Moral Quandaries M/M (New Chapter 2/18/24) (Concluded)

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Post by gag1195 »

@DeeperThanRed I like your analogy of hiding Andrej at the club and trees in the forest. Very Poetic, even if it doesn't look like it'll win!

@OrdinaryWorld I mean, Bastien never said he was a good guy! He's kidnapping someone to turn them into their slave. He's doing what he sees as necessary, not what's good or upstanding! However, I do like your dissenting vote. Keeps the polls interesting!

@Guardianbound Well, these last two chapters were very connected. Plus, I went out of town this weekend, so I wanted the chapter out before I left! Wanted you readers to have all the information as you voted for Andrej's fate.

@Volobond Interesting how the voting has changed on this poll. BDSM Club started as the popular option, but it has since shifted to the quiet rental. Similar to your voting practice! But that's the point of these Moral Quandaries- there's not supposed to be an easy answer!

@KidnappedCowboy You raise some interesting points about How Andrej could and should view Bastien as they transition into this new life of theirs. Lots to think about. Glad you're still enjoying things!

@Wedgieboy69 Don't worry! Benji and Jake are getting the full tour of what could have been their new home! Gotta help them appreciate their new freedom!

Thanks for taking the time to comment, everyone! We've got about a day left in this poll! With the Holidays fast approaching, the next update may be a bit slow! Thanks for your support and patience!
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

Maybe he'll scare them straight. Maybe he's introduced them to a whole new world of fun! Either way we win. Yay for Pup Benji!

Andrej is definitely learning what it means to be patient but at least he's enjoying his down time. Hopefully he'll get to spend some more meaningful time with him soon. He's been a bit distracted.

I went for the risky option of keeping Andrej in the basement. It would seem a shame to leave all that gear to gather dust and it keeps the tension up! And I might actually win this time!
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Post by gag1195 »

[mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention] It looks like your horse is finally the winner!

The Poll has ended and here are the results! Where should Bastien keep Andrej?

At Sarge's BDSM Club: 2 Votes

Find Somewhere in the Warehouse District: 2 Votes

Find a Quiet Rental Outside the City: 7 Votes

Risk it and Keep him in the Basement Dungeon: 9 Votes

Taking the risk and keeping Andrej right where he is was the winner! There was a lot of fluctuating in this poll. BDSM Club had a strong early lead, only for opinion to shift towards the quiet, secluded rental. But in the end, keeping Andrej at home won out! We'll have to see how that works out for Bastien and Andrej in future updates! Thanks again to everyone who voted, and especially to everyone who commented and shared their ideas/reasons! The next chapter may a bit delayed by the Holidays!
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Post by wataru14 »

Damn stupid me forgot to subscribe, so I missed two more chapters! Well, that folly has been rectified now, so I can be more active in this voting.

That being said, I would have voted for the rental. It wouldn't have changed the outcome, but that's what I would have said. The BDSM Club is fantastic, and I can tell we'll be seeing more of it, but Andrej needs to be eased into his new life. Taking him there right away would be complete sensory overload. Bastien seems to have his bases covered, and I love a man with a plan. Once he's dropped off Tweedledum and Tweedledumber I can't wait to see him spend more quality time with Andrej!!!
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Post by gag1195 »

@Socksbound @DeeperThanRed @KidnappedCowboy @Volobond @cj2125 @MountainMan_91 @Msueta@2 @squirrel @Pup Wingletang @tugfan @TightsBound @szlm1515 @ohazut @gaggedfeety @MaxRoper @Donbrown @TayDay95 @ShortSocks @bondagefreak @blackbound @LockedCheeseBird @NeedControl @Jason07 @privateandrews @Canuck100 @jackroper @fratboydanny @wataru14 @TightropesEU @AbductedAddiction @dahanband @socjuc @harukatsukino @Bradstick @Guardianbound @Wedgieboy69 @george_bound @Shadowtied2294 @DuctTapeIsSilver @BDBrit @AznSwimmer @Straitjacketed @OrdinaryWorld @Boundguys97 @_zin_ @Sockgaggedman

Welcome back everyone! Sorry for the delay in getting this chapter published! I know it's been awhile, and I greatly appreciate your patience as I get back into the swing of things! Hopefully this chapter was worth the wait and there is still interest in this story! As always, I look forward to your votes and comments! I hope you enjoy this visit to Sarge's club, Surplus! As for this poll, it's less of a true moral quandary, but I thought it was a nice, simple question to kick this story off in the new year!

Part 7: Surplus

Sarge happily led me and my temporary slaves out of his private rooms and back to the main rooms of his club. I was excited too, and more than content to be a passenger on this tour. Jake and Benji, not so much. They continued to buck and pull against their leashes as they were pulled back into the club.

“Nervous, boys?” I yanked them close so they could hear me over the pounding music. Their leather masked faces were inches away from my own face still hidden under my ski mask. “I want you to pay close attention to everything here! This could have been your new home… and it still might be if you don’t behave.”

“Mmmmmm…” Benji whined behind his pup hood.

Jake narrowed his eyes and growled.

Sarge led the tour to a corner of the main room and shooed some of his patrons away so he and I could sit on the black leather chairs. Sarge grabbed Jake’s leash and pulled the defiant slave closer to him, leaving me with Benji’s lead. He sat Jake on his lap and firmly held the boy’s head in his gloved grip.

“Take a good look, fucker. Take it all in!” He forced Jake’s head to slowly scan the club. The sea of leather, rubber, whips, ropes, gags, and sexy bodies filled the space. It was a glorious sight, and I followed suit in guiding Benji’s eyes.

Then Sarge grabbed Jake’s crotch. Jake screamed. “This turn you on, boi? Maybe you want to stay here? Sarge’ll take good care of you!”

“MMMMMMNNMMMMMMO!” Jake tried to shake his head, but Sarge’s hand remained firm.

“Ha!” Sarge let go of Jake’s junk. “We aren’t finished yet. Maybe I’ll change your mind!”

He pushed Jake up and started walking, tugging Jake behind. Benji and I stood up and followed. Benji looked utterly terrified, keeping his head down. But I saw him casting furtive glances at the other people as we moved through the club. I wonder, if he wasn’t caged, would we see little Benji through the leather? Which part was getting his attention? Maybe Benji secretly wanted to stay here after all?

Sarge took us down one of the many side hallways, to a corridor of private rooms. Sarge opened the first one and ushered us inside. I knew these rooms well. Each room had a bed against the far wall, a St. Andrew’s cross, a cage, a wall of restraints and toys. Yes, I modeled my personal dungeon after these rooms. Sarge had all but perfected the formula, so why would I waste my time trying to reinvent the wheel?

Jake and Benji noticed the similarities too and renewed their struggling. Sarge smirked. “This is one of our private rooms. As you might be able to imagine, it's for our members to enjoy more intimate and private time with each other… or our club’s house boys.” He turned to face my two guests. “House boys just like you two! It’s a shame you won’t be joining us here. I have a feeling you’d both be quite popular…”

“Mmmmnmmmm!” Jake and Benji shook their heads.

Sarge returned the tour back to the hallway, then stopped. We waited. In the comparative silence of the hallway, we could hear the faint sounds of sex, of whippings, of moaning, of dominant voices praising or disciplining, all coming from the different rooms. “Hear that, boys? Music, pure music!” Sarge said, casting his arm out towards the different closed doors. “But this is only one stop! The tour continues!”

We left the private rooms and then crossed to the other side of the club to a door labeled “Employees Only”. This hallway looked much the same as the one we were just in, but none of the rooms were nearly as nice as those private rooms. We passed a fully equipped kitchen space and a lounge area with couches, tables, and even a tv and bookshelf. At the end of the hallway were a handful of dormitory style bedrooms. “Rooms for my bartenders and bouncers, if they don’t have their own space to call home. I take care of my people. I wouldn’t be anything without them!”

The last door had a series of different locks and was reinforced more than any of the other doors, except perhaps the secret main entrance. It took a solid two minutes for Sarge to undo every lock and finally open the door. Inside were a series of army regulation iron framed beds, lined up along the wall. In front of each bed was a human-sized cage. Each bed and cage were bolted to the floor. Restraints were built into each bed; cuffs, straps, even a few built in sleepsacks.

“Welcome, boys, to what could have been your quarters! This is the houseboy suite!” Sarge jerked Jake’s leash and forced the enraged and frightened boy towards the nearest bed. “Here’s where we keep our boys when their shifts are over. If they behave during their shifts, they get to stay in their beds, restrained of course. But if they misbehave…” He kicked the back of Jake’s knees, causing the boy to fall forward. In one fluid motion, Sarge opened the nearest cage and pushed Jake inside. “They spend some time in their cage! And you, boi, have been very disrespectful.”

“HHHMMMMMMMM MMMMMMM PHMMMMMMM!” Jake slammed into the sides of the cage, trying to bust his way out, but the metal bars did not yield. He screamed and whimpered when he couldn’t escape.

“You’d be spending a lot of time in a cage like this.” Sarge warned. “Luckily, your master here is merciful. You don’t get to be mine… at least not yet.” Sarge opened the cage and pulled Jake out and up, so the college jerk was looking at the club owner’s serious face. “I want you to appreciate just how grateful you should be that having your junk locked up is the worst thing happening to you. It can always get worse. And it will get worse if you continue to misbehave. Do you understand, boy?”

Sarge stood there, unflinching, watching Jake through the latter’s gimp hood. Benji and I watched too, as Jake considered everything Sarge and I told him, everything he’d seen here at Surplus. This room, the houseboy quarters, the realization that he might never leave this room, this club, again, finally dawned on him. He lowered his head, like Benji, and nodded.

Sarge glanced back at me. “I think the tour’s been successful. Now, how about we get these compliant slaves settled, then go have a chat?”

“With pleasure, Sarge.”

Neither Jake nor Benji fought us as we guided each boy to one of the beds, ones that Sarge explained were unclaimed and readily available. They didn’t resist when we unbuckled the locks holding their mitted hands together and attached them to the cuffs affixed to the iron headboards, nor did they kick when their ankles were joined to the footboard cuffs. Pinning their torsos and legs to the bed with the leather straps was overkill, but it continued to prove a point to my sullenly compliant slaves.

As we left, Sarge turned off the lights, renewing my boys’ muffled complaints. Those whines continued as Sarge spent another minute or so re-locking every single lock on the houseboy door. With each click, Jake and Benji screamed out, no doubt begging for us to come back.


Back in Sarge’s private office, I finally removed my ski mask. I was sweating up a storm under the black cotton fabric. The price I pay for keeping my face hidden from Jake and Benji. Sarge handed me a washcloth so I could dry off, then a glass of scotch. I eagerly accepted both.

“So, other than your two unexpected acquisitions, how did things go?” Sarge settled into his leather chair and motioned for me to take the one next to him.


I practically collapsed into the seat. “Successes across the board. Andrej is currently in the dungeon. He’s scared, he’s hesitant, but he seems willing, maybe even excited. I hate that I’ve left him alone for so long, but these two dumb asses had to get involved. Plans are in place to make his disappearance make sense. I’m feeling hopeful about everything.” It was nice to finally talk about all this. I still needed to talk with Andrej, but that would be a different conversation.

“So, what’s got you indecisive?”

I took another sip of Sarge’s sublime scotch. I really needed that tonight. “I’m not sure where to keep Andrej. Obviously, eventually, he’ll stay with me full time. But I don’t know if keeping him in my basement is the best idea right now. What if the cops do investigate? He’ll be two doors down!”

“Hmmm.” Sarge considered. “So, if you don’t keep him at home, what are your options?”

“I’ve been thinking about that. I’ve been thinking about a rental not too far outside the city. Out of the way, but close enough that I could still maintain my presence at home. Or maybe one of those many buildings in the warehouse district. I know one or two of them are mostly abandoned, and some even have old prohibition secret rooms and passages.”

“But that opens up a paper trail, doesn’t it?” Sarge pointed out.

“Exactly! It’s not a perfect plan, and leaves everything more vulnerable to unneeded investigation. Then, I thought about finding a place for him here. No one would find him here, and he’d be close by. I know you’d take good care of him, Sarge.”

“I’m honored, Bastien. But would that be best for Andrej? From what you’ve told me about him, I don’t think he’d be okay here, at least not at first. I’m happy to take care of him if you ask me to, but I don’t think this should be his first stop.”

“Fuck.” Sarge is right. Of course he is. Andrej, sweet, endearing Andrej. Scared, hesitant, but adorable Andrej. He might fully shut down if kept here long term. I didn’t want that. I wanted to mold the professor into my perfect boi. Would that be possible if I overwhelmed him with Surplus?

“I know it’s risky, Bast, but I think you know the answer.”

I nodded. “I need to keep Andrej with me. I have to keep him close. I need him close.”

“And he’ll need you.” Sarge clinked our glasses. “Cheers! To new beginnings!”

“Cheers.” I had a lot to think about.

“I look forward to meeting the new Andrej soon, and I look forward to hosting you and your happy slave at Surplus whenever you’re ready!”

“Thanks Sarge.” I said. “I do need your help with one last thing, though. Can you come by the house tomorrow morning? We’ve got a train to catch.”


With Jake cooperating, it was a much easier process getting my two burdens out of the club and back into my car. Freed from their bed restraints, both Jake and Benji were hesitantly excited that I might be releasing them soon. Their wrists were once again locked behind their backs, and the blindfolds pressed over their eyes.

I began a final car ride, extending the trip to their apartment, a final chance to remind them of their new situation and keep Sarge’s club as much of a secret as possible.

When I finally pulled up to their apartment, I pulled my ski mask back down and removed their blindfolds. They instantly recognized the surroundings. I slowly nodded. “Yes, bois. You’re home. In a moment, I’m going to release your sorry asses. But we’re going to have one final conversation before that happens.”

Benji and Jake sat quietly and waited. Neither wanted to do anything to jeopardize their freedom. Good. They were finally, fully understanding things.

“I want to remind you two, again, of the incriminating evidence I have in my possession. Your confessions to breaking and entering the good professor’s house. If anything happens, if the cops are called, if anyone starts investigating, it’s getting sent straight to the police. Understood?” The two nodded. “ Good. I’ll be keeping tabs on the two of you. If you step out of line, attempt to contact the police, attempt to tell anyone about what happened, you’re going to wish that the police would arrest you. You’ve seen a very real glimpse into your future at that club. Do. Not. Try. Me.” Again, eager nods of understanding.

I leaned around the seat to tap each of their crotches. “Those cages are staying on. An incentive to behave. If you do behave, I might even be convinced to visit and give you release every now and then. If you are very good boys, and things go well, eventually, I might even remove them for good. But that depends on you two. Got it?” A final round of nods.

I turned to Benji. “I know this wasn’t your plan to begin with. Make smarter choices. Keep up with your studies.” Then I turned to Jake. “You fucked up. We all know it. Here’s what you’re going to do. First, you’re going to get a job. I don’t care where, but somewhere that gives you a paycheck. Then, you’re going to appeal your grade and reapply for your scholarship. It will take some time to fix things, if they get fixed at all. But hey, that’s life. Like I said, I’ll be keeping an eye on you both. Don’t disappoint me.”

I stepped out of the car and opened the back door on Benji’s side. I yanked my leather speedo off the boy and pulled up one of their pairs of underwear. Couldn’t tell you if it was originally Benji’s or Jake’s. Didn’t care. I unlaced the pup hood and undid the gag, freed Benji’s hands from the mitts. I handed the lanky lad the pile of clothes, phones, wallets, and keys. “Head on upstairs. And be thankful that you still get to. Jake will be up soon.”

Benji nodded and practically bolted away from my car and up to the apartment. I wasn’t worried about him. He was scared straight the moment I turned the tables in Andrej’s bedroom. I slammed the door shut and moved to Jake’s side. When I opened the door, I saw a compliant Jake waiting for me. I grabbed him by his throat. “You’ve put me through hell over the last 24 hours. You’ve drastically changed the course of not only your pathetic life, but that of your friend’s. I wasn’t kidding with any of my threats. A step out of line, and none of you will ever be heard from again. Permanent members of an underground sex club, or locked up for the next 20 years. I know you’ve still got fight in you. But I want you to think about Benji’s future, instead of just your own. For as long as I say, whatever you do will also affect him. You’ve already fucked up his life enough, don’t you think?”

Jake didn’t nod, didn’t moan. He just sat there. Stunned and wide-eyed. Good. I repeated the process I’d done on Benji, trading the leather speedo for one of their own underwear, and releasing Jake from his hood and restraints. I pulled him out of my car, smacked him on his ass, and watched him race up the stairs. This wouldn’t be our last meeting, but for now, I wasn’t worried. Those two were scared shitless. They’d behave, for a while.


I’ve rarely been so excited to be home. And exhausted. It was late. Too late to have my promised conversation with Andrej. I know he’d been waiting all day, but he’d have to wait just a bit longer. I quietly descended the stairs into my private dungeon. I didn’t bother turning on the lights. I knew my way around perfectly. I quickly disrobed, allowing the slight chill of the dark basement to send goosebumps up and down my skin. It felt amazing after being confined in my leather most of the day, and it was sweltering in Sarge’s club.

I settled into the bed next to Andrej. My slave stirred, and softly mumbled into his gag. “Shh… Andrej, I know I promised to talk, but I’m tired. First thing in the morning. I swear.” I covered us with the sheet. “Go back to sleep, boy.”


The morning once again began too early. I could easily sleep for another day and a half. But I wasn’t alone anymore. And Sarge would be here before too long. I sat up and caressed Andrej’ chest. “Good morning boy.”

“Bsmmmmmmtmmmm…” Andrej whimpered, looking up at me with eyes that were equally scared and curious.

“How’d you sleep, boy?” I asked, continuing to explore my new property. Again, I found something interesting stirring. “Seems like someone is actually excited…”

“Hmmmmmm….” Andrej moaned as I stroked his cock.

It was enticing. It was right there. He was right here. Mine. it seemed almost too cruel to lock up that beautiful erection in a cage. But it needed to be done. It was part of Andrej’s training. He needed to learn that everything belonged to me, including his erection. The sooner he learned that, the better things would be. For both of us.

But was I so cruel as to immediately lock Andrej up? Was it a kindness, a mercy, to give Andrej one final release before caging him? Or was it a weakness on my part? Did I need to be firm and deny my slave this pleasure until he was trained? It was right there in my hand. It was my decision to make.

And I need to make it soon, if Andrej and I were to finally talk before Sarge arrived.

Remember to vote in the new poll, and share your thoughts in the comments! A reminder that I need at least 10 votes for this story to continue!
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Post by wataru14 »

Andrej should definitely get some release before denial. Give him a taste of the pleasures to come when his training is over.
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Post by blackbound »

The poll's missing the most important option: edge (but no orgasm), then cage.

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

I think Jake and Benji got their lesson but I wouldn't be surprised if at least one of them ends up in the club of their own accord - Benji seems like he could work well as a sub and Sarge is a good dom.

I voted for Andrej to get some release before getting caged for good. I think the poor guy must be pent up and he deserves some fun after a very eventful night. :D
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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

I agree with deeperthanred. Benji seems way to curious and submissive during the whole thing. if not with sarge, maybe a backup plan in case things don't work out with Andrej.
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Post by Guardianbound »

I think Bastien should give Andrej some release. Carrots and sticks!!
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

Another great chapter. It feels like Benji might be open to working at the club but it doesn't feel like they have a part-time offering! Hopefully we'll see more of the club in the future - it seems like a fun place but maybe a bit too much for Andrej at the moment.

I'm feeling a bit sadistic at the moment so I voted for no release for Andrej but maybe a bit of edging. He needs to know who's in control.
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Excellent chapter, my friend! :D :D

And I voted for no release.

Release and comfort comes ( :D ) after discipline and restraint are learned.

Andrej needs to learn those first.
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Post by Volobond »

I find myself thinking Andrej is just as delicate as he seems, mentally. He needs the low and slow approach. Make him beg, give him what he wants, and proceed.

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Post by gag1195 »

[mention]wataru14[/mention] That certainly seems to be the popular reasoning for this poll so far! Also, glad you didn't miss the chapter!

[mention]blackbound[/mention] A good point! If this poll ends up in a tie, then I'll probably add that third option for the tie-breaker poll!

[mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention] We'll have to wait and see (and maybe vote) how things ultimately end of Jake and Benji, but you're right, Benji definitely seems a bit more drawn to the club than he initially acted...

[mention]Wedgieboy69[/mention] I don't think Bastien could abandon Andrej after all the initial work put in to getting him, but it's nice to imagine him with Andrej and Benji as compliant, sweet slaves!

[mention]Guardianbound[/mention] Carrots and Sticks indeed! But will Andrej see it as such?

[mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention] Yeah, Sarge doesn't really do part-time, so for poor Benji, it would be much more of a commitment. And don't worry, we'll definitely be seeing more of Surplus as this story continues. But, after Andrej is more ready for it.

[mention]KidnappedCowboy[/mention] thank you, friend! And so cruel to poor Andrej! I joke, mostly! :lol:

[mention]Volobond[/mention] We'll soon see more of Andrej and how he ticks. Now that we're done dealing with Jake and Benji, we'll get more time getting to know Andrej!

Thanks for taking the time to comment and vote everyone! I find it very funny that even on a poll like this, we find the votes equally split! You all are doing a great job proving a voting conspiracy for my stories! Can't wait to see how the poll ends!
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Post by _zin_ »

Enjoyed this chapter! I sense Jake will not be fully compliant for long. Andrej has been through a lot - a break in, tied up at gun point, thoughts of being rescued, finding out his friend actually plans to keep him restrained, left alone restrained for hours, waking up when Bastien gets in bed and being told we will talk later. Then Bastien waking up to see Andrej... give Andrej release. Slowly, of course, no need to rush things. It will likely strengthen their connection.
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Post by Bootmark »

I voted for release.
Not to provide Andrej pleasure, but if I were Bastien I would want to see it before I deny it. So for the top’s, not the bottom’s benefit.
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Post by gag1195 »

@_zin_ You're right, Andrej certainly has been through a lot over the past day. I'm quite enjoying seeing so much support for Andrej's wellbeing!

@Bootmark Welcome to the forum and to Moral Quandaries! Always great to see a new person commenting! Glad you've been enjoying the story so far! Thanks for voting as well! You bring up an interesting viewpoint- that the release would really be for Bastien!
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Post by gag1195 »

The Poll has closed! Thanks for voting on the first poll of 2023! The results to whether or not to give Andrej some release are:

Yes, give him some pleasure before caging his cock: 12 Votes

No, deny him and lock up his cock: 8 Votes

You wonderful readers have voted to help Andrej find some release before his manhood is caged! Showing some kindness, a softer side, it seems! I'm sure Andrej appreciates it, or at least he will!

Thank for continuing to show this story your support everyone! It means a lot! Hopefully I'll have next chapter up soon! Bastien's plans are almost complete, and then he, and the rest of us, can focus on Andrej's training! I would love to hear your suggestions on what you'd like to see in terms of that training! It may be added to a poll or future chapter!
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Post by Boundguys97 »

Nice to know Andrej’s getting some relief. I feel like a good old fashioned milking session followed by tickle torture should be in order for a first go around.
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Post by gag1195 »

@Socksbound @DeeperThanRed @KidnappedCowboy @Volobond @cj2125 @MountainMan_91 @Msueta@2 @squirrel @Pup Wingletang @tugfan @TightsBound @szlm1515 @ohazut @gaggedfeety @MaxRoper @Donbrown @TayDay95 @ShortSocks @bondagefreak @blackbound @LockedCheeseBird @NeedControl @Jason07 @privateandrews @Canuck100 @jackroper @fratboydanny @wataru14 @TightropesEU @AbductedAddiction @dahanband @socjuc @harukatsukino @Bradstick @Guardianbound @Wedgieboy69 @george_bound @Shadowtied2294 @DuctTapeIsSilver @BDBrit @AznSwimmer @Straitjacketed @OrdinaryWorld @Boundguys97 @_zin_ @Sockgaggedman @Bootmark

Hope everyone enjoys the next chapter of Moral Quandaries! And I hope everyone votes and comments on the newest poll! What training do you want to see Andrej go through?

Part 8: Release

Morally questionable I might be, but I’d like to think I’m not overly cruel. I couldn’t deny Andrej one last release before our training began. Before I locked Andrej’s cock in his own cage, like I’d done for Benji and Jake. Like those two hapless idiots, Andrej would eventually learn that I was in control.

And eventually, Andrej would come to depend on me. He’ll rely on me. He’ll beg me for release, for my touch. And this would be the beginning. This release, this taste.

I gripped Andrej’s erection. Firmly. “You want me to take care of that.” I whispered, barely more than a growl. It wasn’t a question. It was a statement.

Andrej whined and shimmied against my grasp. “Mmmmmmmm…”

“You want me to take care of that.” I repeated, staring into his eyes. His scared, beautiful eyes. “You want this.”

Slowly… ever so slowly… Andrej nodded. I could see the fight on his face. The conflicting feelings, the confusion. But whatever fear, or doubts, Andrej felt, something was overriding that. Lingering feelings for me? A desire for more immediate relief? It didn’t matter. This was a good sign. A good start.

But I couldn’t give in to Andrej so easily. I was still the master here. I would not, could not, be so easily swayed by the pathetic, frightened gaze of my untrained slave. Without removing my hand from Andrej’s crotch, I leaned in close. An inch from his face, eye to eye, I commanded my slave. “Beg me. Convince me you want this…”

“Hmmmm?” Andrej strained, again conflicted.

“Beg.” I repeated, squeezing the erection.

“Bstmmmmmm…..” Andrej whimpered.

“Good.” I closed my eyes, enjoying every strained muffle. “More.”

“Plmmmmmmph Bsttmmmm plmmmmmmphsss!” Andrej is a natural. The song he sings behind that leather panel gag. Beautiful. I will never tire of hearing him call out my name.

“Excellent.” I grunted. My grip eased just so, and I slowly began to stroke. Up. Down. Up. Down. Andrej melted. Groaning with each pump. When was the last time he had a release? So eager. It didn’t take long for Andrej to start convulsing. So quick. So close. I let go and leaned back.

“MMMMMMMMMNNNNNNNNN!” Andrej cried, trying to thrust his erection back towards me. “Bsstttttnnnnnn PLLMMMMMMSSS!”

Sweet music. I resumed pumping my slave. Slowly, of course. Had Andrej ever been edged before? Was this his first time? I need to make sure he enjoys it…

Up. Down. Up. Down.



More begging. More music.

Up. Down. Up. Down.


“BSSSSTNNNNNNN!” He was cracking. He was giving in. He was becoming mine.

Andrej’s release was wonderful. It didn’t take much longer. No amount of my edging could stop Andrej. Landed across his stomach and up to his chest. His slender form coated. I wiped my hand on his thigh and waited, watching the sight of his cum stained chest rising and falling. He was short of breath.

“You enjoyed that.” Again, a statement, not a question. A fact. And Andrej nodded. He didn’t deny that fact. “I think it’s time we finally talk.”

“MMMMHMMMM!” Andrej nodded, renewed energy.

“I will remove the gag. But under certain conditions. You will not speak unless I tell you to. You will stay silent until I give you permission to speak, or the gag goes back in.” Statement. Fact. Not a question.

Andrej remained quiet, unmoving. I slowly unlocked and removed the gag. A string of saliva trailed after the small pecker. My slave remained silent.

“Andrej, Do you remember what I told you the other night?” I started. I needed him to hear me. Really, truly, hear my words. To understand my sincerity. “I said ‘I want to help you. I want you.’ and I asked you to trust me. Nod if you remember.” He nodded, but remained quiet. “I meant what I said. I do want to help you.

“I’ve seen how things have been for you, Andrej. You haven’t been doing well. It hurts me to see you that way. I want to help you. I will help you. A strong hand to guide you. My methods may seem unorthodox, but I know what’s best.”

I leaned in again, close to Andrej’s face. “To do that, I had to act. Andrej, to do that, I am going to make you mine, forever.”

“What! Bast-mmmmmmm!” My hand silenced Andrej’s understandable outburst. But it was an outburst nonetheless. “MMMMMMMM!”

“Shhhh Andrej. Please understand. It is for your own good. You were so unhappy, so miserable. I want to make you happy. I can make you happy. But you’ll need to listen to me. We can be happy. Both of us.”

I held my hand firm. I needed Andrej to understand. I waited. Slowly, Andrej nodded against my hand clamped over his mouth. I released my hand, and replaced it with my lips. Silenced any remaining protests. He didn’t fight. For a moment, it even felt like Andrej leaned in. Already.

When I pulled away, I gagged my slave with the leather panel gag. “Hmmm?” Andrej offered meek resistance, but mostly confusion.

“I know, Andrej. But this is part of the process. Training. To make sure we can make each other happy.”

I left my slave on the bed and retrieved the cage. The beginning of the end. A new beginning. For both of us. Andrej’s eyes widened when he saw it. He’d seen me attach the cages to Jake and Benji, he knew what was coming. But my slave was already so good. He barely fought . Even Benji resisted more than Andrej. I had made an excellent decision in choosing Andrej.

When it was affixed and locked, Andrej looked perfect. Spread, cuffed, gagged, caged, naked, stained. Compliant. He deserved a reward. He’d been so good this morning, despite that one outburst.

I uncuffed him from the bed and pulled him up. I joined his wrists together in front of him, but kept his ankles free. I guided my slave to the adjoining bathroom. I gently pushed him inside. “Your restraints stay on, but I will leave you to your business and a shower. But hurry. I’ve got a busy day and I need to get you ready. Knock four times when you’re done. Nod if you understand.”

Andrej nodded. He looked shocked, relieved. The privacy he’d been denied the other morning, gifted to him. By me. His master. The bringer of his happiness. He stared at me with grateful eyes as I closed the door and locked it. A deadbolt. Part of the renovations I did.


A flush, a shower, a few grunts, and four quick knocks later, Andrej stood waiting for me on the other side of the door. I guided my beautiful slave to the closet. “I have just a few more things to take care of. So I need to keep you secured until I get back.”

I held up a leather straightjacket. More shock for sweet Andrej. Who didn’t fight when I removed his cuffs and hefted him into the jacket. Secured, tightened, buckled, and locked. It was big on him, his small, slender frame practically swallowed by the leather. But damn it if he didn’t look amazing, hugging himself in the snug material, safely secured.

I guided my leather wrapped package to the wall and he dutifully waited for me to attach him to the rings with chains. I gave him a wide leash. He wouldn’t go far. But he’d be able to sit and get comfortable, or lay out on the padded floor. Not to the bed. That comfort would have to wait until his master decided to grant it. I kissed his forehead, then left him alone.


Sarge knocked on my door a few minutes after I ascended from my dungeon. He hugged me as I welcomed him in. “I owe you big time, Sarge.”

“What can I say? I’m a sucker for love.”

“I appreciate it. I really do.” I said, holding my gaze at my mentor and friend. “We need to hurry. The train leaves soon.”

And I’d use that time to think about how to fully break and shape Andrej to my will. To fully make him mine. He was close already. I needed to be careful. If I went too far, I might shatter what was left of the man. Might break him for good. And that wouldn’t do. At all.

Remember to vote in the new poll, and share your thoughts in the comments! A reminder that I need at least 10 votes for this story to continue!
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Post by Volobond »

I picked CBT, Suspension, and Sensory Deprivation. There's a lot to be said for not breaking Andrej completely. So I propose that Andrej be kept helpless, suspended, and unaware so that he can learn that Bastian is his world, that without Bastian, there is no sensory input and no pleasure.

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Post by Guardianbound »

It's sensory deprivation for me. I don't want poor Andrej to be hurt too badly. But I do want Bastien to keep him for a long time
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

Andrej is adorable! I'm glad that Bastien made sure to include a bit of edging and got Andrej to beg for his release around the gag. He seems to already know his place.

I voted for a bit of sensory deprevation and suspension with some electro on the side.
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Post by wataru14 »

Guardianbound wrote: 1 year ago It's sensory deprivation for me. I don't want poor Andrej to be hurt too badly. But I do want Bastien to keep him for a long time
I completely agree. That's the one I voted for. Along with suspension.
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Post by gag1195 »

@Volobond I think you and Bastien are on a similar wavelength, and certainly seems to be the case for most of the voters as well! A helpless, dependent, and devoted Andrej is certainly what Bastien is after...

@Guardianbound I had a feeling that the Sensory Deprivation option would be popular, and one of the fated top three choices, though I didn't expect it to be dominating the poll like it has been!

@Pup Wingletang I know it was a hotly contested poll, but I think the Reader Think-Tank made the right call in choosing Andrej initially. He really is very sweet and adorable. And of course, Bastien had to introduce his new slave to the joy and agony of edging! And good news, it seems like your three choices will end up winning! I know you haven't had the best luck in picking the winning options, but it looks like that might change!

@wataru14 It is nice seeing you all looking towards Andrej's well being in your choices... Though I do wonder if this same compassion would have been offered had this poll been about Cliff!

Thanks for taking the time to comment friends! And thanks to everyone who has already voted! There's still a few days left in the poll to vote or change your answer! What three training techniques should Andrej experience! These choices will affect a good handful of the chapters going forward! Make your choice, and I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments!
Last edited by gag1195 9 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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