Bondage Monopoly Hazing (F/FFFF) Chapter 6: CONCLUSION

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Bondage Monopoly Hazing (F/FFFF) Chapter 6: CONCLUSION

Post by Misterpinstripesuit »

(Hello. I've lurked here for a while, but here's the first part of a story that I mostly wrote, with a little assistance from ChatGPT.)

The team’s four incoming freshmen - Emma, Grace, Anna, and Courtney - arrive at the location they were sent in the group text for “Freshmen Game Night” on Saturday at 9:00 PM. The text also said they would be playing Monopoly, but with some special rules, and that anyone who didn’t know how to play needed to learn. Anna was the only freshman who had never played before, but the others gave her a crash course two days earlier.

The location was the off-campus house shared by some junior members of the team. Two of them greeted the freshmen when they arrived a few minutes early. They took the girls’ coats and invited them to sit at the small table for four where the game had already been set up.

“Are you guys playing too?” Emma asked. “No,” said one of the juniors. “Just the four of you. We’ll explain in a minute. In the meantime, pick your pieces.”

“Ooh, I want to be the doggie,” Grace said. “Racecar,” Courtney said with enthusiasm. “Iron”, said Emma. “I guess I’ll be the shoe,” Anna decided.

“We’ll get started in a second,” a junior said. “Molly needs to talk to you first.”

Molly was another junior who lived in the house. She was a tall girl, attractive, and knew when to use her size to intimidate people. She was nearly a perfect weight for her size, give or take five pounds. She was not skinny or excessively heavy. In just their short time on campus already, the freshmen girls all noticed Molly had an aura of leadership on the team.

The freshmen waited a few moments. Emma saw Molly first from where she was sitting, and gasped. The others turned and looked. There was Molly walking in with a purpose, and dressed in a full police costume.

“Good evening, girls,” Molly started. “Welcome. Tonight, I am Officer Molly. My housemates will be my lovely assistants, but for you our names are not that important because you won’t be calling us by them.”

“I trust everyone knows how to play,” Molly continued. The freshmen girls all quietly nodded. “Good. Tonight’s game will have some very special rules. First, myself and my housemates are the referees for this game. We control it. Jenna (one of the others) will be the banker. Everything we say goes and all decisions are final.”

“Now for the special rules. My job tonight is to put you four girls in Jail. If you land on the Go To Jail space, or draw a card that says to go to Jail, I will arrest you. When I arrest you, you get these.” A pair of handcuffs dangled from Molly’s hand.

“Whoa,” Anna exclaimed. The others looked at each other with wide eyes and mouths agape.

“Behind your back!” Molly continued. “And I assure you, these are not toys. The real deal. They will stay on you your entire time in Jail. In normal Monopoly, you have a chance to get out by rolling doubles, but we’re not doing that here. When you go to Jail, you lose two turns, and then on the third you pay the bail and get out. You cannot do anything or collect any money when you’re in Jail. You’ll only pay money if you have to.”

“Okay,” Courtney says.

“There’s more,” Molly says. “If you are a repeat offender and go to Jail more than once, we have extra chains and your bail money increases.” Molly is handed a bag by Jenna. She reaches in and more metal clinks throughout the room. Molly has their full attention.

“On your second arrest, you get the handcuffs and the leg irons,” Molly says pulling the new restraint out of the bag.

“Wow,” says Emma.

“The bail for that will be one hundred dollars; it's fifty the first time," Molly says. "Third time: handcuffs, leg irons, and this chain,” pulling out a connector, “which will connect the two as you lay on your stomach. They call it hogcuffing.”

“Whaaaaat?” says Grace, speaking for them all.

“The bail for that is one hundred and fifty dollars,” Molly goes on. “And finally, if you are arrested four times, you are out of the game. When you are eliminated from the game, for either four arrests or for bankruptcy, you will be hogcuffed and,” (reaching into the bag for the final instrument)…“ballgagged.”

The freshmen are stunned. Molly continues. “You will remain that way until the next person is eliminated or goes to Jail. Now, I see some concern on your faces and that’s natural. As an officer of the law, I’m here not only to enforce the rules but to ensure your personal safety. I promise you, you will not be in any physical danger.”

“But, this game could mess with your head a little bit. It will be a test of wills. We all expect you to play this game with the same competitiveness that you display on the court with us, the same drive that made our coaches see something in you. Make…wise…decisions. And at the end, whomever wins will receive a very special prize.” The players all nod and agree.

“A few more quick things and we’ll get started,” Molly said. “First, we also have the right to arrest you any time we want, for any reason. If you make us mad, or violate a rule, or if we just feel like it, I’m locking you up,” she said with a wide chilling smile. Molly was going to have fun tormenting these freshmen, and they could feel it.

“Also, in real Monopoly you go to Jail for rolling doubles three times in a row. Here, it’s two.” Anna had a small verbal reaction of “Oh…”

“And finally,” she said. “I said earlier you don’t need to know our names. That is because you will address us as ‘my ladies’ for the duration of the game. As in, ‘Yes, my ladies’, ‘I understand, my ladies’, ‘Thank you, my ladies’.” She said “thank you” with extra emphasis.

“That starts right now. Does everybody understand the special rules?”

The freshman hesitate for a second before sheepishly saying “Yes, my ladies” but not in harmony.

“Louder, please!” Molly commands.

“Yes, my ladies,” the freshmen say in unison.

“Very well,” Molly says. “It's time to play Bondage Monopoly. Play will start with Emma, then go around to the left. Grace, then Anna, then Courtney.”

All players start the game with $1500. Emma rolls the dice to begin. She rolls a 3 and a 4 for a total of 7. Emma lands on Chance, and draws the card: “Advance to Illinois Avenue.” She buys it for $240.

Grace is next. She rolls a 2 and a 6 for a total of 8. Grace moves her dog gamepiece the 8 spaces to Vermont Avenue, but notices Molly hovering over her.

Grace starts to say what she’ll do with Vermont Avenue. “Okay, I’ll…”

Molly interrupts. “Grace.”


“Move your piece to Jail and put your hands behind your back.” The juniors are deciding to assert their authority right away, to show they mean business tonight.


“I said you are under arrest. Now, hands.”

Grace is surprised, but complies. The other three freshmen can only watch in awe. Molly cuffs Grace, the tightening of the handcuffs the only sound in the room.

“W-why?” Grace asks.

“Because we said so,” Molly answers. “Don’t worry, you won’t be the only one. Now, thank us.”

“Thank you?” Grace responds.

“Yes. Now.”

“Uh…Oh, okay. Thank you for, um, handcuffing me?”

"Grace, dear, let's try that again with a bit more sincerity, shall we? And remember to address us as 'my ladies'. Now, say it like you mean it.”

Grace: "Okay...uh, thank you, my ladies, for handcuffing me.”

"Much better. Now, let's proceed. Anna, your turn."

Anna also rolls an 8, a 5 and 3. She lands on Vermont Avenue and buys it for $100.

Courtney also rolls an 8 to land on Vermont Avenue and owe Anna $6 rent.

Status after Round 1:
Emma: $1260 (owns Illinois Avenue)
Grace: $1500 (handcuffed in Jail, losing next two turns)
Anna: $1406 (owns Vermont Avenue)
Courtney: $1494 (currently on Vermont Avenue)

Emma rolls a 7. She lands on Pacific Avenue and buys it for $300.

Since Grace is handcuffed in Jail, it’s Anna’s turn. Anna rolls a 7 and lands on the Pennsylvania Railroad. She declines to buy it, not seeing much value in the railroads, perhaps to due to her inexperience with the game. It is put up for auction between Emma and Courtney; Grace is ineligible because she is in Jail. Courtney bids $50. Emma passes, so Courtney gets Pennsylvania Railroad for a bargain, right before she rolls.

Courtney rolls a 9. She lands on Community Chest and draws Advance To Go, Collect $200.

Status after Round 2:
Emma: $960 (owns Illinois and Pacific Avenues, on Pacific)
Grace: $1500 (handcuffed in Jail, losing one more turn)
Anna: $1406 (owns Vermont Avenue; on Pennsylvania Railroad)
Courtney: $1644 (owns Pennsylvania Railroad; on Go)

Before Emma's turn, she asks Grace if she's okay and Grace says yes. "How do they feel?" Emma asks about the handcuffs.

"They pinch a little," Grace responds. "I can definitely feel them. I've never been like this before."

Emma rolls an eight and lands on Boardwalk! “Yes!” Emma reacts. She buys it for $400. It feels the first big moment of the game that doesn't involve Jail.

Grace has to skip her second turn of this Jail term. “So far this is great,” Grace remarks. “Everybody’s getting stuff.”

"Grace, hush," a junior says. "You're serving your time, so no complaining.”

Grace mutters, “I'm missing out on everything..."

"One more word, Grace, and we'll pull out that ballgag,” Molly threatens. "Then you'll be quiet."

After an awkward silence, Anna rolls a 10: a 4 and 6. She lands on B&O Railroad. This time, she buys the railroad for $200.

Courtney rolls an 8 (3 and 5). She lands on Vermont Avenue and again owes Anna $6 rent.

Status update after Round 3
Emma: $560 (owns: Illinois Avenue, Pacific Avenue, Boardwalk)
Grace: $1500 (handcuffed in Jail, getting out this turn)
Anna: $1212 (owns Vermont Avenue and B&O Railroad)
Courtney: $1638 (owns Pennsylvania Railroad)

Emma had the most eventful first lap around the board by far. She has the most properties and least money of anyone. Now she rolls a 6 (2 and 4). She passes Go to collect $200. She lands on Reading Railroad and buys it for $200, so her cash total does not change as she adds the Railroad to her assets.

It is Grace’s turn. The juniors address her sternly because she was mouthy before. They release her, and require her to thank them. "Grace, your time in Jail is up. Remember to mind your manners.”

Grace nods nervously. "Thank you for releasing me, my ladies. I'll behave, I promise." Grace pays her $50 bail to the Free Parking jackpot. She rolls a 5 and lands on Pennsylvania Railroad, owing Courtney $25 rent.

Anna rolls a 7, and lands on North Carolina Avenue. She buys it for $300 to off-set Emma’s Pacific Avenue, so they both have one of the green properties now.

Courtney rolls an 11. She lands on New York Avenue and buys it for $200.

Status after Round 4
Emma: $560 (Illinois Ave., Pacific Ave., Boardwalk, Reading Railroad)
Grace: $1425 (no properties, currently on Pennsylvania RR)
Anna: $912 (Vermont Ave., B&O Railroad, North Carolina Avenue)
Courtney: $1463 (Pennsylvania Railroad, New York Avenue)

The jackpot for landing on Free Parking is $50.

(I have the entire game played and mostly written, so I'll post the later parts in the near future as I get them formatted properly. Stay tuned - this gets VERY dramatic and powerful.)
Last edited by Misterpinstripesuit 2 months ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Monopoly has spread like a wildfire since my own story. This one could get interesting, although some of the dynamics are a bit strange.
CGC Short Stories (F+f+/F+f+): viewtopic.php?f=8&t=20527
Find my other CGC Stories in the same link above!

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Post by Misterpinstripesuit »

(Each installment will have at least one arrest scene and escalating tension and strategy. This has two arrest scenes. Things are starting to simmer.)

The next round starts with Emma rolling a 9. She lands on Virginia Avenue, and declines to buy it because of her low cash amount compared to the others. The property goes to auction amongst the other three. Anna bows out after one bid, then Courtney and Grace raise the bids up to $160, the original value of Virginia Avenue. Courtney doesn't want to go any higher, so Grace takes ownership of it for her first buy of the game.

“She might have gone higher. You could have made her spend more,” Emma says to Courtney, who shrugs.

Grace rolls next. The first die shows a 1, and the second die shows a 5. She lands on Kentucky Avenue and buys it for $220.

Anna goes next and lands on Boardwalk. She owes Emma $50 rent.

Courtney lands on Atlantic Avenue and buys it for $260.

Status after Round 5
Emma: $610 (Illinois, Pacific, Boardwalk, Reading RR)
Grace: $1045 (Virginia, Kentucky)
Anna: $862 (Vermont, North Carolina, B&O RR)
Courtney: $1203 (New York, Atlantic, Pennsylvania RR)

Emma rolls a 9 again. She lands on Indiana Avenue and buys it for $220. She is very low on cash but now has two red properties, though Grace has the other. Perhaps they can work out a trade later.

Grace rolls a 6 (4 and 2). She lands on Ventnor Avenue and buys it for $260.

Anna rolls 8 (5 and 3). She passes Go to collect $200, but lands on Chance. She draws the card and it says Go Directly To Jail.

"Oh no,” Anna reacts emphatically, with a nervous smile. “It says go to Jail!"

“That’s a tough break, Anna,” Molly declares, walking behind Anna’s chair. "Put your hands behind your back.”

“Oh my God, I’ve never been handcuffed before,” she says as Molly applies them. Anna notices the chain is very short and her arms cannot extend. “Wow, I can’t do anything here.”

“That is the point of them. Cops use them for a reason,” Molly says. “You’ll get through it just like Grace did. Now, dear, it's time for you to show some gratitude.”

Anna: “Oh…um, thank you for... handcuffing me, my ladies.”

“You all need to get better at that, by the way,” Molly says to the group.

Courtney is next. She rolls a 2 and 4, landing on North Carolina Avenue, which is owned by Anna. However, Anna cannot collect the rent because she is in Jail.

“Aw, come on,” Anna reacts.

“Anna, hush. You’re serving your time,” a junior says. “That’s the rule.”

Courtney teases her by extending the rent money toward Anna. “Want this? What’s the matter, can’t reach it?” Anna sticks her tongue out at Courtney.

Status after Round 6
Emma: $390 (Illinois, Indiana, Pacific, Boardwalk, Reading RR)
Grace: $785 (Virginia, Kentucky, Ventnor)
Anna: $1062 (Vermont, North Carolina, B&O RR), handcuffed in Jail for the next two turns
Courtney: $1203 (New York, Atlantic, Pennsylvania RR)

Emma rolls a 7 and lands on Go To Jail. However, since they only have one set of restraints and Anna is already in Jail, Emma is spared this time and the juniors say she can remain out.

Emma: "Phew, lucky break!”

Anna: "What?! This is so unfair!”

Molly: "Anna, enough! You’ve earned yourself an extra turn in Jail for that outburst. And I’m getting tired of you little girls whining. Emma, don't think you're off the hook. Your time will come."

With tensions high in the room, Grace rolls. She lands on Pennsylvania Avenue and declines to buy it because the green properties are already split between Anna and Emma. Anna is ineligible to buy it, and Courtney is also uninterested. Emma gets it cheap for $25. Anna stews, silently

Anna’s first of three lost turns passes. Courtney rolls a 9, and passes Go to collect $200. She lands on Mediterranean Avenue, which she doesn’t buy and no one makes a bid for. The juniors are appalled at the lack of action and say this would be a criminal offense if Anna wasn’t already in Jail. They warn Emma and Courtney, who haven’t gone to Jail yet, that it is in their near future and order them to acknowledge that they understand. They say yes.

“Yes, what?”

Emma picks up on the cue. “Yes, my ladies, we understand,” she says.

“Very good. Now, Emma, you may roll.”

Status after Round 7
Emma: $365 (Illinois, Indiana, Pacific, Pennsylvania, Boardwalk, Reading RR)
Grace: $785 (Virginia, Kentucky, Ventnor)
Anna: $1062 (Vermont, North Carolina, B&O RR), handcuffed in Jail for the next two turns
Courtney: $1403 (New York, Atlantic, Pennsylvania RR)

Emma lands on Chance, and draws Advance To Nearest Utility. She passes Go to collect $200. It is the Electric Company. She has no interest in the utility and would rather save her money, so she declines to buy it. That puts the utility up for auction between Grace and Courtney, with an unspoken understanding that someone better buy it or incur the wrath of the juniors. Grace bids $25 and Courtney bows out.

Grace rolls a 8 (3 and 5). She passes Go to collect $200. She lands on Community Chest and draws Life Insurance Matures, Collect $100.

“Nice,” Grace says. “Three hundred bucks.”

Skipping over Anna for the second time, Courtney rolls a 10 and lands on St. Charles Place. She declines to buy it. Grace bids $100 for it, and Emma declines. Grace now has two of the purple properties.

Status after Round 8
Emma: $565 (Illinois, Indiana, Pacific, Pennsylvania, Boardwalk, Reading RR)
Grace: $960 (Virginia, St. Charles, Kentucky, Ventnor, Electric Company)
Anna: $1062 (Vermont, North Carolina, B&O RR), handcuffed in Jail for one more turn
Courtney: $1403 (New York, Atlantic, Pennsylvania RR)

Emma rolls an 8 to land on Free Parking to collect the jackpot of $50 from Free Parking.

Grace is the first player in the game to roll doubles: a 4 and a 4 for an 8. Normally she would be in danger of going to Jail for rolling doubles consecutively, but she is immune this time since Anna remains in. However, she landed on Just Visiting and the juniors have an idea. They stop Grace’s turn and direct Grace to “go visit” Anna in Jail.

“Visit her? What do you mean?” Grace asks.

“I’m not a total monster,” Molly says. “I allow my inmates to have visitors. You two go in the next room and you can visit until it’s Grace’s turn again.” The two freshmen girls do so with confused looks on their faces.

Grace: “What are we supposed to do here?”

Anna: “I don’t know. Just talk, I guess.”

Grace: “This is a little intense, isn’t it?”

Anna: “Yeah. You think?”

Grace: “I got sent to Jail on my first turn, for nothing! Look at my wrists.” Grace shows Anna the pink impressions on her wrists from when she was handcuffed earlier.

Anna: “Oh God! And mine are gonna be worse because they gave me extra time, and what for? You can’t speak when you’re getting ripped off?”

Grace: “Tell me about it. We’re the only two who have been in Jail so far. Those two better get theirs.”

Anna: “I guess they will. I don’t think they’re playing favorites.”

Grace: “You doing okay? You’ve been in those a while now.”

Anna: “They sting. But Molly was right about one thing; we’ll survive.

Grace: (whispering) “What’s the deal with her?”

Anna: “I think she’s a Criminal Justice major.”

Grace: “Or a dominatrix in training.”

Meanwhile, the other players wait for Grace's turn to come around again, unaware of the conversation happening in the adjacent room.

Courtney rolls a 5, and lands on St. James Place. She buys it for $180 to give her two orange properties, with the vacant Tennessee Avenue still available.

Status after Round 9
Emma: $615 (Illinois, Indiana, Pacific, Pennsylvania, Boardwalk, Reading RR)
Grace: $960 (Virginia, St. Charles, Kentucky, Ventnor, Electric Company)
Anna: $1062 (Vermont, North Carolina, B&O RR), handcuffed in Jail but getting out this turn
Courtney: $1223 (New York, St. James, Atlantic, Pennsylvania RR)

Emma lands on Ventnor Avenue and owes Grace $22 rent. The upperclassmen bark that visiting hours are over so Grace and Anna need to come back to the board. Grace collects her payment from Emma.

Grace rolls and 9 and lands on New York Avenue. She owes Courtney $16 rent.

It’s finally time for Anna to be released from Jail. She is uncuffed and rubs her pink wrists, and is ordered to thank the juniors. "Thank you for releasing me, my ladies,” she says. Anna pays $50 to Free Parking as bail.

Anna rolls a 7 to land on Community Chest. She’s praying the card doesn’t send her back to Jail as the Chance card did, but instead it says Receive For Services $25. Anna breathes a sigh of relief, and also gets half of her bail money back.

For the first time in the game, boxcars is rolled as Courtney gets a 12. She lands on Water Works and buys it for $150. Courtney rolls again since she got doubles. The first die shows a 3, and the second die shows a 3, resulting in doubles once more.

The upperclassmen react with glee. “Back-to-back doubles, Courtney,” Molly says. “That means you're under arrest!”

"Oh, right, I forgot about that.”

“Hands,” Molly says from behind Courtney, who complies. “These handcuffs are starting to get a lot of use from you criminals. Now, Courtney, let's remember our etiquette.”

“Yes, um, thank you for... handcuffing me, my ladies,” Courtney says, somewhat sheepishly.

Status after Round 10
Emma: $593 (Illinois, Indiana, Pacific, Pennsylvania, Boardwalk, Reading RR)
Grace: $946 (Virginia, St. Charles, Kentucky, Ventnor, Electric Company)
Anna: $1037 (Vermont, North Carolina, B&O RR)
Courtney: $1089 (New York, St. James, Atlantic, Pennsylvania RR, Water Works), handcuffed in Jail for next two turns
Last edited by Misterpinstripesuit 2 months ago, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by hafnermg »

I love games like these!
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Post by Misterpinstripesuit »

(Coming up: Someone gets extra punishment. Personalities of the freshmen players are developing as the game heats up. The upperclassmen enact more rules, and some of the players start building houses.)

Emma rolls a 7 and advances to Pennsylvania Avenue, which she already owns.

Grace lands on Ventnor Avenue, which she already owns. “Boring!” says one junior. The upperclassmen are getting restless at the inactivity of the last two turns and warn the players. The freshmen exchange nervous glances, wondering how they’re supposed to control the dice.

Anna lands on B&O Railroad, which she owns. The juniors are frustrated this has happened on three straight turns, so they order all players except Courtney to pay a $50 fine to Free Parking. They protest but are told to hush.

Courtney is in Jail, so her turn is skipped.

Status after Round 11
Emma: $543 (Illinois, Indiana, Pacific, Pennsylvania, Boardwalk, Reading RR)
Grace: $896 (Virginia, St. Charles, Kentucky, Ventnor, Electric Company)
Anna: $987 (Vermont, North Carolina, B&O RR)
Courtney: $1089 (New York, St. James, Atlantic, Pennsylvania RR, Water Works), handcuffed in Jail for the next turn

The Free Parking jackpot is now $200.

Emma rolls a 6 to land on Go and collect $200. She’s fined another $50 for inactivity.

Grace rolls an 8 and lands on Short Line Railroad. Feeling pressure from the juniors, she buys it for $200. All players now own one Railroad.

Anna lands on North Carolina Avenue, which she owns. Facing another $50 fine, she asks to re-roll. The upperclassmen huddle and make a decision. “Okay, Anna, we'll give you another chance, but it comes with a risk. If you roll a 5, or if you land on Community Chest and the card says Go To Jail, we will let Courtney out with no bail and put you in. And since it would be your second arrest, that means two restraints.”

“We can do that?” Emma asks. “We’re allowing it this time,” Molly says. “Sometimes if you ask, you shall receive. But not always.”

Anna agrees nervously and proceeds to roll the dice again. She gets a 10 (4 and 6), landing on Grace’s Short Line Railroad. Anna owes Grace $25 rent. She’s very happy she avoided Jail and only lost $25 instead of the $50 fine for landing on her own property. Anna senses some dirty looks coming her way. “Sorry, guys,” she says. “No, you’re not,” Emma responds.

“Getting a little bit testy in here,” says one junior. “We love it.”

Status after Round 12
Emma: $693 (Illinois, Indiana, Pacific, Pennsylvania, Boardwalk, Reading RR)
Grace: $721(Virginia, St. Charles, Kentucky, Ventnor, Electric Company, Short Line RR)
Anna: $962 (Vermont, North Carolina, B&O RR)
Courtney: $1089 (New York, St. James, Atlantic, Pennsylvania RR, Water Works), handcuffed in Jail but getting out this turn

Emma lands on Vermont Avenue and owes Anna $6 rent.

Grace passes Go to collect $200. She lands on Baltic Avenue, and declines to buy it. The upperclassmen decide not to have an auction for it. Instead, they assign the property to Anna for $40, as punishment for her cutting a $50 loss to $25 on her last turn.

"But I... okay, I'll take it,” Anna says. She then rolls a 6 to pass Go and collect $200, but also land on Mediterranean Avenue, which went unclaimed earlier so Anna buys it for $60. Suddenly, Anna has acquired the first monopoly of the game.

“Yes! Now I can build something,” Anna reacts. She buys one house on Baltic and Mediterranean for $50 each. "Glad they made you take Baltic Avenue now, huh?” Grace says.

Courtney is released from Jail and the handcuffs. "Thank you for releasing me, my ladies,” she says. Courtney pays $50 bail to Free Parking.

“Did everyone notice Courtney served her time without complaining?” Molly says to the group. “And she thanked us properly. That was well done. Now, you may roll.”

Hoping for an 8 to get a monopoly on the orange properties or a 10 to land on Free Parking, Courtney instead rolled a 9 and lands on New York Avenue, which she owns. “Additional $25 fine, Courtney,” says an upperclassman.

“Aw, man!” Courtney says as she pays it.

Status after Round 13
Emma: $687 (Illinois, Indiana, Pacific, Pennsylvania, Boardwalk, Reading RR)
Grace: $921(Virginia, St. Charles, Kentucky, Ventnor, Electric Company, Short Line RR)
Anna: $962 (Vermont, North Carolina, Mediterranean with one house, Baltic with one house, B&O RR)
Courtney: $1014 (New York, St. James, Atlantic, Pennsylvania RR, Water Works)

The Free Parking jackpot is now $325.

Molly announces they will be taking a short break because she has an idea to discuss with the other juniors. She looks at her watch and says play will resume ten minutes from now at exactly 10:19, not 10:20. “Anyone who is not ready at 10:19 will face additional penalties. And don’t forget to thank us for giving you a break.”

"Thank you, my ladies,” the freshmen all say.

During the break, the freshmen gather in one group while the upperclassmen converse among themselves.

Anna: "Can you guys believe this?” They all shake their heads. “Certainly not what I expected,” Grace says.

Emma: “No one’s even close to winning. This is gonna take all night.”

Courtney: “They said it’s a test. Endurance, I guess, is part of it.”

“So says Molly’s new pet,” Grace says with a smirk. “ ‘Hey everyone, Courtney did everything right. You guys suck.’ ”

Courtney: “I don’t know, I just did what they said. Then they gave me an extra fine.”

Emma: “For twenty-five instead of fifty. I haven’t been in Jail yet, and I even landed on it once.”

Anna: “It’s coming. It better.”

The juniors have their own conversation.

“They’re starting to catching on to the rules.”

"I like these girls. They have a good energy about them.”

Molly: "Agreed. But they have a lot more coming they don’t know about yet. So, I have an idea…”

They all re-convene and are ready to play at 10:19. "Alright, we talked during the break and we have a special announcement,” Molly announces. “Since each of you owns one Railroad, we're going to spice things up. Whoever rolls the highest number in the next turn will take possession of all four Railroads.”

“Whoa, cool,” Grace says.

“Someone’s about to get a good deal,” Courtney adds.

Emma rolls first and gets an 11. "Yes, 11! Beat that!” she reacts. Emma lands on New York Avenue and owes Courtney $16 rent, but is happy anyway because of her big number. She knows having the four Railroads could pay off greatly in the long run.

Grace rolls a 7 and lands on Just Visiting again, but no one is in Jail. People’s eyes gravitate toward Emma. “Now there is,” Molly says.

“Aw, no,” Emma says.

“Yes,” Molly says. “You know what to do by now.” Emma places her hands behind her back, and Molly cuffs them.

"Thank you for... arresting me, my ladies,” Emma says. She’s then sent with Grace to the adjacent room for a visit.

“So what we do now?” Emma asks Grace.

“Just chill for a bit. It’s funny, you were just saying you hadn’t been in Jail yet.

“Guess I jinxed myself.”

Out in the game room, Anna rolls a 7. She lands on Vermont Avenue again, which she owns. The juniors let it go with a warning this time because of the contest currently going on. Anna breathes a sigh of relief, grateful for the leniency. “Thank you, my ladies,” she says without being instructed.

Courtney rolls another 7 to land on Atlantic Avenue, which she owns and gets a $50 fine because now the contest is over.

“Why are you fining me when you just let Anna get away with the same thing?"

"Because we said so. Rules are rules, Courtney. Pay the fine."

Courtney begrudgingly pays the $50 fine. Anna sees this as an indication that the juniors have no favorite. The rules are being changed and enforced totally on the fly.

Emma and Grace are called out from the visiting room. The upperclassmen say Emma rolled highest in the last turn, so she will gain ownership of all four Railroads when she is released from Jail.

Status after Round 14
Emma: $671 (Illinois, Indiana, Pacific, Pennsylvania, Boardwalk, Reading RR), handcuffed in Jail for next two turns and will gain three more Railroads after her release
Grace: $921 (Virginia, St. Charles, Kentucky, Ventnor, Electric Company, Short Line RR)
Anna: $962 (Vermont, North Carolina, Mediterranean with one house, Baltic with one house, B&O RR)
Courtney: $980 (New York, St. James, Atlantic, Pennsylvania RR, Water Works)

The Free Parking jackpot is now $375.

Emma loses her first turn. Grace rolls a 4 and a 6, and the ten lands her on Free Parking! “Jackpot!” Grace says. She collects the $375.

Anna lands on Pennsylvania Railroad. She pays $25 rent to Courtney instead of $200 to Emma because Emma because hasn’t taken ownership of the four Railroads yet.

Courtney rolls an 8. She lands on Emma’s Pennsylvania Avenue. Emma reacts that she’s missing out on a lot of money here while she’s in Jail, and is told to hush.

Status after Round 15
Emma: $671 (Illinois, Indiana, Pacific, Pennsylvania, Boardwalk, Reading RR), handcuffed in Jail for next turn and will gain three more Railroads after her release
Grace: $1296 (Virginia, St. Charles, Kentucky, Ventnor, Electric Company, Short Line RR)
Anna: $937 (Vermont, North Carolina, Mediterranean with one house, Baltic with one house, B&O RR)
Courtney: $1005 (New York, St. James, Atlantic, Pennsylvania RR, Water Works)

Grace rolls double 3s and lands on Atlantic Avenue. She owes Courtney $22 rent. Her second roll is a 7. Grace collects $100 from the Community Chest. “Oh, yeah,” she says.

Anna rolls a 10 to land on B&O Railroad, which she still owns until Emma gets out of Jail. Emma rolls her eyes silently.

Courtney rolls a 5 and lands on Boardwalk, and yet again Emma cannot collect rent. Emma exclaims “oh my God!” and says to Grace that Grace landing on Just Visiting has cost Emma over $500.

The upperclassmen like the feistiness of the freshmen and say to use it on the court when they all play together.

Status after Round 16
Emma: $671 (Illinois, Indiana, Pacific, Pennsylvania, Boardwalk, Reading RR), handcuffed in Jail but getting out this turn and gaining three more Railroads after her release
Grace: $1374 (Virginia, St. Charles, Kentucky, Ventnor, Electric Company, Short Line RR)
Anna: $937 (Vermont, North Carolina, Mediterranean with one house, Baltic with one house, B&O RR)
Courtney: $1005 (New York, St. James, Atlantic, Pennsylvania RR, Water Works)

Emma is released from the handcuffs and Jail. She pays $50 to Free Parking, but with her temper short, she thanks the juniors with heavy sarcasm. “Oh, thank you sooo much, my ladies.”

There is another uncomfortable silence in the room. Molly speaks after a few seconds.

“Emma, you’re under arrest again for disrespect.”


“This is not an extension. It is a new charge, which means a second restraint is added.” They had planned to use leg irons, but choose instead to make Emma quiet and make good on their earlier threats and use the ballgag.

Angry, Emma gets handcuffed again. Molly approaches her with the gag and Emma won’t open her mouth.

“Come on, Em,” Anna says.

“Just get it over with,” Courtney says. “Don’t make it worse.”

“Fine,” Emma says, and opens wide.

Grace has the dice. She can’t believe her eyes, looking at the red ball lodged into Emma’s mouth and fastened. “Wow,” she softly says and rolls. It’s a 7 to land on Go and collect $200. The players wait for a sanction, but the upperclassmen let it slide since tensions are high.

Anna rolls a 9 to land on Emma’s Pennsylvania Avenue, but Emma can’t do anything except shake her head and breathe heavily. In her mind, she’s adding the missed rent to the total of money she’s lost while being in Jail.

“What’s the matter, Emma?” Courtney playfully taunts as she prepares to roll the dice next. “I didn’t catch that.”

“This one’s a smart aleck,” one junior says about Courtney. She rolls a 10 and lands on Connecticut Avenue. Courtney buys it for $120.

Status after Round 17
Emma: $621 (Illinois, Indiana, Pacific, Pennsylvania, Boardwalk, Reading RR), handcuffed and ballgagged in Jail for one more turn and gaining three more Railroads after her release
Grace: $1574 (Virginia, St. Charles, Kentucky, Ventnor, Electric Company, Short Line RR)
Anna: $937 (Vermont, North Carolina, Mediterranean with one house, Baltic with one house, B&O RR)
Courtney: $1085 (New York, St. James, Atlantic, Connecticut, Pennsylvania RR, Water Works)

Emma loses her second turn of this second stint in Jail. Grace rolls an 8, landing on Vermont Avenue and owing $6 rent to Anna.

Anna rolls snake eyes, a 2. She lands on Chance and draws Get Out Of Jail Free. She jokes she could have used it earlier, or that Emma could use it now. She playfully nudges Emma, who responds with a muffled sound from behind the ballgag.

Anna rolls again and gets a 7. She passes Go to collect $200. She lands on her Baltic Avenue. She builds another house on Baltic and Mediterranean to not incur the wrath of the upperclassmen. The houses cost $50 each.

Rolling for Courtney. The first die shows a 2, and the second die shows a 4.

Courtney lands on Pennsylvania Railroad. Again, Emma cannot collect. Her two arrests have cost her over $800.

Status after Round 18
Emma: $621 (Illinois, Indiana, Pacific, Pennsylvania, Boardwalk, Reading RR), handcuffed and ballgagged in Jail but getting out this turn and gaining three more Railroads after her release
Grace: $1568 (Virginia, St. Charles, Kentucky, Ventnor, Electric Company, Short Line RR)
Anna: $1043 (Vermont, North Carolina, Mediterranean with two houses, Baltic with two houses, B&O RR)
Courtney: $1085 (New York, St. James, Atlantic, Connecticut, Pennsylvania RR, Water Works)

Now it’s time for Emma to be released, but before that is done, the upperclassmen tell her they don’t want to hear any more lip except to be properly thanked and appreciated. Emma nods, understanding the terms of her release, and awaits her freedom.

Emma is released from the handcuffs and ballgag. With a relieved sigh, she says, “Thank you, my ladies, for... for releasing me.” Emma rubs her wrists, grateful for the removal of the restraints.

”You’re welcome. What else, Emma?”

Emma: "Thank you for the... valuable lessons I've learned... during my time in Jail. I appreciate it."

Molly isn't sure Emma means it, but she accepts the gratitude. “Very well. Pay $100 for your bail, and you may roll.” Emma does so. She rolls a 7 and lands on Chance. She draws Advance To Go, Collect $200. Emma breathes a sigh of relief and feels back in the game after a long time in Jail.

Grace rolls a 5 and lands on States Avenue. She buys it for $140 to give her a monopoly on the purple properties, plus the Electric Company.

“Yes! Anyone who turns that corner is going to owe me money!” She already has the highest bankroll, and her position is getting stronger as she spends a total of $300 for one house on each of the purples.

The upperclassmen say they like Grace’s trash talk and that the game is getting good. Anna jokingly asks if they’re sure they don’t want to put Grace in Jail. There’s an awkward pause. They tell Anna that making such a suggestion to them was an arrestable offense, so she has to surrender her Get Out Of Jail Free card. Anna reluctantly groans and hands it over, then she rolls a 6. She lands on Connecticut Avenue and owes Courtney $8 rent.

Courtney lucks out a rolls a 3 to land on Tennessee Avenue. She pumps her fist and buys it for $180 to gain a monopoly on the orange properties. She builds one house on New York Avenue for $100.

Status after Round 19
Emma: $721 (Illinois, Indiana, Pacific, Pennsylvania, Boardwalk, all four Railroads)
Grace: $1128 (Virginia with one house, St. Charles with one house, States with one house, Kentucky, Ventnor, Electric Company)
Anna: $1035 (Vermont, North Carolina, Mediterranean with two houses, Baltic with two houses)
Courtney: $805 (New York with one house, St. James, Tennessee, Atlantic, Connecticut, Water Works)

Everyone has one monopoly now except Emma, who has two reds, two greens, Boardwalk, so she still has a chance to get one. She grits her teeth, feeling the pressure of falling behind, but remains determined to turn the game around.
Last edited by Misterpinstripesuit 2 months ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Misterpinstripesuit »

(More restraints come out as a player flirts with disqualification. The juniors make up some new rules to create monopolies and move the game along. Tension rises and is only getting higher.)

Emma rolls double 2s resulting in a total of 4. She lands on Income Tax and owes $200 to Free Parking, which is now at $350, all of it coming from Emma.

"Emma, all your money’s going to the middle,” one of the juniors says. “You’re gonna need to land on it.” Emma just nods, and prepares to roll again, badly hoping she doesn’t get doubles again and go to Jail a third time. She throws a 9 and lands on States Avenue with one house. She owes $50 rent to Grace, and feels the pressure mounting.

Before Grace rolls, she offers Emma a trade. Kentucky Avenue, which would give Emma a monopoly of the reds, for $350. The amount would deeply hurt Emma’s bankroll and hinder her ability to build houses for a while.

“Since you yelled at me before, it’s expensive,” Grace says to Emma. “I love this,” says one upperclassman to another as they observe.

Emma thinks about it, but since Park Place is still available while she owns Boardwalk, she decides it’s not the time and declines. “Ok,” Grace says. “Suit yourself.”

Upperclassman: "Emma playing hardball. This is getting interesting.”

Grace rolls a 9 herself. She lands on Chance. The card says Bank Pays You A Dividend of $50. “Oh, yeah,” Grace reacts. “Now time to build these babies.” She puts another house on Virginia and States Avenues for a total of $200.

Anna rolls a 5, landing on Virginia Avenue. She owes Grace $180. “Thank you, drive through,” Grace says. “Money, money, money.” The juniors exchange amused glances at Grace's cockiness, enjoying the competitive atmosphere of the game.

Courtney rolls a 7 and lands on B&O Railroad. She owes Emma $200. “Finally,” Emma says.

Status after Round 20
Emma: $671 (Illinois, Indiana, Pacific, Pennsylvania, Boardwalk, all four Railroads)
Grace: $1208 (Virginia with two houses, St. Charles with one house, States with two houses, Kentucky, Ventnor, Electric Company)
Anna: $855 (Vermont, North Carolina, Mediterranean with two houses, Baltic with two houses)
Courtney: $605 (New York with one house, St. James, Tennessee, Atlantic, Connecticut, Water Works)

Suddenly, Courtney has the lowest amount of money, nearly half of Grace’s total.

Emma rolls a 6, missing Free Parking by one. She lands on New York Avenue with one house, and owes Courtney $80. At least for now, Emma is back into last place in cash holdings.

Grace rolls an 11. She lands on Community Chest, and draws From Sale Of Stock You Get $45. “Getting paid again,” she boasts. "Money, money, money." Grace builds another house on St. Charles Place for $100.

The juniors decide Grace is too happy and now they are going to do what Anna suggested a short time ago. Molly approaches Grace with a stern expression, her authority palpable in the room. "Grace, no one wants to listen to this anymore. It's time for you to face the consequences.”

Grace's expression shifts from joy to confusion. “Wait, what?” Grace asks, surprised. “What did I do?” Molly takes hold of Grace’s arms and handcuffs her again behind her back. “And since this is a crime of the mouth…” Molly says, picking up the ballgag.

Grace's eyes widen in disbelief, then she submits. The ballgag is securely fastened, rendering Grace unable to speak, her protests stifled. "That should keep you quiet for a while,” Molly says. “Consider it a lesson in humility." The juniors exchange satisfied looks, their authority reaffirmed as Grace is silenced by the punishment. Emma smiles at Grace and blows her a kiss. She’s told to watch herself by Molly.

Anna rolls after a few seconds of silence in the room. It’s a 5. She lands on New York Avenue, and owes Courtney $80. Courtney doesn’t dare gloat.

Courtney rolls an 8. She lands on Community Chest. “You Are Assessed for Street Repairs, $40 Per House”. She pays the $40 to Free Parking to make that jackpot worth $390.

Status after Round 21
Emma: $591 (Illinois, Indiana, Pacific, Pennsylvania, Boardwalk, all four Railroads)
Grace: $1153 (Virginia with two houses, St. Charles with two houses, States with two houses, Kentucky, Ventnor, Electric Company), handcuffed and ballgagged in Jail for the next two turns
Anna: $775 (Vermont, North Carolina, Mediterranean with two houses, Baltic with two houses)
Courtney: $725 (New York with one house, St. James, Tennessee, Atlantic, Connecticut, Water Works)

The juniors call a time-out, to the dismay of Grace who is handcuffed and ballgagged. She makes a muffled noise. “It’s not a full break,” Molly says. “Sit tight, just a minute.” The juniors have a quick huddle, then declare that since Emma and Anna are on the same space, they will race around the board for the monopoly of the green properties. Whoever crosses New York Avenue first after making a complete lap wins. There does not need to be an equal number of turns because Emma owns two greens, and Anna owns one.

The juniors’ latest twist to the game puts Emma and Anna on edge, each realizing the stakes.

Emma rolls first. The dice show a total of 7. Emma lands on Atlantic Avenue and owes $22 to Courtney.

Grace skips her turn since she is in Jail. Anna rolls a 6. She lands on B&O Railroad, which she used to own, but now she owes Emma $200. That’s a significant hit to Anna’s cash and a big help to Emma.

Courtney rolls a 5. She lands on Luxury Tax and owes $75 to Free Parking, which is now $465.

Status after Round 22
Emma: $791 (Illinois, Indiana, Pacific, Pennsylvania, Boardwalk, all four Railroads)
Grace: $1153 (Virginia with two houses, St. Charles with two houses, States with two houses, Kentucky, Ventnor, Electric Company), handcuffed and ballgagged in Jail for the next turn
Anna: $575 (Vermont, North Carolina, Mediterranean with two houses, Baltic with two houses)
Courtney: $650 (New York with one house, St. James, Tennessee, Atlantic, Connecticut, Water Works)

The race between Emma and Anna continues, with Emma holding a lead by one space. She rolls 8 and lands on Pennsylvania Avenue, which she owns. There is no penalty due to the ongoing race.

Anna rolls a 9. She also lands on Pennsylvania Avenue. The race is tied again, but Anna owes Emma $28. Anna grumbles. “Now I’m getting some money back,” Emma says. "Courtesy of Miss Anna.”

Courtney rolls a 7. She passes Go to collect $200, but immediately owes it to Emma for landing on Reading Railroad. Emma smiles as Courtney frowns.

Status after Round 23
Emma: $1019 (Illinois, Indiana, Pacific, Pennsylvania, Boardwalk, all four Railroads)
Grace: $1153 (Virginia with two houses, St. Charles with two houses, States with two houses, Kentucky, Ventnor, Electric Company), handcuffed and ballgagged in Jail but getting out this turn
Anna: $547 (Vermont, North Carolina, Mediterranean with two houses, Baltic with two houses)
Courtney: $650 (New York with one house, St. James, Tennessee, Atlantic, Connecticut, Water Works)

Emma gets a good roll of 9. She passes Go to collect $200, but lands on Anna’s Baltic Avenue with two houses. Emma owes $60.

Grace is released from the handcuffs, ballgag, and Jail. She pays $100 to Free Parking, making that jackpot now worth $565, and humbly thanks her ladies for releasing her.

“What did you learn?” Molly asks Grace.

"I learned to watch my mouth. Thank you again,” Grace says.

“Very well. You may roll.”

Grace rolls double 4s for an 8. She lands on Tennessee Avenue, owing Courtney $28.

Grace rolls again and gets a 6. Double 3s.

“Oh no, it’s double doubles!” says a junior. Grace has to go immediately back to Jail. “Grace, my dear, I'm afraid you’re going to have to lay down on the floor for this one,” Molly says. With her face flushed and bright white, Grace does so.

For her third arrest, Grace is methodically put in to three restraints: handcuffs, leg irons, and a connector chain to hogcuff her. Molly warns her that one more arrest will disqualify her from the game. Grace, now heavily restrained, nods silently, understanding the gravity of the situation. She reluctantly expresses her gratitude to the upperclassmen. "Thank you, my ladies…" she says softly.

Anna is up next. She rolls the dice and gets a 9. She passes Go to collect $200 and land on her Baltic Avenue. Her race with Emma remains tied.

Courtney rolls the dice and gets a total of 8. She lands on States Avenue, but does not have to pay rent to the incarcerated Grace.

Status after Round 24
Emma: $1159 (Illinois, Indiana, Pacific, Pennsylvania, Boardwalk, all four Railroads)
Grace: $1025 (Virginia with two houses, St. Charles with two houses, States with two houses, Kentucky, Ventnor, Electric Company), hogcuffed in Jail for the next two turns
Anna: $747 (Vermont, North Carolina, Mediterranean with two houses, Baltic with two houses)
Courtney: $650 (New York with one house, St. James, Tennessee, Atlantic, Connecticut, Water Works)

Emma rolls a 7 and lands on Just Visiting and is directed to visit the jailed Grace, who is on the floor hogcuffed.

There has been some tension between them as the game has gone on, plus the earlier trade offer that Emma rejected. “So, how's the hogcuff treating you?" Emma asks, a hint of amusement in her voice. Grace glares up at Emma from her uncomfortable position on the floor. "One more arrest, and you'll find out," she retorts sharply, her frustration evident.

Anna rolls a 7 to land on her own Vermont Avenue again. She is two spaces behind Emma in the big race.

Courtney rolls a 7. She lands on Free Parking and wins the big jackpot of $565! It’s huge because Courtney was low on cash. She builds houses on St. James Place and Tennessee Avenue for a total of $200.

Status after Round 25
Emma: $1159 (Illinois, Indiana, Pacific, Pennsylvania, Boardwalk, all four Railroads)
Grace: $1025 (Virginia with two houses, St. Charles with two houses, States with two houses, Kentucky, Ventnor, Electric Company), hogcuffed in Jail for the next turn
Anna: $747 (Vermont, North Carolina, Mediterranean with two houses, Baltic with two houses)
Courtney: $1215 (New York with one house, St. James with one house, Tennessee with one house, Atlantic, Connecticut, Water Works)

Emma rolls a 9 to land on New York Avenue and win the race for the green monopoly. She gains possession of North Carolina Avenue from Anna. She also owes Courtney $80 but considers that a small price to pay. "Yes! Finally, now I can build,” Emma says. She builds one house on Pennsylvania Avenue for $200.

Grace’s turn is skipped again, so Anna rolls a total of 7. She lands on St. James Place and owes Courtney $70. Courtney is suddenly collecting a large amount of money, just another instance of how fortunes can flip in this game quickly.

Courtney rolls a total of 9. She lands on Marvin Gardens and buys it for $280. She has two yellow properties now, while Grace has the other.

Status after Round 26
Emma: $879 (Illinois, Indiana, Pacific, Pennsylvania with one house, North Carolina, Boardwalk, all four Railroads)
Grace: $1025 (Virginia with two houses, St. Charles with two houses, States with two houses, Kentucky, Ventnor, Electric Company), hogcuffed in Jail but getting out this turn
Anna: $677 (Vermont, Mediterranean with two houses, Baltic with two houses)
Courtney: $1085 (New York with one house, St. James with one house, Tennessee with one house, Atlantic, Marvin Gardens, Connecticut, Water Works)

Anna’s position is starting to look bleak, with the lowest amount of cash and the weakest properties.

Emma rolls a 7. She lands on Atlantic Avenue and owes Courtney $22 rent.

The game pauses as Grace is released. She says “Thank you again, my ladies” to the upperclassmen. She owes $150 for bail and pays Free Parking to start a new jackpot.

Grace lands on Community Chest. Before she draws the card, Molly warns her again that if she draws a Go To Jail card, she will be eliminated from the game for her 4th arrest and be hogcuffed and ballgagged until someone else goes to Jail or is eliminated.

The room is quiet and all eyes are on Grace as she nervously draws the card. The last thing she wants is to be the first player eliminated, and she wants to stay out of the restraints for a while, especially the ballgag.

The card is Pay School Tax of $150. Grace pays Free Parking, which makes that a $300 loss on this turn, but at least she is still in the game. “You were pretty mouthy earlier,” Molly taunts her. “Have you been humbled?” Grace responds, "Yes, I've learned my lesson. Thank you.”

Anna rolls the dice and gets a 6 and a 4, for a 10. She lands on Atlantic Avenue and owes Courtney $22.

Courtney rolls a 6 and a 2, totaling 8. She lands on Park Place and buys it for $350. “Ooh, maybe a game-changer,” Courtney says. The upperclassmen comment on how Courtney and Emma now have a rivalry over Park Place and Boardwalk.

Molly approaches them and handcuffs a surprised Emma and Courtney together. She tells them the game is taking a break for 15 minutes, and during the break they must negotiate a trade for one of them to get both Park Place and Boardwalk. “You will be cuffed together until it’s done,” Molly says, then commands the players thank them for their second break. The shocked players are speechless until Anna realizes someone needs to say thanks, so she does.

“We will resume at 11:36, not 11:37,” Molly declares. It’s getting late.
Last edited by Misterpinstripesuit 2 months ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Misterpinstripesuit »

(Intense negotiations and challenges. Plus, our first elimination. Emotions run high. There will be one more chapter after this one.)

During the break, Emma and Courtney sit side by side, cuffed together, exchanging uneasy glances.

Emma: "Well, this is unexpected."

Courtney: "Yeah, I didn't see this coming either."

Emma: "I guess we're stuck until we figure something out."

Courtney says she can’t let Emma have Park Place because she already has the greens and the railroads. Emma wants $600 for Boardwalk. As they talk, the upperclassmen look on, pleased with the tension they've created.

Elsewhere, Grace and Anna talk. Grace is shook from her recent stints in Jail and the threat of elimination and complete restraint if she goes again.

Grace: "I can't believe how close I came to getting eliminated. It's really shaken me up."

Anna: "Yeah, that was intense. But hey, you made it through. You're still in the game."

Grace: "Barely. I have to be careful from now on. One wrong move, and I'm out."

Anna: “I don’t know how much longer I’m going to last.”

Grace: “What do you mean?”

Anna: “I don’t have much, and really have nothing to offer. I was hoping to get Free Parking and Courtney got it.”

Grace: “Keep fighting. You never know what could happen. And trust me, you don’t want to get ballgagged. That was horrible.”

Emma and Courtney continue.

Courtney: "Emma, come on! I can't give you $600 for Boardwalk. That's too much. I’ll have no money left.”

Emma: “Hey, you know it's worth it."

Courtney: “But I can't give you that much money just so you can build on the greens."

Emma: "Well, I can't just give away Boardwalk.”

Courtney: "I understand that, but you’ve gotten so lucky in this game, Emma. You’re winning all these contests that they make up.”

Emma: “So what? I shouldn’t take a worse deal because of that.”

Courtney tries to get Emma to come off wanting money for Boardwalk. Instead, she offers Atlantic Avenue and Marvin Gardens. “Maybe you can strong-arm Grace to give you Ventnor.”

“Break’s almost over, girls,” Molly shouts. “Do you have a deal?” Emma and Courtney, still handcuffed together, have to admit they don’t.

"You two need to come to an agreement, fast,” Molly warns them with a stern look.

“She’s going to put us in Jail,” Emma worriedly says to Courtney. “For me, that’ll be three times.”

“Oh, now who’s in a weaker position?” Courtney snaps back.

Emma: “Look. Atlantic Avenue, Marvin Gardens, and...$300 for Boardwalk.”

“$200,” Courtney says.

Emma: “Deal. Now let's get these cuffs off and play the game."

Status after Round 27
Emma: $1057 (Illinois, Indiana, Pacific, Pennsylvania with one house, North Carolina, Atlantic, Marvin Gardens, all four Railroads)
Grace: $725 (Virginia with two houses, St. Charles with two houses, States with two houses, Kentucky, Ventnor, Electric Company)
Anna: $655 (Vermont, Mediterranean with two houses, Baltic with two houses)
Courtney: $579 (New York with one house, St. James with one house, Tennessee with one house, Park Place, Boardwalk, Connecticut, Water Works)

Play resumes with Emma’s turn. She rolls an 8 to land on her own Pennsylvania Avenue. She builds one house on North Carolina Avenue for $200.

Grace rolls the dice and gets a 7. She lands on Illinois Avenue, and owes $20 rent to Emma.

Anna rolls the dice and gets a 5 and a 3. She owes Emma $150. Anna is getting more disillusioned and tired as the night gets longer.

Courtney rolls a 5. She passes Go to collect $200, and lands on Community Chest. The card says Bank Error In Your Favor, Collect $200. “And with that extra $200, I’ll build a house on Boardwalk,” she says.

Status after Round 28
Emma: $1027 (Illinois, Indiana, Pacific, Pennsylvania with one house, North Carolina with one house, Atlantic, Marvin Gardens, all four Railroads)
Grace: $705 (Virginia with two houses, St. Charles with two houses, States with two houses, Kentucky, Ventnor, Electric Company)
Anna: $505 (Vermont, Mediterranean with two houses, Baltic with two houses)
Courtney: $579 (New York with one house, St. James with one house, Tennessee with one house, Park Place, Boardwalk with one house, Connecticut, Water Works)

Emma rolls the dice and gets a total of 7: a 3 and a 4. She passes Go to collect $200 and lands on Anna’s Mediterranean Avenue with two houses and owes her $60.

Grace rolls the dice and gets a total of 9: a 5 and a 4. She lands on Community Chest and nervously draws a card. If the card says to go to Jail, she’s out of the game and will get hogcuffed and ballgagged.

Instead, the card reads Xmas Fund Matures, Collect $100. Grace breathes a big sigh of relief.

Anna then makes the play of the game. She rolls a 7 and passes Go to collect $200. She tells Jenna the banker to keep the money and gives another $100 to the bank. That $300 payment changes her two houses on Baltic and Mediterranean to hotels. It raises everyone’s eyebrows, including the juniors. Anna says it’s all she has and now it’s time go for broke.

“I have another thing,” Anna declares. “I challenge Emma to another race around the board.” Emma’s iron and Anna’s shoe pieces are both on Mediterranean Avenue.

“Oh, really?” Emma reacts.

“Yes,” Anna responds. “For Atlantic, Marvin Gardens, and $400 if I win.” Anna’s hoping that if she wins this race that she can make a trade with Grace later to get the yellow properties all to herself.

Everyone in the room is surprised. Then, a junior asks Anna what she is putting up for such a big potential reward.

“Everything I own,” Anna says and the room gasps.

“Wow,” Molly says.

Emma asks, "Are you serious, Anna? Everything you own?" she asks, her voice tinged with both apprehension and excitement.

Anna nods firmly. "Absolutely. I'm ready to go all in," she declares, determination evident in her eyes. “I need to do something big to get back in this game, and if I lose,” she says, looking at Molly, “I’ll accept the consequences.”

The upperclassmen exchange glances, impressed by Anna's audacity. "Well, Emma, what do you say?" one of them prompts.

Emma takes a deep breath, weighing her options. Finally, she nods. "Alright, Anna. Let's do it.”

Before the race begins, it’s Courtney’s turn. She rolls a 9 to land on St. Charles Place with two houses. She owes Grace $150.

Status after Round 29
Emma: $1167 (Illinois, Indiana, Pacific, Pennsylvania with one house, North Carolina with one house, Atlantic, Marvin Gardens, all four Railroads)
Grace: $955 (Virginia with two houses, St. Charles with two houses, States with two houses, Kentucky, Ventnor, Electric Company)
Anna: $465 (Vermont, Mediterranean with a hotel, Baltic with a hotel)
Courtney: $429 (New York with one house, St. James with one house, Tennessee with one house, Park Place, Boardwalk with one house, Connecticut, Water Works)

Emma starts the big race by rolling a 5. “Ooh, a slow start,” comments a junior. Emma lands on Oriental Avenue, the only unclaimed property in the game. It goes to auction between Anna and Courtney, and Courtney wins it with a bid of $30.

Grace rolls a 5 and a 3, totaling 8. She passes Go to collect $200, but lands on Mediterranean Avenue with Anna’s hotel. Grace owes Anna $250. Grace does build a third house on Virginia Avenue for $100.

Emma reminds everyone that even though Anna made money, she is still risking everything she owns in the race. She’s given dirty looks. “We didn’t forget, Emma,” Molly admonishes her.

Anna takes her first turn of the new race. She gets a 9 and everyone except Emma reacts strongly. Anna lands on Just Visiting but there’s no one to visit in Jail. All eyes go to the juniors, who huddle and decide Courtney is due for arrest.

Courtney accepts it without protest. Molly approaches her to apply the handcuffs and leg irons since this is Courtney’s second trip to Jail. Anna is allowed to visit with Courtney. Courtney is another tall young woman, even an inch or two taller than Molly, though a little thinner. She stands up from her seat and winces in pain because the leg irons hurt her ankles. Anna offers to help guide her into the visiting room.

“No, Anna,” Molly barks. “No touching the prisoner. She must go on her own.”

Anna, feeling on edge from her ongoing challenge to Emma, opens her mouth and nearly says something, but Courtney stops her. “It’s okay,” Courtney says, limping to the next room.

Once they get there, Anna expresses more concern. “Are you alright?”

“Handcuffs are easy,” Courtney says. “But these suck. I can barely walk.”

“That was ridiculous that I couldn’t help you,” Anna whispers.

“It’s okay,” Courtney says. “Thank you, though. You’re sweet. I hope you win that race. Emma’s gonna beat us if you don’t.”

Anna: “I hope so, too. I had nothing to lose at this point, except getting put in those. And Grace said the ballgag sucks too.”

Courtney: “I’ll bet. I’ve only done handcuffs before.”

“What?!” says Anna. “Oh,” Courtney realizes and laughs. “Not like that. No, my dad’s a cop. When I was little, I’d ask him to put me in them. So, I’ve been cuffed a few times before tonight.”

“Wow,” Anna says. “Not me. This is all new to me. It’s a little crazy.”

“Yeah,” Courtney says. “I think Molly’s into some weird stuff,” she whispers.

Status after Round 30
Emma: $1167 (Illinois, Indiana, Pacific, Pennsylvania with one house, North Carolina with one house, Atlantic, Marvin Gardens, all four Railroads)
Grace: $805 (Virginia with three houses, St. Charles with two houses, States with two houses, Kentucky, Ventnor, Electric Company)
Anna: $715 (Vermont, Mediterranean with a hotel, Baltic with a hotel)
Courtney: $399 (New York with one house, St. James with one house, Tennessee with one house, Park Place, Boardwalk with one house, Connecticut, Oriental, Water Works), handcuffed and leg ironed in Jail for the next turn

Emma rolls a 9 and lands on her own Pennsylvania Railroad, barely missing Grace’s Virginia Avenue with three houses. The room reacts at the near-miss, and Emma thanks her lucky stars for the fortunate roll.

Grace rolls a 7 to land on Vermont Avenue and owe Anna $6 rent.

Anna is told that the Jail visiting hours are over and leaves Courtney in the visiting room. She gets a 7 and lands on Community Chest. She draws a fortunate card: Collect $50 From Every Player. This includes Courtney, who is in Jail. Anna is in a stronger position than when she challenged Emma to the race, but it’s too late to back out now.

Courtney’s second turn in Jail is skipped.

Status after Round 31
Emma: $1117 (Illinois, Indiana, Pacific, Pennsylvania with one house, North Carolina with one house, Atlantic, Marvin Gardens, all four Railroads)
Grace: $749 (Virginia with three houses, St. Charles with two houses, States with two houses, Kentucky, Ventnor, Electric Company)
Anna: $871 (Vermont, Mediterranean with a hotel, Baltic with a hotel)
Courtney: $349 (New York with one house, St. James with one house, Tennessee with one house, Park Place, Boardwalk with one house, Connecticut, Oriental, Water Works), handcuffed and leg ironed in Jail for the next turn

Emma is two spaces behind Anna in the big race. Her turn is next and she rolls a 7. She lands on Chance.

Emma draws the card, then smiles and lightly cackles. She reveals the card: Advance Token To Boardwalk.

“Oh my God,” one of the juniors yelps. “Wow,” Grace says.

From the Jail visiting room, Courtney hears the commotion. She gets to her feet, though painfully, and emerges to ask what happened.

“Emma just won the race,” Grace says. “Noooo, really?” Courtney reacts. “How?”

“It’s not official yet,” Molly says. “But she’s going to. She’s on Boardwalk. Her next turn will finish it.” Molly says this because even rolling a 2 will win the race for Emma because she would land on Mediterranean Avenue.

Emma is glowing because she is about to win the race and eliminate Anna. An added bonus is she doesn’t have the pay rent to the jailed Courtney, whom she just traded Boardwalk to.

The mood in the room is somber as everyone except Emma gives sympathetic looks toward Anna.

Grace has to roll next. The dice come up as a 4 and a 2. She lands on her own Virginia Avenue. Grace says “I’m sorry, hon” to Anna as she gives her the dice for Anna’s likely final roll of the game.

Anna rolls a 6 and lands on Indiana Avenue. Adding insult to injury, owes Emma $18 rent and hands it over silently.

Courtney slowly walks back into the room and is released from Jail. She quietly says “Thank you for releasing me, my ladies” when Molly removes her handcuffs and leg irons. The air has been taken out of the room, as they all await the inevitable.

Courtney pays her $100 bail to Free Parking. She rolls the dice and gets a 9. She lands on her own New York Avenue.

To make her victory in the race official, Emma rolls the dice. To add even more tension, she gets double 5s for a 10, landing on Courtney’s Connecticut Avenue to owe $8 rent.

Molly makes the official announcement. “Emma has won the race. Anna surrenders all of her cash, properties, and Emma.” With a mix of sadness, fatigue, and even some relief, Anna hands over the money and the deeds to the properties.

The room is quiet. Molly speaks with a tinge of sadness in her voice for the first time all night. “Anna, I was told you just learned how to play this game. You played well, you really did, and we all liked that bold challenge you made to Emma. Unfortunately, it did not work out for you. So please, lay down on the floor, and place your hands behind your back.” Anna complies.

Anna is slowly handcuffed, leg ironed, hogcuffed, and ballgagged. The process takes almost two minutes. No one speaks the entire time. Grace sheds a tear which runs down her cheek.

“Anna, you will remain like this until someone else is eliminated or goes to Jail,” Molly says. “Do you understand?”

Anna nods.
Last edited by Misterpinstripesuit 2 months ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by hafnermg »

The first elimination!
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Post by Misterpinstripesuit »

hafnermg wrote: 2 months ago The first elimination!
Glad you like it. Hopefully the conclusion will be posted tonight (U.S. Eastern time), but definitely by tomorrow.
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Post by Misterpinstripesuit »

“And maybe,” Molly continues. “You’ll get out soon, because remember, Emma rolled doubles. If she does that again, she’s under arrest.”

Emma’s cash total is now $2198. Before rolling again, she builds four more houses on her green properties for a total of $800. All of her green properties now have two houses on them.

As the drama mounts, all eyes turn to Emma as she prepares to roll the dice once more. Emma rolls a 5 and a 4, totaling 9, so she does not go to Jail and Anna remains restrained. Emma lands on Tennessee Avenue, owing Courtney $70.

Grace is next. She sniffles and takes the dice. Grace rolls a 7. She lands on her own Kentucky Avenue.

“Courtney, wait,” Grace says as Courtney is reaching for the dice. “I have a proposition for you.”

Grace chooses her words carefully. “You have the better properties but no money. I’ll give you everything I have.”

“Whoa, what?!” says a junior.

“It’s the only chance one of us has to beat her,” Grace says to Courtney while nodding toward Emma.

Emma turns to Molly and the other juniors. “Oh come on, she can’t do that, right?”

"Grace, are you sure about this?" Courtney asks, her voice soft with disbelief.

Grace nods, tears welling in her eyes. "I'm sure. We need to combine forces. It’s the only way, and I want to get Anna out of those things.”

Courtney glances at Emma, who is visibly frustrated. She turns back to Grace. ”But what about you? Why wouldn’t I just give you my stuff?” Courtney points out.

Grace offers a small, sad smile. “It’s okay. You earned Park Place and Boardwalk. You earned the orange properties. What you need is money to build.” After a few heavy and silent seconds, Grace adds, “One of us has to sacrifice, and I want it to be me.” She looks over at Anna, who is also crying now but is unable to wipe her face.

“Wow,” a junior says in a hushed tone. “I can’t believe this,” Jenna the banker says.

Even Molly is almost breathless, but she makes the ruling. “You can’t just give it away,” she says to Grace and the others. “It must be either a trade or some kind of contest.

Emma sits there shaking her head. Grace nods in agreement.

"I'll take one dollar," Grace says firmly. Emma rolls her eyes.

“Okay,” Courtney says in shock. “I guess I agree.”

Emma grumbles in frustration, but the upperclassmen approve the trade. “Grace trades all of her assets to Courtney for one dollar,” Molly announces. Grace hands over all her remaining assets to Courtney, keeping only one dollar for herself.

As the exchange is completed, Grace looks over at Anna, still restrained and silent. "Hang in there, Anna," she whispers. "We'll get you out of this."

Courtney builds a house on Park Place and another on Boardwalk.

“This is amazing,” an upperclassman says. Everyone feels this being a big moment.

Courtney rolls the dice, her hands trembling slightly. The dice clatter across the board and come to rest. Courtney rolls a 7. She lands on Atlantic Avenue and owes Emma $22.

Status after Round 33
Emma: $1328 (Illinois, Indiana, Pacific with two houses, Pennsylvania with two houses, North Carolina with two houses, Atlantic, Marvin Gardens, Vermont, Baltic with a hotel, Mediterranean with a hotel, all four Railroads)
Grace: $1
Anna: Eliminated, hogcuffed and ballgagged on the floor
Courtney: $1067 (New York with one house, St. James with one house, Tennessee with one house, Park Place with one house, Boardwalk with two houses, Connecticut, Oriental, Virginia with three houses, St. Charles with two houses, States with two houses, Kentucky, Ventnor, Water Works, Electric Company)

Emma builds a third house on Pennsylvania Avenue for $200 before she rolls for her next turn. She gets a 9 and lands on Courtney’s Ventnor Avenue and owes $22 rent.

Grace rolls a 7 and lands on Water Works, which Courtney bought a long time ago. Grace owes $70.

“I can’t pay you,” Grace smiles. “I guess I’m out.” Courtney takes Grace’s remaining dollar.

“Grace is out of the game,” Molly solemnly announces. “The first thing we’ll do is release Anna.” Molly then kneels down to remove the gag and chains from Anna to release her. She is hugged by all the upperclassmen who tell her she did great and welcome her to the team.

Anna hugs Grace and they each say “I love you” with tears flowing. Almost everyone else in the room is crying, too. Even Emma can’t look. She has to turn her head and bite her lip. Molly is also fighting off tears as she faces Grace.

“We all...greatly admire...the sacrifice you just made for your teammate,” Molly says. “Since we're down to two players, there's no point to put Emma or Courtney in Jail anymore because nothing would happen. Someone would just go around the board for three turns. will be restrained as Anna was, hogcuffed and ballgagged, until the game ends. Is that understood?”

“Yes, my ladies,” Grace says while kneeling down. “It will be my honor.” The atmosphere in the room is heavy as Grace bravely assumes the position.

Molly proceeds to handcuff Grace's wrists tightly behind her back. Then, with gentle yet firm movements, Molly secures the leg irons around her ankles and hogcuffs her. Finally, the dreaded ballgag is placed in Grace’s mouth. The only sounds in the room during the whole process are the chains locking and girls sniffling.

“Should we stop this?” one of the juniors asks. "I think we should stop."

Grace, not wanting her sacrifice to be for nothing and genuinely hoping Courtney comes back to win the game, shakes her head and makes a muffled noise.

“Don’t stop,” Anna says to the juniors, reading Grace’s mind. “Give Courtney a chance.”

"Very well," Molly says. The game continues, but now with a newfound appreciation for the bonds between the freshmen. Courtney takes a deep breath and rolls the dice, hoping for a fortunate outcome amidst the somber atmosphere that now permeates the room.

Courtney rolls a 3 and a 5. The 8 lands her on Pennsylvania Avenue with three houses. She owes Emma $1000, as if there hasn't been enough drama and tension in the last 15 to 20 minutes. Courtney isn’t even sure she has the money to pay, though she barely does. She counts it up and wonders if she should even bother going on.

Anna tries to encourage her. “Look at all this stuff you have that she could hit. If she hits Boardwalk, you’re back in this.”

Grace nods emphatically from her position on the floor, trying to speak through her eyes and implore Courtney to keep fighting. Courtney relents, but she now has less than $100 in cash, and Emma has $2100.

On Emma’s turn, she builds more houses on Pacific and North Carolina Avenues. She rolls a 6 to land on North Carolina herself.

Courtney rolls double 2s, a terrible outcome for her because she lands on Luxury Tax. She owes $75 of her depleted cash to Free Parking. Since she rolled doubles, Courtney goes again.

This time, she rolls a 5. Though she passes Go, she lands on Baltic Avenue with a hotel. That now belongs to Emma because she acquired it in the race with Anna. Courtney owes Emma an additional $450.

Courtney likely could sell some of her houses back to the bank, plus mortgage some of her properties, and manage to cover the debt. However, she is exhausted from the emotion of the game and the late hour, and is honestly uninterested in doing the math.

Turning to her fellow players, Courtney's voice quakes slightly as she speaks. "I... I think it's time to admit defeat," she says, her gaze drifting to the hogcuffed and ballgagged Grace, a testament to the toll the game has taken on all of them. "I could try to keep playing, but it would take hours to even have a chance at turning things around, and what it is now, 12:30? I can’t have Grace lay there like that all night."

Again, Anna and Grace try to encourage her, but Courtney’s mind is made up. “I would like to concede,” she says to the juniors. "I'll accept whatever punishment you deem fit, but I can’t do this anymore.”

The upperclassmen, visibly drained from the emotional rollercoaster of the game, huddle together to discuss Courtney's request. After a brief deliberation, they nod in agreement, their decision made. They turn to Courtney with a solemn expression, ready to deliver their ruling.

Courtney, the daughter of a police officer, braces herself to be taken prisoner in a much more extreme way than any childhood game she played with her father.

Molly speaks with a compassionate look in her eyes. “Courtney, we accept and understand your decision. The first thing we will do is release Grace.” Molly proceeds to remove the ballgag from Grace and methodically unlock her chains.

“Thank you, my ladies,” Grace says as she stands up, continuing to respect the authority the juniors have over the game.

Molly turns to the rest of them. “This is over. We’ve decided there will be no further punishments.”

Courtney breathes a sigh of relief, a weight lifting from her shoulders as she accepts the verdict. She offers a grateful nod to the upperclassmen, grateful for their understanding. “We were going to have you lay there while we all put the game away, but…no,” Jenna says.

“Before we present the winner with her prize, everyone give it up for the freshmen!” Molly says. The juniors all applaud, smile, and one even shouts “wooo!”

“You all played this game with integrity, resilience, determination, and most of all, loyalty,” Molly continues. “You all did great, and we know you’re going to bring that fire to the court with us. We can’t wait to have you as teammates and we’re gonna be great together.” Everyone applauds. Some even well up, but now it's happy tears. The tension from just minutes earlier is all gone.

“But,” Molly continues. “This game can only have one winner so, Emma, hold out your hands and close your eyes and you will receive your special prize,” she says laughing. “I just made that up on the spot.”

Smiling and laughing, Emma holds out her hands and closes her eyes. Molly gives the rest of the room the “shhh” symbol by putting her index finger against her lips, then places her handcuffs into Emma’s hands.

Emma feels something cold and metallic, unsure what it is until Molly says to open her eyes. Emma’s eyes and mouth go wide while everyone else reacts.

“Seriously?” Emma says. “Are you sure?”

“Use them wisely,” Molly says to make everyone laugh. “I’ll get another pair.”

“Speech,” Jenna commands. The other juniors join in. “Speech!”

Emma offers a few words, her voice filled with sincerity. "This game took us all to places we never expected," she says, her gaze sweeping over her fellow players. “I’m sorry if I was a jerk.” The other players tell her there’s no need to apologize, and that she was just playing to win and made the right moves.

“I think through it all, we've grown closer,” Emma continues. “Thank you all for an unforgettable experience."

The upperclassmen join in, echoing Emma's sentiments as they welcome the freshmen into their fold with open arms. They share hugs and laughter, their bond strengthened by the shared trials and triumphs of the game.

“There is one more thing each of you have to do,” Molly declares. “Starting with your champion, Emma.”

“What’s that?” Emma asks on the freshmen’s behalf.

“For safety reasons, of course,” Molly says as a mock instruction. “You need to demonstrate that you know how to use those.”

The freshmen howl, and Emma grabs Molly’s left arm and directs it behind her back. Molly feigns outrage. “I didn’t mean on me. You’re assaulting an officer!” Emma secures the handcuffs behind Molly's back, eliciting a round of cheers and applause from the group.

Not to be outdone, Courtney steps forward, a mischievous grin on her face as she produces the leg irons. “Now I’m gonna get you. I hated these things," she quips, tightening them with exaggerated gusto around Molly's ankles. Molly lets out a theatrical gasp. “Oh my…God,” she says, turning the word “God” into three syllables.

Anna is next. “Molly,” she says with faux sadness, mimicking how Molly instructed her earlier. “Please lay down on the floor.” Everyone laughs, and Molly does so. Anna adds the connector chain with a flourish to hogcuff her.

As Molly lies bound and restrained, a playful glint still shining in her eyes, Grace steps forward with a mock command. "Now, Molly," she says to their captured tormentor, “I think there’s something you need to say.”

Molly plays along, offering a dramatic bow of her head. "Thank you, my ladies," she intones, her voice filled with exaggerated gratitude, eliciting a chorus of laughter and applause from the group. “Now put the game away!” she includes just before Grace inserts the ballgag into Molly’s mouth.

Jenna takes out her phone to start taking pictures of Molly in bondage. “Pose over her,” she says to the freshmen, who do so with wide smiles.

With the game concluded, the freshmen set about putting away the game board and straightening up the room, their laughter still echoing through the space. After the cleanup is completed, the restraints are removed and Molly is released from her makeshift captivity.

The night draws to a close, leaving behind memories of camaraderie, laughter, tears, and unexpected twists and turns. This night will stay with the freshmen for many years to come.
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