snapped back.

"Now, now boys," Stephanie said, scolding them like a pair of unruly schoolboys "If you don't behave you won't get a doughnut.

Suitably chastised, the pair mumbled an apology.

"That's better, now let's get to work,"

For the next half hour or so we acted out a variety of different poses, loosely recreating key scenes from the play including Eric and Billie watching TV, Karen and Eric making out, and the dramatic arrival of Todd the psychotic Scottish hit-man.

After a group shot of the seven of us eating donuts it was finally time for me to be tied up

'Alright Mr Claw, I'm ready for my close up now' I thought to myself as Ruth handed me one of the school ties designated for my gag.

We had arrived at the moment of truth.
"Do you want me to put it on for you,..?" She asked helpfully.

"That's okay, I'll do it," I said with a confidence I didn't feel.

Aware that all the eyes in the room were on me I placed the soft material in my mouth and tied it firmly between my teeth, knotting it tightly at the back of my head.

"Perfect!" Beth announced

"That looks great Hannah!" Stephanie agreed.

"Yeah, it really suits you!" Micheal teased, patting my round cheeks.

I pretended to fume in disgust, but in reality I was just relieved that no-one seemed to notice how excited I was becoming at the prospect of being made helpless.

As an ex-military man it fell to Gerald to tie my hands.
Sitting on the sofa I placed my hands together and watched with rapt attention as the old man quickly and efficiently wrapped the necktie around my wrists while I looked up at the ceiling and blushed a very deep shade of red.

After three quick turns of the scarf, Gerald cinched it tight with a ruthless efficiency that spoke to his many years of naval training. As he finished tying my hands together, he cinched the scarf down the middle, and fastened the knot at the top part of the binding.

I looked down at my bonds in a state of wonder. My hands were stuck fast, but the soft material ensured it wasn't painful.

By now I was visibly perspiring, despite the arctic temperatures of the rectory, and the underarms of my shirt were drenched in sweat.

"Are you okay Hannah?" Asked a concerned Stephanie, no doubt mistaking my excitement for discomfort.

I tried to assure her that I was fine, although the mouth filling gag meant that it was harder than usual to make myself understood.

"I'm sorry - I didn't catch that. Do you want us to loosen your ropes?" Beth asked
Of course there was no way of her knowing, but this was literally the furthest thing from my mind.

"Mmphh, mmmpph!" I mumbled, shaking my head.

"What's that Lassie?! Timmy fell into the well?" Michael mocked.

I rolled my eyes but played along, pretending to bark through my gag

"Mmphh!! Mmphh! Mmphh, mmphhh! (loosely translated as "Woof!! Woof! Woof, woof!")

"He's trapped in an underground mine shaft?!"
I nodded vigorously, to much laughter.

Eventually the gag was lifted out of my mouth.
"I said I'm fine Stephanie - but thanks for checking up on me,"

Then, addressing Beth "Actually, I wouldn't even mind if you used the rope as well - so that it looks like I've really been kidnapped,"

"Oh, well, if you're sure,.." She agreed

My gag was replaced and the clothesline (almost 20ft of it) was wrapped snugly around my body, criss crossing my arms and chest like a brightly coloured spider-web.

"Wow! This is what it must feel like to be a maypole," I thought to myself as the ropes were cinched tight and knotted firmly into place.

"There! That should hold you!" Micheal gloated, twirling an imaginary wax moustache.

Silently I had to agree and resigned myself to remaining this way until I was released, or I got my hands on some industrial cutting tools, whichever happened first.

Of course, unbeknown to my fellow actors this was my single greatest fantasy bought to life.

For the next twenty minutes I posed for a series of pictures, mugging for the camera with a gag in my mouth, whilst pretending to be menaced by various members of the cast.

As you can imagine, for an overacting Diva with ropes on the brain, I was in a state of silent rapture.

Alas, as with all good things, this too had to come to an end, and eventually it was time for me to be released.

"Sorry for keeping you tied up for so long," Beth said as I pretended to rub the circulation back into my wrists "But I think you'll really like the pictures"

"Oh, please don't apologise," I insisted "It was actually kind of fun playing the damsel in distress - it really helped me get into character"

Beth looked at me curiously, but said nothing.

Tasks completed for the day, the group was slowly breaking up to leave.

I was just putting on my black leather biker jacket when I realised Beth was staring at me.
"Are you taking that as a souvenir?" She asked .

I suddenly realised, in addition to my characters police costume, I was still wearing the school tie around my neck.

"Whoops! Silly me," I stammered, "I'd forget my own head if it was stuck to my shoulders"
I untied the scarf, only to find, to my considerable embarrassment, that it was now damp with my saliva.

"Oh no, I'm so sorry," I apologised, positively cringing with bashfulness "I can get my Mom to put it through the wash if you like?,.."

"Ha! Don't be ridiculous," she assured me "It's perfectly natural to drool a little when you're gagged"

"It is?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

'How is it that a Headteacher/ Vicars wife would possibly know such things'? I thought to myself.

"You're probably wondering how I could possibly know that?" Beth said, having acquired the ability to read my mind.

I raised an inquisitive eyebrow.

"I grew up with two older brothers," She said, as though this were explanation enough. "Also, I was Doris the washerwoman in our production of The Wind in the Willows,"

"I'm afraid I'm not familiar with that story," I said, desperately hoping to learn more.

"Ah, well, in the play, our titular hero, is locked up for reckless driving. Whilst imprisoned, the lamentable Toad gains the sympathy of the gaoler's daughter, who decides to help him to escape by disguising him in her Aunt's clothes - the aforementioned Washerwoman. However, as part of the agreement, and in order to allay suspicion, my character insists that she should be gagged and bound and dumped down in a corner"

"Really!?" I said, probably a touch too eagerly.

She nodded. "It was a really funny scene, if I do say so myself"

"But wasn't it a bit,.. embarrassing?" I asked nervously

"In what way Dear?" She asked

"Well," I said, stumbling over my words "I just thought - having lots of people staring at you,.. when you're,.. tied up and gagged,.."

My words hung in the air.

"Oh,.. I see what you mean,.." She said, finally understanding

"Ahem! - Yes, well, I'm sure there may be a few people who might appreciate the sight of a shapely woman rolling around the stage. But who's to say I didn't enjoy it myself,.."

"You mean you like being tied up as well!?" I exclaimed, far louder than intended.
Also, I desperately wished I hadn't suggested I enjoyed it too - but it was already too late - the proverbial cat was out of the bag, so to speak,..

Beth looked at me in a most peculiar manner.
"'As well?'"

"Well, yes, I mean, that is to say,.." I stammered uselessly

"It's ok," She said warmly, patting me on the shoulder "I feel much the same way. In fact - full disclosure - in almost all the plays I've directed I've cast myself as a damsel in distress in almost all of them - The Hound of the Baskervilles, Peter Pan, Aladdin, you name it, I was tied up in it!"

I couldn't help but smile - it felt like I had been welcomed into the bound and gagged on stage fraternity.

"Oh," I said, slowly taking it all in.

"Indeed," She beamed.

"So, why didn't you take the part of Billie yourself?"

"I would have, in fact it was my idea to do the show - but then I hurt my foot in a horse riding accident, and when you showed up to audition, I thought it might be fun to be on the other side of the ropes for once,.."
(Spoiler alert - in the final act Mrs Meakley is revealed as the Big Bad of the play!)

"So can I take it that you'll be tying me up at some point in the show?"

"Assuming, that is, that you've no objections to me changing the script a little,.."

"Oh, quite the opposite" I replied excitedly "In fact,.. I positively insist"

"Well, that's settled then. And don't worry, I'll make sure that we have plenty of spare gags,.." She whispered conspiratorially

I yelped with joy.

"Would you like to, maybe, meet up - so we can discuss the play further?" I suggested hopefully. "I thought, since you've got so much experience getting tied up in front of people, maybe you could give me some pointers as to how to approach the role"

"I think I'd like that," Beth agreed.

This was already shaping up to be the best Summer ever.
49% snooping detective, 51% Damsel in Distress.
Cub reporter and part time escapologist - They call me Houdini in heels
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Post by Alisonlovesropes »

I see once the ice is broken there is little subtlety in this relationship
Sometimes gagged, sometimes blindfold. Always barefoot.
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Post by Ovi1 »

Great addition to a great story, I quite like the pacing here.
I believe you would be a lot more comfortable in ropes
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Post by angim350 »

This is a great story, and it's interesting to discover this is actually a real play! Really looking forward to reading more :)
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

[mention]Stiletto Amore[/mention] looking forward to the continuation of this one. I genuinely LOL'd at some parts.
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