The spiderman is having me for dinner tonight! mmmm+spiders/M (sort of creepypasta)

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The spiderman is having me for dinner tonight! mmmm+spiders/M (sort of creepypasta)

Post by Likho »

The spiderman is having me for dinner tonight!

Be warned! This story does not contain sexual emelents,
but it is scary and ends like many scary Halloween stories.


I felt a strange stab of panic as the kids locked me tied up in the cellar. This surprised me, because similar games had not been new to me since childhood. However, I felt strange as an adult guy when being tied up by four teenagers. Especially as they were tying me up tight and damn skilled. Not like tying someone up in a game but more like a victim or a pray. They tied me up with their climbing ropes so damn tight that I was practically unable to move! And I was about to spend all night like that, locked in the cellar of an abandoned and haunted house, on the most haunted day of the year.

They were not my own children. Just kids from the neighbourhood. It's hard to explain how they ended up tying up and locking up an adult weirdo neighbour, so I'll skip this strange story entirely. I'll just mention that I ended up in this cellar of my own free will, or at least I agreed to it.

The footsteps and giggles had long since quietened and I was left all alone on the cold concrete floor, in a dirty, damp-smelling cell. Luckily they had left me a torchlight. I was tied, so I couldn't turn it off to save power, but the battery should last at least a few hours. Then I'll plunge into complete darkness. Good thing I at least dressed warmly, although the night was surprisingly warm for early November. Global warming has its advantages.


I was alarmed when out of the corner of my eye I saw something crawling out of the wall. A spider! A big one, but there are no spiders in Europe that are dangerous to humans, and I don’t have arachnophobia neither, so I turned away and forgot about it. Then I noticed three more but I still didn't really care about them. After all, they live here and I only dropped in as a visitor.

I was quite surprised when I suddenly felt a rather painful prick in my neck. I instinctively threw myself off, but the ropes restrained me so tightly that it didn't help much. Damn! Do they bite?

I looked around the semi-darkened chamber and counted six spiders sitting in the corners. They didn't move, they didn't look aggressive. I mean, you know, they didn't have any legs up there, they were just sitting there waiting for some tasty bug or cockroach, at worst a mouse. Even a spider wouldn't be able to mistake me for a mouse!

I relaxed a little. It must have been a coincidence. Besides, I was terribly turned on by the way I had been restrained by the ropes with which the kids had tied me up. No doubt I was not the first victim of these boys.


I had to take a short nap. Strange, because I wasn't tired and the hard and cold concrete floor certainly didn't help with falling asleep.

It felt pleasant. The ropes restraining me were pleasantly tight and the awareness of imprisonment provided a constant surge of happiness hormone. Then I looked at my legs, and the feeling of bliss broke. Roughly up to my thighs I was covered by a thin layer of spider webs, and at least one spider was moving somewhere inside.

I desperately tried to shake it off. I started to roll around on the floor, but the ropes with which the guys tied me held tight, and not only did I not gain any mobility, but I didn't even do much damage to the webs covering my legs. It was strange and started to get scary. Maybe they are not European spiders at all? Maybe the former owner of this house bred exotic spiders, and these here are their descendants?

I tried shouting to alert someone. Maybe the kids hadn't come home at all but were hiding somewhere nearby and waiting for their adult neighbor to panic? No sound came from my throat. My neck and throat were numb, a bit like after anesthesia at the dentist when you get an injection into the last teeth deep in your mouth, and although I could breathe I couldn’t make a sound in any way. Even swallowing was difficult.

I thrashed around on the floor for a while until I went completely numb.The ropes still restrained me tightly and the spiders sat in their corners completely ignoring me. I calmed down and began to devise ways to save myself. Suddenly I felt another bite on my neck. Again, instinctively, I began to throw myself into the bonds, but the ropes effectively kept me captive.


I didn't notice when I fell into another nap. When I woke up from it I was almost completely covered in cobwebs. And even more numb. In the faint glow of the flashlight, which was now shining much dimmer than last time, I could see several spiders running all over me and sealing the cocoon that entwined me. I wanted to see how high it reached, but I couldn't quite move.

With all this going on, I found it surprisingly pleasant. Although, after all, I should feel panic. Another bite on my neck sent me back into another slumber. I only had time to think that I've finally caught up. I knew that through my perverted games I would one day get into serious trouble, but it never occurred to me that any tie-up game could actually kill me. Well, now it's too late. The kids are probably having a good time at their trendy Halloween party, and when they find me in the morning, I'll be dead.


I was awakened by human voices. Unbelievable! The guys are back! And I'm still alive! They untie me, call an ambulance and yet everything will end well!

I still couldn't get my voice out to urge them on, so I had to patiently wait for their silly jokes at the door. Finally, I heard them open the padlock and remove the bolt. I expected the sight of me to frighten the kids solidly. and I hoped they wouldn't just turn and run away.

To my surprise, the boys were not at all frightened by my sight. On the contrary. They laughed at me and joked with me. They kicked me a few times, but I still didn't feel anything. When one of them sat on me, I noticed something on the metal buckle of his canvas belt that I had previously taken to be the logo of some music band. Now I could clearly see that it was the picture of a spider sitting in a web.

The boy took out a bottle and pressed it to my lips. Stupid bastards! They knew about the spiders! They wanted to scare me, but now they brought the antidote to the venom, so that as soon as they untie me I can get up and leave.

I drank slowly, as my numb throat made it difficult to swallow anything. I wondered why they aren’t untyinyg me already. They just stared at me and laughed. Now I saw that the rest of the guys had the same belts, some even wore black sweatshirts with big colourfull spider images on them.

I couldn't drink more, although the boy sitting on top of me tried to force me. They said something to me. I don't know what it was, but from the tone of their voice I inferred that they were mocking me. I understood only three sentences - "Farewell neighbour", "Pleasure to meet you", and the last one: "No one will ever find you".

I don't watch TV and have never been up to date with the latest news, but as I was thinking about it now, I remembered that a year ago a lone man went missing around Halloween. And the year before that another one. I don't think either of them have been found. Now I seemed to know what had happened to them. I'll be next.


They left me in the darkness. Restrained with ropes, covered with cobwebs, at the mercy of exotic, venomous spiders. Cruel monster kids! And from what they gave me to drink I started to get a damn stomach ache. Fortunately, the spiders soon reappeared and relieved the pain with one bite. Then they just let me fall asleep. For the last time.

Enjoy your meal, friends.


When I was a kid, I watched a music video by „The Cure”, which was one of my most favorite bands at the time. That music video was, of course, "Lullaby," and I think you know why I liked it so much. This story is just one of many I told myself inspired by this music video :)
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Post by MaxRoper »

It seems our hero left this world in a manner he would have chosen. Probably not ready yet - who ever is? - but tied up, webbed, and eaten by spiders is apparently high on his bucket list, so at least he got to check that off.

Great Halloween story! Thanks for posting.
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Post by Likho »

Thanks for your comment MaxRoper!
I was afraid the story would be too hardcore for this forum. Especially because of the ending.
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Post by MaxRoper »

You're probably right - it may be too hardcore, but you get slack for Halloween stories. :D
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