Faked Robbery (F/F)

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Faked Robbery (F/F)

Post by Newdayrocks »

As you've seen, I dumped my The Big Bang Theory story, mostly because I wasn't happy with where it was going. I may try again with a different idea at another time.
It was around three in the afternoon when Eve Baxter went to visit her sister Mandy. The older girl had called her saying she needed her help with something, so Eve made the journey to her house.

After arriving, she opened the door and went inside.

"Hello, Mandy, are you here?" she asked "I'm here to do, whatever."

"Thanks for coming on such short notice," Mandy said, entering the room.

Mandy had always been the most attractive of the three sisters. Her long, black hair added to her sultry demeanor, and she had always been very popular with the boys at school. In contrast, Eve was more tomboyish, and enjoyed manlier pursuits, like hunting and sports.

"Okay, what's the big emergency that I had to rush over here?"

"So, here's the thing," Mandy began "Kyle's been really down lately, because he feels like he won't be able to protect me if I get into any trouble."

"I can see that."

"And, you know, as a high powered career woman, I never get into situations where I could end up in trouble, thus requiring saving."

"Right," Eve said, not really following.

"So then I thought, hey, why don't I pretend to be in some danger, so Kyle can rescue me and feel good about himself," Mandy said.

"So let me get this straight, you're going to pretend to be in danger so your dimwit husband can feel like a hero for saving you?" Eve asked.

"You got it."

"And why do you need me for this?" Eve asked.

"Duh, I can't put myself in danger," Mandy explained "well, I could, but it probably wouldn't be a good idea."

"Okay, so what were you thinking exactly?"

"Well, I thought we could fake a robbery," Mandy explained "we make it look like the place was robbed, and, when Kyle gets home, he'll find me tied up and save the day."

"You really think...you know what, it's Kyle we're talking about here, he'll fall for this easily."

"Right, so I need you to tie me up to make the robbery look authentic," Mandy explained "but not too tight; my limbs are delicate."

"Yeah, yeah," Eve grumbled. While she seemed her usual cranky self on the outside, inside, she was secretly beaming. She and Mandy had their ups & downs, as all sisters did, but now she had the chance to tie up her sister and have her at her mercy.

And she wasn't going to turn down such a delightful opportunity.
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Nice beginning. Pls continue
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Post by Solarbeast »

Interesting start to an interesting story idea. I can't wait to read more of this story.
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Post by Beetlebailey13 »

Plz Continue good start
" No use to struggle, my dear, you're tied up much too tight for escape! However, I'd be in your debt if you would try... "
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Post by Tieup1 »

A nice start, Kyle sounds like a plank :lol:
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Post by Driverman »

A very promising start!
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Post by Ducttapelover93 »

Great start can’t wait for more.
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Post by Newdayrocks »

I'd like to thank everyone for their kind comments, especially since this is mediocre at best. Also, thanks to all of you who didn't recognize this as being based on Last Man Standing; you're the real MVP, whatever the heck that means. :lol:

About a half hour later, Eve prepared things as Mandy was off getting herself ready for everything. Eventually, the raven haired girl emerged from a room, now clad in a pair of grey sweatpants and a bulky matching sweatshirt.

"Dressing a little light, I see."

"Yeah well, I figured, there's no reason to dress so good for a robbery right?"

"And yet, you still did your hair and makeup," Eve noted.

"Hey, I may be pretending to get robbed, but I'm not a peasant," Mandy pointed out "now, let's get this over with."

The two girls headed to the bedroom, where Mandy sat down on the bed.

"Tied up on a bed, I bet that brings back memories, huh?" Eve asked jokingly.

"OK you know Eve, that is very hurtful," Mandy said "yes, I admit I wasn't exactly choosy with guys in the past and I may have done some, well, "questionable" things, but I never let anyone tie to me a bed. I did have some standards."

"Sorry, just making conversation," Eve said.

With that, she got behind her sister and pulled her wrists together behind her, than begin tying them with some rope. She looped it around once, then a second time.

"Whoa, that's a little tight there, Eve," Mandy told her.

"It has to be tight, if a guy came in here and robbed you, he wouldn't want you getting free," Eve explained.

"Yeah, but nobody actually came in here and robbed the place," Mandy said "so it doesn't have to be so tight."

"You know Mandy, it occurs to me that you've made fun of me a lot over the years," Eve said "you've mocked my fashion choices, and my appearance and pretty much everything."

"Duh, I'm your older sister, that's what I do," Mandy told her "you know, I mock you, you mock me, it's tit for that."

"Right, but a lesser person might take advantage of her sister wanting to be tied up for a fake robbery to maybe get a little payback for that teasing."

"Okay, I'm not understanding, are you going to loosen the ropes or not?"

"Thankfully, I'm not a lesser person, or you'd find yourself in some big trouble," Eve said "here, I'll set it up so you can work yourself loose, but it'll probably take you a while."

"Thanks sis, I take back everything I said about you."

"Wish I could say the same," Eve replied "now, let's make this look good."

After making sure Mandy's wrists were secure, but comfortable, Eve took more of the rope and tied it around her sister's chest, pinning her arms to the side; the rope was wrapped at least four times around her chest before being tied off.

"Out of curiosity, where did you get all this rope?" Mandy asked.

"Outdoor Man," Eve replied.

"Oh, that makes sense."

Eve moved on to tie rope around Mandy's knees, then tied her ankles together. After wrapping the ropes around for 4 rotations, she then took some of the remaining rope and tied it to the footboard of the bed.

"Hey, what was that for?"

"Just making things a little more interesting," Eve replied, then stood up to look at her tied up sister "well, you look pretty good, but there is just one more thing."

"Right I need to steal some stuff to make it look like someone broke in here," Mandy said "oh, but don't take any of my dresses, 'cause they're designer. Oh what the heck, I guess you can take one or two, you could certainly use them."

"It's comments like that which make me so happy about this next part," Eve said, and reached into her pocket and produced a bandanna.

"Okay, that had better be for my hair," Mandy said.

"Afraid not," Eve told her "see, a real criminal would want to make sure you couldn't raise the alarm."

"But you're not a real criminal, and I don't have an alarm," Mandy noted.

"True; but we have to be authentic, right?"

"Eve, you had better not do what I think you're going to do with that, because if you do, I will...mmmph!" was all Mandy managed before Eve pulled the bandanna between her teeth, tying it behind her head under her raven hair.

"Sorry Mandy, but it's not exactly like you could stop me," Eve told her "and besides, I like you better this way."

"Ttkkk ttthhhsss ggggg ffff nnnwww!" Mandy yelled through the bandanna.

"What's that, I couldn't quite hear you."

"VVV, mmmm gnnnn gggtt yyyyy!" Mandy grumbled.

"Look, you wanted me to do this, this is what you get," Eve told her "so just calm down and relax, Kyle should be home in, oh, about 2 or so hours,and then he'll release you. I, on the other hand, will be long gone."

Mandy made some muffled threat into her gag "I'm assuming that's you making some kind of threat to get back at me, well, you're welcome to try. In the meantime, I'm gonna be downstairs; call if you need anything," Eve joked as she left, leaving an angry Mandy to squirm against the ropes and shout into her gag.
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Great continuation! Can’t wait for part 3!
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Post by Beetlebailey13 »

Awesome Chapter!!! Can't wait for next chapter
" No use to struggle, my dear, you're tied up much too tight for escape! However, I'd be in your debt if you would try... "
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Post by Solarbeast »

This is coming on as a great story. I can’t wait to read the next chapters.
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Post by Newdayrocks »

As her sister lay upstairs and struggled against her restraints, Eve took the time to sit down and read a magazine. After an unknown amount of time had passed, Kyle finally arrived home.

"Hey Eve, what brings you here?" he asked.

"Oh, I was just helping Mandy with a special project," she replied "she's upstairs, but she's a little 'tied up' at the moment."

"Oh, well then I won't bother her, I know how she doesn't like being disturbed."

"Okay, perhaps you didn't hear me, I said she was 'tied up' at the moment."

"No I heard you," Kyle replied.

"All right, let me make this really easy for you," Eve told him "Mandy is upstairs, tied up."

"Okay, I know I sometimes come off as stupid, but you don't need to repeat things to me like I'm a child."

"All right listen, Mandy had me come over here and tie her up to make it seem like you were robbed so you could save her and feel like a big hero," Eve explained.

"Ah, I would've not have guessed that," Kyle replied "oh, so you meant she is literally tied up. I see how I got that confused."

"Anyway, don't tell her I told you, 'cause it was supposed to be a surprise."

"Don't worry, I'm good at keeping surprises," Kyle replied "that's why I'm so good at birthdays. Although I guess that wouldn't exactly help in this situation."

"Don't tell me how things turned out, because I honestly don't care," Eve added as she left.

Curious about what would be up there waiting, Kyle made his way up the stairs. As he approached the upper level, he could hear muffled noises being made, and assumed that was Mandy.

Making his way into the bedroom, he locked eyes on his wife, who was still struggling to free herself from the ropes. Despite her exertions, her black hair was still impeccable, her beautiful lips still perfect despite the bandanna wedged between them.

Seeing Kyle there, Mandy began to yell and struggle even more, and he rushed to her side and worked the gag from her mouth. "Mandy, are you okay?"

"Kyle, oh thank God," she said, trying to concoct a cover story for why she was like this "I was home alone and this guy broke into the house and he was all 'give me your money' and I was all 'no, I won't' and he was like 'then I'm gonna take it' and I said 'please, don't hurt me,' and then he went 'come upstairs,' and I was all 'okay, whatever you want,' and I was all frightened and...."

"It's okay, I'm here now," Kyle told her and then began to untie her "you know, seeing you like that, bound & gagged, it made me feel, I dunno, bad."

"How come?"

"It's my job to protect you, and there you are, all helpless. It makes me feel like a failure."

"Oh honey, you're not a failure," Mandy said, as the ropes around her arms came away; she began untying the rest of her as she talked "you may not have stopped the robber, but you're here now and saved me. And I know that you will always be here to save me again, whenever I need it."


"Of course," Mandy said, now having freed her ankles, and hugged him "you're my big, strong husband."

"Well, I'm not sure about the big & strong part, but I appreciate the compliment," Kyle told her.

"You know," Mandy said, a glint of mischief in her eyes "maybe we should hold on to this rope. I bet we can find a use for it."

"Oh, I get it," Kyle said "it would be great for tying stuff down on my van."

"No Kyle, I was suggesting that we could use it to tie me up again," Mandy explained "only this time, you would do the tying."

"I don't know, I'm not sure I feel comfortable with that," Kyle told her "I really hated seeing you like that."

"Yes, I know, and, truth be told, I didn't exactly love being tied up either," Mandy told him "but, if it was by someone I knew I could trust, someone I knew wouldn't take advantage of me, it might not be so bad."

"But who could we get to do that?"

"Kyle, sweetie, I was talking about you."

"Oh," he replied "are you sure about that?"

"Yeah, it might be kinda fun to be helpless and at someone's mercy," Mandy said "to have no control while that person does whatever they want to you. But, at the same time, someone you know would never do anything you wouldn't want them to do."

"We're still talking about me, right?"

"Of course."

"Oh, well I guess we could try it once," Kyle told her.

"Great, but not tonight, because I am still sore from Eve... I mean the burglar tying me up," Mandy replied "plus I'm still scared; I think I have that PTSD stuff."

"Well, you rest for right now, and I'll go make dinner," Kyle told her.

"Thanks honey," Mandy told him "and remember, you're always my hero, no matter what."
Well I'm not exactly please with the ending, but such it is.
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

I thought it was a great ending! Can’t wait to hear more from you!
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Post by Beetlebailey13 »

It was okay ending
" No use to struggle, my dear, you're tied up much too tight for escape! However, I'd be in your debt if you would try... "
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