Doing Self-Bondage After A While (NB/Self)

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Doing Self-Bondage After A While (NB/Self)

Post by PepperFugita »

(Obs: I go by feminine pronouns: She/Her)

Hello people, today I will write about my first Self-Bondage experience after some time. I stayed away from this hobby of mine, due to some personal questions and frustrations I was dealing. Now, with a much better head, and much more able to experience some kind of pleasure of these activities, I came back to it.

My principal reason to come back, was some kind of inspiration that I took from the Aelie Escape Games, online short interactive games about DID and escape.
After playing all of them (specially Lia’s Rebellion), I conceived some fresh ideas for come back to self-bondage: I would pre-define some series of actions and places that I needed to go while restrained, in order to get free.

How this was my first time doing this, I kept it very simple and short. The idea would be that I would bind my legs (ankles, knees and thighs), gag myself with my own underwear and duct tape, and tie my arms behind my back. With this, I hide a small pair of scissors below a rack of my bedroom, which the space between the floor and the rack is very small, so, I couldn’t reach it with my binded hands, legs, nor my feet. What I should use to catch it, would be a 15-inch (40cm) aluminum rod. But this Aluminum Rod would be in my garage, that would be locked with a key. The key to the garage, would be hidden below the coach of a sofa in the living room of my house. So, I would need to slowly hop through all the house, to different rooms, in order to get the scissors and free myself of my predicament.

Now, the question would be: “When would I be able to do this?”. I live with my parents, and they don’t know about my… exotic habits (let’s say this way). I only manage to practice when they are out. And, in the last week, I found the perfect time window to put my plan in practice.
My parents (mother and sister) would go out to meet an old friend of my mother in a neighbor city, in the beach side, and I would stay home alone for a plenty amount of time, that would be more than enough for me to play.


I slowly open my eyes, rubbing them from sleep, hearing the default alarm of my phone, immediately getting up to turn it off, with my head still a little dizzy. Regular schedule, 8 A.M.
The night was pretty hard honestly, not only because the anticipation of giving myself some pleasure after so many time without doing it, but also because I’ve done edging thorough the last two days. So, I was kind of plagued by sexual excitation and horniness. I considered even sleeping with some restraint, but I thought it would be dangerous, because my parents were supposed to go out in the same brief moment I would wake up. But, to feed my own anticipation, they got out very late, nearly one hour later than they said in the last days.

I, observing that, decided to stay in my own room, looking through things and reading texts on my phone. I wouldn’t eat my breakfast as usual, it’s a safety measure to not consume any kind of food or drinking water before practicing (at least, you need 2 hours of interval). My family, in the rush to exit as soon as possible, due to the fact they were considerably late, seemed to let this fact pass unnoticed.

I slowly waited, until they would exit the house. They called me, said the instructions on how I should take care of home while they were out, and asked me to shut the door down after they left. I did as asked, locked the garage door and the latch, and waited for them to left.
I carefully watched for the sound of doors closing, the lock system clicking, the engine starting, followed by the rubber treads slowly fraying against the garage floor and the yard’s soil, traversing through the gate, this one being opened and closed accompanied by high-pitched tearing metal noises, and the car finally driving away through the concrete road. This last sound marked the start of my mini game.

This was simply a perfect moment for me to do something new and more elaborate, not only because my family would stay out for hours on end, but also because the weather is very good for these activities. All the last times I've practiced self-bondage, the weather was more mild, or really cold in fact, what made doing this a little unpleasing.
But now, it is extremely hot around here, so, it was more than a good time to get nude, do some crazy things, and feel the pleasure, heat, adrenaline and sweat dripping from my body, making this all feel more thrilling and filthy.

I took all I would need, the metal rod, the scissors, my ropes, and my roll of duct tape. First, I undressed, used my rolls of rope to do a 体 (からだ Karada) tie, pretty simple, nothing fancy, since I took a plenty amount of time to do it's simplest form, because I didn’t do it in so long.
However, even if it wasn’t tied very well, the feeling of the ropes digging through my skin, passing through my slim body and curves, was extremely trilling and exciting already, principally because I did it considerably tight, so the ropes where parting my butt cheeks and pressing really hard against my anus (in these times, I wish I had a vagina though).

After this, I dressed back in my long and a little oversized T-shirt, put my panties and my shorts again, proceeding to organize the rest.
Second, the scissors. I put the scissors below the rack, and I made a considerable amount of testing with the aluminum rod, to assure that I put it in an ideal distance. My plan wasn’t to make it difficult to reach, just leave it in a acceptable distance, any of this being hard wasn’t my intention.

Third, the aluminum rod. As I said, I would put it in the garage, so I unlocked the door and the latch, and put it right in the entrance, because the garage was open, and it was built in a way that point directly to the neighbor’s house.
I could be more audacious, and put it further in there, and I would have the additional challenge to pass unnoticed by my neighbors, being nude, all bound, gagged and slowly hopping around. But, even for a person like me (that isn’t exactly right in the head), this sounds particularly insane and dangerous.

After thinking about this, I left the aluminum rod, entered the house and locked the garage door again, letting the latch open already, to cut some slack for me.
Forth, the keys. As planned, I placed the key below the couch of the sofa, so, I would need to remove it to catch the key. I put it kind of far in the sofa, to oblige me to remove the whole couch to catch it. I considered some other things, like hiding the key inside a toilet paper roll in the bathroom, but I opted for the most simple, since it was my first time doing something like this.

Now, the so awaited final step. I undressed again (for real now), sitting on my bed, feeling the ropes pressing and rubbing against my soft skin at each single movement I did for undressing. After this, I took the roll of tape, and started by taping my nipples with an X in each (I find it cute).
After that, I taped my ankles together, what already offered a pretty restraining feeling, but I wanted more. I proceeded to tape my thighs together, what added an extra layer of restriction, helplessness and difficulty to hop. I decided to stop there, because it was already hard to move, so, I didn’t tape my knees.

After that, I decided to stop, and do a little more edging, because all the tape and the pressing in my skin due to the 体, was making me so goddamn hard. I utilized this to stain my underwear with even more fluids… fresh fluids.
I honestly hesitated a little to put my used panties in my own mouth (even more now, with the little stains of pre in it.) But, after some more edging, I was getting so aroused that I started to open my mouth involuntarily, so I utilized this window to put the panties in my mouth, and sadly, I didn’t felt much of a bad taste (maybe I should had came on my panties a day before doing this.)
To explain, I’m kind of a Degradee, I love not only the idea of being humiliated in an erotic context, but also to do humiliating things. The idea of having my own panties in my mouth, and specially, being forced to suckle on my own bodily fluids, is extremely arousing. Nevertheless, even without the horrible taste of my fluids, the humiliation of suckling in my own panties by itself was extremely arousing.

After taking a taste and suckling a little on it, I adjusted it in my mouth in a way that didn’t block my respiration and bit down, due the fact I was feeling a little suffocated. I love asphyxiation, but I don’t want to die also.
Then, I tied my hair with a jaw clip, to assure that it wouldn’t enter in the way while I was taping my mouth. And right after, I passed the duct tape in my mouth, many loops around my head, to turn me unable to spit the panties. After I was done, I tried to emit sounds, but everything that I got where muffled groaning and moans.

And now, the hands. I put both my wrists in my back, crossing them, and started to loop through it with my roll of duct tape, using my back and my thumbs. (The magic of evolution, opposing thumbs are in fact a gracious gift given by nature, aren’t they?) I already started to try free myself, but I simply couldn’t, and knowing that moment was a no turning back checkpoint, got me insanely aroused. Your rope bunny was already set to shake her little arse and petite breasts while hoping around the house.

My first challenge was opening the door of my bedroom, that I ended forgetting closed. Although, this little accident already was a good test of my restricted movement, I needed to slowly wiggle to turn around, to be able to put my stuck hands in the doorknob and open it.
Then, I hopped, feeling the sounds of the impact my soles had on the ground, carrying basically all my weight and balance, due the fact that all my body was strictly bound. And I felt the 体 ropes digging even deeper at each hop of mine, and this feeling was simply heavenly.

In the way to the living room, I remembered that there was a giant mirror in the corridor that I needed to hop through, and I stopped to take a little look on myself. I’ve seen myself, totally nude and exposed, in tight 体, ropes digging in my skin, legs and arms in tape, my nipples taped in X, breasts pressed and hard, and my mouth covered by thick duct tape loops, all this covered in sweat.
This vision was so perfect and so gorgeous, that I believe if I stood looking at myself by enough time, I would’ve came in the front of the mirror without a single touch in my body or genitals.

After this distraction and considerable struggle, I reached the living room, where I clumsily sat on one couch of one side, while I tried to remove the other. It was really hard to move it, because it was considerably heavy, and utilizing strength when your body is heavily bound is not easy, but, it’s exactly these challenges that spice up the things and make you even hornier and more aroused than you already are. After struggling very much, I removed the couch, and caught the key to my freedom.

Then, I hoped around for a considerable amount of time (but faster, because I took a little of practice, so I could hop more frequently and far) to the door of the garage.
Again, I needed to wiggle to turn around, and I slowly introduced the key in the keyhole, slowly turned it, and then turned the doorknob. I needed to wiggle back a little to be able to pull the door in fact, and then I came back forward to grab the aluminum rod. With the rod in one hand, I used the other to close the door back. And this time, while I was pushing it, I lose a little of balance, but I utilized the doorknob to recover from this.

Right after, I hopped into my bedroom, and was intrigued by a question: “How to lower myself to the floor securely, without just dropping on it?”
I took a small amount of time thinking about this, and got an idea. I dropped the rod on the floor (trying to do the minimum noise possible) and then sat on my comfy bed, and right after slowly leaned forward, then put one of my hands on the bed and used it to lever my weight until I touched the ground securely.

Then, I just wiggled like a worm in the direction of the rod, took it with one hand, slowly positioned myself in front of the rack, and pulled the scissors out doing a pendular movement to the left with the rod.
With the scissors at my hands reach, my challenge was over, and it was kind of sad it ended so fast. But it was time for a little bit of self-indulgence now. I just laid down on the floor, and turned to my left side, where I started to masturbate myself with my right hand.
It was absurdly hard to reach there, but I reached, then slowly masturbated myself. The pleasure was such, that I started to emit small and shy moans behind my panties. This proceeded until my climax, emitting a long and delicious moan, and I just felt my fluids leaking from the tip of my shaft and flowing like a lake on my bedroom floor.
Then I noticed something strange… MY LEFT HAND WAS GOING NUMB. The pression made in it while I was trying to bring my right hand to masturbate myself was cutting off the blood circulation. I immediately brought my hands to my back again, for my left hand return to normal.
It was just a fright, but I hope this serves as a warning to everyone that want to try self-bondage: Take care of your blood circulation, you can really lose a limb or even die depending on your situation, safety measures are never excesses.

Anyway, I came to my back right after, got my thorax up, and proceeded to catch the scissors, that got a little bit higher and more distant while I laid myself down. After struggling and wriggling some more, I caught the scissors to my freedom.
First, I freed my arms, them my thighs, ankles, and for the last, my pantie gag. I slowly cut the loops around my face, as I proceed I make the unfortunate discovery that even with the jaw clip, some hair strands got picked by tape, but I just proceeded the unwrapping, until my mouth was free, and I spat the pantie wad out of my mouth. I stayed with the mouth open (???) while I slowly pulled the hair out of the tape, and as expected, I started to drool over all myself.
My mouth had some taste of pre and other things for a long time, my throat was burning, everything was sand dry, and I was really thirsty.

Then, I just started to untie my 体 slowly, appreciating all the marks leaved thorough my whole body, and slowly pulled it from below my genitals and anus, and everything was very wet, the whole rope covered in sweat, the part in my anus was just soaked in sweat.
First thing, grab all the teared tape, put everything in place, and specially, clean the mess I’ve made on the floor (definitively not funny activity).

After all this intense experience, I decided to take a shower, not only to relax my muscles and my body after this distressing activity (the name Damsel-in-Distress isn’t for nothing), but also because I was all sweaty and filthy. But, before showering, I drank a cup of water, because I was ridiculously thirsty.
During my aftercare, I even felt the necessity to masturbate one more time, and then I finally was satiated. Aftercare is important even when doing things alone, making this to please and make yourself feel good.

After my relaxation, I proceeded to do my chores, eat a good meal, and enjoyed my end of weekend, very happy that this experience had gone just fine.
I plan to do the next ones with vibrators and other sex toys, to make things… funnier, and to be able to write more… interesting reports, if you understand me. Hope be able to do these degenerate activities with other people that are just degenerates as me, it would be so amazing.

Well, that’s it. Thank you for reading! xoxo
Last edited by PepperFugita 8 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
"The paradoxical freedom of having your own body on somebody else's hands, is incomparable and irreplaceable"
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Post by DTbound »

Sounds like an intense and fun experience. Thanks for sharing!
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