Don’t Cheat on Your Fiancé (F/M)

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Don’t Cheat on Your Fiancé (F/M)

Post by Scottstud94 »

“That’s my PlayStation Gwen, please don’t!” I yelled out as Gwen held a bat in her hand.

She was absolutely in a fit of rage as a half hour ago she had found my burner phone where I had been sexting Sarah, Gwen’s friend who I had been had been cheating on her with.
Gwen and I had been dating since we were 17, now five years later we were getting ready to be married. We were engaged for three months already, but I had been having sex with Sarah weekly. You see Gwen was pretty, but man Sarah was something else. I knew it was wrong, but I had been so tempted. She was the girl of my dreams, and two years younger than Gwen still in a college sorority.

“That’s super expensive, Gwen can we please just talk about this, it’s not what you think!”

But it was too late as the bat came crashing down on my console and then Gwen proceeded to stomp on the hard drive.

I was absolutely crushed. I had just bought the new Grand Theft Auto game, and now it was completely destroyed.
“Gwen, please stop!”

“Shut up Christian!” She yelled at me behind tear stained eyes. She was barefoot wearing pajama shorts and a tank top. The brunette had red highlights in her hair and a nose ring on one side. She had a feisty side to her personality and that’s partially what drew me to her originally.

Gwen had caught me red handed. She had come into my office to show me something and found me masturbating while looking at a picture of Sarah on my burner phone.
After 30 minutes of breaking my things and threatening me, I decided to take matters into my own hands and try to wrestle the bat from her.

I stood up, and immediately she swung and hit me square in the shoulder. I yelled out in pain, as I had no idea how hard she could swing.

She swung again and got me in the stomach, causing me to double over in pain. She swung down at my body and I was barely able to dodge her as I grabbed the bat and tried to wrestle it away from her.

My strength was greater, and after a struggle I had it and we both collapsed onto the couch. That’s when I felt her grab me by the balls.

“Drop the fucking bat and get on your knees!”
I dropped it and she let go of me.

The tears in her eyes were evident and it pained me. She had caught me, but I didn't think she would destroy everything I owned.

“On your knees now or I’ll crush your balls like grapes.”
I did as I was told and knelt in front of her, as she held the bat to my face.

My fiancé looked into my eyes with rage. “Stay put. If you move from that spot I’ll burn everything of yours in the bedroom.”

I decided to do as I was told. I was already in a tough spot. I just needed to talk her down.

She came out of the bedroom with a small revolver and a pair of handcuffs.

“Gwen why do you have a gun? Please don’t shoot? I’m sorry!” I said behind tears of my own.

She threw the handcuffs on the ground by my bare feet. I was wearing gym shorts and a t-shirt. I was masturbating earlier and I had thought she was away.

“Cuff your hands behind your back. Tightly. Right now. I don’t want you running away and avoiding the consequences of your actions.”

I did as I was told and handcuffed my arms behind my back. The cuffs were tight, but not uncomfortable.

Gwen pointed the gun at me and walked up closer, her breasts almost touching my nose as she checked that the cuffs were on tightly.

She set the gun aside and revealed a pair of leg cuffs.
We had of course had sex and used restraints a couple times lightly, so I knew she had them, but this was a whole different scenario.

“Feet out. Now.” She commanded.

I put my feet together and she placed the cuffs around my ankles.

I was now cuffed hand and foot. She walked over to our townhouse door. We shared a wall with some neighbors but they were gone this weekend for a high school soccer tournament, fortunately, Gwen had been yelling the past half hour. I saw her deadbolt the door, then secure the chain. She went to our slider door and locked it too.

She had me stand and pushed me to the couch. She held the gun back at me. “You’re staying there while I secure the doors more securely. Consider this a prison until we work this out.”

“Gwen, please…”

“SHUT UP!” She yelled pointing the gun at my head again. “You’re done talking until I say so. Keep it up and I’ll duct tape your mouth too.”

She walked back into the bedroom.
I couldn't believe how this had turned out. How did I let this happen. I was so screwed.

Gwen came back out of the bedroom, now with another pair of cuffs, these she attached to my handcuffs and then had me lay on the couch, she connected my hand and ankle cuffs to securely hogtie me. It was loose, but I certainly wouldn’t be moving anytime soon. I didn’t want to risk hurting myself by falling off our sofa. The cuffs dug into my wrists and ankles.

It hurt and I cried a little but remembered her threat and the fact she had a gun.

She sat down by my side and took a deep breath.
Gwen then took a big sigh, running her fingers through my hair.

The tears were still evident, and her mascara was a little smeared, but her red hair looked gorgeous and she was as sexy as ever. This was a scary situation, but there was something about her as she held my held up and looked me in the eyes.

“We’ve got a lot to talk about tonight don’t we?”
I didn’t respond.

She got up and came back with a bottle of water. She took a swig, then held it to my lips and made me drink.

She got up and I heard her rummaging through some drawers. After a while I heard her walking back. “Christian, you can speak now and answer me, where do you keep duct tape?”
I thought long and hard.

“I don’t think we have any. There’s some masking tape, some scotch tape.”

“No no that won’t do.” She sighed and walked over to the bedroom again. She came back with a knee high sock.

“No no that won’t do.” She sighed and walked over to the bedroom again. She came back with a knee high sock.
I knew she had a few, but wasn't sure why she was bringing one out.

She knelt down by me, and pulled the sock between my teeth and tied it tightly behind my head. She knotted it twice behind my head, the ends hanging loosely under the knot has the sock dug into my cheeks.

“Mmmph!” I said.

“It’s not great but it’ll do for now. Especially since Alex and Kelly are gone.”

My heart dropped. She was referring to our next door neighbors, Alex and his girlfriend Kelly. Kelly and Gwen were pretty close, and the four of us had gotten together a couple times for dinner, and of course had some wine.

“I need to get some duct tape at the hardware store, then when I get back we’re going to have a nice long chat okay sweetie?”

She patted my head as I nodded it. I saw her slip on a pair of ankle socks and her shoes, and she left the house with my wallet of course.

As soon as she left, I tried to move but the cuffs were extremely tight. I wasn't going anywhere. I had no choice but to wait for her to come back.

I didn’t want her to find my other burner phone though, where I kept videos of Sarah and I having sex. So I got to work.
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Post by LunaDog »

Good Lord! I sure as hell wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of this Lady! Great story.
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Post by Roboticrobin20 »

Looking forward to the next part! Gwen sure is toxic and dangerous but damn it must hurt to be betrayed like this. Christian sure isn't an angel but damn his "toxicity" pales in comparison
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Post by milagros317 »

Great story! Looking forward to the continuation.
:ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
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Post by Scottstud94 »

The first thing I needed to do was get off the couch, and get to my burner phone. Then, I guess I would call 911, since then I’d just say I was being held hostage. At least I could escape.

The problem was that phone was hidden in a box in the storage closet.
I tried to wriggle my way out, but no luck. The cuffs were too tight and were actually very snug to the point it hurt to try to get out.

So I decided to roll, and I rolled right off the couch. Crashing onto my back in a jumbled mess.

The cuffs bit into my ankles and wrists, but I didn’t feel anything pop. The floor was hard, and it hurt, but I needed to scoot toward the closet.

I made progress, but it was slow, and painful.

When I reached the closet, I had no idea how I was going to reach up and grab the box, nor could I pull myself up, but I was determined. I also knew I was running out of time. Maybe 30 minutes had already passed?

I slammed myself into the closet door. It wouldn’t budge. I tried again, and it moved. So I rammed myself into the door again and again.

Finally the door flung open and I was able to crawl in, although the box was on a shelf I couldn’t reach.
Completely exhausted I knew I’d have to try to knock things off the shelf, risking injury.

I backed up and threw myself against the box and it fell, hitting me on the head.

The box spilled its contents with books, papers, and files falling everywhere, as well as…. A burner iPhone 7 that I used. I know it sounds sketchy having a burner phone, well two, but it’s like Gwen and I had been dating for 5 years. She has as much access to my normal phone as I do.
I was now able to grab the burner phone with my hands, and with my teeth, I was able to dial 911.

Unfortunately, my fingers weren’t able to type in the numbers correctly, and I had dialed 991.

I was in the process of trying to dial it again, when I heard a click behind me. Gwen was back! And the phone was out! No no no!

I began to cry, i deleted 991 and started to dial when a converse shoe stepped on my hand.

“MMPH!” I shouted into the gag. She was breaking my hand!
Carrying several bags from the Home Depot was Gwen, who kicked the phone away, and stepped off my hand.
I had been so close.

I was a mess, and she grabbed the phone and put it in her pocket.

Gwen dragged me into our bedroom, where she released my hogtie, but left my hands and feet cuffed and allowed me to sit on the bed.

“Let me show you what we’ve got from the store, then after this I’m going to more securely tie you up.”
I nodded as she unloaded the bags.

She pulled out three rolls of duct tape.

“I’ll put in an Amazon order for more tape, but this should do for now, just need to keep you quiet.”

Next was several lengths of rope, followed by four 10 feet section of chains, 8 padlocks, and a new lock for the door.
I was now extremely worried. She was unhinged right now.
She grabbed the knee high sock that was in my mouth, and pulled it out and I coughed.

“Gwen, you don’t need to keep me tied up!”

She laughed, and pulled out the other burner phone. She sat on the bed next to me and hugged me from the side.
“Two other phones? Let’s see what’s on this one.”

I was forced to watch as she turned on the phone and went through all the photos and videos. I had so many videos of Sarah and I they wouldn’t fit on one phone. It was kind of sick.

The one she picked we watched as I fisted Sarah and she screamed in pleasure. She put the phone away and I didn’t have any words or arguments anymore.

She then kissed me, and I was caught by surprise. Her lips were soft and inviting.

She pulled away and said,
“I can't believe you cheated on me. Why would you do this. Wasn’t I enough? Is she better in bed than me? Tell me. TELL ME WHY YOU CHEATED ON ME AND LOVED HER MORE THAN ME?!?!?!”

I didn't answer, and she slapped me across the face, and I yelled out in pain.

Gwen wasted no time, she used ropes to the my cuffed hands above my head to the bed, next my cuffed ankles were lashed down to the bottom of the bed.

I was completely defenseless, and she straddled me.
She had tears in her eyes, but her face was filled with a mixture of hate and anger.

Gwen leaned forward and kissed me again. I didn’t want to kiss her back, but I felt her tongue, and was compelled.
Our tongues danced and her tears fell down on my face.
She pulled away and smiled.

“Let me tell you a little secret, from now on no phone privileges for you. Soon you will be my husband whether you want to be or not. You will stay my prisoner until I decide I can trust you again.”

I didn't know what to say, and was scared of the repercussions if I responded.

I looked into her eyes and nodded.

She then took the burner phone and smashed it into the ground, stomping on it until it was in pieces.

Gwen grabbed the duct tape and put tape over my lips. I thought she would cut it off, but instead lifted my head off the pillow. She pulled the tape taut every wrap around my head until from the bottom of my nose to my chin was tightly taped shut.

She tore the tape off the roll and patted down the tape that clung tightly to my face and even around my head where my hair was behind my head.

“That should keep you quiet for the rest of the night.”
She kissed my tape covered mouth and smiled. “Good night Christian.”

With that, she flicked the light off, leaving me in the dark to my thoughts.
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Post by Red86 »

While Christian deserves some of this, Gwen is definitely going off the deep end. Hard to tell from only these two chapters but I would venture a guess and say how Gwen is currently acting, is part of the reason Christian cheated on her. Don't wanna pass judgment on her just yet but seems as though the signs are there. Curious to see how this plays out!
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