Making Money - m/m (one-off)

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Making Money - m/m (one-off)

Post by FelixSH »

I had this idea for quite some time, finally it came together. No multiple chapters, for a change, just a short story. I hope you have fun with it.


„Sure you don't want to come? I promise, that club is great.“

Jake was ready to go out, once again trying to motivate his roommate to come along. As always, though, Alex had to decline.

„I'd love to, but I just don't have the money. It's barely enough to cover my books and stuff, eating out is way too expensive. You know how it is.“

Jake nodded, while putting on his jacket. Expensive leather, on top of an high-quality polo-shirt and tailored pants. Alex tried hard to hide his jealousy, not sure if he succeeded.

„That's why I'd invite you. Come on, it'll be fun.“

But Alex shook his head. „Thanks, but I need to study anyway. It's fine. Maybe next time.“

His roommate shrugged. „Fine, but I swear, next time you are coming, even if I have to tie you up. See you.“

„Bye“, Alex said, closing his eyes and sighing, after his roommate had left the room. Every day the same thing. The jealousy was unbearable.

He looked at his second-hand clothes, the slow laptop and the more-than-abused textbooks on his desk, trying not to get too frustrated. Especially when he compared everything to the new, shiny stuff Jake owned. Not that Jake ever acted like a snob, on the contrary. He was the nicest guy imaginable, the offer to pay for everything was genuine. But still, Alex couldn't avoid comparing himself all the time.

Looking for a job had turned out to be fruitless. He had tried working as a waiter, but, despite trying really hard, his lack of social skills and dexterity put and end to this very soon. And the interviews for office jobs never ended in a success. He needed something else, a new idea.

The blackboard in his dorm didn't show much promise. A bunch of random stuff, a few job offers that he either had tried and failed at, or had been already been there when he moved in.

He wanted to give up, when he did see something new. A new institute for adult education had opened, and was looking for teachers. Not typical stuff, like languages or how to repair a car, these things were covered. But they were looking for new, exotic courses, something you wouldn't get the chance to learn anywhere.

Something about this intrigued Alex. The idea of teaching was an interesting one, and despite his generally bad people skills, he did enjoy the few times where he had to hold a presentation.

But what could he do? What kind of weird, but interesting, skill could he, a 19-year old college student offer?

And then, it hit him. Maybe it was triggered by his roommates “even if I have to tie you up”, but the memories of his childhood came back. Memories of playing cowboy and indians, or other games where the loser would get tied up. He and his friends had played these games often, getting pretty skilled in the process.

Until puberty hit, and the others stopped having an interest in these childish games. Alex had missed them for some time, but finally accepted that he had grown out of them.

He wondered if there was still something left, of his excellent rope-binding skills.


“You are kidding, right? Dude, that's really weird.”

It wasn't Alexs intention, to tell his roommate about his plan of teaching people about bondage. But when Jake came back earlier than usually today, Alex was in the process of tying up his own feet, making sure that blood kept flowing while trying to immobilize them as good as possible. Not feeling like lying, and also not really seeing anything wrong with his goal, he just talked about his plans.

“Come on, I just need someone to tie up for a bit. I can't do it on myself, and I really need to get in some practice.”

Alex tried his best at making puppy-dog eyes, adding a few soft “please”s. He seemed to have hit some nerve, though, as Jakes look started to soften, before being replaced by a grin.

“Tell you what, you can try your stuff on me. But I get to tie you up too.”

Alex nodded immediately. “Sure, I'll teach you! Would love to, that sounds great! And...”

But Jake held up a hand. “Wait, that's not all. You have to wash my clothes and cook for two weeks. And from your first money, you'll come along when I go out.” With a mean grin he added: “With your hands tied behind your back.”

Alex sighed, agreeing to the demands. It was worth it, he knew it. He would even have agreed to the silly, last demand, if he had thought that Jake was serious about that one.


A few weeks later, it was finally the day of his first session. Nervous, the student tugged at his collar. He had put on a white dress shirt, basically the only shirt he had without any signs of age, small holes or simply parts where the color had paled. He wasn't sure if this, plus his black jeans, was the right outfit for teaching people how to tie each other up, but he didn't want to look like a bum. Soon, he would be able to buy some new clothes.

It was still an hour, until the session would start. As there was no course at the moment, the people of the institute were nice enough to let him get in early. So he just sat there, checking the equipment he had prepared, hoping for people to really show up.

While there had been quite a few interested people, agreeing in advance to appear, he was still worried that they might decide to stay home. But, to his surprise, still fifty minutes before the start, the first person showed up. A guy in his early 20s, just like Alex. This was to be expected, with the university in the same city, drawing in students wasn't too surprising. It was a large guy, with black hair and a few purple-colored strands. Alex couldn't quite place him, but something about him seemed familiar.

“Sorry, I know I'm early. But this is the bondage workshop, right?”, the stranger said, smiling.

That voice. Alex knew it, from somewhere. But again, nothing specific came to mind.

“Yeah, but you are a bit early. Like, an hour”, he said, unsure how to react. Maybe this guy hadn't registered himself, but still wanted to participate?

He smiled, suddenly nervous. “Oh, I know. Sorry for coming early, but...” He rubbed his right arm, his face getting red, the eyes darting to the ground. “Look, you should have my name on your list. It's Nick. I just wanted to ask if you, maybe, could teach me a few things alone, before the others are here?” He still didn't dare to look at Alex, continuing in a low voice: “I'd really like to learn about tying others up, but I get so nervous around people, you know?”

At first, Alex was nervous himself, not having planned to see someone here already. But this guy seemed nice enough. He even got a boost in confidence, having someone ask him in such a way.

“Yeah, sure, no problem.” He thought about it for a second. “Do you have any experience?” Nick shook his head.

Alex started, by tying his students arms behind his back. He was glad that his roommate let him train a bit. By now, he was quite skilled at making sure that he could tie someone up without it being uncomfortable. Well, nearly without.

He also took time to explain what he did, and told Nick that he should say stop, if he felt in any way uncomfortable. But the student just told him that he was fine, and waited for his feet to be tied, too.

“How does it feel?”, Alex nervously asked. His student was busy trying to get out of the rope, without success. After a bit, he grinned at his “captor”. “It's great. Thanks, that feels cool.” He kept on struggling, unable to get out.

After a few minutes, he asked: “So, can I try it now?” The excitement showed in his eyes – Alex just couldn't say no. He had planned, in case there was an uneven number of students, to partner up with one of them anyway, so the other person could try stuff out, too. “Sure. Wait a second, I'll let you out.”

A few minutes later, the roles were reversed. Alex was standing there, his hands bound behind his back, unable to get them out. His feet were also stuck together.

“Well done, Nick. You learn fast”, he said. His partner smiled. “Thanks. So, you're really stuck?”

Alex nodded, demonstratively struggling as hard as he could. “See, I'm completely helpless.” He laughed a bit. “You never did this? I guess I have a prodigy here.”

Nick didn't answer. Alex did hear him rummaging through his backpack. “Nick? What are you looking for?”, he asked, trying to turn around.

After a few more seconds, standing directly behind Alex, invisible to him, the student said: “Oh, nothing special.” He waited for a few seconds, before continuing. “So, do you want out?”

Alex nodded. “Yeah, thammpff! Hmmphh!!”

in the middle of the sentence, something rough had been stuffed into his mouth. Alex was too surprised to react to the sound of duct tape, until the sticky material was pressed onto his mouth, and wrapped around his head.


He screamed in panic, started to struggle, but as before, he got nowhere.

“Calm down, buddy”, Nick said, his voice suddenly full of strength and authority. “You're not going anywhere, anyway.”

Alex kept on struggling, but without any success. His begging was ignored, as he was forced to lie on his stomach. He kept on trying, hoping that Nick would stop, but his captor only laughed at the unintelligible sounds. “Haha, this is so much fun. Just like old times, you know?”

The prisoner only listened with one ear, being more focused on trying to escape, without any success.

“You don't know me, do you? Seriously, how could you forget? Haha, that's hilarious!”, Nick asked, while proceeding to tie Alex up. But before connecting feet and hands, he put some rope around his prisoners elbows, pushing them closer and closer together.

“Hmmph!”, Alex grunted, as he realized what was happening, increasing the intensity of his protests, as the slack grew smaller and smaller. “GMMPHH!!” was his final, slightly painful scream, which made his captor stop. The slack was increased again, slightly, before the rope was knotted off.

“Oh my god, this is so much fun. Are you having fun too, Alex? If not, just say so! I'll free you, just ask.”

“HMMMPHH!! GMMM!!!”, Alex screamed, wriggling around, trying to get anywhere. But there was nothing he could do. What was happening here? Who was this guy, why was he doing this? The student panicked, fearing the worst.

“Still such a baby, just like in school. You should think that people might grow up, but no, they whine and complain about everything. Still not much of a man, huh?”

Alex looked up, fury in his eyes, as they met Nicks. Whose grin suddenly felt way too familiar. There was something scary in there, something he had hidden. Until now. And then, when Nick laughed, that horrible, horrible laughter – this was the final trigger. Everything came back. Memories of the first year of high school, of being stuffed into his locker, getting wedgies, being subjected to swirlies. The list went on.

Being tied up was not on the list, but everything else bullies tend to do, Alex had experienced. The voice was higher back then, the hair was shorter, and pure black. But now he remembered the face and the laugh, even after all this years. This was Cole, his bully from the first year of high school.

“What a coincidence, right? I'm scrolling through these weird courses, and then I see your name. I immediately thought back to all the fun we had. Sure, it could have been someone else, but I had to check this out.”

Alex kept on struggling, not listening. He tried to find a knot with his fingers, but they were well out of reach. Just as he tried to at least undo the rope around his feet, Nick sat down on his back again.

“And it couldn't have gone better. I mean, I prepared the duct tape, but everything else? Went perfect. It's incredible that you didn't recognize me, haha. But yeah, I look pretty different now, and I guess I use a different nickname too. Man, this really is my lucky day.”

Nick completely ignored his prisoners attempts to escape, while connecting the ropes on his feet and hands. “Tell me when it's too strict, will you?”, he said, only a light, sadistic note hidden in there.

No struggling helped, feet and hands were pushed closer and closer together. A more intense scream of Alex made Nick stop, adding a bit more slack again, and then finishing his work.

“You look good in ropes, you know. Very handsome. And the gag really fits your eyes”, Nick teased, poking his prisoner multiple times. He still remembered correctly, that Alex would jump at the shortest touch in most places, soon struggling like crazy. Just not of his own volition, this time. The screaming, too, intensified.


The room filled slowly, but steadily. If there were some who had signed up without appearing, it couldn't have been many.

But Alex couldn't look on his list, to check. He also didn't care. Instead of more people, he had wished that none showed up. So that no one would see him in this state.

He was still heavily gagged, tied in a strict hogtie, elbows close together. Nick had left him in the center of the room, making sure that he was the first thing anyone saw. On the whiteboard at the front of the room, it said “study object – struggling and grunting is demonstrative”.

Alex didn't know about those words, unable to look behind him. He tried, desperately, to tell his students that he was not willingly in this state, that he needed their help. But Nick made sure to take away all their potential worries.

“Welcome to my bondage workshop. I'm Alex, you teacher for the evening, and this”, his open hand in his prisoners direction, “is my assistent, Nick.”

The bound student grunted, as he heard that Nick acted like he was the teacher, like he was Alex. But it all played in the bullies hands.

“As you can see, he is unable to get out, unable to even say anything understandable. Make this your first lesson: Bondage can be very powerful, and if done correctly, the tied person will not be able to escape. So be careful!”

Alex, in a last bout of strength, fought the ropes a last time. Only to give up again, exhausted.

“The second lesson is, that you always need a saveword. This can be a real word, preferably something the tied person, whom I will call sub from now on, wouldn't say normally. Maybe marshmallow, or pineapple. If the sub says it, you know that he is in instant need of being untied. Like when they are in pain, maybe due to a cramp. There is no time to wait then, you immediately free them.”

Theatrically, Nick kneeled to his prisoner, asking: “You want out, buddy?”

Alex nodded, desperately, hoping that there would be mercy. But it was just another game.

“Oh, you can't say the saveword, because you are gagged. Well, that's a problem, isn't it? Any ideas about such a situation? What could we use instead of words, if the sub can't say anything?”

It took a bit of time, before a woman raised her hand. Nick nodded in her direction. “Maybe a weird gesture? Something you do with your hands?”

The bully nodded. “Yes, you could do something like that. Maybe a thumbs-up, or, if possible, the sub could blink in a certain way. It has to be something, that the sub can actually do. And you have to make sure, that you always look for those signs. It's vital, especially with a gag, where suffocation might be a concern.”

The woman from before nodded. “So, what did you choose? You and, uh, Nick, wasn't it?”

Alex listened up, hoping that this might give him an out. But Nick had already thought of that question.

“Oh, a mix sound and visuals. If he grunts in a specific way, I look at his hands, and if he shows me a certain gesture, he gets untied. Please, at the start, don't do something that complicated. Simple is better. But we have done this for a long time, so don't worry.”

This was more frustration than Alex could bear. He started to struggle heavily, rocking around slightly, but getting nowhere. One last time, he tried to beg for help, but without success.

“So please don't worry. As you will see soon, being tied up and even gagged can be a lot of fun, and acting like you want to get out is part of that. Feeling helpless, in a position where you can act like a hostage. It's exciting! Except that you can always get out, if you just use the saveword.” He looked at his victim, grinning. “Nick is enjoying himself a lot, let me tell you. He loves being helpless in front of people. In case there is an emergency, he knows exactly how to inform me.”


“Well, that was fun. Did you like your first session?”

Nick patted Alex on the head, who could only produce a weak grunt in response.

The last student was finally gone, the lecture over. While the hogtie didn't last long, after the session started, it was only replaced by a different position, demonstrating different ways of tying someone up. The only things that never changed where the gag, and the rope that kept his hands stuck behind his back. Only at the end, as a big finale, was he put in a hogtie again, to demonstrate it to the participants.

“Tell you what, I'll undo the hogtie and the rope around the elbows. And I'll make the rope around your hands less strict, so that you can get out, with a bit of work. Sounds good?”

The prisoner just nodded. All he wanted was for Nick to finally go, to leave him in peace. Never to come back again.

The bully did as he had promised. It felt good to move his feet again, if only away from his hands, and not having his arms so horribly restricted. But instead of trying to escape, the student just lay on the ground, exhausted.

“Well, that should be enough to get out on your own. Just take your time. And thanks for the pics, they are incredible.”

As a last bit of humiliation, Nick forced Alex to look at the pictures of him, helplessly bound and gagged. Whenever he looked away, he got poked in a sensitive spot, until he watched the screen.

For the next few minutes, after Nick had gone, Alex just lay there, eyes closed, trying to relax. The whole situation had been extremely exhausting. He felt ready for a shower and a nap.

But there was something else. Nick had promised to give him enough slack to escape, but until he tried, he could imagine being unable to. Maybe he was stuck. Maybe it was a trick by Nick, just to get his hopes up. He could have left his phone, trying to record his escape attempts.

There was hope, that he would finally get rid of the gag. But what if not? Maybe Nick would be back in ten minutes, laughing at his useless attempts?

Alex wanted to imagine that. He wanted to be stuck, and as soon as he found out that he wasn't, the illusion would be finally over.

The whole thing was stressful, and scary, and awful. But at the same time, it was the most exciting thing he had ever experienced. He had no idea, if this was him being insane or not, but he wanted it to go on.

So he kept lying there, waiting for his captor to return. Just for ten more minutes.

Provided by bondagefreak
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Post by gag1195 »

A great little tale! Though I am a bit disappointed that we didn't get to see Jake's and Alex's training session, or the follow up restrained visit to the club!

Great work as always!
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Post by FelixSH »

Thank you, @gag1195 . Sorry, forgot to do so for a bit, but I very much appreciate your feedback. Glad you liked the story.

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Post by harveygasson »

Very good short story, a shame it isn't going to turn into a longer one but a great read all the same
The slave
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Post by The slave »

Awesome storie
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Post by FelixSH »

Thanks, both of you. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

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Post by Gino »

wow, what a great story... I really enjoyed it.
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Post by TapedUpBoy »

That was fun to read :)
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Post by mmph »

I like the twist of it being his old bully back to haunt him again. The frustration of being in the middle of the class in plain sight with no one realizing you're in trouble is fun. There seems to be some kind of psychological link between being bullied and growing a taste for bondage and a submissive mindset, no?
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