Harmless Fun (m/m & M/mm) [COMPLETE]

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Post by harveygasson »

Another great part
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Post by Stoutland395 »

Chapter 7

The sounds of Josh’s muffled screaming echoed softly from the other room.

Tom tossed the bag onto the mattress, and Scott closed the door to the guest bed room. Tom pointed to his mouth, more vigorously this time. Scott sighed, “Fiiine…” Tom, not hesitating, spat the socks out on the floor. “That must’ve been the longest you’ve gone without talking. Lucky me,” Scott remarked.

Words poured from Tom’s mouth, like a flood pouring from a dam. “Dude, why’d you lock that thing back in Josh’s mouth? I’m mean, he can be a bit of a buzzkill, but – wait! You’re not going to tell mom about all this, are you? I promise I was going to put everything back, and Josh was the one who technically messed up the living room and threw the key, so I think I get bonus good-boy-points for cleaning up his mess. Plus another couple points for keeping those socks in my mouth, just like you asked, even though I was going to wear those tomorrow, and they’re all gross now. Why are we in here, anyway? Can I go and untie Josh, now--?”

“—Aaannnd I regret letting you spit that out. Hush!” Scott said, pinching the bridge of his nose. Getting a moment to think, Scott continued, “No, I’m not telling mom… yet. Even though I’m furious right now… I told you to stop going into my room – this must be stupidest thing you’ve ever done.”

“Well, I don’t know about the stupidest. There was that time when me and Josh went to Mrs. Everdean’s house and took her—”

“—Stoooop! Mouth! Shut!” Scott called out. Tom responded by clapping both hands over his mouth. Scott dug through the bag, pulling out another coil of white rope. Tom eyed his older brother with confusion. “Don’t let it go to that big empty head, but you actually did a decent job on Josh. Of course, it’s messy, random, needs some work… kinda like you!” Scott snapped the cord, uncoiling it.

“Shall we get started?”

Josh stared at the digital clock on his dresser, watching 11:00pm turn to 11:01pm. Then 11:02pm – so-on and so-on. The dull ache in his jaw returned, and Josh couldn’t help but moan from the discomfort. Keeping the ball pushed back with his tongue only added to the stress and soreness, but relaxing his tongue only made the ball slide backward, causing him to heave. He bit down, trying to close his mouth, but the ball stretched the muscles in his jaw. Josh flexed his arms again, feeling the ropes loosen a bit, but not enough for him to slip out of his position. He lowered his elbows by his cheeks. With his hands by his neck, he managed to toggle the lock in his fingers although it did no good. He just needed to focus on something other than the discomfort from the ballgag.

“Right this way, good sir!” Scott’s voice, sounding cheery and sarcastic, called from behind the door. Tom spoke something muffled, complaining, which seemed to annoy Scott. He responded again, “I said, ‘right this way – good sir!’” sounding more stressed. The door flung open. “Voila!” Scott announced.

Tom sheepishly made his way into the room. His stick-thin arms were raised as Josh’s were. His pointed elbows were stuck upward, and his wrists and hands were stuck behind his head and neck. However, the rope securing him was bound much differently than the rope binding Josh’s arms. White rope wound in layered loops around Tom’s wrists. A knot cinched at the base of Tom’s wrists connected to a longer length that stretched taut to the back of Tom’s waist. The rest of the rope wrapped around Tom’s waist through the belt loops in his navy-blue shorts. With his arms raised, the bottom of his red shirt pulled up, exposing his naval. His arms twitched, pulling the rope and causing it to yank on the back beltloop of his shorts.

Tom let out a short gasp, feeling his shorts ride up his backside, and his face turned pink. He opened his mouth to talk, but Scott pressed his finger to his lips, shushing him. “Remember what I said? No more babble, or you get the socks again,” Scott warned. Tom huffed and reluctantly curled his lips in and bit down on them, trying to keep himself quiet. Scott looked at Josh, saying, “I’m surprised you’re still stuck, Joshy-boy. Tom went a little… overboard in my opinion, but it doesn’t look too secure. I think this is much more effective and simpler.”

Scott wiggled Tom’s arm, causing the rope to pull up more on the back of Tom’s shorts. Tom grunted, clenching his lips tight. The urge to speak, coupled with his shorts riding up on him, made his pink face turn darker. Laughing, Scott ordered, “Have a seat next to Josh, Tom.” He pulled out two short lengths of white rope from his pocket. “I have to deal with those chicken legs of yours.” Tom’s face scrunched, trying to keep his words down, letting out another moan.

He sat on his knees and bent his legs. The muscles in his thighs stretched as he bent his legs, and the rope tugged his belt loop – both made his shorts ride up. The cuffs of his white boxers peeked out from the navy-blue fabric. Scott paid no attention to Tom’s embarrassment as he began winding the rope. He pulled the cord tight, starting at Tom’s hip just above his thigh. He wound down, coming under Tom’s bare ankle and back over his thigh. Tom curled his toes in his socks and bit his top lip. He looked to Josh, who gave him a quick glance before looking away. Scott wedged his fingers between Tom’s leg and thigh, pulling the rope with them and cinching the knot by his ankle. Scott repeated the process with Tom’s other leg.

“And there we go,” Scott said, cinching the final knot. “How does it feel? You can answer, now.”

“Really uncomfortable,” Tom muttered, sliding his knees against the carpet, testing the ropes. “Super-duper uncomfortable, and I’m getting a major wedgie—” He got cut off by Josh giggling into his gag. “Oh, put a sock in it, Captain Underpants!” Josh blushed, ceasing his laughter. Tom continued, “If you’re going to tie me up, can you at least re-do my arms? I don’t like it—" Scott made a pinching motion with his fingers, and Tom closed his mouth, frowning.

“Now you know how Josh feels, don’t you?” Scott rebutted. Tom looked at Josh’s arms, and he gave his friend a sympathetic shrug. “Plus, I already tied them. It would be a bummer to undo all that work and to go through it all over again.” Scott left the room briefly, returning with his duffel bag slung over his shoulder. “I trust you two will let me know who get’s out first? Not to toot my own horn, but my money’s on Josh.”

“Wait!” Tom shouted, followed by Josh with an equally shocked expression. “Y-you aren’t leaving us like this! Josh’s parents are on vacation – what if we can’t get out?” Tom and Josh struggled, wiggling their elbows around; Josh, having an opportunity to alleviate his frustration, swung his elbow into Tom’s arm hard. “Ow! Watch it! This isn't funny. I’m going to tell mom, Scott!”

“And how exactly do you plan on telling her what you were doing sneaking into my room, taking my stuff, doing what you did to Josh – et cetera, et cetera, and more et cetera?” Scott asked. Tom scowled at his brother, knowing mom would take Scott’s side over his.

Scott laughed and said, “You two are a couple of smart, imaginative kids. I’m sure if you take both of your one brain-cell each and rub them together, you’ll jump to a solution – wink-wink!” Scott opened Josh’s dresser, pulling out a pair of white crew socks. Tom made a few rapid pleas, knowing what was coming, which all went ignored. “I warned you in the other room – don’t talk out of turn.” He squeezed Tom’s cheeks and stuffed the socks in. The pair of socks was much larger than Tom’s ankle socks, so his cheeks puffed out more, and a puff of white cotton poked out from Tom’s mouth. Scott ripped a small piece of black tape from the roll on Josh’s dresser and placed it over the sock and sticking the ends on Tom’s cheeks. Scott finished jostling Tom’s puffy blonde hair, making his brother flinch.

Scott dug a small key from his pocket. Josh’s eyes lit up, noticing it was the key to the lock on the back of his head. Figuring Scott would take his ball back, he preferred a pair of socks to the plastic ball. “When you get out, Josh, here’s the key. Just make sure you get both back to me.” Josh moaned angrily at Scott. “Well, boys? Hop to it! Kay-bye!”

Scott shut the door, leaving the two boys struggling on the floor. Tom waved his arms above his head while Josh kicked the carpet. Their flailing ended with the two resting their backs against the bed. They both looked at each other, breathing heavily through their noses. Their eyes were wide and watery. There was a trembling in their vocal cords as they muffled at each other.

“Wmphr spho fhukhed,” Josh mumbled, shaking his head.

“Mmm-hmm,” Tom agreed, nodding his head.

Unknown to them, Scott stood listening from behind the door, smirking.

To Be Continued...
Last edited by Stoutland395 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by harveygasson »

Still going really well
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Post by Stoutland395 »

So glad to see this site up and running again :D

Chapter 8

Tom ran his tongue along the socks jammed in his mouth. He pushed on the cotton with his tongue, and the sides of the tape tugged on Tom’s cheeks. The white mass absorbed his saliva making his mouth dry, and he coughed. He looked over to his friend sitting next to him, eyes clenched tight with a single thin tear stream down his cheek. Josh moaned, his entire face cringing from the discomfort in his jaw. Tom touched his elbow to Josh’s trying to get his attention. He received a sore glance acknowledging his presence. Making a motion, Tom brushed his face against his bicep and gave Josh a look, hoping Josh would understand him.

Josh seemed to get the hint. He kicked his legs and wiggled his back against the side of the bed, inching closer to Tom. With Tom’s neck stretched out, Josh positioned his elbow on the tape, making a swiping motion downward. As he did, Tom pushed with his tongue and tilted his head upward. After several repeated motions, the ends of the tape unstuck from Tom’s cheeks, allowing him to spit the socks onto the floor by his knees. Tom gasped, licking his lips and rolling his tongue around to get the moisture back in his mouth.

“That was so not cool,” Tom declared. “Like, living in the dessert ‘not cool,’ or whatever 90s-kids thought was cool ‘not cool.’ Two different pairs of socks in my mouth is two too many. Geez, I’m so glad that part is over. ‘A plus’ for teamwork, buddy! High-five!” Tom’s smile faded seeing Josh’s scowl harden even more. “Uh, well… maybe it’s too early for celebrating. Plus, our hands are still tied, so we can put a pin in the high-five.”

Josh didn’t even make a noise. He shifted, turning his back Tom. The silent treatment didn’t last long as Tom’s flapping lips reminded him of his own helplessness, making him somewhat jealous. Josh relaxed his arms down, resting his hands on his shoulders. His arms felt stiff being tied in their position for so long, and his jaw ached terribly. He brushed his face against his elbow, whimpering, trying to dislodge the ball from his mouth.

“Joshy…?” Tom began. “Don’t go crying on me buddy. The situation’s awkward enough, but it’s not like anyone else is here to see it, and we definitely won’t be telling this story to anyone anytime soon… Joshy? Joshy? You okay?”

“Fhukh yhuph!” Josh groaned, muffled by the ball. A hard lump grew in his throat, making his whimpering stutter and crack. He tugged on the lock at the back of his head. Futile as it was, Josh jerked around, kicking his legs and flailing his elbows, moaning loudly in frustration. Tom looked on helplessly.

Tom nervously shouted, “Okay, Scott, I get it! I’m sorry!” No response came. “Scott! Scott, please!” Tom’s breathing became more rapid. He looked back to Josh, still curled in his fetal position against the bed. “Really, this isn’t funny anymore! Scott, come back here! Scott! Scott!” Tom began struggling in his ropes. As his arms tugged the ropes, the ropes pulled more on the back of his shorts, making them ride up his backside. He waved his knees across the carpet, unable to move himself. A sudden fear manifested. “Scott! Scott? …Oh, god, no… No, no. No-no-no-no-nnooo…” His screams slowly turned to moans as his voice trembled and cracked.

Josh turned back over, watching Tom’s disposition dissolve into panic. His pale face went pink, and the whites in his eyes began developing red rings. Clear water built up in his eyes, magnifying the blue in his irises. His blonde puff fell over his forehead. “No-no-no-no… we’re stuck--we’re stuck--we’re stuck… we’re really stuck…” he repeated over and over like a broken record. He looked back at Josh. “I’m so sorry… this is all my fault… we’re stuck, and it’s my fault. I can’t move. I can’t move. I can’t breathe… I can’t breathe… Scott! I just wanted to have some fun, and now we’re stuck. I’m so sorry Josh… Scott!!!” Tom’s chest heaved, rising and falling rapidly.

Distracted by Tom’s sudden panic attack, Josh began hurting from seeing Tom’s breakdown. Tom began hyperventilating. Ignoring the pain in his jaw, Josh kicked his legs, shifting again. He pressed his feet into Tom’s side, getting his attention. Although muffled, Josh mumbled at his friend. “Bwethph, Thopm! Bwethph… Bwethph…” Josh slowly inhaled through his nose, expanding his chest, and let out a long breath. Tom looked at Josh, still panicked, but he seemed to understand Josh’s mumbling. He began slowly filling his lungs with air, mimicking Josh, and the two matched their pacing. Slow breaths in and out, and Tom kept his eyes glued to Josh’s.
“In… out… in… out… okay-okay-okay,” Tom repeated aloud, regaining some of his composure. Josh gave Tom look, raising his eyebrows and nodding, and giving a muffled inflection as if trying to say, “Are you alright, now?” Tom took a few more deep breaths, chuckling nervously. “Okay… okay… I think I’m good now. I mean it – I’m sorry about the ballgag, and the cuffs, and the rope. I went too far, and now we’re stuck… Oh, my god, Josh. What are we going to do? I can’t believe Scott actually left! He freaking left! I can’t believe—”

“Thomph!” Josh mumbled, sensing Tom’s voice beginning to tremble again.

“Right, right, sorry,” Tom said, steadying himself. There was still some weakness in his voice. “If it weren’t for me, we wouldn’t be in this mess. I just wanted to have some fun, y’know? It was just supposed to be some harmless fun. Are we still friends?” Tom looked at Josh, and his eyes began welling up from Josh’s silence.

Finally, Josh nodded slightly, giving Tom a wink. Tom laughed nervously.

“And that’s the kind of reaction I was looking for,” a voice called from behind the door. The door swung, open, and Scott stepped in. “Took you long enough.” Tom and Josh gasped, then turned to calling out in anger, which Scott brushed aside. “Relax! I was never going to just leave you two like that, but I needed you to know what it feels like to be in that situation.” Tom scrunched his face, confused. “I knew you wouldn’t take responsibility unless it affected Josh, too, so he had to stay like that too.”

“You’re an ass!” Tom said. “I know, I know – language. But, seriously, you’re an ass!”

“More than you know,” Scott said. Scott grabbed the key from the dresser and unlocked the ballgag from Josh’s mouth. As Josh moaned in relief, moving his jaw around and finally closing his mouth, Scott pressed his fingertips against Josh’s jaw, moving them gently in small circles on his face. He then untied a few of the knots securing the rope around Josh’s arm. “Don’t move so quickly, or you could hurt yourself,” Scott said, holding onto Josh’s one free arm. Slowly, he pulled on it, stretching it out and unbending it. Josh gave a pained expression, cursing. His bicep burned as it lay limp by his side. Scott stood back up. “That should be enough. I don’t feel guilty now leaving. Tom, you mind yourself, okay? If Josh doesn’t mind you staying over, it’s fine with me. Josh, go easy on him.”

“Please, Josh, can I stay over? We’re going to have so much fun, the two of us! Hurry up and get out! Come on, my legs are falling asleep!” Tom bounced in placed; Scott hadn’t bothered to untie any of his knots.

Josh stayed silent, focused on picking at the rope still securing his other arm and legs.

As Tom pestered Josh, Scott grabbed the red ball and the lock, quietly slipped out of the room and left the house.

To Be Continued in epilogue...
Last edited by Stoutland395 5 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by squirrel »

Just wondeful! I hope Tom gets what he deserves :)

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Post by Stoutland395 »


Josh untied the last knot on his arm and slipped off the rope. Like before, he stretched his arm slowly, letting out pained grunts, wincing from the intense burning in his arm. With the rope keeping his arms bent, the muscles stiffened, and Josh’s bicep burned as it finally stretched back out to full length. The rope around his ankles and knees was easier to slip out of. He toppled over on his side and let out a cathartic scream. “Go-fucking-damnit! Ow-ow-ow!” His upper body burned, and his jaw ached. He touched his fingers to the red marks on the corners of his mouth. He curled himself into a fetal position, breathing heavily. He laid there for a moment, ignoring Tom talking, before climbing on top of the bed. His legs were numb, but he managed to get on his feet and stumble over to the dresser.

“So… can you untie me, now?” Tom asked, shyly. Josh gave him a look and turned away. “Come on! It’s not fair. Scott didn’t untie any of my knots. My shoulders are starting to hurt, and my feet are getting numb.”

Josh pulled out a grey log-sleeved shirt and a pair of black sweatpants. The soft polyester-cotton brushed against his skin. His muscles stung with almost every move. He closed his eyes and grabbed his arms, relieved to be freed and clothed and warm. Tom called out again, breaking his concentration. Finally, he knelt and untied the ropes around Tom’s legs. The bottom muscles in his thighs stung as Tom straightened his legs on the carpet. Josh then untied the knot on the back of Tom’s shorts and pulled the rope from beltloops. Two long strands of white rope flung over Tom's head as he swung his tied wrists to his front. Before untying them, Josh gripped Tom’s wrists.

“What’s the matter?” Tom asked. The look in Josh’s eyes, dark and squinting, made Tom shrink himself into his shoulders. Josh’s mouth curled into a quivering scowl. His lips were dry and red marks streaked in the corners of his mouth. Tom looked down at Josh’s hand holding his own; they were marked up and red.

“I’m still mad at you,” Josh said. There was a strain in his voice that cracked dryly.

“I’m really sorry. I mean it this time. I’m really really sorry. Can you untie my hands? Please?”
Josh sighed and nodded. The rope fell in a big coiled mess along with the rest of the rope on the floor. The two boys, now free, stood in silence until Tom broke it. “Do you mind if I stay over?” Josh shook his head and rolled his eyes. Sensing his initial refusal, Tom interjected. “Please, please, please. I promise, no more tricks. And whatever you say, goes.”

“Really… Whatever I say?”

Tom nodded frantically, smiling although his eyebrows curved up into a sad expression. He reached out and wrapped his arms around Josh, embracing him. He gripped him tight, saying, “I’m really sorry. Please don’t hate me, please! I didn’t mean to—"

“—It’s fine, dude,” Josh said, rolling his eyes although Tom didn’t let go. Although his voice was muffled due to him mumbling into his friend’s shirt, Josh could hear Tom’s voice breaking as he continued repeatedly apologizing. There was a sniffle as a small spot on Josh’s shirt went damp. “Really, it’s fine. Jesus-fucking-Christ, Tom, get a grip already.”

Tom wiped his face, smiling. He chuckled, somewhat embarrassed by his reaction. “So, can I stay over?”
“Of course.”

Tom smiled grew wider. “I didn’t realize how late it was,” he said, noting the clock flashing midnight. “I better go get cleaned up.” Tom fanned his eyes with his hands, blinking rapidly. “Oh, deary me! All this cryin’ has my mascara running. A little old gal like me must be lookin’ a mess. Not a pretty sight for a gentleman such as yourself – such a handsome young man!” Josh laughed, punching Tom in the arm. “Allow me to slip into something more to yo’ liking, sweet boy!” Tom took a shower, changing into a pair of white shorts, a baby-blue t-shirt, and royal-blue socks. He stepped back into Josh’s room, which was now cleaned up with the rope gone. Tom looked around the empty room. “Joshy-boy? Where are you?”

Two arms reached out from behind. A grey sleeve wrapped around Tom’s neck, and another wrapped around his chest. Tom tugged on Josh’s arms, but he couldn’t pry them off. Josh leaned in close, whispering in his ear, “You said I was in charge. My fucking house, my fucking rules.” Tom opened his mouth to make a reply, but Josh clamped his hand over Tom’s mouth pressing his palm against his lips. “That silver tongue isn’t gonna work here.”

Half an hour passed. Tom winced as Josh secured the knot in between his friend’s wrists, keeping his hands behind his back and two long white trails dangling from the knot on the floor. “Is this really necessary?” Tom asked. “I said I was sorry. Really-really. You don’t believe me?” Josh pushed Tom onto the guest bed, and Tom squirmed his way to the middle.

Josh jumped on top of the bed. He flipped Tom onto his stomach. “I believe you, but, honestly, I need a fucking break.” Josh grabbed Tom’s legs and bent them up crossing his ankles. He took the two strands dangling from the knot at Tom’s hands and began winding them around Tom’s ankles. He pulled the rope, making Tom’s legs bend further and inching his heels closer to his wrists. Josh cinched another knot, leaving Tom hogtied on the bed. He lied next to Tom, tugging on his friend’s blonde puffy hair. Tom shook his head, annoyed, but was unable to stop Josh from pulling on his hair.

“Quit it!” Tom demanded.

“What?” Josh said, laughing. He gave Tom hair another tug and gently slapped Tom’s cheek. “I’m not doing anything. We’re just having some fun.” He gave Tom another gentle slap on the cheek.

“I get it. I get it. Stop it!” Tom demanded again. His pleas went ignored as Josh continued patting Tom’s face and tugging his hair for another minute before finally getting off the bed.

Tom flapped his knees and stretched his arms back, tugging the rope. The cuffs of his shorts bunched up around his hips, exposing his black boxers. The bottom of his shirt bunched up as well, exposing his pale stomach and a few ribs. His face turned pink, and his blonde puffy hair bounced around. “Come on, Joshy-boy! Can’t we just play some video games? The night’s still young after all.” Josh got up from the bed.

“It’s almost one o’clock,” Josh rebutted.

“Like I said, it’s still early,” Tom replied.

“And like I said, I don’t mind you staying over, but I need a fucking break from your ass for a little while. Whatever I say goes, and I’m fucking sore and tired.” Josh left the room for a moment, returning with the black roll of tape. Tom laughed nervously, calling Josh’s bluff. However, Josh ripped a piece from the roll. Tom shook his head, but Josh managed to place the black strip over Tom’s thin lips. He smoothed the strip with his thumbs until an impression of Tom’s lips appeared through the tape. He finished by flipping Tom back onto hi stomach and giving his friend a few hard smacks on his rear, causing Tom to let out several muffled grunts. Laughing, he grabbed the sides of the blanket and threw them over Tom’s wiggling body, so only his blonde puff poked out from the covers.

“Good-fucking-night, Tommy-boy!” Josh said, laughing and turning off the lights.

The End
Last edited by Stoutland395 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by harveygasson »

Brilliant story from start to finish
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Post by squirrel »

Excellent story, great descriptions of characters and the plot. I do hope you write some more stories :)

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Post by tony2 »

Great job, start to finish. A fun read..
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Post by bondagefreak »

Really glad to see you completing this fine tale, my friend!
You're definitely gonna be a promising competitor for the next story contest, should you decide to participate again.

Most of the stuff I read is a little mature, but it feels good to balance things out with the occasional light-hearted tale every now and then. Excellent work! I'll be looking forward to reading more stuff from you ;)

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Post by Stoutland395 »

Thank you [mention]bondagefreak[/mention], I'm glad you liked my story. And i'd love to participate in another contest when one pops up. I'm usually long-winded and writing short stories like one for Halloween are difficult, so I usually steer clear of them. Having a contest is a great motivator for me to actually write a short one.

This one has a special place for me seeing as it is technically the first one I've ever written (the original version is on my devianart page), and I had a lot of fun writing it. Personally, I'm not a huge fan of the more... risque... stuff, but that's just me, so my works tend to stay in the pg-territory.

But to see that others actually like my stuff is encouraging. Thank you :)
And if you or anyone has any critiques of my stuff (be it positive or negative), I'd love to hear it so i can get better.
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Post by cj2125 »

Wonderful story dude! I've been a fan of your stories on DA and remmeber really enjoying this one, the new changes you made not only make it worth re-reading it again but add new development and depths to the characters. I'm gonna be looking for your next post whenever they might come, wheter be short stories, new stories or remakes of your other stories, I'm sure they'll be great :D
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Post by LK3869 »

Agree with our good friend's opinion. Wouldn't put too much pressure on your back, but can't wait for your next one.
You're very good at character depiction and inserting a lot of spot on details that don't break the rythm of the story.

Don't angst over the 'risky' territories: intentional or not, there's enough 'accidental' sensuality in your stories and no need for more - or less :lol: To each his own niche and we navigate in between all the niches offered here.
Keep up with what YOU like and the result will sure be a good read.

And I hope that kick in the bits to the 90s being "uncool" was just sarcastic... 8-)
don't run ! I'm friendly ...
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Post by FelixSH »

That was a fun read, with Tom being a pretty well written character. The last chapter and the epilogue were my favourite part and added nicely to the story.

Thanks for writing.

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Post by Xtc »

We need more tales like this.
New short story competition coming up in February.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Veracity »

This was a very enjoyable story. Just the kind of thing I’m always looking for. I hope we can see more from you soon.
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Post by Stoutland395 »

Thanks [mention]Veracity[/mention] and [mention]Xtc[/mention] for the comments, recently. I'm glad you like this rebooted story. I plan on doing some re-writes of my older DeviantArt stories like this (hopefully) soon. And I'm excited for the Feb competition, so I'll try to make something for that as well.

I'm currently working on a new story, The Intruder, that I'll be posting when I finish it. Currently, though, I'm taking my time with it, so it may take a wile. But I did manage to write a prologue for it that I posted for New Year's Day.

Here's the link: http://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?f=8 ... 749#p22749

I'm still in the early stages, so any feedback (initial questions, suggestions, things I might want to keep in mind, etc.) would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you :D
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Post by Meac »

I have no idea how I managed to elude this piece so far. I am not sure which part is my favorite, but I am sure that Tom's dialogue is certainly excellent, along with certain very good spots of the narration that I just fail to forget.

I will dig into your other stories with time, but I am sure I will not be able to say anything but praise!
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Post by Michael-Colin »

Really loved this one! Fun story and most of all fun characters, as well as a great attention to detail. Hope to see more from you in the future :D
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Post by NeedControl »

Wow wow wow, way to go!!
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Post by Stoutland395 »

Thank you :) @NeedControl
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Post by Killua »

I know I'm late but just found your story and it's really amazing. I loved how you described everything and how Tom learned from his mistakes (I guess he learned from them). You kept it interesting from the start to the end. It's a great ending but also somewhat sad that it's finished :lol:
Banner by Bondagefreak

My F/m Story:
Not as planned F/m
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Post by Stoutland395 »

[mention]Killua[/mention] Thank you for the compliment and the comment on my other story "Halloween Candy." It's nice to see this story get a little bump :) and it's always a pleasure to hear someone likes my story. It's been a while, and I definitely want to get back into story writing at some point. I have some new ideas, but I haven't had the time to put pen to paper or t my keyboard.

Thank you again!
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Post by Stoutland395 »

It's been a while since I wrote this piece. This was the first story I ever wrote to show off my fascination with bondage.
Some time ago, the user [mention]cj2125[/mention] made a piece of art to go along with this story, and I'm super thankful that they did.
If you can please go to their DA gallery to check out the pic and add it to your favorites.

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Post by Xtc »

Thanks for adding this.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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