Not Mom (Request) (F/Fm)

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Not Mom (Request) (F/Fm)

Post by Detective-Gag »

It was the middle of the afternoon, and Courtney was waiting for her young son, Will, to return home from school for the day.

She’d just gotten back from the grocery store, and was busily emptying the bags and putting the various provisions into the pantry. The physically-fit mother had long, thick brown hair, pretty brown eyes, and wore a white button-up blouse & a trendy pink skirt with heels.

As Courtney put the last of the groceries away, she then turned towards the kitchen sink to attend to the dishes…dinner preparations would begin shortly; and she needed to clear the space. Turning on the faucet, she ran hot water to soak some leftover plates from that morning’s breakfast, and then stepped over to the dishwasher to empty out the clean dishes from overnight.

It was as Courtney turned to set some of the clean dishes back on the counter next to the sink, that she was suddenly seized from behind; a hand snaking around the front of her face to clamp down over her mouth, as she felt something press into her back.

“Hmmph…!?” Courtney cried out, the hand pressed over her lips muting the yell from being any louder, as she reactively lifted both her hands from the kitchen counter towards her face.

“Don’t,” warned a voice from just behind her neck…a woman’s voice, curiously…as she felt the object against the small of her back get nudged. “Feel that?”

Courtney froze, and then nodded slightly, her heart racing.

“Turn the sink off,” the intruder ordered, and Courtney lowered her hands so that she could switch the handle of the faucet back to the off position.

Once the sound of running water ceased, the kitchen fell silent. “I’m going to take my hand off of your mouth,” the mysterious woman said, poking her back a final time. “No screaming, and no trying to run away…got it?”

“Mm gmt nmt,” Courtney said through the woman’s hand; and then the fingers fell from her mouth, and the mother felt the object against her back pull away.

“Put your hands in the air,” the female intruder commanded, and Courtney did as she was told; lifting her arms until her empty palms were raised above her head.

“Now turn around,” the lady bid to her, and Courtney slowly turned around…and blinked slowly in surprise & apprehension.

The gun, of course, was the most alarming concern…the feminine figure had the small pistol clutched in her hand; aimed in her direction.

But as Courtney gazed back at the woman who now stood unwelcome in her kitchen, the two of them locked eyes with each other; and there came an awkward moment that was potent enough that it caused the intruder to lower her weapon slightly.

“Huh,” the female stranger muttered. “Well…that’s odd.”

She wore a black long-sleeved sweater, black pants, boots…very much the attire of the sort of unsavory individual one might expect of a burglar or thief.

But as the two of them took in the details of their faces, something became readily apparent…the voluminous, long brown hair…light, unblemished skin…the matching light brown eyes…

This intruder…remarkably looked almost EXACTLY like Courtney!

“Didn’t expect to be robbing myself today,” the intruder mused, as she inspected Courtney’s surprised face as she stared.

“Who…?” Courtney breathed, perplexed. “How…?”

The momentary shock faded, as the adrenaline slowly began to level out…the woman had VERY similar features to Courtney’s own face; but the facial structure was slightly different…slightly more angular to Courtney’s own rounder expression.

Still…from a distance, the female burglar might as well have been her doppelgänger!

Evidently, the intruder also had come to the same conclusion as the mother, as she scrutinized her opponents face. “What, do we go to the same stylist?” she quipped, eyeing Courtney’s hair as she approached her. “Not perfect…but close. VERY close…weird.”

“What are you doing here?” Courtney asked her ringer, keeping her hands raised.

“Thought I already mentioned that; I’m robbing you,” the woman told the mother, gesturing with the gun. “You left your door unlocked when you brought the groceries in…that was a mistake.”

“Please don’t shoot me,” Courtney begged, worry creeping into her voice.

“Relax,” the woman snorted. “Don’t plan on shooting you…that is; as long as you don’t try to go running away.”

The burglar looked around the kitchen, acting as though she was looking for something, as she began opening kitchen drawers while Courtney watched her.

“You got any rope in the house?” the intruder asked, as she proceeded to open each cabinet, keeping the pistol trained in Courtney’s general direction.

“Um…maybe downstairs?” the mother gulped, thinking. “In the back storage area…?”

“Good,” the burglar grunted, as she opened a drawer and took out a roll of silver duct tape. “Just gotta keep you tied up while I do my thing.”

Courtney felt a rising panic. “You don’t have to tie me up,” the mother assured the woman, but remaining where she stood.

Her double laughed. “You kidding me?” she responded. “Lady, I don’t know why you look so much like me…but clearly WE are not on the same page when it comes to burglary.”

She took the roll of tape in one hand, and pointed the pistol towards Courtney with the other. “Now…let’s go down to the basement and get that rope…”

Minutes passed, with the strangely similar-looking woman marching Courtney throughout the house with her hands still raised, forcing her to collect an assortment of materials with which to presumably tie her up with.

First they had fetched the coils of white rope from the basement storage room her husband used to tie down things for transporting in his truck…then, they had gone back upstairs to the first floor, stopping by the laundry room to collect an assortment of folded cloths from the shelves.

Courtney now sat in the living room, mercifully allowed to let her arms lay limply at her sides after having to keep them raised all this time, as she watched the burglar lay out these materials on the table.

“I’m guessing you don’t live alone here,” her villainous doppelgänger said to Courtney after glossing over the supplies. “Big house…but only one car in the driveway.”

“My husband is out of town for the rest of the week on a business trip,” Courtney said to her. “My son…will be coming home from school soon.”

“How old?” the burglar inquired, appearing to think over how best to proceed with this new information.

“He’s ten,” Courtney said. “His name is Will.”

“Hmm…” the burglar pondered.

“Please don’t hurt him,” Courtney pleaded.

“I already told you; nobody is getting hurt,” the woman repeated. “But I need to keep you both out of the way until I can get far enough away…”

The woman seemed to think for a little bit more, and then glanced back at Courtney sitting on the couch. “Go ahead and unbutton that blouse,” she said finally.


“Oh, don’t be like that,” the intruder chided. “I’ve got an idea to take advantage of this…unusual situation.”

Her duplicate looked the mother up and down. “If it goes well, then you and your boy can wait safely together for the police to find you,” she divulged, tapping the pistol in her hand. “Now…first the blouse; and then the skirt…”

After Courtney had removed her blouse, skirt, and heels; the intruder had then used the white rope to secure the mother…now only in her bra & undergarments, Courtney wriggled on the couch uncertainly.

“Well, I’ll be damned,” the burglar muttered, as she buttoned up the blouse, looking herself over in the mirror in the living room. “We’re the same size, too, apparently!”

Now that the hostage had been incapacitated with the ropes, the doppelgänger had then donned Courtney’s clothes…and combined with the astounding similarities of their face & hair; it was almost as if the burglar had BECOME the mother, like something out of a spy movie!

"I can't believe this is happening," Courtney breathed, looking at "herself" standing over her her.

"Hopefully it'll be good enough to fool your son," murmured the burglar, before turning back to face her hostage. "At least until I can get him bound & gagged with you." She placed a finger to her lips thoughtfully. "Maybe we can convince him it's a game."

Courtney was wracked with nerves by the thought...but she also circled back to what her abductor had mentioned. "Wait, bound and GAGGED...?"

"Of course," the woman stated, turning to pick up the roll of duct tape from before. "What, I'm just going to let you go shouting for help...?"

She tore off a piece of tape, pinching it between her fingers before approaching the mother, who began to lean back in the couch apprehensively.

"You don't have to do that, I'll...BMPH QMNT," Courtney tried to reason, before the woman pressed the silver tape over her mouth.

"Can't let you go warning your son, either," the kidnapper explained, as she tore off two more pieces & smoothed them over the first, making sure Courtney's mouth was completely covered.

"Mmph...!" Courtney pleaded, as she watched the burglar turn back to pick up a light purple handkerchief from the coffee table next.

"And just to make sure..." teased the captor, as she took the purple cloth in both hands before striding around the back of the couch where Courtney sat.

"GMPH!" grunted Courtney, as she watched the folded cloth drop down over her face, before being tightly pulled over her taped mouth in an additional gag.

The mother's roped legs kicked out a bit as the kidnapper finished tying the gag in place. "Now...go ahead and stand up," the burglar instructed, helping Courtney lift herself up off the couch cushion.

"Whmph?" the brown-haired woman asked, as she wobbled in place.

"We're going to put you in the closet, out of sight," the woman explained, gripping the mother on either shoulder with her facing away. "Go ahead...hop along now."

Courtney sighed through her nose; but did as she was told...carefully hopping out of the living room & into the hallway, making her way down the corridor with her doppelganger holding her steady until they reached the closet door.

"Good job!" the intruder approved, opening the door to reveal rows of coats hanging on hangers inside the closet. "Now let's get you comfortable..."

The kidnapper then clumsily helped lower Courtney into a sitting position inside the closet, resting her on the cool hardwood floor.

"Ymph cmn't jstmph lvmph mm nm hrmph...!" Courtney mumbled through the gag, as she gazed up at her mirror image standing over her.

The kidnapper seemed to think. "One more thing," she finally said, producing a final white cloth & folding it into a band.

"Nmph! Hlmph...!" Courtney moaned, twisting in the ropes...but unable to prevent the burglar from bending over and tying the white fabric over her eyes in a blindfold. Now the mother sat in darkness, unable to see!

"Try not to make any noise," the kidnapper's voice warned from somewhere in front of her. "Don't want to spoil the fun too early."

"Mmm mmmph hmmph mmph...!" Courtney called back to her through the gag, her head darting left & right in blindness; just before the closet door was slowly closed and locked...


Will was stepping off the school bus some time later, as he watched the vehicle continue down the neighborhood street & around the corner as he walked up in driveway to the house. The boy had short, combed brown hair...same color as his mother...and a navy blue collared shirt & tan cargo shorts. His bookbag was slung over one shoulder as he stepped towards the front porch.

The front door was locked, so he took his housekey out and jingled it in the door.

"Mom, I'm back!" he greeted loudly as he opened the door, and shut it behind him.

Music was playing inside the house; a radio station or playlist blaring some 80's music; so his mom must have already started cleaning up that afternoon; or some other activity.

"Mom...?" he called again, looking around for his mother as he went through the foyer towards the kitchen.

"Oh, hi Will...!" came a lady's voice, amidst the music, in a welcoming, familiar tone. "I'm in the kitchen...!"


Courtney, meanwhile, was rolling around fiercely on the closet floor.

The intruder impersonating her had turned on music somewhere outside the closet, and so the mother had no idea what was transpiring outside past the deafened coatroom that had become her prison.

"Grmmph...mmph!" she grumbled through the gag, the duct tape making it difficult to speak beneath the tight purple gag holding it in place.

The blindfold wasn't helping, either; thought despite the ropes restricting her movements, she'd managed to crawl her way towards the back of the closet, and had begun rubbing the side of her head against one of the heavier winter coats there...slowly, she was starting to slip the blindfold off the top of her head...


"Coming," Will responded to who he presumed to be his mother; oblivious to the struggle that was transpiring on the opposite side of the house.

As the boy exited the foyer and crossed the hallway, he deposited his backpack on the couch in the living room...noting that some objects were sprawled across the long coffee table. Will paused, taking note that it seemed to be a cluster of ropes, and assortment of random rags, and what looked like a roll of tape.

"Weird," he murmured, but continued on to the kitchen to greet his mom.

As he entered, he saw his mother apparently in the middle of cleaning...she wore some black gloves, and was wiping down the kitchen countertops with a spray & cleaning rag.

"How was school?" his mother turned to ask him, sounding a little off...but that might have been due to the cleaning mask she wore over her nose & mouth.

"Same old, same old," Will answered, crossing over to the refrigerator to retrieve a can of soda. "What's going on in the living room?"

"Oh, just clearing out some space," his "mother" said cheerfully, setting aside the cleaning supplies on the counter.

"You alright?" the boy asked, concerned, as he turned to regard his mother; after cracking open the can of soda with a hiss. "You sound...funny."

"Might be catching a cold," his mom said bashfully, lifting some strands of her brown hair out from the front of her face. "Probably want to leave this mask on just to be safe."

The boy looked over at his mom, eyeing her, but then shrugging before taking out his smart phone, and about to head out the door.

"Actually...!" his mother suddenly said, as she cut Will off from leaving at the last moment. "I was cleaning up, and I thought about an old game I used to play when I was younger!"

"Oh..." Will said, as his mom placed a hand on his shoulder & gently plucked his smart phone from his hand. "Uh...what game?"

"Oh, you'll LOVE it...!" she exclaimed, still sounding a little off, as she took him by one hand & began nudging him into the living room.

"Whoah!" Will laughed, trying not to spill the drink in his other hand. "Mom, what's gotten into you!?"

"Just excited, is all!" his mother said happily, as she steered the boy into the living room by the table, sitting him down on the couch while taking his soda can as well, putting it on a coaster.

Again, Will looked at the table where the ropes & other stuff was sitting. "What game?" the son asked, now curious as to the source of his mother's excitement.

The masked woman's brown eyes crinkled in the corners as she picked up a rope & stretched it between her gloved hands. "Ever heard of Harry Houdini...?" she asked.


"Mmmph...mph...thrmph!" Courtney grunted, as she finally was able to fling the blindfold from over her long hair.

Blinking, her eyes adjusted to the dim blackness of the closet, as the captive mother looked down at the ropes encircling her body. Desperately, she began heaving against the bonds constricting her torso, hoping that maybe she could loosen them as she had done the blindfold.

Alas, the knots seemed to remain strong, as the brown-haired mother let out a weary breath through her nostrils; already tired from her exertions thus far.

Worried about her son, however, the mother tilted herself forward, and began dragging herself closer to the closet door. Propping herself up on her knees, she leaned against the door, and attempted to yell through her gag; hoping that her son might hear her!

"Wlmph!" she hummed, mumbling the words through the duct tape & fabric. "Wlmph! Mm nm hrmph...!!"


"Where'd you learn to tie knots like this, Mom?" Will asked, looking down as he saw his "mother" busily securing his ankles together with the length of white rope.

Similar rope had also bound the boy's wrists behind his back; as well as pinning his arms to their sides. Will's mom had mentioned that this "escape" game had been tons of fun when she'd been younger; and apparently, she was VERY good at making it tight!

"Oh, your mother has picked up a thing or two over the years," she replied, giving the knot a final tug before looking up at the boy with a wink.

Will smiled, despite the nagging feeling that his mother was still behaving oddly this afternoon. "Can I try to escape yet?" the boy inquired, attempting to flex against the ropes. "It might take a bit."

"In a minute," his mother assured, before picking up the roll of duct tape that had gone untouched until now. "Just need to put the finishing touch with a gag."

Will tilted his head curiously. "What's a gag?" he asked, watching as his mother tore off a piece of tape.

"It's when someone covers your mouth so you can't speak," his mother explained, ripping off two more strips of the adhesive.

Will frowned. "Is that part of the magician's escape routine?"

"Well..." his mother started to say...

...before there came a muffled sound coming from down the hallway.

"What's that?" asked Will, turning his neck in that direction.

"What's, what?" his mother answered innocently, before turning with a piece of silver tape between her fingers.

Again, there came the sound of...moaning...?


"WLMPH!" Courtney continued to yell, as she began lightly banging the side of her shoulder against the door to the closet. "RMPH!"


Will then heard the sound of rhythmic thumping accompanying the faint muffled noise.

"Okay, I definitely hear it now," the boy said, as he heard the racket coming from down the hall.

"Oh, that's just part of the surprise," his mother assured him, as she quickly held the piece of duct tape up to Will's mouth.

"Surprise?" the perplexed son inquired. "But...MMPH!"

Taken aback somewhat by the speed in which his mother had unceremoniously cut him off, Will watched with wide eyes as his mother obtained two more pieces of duct tape & pressed them firmly over the first, covering his mouth.

"It's part of the magic trick!" his "mother" said with a wink. "You'll see...but we need to make sure you can't speak first."

"Whmph cnmt mmph spkmph?" Will tried to ask, scrunching up his nose as the unfamiliar feeling of the duct tape prevented him from talking clearly.

"Shh..." his mom continued to assure him, as she picked up a light blue handkerchief from the pile on the coffee table, and moved behind where the boy sat on the couch. "Almost finished..."

"Mmph?" Will grunted, as the blue cloth was pulled tightly over his taped mouth, and his mother tied the ends behind his neck.

"There now!" his mother declared, patting the boy on his head. "Now you're gagged...and we can put you in closet!"

"Clsmnt?" Will mumbled through the gag, craning his neck up at his mother; who was rapidly behaving less and less like herself. "Whmph?"

"On your feet, little man!" the woman urged, and Will had little choice as she nudged him off the couch to a wobbling standing position. Wrists bound behind his back, and his ankles tethered together, the son had to hop his way little by little out of the living room and down the hall, as his confounding mother followed closely behind.

It was as Will drew closer to the closet that he could not hear the sound of muffled cries coming from behind the door; accompanied by the dull thudding as the surface of the door shook from something behind it.

His mother walked past the boy and put her hand on the door handle of the closet, turning back to where Will awkwardly stood. "Alright, kid," she said to him. "Time for the big reveal..."

His mother turned the handle, and pulled the closet door open wide...and Will blinked in surprise as he saw a most peculiar sight...


Courtney's eyes adjusted as the light from the hallway suddenly filled the interior closet space...and she groaned in despair at what she saw.

Her son, Will, stood before her...but his arms & legs were now held together by bands of rope; and one of the blue handkerchiefs from the laundry room had been pulled over his mouth to gag him.

When Will saw his mother lying on the closet floor, his eyes nearly bugged out of his head...his gaze darted between the woman he'd presumed to have been his mother holding the door open, and the duplicate on the floor, bound & gagged just as he was now.

"Surprise, kid!" the lady laughed, as she took off the medical mask...and Will slowly realized as he looked at the woman's face, that while she looked remarkably like his mom; clearly this wasn't the same person.

"Whm rm ymph!?" Will tried to say, the duct tape & cloth halting his words.

"Really sorry, kid," the stranger said to the boy, as she lightly gripped him by the shoulder. "But I ain't your mother...I'm just a humble burglar."

"Mmph!" Will yelped, as he was brought inside the closet, and made to sit down on the floor next to his real mom, who began mumbling worriedly through the light purple gag tied around her mouth.

"Rmm ymph alrmpht!?" Courtney murmured to her son; who nodded his head slowly, still shocked by the revelation.

"Don't worry, you two," the burglar assured, as she took out one final length of rope. "The hard part is let's just get both of you situated while I take care of business..."


Over the next hour or so, the kidnapper proceeded to empty the house of the smaller, loose valuables; taking them into the garage & stashing them inside Courtney's van.

Meanwhile, both Courtney & Will remained inside the closet...though this time; the robber had at least left the lightbulb turned on.

"Mmmph! Gmmph!" the mother & her son both grunted, gags still snugly tied over their mouths & muffling their cries.

The burglar had tied them both back-to-back, so they could not see each other...they now faced opposite ends of the closet, their bound legs stretched outwardly, as they struggled against the ropes which now held them together.

"Whmnt dm wmph dmph?" Will mumbled, turning his head while attempting to speak through the blue handkerchief.

"Mnts gnmphing tm bmph rlmnt," Courtney promised her son; being careful to not let her movements pull against her boy too hard.

After a few more minutes, the closet door opened a final time as their captor returned.

"Okay, so we're all loaded up & ready to go," the burglar grinned, dangling Courtney's car keys in front of the mother. "Gonna borrow your ride; hope you don't mind."

"Lmph umph gmph!" Courtney begged to her doppelganger; as her son mumbled a similar request from behind her back.

"No, you both will stay here until the police get here," the robber instructed them. "I'll place an anonymous phone call in a few hours...bye-bye!"

The burglar blew the mother a kiss, before shutting the door...leaving both the mother and her son to yell desperately for help as they heard the sound of the garage door open; and the villainess making her getaway...


True to her word, hours later, the police came knocking at the door to the house.

"Police Department!" a man's loud voice came, echoing through the front door as they forced the door open.

The cops followed the sounds of the muffled family's cries, tracing it to the closet where they found the two of them sitting on the floor...the handkerchiefs that had been used to gag them had now fallen down around their necks; their lips moving beneath the duct tape still plastered over their mouths.

"Easy now," one of the officers muttered, as he stooped over to carefully peel away the duct tape from Courtney's mouth. "What happened here...?"

"Gah!" Courtney breathed, as she took in fresh air. "It was a woman!"

"It was a woman who looked EXACTLY like me....!"
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Mommy's Naughty Boy
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Post by Mommy's Naughty Boy »

That was a great story! I really enjoyed it.
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Post by harveygasson »

Really fun story, great work.
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Post by charliesmith »

Fantastic story. Well written as always @Detective-Gag
Please feel free to read and comment your thoughts.
My ongoing stories:

Roadtrip of Dreams (M/F) Chapter 14 Added.
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Post by TulHakkar »

Detective-Gag wrote: 3 months ago It was the middle of the afternoon, and Courtney was waiting for her young son, Will, to return home from school for the day.

She’d just gotten back from the grocery store, and was busily emptying the bags and putting the various provisions into the pantry. The physically-fit mother had long, thick brown hair, pretty brown eyes, and wore a white button-up blouse & a trendy pink skirt with heels.

As Courtney put the last of the groceries away, she then turned towards the kitchen sink to attend to the dishes…dinner preparations would begin shortly; and she needed to clear the space. Turning on the faucet, she ran hot water to soak some leftover plates from that morning’s breakfast, and then stepped over to the dishwasher to empty out the clean dishes from overnight.

It was as Courtney turned to set some of the clean dishes back on the counter next to the sink, that she was suddenly seized from behind; a hand snaking around the front of her face to clamp down over her mouth, as she felt something press into her back.

“Hmmph…!?” Courtney cried out, the hand pressed over her lips muting the yell from being any louder, as she reactively lifted both her hands from the kitchen counter towards her face.

“Don’t,” warned a voice from just behind her neck…a woman’s voice, curiously…as she felt the object against the small of her back get nudged. “Feel that?”

Courtney froze, and then nodded slightly, her heart racing.

“Turn the sink off,” the intruder ordered, and Courtney lowered her hands so that she could switch the handle of the faucet back to the off position.

Once the sound of running water ceased, the kitchen fell silent. “I’m going to take my hand off of your mouth,” the mysterious woman said, poking her back a final time. “No screaming, and no trying to run away…got it?”

“Mm gmt nmt,” Courtney said through the woman’s hand; and then the fingers fell from her mouth, and the mother felt the object against her back pull away.

“Put your hands in the air,” the female intruder commanded, and Courtney did as she was told; lifting her arms until her empty palms were raised above her head.

“Now turn around,” the lady bid to her, and Courtney slowly turned around…and blinked slowly in surprise & apprehension.

The gun, of course, was the most alarming concern…the feminine figure had the small pistol clutched in her hand; aimed in her direction.

But as Courtney gazed back at the woman who now stood unwelcome in her kitchen, the two of them locked eyes with each other; and there came an awkward moment that was potent enough that it caused the intruder to lower her weapon slightly.

“Huh,” the female stranger muttered. “Well…that’s odd.”

She wore a black long-sleeved sweater, black pants, boots…very much the attire of the sort of unsavory individual one might expect of a burglar or thief.

But as the two of them took in the details of their faces, something became readily apparent…the voluminous, long brown hair…light, unblemished skin…the matching light brown eyes…

This intruder…remarkably looked almost EXACTLY like Courtney!

“Didn’t expect to be robbing myself today,” the intruder mused, as she inspected Courtney’s surprised face as she stared.

“Who…?” Courtney breathed, perplexed. “How…?”

The momentary shock faded, as the adrenaline slowly began to level out…the woman had VERY similar features to Courtney’s own face; but the facial structure was slightly different…slightly more angular to Courtney’s own rounder expression.

Still…from a distance, the female burglar might as well have been her doppelgänger!

Evidently, the intruder also had come to the same conclusion as the mother, as she scrutinized her opponents face. “What, do we go to the same stylist?” she quipped, eyeing Courtney’s hair as she approached her. “Not perfect…but close. VERY close…weird.”

“What are you doing here?” Courtney asked her ringer, keeping her hands raised.

“Thought I already mentioned that; I’m robbing you,” the woman told the mother, gesturing with the gun. “You left your door unlocked when you brought the groceries in…that was a mistake.”

“Please don’t shoot me,” Courtney begged, worry creeping into her voice.

“Relax,” the woman snorted. “Don’t plan on shooting you…that is; as long as you don’t try to go running away.”

The burglar looked around the kitchen, acting as though she was looking for something, as she began opening kitchen drawers while Courtney watched her.

“You got any rope in the house?” the intruder asked, as she proceeded to open each cabinet, keeping the pistol trained in Courtney’s general direction.

“Um…maybe downstairs?” the mother gulped, thinking. “In the back storage area…?”

“Good,” the burglar grunted, as she opened a drawer and took out a roll of silver duct tape. “Just gotta keep you tied up while I do my thing.”

Courtney felt a rising panic. “You don’t have to tie me up,” the mother assured the woman, but remaining where she stood.

Her double laughed. “You kidding me?” she responded. “Lady, I don’t know why you look so much like me…but clearly WE are not on the same page when it comes to burglary.”

She took the roll of tape in one hand, and pointed the pistol towards Courtney with the other. “Now…let’s go down to the basement and get that rope…”

Minutes passed, with the strangely similar-looking woman marching Courtney throughout the house with her hands still raised, forcing her to collect an assortment of materials with which to presumably tie her up with.

First they had fetched the coils of white rope from the basement storage room her husband used to tie down things for transporting in his truck…then, they had gone back upstairs to the first floor, stopping by the laundry room to collect an assortment of folded cloths from the shelves.

Courtney now sat in the living room, mercifully allowed to let her arms lay limply at her sides after having to keep them raised all this time, as she watched the burglar lay out these materials on the table.

“I’m guessing you don’t live alone here,” her villainous doppelgänger said to Courtney after glossing over the supplies. “Big house…but only one car in the driveway.”

“My husband is out of town for the rest of the week on a business trip,” Courtney said to her. “My son…will be coming home from school soon.”

“How old?” the burglar inquired, appearing to think over how best to proceed with this new information.

“He’s ten,” Courtney said. “His name is Will.”

“Hmm…” the burglar pondered.

“Please don’t hurt him,” Courtney pleaded.

“I already told you; nobody is getting hurt,” the woman repeated. “But I need to keep you both out of the way until I can get far enough away…”

The woman seemed to think for a little bit more, and then glanced back at Courtney sitting on the couch. “Go ahead and unbutton that blouse,” she said finally.


“Oh, don’t be like that,” the intruder chided. “I’ve got an idea to take advantage of this…unusual situation.”

Her duplicate looked the mother up and down. “If it goes well, then you and your boy can wait safely together for the police to find you,” she divulged, tapping the pistol in her hand. “Now…first the blouse; and then the skirt…”

After Courtney had removed her blouse, skirt, and heels; the intruder had then used the white rope to secure the mother…now only in her bra & undergarments, Courtney wriggled on the couch uncertainly.

“Well, I’ll be damned,” the burglar muttered, as she buttoned up the blouse, looking herself over in the mirror in the living room. “We’re the same size, too, apparently!”

Now that the hostage had been incapacitated with the ropes, the doppelgänger had then donned Courtney’s clothes…and combined with the astounding similarities of their face & hair; it was almost as if the burglar had BECOME the mother, like something out of a spy movie!

"I can't believe this is happening," Courtney breathed, looking at "herself" standing over her her.

"Hopefully it'll be good enough to fool your son," murmured the burglar, before turning back to face her hostage. "At least until I can get him bound & gagged with you." She placed a finger to her lips thoughtfully. "Maybe we can convince him it's a game."

Courtney was wracked with nerves by the thought...but she also circled back to what her abductor had mentioned. "Wait, bound and GAGGED...?"

"Of course," the woman stated, turning to pick up the roll of duct tape from before. "What, I'm just going to let you go shouting for help...?"

She tore off a piece of tape, pinching it between her fingers before approaching the mother, who began to lean back in the couch apprehensively.

"You don't have to do that, I'll...BMPH QMNT," Courtney tried to reason, before the woman pressed the silver tape over her mouth.

"Can't let you go warning your son, either," the kidnapper explained, as she tore off two more pieces & smoothed them over the first, making sure Courtney's mouth was completely covered.

"Mmph...!" Courtney pleaded, as she watched the burglar turn back to pick up a light purple handkerchief from the coffee table next.

"And just to make sure..." teased the captor, as she took the purple cloth in both hands before striding around the back of the couch where Courtney sat.

"GMPH!" grunted Courtney, as she watched the folded cloth drop down over her face, before being tightly pulled over her taped mouth in an additional gag.

The mother's roped legs kicked out a bit as the kidnapper finished tying the gag in place. "Now...go ahead and stand up," the burglar instructed, helping Courtney lift herself up off the couch cushion.

"Whmph?" the brown-haired woman asked, as she wobbled in place.

"We're going to put you in the closet, out of sight," the woman explained, gripping the mother on either shoulder with her facing away. "Go ahead...hop along now."

Courtney sighed through her nose; but did as she was told...carefully hopping out of the living room & into the hallway, making her way down the corridor with her doppelganger holding her steady until they reached the closet door.

"Good job!" the intruder approved, opening the door to reveal rows of coats hanging on hangers inside the closet. "Now let's get you comfortable..."

The kidnapper then clumsily helped lower Courtney into a sitting position inside the closet, resting her on the cool hardwood floor.

"Ymph cmn't jstmph lvmph mm nm hrmph...!" Courtney mumbled through the gag, as she gazed up at her mirror image standing over her.

The kidnapper seemed to think. "One more thing," she finally said, producing a final white cloth & folding it into a band.

"Nmph! Hlmph...!" Courtney moaned, twisting in the ropes...but unable to prevent the burglar from bending over and tying the white fabric over her eyes in a blindfold. Now the mother sat in darkness, unable to see!

"Try not to make any noise," the kidnapper's voice warned from somewhere in front of her. "Don't want to spoil the fun too early."

"Mmm mmmph hmmph mmph...!" Courtney called back to her through the gag, her head darting left & right in blindness; just before the closet door was slowly closed and locked...


Will was stepping off the school bus some time later, as he watched the vehicle continue down the neighborhood street & around the corner as he walked up in driveway to the house. The boy had short, combed brown hair...same color as his mother...and a navy blue collared shirt & tan cargo shorts. His bookbag was slung over one shoulder as he stepped towards the front porch.

The front door was locked, so he took his housekey out and jingled it in the door.

"Mom, I'm back!" he greeted loudly as he opened the door, and shut it behind him.

Music was playing inside the house; a radio station or playlist blaring some 80's music; so his mom must have already started cleaning up that afternoon; or some other activity.

"Mom...?" he called again, looking around for his mother as he went through the foyer towards the kitchen.

"Oh, hi Will...!" came a lady's voice, amidst the music, in a welcoming, familiar tone. "I'm in the kitchen...!"


Courtney, meanwhile, was rolling around fiercely on the closet floor.

The intruder impersonating her had turned on music somewhere outside the closet, and so the mother had no idea what was transpiring outside past the deafened coatroom that had become her prison.

"Grmmph...mmph!" she grumbled through the gag, the duct tape making it difficult to speak beneath the tight purple gag holding it in place.

The blindfold wasn't helping, either; thought despite the ropes restricting her movements, she'd managed to crawl her way towards the back of the closet, and had begun rubbing the side of her head against one of the heavier winter coats there...slowly, she was starting to slip the blindfold off the top of her head...


"Coming," Will responded to who he presumed to be his mother; oblivious to the struggle that was transpiring on the opposite side of the house.

As the boy exited the foyer and crossed the hallway, he deposited his backpack on the couch in the living room...noting that some objects were sprawled across the long coffee table. Will paused, taking note that it seemed to be a cluster of ropes, and assortment of random rags, and what looked like a roll of tape.

"Weird," he murmured, but continued on to the kitchen to greet his mom.

As he entered, he saw his mother apparently in the middle of cleaning...she wore some black gloves, and was wiping down the kitchen countertops with a spray & cleaning rag.

"How was school?" his mother turned to ask him, sounding a little off...but that might have been due to the cleaning mask she wore over her nose & mouth.

"Same old, same old," Will answered, crossing over to the refrigerator to retrieve a can of soda. "What's going on in the living room?"

"Oh, just clearing out some space," his "mother" said cheerfully, setting aside the cleaning supplies on the counter.

"You alright?" the boy asked, concerned, as he turned to regard his mother; after cracking open the can of soda with a hiss. "You sound...funny."

"Might be catching a cold," his mom said bashfully, lifting some strands of her brown hair out from the front of her face. "Probably want to leave this mask on just to be safe."

The boy looked over at his mom, eyeing her, but then shrugging before taking out his smart phone, and about to head out the door.

"Actually...!" his mother suddenly said, as she cut Will off from leaving at the last moment. "I was cleaning up, and I thought about an old game I used to play when I was younger!"

"Oh..." Will said, as his mom placed a hand on his shoulder & gently plucked his smart phone from his hand. "Uh...what game?"

"Oh, you'll LOVE it...!" she exclaimed, still sounding a little off, as she took him by one hand & began nudging him into the living room.

"Whoah!" Will laughed, trying not to spill the drink in his other hand. "Mom, what's gotten into you!?"

"Just excited, is all!" his mother said happily, as she steered the boy into the living room by the table, sitting him down on the couch while taking his soda can as well, putting it on a coaster.

Again, Will looked at the table where the ropes & other stuff was sitting. "What game?" the son asked, now curious as to the source of his mother's excitement.

The masked woman's brown eyes crinkled in the corners as she picked up a rope & stretched it between her gloved hands. "Ever heard of Harry Houdini...?" she asked.


"Mmmph...mph...thrmph!" Courtney grunted, as she finally was able to fling the blindfold from over her long hair.

Blinking, her eyes adjusted to the dim blackness of the closet, as the captive mother looked down at the ropes encircling her body. Desperately, she began heaving against the bonds constricting her torso, hoping that maybe she could loosen them as she had done the blindfold.

Alas, the knots seemed to remain strong, as the brown-haired mother let out a weary breath through her nostrils; already tired from her exertions thus far.

Worried about her son, however, the mother tilted herself forward, and began dragging herself closer to the closet door. Propping herself up on her knees, she leaned against the door, and attempted to yell through her gag; hoping that her son might hear her!

"Wlmph!" she hummed, mumbling the words through the duct tape & fabric. "Wlmph! Mm nm hrmph...!!"


"Where'd you learn to tie knots like this, Mom?" Will asked, looking down as he saw his "mother" busily securing his ankles together with the length of white rope.

Similar rope had also bound the boy's wrists behind his back; as well as pinning his arms to their sides. Will's mom had mentioned that this "escape" game had been tons of fun when she'd been younger; and apparently, she was VERY good at making it tight!

"Oh, your mother has picked up a thing or two over the years," she replied, giving the knot a final tug before looking up at the boy with a wink.

Will smiled, despite the nagging feeling that his mother was still behaving oddly this afternoon. "Can I try to escape yet?" the boy inquired, attempting to flex against the ropes. "It might take a bit."

"In a minute," his mother assured, before picking up the roll of duct tape that had gone untouched until now. "Just need to put the finishing touch with a gag."

Will tilted his head curiously. "What's a gag?" he asked, watching as his mother tore off a piece of tape.

"It's when someone covers your mouth so you can't speak," his mother explained, ripping off two more strips of the adhesive.

Will frowned. "Is that part of the magician's escape routine?"

"Well..." his mother started to say...

...before there came a muffled sound coming from down the hallway.

"What's that?" asked Will, turning his neck in that direction.

"What's, what?" his mother answered innocently, before turning with a piece of silver tape between her fingers.

Again, there came the sound of...moaning...?


"WLMPH!" Courtney continued to yell, as she began lightly banging the side of her shoulder against the door to the closet. "RMPH!"


Will then heard the sound of rhythmic thumping accompanying the faint muffled noise.

"Okay, I definitely hear it now," the boy said, as he heard the racket coming from down the hall.

"Oh, that's just part of the surprise," his mother assured him, as she quickly held the piece of duct tape up to Will's mouth.

"Surprise?" the perplexed son inquired. "But...MMPH!"

Taken aback somewhat by the speed in which his mother had unceremoniously cut him off, Will watched with wide eyes as his mother obtained two more pieces of duct tape & pressed them firmly over the first, covering his mouth.

"It's part of the magic trick!" his "mother" said with a wink. "You'll see...but we need to make sure you can't speak first."

"Whmph cnmt mmph spkmph?" Will tried to ask, scrunching up his nose as the unfamiliar feeling of the duct tape prevented him from talking clearly.

"Shh..." his mom continued to assure him, as she picked up a light blue handkerchief from the pile on the coffee table, and moved behind where the boy sat on the couch. "Almost finished..."

"Mmph?" Will grunted, as the blue cloth was pulled tightly over his taped mouth, and his mother tied the ends behind his neck.

"There now!" his mother declared, patting the boy on his head. "Now you're gagged...and we can put you in closet!"

"Clsmnt?" Will mumbled through the gag, craning his neck up at his mother; who was rapidly behaving less and less like herself. "Whmph?"

"On your feet, little man!" the woman urged, and Will had little choice as she nudged him off the couch to a wobbling standing position. Wrists bound behind his back, and his ankles tethered together, the son had to hop his way little by little out of the living room and down the hall, as his confounding mother followed closely behind.

It was as Will drew closer to the closet that he could not hear the sound of muffled cries coming from behind the door; accompanied by the dull thudding as the surface of the door shook from something behind it.

His mother walked past the boy and put her hand on the door handle of the closet, turning back to where Will awkwardly stood. "Alright, kid," she said to him. "Time for the big reveal..."

His mother turned the handle, and pulled the closet door open wide...and Will blinked in surprise as he saw a most peculiar sight...


Courtney's eyes adjusted as the light from the hallway suddenly filled the interior closet space...and she groaned in despair at what she saw.

Her son, Will, stood before her...but his arms & legs were now held together by bands of rope; and one of the blue handkerchiefs from the laundry room had been pulled over his mouth to gag him.

When Will saw his mother lying on the closet floor, his eyes nearly bugged out of his head...his gaze darted between the woman he'd presumed to have been his mother holding the door open, and the duplicate on the floor, bound & gagged just as he was now.

"Surprise, kid!" the lady laughed, as she took off the medical mask...and Will slowly realized as he looked at the woman's face, that while she looked remarkably like his mom; clearly this wasn't the same person.

"Whm rm ymph!?" Will tried to say, the duct tape & cloth halting his words.

"Really sorry, kid," the stranger said to the boy, as she lightly gripped him by the shoulder. "But I ain't your mother...I'm just a humble burglar."

"Mmph!" Will yelped, as he was brought inside the closet, and made to sit down on the floor next to his real mom, who began mumbling worriedly through the light purple gag tied around her mouth.

"Rmm ymph alrmpht!?" Courtney murmured to her son; who nodded his head slowly, still shocked by the revelation.

"Don't worry, you two," the burglar assured, as she took out one final length of rope. "The hard part is let's just get both of you situated while I take care of business..."


Over the next hour or so, the kidnapper proceeded to empty the house of the smaller, loose valuables; taking them into the garage & stashing them inside Courtney's van.

Meanwhile, both Courtney & Will remained inside the closet...though this time; the robber had at least left the lightbulb turned on.

"Mmmph! Gmmph!" the mother & her son both grunted, gags still snugly tied over their mouths & muffling their cries.

The burglar had tied them both back-to-back, so they could not see each other...they now faced opposite ends of the closet, their bound legs stretched outwardly, as they struggled against the ropes which now held them together.

"Whmnt dm wmph dmph?" Will mumbled, turning his head while attempting to speak through the blue handkerchief.

"Mnts gnmphing tm bmph rlmnt," Courtney promised her son; being careful to not let her movements pull against her boy too hard.

After a few more minutes, the closet door opened a final time as their captor returned.

"Okay, so we're all loaded up & ready to go," the burglar grinned, dangling Courtney's car keys in front of the mother. "Gonna borrow your ride; hope you don't mind."

"Lmph umph gmph!" Courtney begged to her doppelganger; as her son mumbled a similar request from behind her back.

"No, you both will stay here until the police get here," the robber instructed them. "I'll place an anonymous phone call in a few hours...bye-bye!"

The burglar blew the mother a kiss, before shutting the door...leaving both the mother and her son to yell desperately for help as they heard the sound of the garage door open; and the villainess making her getaway...


True to her word, hours later, the police came knocking at the door to the house.

"Police Department!" a man's loud voice came, echoing through the front door as they forced the door open.

The cops followed the sounds of the muffled family's cries, tracing it to the closet where they found the two of them sitting on the floor...the handkerchiefs that had been used to gag them had now fallen down around their necks; their lips moving beneath the duct tape still plastered over their mouths.

"Easy now," one of the officers muttered, as he stooped over to carefully peel away the duct tape from Courtney's mouth. "What happened here...?"

"Gah!" Courtney breathed, as she took in fresh air. "It was a woman!"

"It was a woman who looked EXACTLY like me....!"
Its perfect i loved it
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Post by BoudBoy22 »

Hey. I loved that Mother and son story. The Best part, their tape gags. Please more like this
Centennial Club
Centennial Club
Posts: 121
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Post by Smythdean »

Fantastic story.
Your detail in gagging is always on point @Detective-Gag
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Post by emca753 »

Detective-Gag wrote: 3 months ago It was the middle of the afternoon, and Courtney was waiting for her young son, Will, to return home from school for the day.

She’d just gotten back from the grocery store, and was busily emptying the bags and putting the various provisions into the pantry. The physically-fit mother had long, thick brown hair, pretty brown eyes, and wore a white button-up blouse & a trendy pink skirt with heels.

As Courtney put the last of the groceries away, she then turned towards the kitchen sink to attend to the dishes…dinner preparations would begin shortly; and she needed to clear the space. Turning on the faucet, she ran hot water to soak some leftover plates from that morning’s breakfast, and then stepped over to the dishwasher to empty out the clean dishes from overnight.

It was as Courtney turned to set some of the clean dishes back on the counter next to the sink, that she was suddenly seized from behind; a hand snaking around the front of her face to clamp down over her mouth, as she felt something press into her back.

“Hmmph…!?” Courtney cried out, the hand pressed over her lips muting the yell from being any louder, as she reactively lifted both her hands from the kitchen counter towards her face.

“Don’t,” warned a voice from just behind her neck…a woman’s voice, curiously…as she felt the object against the small of her back get nudged. “Feel that?”

Courtney froze, and then nodded slightly, her heart racing.

“Turn the sink off,” the intruder ordered, and Courtney lowered her hands so that she could switch the handle of the faucet back to the off position.

Once the sound of running water ceased, the kitchen fell silent. “I’m going to take my hand off of your mouth,” the mysterious woman said, poking her back a final time. “No screaming, and no trying to run away…got it?”

“Mm gmt nmt,” Courtney said through the woman’s hand; and then the fingers fell from her mouth, and the mother felt the object against her back pull away.

“Put your hands in the air,” the female intruder commanded, and Courtney did as she was told; lifting her arms until her empty palms were raised above her head.

“Now turn around,” the lady bid to her, and Courtney slowly turned around…and blinked slowly in surprise & apprehension.

The gun, of course, was the most alarming concern…the feminine figure had the small pistol clutched in her hand; aimed in her direction.

But as Courtney gazed back at the woman who now stood unwelcome in her kitchen, the two of them locked eyes with each other; and there came an awkward moment that was potent enough that it caused the intruder to lower her weapon slightly.

“Huh,” the female stranger muttered. “Well…that’s odd.”

She wore a black long-sleeved sweater, black pants, boots…very much the attire of the sort of unsavory individual one might expect of a burglar or thief.

But as the two of them took in the details of their faces, something became readily apparent…the voluminous, long brown hair…light, unblemished skin…the matching light brown eyes…

This intruder…remarkably looked almost EXACTLY like Courtney!

“Didn’t expect to be robbing myself today,” the intruder mused, as she inspected Courtney’s surprised face as she stared.

“Who…?” Courtney breathed, perplexed. “How…?”

The momentary shock faded, as the adrenaline slowly began to level out…the woman had VERY similar features to Courtney’s own face; but the facial structure was slightly different…slightly more angular to Courtney’s own rounder expression.

Still…from a distance, the female burglar might as well have been her doppelgänger!

Evidently, the intruder also had come to the same conclusion as the mother, as she scrutinized her opponents face. “What, do we go to the same stylist?” she quipped, eyeing Courtney’s hair as she approached her. “Not perfect…but close. VERY close…weird.”

“What are you doing here?” Courtney asked her ringer, keeping her hands raised.

“Thought I already mentioned that; I’m robbing you,” the woman told the mother, gesturing with the gun. “You left your door unlocked when you brought the groceries in…that was a mistake.”

“Please don’t shoot me,” Courtney begged, worry creeping into her voice.

“Relax,” the woman snorted. “Don’t plan on shooting you…that is; as long as you don’t try to go running away.”

The burglar looked around the kitchen, acting as though she was looking for something, as she began opening kitchen drawers while Courtney watched her.

“You got any rope in the house?” the intruder asked, as she proceeded to open each cabinet, keeping the pistol trained in Courtney’s general direction.

“Um…maybe downstairs?” the mother gulped, thinking. “In the back storage area…?”

“Good,” the burglar grunted, as she opened a drawer and took out a roll of silver duct tape. “Just gotta keep you tied up while I do my thing.”

Courtney felt a rising panic. “You don’t have to tie me up,” the mother assured the woman, but remaining where she stood.

Her double laughed. “You kidding me?” she responded. “Lady, I don’t know why you look so much like me…but clearly WE are not on the same page when it comes to burglary.”

She took the roll of tape in one hand, and pointed the pistol towards Courtney with the other. “Now…let’s go down to the basement and get that rope…”

Minutes passed, with the strangely similar-looking woman marching Courtney throughout the house with her hands still raised, forcing her to collect an assortment of materials with which to presumably tie her up with.

First they had fetched the coils of white rope from the basement storage room her husband used to tie down things for transporting in his truck…then, they had gone back upstairs to the first floor, stopping by the laundry room to collect an assortment of folded cloths from the shelves.

Courtney now sat in the living room, mercifully allowed to let her arms lay limply at her sides after having to keep them raised all this time, as she watched the burglar lay out these materials on the table.

“I’m guessing you don’t live alone here,” her villainous doppelgänger said to Courtney after glossing over the supplies. “Big house…but only one car in the driveway.”

“My husband is out of town for the rest of the week on a business trip,” Courtney said to her. “My son…will be coming home from school soon.”

“How old?” the burglar inquired, appearing to think over how best to proceed with this new information.

“He’s ten,” Courtney said. “His name is Will.”

“Hmm…” the burglar pondered.

“Please don’t hurt him,” Courtney pleaded.

“I already told you; nobody is getting hurt,” the woman repeated. “But I need to keep you both out of the way until I can get far enough away…”

The woman seemed to think for a little bit more, and then glanced back at Courtney sitting on the couch. “Go ahead and unbutton that blouse,” she said finally.


“Oh, don’t be like that,” the intruder chided. “I’ve got an idea to take advantage of this…unusual situation.”

Her duplicate looked the mother up and down. “If it goes well, then you and your boy can wait safely together for the police to find you,” she divulged, tapping the pistol in her hand. “Now…first the blouse; and then the skirt…”

After Courtney had removed her blouse, skirt, and heels; the intruder had then used the white rope to secure the mother…now only in her bra & undergarments, Courtney wriggled on the couch uncertainly.

“Well, I’ll be damned,” the burglar muttered, as she buttoned up the blouse, looking herself over in the mirror in the living room. “We’re the same size, too, apparently!”

Now that the hostage had been incapacitated with the ropes, the doppelgänger had then donned Courtney’s clothes…and combined with the astounding similarities of their face & hair; it was almost as if the burglar had BECOME the mother, like something out of a spy movie!

"I can't believe this is happening," Courtney breathed, looking at "herself" standing over her her.

"Hopefully it'll be good enough to fool your son," murmured the burglar, before turning back to face her hostage. "At least until I can get him bound & gagged with you." She placed a finger to her lips thoughtfully. "Maybe we can convince him it's a game."

Courtney was wracked with nerves by the thought...but she also circled back to what her abductor had mentioned. "Wait, bound and GAGGED...?"

"Of course," the woman stated, turning to pick up the roll of duct tape from before. "What, I'm just going to let you go shouting for help...?"

She tore off a piece of tape, pinching it between her fingers before approaching the mother, who began to lean back in the couch apprehensively.

"You don't have to do that, I'll...BMPH QMNT," Courtney tried to reason, before the woman pressed the silver tape over her mouth.

"Can't let you go warning your son, either," the kidnapper explained, as she tore off two more pieces & smoothed them over the first, making sure Courtney's mouth was completely covered.

"Mmph...!" Courtney pleaded, as she watched the burglar turn back to pick up a light purple handkerchief from the coffee table next.

"And just to make sure..." teased the captor, as she took the purple cloth in both hands before striding around the back of the couch where Courtney sat.

"GMPH!" grunted Courtney, as she watched the folded cloth drop down over her face, before being tightly pulled over her taped mouth in an additional gag.

The mother's roped legs kicked out a bit as the kidnapper finished tying the gag in place. "Now...go ahead and stand up," the burglar instructed, helping Courtney lift herself up off the couch cushion.

"Whmph?" the brown-haired woman asked, as she wobbled in place.

"We're going to put you in the closet, out of sight," the woman explained, gripping the mother on either shoulder with her facing away. "Go ahead...hop along now."

Courtney sighed through her nose; but did as she was told...carefully hopping out of the living room & into the hallway, making her way down the corridor with her doppelganger holding her steady until they reached the closet door.

"Good job!" the intruder approved, opening the door to reveal rows of coats hanging on hangers inside the closet. "Now let's get you comfortable..."

The kidnapper then clumsily helped lower Courtney into a sitting position inside the closet, resting her on the cool hardwood floor.

"Ymph cmn't jstmph lvmph mm nm hrmph...!" Courtney mumbled through the gag, as she gazed up at her mirror image standing over her.

The kidnapper seemed to think. "One more thing," she finally said, producing a final white cloth & folding it into a band.

"Nmph! Hlmph...!" Courtney moaned, twisting in the ropes...but unable to prevent the burglar from bending over and tying the white fabric over her eyes in a blindfold. Now the mother sat in darkness, unable to see!

"Try not to make any noise," the kidnapper's voice warned from somewhere in front of her. "Don't want to spoil the fun too early."

"Mmm mmmph hmmph mmph...!" Courtney called back to her through the gag, her head darting left & right in blindness; just before the closet door was slowly closed and locked...


Will was stepping off the school bus some time later, as he watched the vehicle continue down the neighborhood street & around the corner as he walked up in driveway to the house. The boy had short, combed brown hair...same color as his mother...and a navy blue collared shirt & tan cargo shorts. His bookbag was slung over one shoulder as he stepped towards the front porch.

The front door was locked, so he took his housekey out and jingled it in the door.

"Mom, I'm back!" he greeted loudly as he opened the door, and shut it behind him.

Music was playing inside the house; a radio station or playlist blaring some 80's music; so his mom must have already started cleaning up that afternoon; or some other activity.

"Mom...?" he called again, looking around for his mother as he went through the foyer towards the kitchen.

"Oh, hi Will...!" came a lady's voice, amidst the music, in a welcoming, familiar tone. "I'm in the kitchen...!"


Courtney, meanwhile, was rolling around fiercely on the closet floor.

The intruder impersonating her had turned on music somewhere outside the closet, and so the mother had no idea what was transpiring outside past the deafened coatroom that had become her prison.

"Grmmph...mmph!" she grumbled through the gag, the duct tape making it difficult to speak beneath the tight purple gag holding it in place.

The blindfold wasn't helping, either; thought despite the ropes restricting her movements, she'd managed to crawl her way towards the back of the closet, and had begun rubbing the side of her head against one of the heavier winter coats there...slowly, she was starting to slip the blindfold off the top of her head...


"Coming," Will responded to who he presumed to be his mother; oblivious to the struggle that was transpiring on the opposite side of the house.

As the boy exited the foyer and crossed the hallway, he deposited his backpack on the couch in the living room...noting that some objects were sprawled across the long coffee table. Will paused, taking note that it seemed to be a cluster of ropes, and assortment of random rags, and what looked like a roll of tape.

"Weird," he murmured, but continued on to the kitchen to greet his mom.

As he entered, he saw his mother apparently in the middle of cleaning...she wore some black gloves, and was wiping down the kitchen countertops with a spray & cleaning rag.

"How was school?" his mother turned to ask him, sounding a little off...but that might have been due to the cleaning mask she wore over her nose & mouth.

"Same old, same old," Will answered, crossing over to the refrigerator to retrieve a can of soda. "What's going on in the living room?"

"Oh, just clearing out some space," his "mother" said cheerfully, setting aside the cleaning supplies on the counter.

"You alright?" the boy asked, concerned, as he turned to regard his mother; after cracking open the can of soda with a hiss. "You sound...funny."

"Might be catching a cold," his mom said bashfully, lifting some strands of her brown hair out from the front of her face. "Probably want to leave this mask on just to be safe."

The boy looked over at his mom, eyeing her, but then shrugging before taking out his smart phone, and about to head out the door.

"Actually...!" his mother suddenly said, as she cut Will off from leaving at the last moment. "I was cleaning up, and I thought about an old game I used to play when I was younger!"

"Oh..." Will said, as his mom placed a hand on his shoulder & gently plucked his smart phone from his hand. "Uh...what game?"

"Oh, you'll LOVE it...!" she exclaimed, still sounding a little off, as she took him by one hand & began nudging him into the living room.

"Whoah!" Will laughed, trying not to spill the drink in his other hand. "Mom, what's gotten into you!?"

"Just excited, is all!" his mother said happily, as she steered the boy into the living room by the table, sitting him down on the couch while taking his soda can as well, putting it on a coaster.

Again, Will looked at the table where the ropes & other stuff was sitting. "What game?" the son asked, now curious as to the source of his mother's excitement.

The masked woman's brown eyes crinkled in the corners as she picked up a rope & stretched it between her gloved hands. "Ever heard of Harry Houdini...?" she asked.


"Mmmph...mph...thrmph!" Courtney grunted, as she finally was able to fling the blindfold from over her long hair.

Blinking, her eyes adjusted to the dim blackness of the closet, as the captive mother looked down at the ropes encircling her body. Desperately, she began heaving against the bonds constricting her torso, hoping that maybe she could loosen them as she had done the blindfold.

Alas, the knots seemed to remain strong, as the brown-haired mother let out a weary breath through her nostrils; already tired from her exertions thus far.

Worried about her son, however, the mother tilted herself forward, and began dragging herself closer to the closet door. Propping herself up on her knees, she leaned against the door, and attempted to yell through her gag; hoping that her son might hear her!

"Wlmph!" she hummed, mumbling the words through the duct tape & fabric. "Wlmph! Mm nm hrmph...!!"


"Where'd you learn to tie knots like this, Mom?" Will asked, looking down as he saw his "mother" busily securing his ankles together with the length of white rope.

Similar rope had also bound the boy's wrists behind his back; as well as pinning his arms to their sides. Will's mom had mentioned that this "escape" game had been tons of fun when she'd been younger; and apparently, she was VERY good at making it tight!

"Oh, your mother has picked up a thing or two over the years," she replied, giving the knot a final tug before looking up at the boy with a wink.

Will smiled, despite the nagging feeling that his mother was still behaving oddly this afternoon. "Can I try to escape yet?" the boy inquired, attempting to flex against the ropes. "It might take a bit."

"In a minute," his mother assured, before picking up the roll of duct tape that had gone untouched until now. "Just need to put the finishing touch with a gag."

Will tilted his head curiously. "What's a gag?" he asked, watching as his mother tore off a piece of tape.

"It's when someone covers your mouth so you can't speak," his mother explained, ripping off two more strips of the adhesive.

Will frowned. "Is that part of the magician's escape routine?"

"Well..." his mother started to say...

...before there came a muffled sound coming from down the hallway.

"What's that?" asked Will, turning his neck in that direction.

"What's, what?" his mother answered innocently, before turning with a piece of silver tape between her fingers.

Again, there came the sound of...moaning...?


"WLMPH!" Courtney continued to yell, as she began lightly banging the side of her shoulder against the door to the closet. "RMPH!"


Will then heard the sound of rhythmic thumping accompanying the faint muffled noise.

"Okay, I definitely hear it now," the boy said, as he heard the racket coming from down the hall.

"Oh, that's just part of the surprise," his mother assured him, as she quickly held the piece of duct tape up to Will's mouth.

"Surprise?" the perplexed son inquired. "But...MMPH!"

Taken aback somewhat by the speed in which his mother had unceremoniously cut him off, Will watched with wide eyes as his mother obtained two more pieces of duct tape & pressed them firmly over the first, covering his mouth.

"It's part of the magic trick!" his "mother" said with a wink. "You'll see...but we need to make sure you can't speak first."

"Whmph cnmt mmph spkmph?" Will tried to ask, scrunching up his nose as the unfamiliar feeling of the duct tape prevented him from talking clearly.

"Shh..." his mom continued to assure him, as she picked up a light blue handkerchief from the pile on the coffee table, and moved behind where the boy sat on the couch. "Almost finished..."

"Mmph?" Will grunted, as the blue cloth was pulled tightly over his taped mouth, and his mother tied the ends behind his neck.

"There now!" his mother declared, patting the boy on his head. "Now you're gagged...and we can put you in closet!"

"Clsmnt?" Will mumbled through the gag, craning his neck up at his mother; who was rapidly behaving less and less like herself. "Whmph?"

"On your feet, little man!" the woman urged, and Will had little choice as she nudged him off the couch to a wobbling standing position. Wrists bound behind his back, and his ankles tethered together, the son had to hop his way little by little out of the living room and down the hall, as his confounding mother followed closely behind.

It was as Will drew closer to the closet that he could not hear the sound of muffled cries coming from behind the door; accompanied by the dull thudding as the surface of the door shook from something behind it.

His mother walked past the boy and put her hand on the door handle of the closet, turning back to where Will awkwardly stood. "Alright, kid," she said to him. "Time for the big reveal..."

His mother turned the handle, and pulled the closet door open wide...and Will blinked in surprise as he saw a most peculiar sight...


Courtney's eyes adjusted as the light from the hallway suddenly filled the interior closet space...and she groaned in despair at what she saw.

Her son, Will, stood before her...but his arms & legs were now held together by bands of rope; and one of the blue handkerchiefs from the laundry room had been pulled over his mouth to gag him.

When Will saw his mother lying on the closet floor, his eyes nearly bugged out of his head...his gaze darted between the woman he'd presumed to have been his mother holding the door open, and the duplicate on the floor, bound & gagged just as he was now.

"Surprise, kid!" the lady laughed, as she took off the medical mask...and Will slowly realized as he looked at the woman's face, that while she looked remarkably like his mom; clearly this wasn't the same person.

"Whm rm ymph!?" Will tried to say, the duct tape & cloth halting his words.

"Really sorry, kid," the stranger said to the boy, as she lightly gripped him by the shoulder. "But I ain't your mother...I'm just a humble burglar."

"Mmph!" Will yelped, as he was brought inside the closet, and made to sit down on the floor next to his real mom, who began mumbling worriedly through the light purple gag tied around her mouth.

"Rmm ymph alrmpht!?" Courtney murmured to her son; who nodded his head slowly, still shocked by the revelation.

"Don't worry, you two," the burglar assured, as she took out one final length of rope. "The hard part is let's just get both of you situated while I take care of business..."


Over the next hour or so, the kidnapper proceeded to empty the house of the smaller, loose valuables; taking them into the garage & stashing them inside Courtney's van.

Meanwhile, both Courtney & Will remained inside the closet...though this time; the robber had at least left the lightbulb turned on.

"Mmmph! Gmmph!" the mother & her son both grunted, gags still snugly tied over their mouths & muffling their cries.

The burglar had tied them both back-to-back, so they could not see each other...they now faced opposite ends of the closet, their bound legs stretched outwardly, as they struggled against the ropes which now held them together.

"Whmnt dm wmph dmph?" Will mumbled, turning his head while attempting to speak through the blue handkerchief.

"Mnts gnmphing tm bmph rlmnt," Courtney promised her son; being careful to not let her movements pull against her boy too hard.

After a few more minutes, the closet door opened a final time as their captor returned.

"Okay, so we're all loaded up & ready to go," the burglar grinned, dangling Courtney's car keys in front of the mother. "Gonna borrow your ride; hope you don't mind."

"Lmph umph gmph!" Courtney begged to her doppelganger; as her son mumbled a similar request from behind her back.

"No, you both will stay here until the police get here," the robber instructed them. "I'll place an anonymous phone call in a few hours...bye-bye!"

The burglar blew the mother a kiss, before shutting the door...leaving both the mother and her son to yell desperately for help as they heard the sound of the garage door open; and the villainess making her getaway...


True to her word, hours later, the police came knocking at the door to the house.

"Police Department!" a man's loud voice came, echoing through the front door as they forced the door open.

The cops followed the sounds of the muffled family's cries, tracing it to the closet where they found the two of them sitting on the floor...the handkerchiefs that had been used to gag them had now fallen down around their necks; their lips moving beneath the duct tape still plastered over their mouths.

"Easy now," one of the officers muttered, as he stooped over to carefully peel away the duct tape from Courtney's mouth. "What happened here...?"

"Gah!" Courtney breathed, as she took in fresh air. "It was a woman!"

"It was a woman who looked EXACTLY like me....!"
Sexy story, I'll bet you would be good with mommy /son kidnappings as well
Centennial Club
Centennial Club
Posts: 414
Joined: 2 years ago
Location: Canada

Post by Tiengag5 »

Great mom son bondage story.
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