"Sasha's" First Girls Night (FF+/M) (PART 4 IS HERE)

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"Sasha's" First Girls Night (FF+/M) (PART 4 IS HERE)

Post by SashaMoh »

Alex finally finished putting away the last of his belongings into the closet of his new rented room. It had taken him all week to unpack and get settled into the new house. He ran his hand through his swept back wavy brown hair and decided to go get a drink from the kitchen before settling in for the day to just decompress. His two new roommates, Cianna and Kyra, were having a girls night in a few hours and he figured it best if he stayed out of the way. He threw on a thick grey collared fleece quarter zip sweatshirt, some baggy black sweatpants, a pair of long socks and headed out to the hallway.

As he made his way to the living room he passed Cianna and Kyra, sitting on the couch in the middle of an intense conversation. They immediately cut off whatever they were talking about as he approached. They both smiled and their eyes lit up as he walked in the room.

Both girls were clad in similar style outfits. Cianna had on a thick black oversized hoodie, with baggy grey sweatpants cuffed around thick grey wool socks. Her long thick dark brown hair pooling in the hood pouring out from around her neck. Her Hazel eyes looking at him intently. While Kyra had on a XXL chunky knit powder blue turtleneck sweater. the sleeves pulled over her hands. The color matched her ridiculously piercing light blue eyes, which complimented her her short cut blonde hair fashioned into a side swept undercut. An enormous probably hand knit dark blue beanie slouched on top of her head, with matching colored joggers tucked into a similar pair of thick grey wool socks

This was pretty much the norm in the house he'd noticed. The temp was usually kept in the low to mid 60s. So the girls were almost always wearing oversized warm clothing. He wondered just how many, hoodies, sweaters, sweatpants, beanies, and other winter clothing items they could possibly have. He didnt mind though. One because he also enjoyed cold weather and warm soft clothes, and two, because the two girls were by all means very attractive. Both were avid crossfitters and had the physique to show for it. both had solid shoulders and lean but strong arms, narrow waists, contrasted by incredibly thick quads, calves, and butts. Alex was as attracted as he was jealous. Legs were definitely his weak point when trying to bulk up. He had no intension of pursuing and kind of relation with either roommate, they were all in their upper 20s, so there was no need difficulty being mature, but attractive is attractive and the more baggy clothes they wore the better probably. Not that it always helped. Much to his embarrassment, Alex had a bit of a secret thing for oversized winter clothes.

"Hey Alex! all settled in?" Cianna said first.

"Yeah finally. Thanks for checking in. Im probably just going to grab a drink and relax in my room the rest of the day. Dont worry, Ill be quiet and out of the way for your girls night" he said back.

The girls flashed a look between themselves that Alex didnt think to pay mind to.

"Well were glad youre finally all settled. We feel bad that youll be cooped up all night though" Kyra said smiling. "Its a shame you cant joining us"

Alex scratched the back of his head, casually responding "nah its no big deal. I spend a lot of time on my PC, so hours in my room is no trouble"

"Fair enough" Cianna said "have fun with your relaxation time then"

"thanks" Alex said over his shoulder as he made his way back to his room. Hearing an intense whispering conversation starting behind him as he closed his door.

An Hour Later

Alex was laying on his bed when he heard a knock at his door. He made his way across the room and opened it to see both girls standing there grinning, eyes wide. They had changed clothes. Both now wearing the giant thick blanket hoodies that pop up on social media ads all the time. Cianna in Blue, now wearing black leggings and the same socks, and Kyra keeping her beanie, joggers and socks, with a Red blanket hoodie. each had a grey fleece throw blanket draped over each of their folded arms. They mustve been heading to the couch or something.

"Hey whats up?" Alex said. He tried to keep his tone friendly, he didnt want them to think he was antisocial or something. He was introduced by a mutual friend who vouched for him being a nice and outgoing person, and didnt want to make her look bad by seeming otherwise.

The girls were still there grinning. It was almost becoming unnerving.

"Well" Kyra started "we were talking, and we think in the spirit of being good roommates, you should join our girls night. It doesnt feel right keeping you all cooped up while we have all the fun out here"

"Oh, I mean Im not opposed to it, but its really not a big deal I dont mind staying in..."

"Oh come on!" Cianna interrupted as Kyra walked past him into his room and began looking around, taking in the finished look. "your room is nice and all, but you dont want to stay in here all night"

Both girls looked at him in apparent anticipation and hopefulness. He thought for a moment and figured why not.

"Sure ok. we're roommates now and you guys have these girls nights once a month so I might as well be a part of it"

"Great!" Cianna said as she spun to look at him "There two things Ill need to mention though"

"Oh?" He asked back curiously

"Our girls nights are mostly your standard, movie gossip and wine sort of events, but we have rules. Like a drinking game. There are consequences when you break them and everyone has to abide by them. Youll have to agree to the same before you can fully commit"

"Oh thats all? yeah sure" he laughed. Hed played drinking games like this before and it was nothing he was opposed to.

Cianna beamed at his response "So you swear you want to be a part of girls night and all it entails, including any consequences you may encounter?" Her eyes were on him intensely, her anticipation of his response clearly visible. "Because you see, you already have unfortunately broken a rule. Ever since one of the girls wore one to a previous party, theres a rule that everyone has to wear these blanket hoodies to the party" She said grabbing the excess fabric and holding it out, showcasing the garment. "we fell absolutly in love with it. Its like a fluffy weighted blanket that just swallows you up!" She added excitedly.

He hesitated for a moment, but was getting mesmerized by the girls big adorable eyes and couldnt say no. "Sure, I swear. Im sure itll be fun. Ill take a shot or whatever it is I have to do since I broke a rule already" He finished sportingly "Unless you guys have another one I can borrow" he laughed.

Cianna stood there, the smile on her face practically triumphant. "You dont know how happy we are to hear you say that" Her smile shifted from an excited look to downright devilish "and as for borrowing some stuff from us..." She smirked "we had a similar idea" she finished as she leaned to the side and nodded behind him

In an instant, a mass of fabric was thrown over his head from behind and in front of him. Kyra had apparently held the throw blanket she had by two ends, threw it over his head, and suddenly he jerked has she pulled it tight. He hadnt had enought time to fully raise his hands in reactive defense when it was pulled tight around him, the thick fabric covering and securing him from waist to neck as it tucked under his chin. He struggled to pull free, but Kyra mustve quickly knotted the blanket behind his back.

"What the heck!" Alex let out. It was half a laugh and half a demand. It was such a ridiculous situation, he didnt quite know how serious to take it. He pulled against the thick fabric to no avail, when Cianna took her own blanket and looped it around his legs a couple times and pulling hard, slamming his legs together and securing them from ankle to knee.

He stood there bending and swaying trying to keep his balance as both girls moved to stand side by side in front of him, taking in their handy work as he blushed a bit. He had a secret thing for being tied up, but it wasnt something he shared, and it was embarrassing to be in this condition in front of the two. The slight ember of arousal not helping the situation.

"You agreed to the rules sweet boy" Cianna said fiendishly "and unfortunately for you, if someone doesnt wear the proper attire. She has to be tied up for the duration of the girls night" she said as they both took a step closer to him.

Alexs eyes widened. "wait the whole night?? I cant be see...."

Kyra interrupted him "Of course, we only are doing this because you agreed to it!" she said, they took another step closer.

"I..." He began

"Yeah!" Cianna said. The girls were now standing incredibly close to him. Almost touching. He hoped they didnt notice his face reddening further as he stumbled over thinking of what to say.

"And if you dont want to go through with it, all you have to do is say so" Cianna added reaching up with one hand and tenderly placing it on his cheek. The contact immediately sent a jolt of sensation throughout his body. Completely stunned in the predicament.

"Well I..." and with that Ciannas hand on his cheek slipped back and pulled down on his hair, jerking his head back and his mouth reactively widening. Her hand that had been in the hoodies pouch pocket in the front, shot out with a thick balled up white sock that was stuffed right into his open mouth

"HMmmphh" he grunted

"Of course, that sentiment would incentivize us to make sure you CANT say so now wouldnt it?..." she smiled

"Fmm Fmph?" He asked in muffled mutterings

"relaaaaax" Cianna said as she walked around behind him, putting her hands on his shoulders.

"Trust us, tonights going to be a blast all around" Kyra said stepping in front of him. She locked him in with her striking blue eyes. He just stood there dumbly staring into them as she took a thin piece of fabric and tied it around his head. Cleave gagging him over the sock, the excess of which bulged out around the strip of fabric.

"there is the second thing though" Kyra said mock seriously. "you see not all the girls are actually ok with the idea of a guy being at girls night" she said as if it was unfortunate news.

Alexs eyebrows knitted together in confusion at what they were implying after the whole conversation of wanting him to join in. Cianna began to speak from behind him. Her hands still on his shoulders.

"No one had a problem with our new roommate joining in thought because.....weeeeeell.....we might not have mentioned you were a guy yet" Cianna admitted. Her hand reaching up and ruffling his hair.

"Dmm Nmm?" he inquired incoherantly. The thick sock filling his mouth. pushing down his tongue and filling his cheeks.

"Thats why me and Cianna thought of a wonderful idea. So dont you worry Sasha...Youll fit right in as one of the girls when were done with you" Kyra said. The the implication of what she was saying taking its time to dawn on Alex. He was too distracted by the swirling feelings of confusion, panic, embarrassment, and arousal competing for dominance in his mind

"SmmMmm?" He tried to repeat the name through his gag

and with that. Kyra took her giant beanie off, and pulled it down over his head well past his chin, making everything dark
Last edited by SashaMoh 2 days ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Great start! Loving it so far!
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Post by DandiAndi »

You've got me hooked can't wait for part 2!
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Post by LunaDog »

These girls are sure devious, and clever. He walked right into their trap for him. What do they plan next?
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Post by geelcarl »

Can’t wait to see where this goes!!
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Post by SashaMoh »

Part 2

Alex Struggled as Cianna grabbed him around the waist as Kyra grabbed his legs and swept him off his feet and began carrying him. He twisted in his bonds and complained into his gag to no reaction from the girls. This continued until he felt himself get swung by the two of them and tossing him into the air. The time in flight felt like much longer than it probably was due to the surprise of it. He let out a short muffled grunt as he landed on a bed. He assumed they took him to one of there rooms.

"sit on her why dont ya, while I go get the stuff. we dont want him wriggling free now do we" He heard Cianna laugh as she left the room. Kyra, he assumed then, quite literally plopped down strattling his stomach, and patted him on the head. He growled through the sock, both due to being referred to as some girl for some reason, and the situation.

"like my beanie?" she asked light heartedly, as if it was a normal conversation and he wasnt wrapped up and gagged under her. "Its a hand knit kind I got from a custom maker on one of those online shopping sites. Ive never found one so big, thick and fluffy before. They are my absolute favorite" She continued. Her tone implying she was clearly enjoying herself...if not maybe a little too much.

The beanie was in fact incredibly thick and soft. it went well past his chin, pulled down as it was. the fabric all bunched up around his neck. He couldnt see a thing, but he had to admit, despite the circumstances, it was one of the coziest things hed ever worn on his head.

"mmmph mm mm mmmmmph" he mumbled frustrated. hoping maybe the sound of it would convince her to end what had to be a joke now.

"Awwwww" she said patronizingly "Im glad youre enjoying yourself too! dont you worry, we have so much more for you! I bet you cant wait right?"

This only made him complain more through his gag. Trying desperately shift out from under her to no avail. He heard footsteps entering the room again a moment later.

"Alright Sasha. We need to get you ready. To do that though were going to need to untie your hands and feet for a sec. So were going to take some precautions, to make sure you dont do anything naughty with those hands. OK?" Cianna asked as if he could answer.

He then felt tighten around his neck, as something was wrapped around it and pulled tight. He began to panic and let out a string of anxious grunts into the sock securely still stuffed into his mouth.

"Shh Sh Sh Sh" Kyra said, suddenly with a genuine and serious tone " Dont worry, were not going to do anything to hurt you, that we promise" as she said it, he felt whatever it was cease its tightening, stopping at a moderate pressure, but no pain or restriction to breathing. Well, besides the thick fabric over his face. He then could determine it was being fastened. The had put some kind of collar on him.

They then stood him up again. He swayed like a plant in the wind again trying to keep his balance. He then felt Kyra grab his chin firmly and dominantly.

"Alright our little pet, the collar sis secured and double fastened. We are untying your hands and feet at different times, so dont even bother trying to resist. Youll never be able to get it off or get away before we just tackle you and were right back to wear we started. OK cupcake?" She said with a confidence Alex knew meant she was right.

"MM" he let out in a short defeated moan, and nodded his head.

"Good!" she said happily.

and with that they went to work. They released his hands first and pulled off his sweatshirt and t shirt he had underneath. Then they pulled some kind of fabric over his arms and chest and secured it at his back. He had a sinking feeling that he could tell what it was. Then they re tied his wrists in front of him with what seemed to be some type of belt. The girls were wildly enjoying themselves throughout the whole ordeal. Giggling the whole time, and making comments about his body and other little flirty comments about how cute "she" was.

They then untied his legs, and took off his pants, but left his underwear. They then pulled up what felt like extremely tight shorts. Maybe compression gym shorts. One retied his ankles with another belt. They then began tugging at the items they had put on them and stuffing things in here and their. All around his waist, butt, and thighs, as well as on his chest. After finally finishing, another fastened something around his waist and pulled it tight. He let out a muffled grunt at the sudden constriction. It didnt restrict his breathing, but it definitely prevented much motion from his midsection when he did.

"Alright Sasha, youre finally finished with the first step. Want to see a little sneak peak?" Cianna said, as Kyra took a third belt and yanked it tight around the binds on his wrists and ankles. Making so that he couldnt lift his bound hands at all.

He felt the collar loosen and the beanie got pulled off suddenly. He blinked a few times at the new lever of light and then his eyes shot open as he saw the full length mirror in front of him. He immediately began aggressively tugging at his bonds and frantically pleading in muffled whimpers as he finally understood what was in store for him for the night.

The figure in front of him was shocking. They had dressed him up in a bra and some type of compressive underwear. Both already with thick foam inserts to mimic a womans features. They had further stuffed the items and strapped a tight girdle around his waist. He now basically looked like, from the neck down, a very "thicc" woman. Complete with thick quads, a very plump ass, wide rounded hips, and moderately large breasts. As he struggled, his new features bounced very realistically with every squirm and twist. If he didnt know it was him, hed be wildly turned on by the body in front of him. He suddenly shamefully admitted to himself, that he actually was a bit turned on.

"Girl you are so hot. All the ladies tonight are going to eat you up" Kyra said in a babying voice. Reaching from behind under his arms and giving his new breasts a squeeze. Then she slapped his dump truck of an ass.

"Ya know Sasha. you better accept the situation youre in and enjoy it, because once were done with you. this is only going to be as embarrassing as you make it, If everything goes according to plan" Cianna said appearing next in the mirror behind him with some large pink bundle. She let it unroll down from her hands and then put it up and over his shoulders in front of him.

It was an incredibly thick pink plush bathrobe, with a ridiculously thick collar that made it hard to turn his head. The sleeves were pulled inside the garment since he wouldnt be needing them, and the belt was looped around and tight tight around the outside. securing his arms against his body on top of being secured to his ankles.

"Enought dilly dallying. Cmon cutie, its time for your makeover" Kyra said and turned him towards the private bathroom door she had in her room. He could see the counter covered in makeup items and round stool sitting in front of the counter. He didnt resist as they each took a side and helped him hop towards the bathroom. He did however continue to let out a stream of muffled grunts, curses, and complaints all the way.

"Ya know Sasha. Id tell you to put a sock in it, but we already did" Cianna laughed as they sat him down on the stool. She then bent down and began using another belt to secure his ankles to the stool and a fifth one securing his lap to it. While she did that Kyra plopped down on his lap and put her arms seductively around his neck. Her face close enough for him to feel her breath. Cianna, now finished, walked over to the speaker on the counter and turned on some music.

"Ya sweetie. You should appreciate how nice we were. I have much bigger and thicker socks than this" she said with a wink. She then leaned forward and spoke quietly into his ear. Her warm breath breezing past and in. Alex's eyes rolled reactively as he felt it.

"Oh. and on that topic, stop pretending you dont love every second of this" she said "because I can feel that thats the case" She said.

With that she slid off his lap and his eyes snapped wide again as he realized what she meant. He looked down seeing a bulge through the robe and began to blush and look away shamefully.

Both girls laughed and hugged him "awww dont worry honey. We could tell right away what kind of things you were into. we have a sixth sense for it"

the moment was cut short when Ciannas watch let out a ding.

"Oh shit!" Cianna exclaimed

"What?! What is it?!" Kyra asked concerned.

"That was the doorbell cam. I completely forgot Sonya was stopping by to borrow some things before her date tonight! thats why she wasnt making it to ladies night!" Both girls heads snapped towards the bathroom door. Both it and the bedroom door were left wide open and they could already hear a "Helloooo?" as Sonya came in and began heading towards the bedroom, which was unfortunately very close to the bedroom they were in.

Alex, thinking his rescue was imminent, began frantically trying to yell for help through his sock gag. Kyra shot a hand around from behind him and covered his mouth, pushing the sock in further, and making his cries a bit quieter. Meanwhile, Cianna threw the door shut lightning fast and cranked up the music to drown any remaining complaints from their captive.

"Just a second!" yelled Cianna over the music as Sonya must already be entering the bedroom. Both girls began looking around the room desperately, trying to think of what to do.

"I GOT IT" Kyra said urgently and called out to Sonya "We'll be out in a minute!"
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Post by Kezplecs »

Love it!
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Post by FabianStr2016 »

Great story so far, I wonder what the girls have in store for him ;)
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Post by SashaMoh »


Sonya had been waiting outside the bathroom door impatiently for a few minutes now. She'd banged on the door a couple times, yelling for her friends to open up since she was in a hurry. She was already a bit stressed for her date. Shed met a girl at the bar the other night, but was having a bad feeling about it. She ran her hand through her dark chin length hair, and went to knock again when it flung open and Cianna was standing there smiling

“Hey Sonya! I forgot you were coming by! We were just getting Sasha ready for girls’ night!”. The music was so loud, Sonya could hear her friend yelling, but just barely. Cianna then leaned forward to talk quieter “she’s a little self-conscious so we said we'd help her out for her makeover”

“Oh yeah! I forgot you guys have a new roommate!” Sonya leaned to the side slightly to look around Cianna.

The room was a bit steamy from the shower running, but the mirror had only slightly begun to fog so she could make out most details of the sight before her. Seated on a stool in the bathroom was what seemed to be a cute blonde. She was facing away from her, but she could see her front in the big bathroom mirror. She was wearing an absurdly thick plush pink bathrobe that enveloped almost all of her, albeit a few noticeable curves, and her hands down on her lap. She had just above the shoulder length blonde hair that was mostly covered by a giant thick matching pink plush night bonnet with a big bow in the front. Sonya noted how comfy she looked. She might have to look into getting a similar outfit. The upper half of the girl’s face was obscured though by a purple-colored wing shaped eye mask. The Kind you wear to help you relax. Smart choice if she was nervous for tonight.

“Hi there!” Sonya said loudly. Knowing thought that the girl could barely hear her with the music blasting. The girl didn’t really react. She kept her mouth shut and just kind of looked at her in the mirror. Occasionally shaking her head nervously. Poor thing. She couldn’t make out her eyes too well through the eye holes of the mask but she seemed to have some very lovely blue eyes. Kyra stood next to her, an arm around her shoulders and waved to Sonya in the mirror. A big smile on her face.

“Well, you shouldn’t be nervous, you look so cute! Don’t worry, everyone’s friendly!” Sonya yelled to the girl. She felt the beginning of some embers of attraction. She internally grinned and reminded herself that if tonight’s date didn’t work out, maybe shed have to “get to know” her friend’s new roommate. She then shook her head out of the fantasizing she almost started down, when Cianna started talking again.

“you’ll have to forgive her, she really is quite shy. I’m sure shell loosen up at ladies’ night” She said leading Sonya the other way into the bedroom and shutting the door behind her.

< Back in the bathroom >

Kyra sighed with relief and sat back down on Alex’s lap, straddling him.
“That was close don’t you think?” she said to him. Knowing full well he couldn’t answer her.
He let out a tight-lipped growl as she pinched his cheek and shook his head

< 5 minutes earlier >

“I got it!” Kyra said. She cranked the shower on hot, turned up the music a little more, and began scrambling around the room. She grabbed a bin and bag out of one cabinet, tossing them to Cianna who was catching on to her plan, and then spun to the little closet the bathroom had and grabbed out a couple more items.

Alex began to struggle more, desperately trying to get some kind of legible sound of warning or help out of his mouth, but the gag was doing its job, and Cianna had basically wrapped her whole arm around the lower half of his face while rummaging through the bag and bin with her other hand. The massively thick sleeve of the blanket hoodie muffling any other sound that might have made it from behind the gag, as the crook of her arm pushed right up against it.

Seemingly finding what she was looking for, Cianna released him with her arm, and in one smooth motion, spun around straddled his lap, wrapping her legs around him and the stool, reached up and grabbed his lower face firmly with one hand. She tilted his head back to look her in her beautiful but deadly serious eyes, as her hand squeezed his jaw, her fingers and thumbs pressing into his cheeks.

“I’m going to take your gag out. If you scream. I promise there are sooooo many ways we can make this night much more humiliating and worse for you” She emphasized her control by giving his head a little shake. He’d never felt so afraid and aroused at the same time

“Now, groan like a good boy, if you understand and agree”.

Alex let out a pathetic “Mph”. Though he felt defeated, he did have one trick up his sleeve. Despite all the girls were doing and had planned. They did say all he had to do was ask them to stop and say he didn’t want to do this and they would. He didn’t need to yell for help, he just needed to let them know he didn’t want to continue this.

*He did want this to stop…..right?...*

He shook the thought away. And prepared as Cianna kept a hold of his face and reach up with the other hand and pull the gag down. She tugged down the fabric and pulled the sock out of his mouth. Before he could make a sound, her hand still holding his jaw down, she picked up and enormous sponge and stuffed it into his mouth in the socks place.

“aghghhhhmmm gmmmgh” he grunted in surprise. She kept prodding it in with her fingers until it was all in. The sponge expanding to fill his entire mouth. He began to struggle again as he heard a ripping sound from behind him. Cianna then grabbed the top of his head and pushed his mouth shut. Lips closing around the sponge. Suddenly Kyra’s hands appeared from around his head and began wrapping clear tape around his mouth. She made 2 or 3 loops and kept it nice and smooth. When she ripped the end and patted it down on the back of his head, Alex looked in the mirror and could barely tell he was gagged. He mmphed and shook his head to no avail. The tape kept his lips sealed close, and the massive sponge barely allowed any sound.

One grabbed his head again and held it back as the other pulled out what looked like a contact case. "Id keep your eyes open and stay still unless you want me to poke you in the eye" Cianna warned. Alex froze and held his eyes wide, like a torture victim in a bond movie, as she placed a contact in each eye.

Once done with that, he shook his head, desperately trying to loosen the tape wrapped around his head, Cianna pulled the sleeves out of the robe and stuffed bath towels into them, then folding them onto his lap. Meanwhile Kyra slipped something over his eyes. His vision was obscured for a second before his eyes lined up with some openings. He looked in the mirror again and saw that he was hearing a large purple wing tipped eye mask. Large enough to obscure the top half of his face other than his eyes. Which he now froze again, realizing that they were blue now! They'd used colored contacts to change his eye color! Working out what they were up to, his head got jerked around as something was tugged onto his head from behind. Before he could look at what it was. Cianna had moved directly in front of him. Her form, enlarged by the ridiculously large blanket hoodie blocked his view. In her hands she held some other thick plush bundle of something.

*Good grief* he thought to himself. Hell be nothing but a giant pink plush pillow pet by the time they’re don’t with him.

“Whmm dmmm!” he complained into his wildly effective gag. As she leaned forward and tugged it onto his head overtop of whatever Kyra put on him. She fiddled with it for a few seconds and stepped back to take in their work.

“Perfect…She’s ready. And absolutely adorable I might add” She said as she tickled his chin. He let out a muffled growl in response.

“Oh don’t be like that Sasha” she said tauntingly as she made her way to the bathroom door. “Kyra. Keep hold of our pretty pink princess wont you? Wouldn’t want her thrashing around too much making a fuss while I entertain our guest”

Kyra moved directly beside him and put an arm around his shoulders, pulling him to her side and holding him fast so all he could do is wriggle helplessly, as Cianna opened the door. He took the moment to look in the mirror and his eyes widened. Not only was his body now the perfect image of a pink plush clad fit curvy woman, but his head was now unrecognizable too. They had pulled a blonde wig over his head, and over top of that a bulky thick pink bonnet with a giant pink bow crowning the front. He looked ridiculous. He felt, defeated, humiliated…dominated…exhilarated?...

His view was very dissociating. Between the headwear and the eye mask obscuring his face, he had trouble processing that it was actually him in the mirror. His almost trance like fixation was interrupted by a loud but barely audible “Hi there!”. The woman that had stopped by was standing there waving at him. He blushed for a moment realizing someone else was now witnessing his predicament. But his desire to be freed overpowered his embarrassment, and he tried to struggle and warn her. Unfortunately, between the bonds under the robe, the thick robe itself, and Kyra’s iron grip on his shoulders. His reflection showed him barely quivering in his seat. He moaned into his gag, but nothing detectable came out over the music, and running water. Finally the mirror was starting to fog, and any hope of the fact that there was several layers of clear tape wrapped around his mouth disappeared with the mirror. After some futile struggling, Cianna led the woman away, and any chance of help. Not only did he not succeed in getting her attention for help, but he was pretty sure, whatever it was he was doing, was actually creating attraction from her. At least judging by the way, she looked at him like something to eat.

Kyra plopped back down onto her favorite spot, his lap. “Well that worked better than I could’ve hoped” she said devilishly. “and I think Sonya likes you!” she laughed out in mock surprise. “But how could she not be attracted to our little pink plushy Sasha toy” She mocked, once again degradingly gripping his chin and shaking his head.

He heard a door close finally and Cianna re entered the room.

“Well that worked will!” she said triumphantly “Now just for the grand finale, and shell be all ready for girls’ night!”

“Gmm Fmmmgh?” Alex mumbled.

“Of course sweetie” Cianna crooned “no girl is ready for a fun night without her makeup” She finished.

Alex let out a gagged sigh of defeat as the girls closed in on him. Makeup and brushes now in hand
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Post by SashaMoh »

This next part took a bit longer than Id liked. Life stuff happens. But Im hoping the rest will be on a more consistent basis. I have the full multi part story pretty much planned out. It just needs writing. Theres even some sequels and spin off ideas.

Always looking for ideas suggestions or feedback though. Hope its enjoyable for everyone
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Post by SashaMoh »


The next 45 minutes was a whirlwind. Brushes and makeup tools flying around his head, as they yanked him around. The girls untaped his mouth, but left the sponge in. Poking it deeper every time he began to make an attempt of working it out of his mouth. There was foundation and contour, eye makeup, lipstick, and other stuff he didn’t even really know the names of.

Finally, the exhausting crucible was over as the girls stepped back and were just beaming with pride.
“Sasha. You, are absolutely our best work. The girls are going to love you!” They moved out of the way of the mirror and his jaw dropped and eyes widened.

Sitting in front of him, was a stunning blue eye blond. With defined cheek bones, bright full lips, blushing cheeks, and big shadowed doe eyes with big eyelashes and wingtipped eyeliner. He was completely unrecognizable! His heart began to race. He was panicking…. or was he? Was this panic? Or exhilaration?

“Aww she’s speechless” Kyra mocked. “Well, the girls will start showing up in the next hour and a half or two, so we need to get you and everything else ready. Cianna. Grab this bimbos’ legs” Kyra jested, as Cianna let out an audible laugh.

They carried him into the bedroom where another pile of pink was waiting for him. Another whirlwind of manhandling later and he was standing in front of the tall mirror. The girls at each arm holding him firmly.

He was even more unrecognizable than just the makeup. That fire inside him stirring again. They had put him in a tight soft bright pink turtleneck sweater and matching leggings to smooth out an uneven areas on his artificial curves. While the turtleneck was thin and tight, the neck itself was thick and huge. They had to fold and roll it several times to get it low enough to bunch and tuck under his chin. It was like a fluffy neck brace and made it hard to move his head around easily. Next an oversized thick pink quarter zip collared sweatshirt went over, and baggy pink sweatpants to match. Enough to make him look like the same kind of oversized comfy clothes lover as Cianna and Kyra. But still able to make out his breasts and hip curves. Over his hands and feet, they put two pairs of fluffy pink scrunchy slipper socks (each). He felt like he was standing on a cloud, and his hands were now trapped in fluffy prisons. Like thick mittens with no thumbs. Finally, after situating his blond wig to their liking, they pulled a fuzzy pink headband onto his head. It had an enormous pink bow attached to it that completed his pathetic and helpless fluffy pink ensemble. He tried to struggle, but the girls held him fast, and all the layers of fluff made it hard to move on its own.

He blinked in the mirror, still shocked at the adorable damsel that stood before him. He looked side to side at each girl. A pleading puppy look. He wasn’t sure what he thought it would accomplish. But the longer he was in this state, the more the role of helpless damsel started to take on a life of its own. He really was becoming Sasha. The name was starting to grow on him too. He liked it…and that confused him

“Alright Sasha. We have to get everything else ready, and we can’t have you going anywhere, so were going to have to stow you away for a bit honey”. Cianna said patting him on the head as he gave an exasperated sigh. Already submitted to his fate.

They cleave gagged him with a thick knee sock, the duct taped his wrists and ankles. It was simple but effective. He wouldn’t be able to grab or do anything with his mittened hands anyways. Then they started leading him towards something on the floor and the fire of resistance rose again.

“MMMPH MM MMMMMMPH!!” he tried to argue, to no avail through his gag.

“Sorry sweety but you could just move around to much or make too much commotion any other way. Don’t worry though. You’ll be so cozy!” Kyra laughed.

The moved him overtop of what was on the floor and sat him down on it. It was a big net laundry bag. Kyra pulled it up to his shoulder level, while Cianna came over with a heaping pile of blankets, sweaters, sweatpants, socks, and other laundry. Even their bras and underwear!

“GMM MMMM…MMM MMPH!!” Alex growled as Cianna stuffed the laundry into the bag. One clump or balled up blanket at a time. Finally, they had him and the sack stuffed to capacity. Kyra yanked the drawstring and knotted it so that the opening was fastened around his neck. The thick turtleneck providing some cushion. He was just a big ball now. He couldn’t move, couldn’t thrash, or hop, or roll. He could rock or bob slightly, but all that did was make the girls giggle at him. The lugged him over to the closet and plopped him onto the floor.

“Hope your comfy Sasha. Don’t worry, your big debut is almost here!” Cianna said and walked off. Kyra however stayed. She oddly stood silently and watched Cianna leave the room. Waiting until she was on the other side of the house and couldn’t hear anymore. She turned her head and looked down at Alex. A devilish grin on her face. Her eyes burning with devious mischievous mystery.

She crouched down to be eye level with him and leaned close. Close enough that their noses were almost touching. She just watched him as his head wriggled and he grunted into his gag. Still testing the limits of his bonds. The laundry packed into the bag made a flattened base on the floor where he sat that kept him anchored to that spot. He could just bob pathetically in his sack

“You can struggle all you like Sasha, but there’s one thing you cant keep hidden…” She said ominously

“I know you like this. I can see it in your eyes. In your body language. You don’t want to admit it to yourself yet. Don’t want to embrace it. But that’s ok” She said and smiled.

“That’s what you have me and Cianna here for. Were going to help you through this little journey your now on. One you don’t even know just how long it’s about to be”

“MM MMPH?” Alex said. Pretty eyes blinking in aroused fear.

She leaned over to put her mouth right by his ear. Arousal coursing through him and the hairs on his neck standing up on the back of his neck (well as much as they could under the turtleneck) as her low voice almost whispered

“And we have soooo many fun plans and surprises for you tonight”

With that she kissed him on the forehead where his fluffy pink bow was and gave it a flick. Then she stood up and went to get the house ready for the girls to show up. Indifferently ignoring his muffled gagged protests as she closed the closet door and left him sitting in the dark. Bound, gagged crossed dressed, garbed in layers of fluffed, stuffed in a stuffed sack, in a closet, all with a pretty pink bow on top. Sasha was in for quite a night…
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