The New Babysitter (m/m)

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The New Babysitter (m/m)

Post by Stormee »

Hey everyone, it's Stormee with a brand new story. It's been in the works and I have been working on it on and off because of my schedule and many other things going on. So to start off, [mention]Killua[/mention], [mention]Red86[/mention], [mention]bondagefreak[/mention], [mention]Gil[/mention], thank you so much, I know you guys would be happy to read this.

Synopsis: Logan had been given a task to be a backup babysitter for a kid he never knew of. Max's current babysitter was unavailable to watch him the normal Saturday they spend every week. For this day, both boys are going to cross paths and find out a great secret between the two of them. One that they'll find as fun and never forget together.
A gentle breeze brushed against the back of a teen's neck to make him shiver a bit. But not just a simple breeze, but the low temperature of autumn breeze made him shiver. The teen, Alex, didn't care for the temperature. He preferred the weather more with its cooling temperature and autumn colors. What he normally liked when it was the football season. So he bundled up his letterman jacket tighter around him and waited.

What he was waiting for was a tour with his classmates. A tour of the nearby university in his hometown where he lived with his parents and 13 year old brother, Logan. Sure Alex still had another year to graduate, but it didn't hurt to look out for universities that can offer scholarships and would be best for his degree. Maybe his little brother was right, his cooking skills were good to pursue a degree in culinary. He just wondered if it could work with his football scholarship. Probably shouldn't be too hard, he's not those jocks that are dumb in movies and pick on the nerds. He actually had a 4.0 GPA with his friend Cole, one of the smarter jocks on the team. So a degree with a scholarship, definitely easy.

Next to him was his friend Cole with his raven black hair blowing in the breeze as he pulled his sweatshirt tighter over his body and dug his hands into the front conjoined pocket to keep them warm. And on the other side was his girlfriend as she wrapped her arm around his arm and was browsing on her phone, waiting for the tour to start. Her maroon hair was pinned down by a wool hat so it wasn't blowing in the wind and didn't like standing out in the cold even though she liked autumn as well. But it's been over five minutes and the guide hasn't arrived and all the selected students that were invited to the university were starting to get cold in the weather.

"Hey! Sorry I'm late." a voice called out to make the students turn around. The group of high schoolers saw a young man in his early 20s with short dark hair at 5'9 with a slim athletic body. If Alex were to guess, he must've been on the swim team at his school before. And he had at least a head taller than the older man. This must be their tour guide. "Sorry about that, I was on the other side of the building thinking your school was to meet me there." he said and fixed his jacket. "My name is Mark, a student at Harborview University and your tour guide for the day. So does anyone have questions or concerns before we start?" he asked. Not a person said anything to smile. "Alright, let's get moving on. We got a big day today."

Alex watched the young man take the lead to follow after with his class. He walked down the cobblestone path that led away from the student administration building toward a large building that mostly had a glass exterior of many windows. Glancing around the exterior, he could see other students heading to their classes or leaving to chuckle at the thought of a glass house, no privacy and everyone can see you except the walled classrooms to walk in with the guide and hear it be the science and mathematics building that was refurbished. After the tour of the building, Alex's group was led to the athletic building to smile. This was what he was talking about.

"So this is our athletic building where we have a gym for our soccer, football, baseball, and basketball teams." Mark said as he led the group into the building to show them the gym equipment room. "Here are the weights, elliptical, treadmills, the basic stuff for a gym. We offer classes on days for both students or residents in the area that want to workout. Like spin classes, yoga, self defense, you name it. Locker rooms are downstairs, we have a recreational pool and another pool for more competitive swimming. Same with basketball courts. Our stadium for both soccer and football aren't on campus but still a five minute drive to get to. Take a look around, get a five minute break in. Bathrooms are down the hall." The group split up to look around the gym or head for the bathrooms.

"I'll be back, Alex." Jamie said and kissed her boyfriend on the lips and walked away.

Alex looked around and smirked to lean his head to Cole to whisper to him. "Logan is going to hide from us when we work out here." he snickered quietly. The raven haired teen smirked as he agreed. "Maybe we can stuff him in your gym bag and take him here."

Mark turned to see Alex and Cole talking to raise a brow and cleared his throat. Both teens quickly turned their attention to him. "Something funny?" he asked.

"Ooh uh nothing." Alex replied. "Just thinking how convenient this university is for me because I want to be closer to home to my family. I don't know if my little brother would like it if I'm across the state or country and be lonely."

"Oh you got a brother?" Mark smiled. "How old is he?"

"13. You got any siblings yourself?" Alex asked.

Mark shook his head. Never had any older or younger siblings. He even lost his dad at a young age. Just like someone he knows and babysits. "No I don't." he replied. "I've always been an only child. But I got a neighbor that I babysit a lot and consider him as a little brother. He's 11 and a little troublemaker." Alex smirked as he wasn't the only one. Logan can have his moments to be a troublemaker too. That's why he tied him up to keep him out of trouble. "But I'm looking forward to this Saturday as I'm babysitting him again. Already have a big day planned out for him."

Alex smiled to hear that. How nice of him to have his neighbor as a little brother. He and Logan did the same thing with their neighbors as their dad and his dad work with first responders; his dad being a police officer and their dad a fire marshal. So his kids grew up with them and they were treated as cousins almost. "Sounds like a good time. Too bad I'm booked to not do anything with my brother for the weekend." he said.

Mark smiled and saw the group gather back around. Time to continue the tour and show everyone the commons area to get some food. About time for lunch. Here he thought he would get shy or be nervous to speak to a group of high schoolers. But this day has been easy. Especially when he and Alex had something in common. And easy extra credit points for his class.

After touring the commons area that had a food court of many different kinds of food like Asian food, an a la cart for sandwiches or quick snacks, a salad bar as well. The commons area also had a campus store for supplies and college apparel to show school spirit. Mark continued to talk and stopped as he had someone approach him to stop the tour and walk away with his campus teacher that gave him the assignment. Alex waited patiently and saw a look of annoyance cross the young man's face. Something didn't seem good.

"You sure no one else can take the Saturday tour?" he heard Mark ask the teacher. He saw the older man shake his head to hear Mark sigh and agreed to do the Saturday tour for the out of state students. The teacher walked away and Mark was pacing to think. That didn't seem good. "Crap what am I going to do?" he heard Mark mutter to himself. "I had everything planned out for Max and now I have to cancel on him. And I have to let his mom know I can't babysit and she'll be upset about her big deal."

Now Alex understood what Mark was worried about. Mark now had a roadblock to babysit his neighbor and knew that tomorrow would be impossible to find a last second replacement for him. And Alex couldn't jump in to offer himself to babysit as he'll be at football practice all day tomorrow with Cole. But he knew someone who was free. "Hey Mark, can I talk to you really quick?" he asked and walked over to him.
"You want me to do what now?" Logan asked as he waited patiently with Alex tying him up. He could feel the rope gently holding his arms in a box tie with the rope wrapped around his chest on his shoulders and under his arms in a rope harness. Since they were getting into these tied up games more often, he was always interested in Alex's new ways of being tied up. Especially when both read on the TuG site. And the rope harness felt different to have it tied around his shoulders and under his arms, not like his usual way of being tied up in. "And why me and not you?" he asked.

The knots were finished being tightened and away from Logan's fingers at the middle of his forearms. No way for him to escape from untying the knots. He gently laid Logan down on his chest and grabbed another coil of white rope to work on his legs. And Logan grimaced as his nose was close to a discarded ankle sock of his older brother and nudged it away with his nose to not smell it more. "You are going to babysit for someone who can't tomorrow." he replied and tied his ankles together and cinched them in the middle. He took the remaining slack and tied his knees together and cinched them so he could put Logan in a hogtie. "I know it's last minute but the guy who gave us the tour today needed someone to cover for him and I figured you were the last resort I can come up with. So I know this is sudden on you, but I know you're free tomorrow."

"And how old is he then?" Logan asked and tested the ropes around his legs to scuff. No easy way to escape from those.

"11. That's what I was told." Alex said and folded his brother's legs for a hogtie and grabbed the short rope to tie them together to his box tied arms.

"11!? Oh come on, I've been left home alone when at 11 and didn't need a babysitter." Logan complained.

"But this is different." Alex retorted. "He's been through a lot for the past couple years and his mom doesn't trust him home alone." He secured his brother's legs to the finish off the hogtie and made sure his ropes were secured and tight. Smiling in satisfaction, the older teen grabbed the sock that Logan nudged away for his gag. "Right now it's all emotional trauma to him and he doesn't have any friends from what I'm told and I figured you could get yourself out of the house and watch him and even let him be with a kid in his age group. I know I didn't talk to you and dropped this on you suddenly but Mark was in a panic and I helped out. So what do you say?"

Logan tested his hogtie out and could barely get his legs away from his butt. Good thing he was flexible, otherwise this would've been uncomfortable to him. But the idea of babysitting some a couple years younger than him didn't seem fair to him. He's been left alone a couple times when he was 11, but he didn't have any issues to not be trusted when left home alone. And he felt bad that the kid didn't have any friends besides the 20 year old neighbor who regularly watched him. So maybe babysitting couldn't hurt and help him be a kid again. "I suppose so." he said to agree that he'll do it.

Alex smiled to ruffle his hair and placed a house key and a folded piece of paper into Logan's palm. "I knew you would do it." he said and got the sock ready to gag him. "That there is the house key to Max's house and this is Mark's number and Max's mom as well. I'll let them know you'll be able to watch him tomorrow." He saw him nodding as he understood and grabbed the roll of duct tape. "Now open your mouth or I get dad's socks for your gag."

His eyes widen to the threat of their dad's toxic socks. He remembered the time he gagged Cole with them and used the gas mask on him to use the shoe. That was strong and musky even for him; next to their neighbor's socks when he aired his feet out when visiting them. He felt bad for his 'cousins', Ethan and Andrew, to have that smell all the time. He quickly opened his mouth and took the black ankle sock in his mouth to grimace on the sweaty taste as Alex pushed in the toes first and packed it all in. The duct tape was stretched across his cheek and pressed over his lips to be wrapped around his head a couple times and smoothed out for an effective seal.

"Well, have fun now, little brother." Alex said with a grin and gently tickled his feet to make him squirm. "I'm going to call Mark and let him know the job you accepted. He'll tell me the details and you enjoy your Friday night tied up and washing my sock." He got up and left the room to close the door so their parents wouldn't walk in on him.

Logan squirmed and fidgeted in his ropes and tried to untie the knots. But clever of Alex to put his arms in a box tie so he couldn't untie the knots and escape. The sock wasn't any different, still he liked the gags when he or Cole tied him up. He loved his Friday nights like this if he didn't have anything planned out. Now his Saturday was booked and babysitting. Babysitting a 7 year old would be something he would understand. But an 11 year old is different, even though he heard it's just for his safety and he understood that part. So, he'll have to figure out how to play with the kid. Maybe board games, movies, maybe even introduce him to some tied up games like cops and robbers. A simple game. Whoever this Max was, he was ready to meet him.
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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

Woo hoo! I can't wait for the rest of this story. I already love all the elements coming together on this one.
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Post by Gino »

Great story, I'm looking forward to the sequel! :D
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Post by squirrel »

Great start, looking forward to the second chapter :)

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Post by alkaid_ »

well... thats sounds like at the end...

logan and max ended tied, gagged and i hope, blindfoled by Alex and Mark...
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Post by Red86 »

Intriguing start my friend! Looking forward to the next chapter!!
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Post by The slave »

I love this first chapter
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Post by Killua »

A very interesting start. I'm looking forward to what comes next. I'm sure Logan will be very surprised once he knows Max better :lol:
I think, it's nice that you took your time with the first part to create the setting properly and deliver some background information.

I'm looking forward to the next part :D
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Post by bondagefreak »

Awesome new story, [mention]Stormee[/mention]!
Looks like Alex shot two birds with one stone by making a new friend in Mark and finding a babysitter for that troublesome preteen.

Anxious to see Max and Logan get into funny shenanigans and thrilled to see the return - even though only in the form of a threat - of daddy's smelly socks! Let's hope those are put to good use at some point in the near future 8-) Also hoping for a return of Cole's footwear.

Either way, this promises to be fun.
Can't wait for the next part.

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Post by harveygasson »

Really enjoyed the first chapter. It's difficult keeping all the amazing story series from this site in my head but, is this a cross over? I know there are a few Max characters in stories on the site but wanted to double check
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Post by bluemoon27 »

I've always been jealous of brother bondage stories :// I was never lucky enough to experience this stuff
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Post by Carelesshealer »

Great that max is returning in a new story wonder if this new babysitter has a thing for his feet like Mark did
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Post by Gil »

Very very nice start [mention]Stormee[/mention] . I like babysitterstories :D curious to see what will happen next.
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Post by Stormee »

Hey everyone, thanks for the great comments and how you're all looking forward to the next chapter. So here it is. [mention]Killua[/mention], [mention]Red86[/mention], [mention]bondagefreak[/mention], [mention]Gil[/mention], [mention]Gino[/mention], [mention]Carelesshealer[/mention], [mention]bluemoon27[/mention], [mention]harveygasson[/mention], [mention]alkaid_[/mention], [mention]The_slave[/mention], [mention]squirrel[/mention], [mention]Wedgieboy69[/mention] thank you all again for the great comments. Let the babysitting day commence! :D
Blue eyes gazed around the assortment of ropes and chains that were laid around him. A small smile spread on his face as he studied each of his gear that he had obtained from the couple years of collecting and using on himself. But at times he was getting tied up by them from his favorite neighbor and babysitter. He hated that term, but knew it was what Mark was called when he spent his Saturdays with him. So Max enjoyed being watched by him and occasionally having the time tied up by him. It made their friendship stronger to be closer as friends or brothers. And he knew Mark would be coming over soon to watch him and he was looking forward to a day of being tied up by the older man.

Max, being 11 years old, had an assortment of gear that most kids his age wouldn't have for such tie up games. Technically when he thought about it, he was the only one he knew in his class that would own these things. Enough material to kidnap his entire class. Lots of high quality white cotton rope, chains both long and short. A pair of handcuffs that were regular and hinged cuffs, and some leg cuffs to make him walk and not run. His gags were not like conventional duct tape, his gags were more advanced like a black rubber ballgag, a ring gag to keep his mouth open, and a leather panel gag with a ball inside for him to connect his mouth to and have the leather gag wrap around his face and buckled in his face. He had black sense scarves he used as blindfolds and many other things he had stored in his wardrobe. To Max, he did have stuff to be used to kidnap his entire class if he wanted to. But he would rather use it on himself to be tied up by Mark for fun. He liked being tied up by him and wondered what their day would bring out.

The boy glanced at his alarm clock to see that Mark would be coming over soon and looked at his stash of tied up gear to smile at an idea. He could give Mark a good surprise package of seeing all tied up ready to be watched by him. And he had everything in his disposal. The blond haired boy took a pair of his leg cuffs to snap around his thin ankles and clicked them to be tight and snug around his ankles and set the key on his bedside table. He kicked his legs out to test his limited range to move his legs to smile as he couldn't move freely and only made the metal chain taut. He grabbed one of his handcuffs and decided on the hinged cuffs to make it harder for him and set the key aside. He didn't want to cuff himself yet. He had to deal with his gag then cuff his hands to be ready for Mark.

The assortment of gags made it hard for the boy to decide on. Have the black rubber ballgag in his mouth and drool constantly. Have the ring gag in his mouth and risk Mark making him drool and eat things he hated like honey. The panel gag he liked, but he rather waited for Mark to use that on him if they were playing a game and he wanted to make him quiet. So Max decided to take the tape roll for a simple gag and knew Mark would use the other gags if he wanted to. He grabbed the roll of duct tape and ripped off a couple strips to plaster them across his lips and tested his temporary gag. "Mmph! Mm!" he screamed in to chuckle and grabbed the handcuffs. He snapped one end around his left wrist and moved his arms behind his back to feel the metal cuff around his right wrist and clicked it by pushing the cuff against his back to snap it in place. The boy scooted himself off his bed and laid on his belly on the floor to act like he was a kidnapped victim. "Perfect. Now Mark will be in for a surprise." he said and waited.

Unaware that Mark wasn't coming to babysit him for the day. If Max had looked at his phone earlier to see the text messages from his mother and Mark to say he was getting a new babysitter for the day. Of course Max wasn't aware of that and was going to be the one surprised.
Logan climbed out of Alex's car as he was being dropped off to Max's house and swung his orange drawstring backpack over his shoulder and fixed his cross country team's windbreaker. The contents of his bag were a few rolls of tape, just looked at ideas for ideal babysitting games. He still couldn't believe Alex had planned his Saturday to be spent babysitting someone he doesn't know. But he was doing it for the usual babysitter who wasn't able to do his weekly task. So he doesn't know what he was getting himself into. Was Max a brat or would he be a quiet kid to keep to himself, or be a perfect angel? He wasn't sure, but he'll find out.

"Alright, Logan, we'll swing by later today to pick you up." Alex said through the window. "Mark said his mom usually comes home after 5pm so Cole and I will be done before that and will get you later after practice."

"Yea yea I know, Alex." Logan said and closed the back door. "See you later. You too, Cole."

"Later Pipsqueak." Cole said went back to browsing on his phone. Alex pulled out of the driveway and took off to head to the school. Logan stood alone on the driveway and looked at the key in his hand. Just a Saturday and he can go on with his weekend of being lazy since he didn't have cross country practice this weekend. How lucky of him.

Logan didn't waste time to head to the front door to see it was locked as noted and used the key to unlock the deadbolt and opened the door to stare around slowly. It felt like a haunted house as the main foyer was quiet. In fact, the rest of the house was quiet. So where was this Max kid? "Max? Are you home?" he asked and removed his shoes. He wasn't sure if he was home or at a sporting event like when he did cross country practice or Alex in his football events. But he can tell that Max was home. He had a feeling and found the stairs to the upper floors and walked upstairs. If he were to guess, Max was in his room.

And in Max's room, he could hear "Mark" coming to his room and knew it was time for his queue. So he started struggling and screaming in his temporary gag so he can be gagged with a proper gag.

Slowly approaching Max's room, the blonde teen could hear some grunting and struggling at the floorboard of the house, groaning to the pressure and quickly rushing to the room on the far left of the house. It sounded like Max was in trouble. "Max, are you…okay?" he asked as he pushed the bedroom open and his jaw dropped.

Max's blue eyes widen in shock and fear. This wasn't Mark he was facing in front of his door. It was a 13 year old boy with blonde hair like him and in gym shorts and a school windbreaker. Not a man in his 20s with dark hair and a university sweatshirt he normally wore. This wasn't Mark and a random kid in his house to make his face turn pale to be stiff and gulp. Considering his worst fear of being caught tied up like this. With Mark, he would understand. This random boy, he wouldn't.

Logan himself was in a state of shock at what he saw. The boy he was to be babysitting was down on his floor handcuffed with a pair of leg cuffs on his ankle and gagged by strips of tape. Now he understood why the boy didn't respond to his calls or come down to meet him. He was tied up and gagged and that made the teen worried. Was there a burglar in the house and probably waiting for him to be alone and grab him. But the more shocking part was all of the stuff that laid around Max. The cotton rope, chains, handcuffs, and some very odd gags he had seen once on the internet. If Logan were to guess, Max was probably into tied up games and was self tying himself.

The older boy took a step forward, but Max quickly yelped into his gag and got onto his knees and pulled himself onto his feet and quickly hobbled to his wardrobe closet. The chains rattling with each step and Max reached his closet and stepped in to hide and closed his door shut. His breathing was quickened and he felt tears pricking his eyes in fear. Who was this boy? Why was he in his home? Was he someone from his school and going to bully him now because of his interest in bondage? He wanted his Mark badly and wanted this boy out of his home. Where was Mark?
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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

Quite the introduction. I can't imagine how awkward that would be, especially for two fairly shy kids.
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Post by Gino »

uuuuuh, there's a disappointment that it wasn't Mark, but I guess Max will have a lot of fun with Logan too :D
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Post by Carelesshealer »

Max is in for a shock and I hope Logan has fun with this ticklish bound lads feet 😂😂
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Post by The slave »

I love this stories
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Post by Batsox »

What a nice story! 😉 Looking forward to reading the next chapter 👍
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Post by Killua »

Seems like Max got a fair punishment for not looking at his phone :lol: His reaction was great. But running away and locking himself into the closet seems to be not the very smartest idea. From all the bullying in the past, it's exactly the reaction I thought which would happen though. :D I wonder if Max has thought things through now. Logan has already seen him, and he is in the closet. He can't stop this unknown boy from telling anyone else... and if doesn't has a spare key in the closet, he is pretty much trapped and stuck now :lol: This situation reminds me a little on the time when Max locked himself into the bathroom and Mark had no idea how to get him out at first :lol:
I'm really curious to find out how Logan is going to handle this little problem now. :D
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Post by Red86 »

Well that's one way to introduce yourself to a new potential friend! Should have looked at your phone 1st silly little Max, you don't have many options hiding in the closet 😅
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Post by Boytaped »

but Max has fallen into the trap. if Logan now takes the handcuff keys, max is really stuck and Logan can do anything with him even make the liberation as the grand prize of a game. :lol:
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Post by squirrel »

I really wonder how Logan would react to what he saw :)

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Post by TightropesEU »

Hope you keep going ;)
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Post by Mummybag »

Great story so far… sounds like a lot of fun is on its way
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