The Fantasy & Bondage Cookbook (M?/F) - Part 2 Added [4/27/23]

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The Fantasy & Bondage Cookbook (M?/F) - Part 2 Added [4/27/23]

Post by potato »

[I recently got into cooking. And I had a lot of fun. Then the light bulb went off.]
[Why don't I combine my 3 new favorite interests: Fantasy stories, Bondage stories, and now Cooking.]
[Into one thing?]
[I've seen Fantasy Cookbooks, I own a Fallout Cookbook and it's been a blast using it.]
[But what about some rope and story added into it?]
[So stick around until the end of each part to find out how to make these dishes for yourself!]

"Welcome weary traveler, to my humble wagon diner. How may I serve you today?"

"Oh, you're a new face around these parts aren't ya? Well, where are my manners?"

"I'm Nadia, pleasure to meet you. I'm a wandering chef, traveling far and wide for the best ingredients this world has to offer."

"Ah, Glacier Dewberry Fruit Salad. One of my healthy favorites. That'll be 15 Green Astrals."

"Eh? You want to know how I came up with that dish?"

"Well, if I have to be honest... It's kind of embarrassing..."


"If you insist, traveler."

Part 1: Glacier Dewberry Fruit Salad

Nadia sat atop her wagon, the uneven dirt road made her ride a bit bumpy, but nothing she couldn't handle.

She squinted in the distance, and in front of a large mountain range stood a small village.

"Alright boys," Nadia called to her horses pulling the wagon. "We're almost there."

When Nadia arrived at the village, many curious villagers arrived at her mobile restaurant.

"A moving restaurant?" One elderly villager said. "That seems inconvenient, doesn't it?"

"It is sometimes." Nadia replies. "But staying on the move means new customers and ingredients."

Upon hearing the word 'ingredients,' the elderly man suddenly lights up.

"Oh, so you must be here for our Dewberries!" He says. "It's been many suns since an outsider has been interested in them."

"I'm sorry, but I do not believe I've heard of your Dewberries." says Nadia. "However, I am curious. Please tell me more."

The elderly man is all too happy to. After Nadia secures her wagon and horses, she follows him inside his thatch-roofed hut.

"Sorry for the mess." He says with a chuckle, walking over cluttered kitchenware. "I was not expecting visitors."

"You do not need to apologize." Nadia says.

The man grabs something off of a bookshelf. A thick leather bound book.

He blows off the thick layer of dust on its cover and pats off the remaining dust.

"Here it is." He says. "When I was still a young lad, I too was a chef. I was just as, or maybe even more, enthusiastic as you when it came to new ingredients."

He opens the book and flips through a few pages.

"Here it is." He says, showing Nadia the pages. "Glacier Dewberries. One of the finest ingredients I had ever stumbled across. And it grows on the very mountains that overlook this village."

Nadia looks at the pages in awe, and reads a few lines:

"The glacier dewberry is an exotic fruit that only grows at low temperatures. It is a small berry with many small spheres of flesh that has a translucent, icy-blue exterior that sparkles in the light like frozen dewdrops. The skin is slightly firm to the touch, but yields easily to the bite, revealing a sweet and juicy interior that is the color of a clear summer sky."

"Its berries grow on a low-lying shrub, and is often found growing on the rocky slopes of mountains, or in the shadow of glaciers and icebergs."

"The bush has a gnarled and twisted appearance, with rough, woody stems that are coated in a layer of fine brown hairs to help protect it from the icy winds that whip across the landscape. The leaves of the bush are a dark, glossy green, and are serrated along the edges."

Nadia looks up. "And you said these grow right on these mountains?"

The elderly man laughs. "Of course! Do you not believe me? I would take you up there myself to prove it to you if I could."

Nadia shakes her head. "No, I believe you, that's fine."

"But, I would like to see them." Nadia says.

"Well, then I'll call my granddaughter." The old man says, putting the book on a table.

After a few preparations, Nadia is dressed in a thick fur coat and pants with warm and fluffy boots and gloves.

"It's kinda stuffy in here." Nadia says, already sweating.

"We haven't left the village yet." Eliza, the elderly man's granddaughter, says. "But you'll need it up there."

[6 hours later.]

The cold wind lashed at Nadia's face, her legs were sore and she couldn't feel her fingers.

"How much longer?" She asked Eliza.

"Not long." She replied.

How is she not tired? I'm half dead and she's not even breaking a sweat! Nadia thought to herself.

"Ah! We're here!" Eliza exclaims. "Just over this hill!"

Nadia picks up the pace and looks over the hill. The mountain dipped downwards and into a large crater-like formation.

In the center was a large glacier, towering over the snow.

Nadia looked around, she saw the bushed of the Dewberry, scatter everywhere.

They were growing in the snow, on the rocky cliffs, and even on the glacier itself.

Eliza trudges ahead and begins gather them, putting them into a large basket. Nadia picks a few samples.

"I'm going back to deliver these Gramps." Eliza says. "They go bad pretty quickly once off the vine and out of the cold, so I'll come back to meet you on your way down."

"Alright." Nadia says, opening up a small glass vial.

Eliza walks down the mountain, and Elisa carefully opens up the fruit with a knife. It's clear blue juice drips down blade but Nadia sees no seed.

"Alright, so it's a seedless berry." Nadia says, taking mental notes. "Got it."

She puts the small vial away and grabs a bigger one from her bag. She stuffs about 5 or 6 berries into the vial and puts it into her bag.

Nadia stands up and notices another berry bush. This one had bright and lush green leaves and bright orange berries.

She'd never seen these before, nor had Eliza told her about them. She wandered closer.

She put down her bag again and took out another glass vial.

However, as soon as she touched one of the berries, large vines shot out of the bush and began to restrain her.

One vine wrapped around her wrists and tightly bound them behind her back. Another tied her ankles together.

Nadia dropped the vial in shock and opened her mouth to yell, but a vine wrapped around her mouth and forced her to bite down on it, effectively gagging her.

Nadia struggles violently, trashing and squirming, but the vines only seem to constrict more.

Luckily her thick clothes prevent the vines from truly digging deep into her skin, but they're still secure.

More vines snake out from the bush, one binds her elbows, another wraps around her thighs, and a third coils itself around her arms and under her chest, pinning them in place.

Nadia's struggles grow weaker. And she eventually surrenders.

Suddenly Eliza returns, and sees the bound Nadia. She quickly jumps into action.

"Nadia!" Eliza calls out.

"Mmph?" Nadia replies through her gag.

Eliza takes out a large machete and begins hacking at the vines, with just one swing, two vines are sliced cleanly off.

The other vines recoil in pain, and let go of Nadia. They retreat back to the bush as the bush itself retreats under the snow.

Nadia goes for her bag and grabs her vial.

"Quickly! It'll be back soon with its friends." Eliza warns.

The two girls run away from the glacier as more green bushes pop up from beneath the snow. They run down the mountain and back to the village.

"W-What... was that?" Nadia wheezes.

"Grappling bush." Eliza pants.


"Take care Nadia." The elderly man says as she begins to depart.

"Thank you." She replies.

"Oh, before you go." He says, grabbing the leather book from before. "I'd like you to have this. I know it'll serve you well."

He hands it to her.

"I can't accept this." Nadia says, holding it in her hands. "You'll need it more than me."

"I'll already have it even if you take it." The elderly man says.

He taps his forehead. "I have it up here."

Nadia thanks the man, and hops onto her wagon.

"You know, I never got your name, sir." Nadia says.

"My name isn't that important." He replies. "Now go, there's more waiting for you out there than here."

So Nadia departs the village. She looks back into her wagon, and looks at a glass enclosure.

The elderly man had helped her construct it. It simulated the cold environments inside the glass, and allowed for a small Glacier Dewberry bush to grow within.

"And that Dewberry bush is still with me. Look!"

"Pretty neat isn't it?"

"I- Yeah... I know. I got tied up by a plant because I didn't know any better."

"It's embarrassing! Don't laugh!"

"Oh, so you made up your mind on what to order?"

"Alright. One order of the Glacier Dewberry Fruit Salad, coming right up!"


- 2 cups of blackberries
- 2 cups of strawberries
- 2 cups of watermelon cubes, about an inch in thickness
- 2 oranges, peeled and segmented
- 2 kiwis, peeled and cut into chunks
- Juice of 1 lime
- 1/4 cup of finely chopped mint
- About a tablespoon of honey

1. Rinse and dry the blackberries and strawberries. Cut the strawberries into bite-sized pieces. (I like to cut them into fourths)
2. Combine the blackberries, strawberries, watermelon cubes, segmented oranges, and cut kiwis into a large bowl
3. Whisk together the lime juice and tablespoon of honey in a small bowl
4. Drizzle the mixture over the fruit and toss gently, making sure to coat the fruits
5. Sprinkle the mint leaves over the fruit salad and enjoy
Last edited by potato 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
~ The potato is a starchy food, a tuber of the plant Solanum tuberosum and is a root vegetable native to the Americas. The plant is a perennial in the nightshade family Solanaceae.
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Post by Ovi1 »

Haha I like the concept, just 1 thing I'm wondering is how long the walk between the village and the berries is. Because it would be very weird for Eliza to leave Nadia atop a mountain 6 hours away from the nearest village.

Otherwise nice story! Will be fun to read more
I believe you would be a lot more comfortable in ropes
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Post by banshee »

A nice story with a very original premise, keep it up!
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Post by Rerun »

Definitely one of the most creative stories I’ve read on here. The added recipe just seems to be the cherry on top. Can’t wait to see what’s next for this story.
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Post by Fandango »

This is a very fun idea. I didn't know a wandering chef could get into that much trouble (or "fun", depending upon the scenario), but I'm excited to see where you go with this. I'm always looking for innovations in bondage literature and this idea is surely innovative. I also appreciate when people present other interests of theirs and try and integrate ropes and gags into the equation. Writing should be expression of self and it's nice to see what your other passions are. I also love to cook and will not hesitate to try one of Nadia's recipes if I see one that interests me.
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Post by potato »

"Welcome back traveler. How may I serve you today?"

"Oh, the Golden Pesto Pasta!"

"It's pricey, it'll cost ya 120 Astrals."

"Yeah, I know. But the rarity and value of the Gold Leaf Basil is what makes it expensive."

"I got into quite a bit of trouble getting it, haha."

"Hm? Oh! Why, aren't you the curious one?"

"Sure, I'll tell you."

Part 2: Gold Leaf Pesto Pasta

"And the winner is... Nadia!"

"I-I did it!" Nadia exclaims. "I did it! I won!"

Nadia had just won the 821st Annual Cook-Off. And like all of the other 820 previous winners, she won her very own Gold Leaf Basil plant.

This rare basil sprouted leaves made of pure and edible 24 karat gold. Just a pound of the leaves of this plant can go for hundreds of Astrals, and now Nadia had her own.

She walked up to the podium and shook hands with the Cook-Off host, who handed her the potted plant. Nadia then proudly waved to large crowd watching as they roared in applause.


Ugh... Those interviews were tiring... Nadia said to herself.

She dragged herself back onto her wagon, and plopped onto the wooden flooring.

She was ready to close her eyes and just drift off to sleep, but out of nowhere, a knife was placed on her throat.

"Don't scream. Don't move. And don't struggle." The person holding the knife says in a low voice. "Hands behind your back."

Nadia was panicking, but she complied. It was her first time being robbed, so it strangely gave her a sense of excitement.

When Nadia placed her hands behind her back, the robber crosses her wrists and tied them together tightly. He then tied her ankles and legs together, but not before removing one of her socks.

"Alright. Open." The robber commanded.

"Nmm-mm." Nadia said, shaking her head with her lips firmly shut.

The robber brandished his knife again. "Open." They commanded again.

Nadia whimpered and then obediently opened her mouth. Her sock was jammed into her mouth and a kitchen rag was used as an OTM gag.

She moaned in her gag and struggled and kicked in frustration, thrashing around in her bondage.

The thief then approached her Gold Leaf Basil plant, and snatched it. Nadia grew furious.

How dare he! She had won that fair and square!

"I'll be taking this. Thanks for winning it for me." The robber said.

"Fmmk ymm! Gmph mm bmck!" Nadia cursed.

"Oh. Foul tongue." The robber said, acting to be hurt by her words. "I've gotta punish you for that."

Nadia's eyes grew wide as the robber set down the plant and took out even more rope. She started to plead and apologize, but it was futile.

Her elbows were brought together and tied. More rope were harnessed around her breasts and around her arms. A crotch rope that dug into her with every move she made. And a short length of rope that tied her ankles and wrists together in a unforgiving hogtie.

Now Nadia only whimpered. The rope dug deep and the hogtie position was punishing.

"Bye now!" The robber says, leaving Nadia bound and gagged in her wagon.

Nadia lay their in silence. Every move she made tugged her back, and her struggling only brought failure and discomfort.

So with nothing to do, she eventually drifted off to sleep.

Nadia was awoken by her bindings becoming undone. She looked around in confusion. Sunlight hit her face.

"It's alright, Nadia." She heard a comforting voice say. "I'm with the Town Guard."

The guard freed Nadia from her bonds. She took a big stretch, as her muscles ached from the night in the uncomfortable ropes.

"We caught a man trying to steal some valuables from a different traveler's wagon." The guard explained. "I found this, and I believe it belongs to you."

He handed her the Gold Leaf Basil plant. Its pot unharmed, not a nick or scratch in sight.

"Thank you so much." Nadia said. "I am truly grateful."

"I'm just doing my job, miss." The guard replied.

Nadia set her plant onto its original place within her cabinet with all of her other plants. Seeing that it was already morning, she decided to open up.

Only after getting a new set of clothes though, of course.
"Don't judge!"

"You can't blame me for what happened. It was a given that I would be robbed at some point."

"Okay, okay fine. I'll admit, maybe I did enjoy it just a tiny bit."

- Pasta (whatever type you like, however much you like)
- 1/3 cup cashews
- 2 cups (packed) basil
- 1/2 cup olive oil
- 2 large cloves garlic (minced)
- 1/4 teaspoon salt

1. In a blender food processor (or a blender if you're insane), toss all of the pesto ingredients in and let it blend for a few minutes or until smooth
2. Boil however much pasta you'd like
3. In a bowl or plate, put in your spaghetti and add the pesto, make sure to evenly coat the pasta
4. Enjoy.
5. (optional) If you like wasting money, and want authenticity, you can add gold leaf to your pesto. (I'm too broke for this lol)
~ The potato is a starchy food, a tuber of the plant Solanum tuberosum and is a root vegetable native to the Americas. The plant is a perennial in the nightshade family Solanaceae.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

[mention]potato[/mention] as a person who enjoys cooking, I have enjoyed both installments of this unique tale!
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