Family Bonding (m/mm)

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Family Bonding (m/mm)

Post by cj2125 »

Unlike other siblings, Max liked to think he got along reasonably well with his brother Zack, they might have their disagreements now and then but they always had each other’s backs. Still, they didn’t hang out together much, Max, almost 13, was busy adjusting to his new school and hanging out with Luke while Zack, soon to be 18, was too busy with his college applications, girls and his part time job to spent time with his little brother.

Luke was awesome though; and Max thoroughly enjoyed his time with him, specially since Luke was getting quite adept in his tying abilities. Case point, he was utterly trapped by Luke’s latest work.

His hands were pulled behind his back, touching each of his shoulders, tightly lashed together. The ropes went around his chest and between his armpits, tightened in the small of his back. His ankles were tied crossed and pulled back until his heels touched his butt and his knees and thighs were held together by more ropes. Luke even went as far as too tie his big toes together.

Max considered himself a positive person, but even he knew when it was time to face the truth; and the truth here was the he hadn’t been able to escape Luke’s ropes in the past three months. Luke had gotten better and way more creative with each session (and far more enthusiastic about them) Escaping was no longer an option although he liked to keep up appearances, the only reason he kept asking to be tied up was so he could experience “Evil Luke”. Usually Luke was quiet, shy and kind, always concerned about other’s needs. But when he was in complete control, aka when Max was tied up, he transformed into an evil mastermind who took delight on torturing everyone around him, aka Max.

That was Max found so fascinating about him, he was a master of torture! After their first sessions, Luke had gradually dropped the physical aspect of torture (although Max could always expect a tickle session) and instead had come to perfect the art of psychological torture. It was a balance of threatening to do believable things. For example, Max wouldn’t believe Luke if he threatened to cut his fingers, that would be too ridiculous, but if he instead threatened to cut his hair (as he did during their last session), Max would completely believe it (as he did during their last session) even if Luke never fulfilled his threat.

This time though Luke had gone with the simpler way, just tickling him senseless. A pair of clean socks were stuffed in Max’s mouth, kept in place by a few strips of silver tape and his eyes were covered with even more tape. Unable to see, Max felt like an eternity had passed before Luke allowed him to have a much-deserved break. The poor kid was completely drenched in sweat, tears were running down his red cheeks and his breathing was heavy yet Luke didn’t seem in a hurry to let him go. Ever since the first time he had been helpless under Luke’s power, his friend had grown more confident with their games, no longer stopping to ask for Max well-being every second. Max didn’t have a problem with that. He had made it perfectly clear that he could endure anything Luke threw at him.

Luke had of course asked Max why he kept doing it willingly, it was hard for Max to explain but there was something appealing on the feeling of complete helplessness, of losing control of yourself under someone’s else mercy not to mention it was amazing to watch Luke transformation. He was too young, to exactly understand why he liked so much being Luke’s prisoner but that didn’t stop him from doing it time and time again.

“Ready for round two?” Luke teased, Max’s body tensed and he nervously shook his head but unable to see, he had no idea what Luke was going to do next. That’s why his whole body spasmed the moment he felt Luke’s finger slowly running over his sole, followed by a high-pitched shriek. The bound boy trashed violently trying to get away from Luke’s fingers, suddenly he felt the bed beneath him vanishing and his body plunging down.
Luke managed to catch him in time and pulled him back to the bed “Careful dude! You almost fell down” he chuckled while Max’ soul returned to his body “Eww! You are all sweaty, gross!” Luke let go of Max and wiped his hands on his jeans “Next time I tie you up you should wear less clothing”

Max let out a nervous laugh. In some way he agreed that perhaps that way would be more comfortable, on the other side, he feared that would mean more exposed skin for Luke to assault. Luke took notice of his reaction “What, don’t tell me you are self-conscious?” he teased, Max rolled his eyes and uttered a muffled response, after all it was Luke the one who insisted on getting changed in the bathroom whenever they were having a sleepover! He suddenly tensed up again when he felt Luke’s hand sliding underneath his red t-shirt; just a small graze of his skin sent shivers across his body followed by muffled giggles “Ready for more?”

Max shook his head uttering muffled pleas that Luke ignored, instead his hand kept sliding beneath his t-shirt getting closer to his navel. The bound kid’s body tensed up, bracing himself for the inevitable onslaught when he heard the door opening. Luke quickly pulled back his hands, frozen in place and Max’s heart stopped as he tried to find a good way to explain to his parents why he was tied up like that; to his surprise, instead of a shocked scream, he heard an amused laughter

“I should have figured you would be doing this” Max could hear Luke’s sigh of relief “Next time lock the door, if mom finds out she’ll kill you” Max sighed too. Zack was the first on he asked to tie him up, with the pretext of trying to escape and even though he never seemed to share his love for ropes, Zack always obliged even agreeing to keep it a secret from their parents.

Zack stepped inside the room and Max let out a grunt when he tugged at his bonds “Wow, how did you learn to tie those?” Max could feel Luke’s ego growing to gigantic proportions

“Your brother is a good practice target” Luke exclaimed playfully slapping Max’s butt. Max remained still while his brother tugged at his other ropes, testing them

“Well, I’m glad you found someone as weird as you” he joked stepping back “but I think he’s have enough, his hands are turning purple” Max was surprised that he hadn’t noticed the tingling sensation on his fingers. The older teen headed back to his bedroom while Luke hurried to untie his friend.

“You okay?” Max nodded, lying down on the bed with his free arms resting by his side. He didn’t bother removing the tape from his face, leaving that job to Luke. Once he had recovered enough strength, Max took a deep breath and in a single motion, got up from the bed stretching his arms

“I guess I’ll go take a shower” he lazily discarded his wet t-shirt “You are getting better at torturing people” Luke blushed and gave him a shy grin, it was truly amazing how quickly he went from a cackling villain to a blushing flower. When he came back from the bathroom, Luke had put the ropes away and was looking through his collection of videogames. Max looked through his drawers putting on a clean pair of boxers followed by his blue pajama bottoms and a black t-shirt

“Did your brother tied you like that?” Luke asked with a faint blush on his cheek, eyes set on the game disks
“Not really, you are way better than him” Max replied patting Luke’s back, a small smirk appeared on his face “He was never good at it, I think he only did it to humor me” he admitted remembering how uninterested he seemed every time Max asked for it “before you managed to trap me, the only other time I failed to escape was when my home was broken in” he had told Luke about that incident were him and Zack ended tied up all night by a robber; Luke enjoyed teasing him about his naivety but on Max defense, if that had happened now he would certainly put up more resistance.

“Maybe he is like you and likes the other end of the ropes more” Luke joked and changed the subject to Max’ latest acquisition to his game collection but little did he know that he had planted a seed in Max’s brain, an idea that slowly started developing during the rest of the evening.

Unfortunately, he had to wait until his parents went to bed to act upon it. “What’s up with your face?” Luke asked coming back from the bathroom where he had changed into a pair of green, plaid pajama bottoms and a matching shirt, the boy stared at Max’s expression and opened his eyes wide “No!”

“I haven’t asked you anything!”

“I know that expression and the answer is no! It’s too late to tie you up again!” Max smiled sheepishly and let out a short chuckle

“Well, that wasn’t exactly what I was going to ask…” he told Luke his plan and, predictably, his friend refused even further

“I’m sorry but I don’t want to die before turning 13!” despite his insistence, Max managed to persuade him to change his mind with a mixture of pleading, guilt tripping and ego stroking and soon both boys were creeping towards Zack’s bedroom with a bunch of ropes “This is a bad idea” Luke whispered but Max assured him that nothing would happen.

Max pushed the door opened and stepped inside of Zack’s room. The older teen was lying on top of his covers, wearing a pair of black sweat pants and a red muscle-shirt, busy typing something on his phone but the moment he noticed the ropes, his eyes went wide for a moment but he seemed to relax just as fast “You are going to tie me up?” he asked looking unimpressed

Max and Luke exchanged confused looks, they had expected a different reaction from Zack like anger or with some luck panic, instead he seemed curious more than anything else and even a little bit amused. Zack merely got up, stretching his arms in a way that made Luke think of Max before crossing his arms behind his back “Fine, just do it quick”

“You are not even going to fight back?” Max asked confused, Zack merely shrugged

“It’s too late for that shit, besides, I’m curious to know what Luke can do” Max was surprised since he hadn’t seen his brother tied up since he was 7 and the few times Max had asked him, he had outright refused to even consider it, perhaps Luke was right and Zack wasn’t as different from Max as he thought.

While Max was pondering about his brother tastes, Luke wasted no time tying Zack’s wrists crossed behind his back, cinching the loop before pulling it up and wrapping it around his chest. “Comfortable?”

Zack shimmied his upper body, testing the ropes “You actually know how to tie!” he said pleasantly surprised, Luke smiled with pride and finished restraining his arms. Meanwhile, Max picked up a red knotted bandana and unceremoniously pushed it between Zack’s teeth tying it behind his neck.

Zack tried to flex his arms and contorted his face testing his bindings but seemed stuck. Max smiled cockily and walked around his brother inspecting his bonds “Well Zack, you are ours now so start waking!” he exclaimed slapping Zack’s butt. The older boy gave him a quick angry glare but nevertheless allowed the boys to drag him out of his room, across the corridor and into his brother’s room.

A grunt escaped Zack’s mouth as he was shoved on the bed where Luke tied his legs together finishing with a hog tie “Can you get out of that?” Zack bit down on his gag and struggled once more, wriggling his body and trying to pull at his bonds but after a few minutes he stopped altogether and shook his head.

The boys high fived each other after a well-done job and Max laid down on the bed besides Zack. The teenager watched attentively as Luke bound his younger brother just like him, finishing with a matching bandanna as a gag.
Luke stepped back looking pleased at his job, one of the arguments Max used to convince him was the possibility of testing his skills with two people, needless to say he didn’t want to miss that opportunity.

The siblings started working together, letting grunts and moans trying to communicate with each other. Somehow, they understood what had to be done and slowly but surely crawled closer to each other. Luke chuckled as both rubbed their faces against each other, using their teeth to pull the bandannas until they each came off

“You know we could just scream for help right?” Zack pointed rolling on his back, the ropes digging below his chest

“Where would be the fun in that?” Max laughed, his brother rolled his eyes and rolled over once more getting back to back with Max. Luke kept watching them work together trying to pick each other’s knots, their legs slightly trembling, their backs arched, their chest bulging against the ropes; for some reason Luke was truly enjoying the sight, one thing was to have control over Max, but it felt even better having at his mercy someone much larger and stronger. He could already imagine all the things he would do to the brothers, all the ways he could have fun with them…

“You better erase that fucking grin!” Max shouted sounding nervous “You are not gonna torture me again! Dammit Zack! I told you to get that knot!”

“I can’t reach it!” Zack grunted arching his back as much as he could “And I think there are more knots on top of that one!” Luke took pleasure in noticing that Zack’s voice also sounded nervous and panicky

“So, guys…” he smiled walking towards them “You seem stuck”

“Nope! Nope, nope, nope, nope!” Max muttered shaking his head “You are not doing whatever you are thinking!”

“And how are you gonna stop me?” Luke asked running a finger over Max’s sole. The boy immediately shot his legs away from Luke, accidentally kicking Zack’s butt

“Get away from me!” Max was surprised by Luke’s maniacal laugh as he crawled closer to him and pulled the gag back in his mouth. Even Zack seemed concerned by Luke’s change of demeanor

“Hey Luke… don’t you dare put that gag back, I’m serious! When I get out I’ll gnll nhh blhdn bhfthrd!” Luke smiled looking down at the helpless boys as they grunted and squirmed beneath him. Max craned his neck and took a quick glance at Luke recognizing his grin: Evil Luke was back! Zack on the other side hadn’t had the pleasure of meeting Evil Luke so he kept squirming, shooting daggers at his captor

“Well, since you aren’t going anywhere I think it’s time to start the fun. Zack, are you like Max?” Zack stopped his struggles and glanced at Luke confused but Max had a feeling of what he meant. His suspicions were confirmed when he saw Luke sliding his hands under Zack’s shirt.

Zack’s eyes shoot wide open the moment Luke’s fingers touched his skin. He let out a loud shriek and started trashing around even harder, writhing his wrists desperately and hitting his head against the mattress. It was amazing for Max to see his big brother reduced to a laughing mess, unable to keep any trace of dignity under Luke’s assault.

Luke finally stopped but only to turn around facing his feet “Are your feet ticklish?”

Zack shook his head frantically, tears already forming on his eyes and he tried to pull his legs away but the hogtied kept them in place. Increasingly desperate, he did something Max had never seen him do before. Zack was actually begging “Plmhfm dhn't! Nht mn fmmt! Hnnthnng bht mn fmmHHHHHHHHHH!”

Max would have stopped right there but Luke was less merciful. Zack laughed at the top of his lungs, his body bucking under Luke’s weight, his toes wiggling in every direction as Luke assaulted his feet. Max was amazed to see tears rolling down Zack’s eyes, his cheeks as red as his hair and sweat stains forming on his clothes. He realized his brother wouldn’t be able to take it much longer so something had to be done.

Luke was too busy assaulting those pale feet to noticed Max had resumed his struggles until he felt something bumping against his legs. He turned to his right to see Max had managed to roll on his side and was glaring at him defiantly while trying to hit him with his knees

“Oh! You want to play too?” Luke cackled, Max gave his exhausted brother a quick glance and nodded, biting down his gag. Luke was more than happy to oblige.

Zack was left as a mess of sweat and tears, shaking by the aftermath of the tickle torture while forced to watch his little brother suffering the same ordeal; Max seemed able to take it better than Zack at first but soon enough he broke down in an explosion of laughter and struggles.

Luke enjoyed torturing Max but as soon as he noticed Zack’s strength returning he wrapped his legs around the brothers’ ones to hold them still and started tickling the exposed soles. Both prisoners cried, begged, laughed, struggled and squirmed; desperately trying to make it stop but Evil Luke had completely taken over. He kept assaulting the brothers, soon alternating the tickles with less sophisticated techniques like wedgies, wet willies and a large amount of teasing. He was glad that Max’ room was the farthest from the main bedroom or else his parents might have heard all the commotion.

Eventually though, his power trip subsided and he finally stepped back, panting from all the exercise (torturing people requires a lot of work after all) and looking down at his captives.

Both brothers were drenched in sweat, their hairs were disheveled and their faces bright red. Max was lying on his back, his eyes closed as he heavily panted, his t-shirt had slid up exposing his belly (an opportunity Luke took to attack it) and a thread of drool was running down his chin to rest on his chest. Zack had his face buried on the mattress as he giggled despite the attack being over, the waistband of his pants had slid a little bit low revealing his boxers, wrinkled were Luke had tugged them in an effort to have them reach Zack’s head.

Luke let them rest while he went to the bathroom to wash his face, picked up his sleeping back and spread it over the floor “Since I’m in a good mood I’ll let you keep the bed” he grinned, both brother looked at him with wide eyes, Max seemed excited, Zack seemed indignant

Luke didn’t paid attention to Zack’s muffled objections but at least was considerate enough to undo the hogties, letting them stretch their legs “Alright, I’m gonna remove the gags but if you try to complain they’ll go back! Understand?” Max quickly nodded, it took Zack a little longer but he finally nodded too although reluctantly.

“No hard feelings, right?” Luke asked sheepishly

“Never” Max grinned
“Only because I agree to this” Zack sighed “but if you ever do this to me again…”

“Hard to take you seriously with those tears on your face” Luke teased, Zack blushed and frantically rubbed his face on the covers making the younger boys laugh “Well, I’ll untie you tomorrow” Luke finally said ruffling both wet hairs “Ewww! Gross!” he added wiping his hands on the covers “Nighty boys!” the captives muttered weak goodnights and watched as Luke turned off the light and climbed into his sleeping sack.

Zack and Max remained silent for a while, listening to each other breathing and letting their eyes adjust to the darkness before Max finally broke the silence “I should have warned you about Luke, he tends to get carry away” he spoke in a low voice

“Don’t worry, I would have rather not experience that but I can take it” Zack reassured him, Max smiled and looked at him pensively

“Can I ask why you agreed to this?”

Zack rolled over so he could have a better view of his younger brother “Well, it’s been a while since we did anything together so I figured I could give it a try, never expected your friend to be such a sadistic freak though” he frowned

“I had the same idea; Luke and I were talking about the time that robber got us-”

“Oh yeah! You thought it was a game…”

“I was seven!” Max exclaimed blushing while Zack chuckled “Wait a second, you seem pretty okay with staying like this all night!” he pointed hopping to change the subject

“Well, I’m not one hundred percent on board…” Zack admitted looking askance

“But?” Max was surprised to see his brother blush

“This can’t leave this room” he whispered and after a short pause he spoke again “I’ve been digging this tying up thing since Jessica reintroduced me to them…”

“So, you play these games with your girlfriend too?” Max asked excited at the prospect of having more playmates
“Not exactly…” Zack was bright red, Max quickly understood what kind of games they played and immediately burst out laughing “Shut up!” Zack hissed attempting to headbutt him which only made his brother giddier

“If you don’t shut up I’ll gag you again!” Luke groaned from the floor, both brothers exchanged silent grins

“Anyway, it’s nice spending time with you… even if we are forced to do it” Max whispered “Night Zack”

“Night Max” soon both boys were peacefully sleeping, seemingly unaware of the ropes tightly wrapped around their bodies
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Post by Canuck100 »

Great story! I love it when siblings and their friends are involved.
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Post by Mrtrident178 »

New favorite story! Please continue!!!
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Post by FelixSH »

I just read through your body of work here, enjoyed ot a lot. I will try to give you a bit more detailed feedback for the specific stories, but for now i'll just say that they were all great fun to read. Your writing style makes the characters come alive and feel like kids of their age. It's great how you can write stories that include a lot of TUGs, while still making the characters and their interaction the actual focus, only using the TUG as a tool.

Specifically for this story, I did not expect the older brother to just play along, which worked as a nice twist for that reason. I think my favourite element is how you incorporated the continuity. Including the older brother was a clever way of showing the kids' development.

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Post by Mrtrident178 »

I really hope this continues
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Post by cj2125 »

Mrtrident178 wrote: 6 years ago I really hope this continues
The story is over, but there was other stories involving these kids... just read my other posts
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Post by Mrtrident178 »

Awesome thank you man!
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Post by harveygasson »

This, like your other stories, is fantastic! I love your characters and their development. Looking forward to more
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Post by DomTiesMen »

Indeed another amazing story with Max and Luke! I did loved this one and is definitely one of my favorite stories of you so far!

Zack is a very nice character, I do love his personality and how he "likes" to play bondage with his brother and friend! It's always fun and is a very interesting scenario to see kids tying up older people than him! Makes such an amazing contrast since it's usually the older ones that ties up the young ones! Amazing way to change the things around a bit!

I loved both bondage scenes on this one, Luke is definitely learning more about how to tie up and torture his friend Max! Making sure to tying him up and gag for his own fun!

Hope to see more of Zack in the future too, they make a good combination together!
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