Kidnap Boy : Dena Tickles Me Into Submission (f/m)

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Kidnap Boy : Dena Tickles Me Into Submission (f/m)

Post by lalut »

Posted November 15, 2010:

Not long after the last Dena story I told, where Dena kidnapped me after I made her angry (when I decided to blow her off to get back at her, and I wound up spending the day bound and gagged with Dena and Marissa torturing me to within an inch of my life with relentless tickling and foot gags), Dena and I had a discussion about these "games" we play. That discussion led to the next incident of me being tied up and tortured by my beautiful, blonde, black-belt best friend Dena.

This was during her winter break from college, when she was 19 and a sophomore and I was a junior in high school.

A few days after that day of tickle-filled brutality - one of the very few times where my kidnapping/torture actually came as a result of Dena being angry with me - I complained over the phone to Dena about her black belt ability, and how it would always give her the upper hand over me. (I say "complained" but I was laughing as I said it). I told her without her abilities, our "games" would be much more even, because she would have no mechanism by which to so easily overpower me.

She disagreed.

"Sure, the karate has something to do with it, Jess. But even without it, you are probably the most ticklish person in the world," Dena said, smiling. "Once I start tickling you you are helpless. Marissa is the same way - she tickles you without mercy, and she doesn't know a bit of karate."

“ Yeah, but Marissa is never the one who overpowers me and ties me up. That’s always you. By the time Marissa gets to me, I’m already tied up and gagged and at her mercy because of you. Without you Marissa couldn’t do any of that,” I argued. “ And let’s face it, you guys are probably just as ticklish as I am. You even more - I could argue, Dee, that you are MORE ticklish than I am.”

“ Maybe,” Dena said, thinking about it. “ But the thing with you is the more we tickle you, the more ticklish you get. Seriously - I have NEVER seen anyone who gets more and more ticklish and the way you do. I am INCREDIBLY ticklish, and so is Marissa, but our ticklishness doesn’t increase the way yours does. The longer we tickle you, the crazier and more ticklish you get!”

“ Yeah, that’s true,” I agreed. “ But again, how many times have you tied me up and tickled me? 30 or 40 at least? All of them were possible because of the karate - that’s how you get me tied up. You wouldn’t be tickling me without the karate to subdue me.”

“ Well, that’s my point, Jess . I would contend that you are SO ticklish, I could subdue you without using any karate. I know it sounds like bragging, but I am the best tickle-torturer you will ever meet - I am a tickling expert!” Dena said, now giggling. “So I REALLY know how to tickle you to get you into a crazy, helpless state. And I would bet that I could tickle you into submission without using any karate.”

Suddenly, a challenge was born.

Dena and I talked it over and decided on these terms. Dena would attempt to start tickling me - sometime soon, without warning. Once she fired the first shot and started tickling me her bet was I could not get away. If I could get away, all I would have to do would be to escape and stay away from Dena for 5 minutes. So for example: Say she snuck up on me and started to tickle me. If I ran away and stayed away for 5 minutes, I’d win.

And she wasn’t allowed to use any karate - no kicks, no holds, no takedowns with her feet or hands or anything. All she could do was pin me once she started tickling me. But the only reason she could lay her hands on me to start with would be to start tickling me. (Again, for example, in the past she’d tripped me or knocked me down or got me in a hammerlock before tying me up. None of that would be allowed this time. If in the course of tickling me she got me to the ground, she would be allowed to pin me. But otherwise, she couldn’t use any form of martial arts).

So the challenge. Dena had to tickle me to say “ MERCY” that would signal that I was tickled into submission. And she had to do it WITHOUT using any karate. If she could do that, she would win. And if she won, I would have to be her slave for a day.

But if I won - meaning if I got away from her for 5 minutes and 5 minutes only - I would get to tie her up and hold her hostage for 3 hours. And do to her WHATEVER I wanted.

I was confident that I could get away from her for just 5 minutes once she tried to tickle me, so I agreed to make it a bet.

Dena giggled.

“ This is going to be sooooo much fun. I’ll find the perfect time to tickle you - you’ll NEVER see it coming! And you will be SCREAMING “ MERCY!” at me,” Dena said. “ I don’t know when it will happen, Jess. But it WILL happen! I’m gonna get you. And I’m gonna tickle you until you submit!”

“ Now, tell me something,” I asked. “ Suppose you tickle me and wind up pinning me but I DON’T say Mercy. And either I get away after that, or the phone rings and you have to get it, or my Mom walks in or yours does or anything happens that allows me to get away. You don’t win, right?”

“ Right. I only win if you say Mercy,” Dena said. “ But trust me – you’ll say it. Once I start tickling you and you start going crazy, you won’t be able to hold out for too long. If I have to tickle you for an hour straight, you WILL submit to me!”

“ And you aren’t allowed to tie me up first, right?” I asked.

“ Right,” Dena agreed. “ I have to tickle you into submission without tying you up.”

We agreed and said goodbye. The challenge would be held...sometime. Whenever Dena decided the time was right.

A few days later it was a Saturday morning and I had slept over her house. To this point Dena hadn’t tickled me yet. I had breakfast with Dena and her Mom, and I told them that I would do the dishes as a way of saying thank you. They both appreciated that. We finished breakfast and Dena and I - still in our “ bed clothes” for breakfast (I had on shorts and a tee - shirt, Dena had on a Giants football shirt and sweatpants, and we were both barefoot) we decided to get dressed so we could drive her Mom to the train station. She was going away for the night with my Mom.

We both got dressed, but we hadn’t showered yet so it was nothing more than lounge - around clothes. Dena put on the white blouse with short ruffled sleeves that she’d had on the previous day, along with grey cargo pants, grey and black argyle socks, the clogs. I out on a different tee - shirt and sweat pants, and my sneakers with white socks.

Dena’s Mom told me to wait on the dishes - she wanted to catch her train and meet my Mom ontime. So we drove her into town to the station and said goodbye and then drove back to Dena’s house.

When we got back to Dena’s house it was around 10 a.m. We both took our shoes off inside the family room after we walked in from the garage. Dena flopped down on the couch and I headed upstairs.

“ Where you going?” Dena asked me, patting the seat next to her. “ I though we were gonna watch The Sopranos.” (She had taped it from a re - showing the previous night)

“ I’m gonna wash the dishes and then take a shower. Then I should head out. I’ve got to clean my room this weekend and do the laundry or my Mom will KILL me!” I said.

“ You can’t stay the day?” Dena asked. “ Oh, c’mon, Jess! Stay and I’ll help you clean your room before your Mom gets home.”

“ Well!.not today. I should get home. If I put this stuff off I’ll never get it done.”

“ Well, at least sit and watch the show with me. THEN do the dishes. THEN take your shower, and then you can do with plenty of time for the chores, OK?’ Dena asked, giving me those great big blue eyes that I could never resist.

“ OK. Push over. Let’s watch the show,” I said as Dena squealed with delight. I sat down on the couch next to Dena and she put her argyle - socked feet in my lap. We watched the episode of The Sopranos.

When it ended, I went upstairs to do the dishes, as I promised. I was about halfway done, by hands submerged in soapy water.

I never heard her coming. But Dena, in her socked feet, had crept up the stairs and behind me in the kitchen.

I didn’t know Dena was there until she thrust her fingers into my upper rib cage from behind and started tickling me at a savage pace, up and down my ribs.

“ AHHHHHHH!!!!!!! NOOOOOO!!!” I screamed, flinging my hands out of the water. But I was too late. Dena sank her very strong fingers into my rib cage from behind and tickled me up and down my ribs, forcing me against the counter with my back to her. I tried to move my hands down to stop Dena from tickling me but by that point her fingers were deep into my ribs and all the way to my armpits and I couldn’t defend them or cover up. I heard Dena laughing with sadistic glee as she tickled me.

“ You remember our bet, dontcha Jessie? That I could tickle you into submission without having to tie you up or use karate first?” Dena yelled while laughing, keeping up her vicious assault on my ribs.

“ AAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIEEEE!!!” I screamed and thrashed against the counter that boxed me in, trying desperately to escape Dena’s torturous tickling fingers. I couldn’t. It tickled SO badly - this was pure torture. I shrieked and yelped and thrashed as Dena tickled me but I couldn’t get away.

“ NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!” I screamed as Dena kept her fingers sunk into my very ticklish ribs and up to the backsides of my armpits. “ DENA PLEASE NOT TODAY!!!!! DON’T TICKLE ME TODAY!!!!!!!”

“ Too late, honey,” Dena taunted. “ Now that I’ve started tickling you, I can’t stop until you say mercy! If I do you win, and then you get to tie ME up! So I just have to tickle you to death, or until you say mercy! Whichever comes first!”

“ AAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIEEEE!” I continued to scream, now collapsing under Dena’s tickle torture and hitting the floor, thanks in part to just having socks on and slipping. But Dena’s fingers continued their torture of my rib cage. Dena simply crouched down with me as I hit the floor and kept tickling me, and I wound up face down and kind of twisted around, so my face was now an inch away from Dena’s feet. Dena saw that and laughed.

“ Oh No! Not my smelly feet! Looks like you’re gonna have to smell my socks until you say mercy and I stop tickling you, sweetie!” Dena taunted.

“ DENA! NO! PLEASE!” I screamed and begged with tears in my my eyes and my nose now resting on Dena’s socked feet, which did NOT smell good at all. “ PLEASSSEEEEE!!!!!!” About 10 minutes had gone by to this point - 10 AGONIZING minutes.

“ Say mercy and I’ll stop!” Dena ordered, now pivoting around and sitting on my back while she kept tickling my ribs and stomach and armpits from behind. “ If you don’t say mercy I’ll tickle you until you cry like a baby!”

“ I CAN’T! I CAN’T! AHHH! AHH! AHH! Please STOP!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN’T TAKE ANYMORE!!!!” I screamed, tears now rolling down my cheeks. I had sapped most of my energy from trying to fight Dena off and now felt totally weak, and I was out of breath and aching from the brutal tickling. My screaming laughter must have been heard next door - I was that loud!

“ You won’t submit, huh. Well then I better start tickling you harder!” Dena said, using her strength to roll me over so she now had me pinned on my back on the kitchen floor. She then forcibly pinned my arms over my head and finally stopped tickling me for a second.

“ Say mercy!” Dena demanded.

“ NO!” I screamed, closing my eyes and trying to get Dena off me to no avail, still exhausted and hysterical from the tickling. Why wouldn’t I surrender? Who knows?

“ SAY MERCY!” Dena demanded, now using her knees to pin my arms down - this was all allowed from our deal, remember - and wiggling her fingers in the air over me. As I often could, I could tell Dena was really excited, because her arms - bare up to her puffy short sleeves - were turning flushed and pink. “ Say mercy or I will start tickling you again and I won’t stop!!! SAY IT!!!!”

“ NO!!!!!!! PLEASE GET OFF ME!!! PLEASE!!!!” I begged and whimpered. “ PLEASE STOP TICKLING ME AND LET ME GO!” (My plan here - I simply couldn’t submit and it was a pride thing - was to beg her enough where she felt sorry for me and let me go. Then I’d run away. Of course it didn’t work!.)

“ NO! I am going to tickle you until you submit!” Dena said, and with that she moved her body up so she was sitting on my chest with her legs V’d around my head. My arms were pinned down by her knees and now my armpits, ribs and neck were vulnerable to tickle attacks. Now I was TOTALLY helpless under Dena’s body weight (she wasn’t heavy, but she had me perfectly pinned) as Dena wiggled her fingers in the air and moved them closer to me. “ The tickle torture will start any second. I don’t really WANT to keep tickling you honey, but unless you say mercy I will!”

“ Dena PLEASE let me go!” I cried out, tears flowing from my eyes and laughing like a madman.

“ Sorry honey. That was your last chance. Now I’m gonna have to tickle you to death!” Dena yelled at me, only half - smiling. I had no fight left in me and really couldn’t take anymore.

Dena then reached behind her a little and started to tickle my helpless ribs. I screamed and cried and laughed and Dena kept up her expert tickling for minutes and minutes. From the time she first tickle - attacked me, it had been 25 minutes or so.

“ Poor baby - soooo ticklish tooooo stubborn to submit to me!” Dena said, keeping up the tickling of my poor ribs. “ Say mercy! Say it! Say it!”

This kept up for about 7 more minutes and I screamed and laughed and cried myself hoarse, not wanting to submit but feeling myself slipping closer and closer to doing it. Dena was right - I got more ticklish the more she tickled me.

Finally, Dena reached down and started to tickle my neck, which is just hyper - ticklish to the point where I feel myself losing control. “ Gootchie gootchie goo, tickle boy! I’m gonna tickle your neck until you pass out if you don’t say mercy!”

In total all - out hysterics now, I screamed, “ MERCY! MERCY! MERCY! MERCY!” At least 10 times, followed by screaming, gasping, teary laugher.


“ I win!” Dena yelled, and stopped tickling me in an instant, but still pinning me, now giggling like crazy. “ I told you I could tickle you into submission without karate, and without tying you up!”

“ No more! No more!” I panted and now totally sapped of any strength. “ You’re crazy! You are a crazy woman!”

Dena laughed heartily and got off me, using both socked feet to push me onto my side. I lay on the floor, laughing and quivering the trying to catch my breath to no avail.

I felt Dena get up and then use her feet to roll me onto my stomach. I couldn’t resist because I had no strength. And I never saw her reach into her cargo pants pocket and pull out a pair of handcuffs!

“ You’re my slave now, Jessie! But I’d rather have a hostage than a slave,” Dena said and I felt her handcuffing my hands behind my back. I couldn’t resist because I was exhausted and it took me a few seconds to realize what she was doing.

“ No,” I moaned, with exhausted heaving breaths. “ What are you doing?”

“ Tying you up, of course. Now that I’ve proven that I can tickle you almost to death without any tricks, I think I’ve earned the right to kidnap you!” Dena said with a hint of victory and viciousness in her voice.

Finally I rolled over, my hands tied behind my back with handcuffs, and looked up at Dena. She was grinning like the evil kidnapper she had been so many times, standing with her hands on her hips and with my tied up at her feet.

“ Dena!.this wasn’t part of the deal!.” I said, panicking, trying to move away from her on the floor with my hands tied behind my back.

Dena calmly reached into a kitchen drawer, pulled out a roll of silver duct tape, and began to slowly come at me, twirling the roll on her finger.

“ Deal? Our only deal was I get a slave for the day if I could tickle you into submission. And now that you’re my hostage! Which means I can tie you up!” Dena purred as she walked toward as I tried to inch away on the floor.

“ Dena! No!.” I begged, but Dena had now cornered me in the kitchen.

With a sadistic gleam in her eye, Dena tore off a piece of duct tape, crouched down to me, and as I tried to scream “ NO!” gagged me with the duct tape. She then put one more piece of tape over my mouth, smoothed it with her fingers, and then kissed me right on my gagged mouth.

“ I think you’ve had enough tickling - for now,” Dena giggled. “ But I also think you need to shut up. And since you won’t stop begging me, I have to gag you to shut you up. Just like I usually do! But don’t worry - I won’t tickle you anymore right now. I need you to get your strength back so I can have fun with my hostage later!”

“ MMMPH!” I tried to scream, but the tape gag wouldn’t let me. Dena just giggled and rose to her feet.

“ Yes? Are you trying to say something? Too bad - it’s hard to talk with your mouth taped, isn’t it?” Dena giggled, standing over me and planting her socked foot on my chest. “ Poor, poor Kidnap Boy! All tied up and gagged, and now the helpless prey of evil Dena the kidnapper!”

“ MMMPH!” I yelled, helpless at Dena’s feet.

Dena taunted, grinning ear to ear, “ On your feet! Let’s go!”

Dena got me to my feet while holding the roll of duct tape around her wrist and marched me, gagged with my hands cuffed behind my back, upstairs to her room. When we got there she pushed me to the floor.

“ Face down, hostage!” Dena demanded. I obeyed, and tried to MMPH out the words., “ What are you going to do me?” under my tape gag.

Dena understood completely.

“ I’m going to finish tying you up, that’s what,” Dena said, and I felt her wrapping the duct tape around my socked feet over my sweatpants. “ You were dumb enough to challenge me to a bet and to doubt my abilities as an expert tickler. And now you will pay!”

Dena finished duct - taping my ankles and then went to her “ special drawer” - where she kept dozens of feet of soft white rope she used to tie me up, as well as several socks, scarves and handcuffs - and took out a long length of rope. Dena tied my upper legs tightly with about 6 feet of rope, and then used another equal length of rope around my chest to tie my arms in place. I was totally tied up.

Dena came down and inspected my bonds, running her hands over my bound hands and feet and legs in a way that made me giggle with delight.

“ Looks like this will hold you for now, Kidnap Boy,” Dena said, placing her smelly socked foot under my nose to taunt me. “ Smell my feet before I place you in your cell.”

“ MMMM??” I asked, forced to smell Dena’s smelly feet and wondering what she meant by “ cell.” I tried to writhe away from the foot odor, but Dena’s foot stayed firm under my nose.

“ I said smell my feet, Kidnap Boy! Do it or I’ll keep my stinky feet under you nose for 10 minutes!” Dena demanded. So I obeyed, and yes, her feet smelled bad.

Dena giggled, took her foot away from my nose, and walked to her closet and opened it.

“ I prepared to take you hostage today, Jessie! I cleared all my shoes out of the floor of my closet. This is where I’ll be keeping you at times today!” Dena giggled and I protested, “ MMMMMPH!!!!”

But Dena quickly grabbed me by my bound feet and dragged me into the closet, discarding me on the floor. It was a fairly spacious closet, nearly a walk in, and Dena had placed a pillow on the floor for me. I struggled and protested and tried to get up but Dena quickly went to her dresser, pulled out a long white scarf, and rushed into the closet and sat on top of me.

“ If you resist me, I will blindfold you! And then you’ll be bound, gagged, and blindfolded on the floor of my closet, Kidnap Boy! Do you want that?!” Dena threatened.

I shook my head no, clearly with no choice.

Dena grinned and leaned down and kissed me, then getting up and placing her grey argyle - socked foot on my chest.

“ Good boy - very smart!” Dena then waved with her fingers, removed her foot from my chest, and slowly walked to the closet doorway. “ Bye bye, baby! See you in a little while. Don’t worry - we’re gonna have FUN today!”

And with that Dena closed the door and left me, bound and gagged and helpless, on the floor of her closet. I just lay there, still exhausted from the tickling, and wondered how I let this happen. Again.

It had been maybe an hour and 15 minutes since I got up from the TV to wash the dishes, and now here I was, bound and gagged on the floor of Dena’s closet, exhausted and tear - stained and half - crazy from her savagely tickling me.

I thought of this as I lay there in the dark, dreading hearing Dena come back into the room and to the closet door. I knew she would tickle me some more - LOT’S more, actually - and I realized she was right: The more she tickled me, the more ticklish I got. And at this moment, bound and gagged on the floor of Dena’s closet, I was terrified of being tickled again because I knew it would just be SO bad.

I tried very briefly to thrash around but it did no good. I just lay there, exhausted and still giggly as hell, awaiting my inevitable torture.

I heard Dena’s footsteps after about 15 more minutes and my heart raced, both out of excitement and dread. Again, as I have written many times, part of me LOVED these games, Dena tying me up and tickling me without mercy and torturing me with her feet and taunting me and having her hands on me and all that. I loved that, much of it. But there was also the physical part and this reality: I was REMARKABLY ticklish, and being tickled hard by anyone was torture for me. By Dena, who was such an expert tickler? It was terrifying. So I dreaded and loved it, if makes sense.

Without saying a word Dena opened the closet door and stood there looking down at me, still wearing that same short - ruffle - sleeved white blouse, grey cargo pants, and grey and black argyle socks. She grinned in a way only she could, like a sadistic captor who was loving every second of this.

“ How are you feeling, hostage? Are you ready to have some fun?” Dena purred at me, now crouching down and inspecting the duct tape that bound my socked feet. “ Looks like you were a good boy and didn’t try to escape - the tape I tied your feet with is untouched. Perhaps I will have so show you some mercy after all, or at least do something nice for you.”

“ MMMM” I softly whimpered into my gag, as I felt Dena grabbing my bound feet and dragging me out of the closet as she giggled.

“ You sound so helpless! Like I’ve drained all the fight from you!” Dena said, depositing me on her bedroom floor and sitting in the lotus position at my feet. “ Sit up and look at me!”

I obeyed, struggling to sit up with my bound feet stretched out in front of me and Dena maybe 6 inches from them.

Dena smiled and undid herself from the lotus position so her legs were bent at the knees as she sat on the ground. She pulled up her pantlegs so I could see the tops of her socks - they were argyle kneesocks but they were slouched a bit to around the mid - shin area.

Sticking out of the tops of one of her socks was the dreaded electric toothbrush, the one Dena had tickle - tortured me with many, many times!

“ MMMPPH!!!!” I screamed into the gag as Dena pulled the brush out of her sock, grinning wildly and clicked in on so it made it’s menacing “ whirring” sound. As usual, it didn’t have the brush on it, just the spindle which was so perfect and so effective at tickle - torturing my feet.

“ Oh good!” Dena taunted with fire in her eyes. “ You remember my little friend her, the FTD! That stands for Foot Tickle Device!”

I tried to scamper away but my movement was really restricted being so tightly tied up, and Dena quickly clicked the brush off and grabbed me by the rope that bound my arms and pulled me back towards her.

“ OH no you don’t - YOU’RE not going anywhere!” Dena said, rolling me over on my stomach and then sitting on my back. “ Are you trying to escape from me? Am I going to have to hogtie you?”

“ NO!” I yelled into the gag. Being hogtied was uncomfortable as hell and, well, I just didn’t want to be hogtied, OK? 

“ Well then, don’t you DARE try and get away from me,” Dena said, rolling me back over and getting off of me, and then very calmly scissoring my bound feet between her very strong legs. “ I know I haven’t tickled your feet yet, and I KNOW that aside from your neck your feet are your most ticklish spots! Unfortunately, my foot tickling expert, Marissa, isn’t around today, so the job of foot tickle torture falls to me, which is why I brought my little friend the FTD!”

I MMPHED some more but wasn’t going anywhere, not with Dena holding my feet down in a very powerful leg - hold.

“ Your feet must be sooooo hot inside those socks, Kidnap Boy! Let’s get them off you and free those feet up!” Dena taunted, tugging at both of my socks while I offered futile resistance.

“ Do you remember when you and Marissa kidnapped me and tied me up? Of course you do. Well, you tickled my feet first, only you didn’t take my socks off until you were exactly ready to tickle them,” Dena said, tugging my socks further down my feet and clearly being deliberate and taunting about it. “ I realized after that that when your socks come off, your feet are super - sensitive, even more than usual. That’s why I have kept your socks on until now!”

“ MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!” I screamed, to no avail, now in an outright panic about having her use that thing on my feet again.

“ There there, honey. You knew I was going to tickle your feet today! You HAD to see this coming once I tied you up,” Dena taunted more as she finally slipped my socks off and left my feet bare and as vulnerable as they ever have been. “ I’d take your gag off, honey, but I’m afraid your screams would cause the neighbors to call the police if they heard you!”

And Dena clicked on her “ FTD” and began to tickle my feet everywhere with it. She held back my toes and ran the whirring spindle along the balls of my feet in a way that made me want to jump out of my skin. I screamed and screamed into the gag!


“ You are just soooooo ticklish - you have SUCH ticklish feet, Kidnap Boy! I just looooooove to tie you up and tickle torture you!” Dena taunted, now running the spindle along the nail - line of each toe, holding my feet still with her hands to make them even more helpless. “ I am going to tickle your feet until I see tears coming out of your eyes, and then I am going to tickle them just a liiiiiittle bit more to remind you how ruthless a torturer I can be!”

After about 10 minutes of Dena tickle - torturing my soles, toes, heels, tops, EVERYWHERE on my feet, I did start to cry. It wasn’t tears of pain, but as usual it was tears that come from uncontrollable laughter. I also had to pee VERY badly and was praying I wouldn’t pee my pants!

“ MMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!” I screamed, trying to beg “ PLEASE DENA!.STOP!!!!” through my laughter and tears. But Dena just laughed and kept tickling my feet with her awful “ torture device.”

“ Well, there are the tears - I’ve tickled you to tears once again,” Dena taunted but keeping the instrument going on my feet. She then switched to a baby voice which she KNEW drove me crazy. “ WHassa matter, baby? Are you a ticklish wittle boy? Did bad Dena tie you up and tickle you? Did she? Awwwwww!.poor baby! Tickle tickle, wittle hostage!”

I closed my teary eyes and flopped on the floor and screamed and laughed into the gag. Finally Dena clicked off the device and let my feet go, but then started to wildly tickle my whole body using her fingers and her feet. I was in such hysterics I thought I might pass out.

“ I have said it many times, Jessie, but I just LOVE to tickle you!” Dena said, tickling me all over my torsoe with her violent and lightning fast fingers. Then she kicked her feet out and sank her socked toes into my armpits and tickled them. I was crying like a baby from all the laughter.

This tickling went on for 20 minutes, and it followed at least 15 minutes of the device on my feet. Dena then kept her tickling, wiggling toes in my armpits and grabbed my feet and started to tickle them with her fingers.

“ You have to admire my talent, honey! Being able to tickle you with fingers AND feet all at once?” Dena taunted, laughing herself like a crazy woman. “ I am sooooo glad I won the bet!”

After 10 more minutes Dena removed her feet from my armpits and then just knelt at my bare feet and tickled them wildly with her fingers while I kicked and tried to get away but couldn’t.

“ I can tickle your feet just as effectively with my fingers, honey!” Dena laughed while tickling my feet. “ Maybe I lied and will TICKLE YOUR FEET for another hour!!!”

I screamed more and was now hoarse and exhausted and had no fight left, but the tickling as SO BAD and I just laid there laughing like a lunatic with tears running down my face to my gagged mouth. Dena just tickled my feet with her fingers, laughing and marveling out loud, “ God, I really can’t believe how ticklish you are, Jess!”

Finally Dena stopped - after maybe 50 minutes of tickling my feet with the device and with her fingers and tickling my upper body with her hands and feet - and she took my burning hot feet in her hands and massaged them while I panted and cried and laughed on the floor into my gag. The tape that bound my ankles was still holding tight.

“ Shhhhh, sweetie. OK. Calm down,” Dena giggled, massaging my feet. “ It’s over - I won’t tickle your feet anymore, at least not unless you make me. Calm down!.calm down!”

It took at least 5 minutes for me to stop panting and to calm down. Dena grabbed a tissue and wiped away my years, and then she said, “ If I take your gag off, do you promise not to scream for help?”

I nodded, and Dena grinned and slowly pulled my gag off.

“ AHHH!” I shouted, but Dena quickly handgagged me.

“ You promised! No screaming!” Dena warned, her hand on my mouth.

I nodded helplessly and Dena removed her hand. “ Thank you” I whispered hoarsely. “ Thank you thank you thank you! Dena, no more, please. You are killing me. Please, don’t tickle me anymore.”

“ Are you begging me?” Dena asked me.

“ I am. I am begging you. I’ll do anything - I’ll kiss your feet, anything. Just please no more tickling, and please let me go to the bathroom!”

“ I thought you might have to go,” Dena said, getting up and going into her drawer to take the handcuff key out of the pair of purple argyle socks she kept it in. “ Now, I am not going to untie you, but I will take the handcuffs off so you can go pee. But your feet, legs, and arms stay tied. If you try and escape in any way, you know I’ll catch you! And I’ll hogtie you and tickle you for 3 more hours! Got it?!”

“ Yes! Please, I have to pee. I promise!” I said. I really had to go.

Dena got me to my feet and sat me on her bed, then uncuffed my hands. She helped me up.

“ Unfortunately you’re going to have to hop to the bathroom, honey. Tell you what, after you pee? I’ll do something VERY nice for you, OK? I’ll only tickle you again if I have to,” Dena said.

“ Fine! Fine! Just please let me go pee!” I begged. I hopped to the bathroom across the hall and Dena giggled as I did, helping me along so I didn’t fall. When I got there she closed the door enough for some privacy but not totally closed all the was. I was to pull down my sweatpants with my freed hands, even though my arms were still bound to my sides. I peed and it never felt so good!

I finished up and even was able to wash my hands, and Dena came back in and quickly handcuffed me again.

“ What time is it?” I asked, hopping back into her room while Dena helped me. She dropped me on the floor and stood over me and placed her foot on my chest.

“ It’s about 1:30 - aside from the time I left you alone in the closet, I’ve been tickling you since about 11:15. Pretty amazing, huh?” Dena asked, giggling.

“ Oh my God,” I said, laughing and lying back with Dena’s foot still on my chest.

“ Time for me to do something nice for you. What chores do you have to do? Clean your room and do the laundry?” Dena asked.

“ Yeah!why?”

“ How much laundry?” Dena asked.

“ Just one load - my clothes. Why?”

“ Because I’m going to do them for you!” Dena said, crouching down and kissing me on the cheek. “ It’s the least I could do after tickling you half to death!”

“ Are!.are you serious? You’ll do that?” I asked, and Dena nodded. “ Dee, you are so awesome! Thank you!” I was still exhausted, but now that the torture was over I was relaxing more, even though I was still bound hand and foot.

“ It’s my pleasure, honey,” Dena said, crouching down to run her fingers through my hair, which felt great. “ I’ll get the laundry started and get your room cleaned and vacuumed within a few minutes. I bet the whole thing wouldn’t take an hour.”

“ You’re probably right,” I said. “ OK, thanks, Dee! When should we go!”

“ That’s the best part!” Dena said, getting up. “ You don’t have to go! I’ll just do it myself and you can wait here!”

“ But!.are!.are you going untie me?” I asked, now nervous again.

Dena approached me with a smile that gave me my answer before she spoke. She crouched down and ran her fingers through my hand again.

“ Now, honey, WHY would I want to untie you? You’re my hostage! Do you understand how good it feels to have a little cutie like you all tied up and waiting for me when I get back home?” Dena giggled. “ Why would I want to let my hostage go? I want to tie you up and keep you that way!”

“ Dena, you can’t leave me here tied up! You ca!.” but I was cut off as Dena got up and placed her socked foot over my mouth - the dreaded sock gag!

“ MMMMPH!!!!”

“ Don’t resist me - you see what happens when you do? You get smelly socks over your mouth!” Dena said. “ You’ll be perfectly safe. I’ll leave my phone in your lap and I’ll tie your hands in front of you so you can call me if you need me. Just hit speed dial 1.”


“ Don’t yell, Jess, or I’ll have to keep my foot on your mouth. Then I might have to consider tickling you some more instead of going to your house and doing your chores for you. Would you rather I do that?” Dena asked, planting her foot on my mouth for emphasis.

“ MMMMMMM!” I screamed.

“ Either I go to your house to do your chores and come back in an hour, with you tied up here, or I stay here and tickle you for the next hour,” Dena demanded, her smelly foot over my mouth and holding my head down. “ You have 5 seconds to answer. If you want me to do your chores, blink your eyes hard. If not, I’ll know to start tickling you!”

With no choice, I blinked hard and Dena smiled.

“ Good boy!” Dena said. “ Now, again, before I take my foot off your mouth, you are going to promise me there will be no more begging! You’re staying here tied up, and I am going to do your chores, and I will be back here in an hour. I’ll set you up with the phone and you’ll be fine. So if I take my foot off your mouth, no more begging? Begging will negate the deal and I’ll start tickling you. OK?”

I nodded my head. Dena had left me alone before - she and Jamie left me bound and gagged in their dorm room that night, but they were just down the hall. Although with the phone at my disposal, I knew I’d be OK. So I agreed. Plus, I knew Dena would never do anything to hurt me.

“ Good boy,” Dena said, removing her smelly foot from my mouth. “ I’m going to tie you to my bed and cuffs your hands in front of you. I’ll use the other handcuffs on your feet and tie them to the footboard so you can’t escape, but I won’t tie you up tight at all. And I’ll let you have the phone if you need to call me, OK?”

“ OK!.I don’t have much choice, do I?” I asked Dena.

“ Nope, you don’t. But you’ve been such a good little hostage since being tickled into submission that you deserve something nice. Here, do as I tell you,” Dena said, and she instructed me to climb onto the bed. My hands were still bound behind me with handcuffs and ropes bound my arms and legs and duct tape still bound my feet.

Dena had me sit on her bed with my feet by her footboard. She used scissors to cut off the tape that bound my ankles, and then used the long handcuffs (maybe 8 inches apart) to cuff my feet together. She then gently tied the cuffs to the footboard with pantyhose. My feet were now bound to the bed, but much more comfortably than before.

Dena then untied the ropes from my legs and chest and discarded them on the floor. She uncuffed my hands and then recuffed them in front of me and placed the phone in my lap.

“ See? This is OK, right?” Dena asked me.

“ Yeah, it is. I can call you if I need you?” I asked.

“ Of course you can.” Dena said, smiling.

Then she brought the TV remote to me and placed THAT in my lap - she had cable in her room. “ In case you want to watch any TV while I’m gone,” Dena said warmly.

But then before she left Dena grabbed a long black scarf out of the drawer and came behind me.

“ No blindfold! C’mon!” I protested.

“ No, just a small gag. You’ll still be able to speak, though. It will just be a bit muffled,” Dena laughed and gagged me from behind, tying he scarf somewhat loosely over my mouth in cleave - gag fashion. Not tight, but effective

“ Dena!” I protested into the gag. I could speak, but my words were kinda muffled,

“ Gagging you is important, Jess. First, I DO need to make sure you stay a little quieter. Just in case you get the dumb idea to try and yell for help. Next, you have to understand how good it feels to look at this cute boy I’ve kidnapped and see him bound AND gagged! Just reinforces the fact that you are ALL MINE!” Dena said, sitting at my bound feet.

“ Finally, the gag is a trust object. Remember a few weeks ago at college, when you tried to escape and we could tell because the socks we placed in your lap were on the floor? Same thing. If I come back and the gag is still in your mouth, you will have earned my trust. If not,” Dena said, starting to flutter her fingers again, “ then you will get tickled for hours! And the gag won’t be a scarf - it will be dirty socks!”

I nodded. Dena kissed me again and ran downstairs. She came back carrying her clogs and leather jacket. She put her shoes on and then the jacket and kissed me again. “ I’m sorry I had to kidnap you today, honey, but you left me no choice! If the phone rings, don’t answer it - if it’s me I’ll leave a message, don’t worry. But I don’t need my Mom knowing I’ve tied you up! Be a good boy and I just may let you go when I get back.”

So there I was, tied to Dena’s bed and gagged. I sat there and flicked the TV on and watched a college basketball game, and I didn’t move or even try to get the gag off. After about an hour the phone rang and I obeyed Dena and didn’t answer it. It was Dena. With a message for me. (Dena had given me a recording of this message afterwards, and I had kept it until recently. Unfortunately it’s gone now.

“ Helloooo, my little hostage. Are you OK? Still tied up and gagged, I hope. Well, I wanted to let you know I am leaving your house now. The laundry is in the dryer and will be there waiting and clean when you get home. Your room is spotless. Unfortunately, if you’ve been a good boy, you may have to wait for me to untie you. I realized that I think I need to tickle you JUST a little bit more when I get back, as final punishment for doubting me in the first place! What kind of a kidnapper or torturer would I be if I let you go without one final round of tickle torture? So sit tight and juuuuust wait for me, honey. (Very slowly she said this next part) Because when I get back I’m going to come inside, take my jacket and shoes off, walk slooooowly up the stairs, sloooowly enter my room, walk sloooooowly towards my bound and gagged hostage on the bed, crawl up right along side you while you thrash and scream and beg me not to, and then tickle you like you’ve never been tickled before!!!! You will be crying again before I am done!!! 15 - 20 minutes is all I will need to tickle - torture your helpless, bound body to the point of insanity! Bye bye, sweetheart! You have exactly 10 minutes before you face the worst tickle - torture I can possibly give you! Hee hee hee hee hee!!!!!!!”

And then she hung up.

I dropped the phone to the ground and lay back, resigned at my fate. I didn’t try to escape - what good would it do? - and didn’t even take the gag off. I just lay there, awaiting Dena’s return to tickle me. I realized she was not only a master physical torturer, but a mental torturer too! I was filled with excitement and dread and was almost giddy with nervous anticipation as I sat there, tied to the bed and waiting for Dena.

I heard the garage door go up. I heard the door open. I heard Dena padding up the stairs slowly. I saw her open her bedroom door and appear to me in her gorgeous blouse and cargo pants and socked feet. She also had a length of rope wrapped around her wrists in front of her, as if her hands were tied, and she had a piece of silver duct tape across her mouth!

“ What the hell?!” I said through my gag.

Dena lowered her eyes at me and smiled - her short puffy sleeved showing goosebumps on her arms! Dena was so excited - like a tiger cornering her prey! Only with tied hands (or least hands that looked tied) and gagged.

Dena slowly walked towards me and never said a word but wiggling her fingers in the air, her hands still “ bound” in front of her, and grinned ear to ear. She never stopped walking and was on me in seconds, she had very deliberately loosed the ropes from around her wrists and set them free, but she kept her mouth tapeed. Why, I wondered?

Dena lay beside me on the bed and with her mouth still taped and started tickling my upper body with her fingers while I screamed and whimpered into the gag. She raised up my t - shirt over my head to leave my bare torso exposed and slowly ran her fingers up and down my ribs and stomach in excruciating spider - like fashion. I screamed into my gag. But Dena’s mouth stayed taped and she kept tickling me while laying alongside me.

When I was thrashing too much for her liking Dena grabbed my cuffed hands and pinned them over my head so she was looking down at me and I could see her upside down. Her mouth was still taped and she pulled my shirt way up over my head my neck and bare armpits were exposed and she lightly tickled me in both places, putting me into absolute screaming agony as she fingered my neck and very softly tickled my armpits. God it was brutal!

Her mouth still taped, Dena then climbed on top of me and straddled me at the waist, facing me, pulled my t - shirt back down, as then used her roommate Jamie’s old trick of tickling me under my shirt, so it felt even more brutal. Like there were bugs trapped inside there and I couldn’t do anything to stop them. I whimpered into my gag very audibly, but Dena kept tickling my under my shirt until tears were in my eyes again and I was screaming into the gag from the laughter. My whole body ached as if I’d just had an intense two - hour workout. Which I did, I guess, only it was more like four hours!

Then STILL with her mouth taped, Dena once more tickled my neck, first with her fingers and then with her socked toes, which made me scream so loud the gag hardly mattered anymore. Usually Dena smiled and grinned and cooed and taunted me when she would tickle me, but not this time. This time she had taped her own mouth shut and was tickling me while staying silent about the torture she was inflicting. It made it all the more agonizing - Dena was SO sexy the few times she was tied up. To see her gagged like that was awesome, but to still be her victim while she gagged? Excruciating.

Dena finally finished me off my tickling my bare feet with her fingers with her smelly grey argyle socked feet in my face. By the time she was done 35 minutes later, I was screaming into my soaked gag and in tears.

Dena stopped, straddled me again, and slowly pulled off her tape gag.

“ Did you like that? I thought you would like being tickled to death by a damsel in distress?” Dena said softly with a small smile, lowering my gag. “ I thought of keeping my hands tied while I tickled you, but decided it was too hard!”

I gasped and panted and didn’t say much. I couldn’t - I was still too worn out and tickled out and teary and laughing and giddy. She was right, though. It somehow made the torture all the more unbearable!

“ I think you’ve had enough!” Dena purred, and she untied my feet from the footboard while I whimpered. She then cradled me in her arms and said, “ I love taunting you, but I figured tickling you while gagged would just be horrible! And wow, those tape gags do hurt a bit, huh?

“ Yeah,” I panted, exhausted and defeated and oh - so - loving it, “ they do!”

Dena giggled and led me downstairs, still with my hands and feet cuffed. She told me I was sleeping over and she brought a change of clothes with her from my house.

“ Also, I am going to keep you tied up for a while tonight, because the deal was to be my slaved ALL day!” Dena said, sitting me on the couch and placing her feet on my lap. “ But I promise, honey, as long as you don’t disobey me, I won’t tickle you anymore tonight!”

I spent most of the rest of the day and night tied up and Dena’s hostage, but I wasn’t tickled again until late, late that night. I was able to go to the bathroom and shower and all that, but whenever I finished Dena would tie me up again with both sets of handcuffs.

Later as we watched TV Dena would put her foot over my mouth and keep it there for a few minutes at a time, and then change feet and put the other foot over my mouth. Sometimes she would give me a break, sometimes she wouldn’t. We got pizza that night and she fed me while I was tied up, and at bedtime she handcuffed me to her Mom’s bed.

“ I think I’ll keep you tied to the bed tonight while we sleep, just so you don’t get away from me!” Dena said and winked, cuffing my hands to the bed but freeing my feet. She changed into her football shirt and sweat pants, and took her socks off her feet. “ I’ll keep these socks handy in case I need them.” And then she climbed into bed alongside me. We watched some TV until late and then went to sleep.

During the night I felt Dena’s fingers around my lips, when I woke up she gently stuffed one of her argyle socks in my mouth, straddled me, and whispered, “ Oh good - you’re awake. I just HAVE to tickle you a little more!” And with that Dena tickled my armpits and stomach and ribs and neck for 10 minutes while I screamed into the sock gag.

Dena finally stopped tickling me and took the sock out when I had calmed down. We then went back to sleep. I awoke to the feeling of her uncuffing my hands from the headboard.

“ It’s the next day, honey. You’re free! You’re not my hostage anymore!” Dena giggled as I struggled awake.

What a day!

kidnap boy's stories
kidnap boy's unsorted stories
The Tickle Fight with Dena and Marissa (fm/f, ff/m)
Dena and Marissa - Torturous Spa Day (ff/m)
Kidnap Boy's and Marissa's Revenge on Dena (fm/f)
Dena's Championship Tickle Fight! (f/m, f/f, ff/m, ff/f)
Dena and Marissa - Kidnapped For Insulting Dena (ff/m)
One long day (m/f, f/m, ff/m)
Summertime Fun with Dena (f/m)
Captured, Tied Up and Tickle-Tortured by Dena/Marissa (ff/m)
Dena takes her revenge! (f/mf)
Another Dena and Marissa Story (ff/m, f/mf, ff/m)
Dena Tickles Me Into Submission (f/m)
Kidnapped by Dena (f/m, ff/m)
Captured, Tied Up and tickle-Tortured by Dena/Marissa (ff/m)
Dena's Party Prisoner (f/m)
Dena Tells the Story (f/m, ff/m)

Index of all stories in the "Archive for Everyone" section
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Really awesome story! Do u have any other Dena stories?
Check out my DeviantArt page!
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Post by lalut »

I've been able to find a lot of Kidnap Boy's old stories through Wayback Machine, a lot of them are already posted here though. I can look back to see if there's any other ones that are missing on this archive.
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Post by Barefoot99 »

i loved these stories
Barefoot and cuffed. That's the only way to go.
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Post by Canuck100 »

I don’t recall having read this one before : I’m glad you reposted it! Really good one, like all the Kidnap boy stories. I wish I could have taken his place!
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