Glenn / What are Zip-ties? (MM/M)

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Post by th3414atc »

Really enjoy your work
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Post by Jaaaake »

Wow this story has been a really great read so far. Wish I could have an expierence like that someday.
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Post by TightropesEU »

Love it
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Post by harveygasson »

I missed this sequel to your other fantastic story, I hope you decide to continue it
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Post by Boundguy800 »

Well written. Love the story. Can’t wait for more.
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Post by tightxropes »

Everyone, thank you! Next part coming soon…
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Post by tightxropes »

straightupbondage wrote: 1 year ago awesome story, and this is a true story?
It is!
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Post by tightxropes »

Hi! Back to finish the next part of the story, thanks for being patient.

I made a few muffled sounds…”mmph - mmph”…calling out to Glenn. No reply. Tight bonds…very securely gagged…I could not move. I was also deep in the throes of suspense and being confined intensified this feeling moment by moment.

As I look back on that experience, I’ve come to realize how vulnerable I truly was. This was my 2nd time ever being tied up. 1st time by Glenn…the 2nd time by Glenn. What got me here? Thoughts swirled in my head as to what the outcome of all this would be. He didn’t feel like a stranger but I also did not know much about him. And therefore, what would be in store for me…his decision, since I couldn’t do anything about it. Being held captive this way, was feeling real…very real. Am I being held against my will? I told myself I was to make this all more exciting.

The nylon stocking compressed my head. The gag…the blindfold…no way I could get relief from them. Glenn would come and go…I’d hear him approach, the floorboards creaking. Checking my bonds and taking more photos. I’d squirm and plea through my gag. It was pointless…he’d chuckle, tell me I wasn’t going anywhere then walk away.

Phone rings. Sounds of Glenn walking. He answers, I can barely make out the conversation. Minutes pass…Glenn returns.

“I’ve got someone coming over in 20 minutes to pick-up something up.”

I move my head, toward his voice…what did this mean?

He continued…”I need to move you from this room, we have to untie you. You’ve been my hostage for almost 2 hours…you’ve got lots of stamina, my dear.”

I feel Glenn behind me, the blindfold slowly comes off. My eyes adjusting to the light…the stocking over my head removed.

“Mpph” the gag still muffling my words.

He caresses my hair, making it neat again.

“I’m going to remove this tape and un-gag you, you know the drill as before
…please remain quiet for me.”

I nodded.

He slowly unravels the tape from my head, gag comes off…he then pulls out the cloth from my mouth. I slowly move my jaw, a bit achey. I take in air…it’s a relief to feel some freedom but didn’t last very long. Glenn puts his hand over my mouth again.

“I’ll un-tie you, we’ll do down to the kitchen and call your mother. Tell her you won’t be home until tomorrow…that you and I are going to a campsite upstate with some other friends for an overnight trip. OK?”

What was I in for? I was in a state of exhilaration and also fear….so I nodded and made a faint sound - fatigue had set in. I had totally given in.


Glenn removes his hand from my mouth and starts releasing me from my bonds. I

"We’ve got about 10 minutes before my friend comes over. And after you make that call, you’re not going back home until tomorrow.”

He stands up from the chair, tells me to make sure my circulation was OK. It was…I had lots of stamina as he mentioned before. Glenn notices thoughts swirling in my head.

“Don’t be afraid or nervous, OK? This is supposed to be fun.”

He grabs my arm and forcibly takes me downstairs. A phone was mounted on the wall in the kitchen.

Glenn takes the handset off and is holding one of the Polaroids of me being held captive. Exhilarating, now in retrospect. He dials my home number and gives me the handset. After a few rings my mom answers…I let her know that my plans for the evening have now included a camping trip with Glenn and a couple other friends. She didn’t hesitate to say it sounded like fun and did she ask who else was going. I may have mentioned before my parents never questioned much of what I did. Not because they didn’t care…on the contrary, there was a lot of trust in place. And to my surprise, my voice was calm…that may have been enough to not raise any red flags.

After the call ended, Glenn gently takes the phone from me, places it back in the cradle and then grabs my arm again. I noticed he had a roll of tape and something else.


We head to a door off the kitchen, he opens it….down the stairs to the laundry room. Everything was neat, clean…organized. Glenn takes me towards a load bearing beam or pole near the washer and dryer and forces me down. He kneels in front of me, pulls out a pair of black handcuffs (I’d only ever seen the stainless steel kind), places them on me and cuffs my wrists in front of me. He then pulls my wrists over my head and somehow secures the cuffs to a metal ring embedded in the pole.

“Feel OK…nod yes or no?”

I nod yes.

“Good. I’m going to gag you again. OK?”

He didn’t even wait for a reply. He had stuff in his pocket. A piece of foam.


I reluctantly parted my lips…he pushed the foam in. Then one piece of black tape (different from the other kind he used) over my lips…then another, then carefully wrapped it around my head a couple times. And there I sat, hands above my head….gagged, staring at Glenn.

He got up and went over to the washer and dryer and began a load of laundry. The sounds of water rushing into the unit began…it was rather loud.

“OK, this cycle lasts 45 minutes, I’m heading upstairs…I’ll be back. Even if you try to call out, it’s so loud down here, no one can hear you.”

I was dying of curiosity to know what the "friend" visit was about. That combined with now being occupied overnight! And in my first encounter with Glenn, he had masturbated me and finished me off. That had not happened here and I wondered why. I was compliant, no doubt…but there was a different feel about everything. This adventure was very erotic…very, but also confounding.

I could hear nothing…it had been at least 30 minutes, maybe longer? Did he leave? Was I alone and would this be how I spent the entire night. I decided to call out…“Mpppph…mmmmpphhh.” The sounds of the washer overpowered my attempt to get Glenn’s attention.

A few minutes later, I hear something. Glenn comes down the stairs with another individual…I was in shock. Another man, slightly older and taller than Glenn. At first, they said nothing. The other gentleman looked at me with a gentle smile and began tying my ankles with rope while Glenn pulls out rope to tie my wrists overhead.

“I promise you, this will be fun,” Glenn said. “OK?”

I was frozen and observing everything in great detail. Glenn released the handcuffs with a small key and the ropes now in place of the cuffs were very, very secure. They stood me up, keeping my hands in front of me, looped rope around my torso, cinching everything tight. I could not move! They both carried me up the stairs to the living room and slowly laid me on my back. They left for a few moments, the other gentleman came back, knelt down and looked me up and down.

“Oh you are so screwed," he said, chuckling to himself.

Glenn returns, they both had coats on. He knelt down as well.

“This is Paul. He convinced me to tell him why I was so distracted and excited when he came over. He and I have played like this before…I told him I had a new toy and he’ll keep our little secret. Remember, I have those pics of you. So, I need your word you are OK with all this. We’re just going to have a lot of fun, OK?”

I nodded.

End Part 4.
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Post by 1960gerson »

Hopefully we will be having a little kidnapping game.
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Post by TightsBound »

Great to see this continue!
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Post by tightxropes »

Story continues, this is the final chapter. Thanks for hanging in there with me.

I got to know more about Paul much later. He was in his late 40’s, divorced and had known Glenn for many years. His ex-wife was an actress that Glenn had worked with several times in the Summer Stock world. He had a a daughter who was now in college. The 2 men formed a connection which eventually led to Paul ending his marriage. He was in the steel business where he had done quite well for himself.

Now, back to my…predicament!

Paul places some type of cloth (think it was burlap) sack over my head with a drawstring which he pulled kinda snug around my neck.

The scene then played out the following way: They carried me out to Glenn’s SUV, back in the rear cabin area. They huffed and puffed, sounds of effort. This time, I’m surrounded with items that felt like boxes and plastic bags…to provide a cushion perhaps? Wasn’t sure. I was neatly tucked in between these items, on my back. They climbed into the front and we drove for about 15- 20 minutes to another location.

I could barely make out their conversation during the trip. It seemed like they were talking about someone…I wasn’t sure if I was the subject of the discussion. Then I felt the road change to something less smooth…maybe gravel. A slow crawl then the car stopped.

Sounds of front doors opening, then the rear cabin…I could hear them walking. Then nothing for a few minutes as I lay there wondering what was next. Sounds of Glenn and Paul approaching...I was carefully collected out the back and they carried me into what I later learned was Paul’s home. Again, at this point, I was not able to see, the foam in my mouth and the tape gag very effective, as were my bonds.

I was put down on the floor, sounds of movement, pickup up again…down some stairs, then placed sitting up, back against a wall. Sounds of Paul walking back up the stairs as Glenn unties the drawstring and removed the sack slowly. The room was bright, before I could make it out, he put his hand over my eye. I started mmmpph-ing a bit. I really wanted to know what this plan would now entail.

With his hand over my eye he said, “Another few seconds, let your eyes adjust to the light, you’ve been in the dark for a while."

He took his hand away and began caressing the tape and placed his hand now over my gagged mouth…with some pressure. My breathing intensified and then -

“Let me get you some water…”

He gets up and goes up the stairs. I take in my new surrounds. It’s a work room, it seems. Wooden tables, carpentry tools maybe? Also very organized. Glenn returns and removes the tape, very carefully. He eases the foam pad out of my mouth. I work my jaw, stretching the muscles…it’s been taxing. He releases the rope that held my arms and wrists to my body. With my wrists still bound in front of me, Glenn places a small plastic water bottle in my hands. I carefully clutch the water, lift it to my lips and begin to take sips.

“Much needed, right?”

I nod my head and breathe out a sigh of relief.

“Yes,” I answer.

From my memory, Glenn took his time to explain: “I know this has been intense and I’m so pleased that you’ve trusted me. It’s a lot to give yourself over like this. It’s important to let me know if things get too intense for you. You appear to be game though. I’m going to keep you secured here overnight and you can go back home tomorrow. Paul will be back soon, he’s making some arrangements upstairs. Sorry to be so secretive, but it’s part of the game, you know? I need to know if it’s been exciting for you…and to what degree?”

I told him it was intense, physically and emotionally challenging. That I was going through a wave of experiences, hard to put into more words.

Glenn then said he’d noticed my erections here and there…and asked if I liked that and if I had any “urges." I told him…”yes” but that intense sensations that felt like fear would overcome me and quell these urges. The mystery and suspense were overpowering. And as I was explaining this an erection was forming. Glenn placed his hand on my cock.

“So you like it?”

I paused and said yes.

“Don’t fib…I’m not convinced.”

Glenn gently slaps my face and forcibly grabs it.

“If you don’t like the direction something is going, say RED, OK? All you have to do it say RED, no questions asked and we won’t continue.”

I nodded and said I understood.

“Now - no more talking, drink your water, when you need to pee, let me know. I need to go upstairs, need to gag you again to make sure you stay quiet.”

He takes the water bottle from me and walks over to a work table and comes back with a long piece of white cloth. He makes a knot in the middle, tells me to “open up,” urges this into my mouth. My mouth is engulfed with the cloth, I make some sounds as I adjust my lips, teeth and tongue, testing the limits. Glenn rotates me and secures this thick cloth gag with a tightly with a could of knots behind my head. He then, grabs the rope he released me from earlier, connecting it to my wrist tie and then to my ankles. This took a couple minutes.

"OK, I’m satisfied you won't undo the gag or get free to run out. Try to speak.”

“Mffppphhh” - I replied.

“Good and don’t forget…this is all about having fun, don’t forget."

He gets up and leaves.

I stayed in this position for about 20 minutes. When Glenn and Paul returned they had changed their clothing. Both in blue jeans, tight black t-shirts and boots. They undid the rope and I motioned to my gag. Paul removed it as they both guessed I needed to use the bathroom. Paul ushered me to a small room off the side where I was able to relieve myself. When I came back out, Glenn asked me to strip naked.

I froze.

"It’s OK," he said, placing his hand on my shoulder…”we have change of clothes for you.”

I did as they asked. Paul got behind me to help with the last article of clothing and lifted my t-shirt off. Then he placed his hand over my mouth while holding me. I struggled a bit. He got forceful and I relented.

Then, Glenn placed something on my cock…an instrument of some type, it was cold and metallic with a clipping sound after he was done applying it. I was not able to look down. A chastity device I later learned. I recall trembling. Still in Paul’s “lock”…Glenn gives my nipples a squeeze. The white knotted cloth appears again…he hands it to Paul releases his hold and then gags me. Glenn grabs one of my wrists and leads me to a cot in the corner of the room. Paul plops some clothing on the cot.

"One of those should fit," he says.

There were some clothing items…socks and a selection of spandex unitards, black, short sleeve which also covered the legs mid-thigh. Something you’d wear for cycling. They watched me try the first one on which was a tad too big,

Glenn: “Try another."

I tried another to which Paul remarked “perfect fit.” It covered my caged cock, the spandex constricting all over. He hands me a pair of black socks…compression type, possibly also for cyclers. I look at them and get the green light to sit on the cot. Socks slide on with some effort.

Paul pulls out zip-ties and cinches my wrists in front of me and does the same to my ankles. He takes the unused clothing and heads up the stairs. I look up at Glenn…he has the burlap sack and places it on my head again, securing with the drawstrings as before.

Paul returns and a conversation ensues which got my attention. Granted I could not see, things felt serious...

“Let’s tie him to the beam and take a few more Polaroids, we’ll use those with the ransom note for the mother. I’ll drive over in a couple of hours, leave it at their front doorstep and make the call in the morning. We need to move him out before the cleaning lady gets here."

Glenn agreed to the plan. I was in shock. Was this for real? Earlier he said this was all about having fun. Was it still? My mind started spinning.

The next hour…I was moved to a beam somewhere in the room and now standing, tied with rope. Both Paul and Glenn attended to my bonds. The zip-ties now replaced with rope. Hands secured overhead, torso and waist tied to the beam. Thighs tied together, ankles. No more burlap sack and the cloth gag was now replaced with the foam in my mouth again, with a few pieces of tape sealing my lips. Glenn took several Polaroids and they headed upstairs. I heard some conversation and laughter.

I think it was sometime after midnight, not sure if it was 1 am or 2 am. Glenn would return every now and then to check on me. I heard sounds……...some type of machine..., he came down the stairs with a drink and put a straw in it, removed my gag. I eagerly sipped on the drink, a tasty smoothie, barely making eye contact…

“This should sustain you through the night. Having fun?”

“Is this for real?" I asked.

He smiled, “We’re going to move you to a bed upstairs. I thought of keeping you in the cot down here but Paul wants to keep an eye on you.”

“How..?” I said and wanted to say more but was truly at a loss for words.

I’ll summarize all that for you and go forward in time. We’ve now ended up in a guest bedroom upstairs. I’m no longer bound or gagged, the cage still on my cock but now fully naked. Paul hands me something and orders me to put it on. A pair of black, shiny pantyhose…yes, I am being serious. They belonged to his daughter, he pulled them out from a dresser drawer. I did as he asked…they sit, very snug. I was ordered to lie on the be and secured with these giant black leather cuffs with bed restraints, best way to explain it. Ankles as well. Arms above me, laying flat, looking at the ceiling…my caged cock visible through the black, glossy pantyhose. They placed a black eye mask on me as well…and began taking more Polaroids.

Paul: “Let’s gag him and take a few more, just put some tape over his mouth, more effective for the photos.”

Glenn agreed. I felt a few strips of tape firmly pressing down on my mouth, a few more pics were taken, then Glenn removed the tape.

I decided to ask a question: “Glenn? What are you going to do to me?”

Glenn explained I would remain this way all night. He would not gag me so I could sleep - "don’t call out though…there are some nosey neighbors next door. I'll be in the room next to this one and will come check on you from time to time.”

He covered me with a blanket, turned out the light and they left. Various sounds, water running, a shower maybe? I did hear Paul (I’m guessing), make his way down the stairs. leaving the house? Was he really going to carry out the plan? My thoughts went through a maze and I was very worried this may not be the fun game Glenn assured me it would be. Eventually the quiet of my surroundings and the day’s events settled in. I was comfortable in my bonds, the blanket providing adequate warmth. The cage on my cock and the pantyhose were an interesting experience of control and eroticism. Eventually, knowing I could not do anything but get some rest, I felt my body finally giving in to sleep.

Something woke me up…a presence next to me, sitting on the cot. It was morning, I could hear birds. Glenn’s gentle voice urging me to move a bit. He removed the blanket, pulled down the pantyhose and carefully takes the cage off my cock. Blood flowed into my pelvic area and immediately, my cock became erect. I hear Paul walk in the room…some movement, and feel something scratchy around my cock and balls…it was twine. They were wrapping and tying it in some way - my cock was getting harder and harder. They both leave, I heard more sounds from the other room, lasting maybe 15 minutes. I think they were lovers, best way to describe it…

Glenn and Paul return. Glenn removes the cuffs and bed restraints and lifts me out of the cot - I’m sitting up now, knees glued together. Someone comes behind me, sits on the cot and my wrists are zip-tied behind me. Then a hand over my mouth. I grunt and squirm…things are escalating. The person in front of me, I know it's Glenn, eases my knees apart and slides in between my parted legs. Slowly, the hand comes off my mouth, my lips part to take in air and I feel something warm pressing on my mouth. Glenn’s cock…the tip was smooth. My mouth hesitated to open. I didn’t say RED but carefully shook my head no…and think I said “uh-uh”…’s as if Glenn could read my mind. I felt him pull away and tried to make out some sounds…uncertain what they were. Then again, as I am being held, another sensation of my lips. Rubbery…smooth, smells like latex. Glenn has put a condom on and slowly my mouth took in his cock. Slow thrusts as now, being gagged with it, him slowly pressing it in and drawing it back…was very, very intense. Then he ejaculated. I could feel it…relieved to be spared from having cum in my mouth. But excited from…all of this.

He pulls out…a few moments pass and Glenn removes the twine and begins to stroke my shaft while Paul shushes me, covering my mouth with his hand and pressing firmly. I was “mmmphing…" It took seconds and I ejaculated in a way I had never experienced before.

Glenn leaves and returns. I get cleaned off with a towel. He then takes off the blindfold. I’m naked. He’s clothed. We all walk to a big bathroom and he orders me to pee, shower, etc and after to put a cotton robe on a small bench. He then said to knock on the door when I was done and he’d come fetch me.

The shower was much needed, I had been physically tested by all this. I played with varying degrees of water temperature…from warm to kind of hot. It felt good. And I kept thinking about what had just happened…the past day, etc. I was hard again…and began to masturbate myself. Another climax, so soon after the one Glenn gave me. I was addicted.

I took extra time to feel totally clean. Once finished and with the robe on, I knocked on the door. Glenn opened in and took my by the hand, we went back to the guest room and he sat me on the cot. He gave me some water and another smoothie. I sipped on both slowly.

“That was a lot of fun for me, for us. Was it for you?”

I replied with a confident yes and….”there’s no ransom, right?”

Glenn laughed, “We’re show people, dear - it’s all about illusion, theatrics….good guys and bad guys. You did well."

I decided to come clean: “I almost said RED when, you know…”

Glenn: “Yes?”

“Just thought to take it a bit slow.”

Glenn smiled and said, “I could tell, I’m glad you were into how it played out.”

“Are you and Paul a couple?”

Glenn: “We play a lot. He has another partner into this stuff…no hard and fast rules, we’re good friends. We need to scoot before the cleaning lady comes. I’m going to take you home.”

A few hours later I’m back home and in my own bedroom, coming down from this experience. Mom and Dad already at work when I got there…and ultimately they didn't suspect anything other than a camping trip happened. During my time at Princeton, Glenn and I continued to see one another. It was long distance for a while and after I graduated we partnered and are still together. Crazy, right? These 2 initial experiences were so impactful and as a result I literally fell for this person in a way that could not have happened with someone else.

Thank you for reading. I’m open to questions. :)
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Post by TightsBound »

Great story, thanks for sharing! The was a wonderful journey of discovery. Here’s hoping we get to read more of your adventures!
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Post by tightxropes »

Thank you! I have had many, many more adventures and have been able to have them with a couple others outside of my relationship.
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Post by harveygasson »

That was really fantastic and thank you for sharing such intimate details of your experience. I'd love to read more stories about your experiences whilst your were at Princeton and afterwards
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