A Relationship Evolves (F/M)

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A Relationship Evolves (F/M)

Post by DarthMaul »

Part One

My girlfriend Michelle and I have been together for about six months. She's a tall, beautiful, brunette with gorgeous eyes and a body that kills. Honestly, I'm lucky I found her.

We had a lot of mutual interests; working out, reading, sports, games. Things in the bedroom were great as well, she really knows what she's doing. Unfortunately, we're both extremely competitive and that would ultimately send us on a relationship trajectory I never saw coming.

It all started on a Friday night after Michelle got home from work as a teacher at the local high school. She had brought pizza home with her and we settled in for a routine night of games and a few drinks. Michelle had been so hungry when she came home she joined me on the couch without taking off her shoes, eagerly diving into the pizza.

We decided to try out a new game Michelle had heard about from a friend, "Dares: Couple's Edition". The premise of the game was you took turns picking a couple of cards, and you played one. Your partner had to follow through with the dare: if they refused, or failed to finish it, you got a point. The first person to five points would win. Some of the dares were silly, like "Show off your best dance moves without music", while others were sensual, "Make out with your partner for 30 seconds", while others were random, such as "Do whatever your partner asks". Knowing how competitive we both are, I knew this game could get out of hand, but I was willing to play.

The game went on for a while without much excitement. Michelle ended up with a 2 point lead after Michelle cheated and poked me in the stomach while I was chugging my drink, causing me to spit half of it out. The other dare I messed up was when I had to sing the National Anthem like a pop song and well, singing is not my strong suit. I had thought I would get a point when I drew a card that read "let your partner tickle you for 30 seconds", since Michelle hated being tickled. Unfortunately for her I loved tickling her, it really turns me on, so this card was a great time for me. Michelle managed to tough it out and survived, kicking and screaming through the entire ordeal but she did it. Then, things began to change.

Michelle giggled excitedly as she read the card she just picked up before playing it. It read "Give your partner a massage" and before I could ask where she wanted massaged, she had swung her feet, still in her shoes, into my lap.

"Oh Michelle, come on! You've been in those shoes for over 10 hours now! And I know you join the Phys Ed class for their runs on Fridays. I'm not rubbing your stinky feet!"

"Pleeeaasseee Jake" Michelle whined, battering her eyes at me innocently.

"No way, not unless you go shower and put some clean socks on. I don't want those stinky things in my hands." I joked, and Michelle's look changed from innocent to annoyed.

"They're not that stinky. Take it back or I'll make you sniff 'em" Michelle challenged.

"Nope, the card says massage, nothing else. And there's no way you can make me smell them." I replied and Michelle got a look on her face I'd seen many times when her competitive side took over.

"Fine then. Three points for me. Want to make things interesting?" Michelle asked.

"What do you mean?" I responded, intrigued.

"Whoever wins this game gets to tie up the other in the bedroom whenever they choose" Michelle said seductively. My blood began to flow to my dick as I pictured my beautiful girlfriend tied up and blindfolded for me to play with, but my brain interjected.

"Wait, you're up three points that's no fair!" I pointed out.

"We'll do best two of three, starting now. How's that?" Michelle asked, arching her eyebrow in a challenge.

"Deal" I said. We cleared away the pizza and settled in four our high stakes match. Michelle won rock paper scissors and got to go first.

Michelle drew her card and smirked before putting it down. The card read "Kiss your partner wherever they want". Normally I would be very enthusiastic to follow through on this, but Michelle had an evil look in her eye.

"I want you to kiss my feet so you can see they're not that stinky." Michelle said confidently. I glanced at the clock and noted we were quickly approaching 11 hours since she put those shoes on, and I could only imagine how sweaty her feet were inside them.

"Michelle come on, you know that's not fair. You've even talked about how bad your feet stink after work sometimes, why would you make me kiss them?" I whined.

"Because you're being a brat, and the more you fight it, the more I want to make you suffer with my stinky feet." Michelle replied bluntly.

"I'm not kissing your nasty feet. One point for you." I said with disgust. Michelle's eyes narrowed.

"Fine. Your turn." She said angrily.

I drew my card and read it over. It was a double wild card, and I saw my chance to stick it to Michelle and her stinky feet. The card explained the rules: each partner picked a stake for the other, then one partner got to pick a condition of the stakes, while the other partner got to pick the method of winning. I knew right away what my stake was going to be and laid the card down for Michelle to read.

"If I win, I choose that you become my tickle slave." I told Michelle confidently. She finished reading and stared at me.

"What does that even mean?" She asked.

"I get to tickle you when I want, and you can't say no. You have to let me tie you up, pin you down, whatever, and let me tickle you for as long as I want." I smirked.

I watched Michelle contemplate the information. She sat in silence for a few minutes before replying.

"Alright. But if I win, you have to be my foot bitch. You're gonna rub my feet, smell them, worship them, whenever you I want. And you better believe I'll tie you up if you don't honour it." Michelle shot back with an evil sounding laugh.

I felt my mouth dry as the thought of being tied up at Michelle's feet sounded terrible. I wondered if I'd made a mistake teasing her about her feet, but pushed through.

"Okay, fine. But my condition is this can only be used once every two days." I said, hoping that he wouldn't have to be dealing with smelly feet every two days.

"Fine. And since I get to pick how we decide a winner, I've decided that in order to make you my foot bitch, or me your tickle slave, we have to beg for it." Michelle explained.

"What do you mean beg for it?" I asked, confused.

"You have to beg me to let you smell my feet. Or, I have to beg you to tickle me, which won't be happening." Michelle said with a grin.

"Well I'm never going to beg to sniff your nasty feet so I guess that's not gonna happen either." I said with a shrug.

"Great, let's shake on it." Michelle said, extending her hand. Happy with the fact I knew I'd never have to be her foot bitch, since I would never beg to put my nose near her feet, I quickly reached over and shook her hand, sealing the deal. It wasn't until I saw Michelle pick her next card that I realized I made a mistake.

"Wait how am I supposed to get a point if nobody begs?" I asked incredulously, to which Michelle shrugged.

"That's your problem not mine. It's my turn now." She said and read her card.

"Pick a physical challenge for your partner to show off" Michelle read aloud before playing the card and thinking for a minute.

"I know! Pushups! How does thirty sound babe?" Michelle asked, and I breathed a sigh of relief. I could easily do fifty pushups in a row, so I was safe for another round at least.

"No problem!" I cockily replied, and moved down to the floor.

"There's a condition though, one you start you cannot stop, no matter what. Deal?" Michelle asked, and I scoffed.

"Yeah, no problem. Deal." I said and began quickly doing pushups. I wasn't paying attention to Michelle, focusing on counting my reps, when out of nowhere an empty shoe slid on the ground near my face.

I realized it was Michelle's shoe, now free from her foot, and I stayed at the top of the pushup position, arms locked out and my head far from the shoe.

"What are you doing? Get that out of here!" I yelled at Michelle.

"Hmmmm... Nope. Better get doing those pushups babe." Michelle teased. I groaned and lowered myself to the ground, completing another pushup and unfortunately putting my face directly near the opening of Michelle's shoe.

"Michelle! This is not fair! It stinks!" I complained, forcing myself back up and away from the shoe.

"Sounds like a personal problem babe. Remember you agreed no stopping or I win!" Michelle taunted, sliding her second shoe beside the other, doubling the stink rising from them.

"Ugh" I groaned as I lowered myself again, the smell from my girlfriend's shoes becoming very evident as I got close. Despite trying to keep my nose away, my head was close enough my efforts were not successful. The odour wafting up from the shoes was strong, with a swampy, cheesy odour that smelled of fresh sweat mixed with old sweat and stink. The only bright side was that I was only being subjected to the odour that managed to escape, rather than being subjected to the full odour stuck inside them.

I began holding myself upright to stay away from the shoes when Michelle's feet popped into view, her grey socks propped up on her shoes as she wiggled her toes.

"This is not fair! Michelle your feet stink!" I complained, to which Michelle stuck out her tongue. I lowered myself as low as I could without getting my face near Michelle's feet and started to go back up.

"Nope, doesn't count. You didn't go low enough" Michelle said smugly.

I sighed and took a deep breath in before lowering myself. I tried to turn my head to avoid her feet, but Michelle spread her feet outwards at the last minute, resulting in my face coming into direct contact with her sweaty size 10 sole.

This close, I could see dark grey spots among the light grey material where her socks were still damp with sweat. I noticed that the area around her toes was particularly dark coloured, and unfortunately confirmed this spot was very damp as my nose came into direct contact.

I shuddered from the feeling of her foot sweat on my skin before I began to panic as I felt her sweaty toes pinch my nose through her sock. I pulled myself away quickly before I had to breathe in, but I didn't focus on my balance and toppled over.

As I lay there on the ground realizing I had lost, Michelle jumped to her feet and cheered. She then stood beside me and began rubbing her smelly foot on my face while giggling.

"Knock it off Michelle! You cheated!" I said, swatting her foot away.

"Don't be a sore loser Jake. You lost the game, so I get to tie you up when I want. Don't worry, you're off the hook for tonight. But soon enough you're gonna be all mine... Maybe you'll even beg to smell my feet and become my little foot bitch." Michelle said as she picked up her work sneakers, blew me a kiss and walked out of the room.
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Post by milagros317 »

Fine story! Things are set up well. Eagerly awaiting part two in which he is both tied up and obliged to lick all of the sweat and grime off of Michelle's bare feet. :twisted:
:ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
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Post by Ossassin »

This is a fun one, I always love dares and bets.
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Post by DarthMaul »

Part Two

A week had gone by since the card game incident with Michelle and things had been relatively tame. We joked with each other, with me asking if she was ready to beg to be my tickle slave, and Michelle asking if I was ready to beg to smell her feet.

Normally Michelle's trash talk was just as fierce as mine, but this week had been different. I had teased her about her smelly feet multiple times a day, particularly when she came home from work. I even made a point of running out of the room before she took her shoes off, "to avoid the stink".

As Friday night rolled around, I got home from work before Michelle as usual so I decided to sneak in a few games of Call of Duty before she got home. I had just finished up a match when I heard her close the door.

"Jake! Meet me in the bedroom!" Michelle called out and I heard her head upstairs. Intrigued, I turned off my console and went upstairs to find my beautiful girlfriend wearing leggings, a very revealing shirt, and her work sneakers.

"Babe you forgot to take your shoes off. Maybe toss them out the window so they don't contaminate the whole house" I joked as I approached and leaned in for a kiss.

She gave a sassy smirk and kissed me back before whispering in my ear "Take your clothes off. I'm tying you up tonight".

While I didn't love the idea of being tied up, the thought of having sex with my girlfriend immediately had my cock at half-mast, and I readily complied with Michelle's instruction. Once naked, I dove onto the bed but found Michelle shaking her head.

"Not there, I want to try something new." Michelle said seductively, motioning for me to move to the end of the bed. "Stand here."

Confused, I moved to where she said and watched her produce two sets of furry handcuffs, which she secured to the foot posts of our bed before closing one around each of my wrists. I was now handcuffed in a standing position, unable to move my hands more than a few inches either side.

I saw Michelle pull out another two pairs of handcuffs which she used to connect to the bottom of the foot posts, then moved my legs wide enough apart that my ankles could be placed in cuffs as well. I was effectively handcuffed spread eagle but still standing. Finally, Michelle produced a blind fold which she slipped over my eyes, plunging me into darkness.

"Now, Jake. Do you remember our second wager, about one of us begging to submit to the other?" Michelle said, slowly trailing her hands along my body. The contact was unexpected and made me flinch.

"Um, yes?" I said, then gasped as she took my cock in her hand and began stroking it.

"I'm going to tease your cock so badly that you're gonna beg to do whatever I want so you can cum" Michelle whispered into my ear, her hand slowly and firmly moving up and down the length of my shaft, which was now fully erect.

"That feels so good baby" I moaned as Michelle kissed my neck. I felt her switch from stroking to tracing the length of my shaft with different fingers, sometimes one, sometimes multiple, the sensation sending shivers through my body.

Michelle teased my cock like this for a few minutes, all the while alternating between breathing heavily in my ear, whispering naughty things to me and kissing my neck deeply, all driving me crazy. It was not long before I felt the pressure begin to build at the base of my cock, and I knew an orgasm was coming.

"Babe I'm gonna cum." I told Michelle, expecting her to uncuff me so that we could have sex. Instead, I felt all contact cease and heard Michelle begin to rummage through something.

"Well that was faster than I thought. But clearly you weren't listening. I'm going to torture you to the edge of insanity tonight, until you're a drooling fool that's willing to do whatever I say. But I don't want to hear you beg just yet." Michelle said, then I heard her move closer to me.

"Open your mouth." She whispered into my ear slowly and I complied with a moan, her breath in my ear sending a lightning bolt to the tip of my cock. My mouth was only open for a second before it became filled with some sort of cloth.

After a few seconds I realized the cloth tasted absolutely terrible and I tried to spit it out but found Michelle's hand covering my mouth. I hear a ripping noise before her hand disappeared and she began smoothing something over my mouth, trapping the terrible taste inside. I attempted to free myself but I still could only move a few inches, well short of being able to reach my mouth.

Michelle's hand returned to my cock and began slowly stroking as she whispered in my ear once more.

"You wanna know what's in your mouth, babe? My sweaty gym sock that I wore for three workouts this week before work." Michelle whispered, and suddenly the sour taste in my mouth made sense. It was her foot sweat, more accurately three workouts' worth of foot sweat flooding my mouth. I tried to move my tongue to avoid the sock but it was slowly expanding, filling every corner and bringing the nasty taste with it.

"And here, I brought this for you too. It's my gym shoe! With my other gym sock stuffed inside so you can smell how hard I worked!" Michelle giggled before I felt something get shoved over my nose and heard the taping sound again. I inhaled from the shock and immediately regretted it as I was hit with the sharp, fresh odour of the sweat and stink of her gym sock combined with the thick, musty stench of dirt, sweat, and odour from numerous workouts over the years. I felt Michelle wrap something around my head several times before stopping, keeping the shoe trapped in place.

I bit into the sock out of anger at the situation and was rewarded with a fresh burst of sweat from inside the sock. I tried calling out to Michelle, shaking my head side to side but it only came out as a pitiful meowing through the sock and shoe gag.

"Now, where were we? Oh right, playing with this!" Michelle said, her fingers lightly tracing my cock once more. My hard on had collapsed from the shoe and sock gag distracting me, but her skilled hands returned it to its proud glory in no time. I was irritated with my cock for betraying me as I continued to inhale the truly terrible odour of Michelle's gym shoe.

I took another deep inhale when I felt Michelle's luscious lips wrap around the head of my cock, flicking her tongue over my head first slowly, then quickly, before sliding down my length and swallowing my cock. The inhale was like a railroad spike to the brain, the distinct but different odours completely overwhelming my senses. Meanwhile, my girlfriend was doing absolutely everything in her power to make me cum.

Michelle played with my balls while licking the length of my cock, focusing on all of my sensitive spots that she had learned over the course of our relationship. Of course this was driving me insane, resulting in elevated breathing, which unfortunately brought with it more and more of the stink of her shoe and sock gag.

Twice, Michelle had brought me to the edge of an orgasm, my dick so close it was pulsing as precum dripped from it like a faucet, and both times Michelle stopped and returned to my ear, instructing me to take deep breaths. The sharp stench would drown out the pending orgasm, and once my dick had begun to calm down, I felt her mouth or her hand return.

By the fifth time Michelle did this, I was beginning to go insane. I did not know if it had been 20 minutes or five hours, but I knew I desperately needed to cum. This time, instead of telling me to sniff her shoe, she told me something else.

"You know, at first I was going to forget about the whole being my foot bitch thing. Then you annoyed me, and I was gonna make you smell my foot a couple times and then be done with it. But you just kept being so annoying all week, that I decided, you know what? Why not. Jake can be my foot bitch since he has such an issue with my stinky feet." Michelle explained and I whined into my gag, desperately trying to apologize to her.

"Do you know what I did this week babe? I wore the same socks for all five days. Trapped in my stinky work sneakers you sniffed last week doing pushups, remember? How great do you think these socks smell now after marinating in my shoes for a week?" Michelle asked in a seductive voice, and I shivered from the thought. Before I could reply, she had returned to playing with my cock.

After the tenth time she brought me to the edge of an orgasm without release, I was done. I couldn't take it anymore, my cock needed a release so badly that it felt like a stiff breeze would push me over the edge. I nearly cried when I felt her begin to remove the shoe, and I only hoped she took the sock out of my mouth as well. Her foot sweat was all that I could taste.

As if she heard my thoughts, I felt Michelle remove the covering over my mouth before she reached in and pulled the now soaked sock out of my mouth.

"Hmm that one looks pretty clean. Good job babe. Are you ready to cum now?" Michelle asked teasingly.

"Oh my God, yes please Michelle. I need to cum so badly, please let me cum." I begged Michelle.

"Hmm. We'll see. Jake, do you know why I tied you up like this instead of just tying you to the bed? I could have easily spent this time forcing you to smell my shoes, my socks, my feet with you tied up with nowhere to go." Michelle said. The thought had crossed my mind; why torture me like this if she was mad and wanted to make me smell her feet?

"It's because I want to break you, Jake. I want you to beg for the privilege of sniffing my disgusting socks that I wore all week. So, feel like begging to be my foot bitch yet?" Michelle asked. Repulsed, I shook my head.

"Absolutely not! Please stop Michelle, I don't want to smell your feet, that gym shoe was bad enough! And your gym sock, that was-" I was cut off as I felt something get shoved into my mouth and I realized it was the other gym sock.

"That's too bad, guess we can go another ten rounds or so. Good thing I have a whole other gym sock for you to suck clean! Oops, and can't forget my gym shoe! I know you like how they smell!" Michelle said as she sealed my mouth shut once more, the new sock filling my tastebuds with sweat once more.

I felt the gym shoe get secured to my face as well and smelled the now familiar odour coming from within. If I was being honest, it was actually a bit better without the fresh sharpness of the gym sock inside it, but it still smelled terrible. Then Michelle's hands returned to my cock, slowly edging me back towards an orgasm as I tried to beg for forgiveness through my sock gag.

Michelle kept her word, bringing me to the edge of an orgasm another 10 times. My body was out of control, bucking like crazy trying to find Michelle, to have any sort of contact that would let me cock have release. But Michelle kept her distance, sometimes toying with me by blowing onto my cock, the hot breath doing enough to keep me in my heightened aroused state but not enough to push me over the edge to sweet oblivion.

After the tenth time, I was defeated. I was sobbing into her disgusting gym shoe. My cock was so tender and swollen that it felt like it might explode. I felt the gym shoe be removed from my mouth, followed by the blindfold.

I blinked, my eyes adjusting to the light, and saw from the bedside clock that two hours had gone by. I saw Michelle studying me, her finger tracing the tip of my cock, and I tried to beg for an orgasm. She brought a finger up to my mouth in a "shush" gesture before peeling what I could now see was tape off. I then opened my mouth so she could remove her second gym sock, which I now could see was a neon yellow sock. Its partner, a neon pink one, was on the floor beside me.

"Now baby, do you have anything you want to ask me?" Michelle whispered, still tracing my cock with her finger.

"Baby can I please cum? Please, please I need to cum. I'll do whatever you want." I begged. I didn't even feel ashamed, the craving in my body was so intense.

"Of course baby, as soon as you look me in the eye and say 'Mistress Michelle, please let me smell your stinky, sweaty feet'. Then you can cum" Michelle instructed and I groaned. To prove her point, I felt Michelle begin to stroke my cock and after only a few tugs I felt the orgasm begin rising up my cock, only to be slowed again as Michelle let go and resumed her maddening tracing with her fingertip.

"Oh my God okay! Okay! Please, Mistress Michelle, may I smell your stinky, sweaty feet? There I said it!" I yelled at Michelle, who giggled evilly.

"What these nasty ol' things? You really wanna smell my dirty socks?" Michelle taunted, stroking my cock again a little bit faster. Once again, she stopped right before I reached the point of no return.

"Yes! Yes! Please! I'll smell your feet and kiss them and rub them, whatever you want! Oh God just let me cum!" I yelled, shaking my head in frustration.

"Okay baby, one more thing. Say, 'Please let me be your foot bitch Mistress', then you can cum." Michelle commanded.

"Please let me be your foot bitch, I want to be your foot bitch! Please!" I was crying once again, trying to move my cock towards her fingers.

"Well baby if that's really what you want then I guess so!" Michelle said before grabbing my cock once more and jerking me off faster and faster. Within a few moments, one of the most powerful orgasms of my life rocked my body, sending cum a few feet away from me in steady streams.

"That's such a good slave boy. I'm so proud of you foot boy." Michelle cooed in my ear as I sobbed, still dripping cum onto the floor.

"Now, I'm going to uncuff you, and then your duties as my foot bitch are going to begin." Michelle instructed sternly, and I meekly nodded.
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Post by LunaDog »

Oh yes. Michelle now has him exactly where she wants him. Clever girl.
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Post by milagros317 »

Wonderful continuation! :twisted:
:ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
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Post by beeblebrox883 »

Wonderful story. Love the sock gag and smelling!!
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