Timebound (MM/MF) & (F/M) - Part 5 Added [6/15/23]

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Timebound (MM/MF) & (F/M) - Part 5 Added [6/15/23]

Post by potato »

Chapter 1: Entering the Loop


"Time has run out..."

"Get up..."

"Wake up..."


"Ethan! Ethan! Helloo?"

Ethan groggily opens his eyes, and then jolts awake. "Oh!- Wha-?!"

He fumbles his notebook and papers fly everywhere. He looks up to a face of disappointment.

His childhood friend shakes her head. "This is the 4th time this week. And it's Tuesday!"

"Sorry Lilian..." Ethan apologizes.

"Don't wanna hear it." Lilian interrupts, handing Ethan the papers that fell on the floor. "Do you remember the time when you actually tried to pass your classes?"

Ethan sighs. Ever since these weird dreams started popping into his head, Ethan's college life had slowly been falling apart.

Lilian also sighs. "Come on, let's go."

The two friends walk out of the classroom and onto the main campus. A sunny afternoon greeted Ethan's eyes, who put on a pair of shades.

They talked to each other on the way to their next classes. Most of that talk was Lilian tearing Ethan apart for his laziness.

"Hey, looks like a freshman is late." Lilian says, pointing up ahead.

A student was running across campus, hair and clothes a complete mess. He stopped briefly and stared directly at the duo, before running off again.

"That was weird, huh?" Lilian say, nudging Ethan's side. "He was wearing the exact same thing as you."

"Yeah, sure." Ethan say, not paying much attention.

[Later that night...]

Ethan groaned in his bed. This headache has been killing him!

He reaches for his bottle of Ibuprofen. Empty.

Great. Well, not like it helped anyway.

He picks up the bottle and throws it across the room, it bounces against his dorm wall and pills clatter around inside the bottle.

...Wait, what?

Ethan sits upright. His headache gone.

Was he hallucinating? Or did that empty bottle sound like it was full?

Ethan grabs the bottle from the floor and shakes it.

Sure enough, there was the sound of ibuprofen clattering around.

Ethan hastily opened the lid to the bottle, only to find the silver protective foil underneath.

Completely bamboozled, Ethan goes over to his trash bin, and sure enough, there was the original protective foil from when he first opened that bottle.

"What the hell?" Ethan says to himself.

Ethan sets the bottle down, and to make sure that he's not tripping on some drug, looks around for something he could test. He picks up an empty Gatorade bottle.

He then tosses it across the room, it hits the wall with a hollow thud, before rolling back to him, empty.

"So I was hallucinating." Ethan says to himself.

He leans down to pick it up, when suddenly, the bottle starts to vibrate and the bright orange thirst quencher began to magically refill itself. When full, the cap screws itself back into place.

Voila, looked fresh out of the college vending machine.

Ethan was ecstatic. As would any person if they discovered that they had some sort of superpower.

He pumps his fist in the air in celebration, and a sudden and distinct sound cracked through the air. It sounded like if someone was scratching their nails on a blackboard and ripping fabric at the same time.

Very unpleasant. To say the least.

Looking up, Ethan saw a portal. Every time he blinked, of just barely cocked his head to the side, the portal shifted in and out of his vision.

Squinting his eyes, Ethan looks into the wormhole in his ceiling.

He suddenly hears something:

"We've got a Runner!"

Just a few seconds later, a claw-like object misses Ethan by mere inches, burrowing itself into the floor. Ethan didn't need someone to tell him that he needed to started running.

The claw retracted back into the portal with an electronic whir. A pair of men, each carrying a claw-gun, drop into Ethan's now empty dorm.

Ethan runs down the hall and towards the elevator, but no sooner does he enter the elevator does he find himself back in his dorm, now face to face with his assailants.

"What-?" Ethan says confused.

Without another moment to spare, one of the men throws a pair of rings that clamp tightly around his wrists. The man then clenches his hand into a fist, and the cuffs suddenly bring themselves together, effectively handcuffing Ethan. A line of yellow energy connects Ethan's cuffs to the man's clenched fist.

Ethan, too stunned to speak, is suddenly tugged forward by his captors. The man's partner opens a portal, before dragging their prisoner through.

---- ---- ----
I decided to try my hand at a Sci-Fi story, and I hope you liked the premise and will enjoy future chapters.
Last edited by potato 1 year ago, edited 4 times in total.
~ The potato is a starchy food, a tuber of the plant Solanum tuberosum and is a root vegetable native to the Americas. The plant is a perennial in the nightshade family Solanaceae.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Really unique setting for a story and I liked the mysterious beginning.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by potato »

[mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention] I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for the feedback!
~ The potato is a starchy food, a tuber of the plant Solanum tuberosum and is a root vegetable native to the Americas. The plant is a perennial in the nightshade family Solanaceae.
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Chapter 2: Captive in Time

Ethan clumsily stumbled as he was forcefully led forward by his two captors. They had added ankle cuffs, which were also connected by a rope of yellow energy, making walking a struggle.

"Hurry up, Runner." One of his captors orders.

He harshly tugs forward on the energy line from Ethan's wrist cuffs, causing him to yelp and trip. He falls, face first, onto the sleek, black futuristic floor.

"Up!" The other captor yells, cold and unsympathetic.

Ethan grunts and pulls himself off the floor, only to be forcefully tugged forward again.

Finally, they reached the end, a dungeon-like room. The air was still and dank. Ethan was led forward.

One man put his hand onto a scanner, and a cell door opened. The man holding Ethan's cuffs unclenched his fists, Ethan's wrist cuffs were deactivated as the yellow energy faded.

Ethan was allowed a moment of relief before the cuffs suddenly reanimated, slamming themselves together behind his back, restraining his wrists once again.

"Inside, Runner!" The man ordered, shoving him inside the cell.

Falling onto the floor once more, Ethan laid there as the two men locked the cell door and left, leaving him alone.

Except, he wasn't alone.

His eyes adjusted to the dim light, and he soon noticed another figure huddled in the corner of the cell.

It was a young woman, her hands bound behind her back and her legs restrained with cuffs similar to his own.

"Who are you?" Ethan asked.

The woman looked up, her messy fiery red hair obscured most of her face, yet Ethan felt like he recognized her.

Weird, he's never seen her before.

The woman says something. "Right, we haven't met at this time.

"S-Sorry? I didn't catch that." Ethan says.

"I'm Ava." The woman replies. "Nice to meet you Ethan."

Ethan cracks a small smile. "Pleasure to meet you too-"

He pauses. "Hold on, how'd you know my name? I haven't introduced myself."

"Oh-! Darn! I messed it up!" Ava says in frustration.

"Messed what up?" Ethan says confused.

Ava sighs. "Look, you can skip introductions. I know it already. You are a Runner, a time traveler, and now need aid to run away from Tempest. And I can help."

"Tempest? Did those guys work for Tempest?" Ethan asks.

Ava breaths deeply, before beginning her explanation.

"Tempest is this time's Police Force. They claim to patrol the timeline and protect it from any dangers, any time. However, they also hunt Runners, anomalies like you and me. Runners have an ability to control time on a small scale, but whoever runs this organization wants this power for his own, except at a godlike scale. Whoever he is, he wants complete dominion over time."

"Oh wow." Ethan quietly says in disbelief. "What are we supposed to do?"

"Well, these cuffs don't actually do anything. We can still hop through time." Ava says.

"W-What? Then why are you still here? And why would Tempest even use them in the first place?" Ethan asks.

Ava starts to explain. "I'm here because you told me to. Well, future you- no, past you? Well, no..."

She groans in frustration. "Whatever. My point is that YOU told me to help you. Later on it'll all come back full-circle. Trust me."

Ethan's head was spinning. "Sure... Alright."

Ava continues her explanation.

"Tempest can still track us through time. They've quite literally have an unlimited supply of men. However, even though they can travel through time via Rifts, they can only do so artificially. That means they have a limited amount of Rifts they can open before they gotta rest."

She pauses for a few moments to let Ethan take in the information. "Because of this, we like to call Tempest's soldiers 'Joggers.'"

"Alright, I get it." Ethan says. "So how do I get out of these cuffs?"

"Same way you got a Ibuprofen bottle or Gatorade to alter to its past form. Except this time, you don't physically throw it."

Ava pauses, pondering on how to explain it.

"It's like- try imagining you're shaking the cuffs off. But also try to mentally feel the balance of the cuffs' superposition."

"The cuffs' superposition?" Ethan says, perplexed.

"You see, objects whose time we want to alter enter a quantum superposition as soon as we 'focus' on it. Think of Schrödinger's cat. The object is currently held in a state of both past/future and present." Ava explains.

Ethan begins to catch on. "And you want me to open the box and pick the desired state!"

"Yeah! You got it!" Ava replies with enthusiasm.

"I'll give it a shot." Ethan says, confident.

He begins to focus. He closes his eyes, and nothing else is in the world besides him and the cuffs restraining him. Ethan pictures the moment he was shoved inside the cell- the exact position of the cuffs when he stumbled in. Then shook them off.

Opening his eyes, he was free. The cuffs that once were binding him were now suspended midair, restraining a past Ethan who no longer stood there.

"Well done." Ava congratulated, who was also free from the cuffs.

"So, what now?" Ethan asks.

Suddenly, a voice cut through the room. "The Runners are loose! Hunt them down!"

The door bursts open, and Ava quickly opens a portal.

"We run."
~ The potato is a starchy food, a tuber of the plant Solanum tuberosum and is a root vegetable native to the Americas. The plant is a perennial in the nightshade family Solanaceae.
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Post by Red86 »

Interesting 1st two chapters!

Kind of reminds me of the movie Jumper. Though if I remember the movie correctly, they didn't actually jump time, just places and the hunters literally hunted down the jumpers, captured them dead or alive. If alive, interrogated them for the whereabouts of others before disposing of them. The movie didn't really show any of that but that was the hunters ultimate goal anyways. Movie is fairly old by today's standards, 2008 😅
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Post by potato »

Red86 wrote: 1 year ago Interesting 1st two chapters!

Kind of reminds me of the movie Jumper. Though if I remember the movie correctly, they didn't actually jump time, just places and the hunters literally hunted down the jumpers, captured them dead or alive. If alive, interrogated them for the whereabouts of others before disposing of them. The movie didn't really show any of that but that was the hunters ultimate goal anyways. Movie is fairly old by today's standards, 2008 😅
Interesting! I'll have to watch it sometime.
~ The potato is a starchy food, a tuber of the plant Solanum tuberosum and is a root vegetable native to the Americas. The plant is a perennial in the nightshade family Solanaceae.
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Chapter 3: Pulse

Ethan didn't need to be told twice, he sprinted through the portal, followed by Ava. After she jumped through, the portal closed. The last thing Ethan saw was one of Tempest's soldiers finally managing to open the door.

"Phew, that was close." Ethan says, his heart pounding.

"We're not in the clear yet." Ava says, helping Ethan up. "Follow me."

Ethan observes his surroundings. He's surrounded by a field, overflowing with flora. In the distance, a village, similar to the ones you'd see in fantasy games. He connects the dots: he's in the Medieval era.

He continues to follow Ava, who's heading straight towards this town.

"Hey Ava?"


"Why'd you bring us here to this time period?"

She continues walking, giving the question a few moments of thought. "Well, I'm assuming Tempest is afraid of messing up the timeline if they follow us here. A futuristic soldier isn't exactly going to blend in."

"Oh, I see." Ethan responds.

Ava continues. "However, we must also be cautious. We're just as capable of messing up the timeline as they are, only we can better hide ourselves."

Ethan nods. He then looks at his school clothes. Better get changed soon.

The duo eventually reach the village gates, the gatekeeper notices Ava's signature fiery hair color and opens the doors.

"Here, take this." Ava says, tossing Ethan a pile of clothing. "I got some important business to take care of. You should go see Reed, he's our leader."

"Thanks. Will do." Ethan says.

Ethan hastily puts on the clothing Ava gave him. A pair of trousers and a beige tunic, pretty standard. The moment he finish putting the new garments over his school clothes, a man suddenly approached him.

"Ethan, nice to meet you." He said, extending his hand. "Reed."

"Same here." Ethan replies, shaking Reed's hand.

"Follow me, I've got a lot of explaining to do." Reed says.

Reed explains to Ethan the current situation. Reed named his group 'Pulse' and they were consisted of exclusively Runners. They resist and rebel against Tempest by attempting to cause as much damage to the organization as possible.

He continues by stating that the threat of Tempest is still alive in this era. In this time, they've sacrificed their technology in order to prevent a large scale timeline disruption.

"Oh, so that's why you chose this era to hide in." Ethan says.

"Correct. Because they rely on technology for their time travel abilities, but we don't. Without it, Tempest poses a much less greater threat than any other period of time." Reed replies.

A question pops up in Ethan's mind. "Wait, if they need to sacrifice their tech to stay hidden, why not go further back in time? Like, I assume they'd be even more crippled in the pre-historic era."

Reed smiles. "I like the way you think. Unfortunately, Runners have a certain limit of Running capability. Much like how you're more tired if you run 10 miles compared to 1 mile."

"So, the further back you Run, it gets exponentially harder to do so?" Ethan asks.

"Precisely. And if you Run too far... well, you risk permanently losing your ability to Run." Reed says in a serious tone. "And then, you're stuck that era, with no way back."

"Oh damn." Ethan says. He never knew that this power had consequences.

Suddenly, the loud ringing of a bell is heard. Reed tenses up.

"Damn-! Ethan, find Ava. I gotta go." Reed orders, running back.

Before Ethan can open his mouth to ask why, the village walls started to fall.

It was an all-out Medieval assault.

Ethan wasted no time to conjure a portal, and quickly hopped in. Except, the portal denied him entry. The moment Ethan's face hit the wormhole, his entire body was sent flying back.

"W-What the-?" Ethan says, dazed and confused.

Before Ethan could try again, a horde of Tempest soldiers poured out of the portal. Clad in dark metallic armor, they sweep over the village, claw-guns drawn.

The other Runners flee at the sight. Some are confused, others don't even question why Tempest would show up.

In just a few minutes, the village goes silent. Ethan is left alone and defenseless.

Tempest soldiers begin to encircle him, escape is now impossible. From the same portal the soldiers came out from, another soldier emerges.

Ethan can tell from the shape of the armor that this soldier was female. The armor was also more ornate, and had a distinct silver shoulder pad.

The soldier passes through the ring of soldiers and orders them to lower their rifles with a wave of her hand.

"Alright Ethan, stand up and put your hands behind your back." She orders.

Ethan is confused. "Who are you? How do you know my-"

The female commander draws a remote-like device from her hip. It expands and then surges with power, taking the form of a menacing-looking energy sword. Her helmet's dead-black eyes meet Ethan's gaze.

"Do not make me repeat myself." She says coldly.

Ethan gulps and turns around, placing his hands behind his back.

"Good. You're learning your place, Runner." She says.

The commander begins by striping off his disguise before cuffing him, his restraints whir with yellow electricity. Ethan's legs are then shackled.

She then shoves some kind of ball-like device into Ethan's mouth, much to his surprise. It also powers on immediately. A large wire wraps around his head and back into the opposite side of the ball, before cinching tight. The ball then starts blinking a red light every 3 or so seconds.

"Mmrg?!" Ethan muffles, surprised at the need for a gag. "Hrrph..."

The commander takes out a long black cord and begins to tie a loop around his neck. "You won't be getting away this time." She whispers into his ear.

Her comment sends shivers down Ethan's spine, and he lets out a muffled "Mmph." in response.

When she finishes tying her leash, she gives it a nice hard tug, sending Ethan jolting forward with a gagged yelp. The commander reveled in her dominance.

"Follow me, Runner." She orders, her voice oozing in satisfaction. Turning to a soldier, she barked, "Open a portal."

Ethan grunts in response, and obediently follows his captor through the portal.
Last edited by potato 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
~ The potato is a starchy food, a tuber of the plant Solanum tuberosum and is a root vegetable native to the Americas. The plant is a perennial in the nightshade family Solanaceae.
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Post by Red86 »

And the plot thickens!

I was half expecting something like this to go down but either Ava was mistaken or Tempest is changing their game play since they supposedly sacrificed technology. Very intriguing, looking forward to more!
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Chapter 4: The Eye of the Storm

The portal leads Ethan and his captors into a place that looks all too familiar. Sleek metallic walls and floor, painted black with accents of silver.

No doubt about it, this was one of Tempest's headquarters.

"Hurry up, Runner!" The commander barks, violently yanking the leash. "I don't have all day!"

Ethan yelps as he stumbles forward, trying to regain his balance. This rough treatment has been going on for way too long, and his neck and legs were getting real sore.

However, much to Ethan's confusion, he wasn't being led towards the dungeon. Instead, he was led up a grand hallway. Along both of its walls stood dozens of soldiers, guarding whatever lay at the end.

Ethan could feel their stares, and tried to look down at his feet.

When they arrived at the end, they had arrived at some kind of executive office. It reminded Ethan of the President's Oval Office, a bit... too much, almost.

"I have brought the Runner, as you requested, Ma'am." The commander said politely, giving one final tug on the leash.

Ethan's legs finally gave out, and he fell onto the floor, utterly exhausted.

"Good, give him a seat." The woman replied.

The commander picked Ethan's limp body up with ease, before plopping him down on an office chair.

"You may leave." The woman said to the commander.

The commander silently nodded, before exiting the room.

"Now that we're alone, let's talk." The woman said, spinning around her chair to reveal herself.

Ethan's eyes went wide. That unmistakable fiery red hair-!

Ethan started to struggle violently, his body had kick-started back up.

She didn't move a muscle, instead she coldly gazed at Ethan. That was all it took to make Ethan obedient once again. All that was needed was a little reminder of who held the most power.

"Good boy." The woman said sultrily.

She flicked her wrist, and the ballgag device flew out of his mouth and into her hand. "I will answer your questions. Speak."

Ethan wasted no time to ask the obvious. "Why did you betray us Av-grmph?!"

Before Ethan could finish his sentence, the ballgag flew back into his mouth. The wire once again cinched around his head, securing it in place.

"Ugh. I take it back, your voice is annoying." The woman groaned.

"But, I keep my promises. Let me answer." She said. "You must think I'm Ava. A good-for-nothing backstabber, no?"

Ethan angrily glared at her. And she smirked in response. "Well, I'm not. Sorry for ruining your expectations. I'm her older sister, I'm Eve."

Ethan's glare immediately faded. And a thousand different questions took its place.

"Now that introductions are out of the way, let's get right into it." Eve said, standing up from her chair.

Ethan's eyes followed her as she walked around him.

"You see Ethan, you're special. I'm sure you already know why." Eve said.

"Your portals are different." Eve continued.

Ethan was confused, portals are portals, so what's the difference?

"Let's imagine this: A black hole is a regular Runner's portal. You can go in, but you cannot go back out through the same one." Eve explained. "Now, your portals are like a white hole. Stuff can only go out."

She flicked her wrist again, and Ethan felt the ballgag leave his mouth.

"But, how is that useful?" Ethan asked.

"On its own, it's not." Eve replied. "But when combined with a regular Runner portal, you've got yourself a permanent portal to anywhere at anytime!"

Ethan's eyes widened. That was not good.

"Now, there are some hurdles to overcome in this process." Eve said. "In order to harness your powers, we need to find someone you're compatible with. Someone that is a Runner, but is also a loved one."

Eve tilts Ethan's chin up. "You got someone that fits the bill, hm?"

Ethan gives it a few moments of thought. But before opening his mouth, he catches himself.

What the hell was he thinking? Giving away crucial information just like that?

Ethan shakes his head slowly. Eve frowns in disappointment.

"Well, that's a shame." She says. "I thought you'd tell the truth."

She holds the gag in her hand and harshly shoves it in Ethan's mouth. "Commander!"

The commander enters the room. "Yes ma'am?"

"Take him to my personal room." She orders. "Make sure you restrain him well."

"Right away, ma'am." The commander says, hoisting Ethan over her shoulder.

On the commander's shoulders, Ethan looks up. Eve, sitting comfortably on her chair, simply waves goodbye.
~ The potato is a starchy food, a tuber of the plant Solanum tuberosum and is a root vegetable native to the Americas. The plant is a perennial in the nightshade family Solanaceae.
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Post by potato »

Red86 wrote: 1 year ago And the plot thickens!

I was half expecting something like this to go down but either Ava was mistaken or Tempest is changing their game play since they supposedly sacrificed technology. Very intriguing, looking forward to more!
Thank you for the comment! I'm glad you like the story so far.
~ The potato is a starchy food, a tuber of the plant Solanum tuberosum and is a root vegetable native to the Americas. The plant is a perennial in the nightshade family Solanaceae.
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Post by Red86 »

Another interesting chapter and quite the rabbit hole the readers entering it seems. Still just as curious to see where this is going!
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Post by potato »

Chapter 5: The Younger Sister

Ethan grunted as the commander forcefully sat him down on an old wooden chair propped right up against the wall. She then tied the leash around a hook in the wall, before letting the rope dangle.

She then removed the ball gag device and began to tinker around with it. The ball flattened, and turned into a circle device, no bigger than a cookie.

When she was finished messing around with the device, she placed it right on Ethan's chest. 3 seatbelt-thick wires wrapped around his torso and back into the device. The body harness was then automatically pulled taut.

Ethan looked down in surprise. He looked like a basketball, and those wires were the lines on it.

"I'll leave you to wait for Mrs. Eve." The commander said to Ethan. "Struggle and yell all you want, this room is soundproof. Not even a mouse sitting right at the door would hear you."

She then left. And Ethan began tugging at his bindings. Not even an inch of wiggle room.

----- ----- -----

Ethan didn't know how much time had passed. An hour? Maybe three?

His train of thought was cut short by the sound of a door being unlocked. He looked up as Eve entered the room.

"Wow, that harness suits you." Eve says. "I like it."

"What do you want from me?" Ethan groaned, getting straight to the point.

"I already said what I wanted from you." Eve replied immediately. "But since you asked, I'll give you my ultimatum:"

She began to walk towards Ethan. "You, as well as your compatible Runner friend, will join me and rule Time itself. Everything, everywhere will be yours. You've got the cliches, like power and money. But you also have access to everything humanity has had and will have."

She pauses, goes back to her desk, opens a drawer and pulls out something. When she shows Ethan, he sees a jar with some kind of cylindrical device inside.

"This, Ethan, is a Penning Trap. And inside, is antimatter." Eve says proudly.

"Wow." Ethan says. As a Science Major, this was a huge discovery.

He stops himself from ogling. "Why are you showing me this?"

Ava sets the jar down. "Let me explain: Antimatter destroys matter, and when it does so, large sums of energy is released. This process and energy release, when used on a Runner, basically vaporizes the Runner and leaves behind their Running power in the form of a gas cloud. I can then harness that limited amount of power for my own Running purposes."

She then looks straight through Ethan's eyes and right into his soul. Her tone instantly becomes serious. "You get where I'm going, correct?"

"Y-Yes." Ethan hoarsely croaks.

"Good." Eve says, with sinister smile on her face. "Just know, whether you choose to join or die, your power will be mine. However, my option is much more beneficial for the both of us."

Ethan stares right at the ground. His body paralyzed in fear. He then hears the ringtone of a phone, and Eve answers.

"Hello? Oh. Yes. Mhm. Wait, seriously?! I'm on my way."

"Sorry I had to cut our little chat short." Eve says, hastily grabbing the antimatter jar as she heads out the door. "I'll give you until I return for an answer. I hope you choose the right one."

Eve then leaves the room. And Ethan's mind begins racing. He's now got a timer counting down above his head.

He takes a deep breath in. And exhales. If he was going to die, he wouldn't die without a fight.

Ethan began to rock back and forth, hoping to get off the chair. And soon enough, Ethan fell off to the side, and onto the floor with a thud.

"Ouch." Ethan muttered to himself.

He then looked up at the hook the leash was tied on. It wasn't the most restricting restraint, but it was definitely the most annoying. So Ethan clumsily stood up and bent over to begin untying the knot.

Since his hands were behind his back and firmly held in place by the cookie device, he had to bend pretty far down.

Thank God Lilian forced me to do morning stretches everyday. Ethan thought to himself.

That thought made him pause. He thought of his best friend for a few moments, of the good old days, but those moments were interrupted by the sound of the leash softly falling onto the floor.

He then begins to walk around the room, examining the room, every nook and cranny. His shackles hit the floor with every step.

Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump.

He pauses. That sounded hollow.

He takes a step back, and then jumps in place. Thump.

Using his shackled legs, he rolls up the carpet bit by bit, revealing a trapdoor.

After spending way too much time trying to get it open, he finally manages to hoist it up and enter below.

He's met with a dimly lit dungeon-like basement. He walks down the steps. And up ahead, he sees a prisoner.

"H-Hello?" The prisoner says fearfully.

Just from the voice, Ethan could tell that the prisoner was a female.

"I'm not here to hurt you." Ethan announces. "I need help, I'm currently restrained and require assistance. I can assure you I'm on your side."

With that, the prisoner runs up and embraces him. "You've returned!"

Ethan is confused. "I... I have?"

She grabs Ethan by the leash and drags him up the stairs into Eve's room. In the properly lit setting, he can see her face.

Ethan's eyes meets those of a young woman. Her small face and big eyes is accompanied by locks of fiery red hair.

"Oh. Nice to meet you, Ava." Ethan says. "Now, could you help me with these?"

"Of course, just give me a few seconds." Ava replies.

Ava powers off the devices and Ethan takes a big stretch.

No sooner did he finish stretching did the door to Eve's room swing open. The older sister stands there, claw-rifle in hand.

"Wrong answer, Ethan." Eve says with disappointment.
~ The potato is a starchy food, a tuber of the plant Solanum tuberosum and is a root vegetable native to the Americas. The plant is a perennial in the nightshade family Solanaceae.
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Post by Red86 »

Quite the choices. Join Eve, become evil and possibly wait for her to backstab you anyways. Stay Ava's side, fight and risk losing anyways. Decisions, decisions. According to Eve, he's picked the wrong choice. Let's see how this plays out now!
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Post by potato »

Red86 wrote: 1 year ago Quite the choices. Join Eve, become evil and possibly wait for her to backstab you anyways. Stay Ava's side, fight and risk losing anyways. Decisions, decisions. According to Eve, he's picked the wrong choice. Let's see how this plays out now!

Decisions indeed! Thanks for the comment.
~ The potato is a starchy food, a tuber of the plant Solanum tuberosum and is a root vegetable native to the Americas. The plant is a perennial in the nightshade family Solanaceae.
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Post by Fandango »

This is a fun endeavor that you're embarking on. I've enjoyed the setup and am intrigued as to where you'll be headed with it.
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