Becoming Oliver (M/m) - Part 5 Added

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Becoming Oliver (M/m) - Part 5 Added

Post by Jb99 »

Had started this on the Fictional Stories for All board, but for reasons that I've mentioned on the PG-13 board, i feel its proper home (the story that is) is here...

Becoming Oliver – Prologue.
Some time ago readers may recall a story by @Radio_Ralph23 entitled Oliver’s New Owners in the Fictional Stories for Everyone section. I followed this story until the author advised that there wouldn’t be any updates for a while and if readers want to know why, read the story to the end!
I sent @Radio_Ralph23 wishing him luck for the future and asking the question as to which of the characters he most identified with. As I suspected (or hoped) he told me that he’d prefer to be Oliver.

I then found out that he was UK based (as I am) so we had a discussion around the possibility of a meet up for a chat to see where this took us, but his current situation makes this difficult, as readers of his story will be aware.
I think I had his interest by now and the inevitable questions of what I would do to him and where this would take place came up, and, more importantly, what I wouldn’t do to him!

I then had the idea of writing a story about @Radio_Ralph23 becoming Oliver, put it to him that he’d see each chapter before it was posted and he agreed subject to a couple of conditions which I don’t need to go into here.
The result was that he agreed and I have started work on the story.
The above part is true, but the rest (for the time being) will be fictional…….
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Post by Jb99 »

Becoming Oliver (M/m) Part 1

It was odd, thought Andrew as he walked down the suburban street, rows of semi detached houses on either side, with the occasional, larger, detached house in between. All the stories that I’ve been reading on various sites where young men turned up at houses to meet men that that they didn’t know either glossed over this part, or covered it in little detail to get straight to the action. He thought, guiltily, but’s that I what I do, I skip the introductions and get to the action.

The 18 year old first year university student thought about the events that had led to this moment, starting with the private message he’d received from one JB99 after he’d written the first part of a story on the Tieupgames website.

Although his story had been about a young man called Oliver who had been kidnapped by two older men and was being kept as a slave, the various conversations and meetings he’d had with JB99 had convinced him that actual kidnapping in the middle of a university town in England wasn’t really an option. For a start, although JB99 had coaxed out of him the things he thought he might like (and only might like as he’d never done anything like this before with anyone else) and the things he didn’t want to try, at least not yet.

He had admitted to JB though that, if he was a character in his own story, he would prefer to be Oliver.

At that meet, JB had also pointed out that Andrew had set public humiliation as one of his limits, if a kidnapping was to be attempted this might result in them both being arrested and appearing in the papers, which was something that neither wanted.

He was a little surprised though when JB, at the second meeting, had insisted that Andrew show his passport to prove his age but after giving it some thought Andrew decided that this was probably a good thing.

They’d eventually agreed on a scenario where Andrew could experience what it might like to be Oliver, at least for a few hours, after which he could decide whether he wanted to take things further.

The ping on his mobile phone bought him back to reality and he pulled it out of the pocket of the grey hooded tracksuit that JB99 had given him at their last meeting. The only items of clothing that he was wearing that were actually his were his trainers. JB had explained that, as he would try and make the scenario as realistic as possible, he would provide the clothes for Andrew to wear to the meet so that Andrew’s own clothes would not get damaged. Andrew had seen the sense in this, although he wasn’t entirely sure about the jockstrap as he’d never worn one before. He’d tried to resist but JB had explained that this was all part of the process of surrendering control and pointed out that Andrew had put Oliver in his story into tight leather shorts.

Andrew glanced at his phone.

‘Are you there yet?’

It was his mate Colin. JB had told Andrew that this meeting would not happen unless someone knew where he was going and how long he would be. Andrew had approached Colin who was in some of his classes at Uni and lived in the same halls of residence although, unlike Andrew, Colin had taken a gap year so was slightly older at 19. They had actually tentatively agreed to share a house if they both made it past the first year. He had skirted around the reason for the meeting when approaching Colin, but the other lad had seen through his flimsy cover story about attending an interview and teased out the truth. Andrew was relieved that Colin hadn’t passed any judgement or pursued the matter and had also agreed to meet up for a coffee with JB to judge whether he thought the whole thing would be safe.

Colin had returned from that meet and merely told Andrew that ‘Everything is OK, I trust him and you’re to text me before you go in and immediately you leave so I know you’re OK’.

He’d also told Andrew that he was to arrive no later than 9:00 on the appointed Saturday, and that he would be let out no later than 5:00 PM the same day. Andrew pressed him for any other information about what might happen but other than saying that he’d confirmed with JB that JB would abide by Andrew’s limits Colin either didn’t know, or wasn’t telling.

‘About 2 minutes away’ Andrew texted back.

As an afterthought he continued to text adding ‘Wish me luck’

Just as he hit the send button another text came in

‘Good luck, have fun and enjoy’.

Andrew smiled then, noticing the time on his phone quickened his pace. Although he’d not done anything like this before he’d read enough stories not to arrive even a minute late.

He found the house he was looking for, it was a detached house with a wide set of double gates to one side, one of the larger houses, if not the largest house, in the road.

He checked the time. Exactly 9:00. Now or never.

Hesitantly he rang the doorbell and tentatively pushed the door open as he’d been instructed. Once inside he turned and faced the door and latched it closed. He continued to face the door, head down as he’d been instructed. He didn’t have to wait long.

He heard a door to one side open and, almost as a reflex, turned towards the sound. Someone (JB, Andrew hoped) grabbed his hair and forced his head back towards the door. The man pushed his body into Andrew’s so that the boy was held tight against the door by someone significantly taller that Andrews’s 5 foot 6 inches and significantly heavier. The hand forced Andrew’s head to the side. He found himself staring at the back of a rather large knife, thankfully the blade was pointing away from him.

‘What’s a scumbag like you doing, breaking into my house’? the man demanded.

Andrew started to stammer, attempting an excuse, but the man cut him short.

‘Get your hands behind your back and do it now’ came the demand. Andrew obeyed and the man conveniently pulled back away from Andrew to allow him to do it. Andrew quickly felt a set of handcuffs on his wrists and click shut. He felt the man fiddle with something on the cuffs and then he was spun round to face his captor. To his relief it was JB, things had happened so quickly that he hadn’t been sure.

‘Now that you’re secured we can carry on discussing why you’ve broken into my house. You’ll soon find out that you picked the wrong house to burgle’

Andrew knew that was part of the scene and, after a few seconds hesitation, responded as he’d been instructed.

‘I’m not on my own’ he squeaked ‘My mate knows I was coming here and will be looking for me’

This was the signal to JB that the back up arrangements were in place as agreed, and that Andrew was OK to carry on. Andrew knew that if he had said anything else then (he hoped) JB would release him and that would be the end.

‘Bollocks’ came the reply, ‘Even if it’s true then I may end up with two prisoners instead of one and you’ll both be arrested.

Andrew was at a loss now, this was as far as they had agreed beforehand, everything else would be a complete surprise to him and he started to feel very nervous.

JB spun him back round to face the door and grabbing Andrew’s hair pulled it back sharply. Andrew opened his mouth to protest as JB knew he would. JB was ready with the ball gag which was forced into Andrew’s mouth before being buckled tightly behind his head. Everything went dark as a hood was pulled over Andrew's head and a drawstring pulled loosely round his neck.

Andrew was in total darkness.

‘Fuck. What the fuck have I done?’

Andrew’s mind was pulling somersaults.

Andrew heard the sound of a drawer opening and a metallic sound. He felt solid metal close around his neck and the sound of a padlock being snapped closed.

‘As I said before, you not so clever burglar boy, you picked the wrong house to rob’

Andrew felt himself being turned around again and with JB behind him with his hand on the collar pushed him gently forward.
They moved through the house slowly, JB providing Andrew with quiet words to guide him to their destination. Andrew was starting to get a little anxious, He knew he was completely stuck and at the mercy of this man. He suddenly remembered that they were supposed to have agreed a safeword, but, in the moment he’d forgotten to tell JB. He tensed, JB could sense it and chuckled. He’d guessed.

‘A bit late to remember the safeword now’ he said. ‘You’re well and truly fucked’.

Andrew felt pressure on his shoulders as his captor forced him to his knees, then, transferring his hand to Andrews’s head, pushed him further down. Andrew heard rather than felt another click and the hand let go of his head.

Andrew tried to lift his body up but found he couldn’t. It appeared that he’d been chained down to the floor by the metal collar bolted round his neck. He felt his ankles being pulled apart, not roughly but with sufficient force that he couldn’t resist, each ankle being placed in a metal spreader bar which his captor bolted shut.

JB stood back and watched Andrew adjust to his new position. Kneeling, chained to the floor, arms cuffed behind him, ankles locked in rigid metal restraints and gagged and hooded.

He thought to himself ‘He’ll have a better idea of what he writes about after today’.

Andrew was not exactly thinking along those lines. As he tested his bonds and tried to adjust his position, he was starting to realise that he really was a captive and his options without JB intervening were zero. Very quickly he’d lost all control and was entirely at another man’s mercy.

It didn’t help his thought processes when JB announced ‘Well it took all of 10 minutes to capture and restrain a brazen housebreaker. I’ll leave you here to think about what you’ve done and ponder on your future. We will discuss on my return’

Andrew heard footsteps recede, a door close and the sound of a lock being turned. What he couldn’t see because of the hood was the three red lights glowing high on the walls of the room.

He was alone – he was on his way to Becoming Oliver!
Last edited by Jb99 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Red86 »

Oliver's New Owner's is a really good story and I'll be glad to see it continue when [mention]Radio_Ralph23[/mention] has time to continue it!

In the meantime, this story is off to an interesting start! It's a shame you two haven't been able to try this out for real, yet, but maybe the time will come one day 😉

Looking forward to seeing this continue!!

Post by Radio_Ralph23 »

Jb99 wrote: 1 year ago Had started this on the Fictional Stories for All board, but for reasons that I've mentioned on the PG-13 board, i feel its proper home (the story that is) is here...

Becoming Oliver – Prologue.
Some time ago readers may recall a story by @Radio_Ralph23 entitled Oliver’s New Owners in the Fictional Stories for Everyone section. I followed this story until the author advised that there wouldn’t be any updates for a while and if readers want to know why, read the story to the end!
I sent @Radio_Ralph23 wishing him luck for the future and asking the question as to which of the characters he most identified with. As I suspected (or hoped) he told me that he’d prefer to be Oliver.

I then found out that he was UK based (as I am) so we had a discussion around the possibility of a meet up for a chat to see where this took us, but his current situation makes this difficult, as readers of his story will be aware.
I think I had his interest by now and the inevitable questions of what I would do to him and where this would take place came up, and, more importantly, what I wouldn’t do to him!

I then had the idea of writing a story about @Radio_Ralph23 becoming Oliver, put it to him that he’d see each chapter before it was posted and he agreed subject to a couple of conditions which I don’t need to go into here.
The result was that he agreed and I have started work on the story.
The above part is true, but the rest (for the time being) will be fictional…….
Really awesome so far. Detailed backstory and really strong first chapter!
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Post by harveygasson »

Good start, looking forward to more
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Post by Jb99 »

Thanks to [mention]harveygasson[/mention] [mention]Red86[/mention] and [mention]Radio_Ralph23[/mention] for their comments.

Becoming Oliver (M/M) Part 2

He was alone – he was on his way to Becoming Oliver!

Andrew forced himself to remain motionless for a few seconds, gathering his thoughts and listening for any sounds. He tried to lift his head but was bought up short as the chain reached its limit. He could feel the collar through the hoody and the blackout hood that he’d been forced into, he didn’t find it uncomfortable though, and it didn’t dig into his neck. He flexed his wrists. The handcuffs fitted snugly on his wrists but his captor had fastened them so that they were over the sleeves of the hoody. He found he had a reasonable amount of movement, up, down and side to side.

He felt a dribble of saliva leave his mouth which ran slowly down his chin, so he dropped his head so that it would drop off. He tested the gag with his tongue and found that he could push it out of his mouth part of the way but couldn’t get it out completely. He gave a small tentative grunt, it was quite difficult keeping the gag part way out, he couldn’t quite get his teeth behind the ball so decided it was easier to accept it back into his mouth. He closed his teeth around it, testing its full effect before releasing and allowing it to adopt a natural position in his mouth.

He tried moving his legs. He couldn’t close them together but he found that he had a small amount of movement backwards and forwards by using his knees. He realised that the ankle restraints were also fastened over the top of the tracksuit bottoms so when he moved the metal didn’t chafe or rub his ankles. The floor under his knees wasn’t solid, it felt like it was covered with some sort of mat.

He lowered his head until it touched the floor, again there was a little give in the surface. On impulse he decided that he’d try to lay down so keeping his head on the floor he shuffled backwards with his knees but quickly realised that this wasn’t going to be easy as he felt his knees start to slip from under him as his body flattened. He tried to get back up but found that without the use of his hands that was going to be very difficult.
He gave up the struggle and flopped down on his stomach. Fortunately for him, he realised, he’d let his legs go from under him so he did not receive a painful reminder of the collar attached to the floor, although the chain was now tight. He tried to wriggle forward to relieve the pressure which was difficult with his legs spread apart and his arms in the small of his back, kept there by the cuffs.

Eventually he managed to achieve some slack but the next problem lying on his front was that he had to turn his head to the side to stop the hood pressing into his face. That, in turn, meant that his shoulders were on the floor which pushed them back putting additional pressure on his bound arms and wrists. On the positive side, he could now bend his legs, on impulse he decided so see if he could touch his feet by bending them up into the classic hogtie position. By arching his back and pulling his head back he found he could just grasp the metal bar keeping his legs spread. His searching fingers couldn’t find anything like a release catch and the handcuffs were now digging into his wrists through the hoody sleeves so he let go and lowered his legs back down.

He realised that he was breathing heavily and starting to sweat, the hood was pulling into his face and sticking there when he breathed in, it was getting noticeably harder to breathe than when he’d first been forced into it.
What Andrew didn’t realise at the time was that, as a result of his drooling, the sweat and condensation he’d created with his efforts were all sticking to the inside of the hood, Not only was he getting very damp and sticky under the hood, his airflow was also being restricted.

He started to panic and tried unsuccessfully to get back onto his knees when suddenly he felt the collar chain being released, a pair of hands went under his armpits and pulled him back into a kneeling position, this time with his head up. He felt the drawstring around the hood being loosened and some cooler air flowed in.

‘Calm down’ Andrew recognised JB’s voice ‘You’re ok, but you’ve only yourself to blame’.

Slowly Andrew’s breathing returned to normal although none of the restraints were taken off.

‘Ank oo’ Andrew mumbled through the gag.

After a few more moments, Andrew was lifted to his feet. The handcuffs were pulled up behind him, forcing him to bend at the waist. He felt something being pushed under his arms, forcing them apart and, as his arms were dropped and his body was pulled back slightly something came into contact with his backside. Unable to stop himself, but with his captor supporting him he suddenly found himself sitting in a chair, metal by the feel of it. He felt a wide strap being buckled tightly around his chest and the back of the chair and was thankful that it had not done over the top of his arms. Another strap was fastened around the seat of the chair and his thighs. He was now secured in a sitting position. He realised that this had been achieved without him being required to do anything and, even if he had resisted or objected, it would still have happened.

‘Can I suggest that you don’t try any tricks’ Andrew detected a slightly sarcastic tone in JB’s voice.
‘You’re secured to the chair, you can’t get out and if you try you’ll only end up face planting the floor and I don’t want you to damage my dungeon’

Dungeon! Andrew nearly jumped at the word. He’d fantasised about being in a dungeon and now here he was – but he couldn’t see! Dungeon! - the word had an immediate effect on the bound boy, he really hoped that it wasn’t showing but nothing in JB’s voice gave any indication that he’d noticed as he continued.

‘I am really going to leave you this time, but only for a few minutes. When I return I’ll take off the hood and gag and you will be required to answer some questions. If you lose your temper and go off on one, are rude, refuse to answer or if I think you’re lying you’ll probably have cause to regret it. Now sit here quietly until I get back and we’ll make a start. You understand?’

Andrew nodded and received a cuff round the head.

‘Say it’

‘Ess ir’ Andrew responded, immediately realising what he’d said without being prompted.

Andrew heard the door open, but not close. It made no difference to him and so he sat, gently exercising his jaw on the gag, waiting for whatever came next.

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Post by Xtc »

There's a whole lot of painstaking description here.
Well done, Sir.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Jb99 »

[mention]Xtc[/mention] thank you - as I pointed out to [mention]Radio_Ralph23[/mention], Andrew has only been in his predicament for around 30 minutes. I've committed him to a maximum of 8 hours on his first session......
Think I have a better understanding of the pressure on the scriptwriters of the TV series 24....
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Post by Veracity »

Very nice- 100% meeting my expectations.
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Post by MaxRoper »

Yeah, this is about perfect. I've done stories with the same setup - a 'what-if' version of meeting someone - and have to say this one easily tops my attempts. Definitely looking forward to wherever you take it.
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Post by harveygasson »

Great second part
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Post by Jb99 »

[mention]MaxRoper[/mention] [mention]Veracity[/mention] [mention]harveygasson[/mention] [mention]Red86[/mention] for your kind comments, I feel honoured.

Becoming Oliver (M/m) – Part 3

Andrew was looking forward to the hood coming off, he was feeling hot and sticky and, although breathing was easier since the hood had been loosened, if he breathed too deeply the clammy hood still sucked into and stuck to his face. He hadn’t been able to work out what it was made of, but it wasn’t rubber or leather, probably some kind of thick, lined, PVC as it didn’t let any light in.

He wasn’t sure about the gag though, it somehow felt soft and comforting. He sucked it into his mouth and closed his teeth around it, trying to imagine what it might be like if the ball were bigger, or the straps were tighter, and savouring what he thought would be the last moments of being forced to wear it.

He dropped his head so that it nearly rested on his chest and closed his eyes. He tried to imagine what it might be like to be just left like this, totally ignored and left alone for hours. He felt helpless and vulnerable and couldn’t help noticing that his erection seemed to get harder, pressing against the jockstrap as he sat there motionless apart from the small movement in the hood as he breathed in and out.

He thought about the clothing he’d been given. The steel grey thick hooded top and tracksuit bottoms could almost pass for a prison uniform. He wasn’t sure whether jockstraps were prison wear, he’d never worn one before and it had taken a little time to work out how to properly wear it.
His sense of vulnerability wearing it had increased while walking through the town on his way here.
‘That’s stupid’ he had rationalised to himself, ‘No one can see what I’ve got underneath and I look perfectly normal to anyone else’

He wondered whether the clothing he now wore had belonged to or been used by someone else before him and whether they’d been wearing it while in the same position as he now found himself.

His reverie was broken as he heard JB come back into the room, whistling softly as he did so, as if letting Andrew know he was approaching. Andrew looked up and towards the sound even though he couldn’t see and kept the gag clamped tightly in his mouth.

JB saw Andrew’s response and smiled to himself. He moved towards the captive and stood in front of him for several seconds neither touching the boy nor saying anything. Andrew’s head moved from side to side, as if trying to detect where his captor was. The hood didn’t help, all he could hear was the sound of his own breathing.

Andrew felt hands on each side of the metal collar. He guessed that JB was behind him as the collar was lifted from behind, forcing him to look down. His assumption that it was being removed was confirmed as he felt it being separated and taken from round his neck. Breathing suddenly became a lot easier.

‘When I take the hood off, you face front, you don’t look around. Nod if you understand’.

Andrew nodded, he was subconsciously sucking on the gag, keeping it as far in his mouth as he could, he really didn’t want to have to speak.
He felt the drawcord around the hood being loosened fully and squinted as it was pulled off to reveal a partially lit room and a doorway in front of him.

Instinctively he tried to turn his head to look around. His head jerked back as JB grabbed hold of his hair and pulled backwards. He found himself looking up at his captor.

‘Little shit – what did I just tell you?’

Using his grip on Andrew’s hair, He forced the boy’s head into a level position facing the door and held it there.

Andrew felt his captor’s face very close and was a little disconcerted when, right next to his ear, a level and measured tone stated in a matter of fact way that:

‘If I tell you to do something, you do it. If I tell you not to do something you don’t. Can I make it any plainer? Do you understand?’

Andrew sucked the gag in even tighter, a move that did not go unnoticed. He tried to nod but his hair was being pulled so tight that movement was all but impossible.

‘I can accept mistakes. What I cannot accept is a mistake made more than once’.

His efforts must have been noticed.

He felt two taps on the side of his head.

‘Two taps means that we’re taking a break and you can come out of character.

Andrew felt the gag buckle being unfastened, the straps were pulled either side of his head to pull the ball from his mouth. He kept his mouth shut.

Another two taps on the side of his head and a low chuckle.

‘We’re taking a break and you need some water. Let it go,’

Reluctantly Andrew opened his jaw and released the gag and, suddenly embarrassed, looked down at the floor.

He felt a hand brush his sweat stained fringe from over his eyes.

‘Don’t worry, you’ll get it back. Are you OK?’

Still too embarrassed to talk Andrew hesitated then slowly nodded.

‘Look at me’

JB had moved in front of Andrew, who could see that he held a plastic water bottle.

‘Examine it, see the seal?’ JB turned the bottle upside down.

‘No leaks? This is straight out of the fridge, seal unbroken and no holes in the top. It’s safe to drink, but if you like I’ll open it and drink first’. JB was smiling

Restrained as he was, Andrew couldn’t help but give a tentative smile in return. He was still a little unsure of himself, his situation and his reactions to do anything but look up.

Looking at the bottle he realised that he was gagging for a drink. He gave a small smile at the aptness of that thought. This didn’t go unnoticed by JB, but drew no comment.

‘Please’ was all he could manage.

JB broke the seal on the bottle and unscrewed the cap. More gently, he took Andrew’s chin and lifted it before raising the bottle to the boy’s lips. Still handcuffed and secured to the chair as he was, Andrew was totally dependent on JB feeding him the water, which he controlled so that Andrew was only able to take in small amounts of water at a time. Even so, the bottle quickly emptied below halfway. JB removed the bottle from Andrew’s lips and took a deep slug, finishing the rest of the bottle in one go.

‘You didn’t remember to agree a safeword did you?’

Andrew realised that this was a rhetorical question and kept quiet.

‘Your safeword is Mary Poppins, not that you’d probably know who she was’

JB continued

‘Use it and the session will immediately come to an end, I will let you out, make sure that you are OK and you will go home. I know you know this as we have discussed this before. Nod if you understand.’

Andrew nodded once, then nodded again, and then again.

JB chuckled.


His tone changed.

‘Given where we are in this process, if you do use the safeword, you need to understand that I will make a decision as to whether future sessions will take place. I will push your limits but will never exceed them. Again, you know this, we discussed it beforehand’.

JB paused.

‘I will give you a few minutes to compose yourself, we’ll then be back in the scene and I am going to interrogate my burglar. Unless, of course, you use the safeword?’

Another pause

'Any questions?’

Andrew thought for a moment.

‘Umm’ he stammered then took a deep breath.

‘Please’ he hesitated again, embarrassed, ‘Could you hood and gag me like before, as if we hadn’t stopped?’ His mind was racing, his cock was rock solid in someone else’s jockstrap.

‘Please Sir?’
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Post by Veracity »

I think this is astonishingly well written. I eagerly await the nectar chapter.
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Post by harveygasson »

I agree with Veracity, this is a really well written and engaging story
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Post by Jb99 »

Becoming Oliver (M/m) Part 4

Andrew thought for a moment.

‘Umm’ he stammered then took a deep breath.

‘Please’ he hesitated again, embarrassed, ‘Could you hood and gag me like before, as if we hadn’t stopped?’
His mind was racing, his cock was rock solid in someone else’s jockstrap.

‘Please Sir?’

Andrew looked at his captor for an answer. JB hesitated for a moment then, squatting down so his face was level with Andrew’s, looked his captive straight in the eye and simply said

‘I gave you permission to ask a question and you have. You’ll just have to wait and see what the answer is, won’t you?’ He continued ‘If that’s all, we’re back in session and back in character.’

He paused.

‘Is that clear?’

Andrew tried not to sound disappointed, but it was clear in his voice. ‘Yes Sir’ he said quietly.

JB went to go past Andrew and ruffled the boy’s hair as he did so. Andrew jerked his head away at the touch. He hated that being done to him, he hated anyone touching his hair. This did get a reaction.

‘Don’t like that then?’ JB queried ‘Maybe I’ll turn you into a puppy, or even a rubber puppy so you can get used to it,’ but he didn’t continue, walking instead past Andrew.

Andrew’s cock twitched at the comment, but he decided not to push his luck and kept quiet, resisting the temptation to turn his head.

He didn’t have long to wait, JB walked back in front of Andrew holding a couple of items.

He held the first one up. Andrew looked at it and was puzzled for a few seconds until he realised that it was another gag, with what looked like the end of a man’s penis on the end. A penis gag!

JB grinned. ‘I’ve decided to grant your request with some minor additions.’ He continued ‘Having this in your mouth might provide you with some practice that might come in useful sometime in the future’.

Andrew didn’t like the look of the new gag and clamped his mouth firmly shut.

His captor’s face hardened. ‘I can see that you’re going to need some incentive to encourage you to be obedient’ he said. He held up another object and stretched it before letting one side go so it snapped back into shape.
‘I think you need to understand what will happen during the interrogation if I think you’re not telling the truth, or I think you’re withholding information’.

He knelt in front of Andrew and, twisting the metal bar that held Andrew’s ankles rigidly apart, passed them behind the front legs of the chair that Andrew was secured to. Andrew heard a couple of clicks and, when his captor stood up, realised that the ankle spreader was now fastened to the back legs of the chair, pulling his legs back and under.

Going behind Andrew, his captor grabbed Andrew by the hair, although with less force than before and eased his head backwards, at the same time pushing down on the chain connecting Andrew’s cuffs. Another click and when JB let go of the chain Andrew realised that his handcuffs were now connect to the back of the chair, forcing him back and in a more upright position. The action had caused a little slack in the belt around Andrew’s chest but only momentarily as JB managed to get the strap buckle into the next hole.

‘So, the incentive’ JB was back round in front of Andrew. He held up the rubber hood. ‘I’m going to show you what could happen if I have cause to query the veracity of the information you’ve provided. This is a rubber swim hood. On the first suspicion, you’ll be made to wear this for 30 seconds. For each additional infraction I will add 5 seconds. We will give this a trial run so you get an idea of the effect’.

Andrew was puzzled. How could wearing a rubber swim cap be a punishment in an interrogation?

Almost as if he knew what Andrew was thinking, his captor continued.

‘You don’t wear it on your head, you wear it over your face. Of course, you can always take it off if you don't like it’. JB said fliipantly

Andrew didn’t find this funny. He immediately understood the implications.

‘You will learn control, discipline and, most importantly’ JB paused ‘If I want to do something to you I will’.


‘After all, you only have to do what I ask which will be within the limits that we’ve agreed.'

He held the cap in front of Andrew then moved it under his nose so that his captive could smell the rubber

‘If you do' he added 'this will probably stay on the shelf’.

Andrew was trying desperately not to show any visible reaction. ‘Do what I fucking ask?’ he thought ‘I don’t have a fucking choice’ He involuntarily jerked back in the chair at that last thought. He didn’t have a fucking choice. A small voice in his head said ‘Mary Poppins’. He did have a fucking choice!

He clamped his mouth even tighter, wanting and not wanting to say the words. He wanted and didn’t want this to continue. His cock was straining in the jockstrap, his mind in a complete turmoil. This was all his fantasies and nightmares rolled into one.

He was scared and not scared, he felt safe in his restraints and with the gag but vulnerable. His mind still racing.

Why? Scared that he was in over his depth? Scared that it would end horribly or scared that he would use the safeword and it would all end?

He looked down. All he could see was his cock sticking up like a tentpole through someone else's tracksuit bottoms. His captor gave no signs that he'd noticed. 'Yeah, right' Andrew thought

Andrew looked up. JB was still stood in front of Andrew, looking directly at him, playing with the hood, stretching it and letting it snap back, rolling the pliable rubber between his hands, even putting it up to his nose and inhaling the aroma, like he was sniffing the aroma of a fine wine.

‘I suggest you take some deep breaths, then hold your breath and nod. I’ll put this on you and count to thirty, from the stopwatch on my phone’

JB pulled his phone from his hip pocket, pressed a few buttons and showed Andrew the stopwatch app, set to 00:00.
‘After the count of 30 I will take it off and we will continue the session. I will give you some time to think about your situation and then the interrogation will commence. You know your options’.

Privately, JB was a little concerned. On one hand Andrew had, without being instructed, called him Sir several times and had asked to be hooded and gagged. On the other hand was Andrew going to use the safeword and prematurely end what had become a promising session.

‘Oh well’ he thought ‘You win some you lose some’ He corrected himself ‘You win some you lose fucking loads and he needs to absolutely know who is in charge’

It was his turn to be bought back to reality.

His captive was looking at him and nodding.

In an uncharacteristic show of weakness which he immediately regretted, he asked ‘Are you sure?’

He was furious with himself, he could have killed the moment and held back an audible sigh of relief as Andrew breathed out, then took another deep breath and nodded again.

With more force than he intended but didn’t actually regret, JB immediately stretched the black rubber cap over Andrew’s face and pulled the sides together behind his head so that he could clearly see the boy’s nose and lips under the taut rubber skin. He put his other arm around the bound boy’s shoulder and started to slowly count 1, 2, 3,………

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Post by Veracity »

This is perfect to me. Consensual. But still a battle of wills. Great!
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Post by Red86 »

Really good story so far!

I can't help but feel the realism in the story with trying to stay in character! Seems very similar to how I would be while Doming someone. Trying to give the sub the experience they want without pushing things to fast or hard.

Looking forward to reading more!!
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Post by Jb99 »

[mention]Veracity[/mention] thanks for your kind comments

[mention]Red86[/mention] Thanks also for your comments. Although this is a fictional story, there are elements of this that I have taken from real life sessions which I may or may not relate as true tales. The one I am thinking of relates to a couple of sessions I had with a sub who told me (and I believed him as he was very credible) that he was 23 but turned out to be 17 - hence the passport checking in this story!

Part 5 is in progress, I hope to post soon.
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Post by Jb99 »

So, I agreed with @radio_ralph23 that I would write a story about him but would not post any updates without his approval,

Whatever your pov, I believe that if you’re trying to portray a real life consensual scenario (either actual or fictional) trust is key and I personally religiously adhere to agreed limits. In this case, not to post updates to the story without agreement of the subject.

Having written the 5th instalment and passed it over for comment I’ve not had a response and, on looking, find that @radio_ralph2; is no longer registered, under that name at least, on the site.

My dilemma is this: do I post the update and continue the story as (as far as I am aware) the subject is no longer active on the site, in the process potentially compromising my principles, or do I forget it?

Your views would be appreciated.
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Post by Red86 »

Damn, that's a shame Radio_Ralph23 is no longer a member here. I was looking forward to seeing more updates to his story in the future.

As for this story, that's a tough call to make. You did agree to let him review the story before updating it but at the same time, it would also be a shame to let this one go unfinished too. In my personal opinion, I understand things happen in day to day life but since he's not registered here anymore, I feel as though since it's your story, you ultimately have the right to continue the story. But I am also curious to know what the other readers think on this matter.
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Post by liam_678 »

Jb99 wrote: 1 year ago So, I agreed with @radio_ralph23 that I would write a story about him but would not post any updates without his approval,

Whatever your pov, I believe that if you’re trying to portray a real life consensual scenario (either actual or fictional) trust is key and I personally religiously adhere to agreed limits. In this case, not to post updates to the story without agreement of the subject.

Having written the 5th instalment and passed it over for comment I’ve not had a response and, on looking, find that @radio_ralph2; is no longer registered, under that name at least, on the site.

My dilemma is this: do I post the update and continue the story as (as far as I am aware) the subject is no longer active on the site, in the process potentially compromising my principles, or do I forget it?

Your views would be appreciated.
That’s a shame about Radio Ralph not being a part of the forum any more. Me and him had been DMing for a bit a few months ago (as we were similar ages and both enjoyed similar style tugs). He did actually tell me he planned on getting rid of his current account and creating a new one though he never said why. He usually said he was very busy with university work so that might be why he hasn’t created a new account yet but I’m sure he will when he’s ready to come back.

As for the story, my best bet would be to wait until he’s returned to the forum as he might prefer to have a say over how the story goes (as the character is based on him). Though in the meantime, I think you should start writing a new story (as your writing would be missed too much!! :lol: ) and then when radio ralph returns to the forum, you two can continue with this story
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Post by Jb99 »

[mention]Red86[/mention] thanks for your comment.

[mention]liam_678[/mention] thanks. If you do manage to make contact with him even under a different name can you please make him aware of this post?

As to another story, I have a photo of a session I did a few years ago which the subject has given his permission for me to post and to relate the story of what happened.

This will be in the true story section and definitely for adults assuming that there is interest.

Feedback would be welcome - come on you lurkers!
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Post by liam_678 »

Jb99 wrote: 1 year ago @Red86 thanks for your comment.

@liam_678 thanks. If you do manage to make contact with him even under a different name can you please make him aware of this post?

As to another story, I have a photo of a session I did a few years ago which the subject has given his permission for me to post and to relate the story of what happened.

This will be in the true story section and definitely for adults assuming that there is interest.

Feedback would be welcome - come on you lurkers!
Yes will do. I’ve had to delete a couple of my accounts in the past myself and create new ones because of some people harassing me with private messages so it’s not uncommon to start over with a new account. I’m sure radio ralph will return in the future and you can both continue with the story.

As for writing your new story though, I say go for it! I’m very eager to find out more about this sub you met!!
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Post by Jb99 »

@liam678 @Red86, apologies, been rather busy for longer than I’d have liked on real world stuff.
I’ve decided to try and continue this story, if @radio-ralph23 is on here under another name I’m sure he’ll be in contact if there are any issues. Anyway, part 5….

Becoming Oliver (M/m) Part 5

Andrew sat motionless. He opened his mouth slightly, felt the resistance of the rubber swim cap against his jaw and tentatively tried to breath in. The rubber stretched and pulled into his mouth but no air came. He tried breathing out.
The cap ballooned out but as JB was holding it tightly behind his head no air could escape. He held his breath as JB continued counting, holding the cap away from his face. The cap suddenly deflated and snapped back, tightly remoulding itself back to Andrew’s face. JB had released the side of the cap while Andrew was holding his breath, letting the air out. Andrew quickly tried to draw in some air, but he was far too late, the cap had been sealed off, he had surrendered some of the precious air in his lungs and the rubber clung even tighter to his face as he desperately sucked in vain. His heart started to race as JB continued to count. He shook his head in a futile attempt to get rid of the cap.
JB stopped counting. ‘Sit still and just hold your breath. You’re inevitably going to learn how to manage longer periods than this and I won’t be counting the time to help you manage’. He pointed out to the struggling boy

‘The only control you have right now is over your bowels and you’d better keep those under tight control. I have complete control over everything else and the sooner you realise that the better. There is nothing you can do’.

Andrew understood immediately that JB was right. The thought reached his cock at almost the same instant and he felt it pressing even harder against the confining jockstrap. This momentarily distracted him, but he then felt panic start to rise, the smell of the rubber clinging to his face was overpowering. He shook his torso trying to get loose from JB’s hold.
JB had anticipated this reaction and tightened his hold around the boy’s shoulders, he didn’t want the chair to topple over. At the same time JB, still gripping the back of swim cap, pulled Andrew’s head back. Although Andrew had stopped trying to breath in, this caused the cap to cling even tighter to the boy’s face.

‘No, no, no’ There was an element of panic in the boy’s muffled cries.
Andrew couldn’t help but continue to struggle. JB released the back of the swim cap and, kneeling behind the chair, wrapped his arms around the bound boy’s torso and held him tight. The count resumed.
“19,20, 21 ….. not long now boy, hold it together” JB’s tone hardened.
Andrew hardly heard the count continuing but his thrashing became more subdude. This surprised JB but he did not release his hold on Andrew while continuing the count.
’29, 30’ He finished.

Andrew was immediately still, expecting the cap to be removed and, after a few heart stopping moments when he thought it might be staying on, felt cool air on his face and took in great gasps of air as his ability to breath was restored.

JB pulled the cap off Andrew’s head and stood back, but not before taking the opportunity to ruffle Andrew’s (by now very wet) hair again. After a momentary pause when Andrew realised what was happening, he shook his head but was too slow as JB had already taken his hand away. JB was pleased at the reaction, the boy still had an element of defiance which made it more fun.
JB had no intention of taking that out of Andrew immediately, it was definitely more fun to remove any resistance or defiance in stages, and more so if he could get his victim to submit voluntarily once they faced up to the inevitable.

This was one of the things that had attracted JB to Andrew in the first place. He’d found out during their online chats that Andrew was at Uni studying a degree in accountancy. He’d not taken a gap year like so many others but had gone there straight from 6th form.
He’d formed the opinion that Andrew was quite driven in his determination to put his studies first, and, once JB had established that Andrew saw himself as the slave in his story, was intrigued as to his choice of career. JB believed that accountants, and certainly most of those that he’d come across in his business, were alpha male types who certainly did not come across as submissive, and certainly not in their professional lives.

This thinking had led him to devise the session that was now underway. Normally he’d take a novice (if they actually showed up) through a few scenarios lasting no more than a couple of hours maximum.
Andrew seemed to be different so JB had decided on a longer session to give Andrew a proper experience, especially as the story which had attracted JB’s attention was about slavery. JB appreciated that it was a risky strategy as the lad could lose his bottle, use the safeword and end the session at which point contact between them would cease. JB’s gamble was that Andrew was clearly intelligent and he hoped that the boy had agreed to the meet with the same determination as he appeared to be giving to his Uni course.

If he did duck out then there were plenty more fish in the sea.

While he was considering this JB had been picking up some items from the room, out of Andrew’s view. He looked back at the boy and was pleased to see that he’d now almost fully recovered and was sitting upright looking straight ahead, he hadn’t tried to turn around.

He momentarily considered whether to check with Andrew that he was OK but decided against this.
Standing behind the boy, he stretched open a black spandex hood. Just before putting it over Andrew’s head he ordered his captive to ‘Sit still and face straight ahead’

With the bare minimum of hesitation to allow his instruction to be carriec out, he proceeded to pull the hood over Andrew’s face and adjusted it so that the open face on the lower part of the hood aligned with Andrew’s mouth, and the built in blindfold was sitting over the boy’s eyes.

Andrew stiffened as his vision was cut off but gave no other reaction and kept quiet.
JB adjusted Andrew’s the hood around Andrew’s ears so that it was sitting correctly.
‘I think you know what’s coming next, what do you think I want you to do now’?
Another pause. Andrew opened his mouth slowly. Although he’d had a short time to think about the incident with the swim cap, he’d realised that if JB wanted the penis gag in his mouth, then it was going to happen. Andrew wasn’t sure about the episode with the cap and he wasn’t in any rush to repeat it.
Andrew complied and opened his mouth as wide as he could.
He had to wait a few moments, his jaw started to ache slightly before he felt the penis gag slowly slide across his bottom lip.
‘Close your mouth but don’t bite’

The gag was pulled out slightly and then pushed fully home, so the leather panel holding the gag was covering Andrew’s mouth, pressing against his lips and face. He felt the straps being passed around his head and, as they were buckled together behind his head the straps pushed into his cheeks.

Andrew tested the gag. He couldn’t close his teeth together and his tongue was pressed down. The gag was more solid than the one he’d been forced to wear earlier but it wasn’t uncomfortable and actually felt good. He started exploring the contours and ridges of the gag with the tip of his tongue before guiltily remembering what it represented, shook his head and tried to push it out again.

He felt JB fiddling around with the buckle behind his head. He hadn’t appeared to notice his reaction but Andrew’s attention was immediately diverted as he heard the distinct and slightly disconcerted sound of a padlock being clicked shot. He tried again to push the gag out and, although there was still a small amount of movement, there was no way he could get it out of his mouth.

He had another surprise when he felt JB pull out the grey hood from where it rested between his back and the chair, held there by the strap that went around Andrew’s chest, and pulled it over his head. JB tightened the hood so that it sat loosely over Andrew’s head, but only enough so that the boy couldn’t shake it off. Andrew then felt another hood being pulled over the top of his head, down to his neck and resting on his shoulders. It dawned on him that he was becoming more attuned to sounds now, as he couldn’t see or speak, and that this was probably the same hood that he’d worn before as it had a familiar rustle to it.

He tried to remain motionless. He was desperate to know what was going on, what was going to happen next, and he knew with absolute clarity that he had one remaining sense that might help. He could only slump back against his bonds when he realised that all he could hear was his own, laboured, breathing through the gag and hood, and that the layers covering his head effectively masked any sounds.

Andrew had no way of knowing and (obviously didn’t need to know) that JB had planned this scenario specifically. The floor was covered in rubber matting, JB had worn a T shirt, jeans and trainers for the session, rather than any rubber or leather gear. He’d deliberately kept Andrew in the hoodie and track suit bottoms, partly to protect his wrists and ankles from the metal restraints and partly so that Andrew couldn’t feel any air on his skin and from that deduce movement around his bound body.

JB stood back.

‘I’ll be back shortly to find out exactly who you are and why you broke into my property. I suggest you use the time to consider your situation and your response”.

There was silence for a few seconds and Andrew heard a door slam shut. He had no idea that JB was still in the room and that the room was still fully lit. He moved his head from side to side trying to listen for any sounds. JB watched.
After a few minutes, Andrew’s head dropped to his chest, his shoulders slumped. JB saw Andrew flex against his bonds, shoulders, chest, arms then legs. There was no real effort.

It was an indication to JB that Andrew, rather than wanting to get out, actually wanted to reassure himself that he couldn’t.

Time would tell…..
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Post by Red86 »

It's been awhile so I decided to re read this. Sad that radio-ralph still seems to be in the wind, same with his story to but I'm glad to see this one continued!
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