Stories that have little truth to them should go here.


Unfair scenarios/unjust predicaments
Bondage/gag-related dialogue
Socks, Feet & Footwear
Underwear, boxers & jockstraps
Scentplay/scent torments
Duct tape
Apparel (eg: leather gloves, puffers, police boots)
Sleeping bags
Muzzles, gurneys & professional restraints
Raunch/masculine brutishness
Sex (oral/anal/handjobs)
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Post by LK3869 »

Think I get your point, and actually more or less agree about younger generations who have all the tools at hand to meet like-minded partners.
Then, self-bondage is a natural step on the path to mature TUGs, you just don't jump on the net to meet guys right after you've discovered you like it.
Not everybody was born with a tablet or smart-phone in hands, and not everybody has the ability to get over themselves and the way they were raised, the environment in which they grew up...

I've had PMs here with a quite desperate 18 yo who had the same exact dark thoughts I had when I was his age ( in 1995, no Net and gays in every show on TV and no f...g info whatsoever ) and all my lessons to him on how the world has changed and he had no reason to stay in his shell apparently didn't help...

It's so hard to get over yourself, almost impossible and I hope you realise you being so at ease with all that is mostly a question of biological settings and how you grew up, pure will has nothing to do with it. You're trapped in your Alpha male role model just like others are trapped in their 'weak-ass' underdogs isolated misery ...

( Then some like me go really overboard on others with that and they stay stuck in aftershock for fifteen years after... we're all more complicated than that sub/doms stereotypes )

Loong answer again but you'll agree it's an important point and directly related to your story ;)
don't run ! I'm friendly ...
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]LK3869[/mention] Yes, you're right. Like I said, it's a very personal thing.

I just don't think young folks today realise how much easier it is to connect to people now than it was twenty or thirty years ago. Curiously enough, some of the one's who've spoken to me about this, are members that have been posting photos of themselves in self-bondage, right here on the web, for everyone to see.
Many have been doing so for years.

Nothing wrong with that, but I think we have a responsibility, especially towards the younger teens, to educate and let them know that there are safer alternatives and that the more restrictive self-bondage practices should never be attempted unsupervised.

Of course, Steven's little episode is a fictional one.
But on the old board, we had quite a few rather vivid accounts of self-bondage stories gone wrong.
A lot of them were near misses, and I believe we can use some of those real life experiences on here too.

This topic really comes to the forefront for me, since just a few days ago, [mention]chadmc90[/mention] and other staff members were being asked for a dedicated self-bondage section to be opened up.

Seeing fun topics like the one [mention]ziptiedboy[/mention] and [mention]Pup[/mention] opened up, is IMHO, one of the best ways to encourage young folk here to seek each other out and to play safe.

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Post by LK3869 »

Aye, Mr responsible, safety first ! Let's remember David Carradine, everyone :mrgreen:
Safety warnings are usually lost on younger guys so it is important and worth it. And it's so good we all talk and share views about that thanks to that site and the stories.
Yours is a gold mine for that and you're never afraid of answering. Guess you were made for that 'mod' badge under your torso pic ;) Doing great at that, little thanks never hurts.
don't run ! I'm friendly ...
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Post by lengban »

Good to see you back from your hiatus, BondageFreak!

These last three chapters are fantastic. Love the torture of using Shawn's briefs against him, that nod to the butt stink and the taste of his crotch was a veeeery nice touch that had some shivers of revulsion, intrigue, and dark pleasure. Also love how Nick noticed the tears and knew something big was wrong even through all the games he was playing with Steven... And once again, there are those communication issues cropping up, once again because Steven can't put things into words, he gets an only vaguely lighter torment... Leading into even worse torment involving Nick's feet at some of their worst it seems, unshowered, fresh from his old shoes, and filled with jam he's forced to lick clean. He's completely helpless, even wishing for Brad of all people's feet, just for something lighter to breathe in. Knowing his borderline hatred for Brad, that's quite the bold statement, even if from an emotionally distressed state. Maybe someday those issues will talk themselves out... But I hope it's after a lot more torment that puts Steven in his place and showcases Nick at his worst sometimes. ;)
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Post by bondagefreak »

Chapter 69 - Friends, Foes and Ancient Proverbs

It was already closing in on noon by the time I woke up. Yet I still felt tired and sore, to the point where all my bones and muscles ached.

My sleepiness was being amplified by the fact that it was 25 degrees Celsius in the room and that I was practically suffocating inside Nick's heavy down comforter.

After managing to sit up in bed and rub the sleep out of my eyes, I found myself looking for the socks Nick had been wearing last night, the same ones he'd pulled off his giant feet earlier this morning.

His trackies were on the floor, and so was the old sock I'd been gagged with last night. But his week-old work socks were nowhere to be found. That's when it dawned upon me that he was probably still wearing them at work, inside those smelly old boots of his, Either that, or some sense has gotten into him and he'd put the damnable things in the hamper, where they belonged.
After all, those rotten fuckers were long overdue, and could definitely use a serious washing or two.

I got up, made the bed, made some coffee and put the TV on before walking into the washroom to take a shower.

Just as I pulled the shower curtain open, the doorbell rang.

Still dressed only in my t-shirt and skimpy running shorts, I quickly tip toed my way to the front door, before peering out through the partially frosted glass and seeing a big, handsome young guy standing outside.

It was Shawn!

I quickly undid the locking mechanism and opened the door to let him in.

"Hey! How are you?" I greeted, trying to keep a cool, calm demeanor even though I was a little startled by his arrival. He was earlier than expected and I was still in my PJs looking like I'd just woken up.

"Hey. I'm good. You?" he asked, eyeing me strangely as he walked in and took his shiny bomber jacket off.

Why was he smiling at me like that, I wondered.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I nodded, smiling back before taking his coat and hanging it up in the entryway closet.
"You're a little earlier than I expected, haha! I was just about to get in the shower." I laughed, awkwardly trying to dissipate the tension.

He'd only just walked in, yet I already felt all weird and tingly.
I hated this feeling, and I was no stranger to it as well.

I felt this way every time Brad was nearby.
Come to think of it, I felt this way every time an Alpha jock was in close proximity.
It's as if my mind knew I was inferior and recognised these hunks as being worthy of my awe and respect.

I was doing my best to act natural around Shawn, but truth be known, I had trouble looking him in the eye and keeping my calm façade up. I can't really explain it.
The guy was younger than me, but it's like....for some reason, I felt he was better than I was!

And it really didn't help that I'd sat there, catching whiffs of his potent foot odour while giving him a massage yesterday evening. I mean, how was I supposed to stand there and look this guy in the eye, pretending to be his equal? I'd sucked on his nasty underwear pouch and had gotten a taste of his butt crack for Pete's sake!

Of course, as far as I knew, Shawn didn't know any of that.
Or maybe he did...
Given the funny looks he was giving me, I had no idea what to think anymore.

I should've offered him something to eat and drink, but was too nervous to be a gracious host.
So instead, I told the handsome jock to make himself at home and quickly retreated to the privacy of the washroom.

I showered for a few minutes and spent more time than usual "fixing" myself up and making myself presentable.
After changing into a clean t-shirt and fresh pair of socks and shorts, I made my way to the kitchen to sip my coffee and slowly managed to work up enough courage to join Shawn in the living room.

"Are you hungry? D'you want something to drink?" I asked, keeping my eyes fixed on the TV as I went through the channels to find the local sports network. I figured he'd probably prefer watching a football game as opposed to watching a news report about dwindling bee populations.

"Yeah, bring me a beer." he brazenly requested, accepting my offer for a drink before putting his sneakered feet up on the coffee table and crossing his hands behind his head to watch the game.

There could be no doubt about it. This was definitely Nick's cousin, I thought to myself, rolling my eyes as I turned around and made my way to the kitchen.

After handing the stud his beer, I sat on the edge of the couch and asked my guest how school was going and if he had any plans until the start of next semester.

Shawn went on and on about how rushing the final exams were and how many project he had to turn in this week.
We were making small talk, but it was apparent from the way he looked at me that something was on his mind.
He either thought something was funny and didn't wanna tell me, or was just really happy about the start of his two month long break. It was hard to tell which.

He talked and talked, but I have to admit, at a point I phased his words out and just settled my gaze on his biceps.

Those things were HUGE! Easily thicker than my neck.
The kid was a bit younger than I was, but there was no doubt in my mind that he could easily mash me to a pulp and crush me like a bug if he wanted to. For some reason, thinking about that made my crotch tingle a little.
Shawn's face and body didn't quite add up.
He had the body of a really big, strong man, but he still had that boyish look about him.
It was a really sexy kinda way. And to think that this kid could work such a strong musk into his briefs!
It left me wondering whether or not he was has well endowed as Nick was.

A loud ring suddenly echoed across the house and interrupted my thoughts.
I recognised it as being Nick's usual early-afternoon phone call. He was probably on one of his breaks by now.

"Hey boi." Nick's deep voice greeted me over the phone.

I was about to say "Hi, Sir.", but then suddenly remembered I wasn't alone in the room and quickly blurted out an awkward "Hey..." instead.

Nick and I spoke for a bit.
He said he was just calling to check up on me and find out if I'd managed to sleep-in a bit this morning, but in truth, he was calling to add a few chores to my to-do list and gave me a few instructions about what I needed to pack for our trip tomorrow.

One of the things he instructed me to do, was to get his two winter mummy bags out of the closet and air them out in the backyard.

He asked me if Shawn had arrived yet, and instructed me to make supper for three tonight.
After a few more seconds of chatting with Nick, I hung the phone up and slowly made my way into the living room before asking the young man sitting on the couch if he liked Spaghetti, to which he cheerfully replied "Yes!"

The next hour was fairly routine.
I left the football game on TV and made for the kitchen in order to start preparing my sauce, which if I remembered correctly, required at least five hours of simmering in the slow cooker to come out right.

Shawn was too busy browsing on his laptop and watching the football game to care about my absence.

It took me the better part of an hour to cook the extra lean ground beef and get all the veggies cut and ready, but after having drained all of the excess fat out of the meat and having put all the other ingredients into the slow cooker, I cleaned the kitchen up, unloaded the dishwasher, and grabbed a quick bite to eat.

Only when I started moving stuff around and getting our travelling bags ready, did Shawn lift his eyes up from the laptop screen and ask me what I was doing.

"Nick and I are taking a trip up north for the long weekend." I explained, laying stuff out on the dining room table while absentmindedly glancing at the football game playing on TV.
Having a large, open area dining room did have it's advantages.

"Where are you guys going?" the young jock asked, no doubt curious about why I was packing so much stuff.

"Nick's friend owns a cottage a few hours..." I started explaining, right before being cut off.

"Brad?" Shawn suddenly asked. For a second there, I couldn't help but notice a change in the jock's voice.

"Yeah. He owns a cottage up north." I answered, careful to keep my tone neutral, not wanting to reveal my near-hatred for one of Nick's best friends. For all I knew, Shawn and Brad were close friends too!

"Fuck. I hate that guy." the twenty year old immediately blurted out, turning his eyes back to his laptop screen.

"Really?" I asked, suddenly interested in this development and unable to supress the amused chuckle before it escaped my lips.

"Yeah, he's a fuckin' idiot." Shawn spat, keeping his gaze fixed on his computer, but leaving no doubt as to his strong dislike for Brad.

I decided to bite my tongue and merely allowed myself to chuckle in amusement as I continued packing and tried to fathom why Shawn thought so poorly of the other dude.

True, Brad was an ass, but I'd always figured he only had a problem with me, specifically.
It never crossed my mind that he might've been a jerk to everyone else as well. Certainly not with Nick though. But then again, everyone wanted to be friends with Nick.

For some reason, knowing that Shawn disliked Brad so much, sorta made me like Shawn a bit more.

You know what they say right?
The enemy of an enemy is a friend.

At the time, I didn't know that this wouldn't be the case with Shawn, but let's just say, I was more than a little happy to see Brad's "popularity rating" plummet.

As the afternoon progressed, the day got brighter and warmer, causing the mercury inside the backyard thermometer to reach an impressive 17 degrees Celsius.
This was definitely starting to feel like spring.
Which reminded me, I had to get those sleeping bags out in the yard before Nick got back from work.

Opening the patio door and walking into the yard, I was glad to see lush, green foliage sprouting everywhere and couldn't help but look up into the trees and smile as the birds chirped away happily.
Winter had been a long, lonely and depressing season for me this year, and I was glad it was finally over.

I spent a few minutes sweeping the wooden deck and cleaning up the backyard table set that had stayed outside all winter.

The ground wasn't completely dry yet, so it wouldn't be a good idea to lay the sleeping bags down on the grass, even in this mild weather.

When I walked back in and pulled Nick's big, green mummy bag out of the bedroom closet, Shawn put his laptop down on the coffee table and stood up before bursting into laughter.

"What the fuck!?" he cried out, chuckling hysterically as I carried the enormous, two meter long worn across the living room and into the dining room.

The beefy hunk followed me and eyed Jack's old bag in sheer amazement before running his hand over the soft, down-filled baffles.
"Holy shit." he voice out. "Are you guys going to the north pole or something?" he asked, grinning incredulously as he observed his uncle's super thick military bag.

"Nah, Nick just likes to pack warm." I chuckled, allowing the blue eyed stud to take the sight in, before I slowly resumed carrying the overstuffed bag outside.

"Man, that's some serious overkill." Shawn chuckled, following me outside and sipping his beer as I laid the super puffy worn down onto the patio deck.

Jack's old bag.png

There was an awkward moment of silence when I stood up and turned to walk back inside the house.
Shawn was standing in the patio door frame and I wanted to go through.

He was really tall and broad-shouldered compared to me.
I could swear he smirked a bit as I awkwardly tried to let him know I needed to get back in the house.

He did step aside a bit, but I averted my gaze as I squeezed by, unable to meet his eyes or cope with the fact that he was watching me so intently.

When I returned to the dining area, this time with Nick's even LARGER blue bag in tow, Shawn nearly lost it.

"Woah. Dude! That thing is HUGE!" he shot, putting his beer down and eyeing his cousin's monstrous bag with a toothy grin.

He was right, and for a down bag it weighed a fuckin' TON as well.

Nick's bag was long, narrow and the baffles were ridiculously overstuffed, even more so than Jack's smelly old bag!

I asked Shawn for his help and we carried it outside through the door, before laying it across the backyard dining table. The impressionable twenty year old was as amazed as I was when I first laid eyes on Nick's bag.

Nick's blue bag.png

Both bags had been overstuffed to the brink of bursting.
The the blue bag especially, looked too tightly packed for anyone to fit inside.

Shawn's reaction was pretty amusing, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't think, if only for a split second, about asking the jock to zip me up and strap down in one of Nick's giant mummies.

Of course, I'd never do that. It was just a thought. And a stupid one at that!
Judging by the looks he was giving me, Shawn already thought I was weird enough as it is.
I didn't need to add to that by letting him in on my strange obsession with being tied up.

Besides, I'd already been restrained MORE than enough for one day.

The rest of the afternoon went by pretty smoothly.
I did a bit of cleaning in the yard and ended up packing most of the stuff we'd need to bring for our weekend trip to Brad's cottage.

By the time Nick arrived home, wearing his boots and massive parka, the house was already smelling of garlic, rosemary and thyme from the simmering spaghetti sauce.

After the events of last night and this morning, I never imagined I'd find myself surrendering to a bondage-hungry jock once again. A least, not so soon!

Nick was no liar though, and he certainly wasn't kidding when he told me I'd be tied up on a far more regular basis.

I still wasn't sure whether or not I should consider the whole thing a blessing or a curse.
But as usual, time would be the great revealer.

Now let me tell you about my NOT-so-uneventful Thursday evening.
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Last edited by bondagefreak 5 years ago, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by GoBucks »

Glad to see you are back to writing [mention]bondagefreak[/mention]! Looks like Steven is in trouble. I don't think his tie up fetish is going to remain a secret from Shawn for long :twisted:
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]lengban[/mention] [mention]GoBucks[/mention]
Real glad to be back, guys!
Felt good to take a few weeks off and change my thoughts a bit, but I'm really anxious to get this story moving again, especially since we're getting closer to the long weekend countryside trip. Always a pleasure to hear from the two of you.

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Post by bondagefreak »

Chapter 70 - The Loan

Nick got home and was in an uncharacteristically good mood that night. Aside from the fact that it was a bit livelier than usual due to Shawn's presence and the fact that Nick was glad to have his cousin around, things were pretty normal for me at first.

Nick changed into his workout clothes, which tonight, consisted only of his hightops and a pair of shiny blue track pants. The waistband hugged his lower torso tightly and looked a little snug around his thighs, causing the silky nylon to swoosh noisily each time he moved.

He wore no shirt and looked real proud to strut around with his big, broad pecs and massive biceps exposed.

I was allowed a few seconds of attention as the imposing hunk entered the kitchen and slowly walked behind me before wrapping his warm hands around my slim torso and craning his head down to kiss the back of my neck. Nick purred and growled in my ear, stepping forward and grinding his poorly-concealed member against my lower back.

It would've probably been more comfortable for him to grind his shaft against my butt, but our considerable height difference meant that his groin area was at the same height as my navel.

Nick's hunky stature and large muscles weren't only a source of excitement for me though. With the excitement came anxiety and apprehension. I wasn't afraid of being roughed up, but was very afraid of not being able to please the man in bed. I was inexperienced, and I knew his size, weight and predisposition at using brute force would make things more difficult for us. Especially for me.

The big boys worked out in the basement gym for over an hour, and by the time they came upstairs to eat, they were both tired and dripping sweat all over the place. Shawn had his damp muscle-shirt slung over his large torso and I could tell he'd worked out hard by the thick vein that protruded over his upper arms muscles.

Nick was sweating like a pig as well. His thick, chiselled abdomen glistened and his back and pecs were all wet. The excess blood that was pumped up into his muscles made him look even hunkier and more menacing than usual.

We sat down at the supper table and ate, neither jocks bothering to dry up or even put on some clean clothes on. Make no mistake, these guys were both hot as hell! But even so, having the two shirtless, sweat-covered cousins sit so close to me, didn't do much to help my appetite.

After emptying their plates and requesting second portions, I got their protein drinks out of the fridge and started cleaning up and loading the dishwasher.

Neither Nick nor Shawn paid me any attention and I received no thanks for the supper I'd prepared. I knew they'd enjoyed it a lot though. But I have to admit, getting some form of acknowledgement would've been nice.

The two jocks left their plates on the table and Nick invited Shawn to plop himself down on the couch while he grabbed two beers from the fridge. I cleared the table away and Nick gave me quick wink and a hard smack on the butt as he passed me and resumed his way back to the living room. I couldn't help but chuckle and blush as I loaded their plates into the dishwater and went downstairs to clean up the sweaty gym room.

By the time I came back upstairs, the two beefy studs were still sipping their beers in the living room and chatting about their workout. That's when the evening got a little more...intense.

Not knowing what else to do, I joined the two Alphas in the living room and sat on the smallest of the two couches, less than two meters away from the pair.

Nick got up about a minute later and told us that he had some packing to do for tomorrow and that he'd be back in a bit.

I kept my eyes on the TV and was careful not to glance Shawn's way, even though it was really hard for me not to stare at his large pecs and huge biceps. The young jock wasn't quite as buff as Nick yet, but he was definitely getting there. He had to weight over a hundred kilos though. That much was certain.

"Hey...why don't you come over here?" he asked, drawing my attention away from the TV and motioning for me to join him on the main couch. "Come give me a nice massage like you gave me last night." he added, smiling boyishly as he plopped his big old trainers off and tossed them to the floor.

I gave the stud's socked feet a fearful look and noticed how worn-out and dirty his white socks looked. Those were the same cheesy socks he'd been wearing yesterday!

"Nah, I think I'm gonna stay here for now." I chuckled, quickly darting my eyes back to the TV and slumping down on the couch to make myself more comfortable. There's no way in hell I was getting closer to his stinkers!

"Come on dude! My feet are killing me. Besides, you know you want them." he teased, extending a socked foot over to where my head was resting and wiggling his nasty toes.

"Owh. OWH! Dude. Cut it out! Your feet STINK!" I complained, purposefully calling him "dude", even though the word felt a little out of place coming from my lips.

He was younger than I was, and I was trying real hard to make it seem as though I wasn't suffering from an inferiority complex.

Shawn laughed a bit at my comment and eventually stopped teasing me with his foot.

Things were fine after that...right until Nick walked out of the bedroom.

"Bro!" Shawn called out to him. "Tell your little slave-boi to get over here and give me my foot massage." he laughed, probably not expecting his older cousin to actually step in and involve himself in our little scuffle.

I think we were both a little surprised when Nick walked into the living room and told me to get to it.

"Steven. Come on." he ordered, snapping his fingers to get my attention. "You heard the man."

I couldn't believe it. I was actually being ordered to give the young hunk another stupid foot massage! I huffed loudly to let Nick know I wasn't happy about this, but he wasn't taking no for an answer and gave me a severe look as I got up and sat down next to his cousin.

I barely had time to sit that Shawn was already smirking and crossing his huge feet right on top of my lap.
"Haha." he chuckled, offering me a toothy grin as he wiggled his toes and crossed his hands up behind his head.

Ugh, fuck they smelled bad!

I turned my head away to avoid the toxic fumes coming out of the young jock's putrid socks and quickly placed my hands on his sickeningly moist soles before using my fingers to start massaging them.

"Let me know if he gives you any trouble." Nick told his cousin, ruffling my hair up before turning around and heading back to his bedroom.

Shawn laughed as Nick departed, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes and throw him a hateful glance. He must've thought the whole thing to be real funny, 'cause after only a minute or two of massaging him, he just lifted a foot up to my face and teased me with it before calling me "sock boi."

"Ugh! Fuck. Quit it out!" I cried, unable to stop myself from laughing a bit as I tried to fight the annoying jock's attempts at rubbing his foot over my face.

"Come on. Just take a quick sniff." Shawn laughed, apparently as determined as his older cousin was to share his overpowering foot stench with the rest of the world. Must be a jock thing, I thought. Or maybe it was a family trait. Either way, it was gross and I hated it.

Nick walked into the living room once again, no doubt drawn here by all the commotion Shawn and I were causing.
"What's going on? Is he giving you any trouble?" he asked, standing tall and keeping his exposed chest puffed out as he spoke to his cousin.

Shawn gave me a devilish smirk before twisting the truth a bit and intentionally trying to get me in trouble.
"I think his heart just isn't in it." he laughed, grinning widely as I shot him an angry look.

Nick should've seen that we were only fooling around and that Shawn wasn't being serious. But for some reason, the older hunk wasn't in such a playful mood, and took his cousin's words a little too literally. Of course, Shawn watched the whole thing as though it was a spectacle, and failed to come to my rescue when Nick made his intentions clear.

"Alright, come here." the blond brute ordered, motioning for me to stand up and step closer to him.

"We'll be back in a minute." he told Shawn, before wrapping his left hand real tight around my upper right arm and forcefully leading me into the washroom, like a father about to punish his son.

"Niiick...come on. He was just kidding." I pleaded, trying to reason with the big, grumpy brute.

His blue trackies swooshed loudly as he walked me into the washroom, but the jock left no hint at being intent on listening to what I had to say. Still holding onto me real tight, I watched as he reached down into his dirty laundry hamper and started fishing stuff out.

It took him a while to find what he was looking for, but when I saw him pull out one of his "Go Sport" socks from the hamper, I knew I wouldn't like what he had in mind. I recognised that sock from my Monday afternoon search, and clearly remember having ruled it out as a gag due to the foul stench it was producing.

Without another word, my big muscular King led me to the privacy of his bedroom and shut the door behind us.

"Niiick." I tried to plead and reason, sinking down to my knees to try and obtain his pity.
As usual though, my pleas fell on deaf ears. Handsome he may be, but merciful he was not.

"Quiet." he snapped, forcing me up on my feet and lifting his index finger up to my face as he spoke.

I watched as he reached into his nightstand and pulled out a pair of really solid-looking, steel handcuffs. I moaned and whimpered as the police-grade cuffs were slapped around my wrists, securing my hands together in front of me.

Without any warning, the huge stud grabbed my shoulders and lifted me up off the ground before pushing me down on his bed. I was being tossed around like a rag doll.

I gasped and produced a frightened whimper as I was lifted up and thrown down onto the bed. My body produced a loud thud as it landed on the mattress, and I found myself breathing heavily as I looked up at the bedroom ceiling. There was something both scary and invigorating about being manhandled like this, I thought.

It was obvious from the amount of clothes pilled around me, that Nick had been busy packing for our upcoming weekend trip. My curiosity was piqued when I noticed a roll of duct tape and a good amount of rope, next to some of the clothes he was apparently getting ready to pack.

My attention was quickly drawn back to more pressing matters when the muscular hunk climbed onto the bed, his big, raunchy sock in one hand, and the-all-too-familiar roll of black gaffer tape in the other. I tried to squirm away, tried to lift my cuffed hands up in front of my face to form some kind of defence. But my attempts to fight back were laughable at best.

Nick grabbed my hands by the cuffs and pulled them down before crouching right over my chest and sitting his massive weight down on top of me.

I wanted to cry out and beg for mercy, but everything happened so fast and I ended up getting the air knocked out of my lungs as the beefy construction worker settled himself on my upper torso.

"Ohhf!" I breathed out, as the brutish hunk came down on me.
He weighed a TON!

Nick didn't say anything, and didn't even bother explaining to me why I was being punished. He just grabbed my hair, clamped his huge thighs around both sides of my face, pinned the back of my head down to the mattress and bunched his foul-smelling sock up before pressing it over my nose.

"Sniff it." he ordered, frowning down at me while holding the big, putrid sock over my nostrils.

"Mmmppff...NO! Nick. Waiiit!" I cried out, desperately attempting to twist my head away and reason with my captor. There was no escaping though. Not with this giant, 240-pound monster sitting on top of me.

I looked at my crush's handsome face and squinted my eyes a bit before moaning and whimpering in an attempt to soften him up.

It worked, at least for a second or two it did! But Nick quickly regained his composure and gave me a tap on the face for my trouble.
"Enough!" he barked, raising his deep, masculine voice and making me cower in fear. "I said, sniff!"

I immediately shut my eyes tight, and obeyed my Master's command, taking a whiff of his pungent foot odour and sniffing up the strong, musty scent coming out of his crumpled up gym sock.

"UGGMPPH!" I cried out, crinkling my nose in disgust as the big, beefy stud's nauseating foot stench invaded my nostrils.

"Yeah, that's right." Nick said, keeping my head pinned down to the bed and frowning down at me in a display of unbreakable resolve. Even as I choked and gagged on the smell of his big, cheesy sock, there was no sympathy in his voice and no pity in his eyes.

As far as he was concerned, I was disobedient and this was something that just had to be done.

"Now open." he ordered, giving me no time to recover from the smell of his sock, before forcefully shoving his filthy wad, past my lips and deep into my protesting orifice.

"Nnngghhh..." I started screaming, getting my mouth plugged before I even managed to get a single word out.

Unfair, would be a pale word to describe just how mismatched this contest was.

The hulking stud used his large hands and massive arms to stuff his sock into my mouth and keep my head pinned down. I struggled, desperately trying to cope with the speed and manner in which my mouth was being silenced. Before I knew it, I was chowing down on my muscular Alpha's big, filthy sock and gagging on its size and taste.

Nick didn't lose any time in unleashing his super sticky gaffer tape over my mouth to seal my gag in. I protested and coughed, but he said nothing as he yanked my hair up and brought the tape around the back of my head and over my mouth again.

The big, bad muscle-jock spent at least a whole minute gagging me, slowly wrapping the wide tape up around my face, making sure my gag was extra tight and effective. His arm muscles bulged and the enormous, nylon-clad tent rubbing against my chin, throbbed and dangled with excitement.

Nick certainly didn't go to any lengths to try and hide the fact that he was enjoying this.
Quite the opposite actually.

With my hands cuffed in front of me and my protesting moans heavily silenced, the heavy blue-eyed stud got off from on top of me and pulled me up to a standing position.

"Now you're gonna go in the living room and you're gonna do what Shawn tells you." he ordered, grabbing his thick leather work belt and clamping his hand around my upper arm before pulling me out of the bedroom.

I felt my cheeks tingle and felt my face flush as Shawn came into view and laid his eyes upon me.

"Dude! What did you do to him?!" the younger jock shot, laughing hysterically as we approached.

"I made him quieter." Nick merely replied, leading me to where his cousin was sitting.
"Sit!" he suddenly barked, ordering me to sit down on the floor, right in front of Shawn's huge, sock-clad soles.

I did as I was told and was quickly faced with the realisation that my predicament was even worse than before, since I couldn't breathe through my mouth anymore.

"Here." Nick mumbled, as he latched his wide belt around my neck and handed the loose end of it to his cousin. "If he tries to get away, you just need to pull and it's gonna choke him." he explained, causing the younger man to chuckle in amusement.

"Sweet!" the cheerful twenty year old cried out, no doubt thrilled by the prospect of having me in a choker.

Artistic rendition by the one and only LK3869

I gasped and grunted as the beefy young jock pulled on my improvised leash, testing it out and seeing how effective it was. Shawn was definitely pleased with my reaction.

If he pulled, and if I resisted or tried backing away, the leather belt would squeeze my throat and cause me to choke. The only way to stop Nick's belt from choking me was to obey Shawn's every command, and crawl forward if he pulled my leash. Of course, that was easier said than done...especially since crawling forward pretty much meant getting my face smothered up into this cocky guy's cheesy soles.

I watched in fear as the hunky young man wrapped the leather belt around his right hand and gripped it tight.
I didn't know him very well, but I knew I was at his mercy.

If Shawn proved to be even half the bully Nick was, I knew I'd be in trouble.
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Post by LK3869 »

Nice seeing Nick in an almost 'honey I'm home' mood. Maybe Steven will soften him a little on the long run... Making his cold-as-steel moments more enjoyable.
And: you have 'Go Sports' in Québec ?
don't run ! I'm friendly ...
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Post by socjuc »

[mention]bondagefreak[/mention] Loved this chapter in how Nick punished Steven with his sock and how he set him up for his cousin. But even better is how Shawn is going to take over and cockily continue .... :D Wish I were Steven now lol
This story can be found HERE.
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Post by ShadowHusky »

Sorry about being quiet for so long! I really really love the addition of Shawn to this story, it adds a great element to all this. And 4 toxic soles to smother Steven? He may pass out :lol: Anyway, amazing work as always. And maybe if I get more free time in my life; I may get to write a story or two of my own.
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]socjuc[/mention] [mention]ShadowHusky[/mention]
Thanks for the comments guys! I'm thrilled you hear you're both enjoying Shawn's presence.
He was not part of the original draft, so this adds a lot of fun and new material for me to write about as well.
I always enjoy hearing your thoughts about the characters.

Salut ! Yup. It's the sister chain of the GoSport boutiques you have in France ;)

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Post by TiedNW »

I’m finally all catched up.

Love what you have done with the story. Great improvement! Shawn is also a great addition!

And of course I look forward to the weekend in the cottage, especially the old chapter 75.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Can't believe I have that many forum members following this!

Thrilled to hear from you, bro!
Yeah, chapter 75. Yikes!

If I remember correctly, that chapter alone garnered over 25 comments two years ago.
I've got some big shoes to fill and the expectation bar is set pretty high.
I'm fairly confident I can make it even better this time around though 8-)

Unfortunately for you, the chapter count has been tossed out the window.
So the events coinciding with ex-chapter 75 should be portrayed closer to chapter 80 in this remastered version of the story. Shawn's arrival delays everything and even postpones the inclusion of our sixth, much-loved, fan favourite character.

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Post by TiedNW »

I already expected it to be somewherevin the 80s. But that’s no problem Sir! I like Shawn in the new version.
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Post by Trainedsub »

Its so interesting to see the way you’ve changed Nick’s character from an almost insensitive dom to a very caring lover. Yes he still punishes his boi (as any good master does) but he still gives these random spikes in attention and love that drive Steven insane! This story gets more and more interesting, pleaseee don’t torture us with another hiatus
Please sir... Not that again, I promise I’ll be good-
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Post by bondagefreak »

Thanks boi!
I have the original draft right here beside me, and I can tell you that Nick hasn't really changed at all.
I'm really thrilled that you think he has though, 'cause that means you guys are still very much hostage to Steven's first-person POV 8-) If anything, Steven is the one who's been tweaked the most. Sure, he's still the same guy, but I'd like to think his attitude is a little more...balanced this time around.

For years, Nick was seen as a villain by a majority of readers. I still remember how a bunch of you were constantly calling for Steven and Nick to split up. I don't know how far you got in the original draft, but keep in mind that there are some rough times ahead. True, the romantic aspect between our two main protagonists was introduced earlier than in the originals, but Nick is still very much the same guy, with the same qualities and same imperfections.
Whether or not Steven will manage to smooth down his rough edges (as [mention]LK3869[/mention] put it) still remains to be seen. Their relationship is still in it's infancy.

As for Nick being a caring lover, I gave Steven a +1 in "level-headedness". That's probably contributed a lot to your way of seeing Nick, Brad and company. Brad was HATED by the audience in the original draft, and Nick was trailing WAY behind in the "most liked character" poll. Now that Steven's perspective is a little more balanced and reasonable, Nick seems to be enjoying popularity and Brad is getting some slack.

D'you think my explanation makes sense?

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Post by Trainedsub »

I can’t say that I can argue. I think Nick is an amazingly developed character and he is the same through the two drafts, but this time steven sees the softer side of him more. Before he seemed more touch-starved, now he just wants constant contact (sameee). Either way, love this story.
Please sir... Not that again, I promise I’ll be good-
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Chapter 71 - Trapped

You know what they say about book covers, right?
Never judge a book by it's cover, and never judge a man by his appearance.

Shawn had that really cute, sweet-looking guy kinda thing goin' for him.
But MAN did his feet reek!

Those enormous stinkers of his were right in my face, and that damned belt that had been buckled around my neck, was being firmly held on to. Luckily for me though, Shawn wasn't as harsh as Nick, and didn't go overboard with the teasing.

Sure, he knew his socks made me wanna puke. And sure, he enjoyed wiggling his plump toes and watching me crinkle my nose up in disgust.

But for the most part, he was pretty cool about it, and dare I say, lacked a bit of confidence when it came to bullying me the way his older cousin would.

I spent at least half an hour massaging his damp, musky, sock-clad feet, moaning and groaning about the powerful stench and loathing the fact that he was holding my leash real tight. The young Alpha didn't want me going anywhere and seemed intent on stopping me from pulling away, even though my face was mere inches from his big, putrid soles.

"Uggghm!" I coughed, closing my eyes tight and crinkling my nose up as the potent stench of young Master Shawn's socked feet filled my nostrils.

The jock chuckled boyishly and flashed me a cocky smile before fixing his gaze back to the TV screen.
Of course, he knew I couldn't breathe with my mouth, not with the tight tape gag wrapped around my lower face.
What he probably didn't know however, was the fact that I was being forced to taste and chow on his hunky, older cousin's incredibly foul-tasting gym sock at the same time.
Not that it would've made a difference anyway, as I'm pretty sure he'd find the whole thing even funnier.
Heck. For all I knew, he might even ask Nick if I could mouth-wash HIS socks instead!
The muscular, blue eyed jock would probably be thrilled to have me chewing and gagging on one of his putrid, unwashed socks.

Another whiff of Shawn's feet drew me out of my thoughts and reminded me of just how BAD this young man's feet truly were. "Ugghmph!" I cried, squinting my eyes shut and turning my face away to try and escape the unbearable smell.

My anxiety level went through the roof when Nick entered the living room and plopped himself down on the couch, right next to his cousin. As could be expected, It didn't take long for the two muscular blond men to turn me into the laughing stock of the evening.

Nick also didn't hesitate to shove my head forward and smother my defenseless nose right into his handsome cousin's socked toes.

I cried out, shook my head and held my breathe for as long as I could, but in the end, I was no match for my giant King's huge muscles and was forced to sniff up young Master Shawn's overly potent toe cheese.

"Haha, dude. That tickles!" the cute, twenty year old laughed as I sniffed the air out from in between his fat toes.

I remember screaming in my gag and nearly going crossed-eyed from the incapacitating strength of his stench, but neither jocks paid my protests much heed, and instead, filled the room with loud belly laughter.

The two bullies spent some time teasing and tormenting me before finally settling down a little to watch a movie on TV.

I ended up spending almost two hours, lying on the floor at the foot of the couch, massaging Shawn's feet while keeping my face as far from them as possible. That was pretty much the only thing I could do to try and escape the toxic fumes spilling out of his worn-out socks.

Through no small amount of luck, Nick ended up keeping his old Reebok trainers on and spared us the displeasure of having to deal with his overly ripe, week-old work socks.
Besides, Shawn was doing a more than adequate job at stinking up the place and making me sick to my stomach. He even got NICK to complain about the stench once or twice.

By the time the movie ended, both jocks were tired and quickly decided to call it a night.

I was freed, ungagged and ordered to clean up the living room before getting ready for bed.

Shawn chuckled when he saw Nick pull the thick gag out of my mouth and even made some condescending remarks about me being a good "foot bitch", immediately confirming my suspicions that he knew about the little foot-worship session I'd been forced to give Nick this morning.
Oh god! If he knew about that, then he probably also knew how about how I'd spent the entire night hogtied and how I'd gotten a mouthful of his big, smelly briefs.
Fuck! THAT'S why he's been looking at me strange all day and acting real cocky around me!
It all made sense now.

Nick went outside to bring his sleeping bags back in, while I cleared the living room table up and slowly loaded the glasses and bowls they'd used, into the dishwasher.

Nick brought his overstuffed mummy bags in and he and Shawn ended up talking about the long weekend trip we were taking. They talked for a bit, and Nick eventually invited his cousin to join us for the weekend and spend some time with us up north. My big, hunky Master even teased me by telling his cousin that I'd miss taking care of his feet if he didn't come along.
Given's Shawn's clear disliking for Brad, I figured he'd turn down the invitation and come up with some random excuse not to come. So I was really surprised when the hunky young man accepted his older cousin's invite and made plans to join us this weekend.

The plan was for him to sleep over tonight and swing by his place to pack up some clothes in the morning.
Nick and I would make a quick detour to pick him up before leaving, and the three of us would head up north to Brad's cottage by mid-afternoon.

As I silently went about, cleaning up the kitchen and making sure Nick's lunch box was ready for tomorrow, I couldn't help but feel kinda happy that Shawn would be joining us this weekend.

Yes, he was big and cocky. And yes, he made me feel a little awkward and uncomfortable.
But having another guy around, especially one who didn't like Brad all that much, probably wasn't such a bad idea after all.

Between Nick, Brad, Jeremy, Shawn and myself, the weekend promised to be fun and lively.

I shut the kitchen lights off and quickly scampered into the washroom, anxious to brush my teeth and freshen up before bed. I wasn't particularly tired yet...not after having gotten out of bed so late.
But I couldn't wait to slip under the covers and get in bed with my big, hunky blond Master!

I was pretty happy that Shawn was staying for the night. That probably meant he'd sleep in the spare bedroom, something that boded rather well for me and my chances of sleeping with Nick tonight.

My suspicions were confirmed when I stepped out of the washroom and heard voices coming from the spare bedroom.

"Steven." Nick called out, drawing me into the room where he and his cousin were chatting. "Bring my dad's bag in here." he ordered, causing me to make my way towards the large dining room table, where both his mummy bags had been laid out.

The monstrously THICK green worm spilled a few small feathers into the air as I carried it across the house.
I was left a little awestricken when I entered the room and saw Shawn, lying in bed, wearing nothing but his black Calvin Klein briefs.


I quickly averted my gaze, but felt my cheeks tingle as I walked in and carried the bag over to where Nick was sitting.

Shawn was apparently real enthusiastic about trying his uncle's mummy bag out, and naturally Nick was only too happy to oblige.

I tried my best not to look, but I couldn't help myself from stealing a few glances at the young jock's broad chest and massive biceps. The fact that he was almost as buff as Nick was, left me wondering how on earth he'd fit inside that super thick down cocoon.

Sure, it was long enough, but the width of it was on the narrow side, even for a mummy bag.
Then add to that the fact that it was ridiculously overstuffed with duck down, causing it to be much tighter and less roomy than it originally was.
Still, the young jock appeared anxious to see how it felt.

I couldn't help but drawn parallels with how I had also volunteered to try out the overstuffed mummy bag Nick had shown me last summer, before that crazy trip to Brad's cottage. I have to admit, something about the ridiculous amount of down that had been stuffed inside those bags, made crawling in them strangely appealing for some reason.

The super thick, smelly green bag was slowly unzipped and laid out next to where hunky Shawn was resting.
"Alright broski, get inside." Nick told his cousin.

The cocky, young stud managed to slide his large, muscular legs all the way inside the narrow worm, before lying down on his back and putting his arms down to his sides.

"Haha. Man, this is really snug." he commented, wiggling his big hairy thighs around a bit as Nick pulled on the heavy duty zipper and started zipping him up.

I watched as Shawn's big, beefy legs were forced closer together and watched as his hands and forearms slowly disappeared inside the thick worn.

Nick said nothing while zipping his cousin up. He just pulled the zipper up all the way to Shawn's neck, sealing up the young hunk's chest and torso and allowing him to experience just how thick and restrictive the smelly old army bag really was.

"Woah. Haha." Shawn laughed, attempting to move his arms and legs inside the bag a bit. "Holy shit, this is really puffy!" he chuckled, seeming amused at the fact that his big thighs and biceps didn't have any room to maneuver.
His movements caused the super thick, down-stuffed baffles to wiggle around, giving the bag a worm-like aspect.

"It's tight, eh?" Nick asked, smiling and at fact that his cousin's big, broad chest and shoulders were completely swallowed up by the thick, puffy prison. "Alright, stop moving. I gotta fix your collar up." Nick suddenly told him.

Shawn had obviously never been inside a mummy bag before, 'cause he seemed oblivious to the fact that Nick was securing the inner draft collar around his neck and knotting it up real tight.
Technically, there was nothing "preserve" about the collar.
Most serious winter bags were equipped one. It prevented cold air from spilling into the bag when the hood had to remain open. But of course, the collar also had other uses besides keeping cold air out.
The adjustable collar didn't only keep warm air in by sealing around the user's neck. It also stopped the user from inadvertently unzipping his bag during the night and letting all the heat escape.

As long as the collar was fastened up around Shawn's neck, he wouldn't be able to reach the hood of the bag or even touch the zipper.

Nick knew that I knew, which is probably why he raised his head to wink at me, before knotting up the down-filled collar around his unsuspecting cousin's neck.

"Man, this thing stinks!" Shawn laughed, apparently not appreciating the strong, musky odour of his uncle's bag too much.

The unsuspecting blond hunk started saying something else, but his words were effectively drowned out when Nick started zipping the puffy bag up all the way, smothering his cousin's face up.

My brutish Master ignored the young man's mild protests and calmly grabbed the thick hood's sturdy drawstrings before pulling at them and tightening the hood up.

The hole left above Shawn's face, was just large enough for me to fit my hand inside.

"So, how's that feel?" Nick finally asked, looking down into the hood opening and sliding his hands over the soft, puffy cocoon that kept his naïve younger cousin, sealed in and trapped.

"It's...really thick, man! I can't even move my arms up." Shawn laughed, right before coughing and sputtering inside the loft, probably from having inhaled a feather or something.

Nick looked at me with a big grin painted across his handsome face.
He seemed genuinely pleased at the fact that his muscular cousin was all zipped up and trapped inside his bag.

Shawn was mumbling something, and although it was hard to make out what he was saying from inside that thick cocoon, I knew he was complaining about the smell or something.

When Nick lifted a finger up over his lips and signaled for me to be quiet, I knew he was up to something.
Imagine my surprise when the big, muscular brute climbed onto the bed, crouched over the hood opening, pulled his trackies down and ripped a HUGE fart, right inside his defenseless cousin's breathing hole.

"No! DUDE! Ugggghh..." I heard Shawn suddenly cry out, right before he started coughing and choking on his older cousin's gas.

"Haha!" Nick chuckled, looking positively thrilled by what he had just done.

Shawn cursed and cried out, but Nick didn't waste any time in pulling his pants back up and closing the sleeping bag's hood until the opening was barely large enough to fit in a finger.

I watched as puffy green mummy bag wiggled like a worm.
Shawn's thick, muscular limbs were of no help, quite the opposite in fact.
He was trapped. Completely swallowed up by his uncle's overstuffed, expedition-grade mummy bag.
There was no getting out of there.

Nick and I spent a few seconds watching the cocooned prisoner struggle and futilely attempt to reach the zipper.
But it was getting late and my hunky dominator was ready to call it a night.

"Alright buddy, I'll be waking you up before leaving for work." he told Shawn, before slowly getting off the bed and nudging me towards the bedroom exit.

"Wait! I don't get it..." I heard Shawn mumble, as Nick and I were getting ready to depart. "...where the fuck is this thing's zipper?"

Nick chuckled at his cousin's ignorance and I couldn't stop myself from smiling in delight, as my beefy blond King suddenly shut the bedroom lights off and told his cousin to "sleep tight."

It wouldn't take Shawn too long to realise that he'd been tricked.
The zipper was there, he just didn't have any way of reaching it!

Nick closed the bedroom door shut, leaving the young jock to moan and groan inside the extremely thick, puffy prison. The last I heard of Shawn that night, he was spewing out some heavily-muffled complaints and attempting find a way out of his predicament.

Good luck, I thought to myself, knowing full well the futility of trying to get out of those bag once the draft collar was sealed tight.

Nick stood there, standing tall and sizing me up with an unmistakable sparkle of lust in his eyes.
I couldn't believe he was just gonna leave his cousin like that!
There was something sexy and arousing about his confident manner and his way of assuming authority.

My eyes shot upwards, and suddenly, I was eyeing my big, beefy Alpha with a sense of newfound respect and admiration. There could be no mistake about it. Nick was definitely the man of the house.
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Post by ShadowHusky »

Great chapter! I love the addition of Shawn, he is a really interesting middle ground. Can't wait for the next one!
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Post by squirrel »

Wow, I didn't see that coming. It was tricky to keep Nick's cousin inside that huge puffy bag for the nigth. I can just wonder what the guys would do with poor Steven in Brad's cottage :)

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Post by Tsuhaya »

I'm back! And as a first act, I couldn't help but update myself on the new chapters, so come on.

I loved those new chapters, and I loved it even more Shawn, I love how Steven describes his facial expressions as childlike and at the same time an alpha, for more that young people attracted me less (over 24 years old please :lol: ) I still really like Shawn

I also love the fact that Nick shares Steven with his younger cousin and the way he does it, poor Steven, be delivered tied up and gagged to please the stinky feet of a handsome

I can't wait for what the addition of Shawn will add to the story, to say that I'm looking forward to this trip is euphemism

Great chapters sir :)
Yes, it's me in the picture. What are you waiting for to tie me up and gag me?
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Chapter 72 - Learning The Trade

As soon as the spare bedroom door was shut, Nick looked at me, licked his lips, narrowed his eyes and smirked.
The hardening tool causing his shiny blue pants to tent up was a dead give away. He was feeling horny.

I REALLY didn't feel like being tied up tonight, and something about his posture and the way he was sizing me up, sent a few warning signals to my brain. I knew that backing away would've sent the blue eyed hunk into predator mode, and I was fairly certain he would've chased after me and wrestled me down to the floor if I had done so.

So instead of trying to retreat and cower away from the approaching beast, I decided to close the gap between us and step closer.

Thankfully, the blond King was receptive to my approach, and planted a kiss on my head before smacking my behind and telling me to get in his bed.

I silently cheered and quickly entered the bedroom before taking my t-shirt off and climbing into my Master's bed.

Nick came in soon after, his HUGE eight inch cock standing erect in front of him and dangling from side to side inside the thin, nylon trackies he was wearing.
Dark blond pubic hairs poked out of the tight elastic waistband hugging his hips, immediately leading up to a perfectly hairless torso and a set of godly pecs and biceps.

I sunk deeper in bed and eyed the muscular hunk with both awe and excitement as he approached.

The thick comforter was suddenly pulled off my body, exposing my curled up form, and in a matter of seconds, the big, muscular jock was on top of me, growling like a animal.

"Mmmrrh." he purred, craning his neck down and brushing his tongue against my ear, causing me to giggle in delight.

I gasped in surprise as my shorts were roughly pulled off, but I think I managed to surprise Nick as well.

"Well, well...what have we got here?" he asked, throwing my shorts to the ground and offering me a lustful smirk as he laid eyes on the tight, black jockstrap I was wearing.

It was my only jockstrap, and I couldn't even remember the last time I'd worn it.
I'd just figured he would like it and I sort of enjoyed the way it lifted my butt up.
I have to admit though, now that my shorts had been pulled down, I felt a bit awkward about having my butt exposed.

Nick growled and gave me a teasing slap on the ass before grabbing my butt and forcefully flipping me over on my stomach.

A huge weight settled on top of me as the blond giant sat himself down up my upper back thighs and started fondling my naked butt cheeks.

I struggled a bit, but the hulking bully just grabbed my wrists and kept them pinned to my back with one hand, while using the other to slap my ass and grope my behind. Besides, even without his hands holding me down, I was quite literally squashed beneath him. So long as he sat on top of me like this, I'd be going nowhere.

" should be careful about wearing a jockstrap, boi. It might get you into trouble." he warned, slowly rubbing his enormous, nylon-clad boner against my butt and pressing it down so that it's head was probing my crack.

I was a little scared, but still couldn't stop myself from writhing in pleasure as the beefy brute groped and manhandled me with his big, strong hands. His warm fingers sent waves of pleasure coursing through my body, and I couldn't help but breathe in and out a little faster than usual.

"Fuck, you've got a tiny hole." he growled, suddenly using his fingers to spread my butt cheeks apart and probe my orifice. "I'm gonna have to rip you apart to get in there." he chuckled, letting my ass go and extending his a little to ruffle my hair up.

My face contorted into a look of sheer terror, causing the brutish jock to immediately chuckle and playfully slap my ass. I actually recall whimpering and squirming around quite a bit as he fondled my rear end and touched the sensitive skin around my hole. I really wasn't used to being probed down there, and at that point, I was really afraid he'd stick his shaft inside of me.

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVED the fact that Nick was so big and well-endowed.
He was very arousing to look at.
There's just no way in hell his giant donkey cock could fit inside of me!
That's when I found myself wishing he'd be a bit smaller and more...manageable.

After a few more seconds of groping, fondling and teasing, the heavy stud finally got off from on top of me and roughly flipped me over so that I was facing up to his huge, godly body.
I gasped from the roughness of his touch and quickly averted my gaze before bringing my arms up in front of me, desperate to form some kind of defence.

Something told me he wouldn't react well if I tried reaching up to kiss his face. So instead, I slowly lifted my hands up and allowed my fingers to trail down his hard abs and brush against his massive, nylon-clad thighs.

The soft blue nylon was warm and smooth to the touch, and I absolutely adored the fact that it was a little snug around my hunky Master's giant thighs.

Nick crouched over me as I touched him, and started flexing his huge biceps and hardening his abs and pecs up.
I touched his smooth, hairless abdomen once again, and trailed my fingers along his hard, well-defined abdominal muscles.

Still, the huge bully frowned and looked down at me with a look that bordered on contempt.
He was my King, and I was just a faggot, or at least...that's how he made me feel.

Without even thinking, I slowly craned my neck up and planted a tender kiss onto my hunky Alpha's huge pecs.
My eyes shot upwards, to see whether or not the he approved.
His stare was cold and feral, but the manner in which he grabbed the back of my head and lifted it up towards his chest, told me he enjoyed my initiative.

I planted another kiss, and another, until finally, I flicked his left nipple with my tongue and puckered my lips enough to suck on it.

Nick was loving this, and couldn't help but close his eyes and emit low growling noises while I kissed and worshiped his big, powerful pecs.
"Yeah, oh yeah..." he purred, holding the back of my head in his hand and keeping my face up close against his prominent chest. I was loving this, probably even more than he was.

Again, following nothing but instinct, my hands reached down to touch my Alpha's huge, nylon-clad boner.

He was really, REALLY hard and horny. And even though I knew he hadn't showered since coming home from work and working out, I couldn't stop myself from pulling myself down underneath his body and trying to get closer to his throbbing manhood.

The blond, muscle-god appeared so entranced by that fact that my fingers were brushing against his engorged cock, that he allowed me to pull my head away from his pecs and allowed me to slide down far enough so that my face was right between his thighs.

Nick towered above me on his hands and knees while I lifted my head up off the mattress and hungrily nuzzled his enormous, nylon-clad package with my face.

I puckered my lips up and started kissing his member, from it's huge mushroom-shaped tip, right down to the underside of it's thick base.

The hulking beast said very little while I nuzzled and kissed his rock-hard shaft.
"Oh yeah..." he growled, breathing in and out loudly and driving his hips down, attempting to grind his giant tool against my face.

I spent a few more seconds, kissing, nuzzling and worshiping my Master's swollen manhood, but quickly found myself getting my neck strangled and my head slammed down to the mattress.

I quickly gasped in surprise, and couldn't help but squirm around and whimper from the roughness of his touch.
My feeble attempts to break free though, only served to make the bully even hornier than he already was.

Without saying a word, the handsome, blue eyed brute wrapped his hand around my neck and pulled my body up so that my head was resting on one of the pillows.

My hair was yanked back hard, keeping my head pinned down, and I found myself powerless to do anything as the giant hunk took position over my face and planted his knees on both sides of my pillow.

"Nick!" I cried out, looking up in fear as the King crouched down over my face.
I was staring straight up between his enormous thighs and facing off against his giant, nylon-clad boner.
I squirmed around, but was no match for the blond hunk's size and muscle.

Without offering any explanation, the heavy, 240 pound muscle-giant just parted his knees and came down on me, lowering his whole weight on top of my face and smothering me up into his gooch.

"Nnmmpph!" I attempted to cry out, right before getting drowned out and muffled up by Nick's huge behind.

Everything went dark. I couldn't breathe and couldn't speak.
Nick was sitting on top of me and my face was completely engulfed by the area between his thighs.
I knew it wouldn't be long until I suffocated in there, so my only option was to fight.

I struggled valiantly and tried everything, from desperately trying to lift the unmovable hunk off from on top of me, to repeatedly kicking my feet down against the mattress.
The heavy stud just ignored my violent struggling and started jerking off to that fact that my face was caught up beneath him.

I fought for air and tried to twist my head away, but the muscular blond god was WAY too heavy and his huge thighs and legs had no problem keeping my head still.

"Ugghmph." I screamed, unable to stop the wind-proof trackies from clogging my nose up and blocking air from getting into my mouth.

Nick paid me no attention though and just kept jerking off and pumping his erect member up and down.
I felt the weight of his big ballsack over the bridge of my nose and felt the base of his heavily-engorged cock rub against my forehead.
My feeble screams and protests were easily drowned out by his huge, nylon-covered butt and my nose was effectively smothered up and stuck right in between his ballsack and butthole.

Finally, and not a second too soon, the jock took his weight off my face and allowed me to pull my head away and fill my lungs with much-needed air.

"Nick!" I cried out, breathing in and out real fast while simultaneously begging my domineering Alpha for mercy and compassion. "Nick..." I whimpered again, offering the horny hunk a fearful, pleading look and softly calling his name out in the hopes of getting his attention.

The blond muscle-god backed up a bit, so that he could see my face a little better. But instead of caressing my cheek or telling me to calm down, he clamped his large hand around my neck and spat right in my face before using his other large hand to rub the saliva over my mouth, nose, cheeks and forehead.

"Ugh!" I protested, caught somewhere between shock and disgust as a big gob of warm saliva landed on my face.

It was incredibly humiliating, but at the same time, I knew that it was Nick's way of claiming me as his property.
Spitting on me was one thing, but rubbing it all over my face like that, was another.
The blond King was marking his territory and making sure I knew where I belonged.

I spent a few seconds looking down in shame, dealing with the fact that I had another man's saliva all over my face. But when I gathered up enough courage to look back up again, I found my Master looking down at me with a warmer and slightly more human look in his eyes.

He tapped my cheek playfully and gave me a quick wink before licking his lips and gliding his fingers through my hair.

"Look at that fuckin' cute little face..." he teased, squeezing my cheeks together and shaking my face up a little.

Nick held my face tight and ordered me to part my lips before lowering himself down and spitting right inside my mouth. I closed my eyes, but kept my mouth open, even as he worked up another gob of saliva and spat down inside my yapper a second time.

I was told to swallow, which I did, and although I can't say I particularly enjoyed the experience, something about swallowing the incredibly handsome bully's spit, made me feel really good. I can't explain why, but it just did.

My breathing slowly went back to normal and my heart started beating a little slower.
I averted my eyes again, this time, unable to deal with the fact that my dominant Alpha's piercing blue orbs were staring down at me. I couldn't match his stare and couldn't meet his gaze.
He was the boss and he knew it.

"You know, you're eventually gonna have to let me fuck that little hole of yours." he told me, causing my cheeks to tingle and forcing me to look up into his eyes.
I met his gaze for an instant and swallowed hard before slowly nodding my head yes and allowing a look of apprehension and fear to paint itself across my face.

I really loved Nick, but having something the size of his shaft inside my ass, quite literally scared me beyond belief.

He probably knew that, and I think he secretly enjoyed my reaction and the fact that he'd have to seduce me into "willingly" allowing myself to get boned by him.

"You think you're ready for my big cock, babe?" he asked, running his fingers through my hair and puffing his broad chest up. His use of the word "babe" made me blush and tingle with desire.
I curled my toes up, furrowed my brow in fear, and bit my lower lip before recoiling a little and trying to make myself smaller.

It didn't take any words for the muscular hunk to know that I wasn't ready.
His giant man-tool would have to wait another day.

"Alright.'s okay." he chuckled me, smirking cockily and gently caressing my face as he spoke.
"You're gonna practice with your mouth tonight." he told me, causing me to suddenly look up and nervously nod my head affirmative.

Nick winked down at me before softly tapping my cheek and getting off from on top of me.

"Come here." he said, settling down into a sitting position on his side of the bed and motioning for me to curl up at his side.

I quickly closed the gap between us, and noticed he was still wearing his socks and his big basketball shoes.
The fact that he was still wearing his workout clothes even though we were in bed, was incredibly arousing for me. It's not surprising, considering how hot and sexy the blond stud looked in his trackies. And for some reason, seeing the big, raunchy Reeboks on his feet, really turned me on and heightened my sex drive.

I curled up against my hunky Alpha and bent down to nuzzle his hard abs.
He lost no time in pulling his thick comforter up around me and cradling me against his torso, using his powerful right arm.

I wasn't asked whether or not I wanted to suck cock.
Nick decided I would, and that was good enough for both of us.

The huge, 240 pound, blond muscle-hunk sat up a bit and pulled his track pants and undies down, revealing a big bush or man fur, and allowing his stiff donkey cock to spring up and throb hard against stomach.

"Here." he said, wrapping his strong fingers around the back of my head and pushing my face down. "Open your little mouth. Suck on my boner." he ordered.

Having no other choice than to obey, I parted my lips as wide as I could and allowed the big, horny muscle-god to impale my mouth on his giant, eight inch shaft.

Last edited by bondagefreak 5 years ago, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by Msueta@2 »

I love this story so much can't wait to see what you will right next
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Post by bondagefreak »

Chapter 73 - The Jawbreaker Mystery

My cheeks bulged and my jaw ached as I was forced to accommodate Nick's enormous boner.
My feeble attempts to pull up were no match for the blond hunk's big, muscular arms, and he had no trouble forcing my head further down, impaling my mouth onto his engorged, throbbing member.

I coughed and gagged, but the handsome jock wasn't buying it.
"Come on, Steven. Just open your mouth." he scolded, holding the back of my head down and tapping me on the butt with his other hand.

Open my mouth?! What the hell did he think I was doing?!
"Uugghmh...uugggghhm." I protested, unable to move my tongue or formulate even the most basic of words.

I swear, Nick's boner was as THICK as a fuckin' cucumber!
The stupid thing just plugged my mouth up and forced my lips and teeth as wide apart as they could go.

"What?" he suddenly asked, smirking cockily while keeping a tight grip on the back of my head to prevent me from ungagging myself.

"Ugghhmpph!" I cried out, gagging heavily while trying to protest the fact that he wasn't allowing me to speak.

"Haha. Got somethin' to say, boi?" he chuckled, slapping my butt hard before grabbing my head with his second hand and using BOTH his huge, muscular arms to plug me up with his giant cock.

"Ugggh! Uggggh!" I screamed and coughed, unable to cope with the size and thickness of his freakishly large member.

"Yeah, that's it." Nick mumbled, purring deeply as I choked on the enormous man-meat that was starting to clog the back of my mouth up.

I had to whimper, cry out, moan and repeatedly tap on my hunky lover's abs and thighs for him to let my head go and allow me to pull up.

I spat, gagged and coughed, but he just laughed and mentioned something about how small my mouth was.

After some pleading and whimpering, I managed to convince the horny stud to allow me to go about this at my own pace. No small feat, considering how intent he was on forcing his giant tool all the way into my throat.

And so, I spent the next ten or fifteen minutes, using my mouth to try and please the brute while he just sat there and rested the back of his head into his crossed palms, exposing the underside of his huge biceps and airing out his big, hairy pits.

This wasn't any easier than the first time I'd tried it, and I wasn't too keen on getting whiffs of the strong musk coming from his bushy crotch either.

I stretched my mouth wide open, and desperately tried to swirl my tongue around the stud's large, mushroom-shaped cockhead.
The tip of his boner wasn't nearly as sensitive as mine was, and my pathetic attempts at pleasing his member had little effect.

Nick seemed to get at least some amount of pleasure when my lips reached halfway down his throbbing shaft, but I couldn't go any further without puking my guts out, and couldn't move my tongue at all because of his size and girth.

It didn't take long for frustration to set in, and pretty soon, I was eyeing the jock's enormous, rock-hard boner as though it was my mortal enemy.
I couldn't defeat it. Couldn't get it to spill it's hot juice and couldn't please it's horny owner.

Even though I genuinely wanted to please my hunky beast-of-a-Master, I couldn't help call it quits when I suddenly caught another strong whiff of the musk coming from his hairy crotch and nutsack.

"Ugghmph!" I protested, focusing my attention on the big, messy bush that adorned the base of his thick boner.
Fuck. He really needed a shower, I thought to myself.

Immediately pulling away from the muscular King's monster erection, I ended up gasping for air and trying to catch my breath, caught somewhere between defeat and exhaustion.

"I really suck at this." I whimpered, wiping the back of my hand over my saliva-covered lips and allowing a look of defeat to cover my face.

"Yeah. You do." Nick merely answered, smiling as he put his large hand on my head and gently ruffled my hair up.
He laughed a bit and seemed to find the whole thing pretty amusing.

The hunky blond jock seemed oblivious to the fact that I was decimated by the prospect of being unable to satisfy him. In retrospect, it might be reasonable to say that I was overacting a bit, but given how utterly horrible I was at this, I was convinced Nick would eventually lose interest in me and quickly push me out of his life.

My feelings for Nick were stronger now than they'd ever been.
He was a really horny guy though, and I knew he had a lot of needs.
He was big, I was small. Physically, we were really mismatched.
The thought of losing him because of my sexual ineptitude, was simply unbearable. And yet, since my first failed blowjob attempt a few night ago, the idea of losing him because of how useless I was, occupied my mind more and more.

Faithful to my habit of keeping stuff bottled up, I crawled away from the horny stud and slowly curled up on my side of the bed, facing away from him.

I thought Nick would just shut the light off and go to sleep, but he apparently had other plans.
"Tsk. Where d'you think you're goin'? Come here." he chuckled, forcefully pulling me closer so that I was lying next to his seated form. The jock touched my cheek and ran his fingers through my hair, but I wasn't in the mood to be cheered up and didn't purr or offer any sign of approval.

"What's wrong?" he asked, finally sensing that something was a little off.

"Nothing." I lied, after a long moment of silence. "It's just that...I don't know how I'm supposed to make you cum." I continued, allowing myself to let out part of my fears and frustrations. I wanted him to know that I was at least TRYING to make it happen.

Nick's next words really took my by surprise though.
I thought he'd tell me that I needed more practice. Or even worse, that I wasn't trying hard enough.
I really wasn't expecting this to lead where it did.

"Wait. Who said anything about cumming?" he quickly objected, causing me to look up at him with a puzzled look on my saddened face. I offered him a questioning expression, but noticed he was doing the same while looking down at me as well.

"I only told you to practice sucking on my cock. I never mentioned anything about wanting you to make me cum." he explained.

"But, I just thought..." I started defending myself.

"Aww, so you're thinking for me now?" the jock asked, cutting me off before I had a chance to finish formulating my defence.

"Noooo." I pleaded, not knowing what else to answer. "Nick, I...I just..."

"You just what?" he pressed.

"I just thought you wanted me to make you cum." I offered. In my mind, it was just a matter of connecting A and B together. But Nick obviously didn't see it that way.

"I know that's what you thought. But I never told you that's what I wanted." he answered, forcing me to face the fact that I was stepping outside my bounds a little by trying to guess his every intent.

"But...Nick. I don't get it. You don't want me to make you cum?" I asked, speaking in a way to accentuate my disbelief.

Nick just smiled and winked down at me.
"Steven. You don't seriously believe I'm stupid enough to think that you can make me cum with that tiny little mouth of yours, do you?" he asked, looking at me with an incredulous look, as if he thought I was being incredibly naïve or something. "I mean seriously, you can barely fit your mouth around it. You really think I expect you to make me cum?"

I looked at his face, then looked down at his freakishly large, eight-inch-long cock.
But I still didn't get it.

"Steven. I'm big and I'm cut. Blowjobs have never done it for me." he explained, wording things out and explaining it to me as though I was completely naïve and ignorant.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing though.
He didn't like blowjobs?! I knew that circumcised cocks weren't quite as sensitive, but I never realised it could lessen the joy derived from getting blown! Nick did have a point though. He was too big for anyone with a reasonably sized mouth.

"But...but why did the girls back in high school call you The Jawbreaker if you never..." I started asking, finally allowing my words to trail off into a low mumbling.

"I wasn't called The Jawbreaker 'cause of girls giving me blowjobs. Blowjobs were never my thing." Nick answered, apparently shocked and amused by my level of ignorance.

"Then they called you that...'cause, 'cause you were always beating other guys up?" I asked, lifting an eyebrow and immediately causing Nick to laugh and chuckle in disbelief.

"Noooo. Haha."
The handsome hunk looked down at my pathetic, questioning face and chuckled once again before putting his hand on my head.

"You really have no idea, do you?" he asked, smiling cockily as he gently caressed my cheek with his fingers.

I shook my head, not knowing what he could possibly be referring to.
My jaw certainly ached! But from what I was learning, that special title he used to commonly go by wasn't related to the many mouths he'd claimed and conquered as a growing teen.

Nick looked down at me and smirked.
"Haha. Don't worry." he laughed, tapping my butt and ruffling my hair up. "You'll soon learn why they call this thing The Jawbreaker." he told me, winking down at me and pointing a finger towards his huge, monster-of-a-cock.

Okay, now I was REALLY confused.
His cock was The Jawbreaker, but the girls in school weren't giving him blowjobs.
What? That didn't make any sense. Why would they call it like that if their mouths weren't involved?
Something wasn't adding up...

"Alright, time for bed. You're gonna be seeing your little friend Jeremy tomorrow." Nick told me, slowly reaching down for his feet and plopping his great, big basketball shoes off before tossing them off the bed.
As soon as he did, the incredibly strong stench of his cheesy socks started filling the room up, causing me to sink down under the comforter and bury my face in my pillow to escape the smell.

The heavy hunk didn't even bother removing his socks and trackies before shutting the light off.
He just pulled his trackies back up over his very-much-erect cock, turned the light off and crashed down right next to me before wrapping his huge limbs around my body and pulling me in close.

Of course, I offered no resistance as his powerful arms and legs wrapped around me and locked me down in a tight embrace.

All my problems and worries were instantly swept away when the sexy hunk pulled his big, stinky comforter over our bodies and spooned me real tight against him.

I couldn't move.
It was perfect. Our size difference and the sheer strength and thickness of his massive limbs made this even better than I'd ever imagined.

I felt safe.

His huge, nylon-clad boner kept pulsing between us unendingly, but even as it rubbed and throbbed deep inside my crack, I felt peace and serenity.

"You comfy?" Nick asked, causing me to purr deeply inside the thick pillow my face was smothered into.
Almost as if reading my mind, the giant, muscular blond Alpha pulled me in beneath him and squashed me down underneath his heavy, powerful body.

I tried struggling a bit, but the beefy hunk just chuckled and allowed a low growling noise to escape his lips.

"I want you to stop worrying about not being able to make me cum." he told me, speaking in a low voice and adopting an almost-fatherly tone.

I just purred beneath his broad chest, enjoying the warm feeling of his skin and the weight of his body on top of mine.

"You hear me?" he asked, apparently not taking my silence for an answer.

"Hmm hummph." I mumbled, unable to get my face out of the thick pillow he was smothering me into.

"The only thing you have to worry about is keeping your head down and doing what I tell you to do. Understood?" he asked, keeping his huge arms wrapped around me and apparently not caring about the fact that his pillow was muffling me up. "If I'm not happy with what you're doing, I'm just gonna show you how I want it done. And if you disobey me, I'm gonna fuckin' beat your ass and you're gonna be punished. It's as simple as that, babe." he continued.

"I'm sorry, Sir." I mumbled after having managed to twist part of my face out of the lofty pillow. "I'm just...afraid to disappoint you. You're so big, and I..."

"Are you in charge?" Nick cut off, taking a serious tone and rising his upper body up on his elbows.

"What? No. No, Sir. Of course not. You're the boss, Sir." I whimpered, nuzzling the underside of his thick bicep and attempting to sink further beneath his incredibly hunky body.

"Then if I'm the boss, let me do my job." he scolded, glaring down at me, even as I submissively puckered my lips up against his powerful bicep and ventured dangerously close to his big, bushy armpit.

Let him do his job? I didn't really understand at first. But as he spoke, his point became clearer.

"If you want this to work out, you're gonna do as you're told and you're gonna stop worrying about silly shit." he continued. "I'M the one who's in charge here. I'M the one who's looking out for you. Stop tryin' to do my job. If I'm not happy with something, trust me, you'll know. You don't need to think for me, and you don't get to assume that you know what's going through my head when I tell you to do something. You just DO what I tell you, and it ends there." he scolded with his deep, masculine voice.

"Yes, Sir." I answered, lowering my eyes down in submission even though the room was almost pitch black.

"It's up to ME to train you. If I tell you to practice sucking my cock, you practice sucking my cock. You don't pull out and start sulking 'cause I don't cum." he continued, before finally allowing a few seconds of silence to pass by.

"If I want you getting better at something, I'll fuckin' train you to get better. Understood? Leave the worrying to me. I'll show you what I want. The only thing YOU'VE got to worry about, is obeying. You hear me?"
he pressed, sounding a tad bit irritated that he had to spell everything out for me like this.

"Yes, Sir." I whimpered again, making myself smaller and craning my head down even further underneath his hulking chest.

"I'm not disappointed in you, Steven." he said, suddenly adopting a slightly softer tone. "I really do enjoy watching that little mouth of yours struggle against my cock." he teased, lowering his face over my head and
planting a kiss on my hair.

I purred and giggled a bit under my breathe, blushing mildly at the fact that he thought I was cute.

"And you know what?" he spoke, letting his deep voice roll off his tongue like sweet nectar. "Your little baby mouth is a fuckin' turn on. I've always wanted to stick my boner in there and make you gag on it." he admitted, licking the back of my ear and grinding his huge nylon-clad shaft into my uncovered butt crack.

I have to admit, I was incredibly flattered to hear that, and couldn't stop my body from tingling in delight.
All those years of teasing. All those years of calling me his bitch and then saying stuff about how my mouth was fuckable. It all made sense now!

I giggled a bit and allowed his words to sink in before coming up with an answer.

"I don't have a baby mouth..." I retorted, rolling my eyes and laughing at his comment.
Truthfully, my mouth was a bit on the small side, but was still WELL within what was considered "normal".

"Tsk. Yeah you do. It's fuckin' tiny! Look at that." he teased, squeezing my cheeks playfully and causing my lips to bulge out.

"Ohw, Nick. Stoooop..." I protesting, giggling like a child.
"My mouth is normal. You're the one with the huge penis." I bluntly pointed out, causing Nick to scoff and chuckle in apparent disbelief. No doubt the jock was more than a little taken aback by my accusatory tone.

"Oh, now it's MY fault is it?" he asked, smirking cockily. "Yeah, I guess you're right about that. Haha." he chuckled, once against grinding himself into me and rubbing his throbbing slab of meat in between my butt cheeks.

"Rrrmmhh. I guess that's just too bad for you, eh Steevie-boi?" The hunk growled, purring into my ear and wrapping his big, powerful limbs even tighter around me." 'Cause my huge penis can't wait to fuck that tight little hole of yours." he warned, using my own words and turning them against me.

By speaking ill of his huge cock, I'd inadvertently alerted Nick to the fact that I viewed his boner as being my enemy...something that the hunky, blond jerk was only too happy to go along with.

There could be no going back. The words had already left my mouth.
From this point forward, the oversized phallus sticking out between my hunky Alpha's giant thighs, would become my enemy. Day after day, Nick would take great pleasure in reminding me of that.

I closed my eyes, moaned and drove my hips down into the mattress.

My horny muscle-King spent the next minute or two, growling, flexing his huge thighs and biceps and grinding himself on top of me. That didn't last long though. Pretty soon, the handsome, blue-eyed steed slipped into the dream world and I ended up following, just a few minutes later.


Any of you guys care to help Steven guess the answer to this Jawbreaker mystery? 8-)
Last edited by bondagefreak 3 years ago, edited 2 times in total.

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