Mark and Nancy (f/m, f/f, etc) (updated 5/17/2019 Ch. 7 p5)

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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 5 - The Cousins - Part 4

Struggling inside the chest was a bad idea. What was simply stuffy before quickly became both hot and stuffy and with his hands and body bound there was little point. Trying to yell through the gag was equally fruitless. The one thing Mark could not understand was why she went to all the trouble of dressing him in the feminine cat costume if she was simply going to hide him in a locked chest.

Squeaking wheels announced Teresa’s return a few moments later and the box tilted sideways onto a mover’s dolly. The box bounced against the back of each step as she hauled it up from the basement. "There we go, we're at the top." Teresa sounded out of breath. "Not too jostled in there I hope."

After a brief stop the box started moving again. The odors filtering beneath the lid made it clear they were outside the house. After a long walk, a couple of turns, and a short flight of stairs, the chest jostled and Mark hoped Teresa was finally freeing him from the tight confines, but instead she removed the dolly, the squeaking wheels retreating into the distance leaving him behind.

A door opened. "What is this?" Michelle said.

Mark groaned and fought back the desire to scream at Teresa for what she was doing.

"Look there’s a note." Tamara said just inches from Mark's head.

A brief silence was followed by bouts of giggling. "Hey Mark, how you doin’ in there?"

Mark grunted in response.

"What's the matter, don't want to talk?" Tamara laughed. "Hey Michelle help me take him inside."

Mark felt the box moving as he was awkwardly hauled inside the house. Mark could make out some words exchanged between his cousins and his Mom but could not hear well enough through the hood covering his ears and the padded box to understand what was being said as they must have been in another room.

There was a knock on the box. "Mark, this is Mom, are you ok?"

Mark grunted in a way that he hoped to indicate he was hot and cramped.

"Can you talk? Did she gag you?"

Mark grunted again.

"Ok, grunt once for yes and twice for no. Are you gagged?"

Mark grunted once noting the stupidity of the question considering he wouldn’t need to grunt if he were not gagged. His Mom was obviously enjoying his predicament.

"There is a combination lock on the chest. Do you know the combination?" Mom asked.

One grunt.

"Oh dear," Mom said. "Does anyone else know the combination."

Two grunts.

"This is going to take a while."

"Mark grunt the number for the first number in the combination. We'll count them." Michelle suggested.

Tamara laughed. "You ninny there is an easier way." Teresa shook the lock. "Let's see, there are forty total numbers. Mark is the first number greater than 20?"

One grunt.

"Is it greater than 30?" Tamara asked.

Two grunts.

"Is it greater than 25?"

Two grunts.

"Is it greater than 23?"

One grunt.

"Is the first number in the combination 24?"

Two grunts.

"Is it 25."

One grunt.

"Wow, Tamara, that was very clever of you." Sharon said. "Get the other two numbers."

The process was repeated two more times and the lock was opened. Mark of course was not exactly relieved to be free of the box considering what he was wearing.

When light entered Tamara's shocked face was all be saw before her face bloomed into a smile. "Oh my goodness."

Michelle laughed covering her face with her hands.

"Oh my, she did a good job." His Mom said.

Mark tried to wiggle but he could only shake his hands a little and roll his eyes around at the three laughing faces who were slowly walking around him.

"Let's get him out of there." Three sets of hands set to work on the knots.

When Michelle and Tamara finally pulled him from the box Mark looked up just in time to see his Mom snapping several photos. Mark yelled and grunted and tried to hide behind the box.

Tamara fell backwards on her bottom and Michelle fell sideways as he pushed them away so he could hide. "Ouch!"

"Oh come on Mark, you are totally unrecognizable, let me take a few pictures." his Mom said.

"Yeah, we want something to remember all the fun we had here." Michelle said standing up to feel the material of the costume.

Tamara grabbed his tail and looked closely at his face. She felt the soft white velvet that covered his chest and visually narrowed his waist. She squeezed the padded paws. "You really do look incredible. No one would guess there is a teenage boy inside there. Why did Teresa do this to you anyway?"

Mark looked at his Mom and pointed to his mouth.

"Alright let me help you with that gag." His Mom opened the zipper in the back and unbuckled the gag and then quickly closed zipper. She pulled the gag from his mouth and tossed it into the chest.

Mark worked his jaw for a few seconds.

"So why did Teresa do this?" Tamara asked again.

"I tied her up last Saturday when I went over to help her move stuff into the attic."

Michelle and Tamara gasped and his Mom just nodded. "Thank you for being honest."

"When did she tell you?" Mark asked.

"Just after you left that day." His Mom answered.

Mark nodded, not really surprised that Teresa and his Mom were somewhat involved in the whole scheme. "Don't you think this is a little overkill." Mark said pointing to his body.

"I don't know, it’s kind of cute." His Mom laughed. "Besides, she didn't tell me what she was going to do."

"You trusted her? I mean, this is beyond embarrassing." Mark whined. "I did nothing to embarrass her."

Michelle ran back into the room holding her camera bag. "Oh please let us take some pictures." Michelle begged.

"Yes, please." Tamara echoed.

"No way, not on your life, besides you already took some when I was all tied up."

"That was with you gagged. We want some more posed shots." Sharon looked her son over once again feeling the paws and looking at the hood. "Mark, son, you don't really have a choice? I doubt you can get out of that costume by yourself?"

"Perhaps, but I don’t have to make it easy."

Sharon sighed and looked at Tamara and Michelle. "Any ideas?"

"We could probably force him, it's not like he'll run outside."

"No way, might ruin his outfit." Tamara reasoned. "That would ruin the pictures. I don’t want a bunch of pictures of us holding him down."

"Alright then," Sharon addressed her son. "How about we make a deal."

Mark cocked his head to one side and furrowed his brow.

"Don't be so suspicious. I propose that you let us take as many pictures of you right now as we want, and you can tie all three of us up tomorrow in any room of the house."

Michelle and Tamara gaped at their aunt. "What!"

Sharon looked at the girls. "Do you want the pictures or not? This is the only idea he is likely to go for."

Mark hesitated despite his Mom's confidence he would accept the deal. "No blackmail. And what assurance can you give me that no one will know it's me."

Sharon laughed. "Go look in the mirror, no one’s going to know."

"And I can tie you up anywhere and any way I want?"

"Has to be inside this house, and nothing painful."

Mark waved his paw at his Mom. "Of course, but no other limitations. Laundry room, my bedroom, living room, basement, anywhere?"

Mark's Mom nodded and his cousins finally did as well after a brief hesitation. "Fine then, let's get this over with."

The first few minutes were just basic portraits with a few close ups. Then Michelle and Tamara got into the photos as well, each doing various poses with his feminine kitty body. Sharon also had several pictures with her son. Tamara darted away and returned holding some pieces of pink material. "Here put his on." She held up a two piece swimsuit.

"No way. You said pictures, not clothes."

"I think it is within the bounds of our agreement. Photos often include different outfits." Sharon explained.

"Ok, but you have to help me out of this costume, and do whatever it takes to make me look normal again once this is over."

Sharon nodded.

Mark raised his paw and Michelle stretched the garment over his feet and legs. Soon he was posing for pictures in a hot pink two piece swimsuit. He was at least thankful that no one would ever be able to recognize him.

Tamara left again and returned with a white mini dress. "Ok, this is next."

"How many of these are we going to do?"

Michelle smiled and snapped a picture while Mark was pulling the dress up his legs. "Don't worry just a few more."

A few more turned into five more outfits: A yellow satin dress, a wrap around skirt and crop top, a one piece swimsuit, and finally a blue, knee-length tube dress. "Ok, one last outfit and we're done." Mark's Mom announced.

"Ah no, there are a few more I want him to try on, we didn't do any sleep wear." Michelle whined.

"Sorry, I have the last one right upstairs, just a second." Sharon said.

Mark's Mom returned moments later with a large box from which she removed a short white petticoat and a black satin dress. "I thought a costume in a costume would look good."

The girls jumped up and down giggling. "Oh this is cool, a French Maid's uniform."

"Awesome! Though too bad he can't wear the heels." Tamara dangled the five inch black patent pumps from her fingers.

It took forever to get him dressed in the costume which came complete with a corset. Once dressed hundreds of pictures were taken, or at least it seemed like hundreds. All the girls took pictures with him and he was photographed while washing the dishes and vacuuming.

"Whew, that was fun. You girls clean up and I'll take our kitty here and change her back into a teenager."

The two girls laughed. "Sure thing, bye bye kitty."

"You won't be laughing tomorrow ladies." Mark said and followed his Mom up stairs to her room.
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Can’t wait to see the revenge Mark gets!
Check out my DeviantArt page!
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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 5 - The Cousins - Part 5

Mark placed another 24 inch silk square on the pile of scarves. "Ok, that's 16, should be enough." Neatly organized on his bed were coiled bundles of cotton rope and three piles of silk scarves each of different sizes. There was also a closed box sealed with packing tape. "There is no way they will ..."

"What ya' doin'?" Nancy's voice interrupted from the threshold of his bedroom.

"Sheesh, do you knock?" Mark said looking over his shoulder.

Nancy stepped into the room, she wore a loose pink sweater that hung low on her shoulders. The sweater covered a leotard and tights which caught the dim light in the room. "Getting ready to tie up another innocent girl?" Nancy smirked.

"Not innocent this time." Mark replied. "They deserve everything I can give and more."

"Ah yes, I'm so disappointed I didn't get to see you in your costume. Your Mom saved me a picture though."

Mark shook his head and turned to look at this girl he had become so infatuated with. "Nancy, why me?"

"You mean why did my Mom do that to you?" Nancy said.

"Yes, I understand getting tied up. But why the costumes and why are they always girly?"

"Two reasons I think. The most obvious being that we don't have a lot of guy's costumes lying around. So if she want to have a little revenge your more likely to end up as a Playboy bunny then Hugh Hefner."

Mark thought for a second. "Perhaps."

"The other reason is because you hate it so much and look so cute at the same time."

Mark blushed. "So I get dressed up because you and your Mom think I'm cute in costumes."

"Your Mom too." Nancy added. "And besides, you asked for it this time. What possessed you to tie Mom up while she was sleeping?"

Mark shrugged. "I'm not sure. I still don't know how I ever had the nerve. So are you going to watch or what?"

"Watch what?" Nancy said looking genuinely uninformed.

"Mom said that if I let them take photos yesterday I could tie up all three of them today."

"Wish I could, but I have a gymnastics thing today." Nancy said picking at her clothes.

"And I thought you were wearing that for me."

It was Nancy's turn to blush. "Yeah, well perhaps another time." Nancy turned to leave the room.

Mark took two wide steps to the door and laid his hands on her shoulder. "You do look amazing. Good luck today."

Nancy wrapped her arms around Mark's neck and they hugged for a full minute. "Be nice to them, and maybe you'll avoid their revenge."

"No worries, my cousins are leaving in a couple days so I'm probably out of the woods."

"And don't get too distracted by your victims."

"Nancy, they're family. How could I possibly be distracted by them?"

Nancy gave him a wink over her shoulder as she left the room. Mark shook his head and returned to his plans. Twenty minutes later, armed with two grocery bags he walked downstairs and into the kitchen. His Mom and two cousins were huddled around the counter quietly discussing something. Mark however was not the least bit interested in what they were saying. Instead he was staring at their clothes which consisted of nothing more than a single full length black unitard. All three of them wore the exact same thing. "Uh..." Mark said.

Mark's Mom whirled around and smiled. "We are ready. We thought our skin might need some protection from whatever your devious little mind cooks up." She let her hands slide over the slippery fabric tightly hugging her hips.

"Um...yeah. Good idea." Mark muttered while watching the three women step closer to him.

"So how do you want us?" Tamara asked smiling.

This was not exactly the reception he was hoping for. His imagination had conjured up three ladies with expressions more resembling a trip to the gallows than a dance studio. The smiles they flashed him were a little unnerving. They seemed to be flirting with him, which was especially weird coming from his Mom. He shook away the shock and got to business. "Ok, Tamara and Michelle, you two go to your room, I'll come get you when I'm done with Mom."

"Hold on their Tex." Mom said in a fake western accent. "We need some rules first."

"I already know the rules."

"We'll I'm going to clarify them. You get an hour a piece to tie each of us up and once your are done we get an hour to escape. Then you have to release us."

Mark snorted. "Sure, no problem."

"What? Why are you laughing?" Michelle demanded.

"The escape part that's all."

"We shall see." Mark's Mom entered the living room and his cousins ran upstairs.

"Where do you want me?"

Mark moved the coffee table out of the way and pulled the couch back a few feet. "Lay down right there in front of the television on your stomach."

Mark worked as methodically as he could, the black shiny unitards covered more than any swimsuit his he had seen her wear, at least that was what he kept telling himself. Even though he knew their real purpose had less to do with protecting skin than distracting him. "All right Mark, keep it simple." He whispered to himself.

Starting with her wrists, he cinched them tightly behind her back and repeated it with her ankles, using the loose ends of the rope to pull her ankles toward her hands in a hog tie. Two more lengths were used at her elbows and knees to complete the tie. "Ok, since I can't have you chatting it up with the other two..." Mark held a silk scarf knotted several times in the middle to create a large ball of material. Mom accepted the gag stoically even when he pushed her head forward before securing the knot behind her head to guarantee she could not push it free. "There nice and simple."

Mark ran upstairs. "Ok Michelle, your next. Put this on." Mark handed her a blindfold. "I don't want you to see what is in store for you."

Michelle smiled and winked at him and donned the sleep mask. Mark shook his head and led her carefully down the stairs. He had her lie on her stomach with her head an inch or two away from his Mom's and then repeated the exact same hog tie. Once the knotted scarf was securely inside Michelle's mouth Mark removed the blindfold. "Now don't move you two, I still have a few more things to add but I need the final member of our party so sit tight."

Moments later Mark was leading Tamara down the stairs and positioned her so she was the final point of a three pointed star. Each girl was facing the other two. Mark quickly bound her in the exact same fashion before gagging her and removing the blindfold. "Ok now for fun part." Starting with his Mom, Mark used some nylon string and wrapped it several times around her big toes, cinching them together. She struggled a bit and made several annoyed sounds through her gag. Mark threaded the string from her toes through her bound elbows and then over to Michelle's elbows and back down to her toes where he duplicated the toe tie. He continued from there back through her elbows and across to Tamara. Once finished with her toe tie he finished by tying off the string where he started at his Mom's toes. Now any lateral movement pulled on the nylon string and then yanked on their toes. "Ok, ladies, your hour starts now."

Mark watched them for a while but after twenty minutes or so got bored and went into the kitchen to grab some food. After forty minutes it appeared they had given up since they were resting their heads on the floor. "Twenty more minutes, don't give up yet." Mark taunted.

During the last ten minutes Mark could not resist their exposed bare feet and gave each of them a good tickling. His Mom hated it and her wild movements pulled harshly on the string connecting each of their toes, much to his cousins' displeasure.

Mark released them exactly at the hour mark using a knife to cut the strings from their toes. He then freed there arms leaving the rest to take care of themselves.

"There now Mark, we're square right." His Mom said.

Mark nodded.

Michelle and Tamara walked towards the stairs. "We could have escaped." They said to each other in a clearly audible whisper.

"Yeah right," Mark answered. "Why didn't you then?"

Tamara and Michelle covered their mouths and looked at Sharon who was glaring at them.

"What's going on?" Mark said.

"Nothing, you did well, it's unlikely we could have gotten free."

"You mean you didn't try?"

With a sigh, Mark's Mom sat down and crossed her arms still glaring at the two young ladies. "Look, we're trying to end this back and forth thing. Revenge then more revenge, then more revenge, until you all hate each other."

Michelle and Tamara had come back from the stairs and stood behind his Mom. The shiny black clothes continued to be a major distraction. "So you did not try to escape?"

The two girls shook their heads.

"None of you tried."

His Mom shook her head as well.

Mark shrugged. "Doesn't matter, you would never have gotten out."

Tamara and Michelle started to protest but Sharon held up her hand. "Are you so sure? My wrists felt pretty loose, I'm sure I could have slipped a coil or two."

"No way. I checked that."

Tamara could keep quiet no longer. "You want to bet?"

"What are you talking about. Bet what? That you can't escape."

"Oh for goodness sake." Mom shook her head. "Are you sure you want to get tied up again just to prove a point." She was looking a Tamara.

"Yeah sure, but let's put something on the line." Michelle answered. "Make it interesting."

"Alright you girls, since you have such big mouths, how about this? I was planning on taking you and Nancy out for one last girl's day at the spa before you go back home. Well, if we can't escape than instead of that you have to stay here and do whatever my son wants you to do. You'll be his personal assistants or whatever."

Michelle and Tamara looked at each other for a second. "Well what happens if we do escape?"

Mom looked at her son and placed a finger against he lips. "Well I know Teresa can't go with us since she is on call for work, so I suggest that Mark go over to her house for the day and be her personal assistant."

"More likely her maid," Michelle giggled. "I'm good with that."

Tamara nodded.

"What about you Mom?" Mark asked.

"I'm your mother, so I won't be working for you. But you can still tie me up, we'll just call it a freebie."

Mark nodded. "I'm cool with that, but I am not going to tie you up the same way as last time."

Tamara and Michelle shrugged. "Fine with us."

"Ok then, same drill as before, you two up the stairs and I'll start with Mom."

Mark ran upstairs to his bedroom and grabbed the box that was still on his bed and came back downstairs.

"Same place as before?" His Mom asked.

"Works for me." Mark said setting the box on the floor.

"What's in the box?"

Mark opened the lid and pulled out a twelve inch wide roll of plastic wrap. "This." Mark tried his best impression of an evil grin. "Hands to your sides please."

"This should be interesting."

Starting at her waist Mark wrapped his Mom's upper body in layer after layer of plastic wrap. He crisscrossed it over her shoulders and continued down her body to her ankles. Only when the entire roll was used up did he stop. And even then he used a few lengths of tape to reinforce her ankles, knees, and waist. He then helped her to down onto the carpet. "I don't think it's necessary to gag you this time."

Mark ran upstairs. "Ok Michelle put on the blindfold."

"It's Tamara's turn to go first."

"Whatever." Mark handed the blindfold to Tamara and escorted her downstairs.

"Alright stand still, Tamara, and put your hands at your sides." Mark started wrapping another roll around and around.

"What is this stuff?"

"Saran wrap, now shush."

Tamara opened her mouth to retort but stopped herself. Mark continued wrapping until the black unitard was only a smoky grey shadow beneath the layers of wrap. Once the roll was empty he reinforced the wrap with tape and then helped her lay on the floor next to his Mom before removing the blindfold.

Tamara looked over at Sharon. "Hi, fancy meeting you here."

Sharon laughed. "Yeah, my name's Sweaty, what's yours."

"Soon-to-be-sweaty." Tamara laughed.

"You can gab all you want when I've finished." Mark said. "I do have tape here."

They giggled once more and fell silent.

Mark ran upstairs to get Michelle. "What's that smell?" She asked when she reached the living room, the saran wrap and duct tape did have a somewhat unique odor.

"You'll see. Arms to your sides please." Mark started wrapping her hands in place.

"Oh no, not this again." Michelle said.

"You've done this before?"

Tamara laughed. "The girls on our street wrapped her to a tree once with saran wrap."

"Did you escape?" Mark asked.

"No, not until it started to rain and Tamara took pity on me."

"Well no rain here I can guarantee that."

Mark continued with the wrap until, like the other two, the roll was used up. More tape finished the job and he laid her down next to his Mom. "Ok, I'm going to run upstairs and compile your list of chores you'll be doing tomorrow. I hope you can run a lawnmower."

Mark did not really do anything other than spend the next half hour playing a video game. After about 45 minutes he heard his Mom's voice on the phone, and she was walking upstairs. She entered his room completely free from the plastic.

Mark was stunned and his mouth fell open.

"That's right Teresa, whatever you need him to do. He'll be over tomorrow morning at nine o'clock."

Mark's Mom hung up the phone. "Ta da," she said holding out her arms.

"How did you..." Mark stuttered.

Mom held out her fingers, indicating the half inch of length of nail beyond the tips. "Once my hands were sweaty enough i got a little movement and these babies sliced right through the plastic. Once I had a finger or two free I was able to poke holes near Tamara's hand, once she had her whole hand free it was just a matter of time."

Mark shook his head.

"Don't worry, I've instructed your cousins not to tease you."

Mark laid his forehead on his desk. "This sucks."
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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 5 - The Cousins - Part 6

"I'm not going." The clock read 8 o'clock and Mark pulled the covers tightly over his head.

His Mom stepped into the room decked out in a sundress and heels the smell of perfume wafting in behind her. "Come on sleepy head, you have a date with Teresa."

He repeated the mantra going through his brain since he woke up at seven. "I'm not going."

The sound of retreating heels greeted his ears through the covers. However they were soon replaced by a second pair of quieter shoes entering and sitting on the bed. This perfume did not belong to his mother, Nancy peeled back the sheets. Mark sighed knowing he had little chance of resisting her. "Mom said she would go easy on you. Nothing major just a few chores."

"Yeah right, and she’s never lied to you?"

"She promised, and she usually keeps those, besides you did lose the bet." Nancy said.

"I always lose the bets, I'm not making bets anymore." Mark dropped the sheet lower for the sole purpose of getting a better look at what Nancy was wearing. Her bare thighs were covered by a short, spaghetti strap dress which hugged her stomach closely. It was white with green flowers which set off her green eyes.

"If you swear off bets, how am I going to get you all tied up so I can play with you?"

Mark blushed at the thought. "Perhaps you might try asking me?"

"Hmm..." Nancy laughed. "Do you think that would work?"

"Depends on what you're wearing." Mark laughed.

"Or maybe that depends on what you'll be wearing."

Mark threw the blankets back and playfully punched Nancy in the arm. "Hey, don't go blabbing that around school now."

"Don't worry. So you'll go over to Mom's then?" Nancy stood and straightened her dress which flared from her waist and stopped just above her knee.

"Yes, I'll go."

Nancy leaned over and gave Mark a kiss on the cheek. "Try to have fun."

Mark looked askance at Nancy. "How am I going to do that?"

"You'll think of something." Nancy swirled out of the room leaving Mark only with the heat of her kiss and the smell of her perfume.

* * *

An hour later as the four ladies pulled out of the driveway Mark waved from the sidewalk and walked the short distance to Teresa's front door. He paused to look around at the landscaping and the well manicured front lawns as if noticing it all for the first time, delaying the inevitable ringing of the doorbell. Finally with a great sigh, he pushed the button. Several moments later Teresa answered the door. She was the same height as he unless she wore heels and today she was barefoot with a swimsuit coverup wrapped around her waist and a bright blue bikini top.

"You're a minute late, that will cost you."

Mark took an involuntary step back.

Teresa laughed, "Just kidding, I promised Nancy I would take it easy on you this time. I'm getting ready to do a little sunbathing, why don't you clean the pool."

Mark was not exactly sure how to clean a pool but Teresa pointed out the various tools of the trade and what to do with them. He grabbed a broom on a long pole and Teresa laid down on a mat on the decking which surrounded the pool. "So how are things with my daughter?"

Mark looked over at Teresa who was rubbing oil over her skin. The directness of the question startled him. "Fine I hope, I think." Mark hesitated. "I like her a lot."


"Mom says I'm too young to know what love is all about." Mark answered

"Really, it seems to me like you love her, remember when you nearly killed yourself trying to help her?"

"Yes, and I also remember it was you who caused that whole mess." Mark answered.

"You should thank me, Nancy fell hard for you after that little incident."

Mark leaned on the pole and cast his mind back. "Really?" Mark looked again at Teresa who was now lying on her stomach, with her cover up hanging over the railing and the blue thong of her swimsuit outlining the tight curve of her buttocks. "Thank you then."

"Your welcome, and save those looks for my daughter. I'm twice your age."

"No offense, but I know where Nancy gets it. "

"Flattery will get you everything with me." Teresa laughed.

They bantered back and forth for a few more minutes. Mark decided he would also ask her a tough question, since she had been so direct with him. "Did you like it when I tied you up?"

Teresa lifted her head and slid her sunglasses down her nose while pushing stray strands of red hair away from her face. "I was scared at first. I know how hormonal teenage boys can be, I wasn't sure you would stop at my feet, if you get my meaning."

"Heavens! If I knew you were afraid of that I would never have done it. Sheesh, I'm sorry."

"It's ok, I enjoy the memory of it, but at the time I was pretty nervous, and angry."

Mark continued to work on the pool while Teresa sunned herself. He silently thought things through trying to gin up the courage to ask his next question. Nancy had told him to try and enjoy himself so he took a chance. "So would you like me to tie you up again? I mean now that you know I won’t do anything bad." Mark said if from the other side of the pool putting as much distance between her and himself in case she got angry.

"You are something." Teresa responded. "But you know what, just to show you that there are no hard feelings. Sure you can tie me up while I tan my front side."

The pole Mark held slipped from his fingers. It banged against the side of the pool and ricocheted into his chins which caused him to yelp in pain. He hopped around the pool holding his leg.

Teresa clutched her side in laughter. "Surprised you there did I?"

Mark nodded and sprinted home to get his bag of materials in case she changed her mind in the time it would take him to search for something at her house. When he returned Teresa was still applying oil to her legs and stomach while sitting on the mat. The deck area around the pool was made of stained wood with gaps between the long boards to allow water to fall onto the ground beneath. The pool was a couple feet off the surface of the ground and the deck surrounded it to the same level. Short stairs on each of three sides led from the backyard grass to the deck. Benches were placed between each set of stairs and would provide the perfect place to sit or even attach ropes, if one was so inclined. "Are you ready?"

Teresa smiled. "As ready as I'll ever be. Just remember, you must release me the moment I ask you to, especially if this phone rings." She touched the cell phone next to her hip.

Mark nodded. "Sure."

"Ok then, how do you want me? Try and keep my front in the sun."

"Alright then, put your arms above your head."

Teresa laid down on her back and raised her arms above her head. Mark quickly wrapped several loops of rope around her wrists cinching between them. The trailing ends were connected to the leg of a bench a couple feet above and beyond the reach of her fingers. He repeated this at her ankles again tying the loose ends to the leg of a bench a good distance from her toes stretching her out in the sun. "There, I'd say you're stuck."

Teresa tugged at the ropes. "Looks that way."

"I'll finish the pool, then get us some drinks." Mark picked up the pool cleaning broom.

Teresa though was not going to just let him be. "Hey pool boy, would you scratch my nose?" She began.

Mark shook his head.

"Hey pool boy, could you push my sunglasses up." "Hey pool boy, why don't you take off your shirt like a proper pool boy." And on and on.

Mark finally had enough and grabbed a scarf from his stash and pulled a knot of silk between her lips tickling her armpits to force her jaws open. "There now, I can finish in peace."

Mark finished the pool quickly while keeping an eye on Teresa. It was hard to keep his eyes off her in fact. Her blue bikini reflected the light constantly catching his eye. Her every move flashed well oiled skin and though he eventually finished it took much longer than expected. “Alright, I’m finished. I’ll get us something to drink.”

Inside the house Mark perused the pantry looking for some tea or powdered drink mix, an overly large bottle caught his eye. It was a half-gallon sized container of honey. "What in the world do you need so much honey for?" A quick read of the label provided the answer, "Honey: Nature's perfect skin conditioner." The label went on to tout the antimicrobial and health affirming aspects of honey when used on the skin and hair. Mark glanced toward the pool area unable to keep evil thoughts from popping into his mind. He poured a goodly amount of the honey into a plastic bowl and strolled out onto the pool deck. "You'll never guess what I found in the pantry?"

Teresa of course could not respond in any intelligible fashion, but she looked curiously at the bowl he sat down beside her.

"You've been so kind to me today I thought I would give you a lovely skin treatment."

Teresa gave him a confused look.

"Honey: Nature's perfect skin conditioner." Mark recited.

"Teresa shook her head angrily growling through the gag. It sounded mostly like, "You wouldn't dare." or "No you better not."

Mark of course, faked any ability to understand her and stood up above Teresa's prone body. The first tendrils of sticky, amber fluid left the lip of the bowl and made a line across her stomach. Teresa thrashed in her bonds and screamed through the gag. Mark however was carefully laying down stripe after stripe of honey across her abdomen working lower over her bikini bottoms towards her thighs. After he had coated her from hips to toes he moved slowly up her body making a crisscross pattern across her body. By this time Teresa had stopped thrashing and instead was trying to talk to him. If he tried he could probably decipher the words but chose to ignore her instead.

When he reached her stomach once again the honey had overflown her navel and was sliding between her legs working its way beneath the tight blue swimsuit. Without pause Mark continued up her body spending more time on her breasts than any other part of her body with the excess flowing across her neck and along her shoulders. He paused briefly when he reached her face.

"Should I?" Mark smiled.

Teresa shook her head violently.

"Yeah I should." Mark continued letting tendrils of honey cover her gag, cheeks and sunglasses.

"The bottle says its good for hair too." Mark said as thick blobs oozed across her scalp. When he reached her fingers Mark dumped what was left on her hands. "There now, that should make you really healthy."

Teresa was snorting to keep the honey out of her nose and shaking her head to keep her eyes clear. Mark helped a bit pulling the honey away from her face. "I'm going to go clean up, I'm all sticky. I wonder what's on the television." Mark smiled.

Teresa's gagged threats chased him into the house.

Mark smiled as he reached for the television remote. If he listened carefully he could still hear the muffled sounds of Teresa out by the pool. As the television flickered to life those noises vanished. A nature show about insects caught his eye. Mark set his feet on the table and settled back onto the couch.

He had not slept well the previous night mostly due to fear of coming over Teresa's house. The drone of the television and the comfort of the couch worked their magic on him and he was soon sleeping peacefully.

* * *

The sound of a passing car with a thumping stereo roused Mark from his slumber. The fog of sleep was slow in retreating until he realized where he was. Memory flooded into him like an avalanche and he leapt from the couch taking a glance at the clock. "Oh no, oh god no." It had been two hours since he had doused Teresa with honey.

Mark ran as fast as he could toward the back yard. Teresa was flailing about wildly with her hair matted to the side of her face and shoulders. As Mark drew nearer he saw the source of the distress. Trapped in the crystallizing beads of honey were various insects. Several hundred ants had perished all over her body. A few beetles were wriggling in the honey near her chest and neck. A large butterfly was plastered to her stomach, its legs churning in the death trap. Not a single square inch of space on her body was free of bugs.

“Oh god, I’m sorry.” Mark undid the ropes. Teresa stood as quickly as her wooden legs allowed and took an undignified leap into the pool. He watched in growing terror as she rubbed her body and in the process removed her swimsuit. It was a full minute before her head crested the surface.

With the gag resting around her neck and a blazing fire in her green eyes Teresa looked toward him. The growing lump in Mark’s stomach sank straight to his heels. "Get me a towel, Mark." Teresa said calmly with enough ice in her voice to freeze any further apologies.

Returning quickly with a towel Mark tried his best to apologize. "I'm so sorry, I fell asleep on the couch I didn't mean to leave you out here."

Teresa slowly exited the pool her body still sticky. "I'm going to take a shower and then a bath."

Mark nodded.

"I have not decided what to do about this. We will discuss it when I’m clean." Mark had never heard Teresa talk so calmly. She was always a fiery redhead, prone to wild outbursts. This calm tone and icy demeanor scared Mark more than any screaming rage. When Teresa entered the house, Mark used the hose to wash the area where Teresa was tied down and then fled the house as fast as his legs could carry him.
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Post by DommeKirsten »

Poor Mark
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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 5 - The Cousins - Part 7

Michelle sighed contentedly at the wonderful feelings the masseuse created as he worked his way across her lower back. "I'm going to marry a massage artist."

The young man chuckled and continued his work.

A cell phone buzzed nearby and Sharon used her free hand to snag it from her purse. The other hand was being carefully painted a pale shade of pink by a skilled manicurist. "Hello."

"Oh hello Teresa. How are things going?"

Michelle and Tamara both turned their heads toward their aunt.

"Uh huh." There was another long silence while she listened. "Oh dear, I'm not sure you should have let him do that."

Tamara and Michelle looked at each other at the sudden shift in tone of the conversation.

"Oh my. Really? He did that." Sharon's mouth fell open, then her face contorted in an attempt to stifle her laughter. "Oh my goodness. What did he say?"

Another brief silence while Sharon listened.

"Well he was so worried about what you would do today he did not sleep well last night, so that is probably true. Where is he now?"

Sharon held the phone away from her ear and squinted as yelling sounds came from the phone. "Ok, calm down Teresa, he had no way of knowing you were scared of bugs."

Sharon held the phone away again. "Yes, but he is my son, I'm supposed to defend him. Where is he?"

After a brief pause Sharon nodded. "Not surprised, he's probably deciding if he should skip town and become a hobo, or dig his own grave."

Sharon hung up the phone and Nancy entered the room. "I love the sauna." She looked around at her companions who were totally focused on Sharon's worried face. "What? What happened?"

Sharon shook her head. "Good thing we're almost finished here, there has been an incident at home."

Nancy's eyes fell. "Oh no, what did Mom do?"

"Come on, gather your things, I'll tell you in the car."

* * *

Mark stormed around his house in a blind panic. He stuffed a few shirts and pants into a backpack and grabbed some lunch meat and bread from the fridge. He then ran out the back door to the woods not knowing exactly where he would go. He quickly dismissed any notion of hiding in his fort and instead made for the drainage tunnels that emptied into the canal. He looked back over his shoulder expecting to see Teresa right behind him.

* * *

Four ladies were sitting on the couch in Teresa's home. Three of them were trying hard to keep a straight face. "This is not funny!" Teresa yelled. "It was like torture." Teresa had changed into a pair of cotton pants and loose white shirt. She hugged herself at the memory of her experience and involuntarily scratched at her scalp.

Sharon hugged her friend. "We know it must have been horrible, but from our perspective it is a little comical especially since you weren’t hurt."

Teresa opened her mouth to deliver a poignant retort but released it in a long sigh. "Perhaps."

"Do you have any bug bites?" Tamara dared to ask.

"I don't think so, they were more interested in the honey than me."

"So can we discuss what to do about Mark?" Sharon asked.

"I can think of a few things." Teresa said.

"I mean about how we can find him?"

Nancy stood up and slipped on a pair of old shoes lying next to the door. "I'll find him."

Teresa looked at her daughter. "You have no idea where to even start looking."

"Trust me, the bigger question is how am I going to get him to come back. He'll trust me enough to talk but I doubt that will be enough to get him to come back." Nancy looked hard at her mother.

Teresa stood up and threw her hands in the air. "What do you want? Complete forgiveness, after what he did?"

Sharon shrugged.

Tamara and Michelle sank further into the couch hoping to avoid notice.

"What are you going to do, Mom?" Nancy asked. "If I tell him what to expect as punishment he will at least be able to decide without using the worst his imagination can conjure."

Teresa looked at her daughter as a small smile formed on her lips. "When did you get so smart?"

Nancy crossed her arms. "I'm waiting."

"Ok, here's what I was thinking..."

* * *

Mark traveled farther up the tunnel than he usually did. His flashlight would last for several hours but he turned it off every chance he could to conserve the battery. Water dripped in the distance and the smell of mold and mud filled his nostrils. He knew he could not stay here, if it rained the tunnels would fill with water on its way to the drainage canal. He just needed to be far away right now.

It had been an hour or two since he fled Teresa's house. Horrible punishments flitted through his mind every time he thought about going back. Her calm tone and fiery green eyes were the only things he saw in the damp darkness. Every shadow seemed to coalesce into shapes of honey filled red hair with wriggling ants trapped amongst the fibers. He had not started to cry yet, sixteen year olds simply do not cry. He was close though.

A sound startled him out of his dark thoughts. It was a voice. He listened harder, even quietly moving back along the low tunnel.

"Mark! Are you here? It's me Nancy. I'm alone." The voice would carry for hundreds of feet in the cement tunnels.

It was distant still, probably back at the junction where he had hid from her after their last unfortunate bet. "Could be a trap?" He whispered into the blackness.

Several minutes passed. The pleading voice continued. "Mark, please trust me. I'm alone, no one else knows of this place. I told no one where I was going."

Mark started to crawl back along the concrete tube he was hiding in. He soon saw a flashlight point his way. "There you are, come here so we can talk. I'm alone."

"I believe you, but I can’t go home. Teresa told you what happened?" Mark said quietly to himself. He reached the junction and sat on the edge of the tunnel which was higher than the floor. "Everything?"

Nancy held her hand to her mouth and giggled. "Yeah, pretty much. What possessed you to do that?"

"I asked if I could tie her up and she agreed, the honey was just a prank. I never meant to leave her there for that long. I fell asleep."

Nancy raised her hand. "Look, I know, I know. What are you going to do? Hide out here forever."

"What choice do I have, she'll probably castrate me or something?"

"Look my Mom has a short fuse but she isn't crazy, just afraid of creepy-crawlies. Really afraid."

Mark hung his head. "Oh crap. Maybe I could just live here and you could bring me food and stuff."

Nancy laughed. "I'm sorry but you would start to stink worse than these tunnels."

"What do I do?"

"My mom won't castrate you. She told me what she has in mind. I guarantee it’s not as bad as whatever your terrified brain came up with. Your Mom was able to talk her back down to something pretty reasonable."

Mark sat silently, waiting.

Nancy took a breath. "She said she will give you a week to get all your work caught up, lawn mowing jobs and that kind of stuff."

"And then."

"Hold your horses. And then you have to live with her for a week as her personal slav...I mean assistant."

"An entire week."

"Yep. And you have to do everything she says, if she says jump, you ask how high."

"She'll just parade me around town in some girl's costume or something. No deal."

"I'm not finished. No one will know you’re at her house, in fact she said that part of the punishment is the only person you'll get to see or talk to for the entire week is her, no outside contact."

Mark thought for a second. "But where are you going to be, you live there?"

"I'll be staying with your Mom."

"We're swapping Mom's?"

Nancy nodded.

"That should make Mom happy, I think she always wanted a daughter."

Nancy shrugged. "I don't know about that, she thinks pretty highly of you."

"No one will ever see me but your Mom for the whole time?" Mark asked again.

Nancy nodded. "Seven days, a full 168 hours."

"But that means I can't see you either."

Nancy nodded again looking deeply into his face.

"I don't think I've gone an entire day without at least saying hi or catching a glimpse of you from a distance." Mark fell silent thinking it over.

"Mom insisted that no one but her ever knows what happens. She said that as far as your Mom and I will know, you will be playing Scrabble every waking moment."

"Not likely that." Mark laughed.

"A whole week without seeing you though, that sucks."

Nancy suddenly wrapped her arms around Mark's neck squeezing him and cutting off his air. Mark coughed and gasped.

"Oh sorry." Nancy released stranglehold.

"You are really strong." Mark massaged his throat.

"And I am falling for you. Hard."

Mark smiled for the first time since he woke up on Teresa's couch. "Your Mom said you fell for me that day I got hurt trying to save you."

Nancy placed a finger on his lips. "Perhaps. So are you coming back with me or are you going sleep with the rats tonight?"

Hand in hand, Mark and Nancy left the tunnels together.

* * *

Mark wiped the sweat from his brow as he pushed the lawn mower down the street back to his house. "Four more to go." He was trying to get all the lawns mowed now so that a week from now when he went to live with Teresa he could mow them all the two days before and have nothing to do the entire week. Doing them all at once was a tough job though, he usually spread them out.

When he got home there were several suitcases piled on the porch. His Mom walked out and handed him a glass of lemonade. "Can you help me with Tamara and Michelle's luggage?"

Mark drained the glass and nodded. "Sure Mom, are they leaving soon?"

"Within the hour."

Mark loaded the suitcases in the trunk of the car. Michelle and Tamara were on the porch waiting for him to finish. "Thanks for the really awesome time."

Mark smiled. "Sure, your welcome, I hope you can keep a few secrets from my aunt and uncle."

"Don't worry, your Mom said if we want to come back, the cute kitty in all those pictures will have to remain a mystery." Tamara laughed.

Michelle gave Mark a hug. "Whew, you stink."

"Yeah, been mowing."

"Trying to get everything ready for your little adventure next week?" Michelle smiled.

"Something like that."

Tamara also gave him a hug. "We hope to see you soon. We'll be begging Mom and Dad to go on another vacation."

"Did you already say goodbye to Nancy, I know she liked having you around."

Tamara nodded, "Yep we just saw her."

"Alright you girls, hop in the car we better get you to the airport." Mom said.

The girls got in the car and Michelle stuck her head out the window as the car pulled out of the driveway. "We almost forgot to mention that we left a present for you in your bedroom."

Mark nodded and waved as the car drove off. With building curiosity Mark ran upstairs taking the steps two at a time. When he opened the door a large smile spread across his face. There was Nancy sitting in a chair. Ropes encircled her legs at the knees and ankles which were then connected to her bound wrists. More rope wound itself around her upper body, waist, and thighs fixing her tightly to the chair. Her eyes twinkled in mirth but with her mouth stuffed full of a cotton cloth gag it was hard to be certain if she was truly happy. She wore a halter top and matching cotton skirt which was bunched up around her thighs thanks to the ropes.

"Well, well, we've come full circle. I think they have you in the exact same position I was in two weeks ago. Look there is even a note taped to your chest." Marked yanked the note off her right breast.
Note wrote:Hey Mark,
Just wanted to leave you a present to show how much we enjoyed staying at your house. I'm sure you are thinking it was Nancy's idea but I'm happy to say it wasn't. We tricked her into this with a little help from your Mom.

Have fun with your present and don't say we never gave you anything.

Michelle and Tamara.
Mark laughed and pinned the note to a bulletin board in his room. "I'm all hot and sweaty, I would hate to touch all that nice rope work without taking a shower first. You won't go anywhere will you?"

Nancy grunted through her gag.

"See you in a minute."

Mark took a quick shower, truth be told he was looking forward spending some time with Nancy without his cousins around. She looked so delicious fixed to his chair. He walked back into his bedroom wearing a towel. "Can't have you watching me dress, so..." Mark yanked a pillowcase over Nancy's head.

After a quickly dressing Mark took off the pillowcase and untied the gag. "I'm curious. How did they manage to get you?"

"Your Mom helped them. Basically she sat on me while they tied me to the chair. I trained the little buggers too well it seems."

"Too bad, I was hoping for something more subtle, something I can take advantage of in the future."

"Sorry to disappoint, now how about you let me go?"

Mark placed a finger against his chin. "Hmm, what would you do if the roles were reversed?"

Nancy rolled her eyes.

"I know, take pictures. That's almost a guarantee whenever I get tied up."

Nancy just smiled.

"What no cheeky comments or smart retorts?" Mark asked after picking up his camera.

"Not really."

"Not worried I might show your friends at gymnastics these photos?"

Nancy laughed out loud. "Not in the least, I have an entire album of photos of you."

"Touche', but I'll still snap a few to memorialize the moment, perhaps send a couple to Michelle and Tamara."

Nancy smiled while the flash illuminated her bound form. A dozen photos later Mark set down the camera. "For some reason I still don't want to let you go. After all, a week from now I'm going to be without you. I better soak up as much as I can."

"Yeah, next week is going to suck." Nancy agreed.

"Surely there is a way we can sneak a few peaks of each other." Mark said.

"Well we have a few days to think about it."

"Perhaps, but if your Mom finds out, it will get real hard on me." Mark said.

"Aren't I worth it?" Nancy smiled. "I mean how hard would it be to clean the house in a French maids uniform if it meant you got to see me."

"Just for that, I'm going to go watch television." Mark walked out of the bedroom and closed the bedroom door behind him.

"Hey, I was just kidding." Nancy hollered after him. "Mark!" She stopped to listen for footsteps. "Mark, come back!"

Mark settled back into the couch with his feet propped up on the coffee table.
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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 6 - Mom Swap Part 1

Several days after Mark's cousins left, Nancy silently crept out of the guest room where she was staying with Mark's Mom, Sharon, for a week. She was clad head to toe in a black spandex catsuit with soft slippers on her feet and gloves covering her hands. Slowly and silently she inched towards Sharon's bedroom door. The door was cracked slightly. Every ten seconds Nancy would move the door open a slight distance until there was just enough gap for her to see into the bedroom. She watched the rhythmic rise and fall of Sharon's chest for several minutes before being satisfied that she was in fact asleep. Slipping down the stairs she slowly eased out the back door.

Their plan was simple. Mark would try and leave a note buried in a specific part of the flower garden in the backyard each morning when her Mom was at work. Nancy would go over at night and retrieve the note and leave one of her own. This was the first night and Nancy was being especially careful. Though she had to admit it was kind of thrilling to be sneaking around like a ninja. Moving quietly through the wooded area behind the houses she slipped from shadow to shadow. Upon reaching her backyard she quickly scaled the fence using a pile of stacked wood. Dropping quietly into the backyard she began to slowly slide around the inside perimeter to avoid activating the motion sensitive security lights. Her efforts were wasted however when she realized they were already on. In addition, another light illuminated a struggling figure near the pool. Nancy recognized the light as a spotlight fixture used at the theater where her Mom worked.

Nancy swallowed, fearing her mother might be nearby, but the closer she got to the house she realized the struggling figure was alone. Nancy peaked around the tool shed and saw Mark sitting in a fold out lounge chair. From a distance it appeared his arms were resting comfortably on the arm rests but as Nancy inched closer she could see ropes holding them in place. More rope wrapped around his knees and ankles pressing them together beneath the lounger. Blue spandex was stretched across his chest and between his legs, it appeared to be her Mom's blue bikini she only wore to sunbathe. Mark's skin sparkled in the brightness of the light that illuminated him. Nancy initially thought the sheen was perspiration from his efforts to escape but as she crept closer black objects appeared all over his bare flesh. In addition, hanging from a flower hook above his head was a large container which was slowly leaking a translucent liquid onto his head and chest. His mouth was not gagged, and it would not be necessary since he was wearing the bikini, the last thing Mark would want would be to draw attention to himself.

The scene became clear, Mark was tied the chair and covered in honey while wearing a bikini. Most likely the exact same circumstances her Mom had been in that started this whole ordeal. Many of the moths and flies attracted to the light of the lamp were also stuck to his skin. A rather large moth struggled on his cheek causing him to shake his head violently to dislodge it. With the bright light in his eyes it would be impossible for him to see her sneaking around in the shadows by the fence. Nancy knelt down on the grass, still hidden from view by the shed. She wanted to help him. If she did, it would reveal their deception and probably make Mark's ordeal much worse. She forced herself to look away as more of the honey leaked out of the half empty bottle onto his skin. She took comfort in the fact that Mark was never scared of bugs and would probably be more upset by the fact he was illuminated so brightly while wearing a bikini.

Nancy quickly crept closer to the house. In a shadowed corner of the backyard just out of sight from where Mark was sitting, Nancy dug out a shallow hole. Her fingers brushed against some plastic. She quickly unearthed the plastic bag and placed a bag of her own into the hole. She put all the dirt and leaves back in place. She blew Mark a kiss as she slipped back over the fence.

Twenty minutes later Nancy was back in the guest room of Mark's house resting under the covers in her pajamas.
Mark wrote: Hi Nancy,

It's been hell, I know it's only the first night, but hell anyway. I'm so tired. I'm getting ahead of myself though. Let me start at the beginning.

When I arrived at your house on Sunday evening, your Mom immediately ordered me back home. "You don't need any luggage so leave it at home," she said. Bad sign that's for sure. Anyway, after I got back she took me into the room she uses for exercise, and had me get up on the treadmill. She tied each of my arms to the treadmill railings. She then strapped a pedometer around my wrist. She started the treadmill at a speed of three and a half miles per hour.

She explained that she had to go to work and did not want me running around the house unattended. So instead of tying me to a chair or something she was going to wear me out. She told me I had to put 21 miles on the pedometer before she returned from work or she would tie me to a chair all day. I hope I'm explaining the situation Nancy, I could stop walking whenever I wanted by placing my feet on the side of the tread mill belt, but if I did that for too long the pedometer would never reach 21 miles. If you do the math, that is 6 hours of continuous walking. I had to stop on occasion just to rest my legs.

Well when she came back in the room this morning seven hours later, I thankfully made my goal. I'm so tired. [There is a long scratch in the paper.] Sorry fell asleep for a second there. Next to the exhaustion, the worst of it though was the boredom.

Your Mom left this morning and I took a quick shower which woke me up enough to write this and hide it in the flower garden. My clothes stink so bad I've been walking around in just a towel.

I'm going to bed now, I'll probably sleep in your bed since Teresa gave me no specific instructions. I've always wanted to sleep in your bed.

Nancy tried to get the timeline straight in her head. He had written his letter this morning while her Mom was at work and now he was sitting in a lawn chair covered in honey. Things clicked together slowly in her tired mind. He had probably slept all day which meant he would be awake all night. "Mom is asleep." She whispered in shocked realization. "She's going to leave him there all night long." Nancy leapt off the bed and had her hand on the door knob before she stopped herself. If she ran over to help him like she so desperately wanted to, it would only be worse for him in the long run. Everything he had done so far would be wasted.

Nancy finally sat down on the bed and folded the note hiding it amongst her clothes. A yawn or two later and she was under the covers dreaming about nothing.

* * *

Teresa clumsily batted at the alarm. After failing twice she was able to stop the annoying buzzer that interrupted her pleasant dream. Cognition started slowly followed by memory and suddenly the covers flew off the bed and Teresa was pacing around the room. "I can't believe I overslept! Sharon is going to kill me." She paced two more times, and then quickly grabbed her robe and made her way to the kitchen.

"Oh no, he looks terrible." She said to herself. She watched as a several trails of ants led away from Mark's honey coated body. The empty bottle of honey above his head swung freely in the morning breeze. Hundreds of moths were trapped on the sticky surface and Mark's face was almost completely obscured by the crystallizing fluid. "Ok, Teresa, get a grip. If you go out there all apologetic he's going to realize I screwed up and use it against me." Teresa chewed on her pinky nail trying to decide what to do.

She went to a drawer and took out a long knife and opened the back door. Staying as far as possible from the mess she sliced the ropes holding Mark's arms to the chair. "Ok, Mark, now clean up the mess. Not a trace of honey left and I'm heading for work." Teresa turned and left not wanting to watch him anymore.

"I'll make it up to him," she whispered as she prepared for work.

* * *

The void of Mark's sleep was broken like glass. Teresa's voice blasted its way into his mind pushing his eyes open in an instant. "DO YOU THINK THIS SOME KIND OF FUN GAME!"

Mark shook his head and looked at Teresa whose eyes were blazing in anger. In her fist she held a crumpled note that Mark recognized as the one from Nancy he had dug up from the flower bed. He had fallen asleep reading it and she must have found it. In long experience with enraged women Mark knew it was better not to speak.

He looked down over Nancy's bed and noticed the towel he still wore from his shower was almost unwrapped, a few threads more and he would be exposing himself. He quickly fixed the towel.

"Get dressed, you've got one minute." Teresa said and walked toward the door.

"Uh, where are my clothes?" Mark asked.

Teresa whirled around. "If you don't find something, I'll find it for you." She slammed the door.

Mark leapt from the bed and started opening the nearest of Nancy's chest of drawers. The top drawer was underwear, the next drawer was socks, the next were swimsuits and a few other odds and ends. The bottom drawer there were several pairs of tights and leggings. Fearing that he was running out of time, Mark grabbed the darkest colored pair of tights he could see and pulled them up his legs. They were a dark green color and much to his chagrin they were actually capri length. It was likely better than anything Teresa would find.

At that moment the door opened. "Come on." She was still in her work clothes which consisted of khaki capris and wedge heels whose straps wrapped around her ankles. A femininely cut, button-down shirt with cap-sleeves completed her ensemble which Mark only barely registered because clasped firmly in her hand was a large roll of duct tape. Her hair was caught up into a ponytail behind her head.

"You know I actually felt sorry for you this morning. All those bugs stuck to you. When I saw how the honey made it hard for you to even see me. I overslept so I was going to go easy on you, but you and Nancy had to go an piss me off."

Mark said nothing.

"I can't believe this, part of the punishment was that you and Nancy could not see each other. And now this." Teresa tossed the crumpled note into the garbage.

Mark followed her out into the back yard. Teresa grabbed a plastic chair off the pool deck and walked out to the grass near one of the many flower beds. The chair was one of those cheap plastic chairs that is molded from a single piece of plastic. This particular one had spent so much time in the sun that it's once glossy green surface was fading She sat the chair down and pushed Mark into it.

"You even cleaned up the mess. I can't find a single bug on the deck anywhere. This day could have gone so much better for you." Teresa grabbed the tape off the grass. "But you had to go and screw it all up. Whose idea was it? Yours?"

Mark remained silent.

"It was Nancy's idea wasn't it?"

Mark just looked at the grass.

"We were going to have some fun together." The ground was uneven so the chair rocked back and forth as he shifted his weight. "But you had to screw it all up. I am so pissed off." Next came the unmistakable sound of tape being pulled from the roll. Teresa grabbed his left arm and put it firmly onto the armrest of the chair, five turns of tape later and his arm was going to move.

Mark was realizing how exhausted he was at this point. He had no energy to resist and no desire to talk. He had about four hours of sleep combined with the fact his sleep schedule was completely turned around. "So you know what? I think something a bit more intense. Something that will get your attention. Obviously an entire night spent covered in honey and bugs wasn't enough."

Teresa finished with his right arm than wrapped each leg to the chair. She went into the house and returned with a dish towel. "Open up." Teresa pushed the towel into his mouth and wrapped tape around his head to hold it in. Five times it passed around his head covering not only his mouth but his ears as well, muting all the sounds around him. A final strip was placed over his eyes forcing his eyelids closed.

Teresa muttered to herself as she continued to work elsewhere in the backyard. With the tape on his ears Mark could not make out the words but the tone of her voice was perfectly clear. A lot of hammering and other noises also came through the tape, but Mark was not even curious, exhaustion had sapped his strength, only bonds of sticky tape kept him upright.

Sleep must have found him despite his uncomfortable position. Suddenly Mark could hear Nancy's voice, or at least it seemed like Nancy. It sounded like she was yelling through a gag. Fingers suddenly began picking at the tape covering his eyes. With a sudden swipe, and probably a good portion of his eyebrows, the tape was pulled free. He blinked several times. Teresa was kneeling down looking at him. "Since being covered in bugs doesn't seem to bother you maybe watching someone you love experience it will teach you a lesson." Teresa stood up and walked into the house.

Several feet away in the middle of the yard was Nancy. She was lying on the grass with her legs and arms spread out widely. Four stakes had been driven into the ground and a rope connected each one of her limbs to a stake. She was gagged but audible growls could still be heard through the packing held in place by a strip of cloth. Her clothes, a simple cotton skirt and fitted T-shirt, were adhered to her skin by a thick layer of honey. She had not been there long and no bugs had yet found her. It would not be long though since she was lying directly on the ground.

Nancy raised her head up and already her eyes were red and puffy from holding back tears. She was clearly terrified. Making that point more obvious a horse fly flew into her honey-soaked hair and became tangled in her red tresses. Nancy shook her head back and forth but only succeed in trapping the bug more firmly. A groan of terror escaped her lips and tears poured from her eyes.

All the fatigue of the past days, all the sore muscles, all the humiliation washed away in a surge of adrenaline. Mark could tolerate almost anything except seeing Nancy cry. He tore violently at the tape holding his arms sawing his limbs back and forth. The tape held fast. He tried to hop the chair closer to her but the legs of the chair were sunk into the damp loam of the lawn. Several minutes of effort did nothing more than roll that tape into even stronger cords and bend the plastic arm rests a bit.

After many minutes of struggle, a large swarm of ants had made there way to Nancy's exposed under arms. Her wide eyes watched as they made their way inside her shirt. Her tears were flowing freely and she choked on sobs caught behind her gag. In response to the panic-filled eyes of the girl he loved so much, Mark redoubled his efforts. He threw his body forward. The back legs of the chair sprang free of the grass and all of the momentum drove his head into the ground with his hands still trapped on the chair. Pain flooded his vision and the taste of copper filled his mouth as his head smashed unhindered into the grass. Now on the ground his leverage was different and Mark heaved against the bonds, the right leg of the plastic chair bent and twisted under the force and finally with a loud crack shattered away from the chair.

Now his weight was no longer supported by the right leg so Mark fell onto that side. The sharp plastic edge of the chair that remained after the leg broke now dug painfully into the back of his knee. At least now his face was not wedged into the grass. The damaged right side of the chair now weakened by the broken leg allowed Mark to tear away the armrest as well. With his one arm free Mark used the sharp plastic edge of the broken chair to slice away the remains of the tape that held his left side to the chair.

Mark crawled toward Nancy trailing pieces of the broken chair still attached to him by the tape. His leg hurt and he could feel something dripping onto his shoulders. His attention was totally fixed on freeing Nancy. Trembling hands and fingers made untying the knots impossible so Mark pulled one stake out with a burst of adrenaline-fueled energy. Nancy quickly untied herself with her free hand and ran to the pool.

Anger still pulsed through Mark's veins and with Nancy free of her torture he turned his attention to Teresa. He slowly stood to his feet and walked towards the back door. His arms were red and raw where the sticky tape had torn at his skin. Blood poured from his chin where a rock had gashed a hole during his face-first fall. Dirt and grass turned the coagulating blood into a horror mask plastered across his shoulders and face. A shard of plastic had embedded itself behind his knee causing him to walk with a limp. The right arm rest of the now destroyed chair was still attached to his wrist. On top of all of that five layers of duct tape still obscured his lower face.

Teresa came out of the house just as Mark reached the step leading to the deck. Her face was a mix of shock and anger and was totally focused on her daughter rubbing and splashing in the pool. When her head swiveled towards Mark, Teresa screamed. She startled back as Mark stepped forward and tripped over a lounge chair landing hard on her bottom.

The world was tinged red with pain and anger. Just in front of his eyes was the one person who had caused it all, had caused all of Nancy's horrified tears and gagged screams. Rational action was miles away. Mark reached for Teresa not knowing exactly what he was going to do. She tried to back away but he had a fist full of her hair. Teresa banged on his arm but Mark hauled her to her feet with strength born of fury.

Suddenly Nancy was there. Dripping wet, honey still matted in her hair, and wearing only a bra and panties. She gently touched Mark's wrists. "I'm ok Mark, let her go." With Teresa screaming it took a few moments before the words penetrated into his enraged mind.

His eyes finally focused on Nancy, she smiled and the teeth-cracking clench in his jaw relaxed. A deep sigh escaped his lips.

Nancy thrust her neck under his arm and helped him to walk in the house as he sagged. "Let's go to my room, we'll see how badly you're hurt this time."

Looking over her shoulder she looked down at her Mom who was sitting on the ground stunned and stammering apologies. "Mom, get Sharon, let's hope it looks worse than it is."

With the absence of adrenaline, the various parts of Mark's body started to scream for attention especially the back of his knee. When they reached the steps leading to Nancy's room Mark reached down to his leg and yanked out the tiny shard of plastic. Walking was much easier at that point.

Once inside her room Mark got his first look in the mirror, at the dirt and blood covering his face and chest. A wave of nausea crashed over him at that moment. He never had much of a stomach for blood especially his own. He lunged for the bed and felt the softness of Nancy's sheets before he felt nothing at all.

* * *

A cool chill spread through Mark's body. Something cold was lying across his eyes. His eyes fluttered open and he stared into the gentle green eyes of Nancy. "You aren't hurt badly."

Mark looked around, the gag that had been around his head had been cut and pealed away but was still stuck to the back of his head. The dark green capris he had taken from Nancy's drawer had been cut and pulled up his thigh so a bandage could be applied to the back of his leg. "You need rest, but it would be best if you could shower first."

Mark looked Nancy over. "Look who's talking." Honey still matted Nancy's red locks and bits of grass still stuck to her skin in places.

"I'll get you settled first, I tried to contact your Mom but she isn't home."

Mark shook his head. "Don't worry her, I'm fine."

Nancy nodded. "Ok then, get a shower."

Nancy's bedroom had its own bathroom. Mark stripped off the leggings he borrowed after he was safely behind the curtain. He used Nancy's soap and shampoo which made getting the tape out of his hair a lot less painful. When he stepped out from behind the curtain and started to towel off, Nancy's hand entered the room holding a shiny black piece of material. "Put these on."

"Huh? Seriously?"

"You'll look cute and its better than a towel. Would you prefer panties?" Nancy asked.

Mark took the small garment and pulled it up his legs. They felt a bit like boxers made of soft black silk except they had no fly. Nancy was waiting on the bed with a towel wrapped around her when he stepped out. "Very nice." Nancy stood up and gave him a playful swat on his silk covered bottom. "Now go to bed, I read the note you left outside for me and I know you haven't slept much. I've changed the sheets, you got blood on my last set."

Mark blushed. "Yes, ma'am." Nancy disappeared into the bathroom and Mark slipped into her bed, the sheets felt similar to the material of the shorts he now wore and extremely sensuous against his skin. Mark did not remember the previous set of sheets being like this. Of course until now he had always crashed on top of the bed spread.

Sleep took him quickly.
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Post by Roboticrobin20 »

These 2 are so cute, I'm shipping them. I hope Thérèse gets what's coming for her. Keep up the amazing work. I'm actually loving this story more than Jack's story right now.
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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 6 - Mom Swap Part 2

Mark awoke to the face of Teresa. It was not exactly what he expected considering the events of the day. Sitting up quickly he wrapped the sheets around his body to hide the clothes Nancy asked him to wear.

"So are you ok?" Teresa asked.

Mark nodded. "Not as bad..." Mark stopped speaking realizing what he was about to say.

"... as last time." Teresa finished. "We should probably talk."

Mark took a deep breath. "Where do we start? With you going crazy or me?"

Teresa shook her head. "You scared me to death, I thought you were going to kill me."

"I've got a bit of Mr. Hyde in me when it comes to seeing Nancy in trouble. I don't think I was going to hurt you." Mark shook his head. "I mean, I didn't... I won't... hurt you, ever. But what gives? Why did you do that?"

"I was angry, I knew this would get to you. I just forgot what it was like, it's been a long time since the last time you destroyed a chair trying to help Nancy. I'm a little concerned though."

"About what?" Mark asked.

"Let's say that you and Nancy get closer still. What if someone insults her or hurts her? Are you going to get yourself arrested? Are you going to do something stupid because you can't stand to see her cry?" Teresa's voice was rising.

"I was exhausted today. That explains a little bit of my insanity. You have completely messed up my sleep schedule. I'm sorry I grabbed you. What would you have me do, just stand back and let somebody hurt her even verbally?"

"You have to be in control, you cannot protect her if you are blind with rage." Teresa sat forward in her chair her voice growing louder.

"Goodness, is that what happened to Nancy's Dad?" Mark asked raising his voice in kind.

Teresa detonated leaping from the chair. "Don't talk about him! Don't analyze me! This is about you!"

Mark shrank back after hitting the nerve. He was used to her firebrand temper but given what has already transpired he was not going to push his luck. Teresa sank back into the chair after a few minutes, tears pooling in the corners of her eyes. "I'm sorry. And no, that's not what happened to Nancy's Dad."

"OK." I said quietly.

Teresa took a deep breath and smiled. "Nancy was too young to remember. You are too young to really understand the burden. He was not a bad man, and we are not divorced. And I'm glad I can still catch the eyes of younger men."

Mark wanted to ask more but decided to change the subject. He was curious about the burden she spoke of. "So where is Nancy?"

"She's over at your house, where she'll remain until the end of the seven days."

"Huh? Were finishing out the week?" Mark asked. "After all that's happened."

"Yes, and I am going to ask you a favor."

"Ok." Mark said.

"I want you to know that leaving you covered in honey all night was a mistake, I'm sorry."

Mark nodded. "I kind of know how that feels."

"My intention was to only leave you there as long as you left me, and..." Teresa paused.

Mark waited curiosity blooming in his mind.

"I don't want Sharon to know what happened today. If she finds out..." Teresa hesitated. "...she will be really upset with me."

Mark suddenly found himself with a bit of power, a position he had not been in since this week started. Though he was curious what exactly his Mom would do, he decided to take the gift as offered and ponder the ultimate consequences later. "Ok, on one condition."

Teresa's eyes narrowed dangerously.

"Reciprocity. What ever you do to me, you have to be willing to have the same done to you." Mark said with a satisfied smile.

"Fine. Done." Teresa said.

Her reaction was so quick to his demands that Mark thought over what he had said. If she tried to make him do anything crazy she would have to do the same herself. It seemed like a good idea but something about Teresa's reaction made him nervous.

"Let's go get some dinner." Teresa stood up.

Mark moved to get off Nancy's bed but stopped when he realized what he was wearing. "Can I have my clothes back now?"

Teresa smiled. "I don't have your clothes here, you'll have to find something of Nancy's to wear."

Mark's jaw dropped. "What about reciprocity, that is embarrassing?"

"Ok, what would you like me to wear?" Teresa stood holding out her arms.

Mark thought for a second and suddenly realized the women could wear anything and not be embarrassed, girls at school often wore guys shirts and shorts. It was even rumored that a few girls wore guy's boxers. "The cat costume."

Teresa laughed. "As you wish. I just got that back from the cleaners."

* * *

Mark was feeling pretty good. After a good scouring of Nancy's closet and drawers he had found a simple pair of black spandex shorts. They were not exactly bike shorts since they lacked a draw string but they were plain enough. He also found amongst her fitted T-shirts a looser blue one. Teresa was in the kitchen cooking still wearing the loose cotton shorts and shirt she wore during their conversation. "We'll eat first. I don't want to get anything on the costume."

Mark shrugged.

"I hope pasta is ok."

"I'm starving, I could eat anything."

Teresa laughed. "How about some honey?"

Mark shook his head and laughed. "Funny. I think I have had quite enough of that."

Mark sat down at the counter. "This is weird, being here without Nancy."

"You mean when ropes aren't involved?" Teresa cackled at her joke.

"Something like that." Mark shook his head. Bites of noodles flavored with a garlic and butter sauce interrupted their continuing conversation. "So you've known my mom forever, right?"

Teresa nodded. "Since we were kids."

"So let me get this straight, my Dad left before I knew him and Nancy's Dad left before she knew him and you and Mom have been best friends forever. That's quite a coincidence."

Teresa took a quick drink while shrugging off the implied concern in Mark's voice. "Not really if you think about it. I knew your Mother when we were kids. As we got older we moved away but kept in casual contact; occasional visits, Christmas cards, that kind of thing. When both our husbands left us though, we got really close and when the opportunity arose we moved close together. No big deal."

Mark nodded. "You knew my Dad then?"

"Yes, but you weren't living a block away at the time so not very well."

"I always had this fantasy that Dad was some kind of secret spy for the government or something. I guess he was just another coward."

"Your father was a good man, just like my husband. That's all I'll say. If you want more details, ask your Mom."

Mark nodded. Questions swirled in his mind. Oddly enough, questions that all had answers. Answers he had heard a dozen times before. "She has told me most everything, I just never realized the connection between you and Mom. Did your husband work for the government too?"

"Yes, but so does the postman. That doesn't mean much?"

"Did your husband work for the government?" Mark clarified

"Listen, there is nothing to this. Your father and my husband were in different parts of the country. They just left. We don't get to know all the answers."

"Yeah, my Mom said the same thing." Mark did notice she never answered his question.

Teresa stood up and walked toward the living room, "You clean up the dishes and I'll go put on the cat suit. Let's hope I look as good as you did."

A wave of nervousness and isolation swept over Mark as he was left alone. Questions flowed through his mind. Questions that he had never really considered until now. They focused on one thing. "What if Mom is lying about Dad?" It was just like the day when Nancy tied him on the couch for the first time. The shock of his Mom not coming to his rescue and scolding Nancy, instead tying her up as well. The shock of realizing life is never black and white. The shock of growing up.

* * *

"I'm not sure this is fair." Teresa's voice said from behind Mark who had just finished the dishes.

Mark whirled around to see Teresa glad in a tight spandex cat suit complete with an open faced hood. The V-shaped white velvet covering her from her breasts to crotch was like a spotlight, highlighting her mature curves. She even took the time to apply make up on the exposed part of her face. She reached up and flicked her pointy ears. "You could wear what you have on outside without getting a second look."

"Why didn't you put on the hands and feet?"

"You are a stickler, but I couldn't get the hands on by myself and the feet are uncomfortable. I'd rather wear heels than those floppy things."

Mark was not going to argue with her. "It seems fair, you aren't recognizable at all."

"You know Nancy would be pretty upset if she knew I was wearing this right now. She seems to think you have eyes only for her."

"I do have eyes only for her."

Teresa slid her hands over her hips and then folded her arms beneath her breasts. Mark found it impossible to turn away. "You a male, there are certain things you can't resist."

Mark shook his head and looked directly into Teresa's eyes. "In that case, what's not fair about it?"

"Obviously you aren't going to be embarrassed wearing what you have on so there is no..." Teresa smiled and held out her hand in Mark's direction.

"...reciprocity." Mark finished. "Fine then, what do you want me to do, this is still your party?"

"Come with me." Mark followed Teresa into the spare bedroom on the main floor of the house. Mark tried his best to step on Teresa's tail. "Hey, cut that out."

The large room and small day bed allowed for plenty of space for other items specifically a sewing machine and other tailoring equipment. Teresa reached into the closet and removed two clear plastic bags. One seemed to contain a loose pile of shiny red material and the other a similar amount of blue material. She handed the blue bag to Mark.

"What is this?"

Teresa stuck her hand into her bag and pulled out a thin strip of material about two or three inches wide. She continued to pull until she had removed a red ribbon approximately 25 feet long. "I realized late last week you pilfered my supply of scarves I normally keep in the attic. So instead of asking for them back, I made my own." Teresa grabbed the end of the red satin ribbon and rubbed it across Mark's cheek. "Doesn't that feel better than coarse cotton clothesline?"

"Sure, but haven't I been tied up enough today."

"I want to try out my new ribbons." Teresa said.

"Can't we just watch a movie or something?"

"Reciprocity." Teresa sang. "How about we play a game and the winner can tie up the loser."

Mark shook his head. "No bets, I always lose."

"Fine you tie me up and if I escape I get to tie you up?"

Mark thought for a second and a question popped into his mind. "When I'm not around do you tie up Nancy?"

"It's happened but she doesn't like it as much as you?"

"What! I don't like it? Who told you I liked it?"

"Nancy of course, besides I bet a lot of guys wouldn't mind getting tied up by a cute little kitten like me." Teresa wiggled her hips and swatted at her tail.

"No way, this is firmly in the 'weird' category." Mark shook his head. "You're a Mom!"

"Wanna bet?"

"What is it with you and gambling? Besides there is no way to prove you're right."

Teresa smiled. "Ok, here's the deal. It is still early, so let's go to the mall and I'll ask ten random guys if they would let a sexy girl tie them up, assuming they are single."

"I'm not going anywhere like this."

Teresa shook her head. "Me neither. I have some unisex stuff, don't worry about that. I bet 80% of the guys would say yes to the question."

Mark snorted. "No way."

"Than let's bet." Teresa said with an arched eyebrow.

"Alright, I'd be a fool not to take a sure thing. I suppose if I lose you get to tie me up with your shiny new ribbons."

"Yep and you'll stay tied while I watch a movie with you."

"Ok, but I get to choose which guys to ask."

Teresa nodded.

"And if you lose, the week is over. I get to go home."

"Whoa there Tex, that's not exactly tit for tat on the bet there, but I'll agree to it if you let me up the ante if you lose." Teresa said.

"Up the ante?"

"Yeah, I get to use my new ribbons tonight and you'll be in costume for the rest of the week."

Mark rolled his eyes. "I can only guess what you have in mind."

"No you can't." Teresa grinned. "Do we have a bet?"

"This is my last bet, ever."

"Unless its a sure thing right?" Teresa chuckled and left the room.

* * *

Mark and Teresa sat at a table in the food court of the local mall. True to her word Teresa found a pair of shorts and a T-shirt that looked like something he would wear even though they belonged to her. Teresa wore a flower-patterned summer dress that showed a lot of leg and left her shoulders bare. She attracted attention to say the least and not just guys her own age.

"Ok, there are several candidates to start with?" Teresa asked.

Mark looked around and spotted a young man sitting with a woman they were holding each others hands across the table. "Let's start with him."

Teresa looked at the couple and nodded. "Ok, but if he refuses to answer than it does not count either way."

Mark nodded.

Teresa walked over to the table and gently interrupted their conversation. "Hello, my student and I are taking an informal survey and have a simple but slightly personal question to ask."

The man looked at his companion and shrugged. "Ok, but I may not answer."

"That's fine. The question is, if your girlfriend or a woman you loved desired to tie you up, would you allow that?"

"Tie me up?" The man repeated.

"Yes, bound with ropes or tape or whatever." Teresa clarified.

The man's lady friend held her hand to her face stifling a giggle. "Oh answer the question Tom."

The man shrugged. "Sure, why not."

"Thank you for your time." Teresa walked away.

Mark shook his head. "Ok, that girl obviously influenced his answer had he been alone or with his friends he would have answered differently.

"Ok then, let's ask those three guys over there."

Mark turned around and looked at a table with guys sharing a pizza that appeared to be in their twenties. "Ok, try it."

Teresa walked over and repeated the question verbatim to the three guys at the table. There was a lot of laughter and finally one of them asked. "Well that depends on what she looks like? If she was hot I might let a stranger do it, not just my girlfriend." All the guys at the table laughed.

Teresa reached into her purse and pulled out a folded photo. "Ok, let's say she looked like this."

The guys all nodded. "Sure she's hot." Teresa smiled and returned to the table smiling at Mark. "Well that's three more in my column."

"Who was in that picture?" Mark asked.

Teresa giggled and handed him the picture.

Mark unfolded the large glossy photo expecting a swimsuit model, but instead looked a picture of himself wearing the cat costume taken last week.

"They all thought you were hot."

Mark shook his head. "Do you have any idea how much that freaks me out."

"It's a costume, Mark. It's supposed to make you look different."

"But they all thought it was a girl inside the costume. It's weird and a little humiliating."

"How can it be humiliating, there are only four other people on the planet who know the truth. Anyway are you ready to admit defeat?"

Mark shook his head. Mark chose several more couples and a few loners but in the end the exercise was pointless. The only guy that said he would never be tied up claimed to be really claustrophobic. Even a senior man with gray hair said he would let his equally gray haired wife tie him up. At the end of the evening Teresa talked to fifteen guys and all but the one claustrophobic book worm said they would not mind being tied up.

Mark shook his head. "No more bets."

* * *

Silk is amazingly strong. Mark knew this first hand. His ankles were bound with shiny red silk as were his knees. His wrists were cinched tightly behind his back and his elbows too, though they would never touch. "Ok, that's it for the red color." Teresa said.

Mark struggled a bit. "Yeah, I'm pretty well stuck here." Mark was lying on his stomach on the couch. He was wearing a pair of black tights that Teresa called running tights but again lacked a draw string which made Mark suspicious of their true design.

"I still have the blue to use, though." Teresa smiled.

She added the blue silk ribbons between each of the bands of red silk. When she reached his arms she wrapped the silk around his torso passing over his bound forearms between his elbows and wrists to continue the alternating pattern. A final band of silk wrapped around his body just below his shoulders cinched tightly enough to prevent him from shrugging it loose.

"Now I bet you are wishing you put on that long sleeve unitard instead of those tights, I bet you could have slipped right out of that, by now."

Mark remembered the bright red unitard she had offered him when they got back from the mall. "I'm pretty sure I made the right decision." Mark wore nothing on his upper body.

Teresa shrugged. "Ok, here is the last thing. Teresa took one blue ribbon and one red ribbon and tied their ends together in a large knot. "Ok open wide." Teresa placed the knot in Mark's mouth which she tied firmly behind his head. The ribbons were long enough that she pulled the remaining length between his bound ankles until Mark's face was raised off the couch. "Now, I won't pull your head back too far since I'm planning on watching a movie and don't want you to be too uncomfortable." She then tied his toes together with the remaining length of the same ribbons that connected his gag to his ankles.

Teresa grabbed the remote control and sat down on the couch so that Mark's face was touching her thigh. "I can do this whenever I want." Teresa raked her finger across the exposed soles of his feet. Mark squirmed and growled through the gag but his body barely moved. "I guess my new silk bonds are working well."

Teresa turned on the television. Mark could not see which movie since his eyes were forcibly affixed in front of him and turning his head from side to side was made nearly impossible by the silk ribbon attached between his gag and his ankles. It must not have been a very good movie since Teresa was soon asleep. As the minutes ticked by the position became more and more uncomfortable. Mark had already spent many hours sleeping that day so he was wide awake while Teresa peacefully slept. He was finally able to rock back and forth enough to finally wake her. "Huh? Oh, looks like the movie is over. Do you want me to let you go?"

Mark growled through the gag while nodding his head as best he could.

"Alright, but I want you to clean up all the ribbons. I'm off to bed." She undid enough knots so that one of his hands was free. Even then it an hour later before he was stuffing the silk bonds back into the bags.

Mark finally went to bed after watching television until well passed midnight.
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Post by Roboticrobin20 »

Great continuation, can't wait for more.
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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 6 - Mom Swap Part 3

Everything was white. Shapes slowly coalesced. Colors bloomed, green, then red and finally yellow. Mark opened his eyes looking straight into the bright sun pouring in through Nancy's open window. He turned away and snuggled under the sheets. For several more minutes Mark luxuriated in the pools of satin that were Nancy's sheets. The cool material sliding over his body felt fantastic. "How I'll ever go back to my plain cotton sheets, I don't know." Mark muttered while rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

A quick shower later, Mark found an oversize T-shirt Nancy wore for pajamas, they covered enough to be decent. Mark enjoyed a bowl of cereal and watched television. "There is nothing on at this time of day." This was the first time since arriving Mark had awoken refreshed and free to roam about the house.

He sat back in his chair and let the events of the week flow through his mind. Sunday had been hell on the treadmill. Monday was bikini and bugs with honey. Tuesday...well Tuesday ended hog tied with ribbons. So the question remains, "Why am I free now?" Mark looked around the kitchen. "Must be a trap," he said to the walls. "She is tempting me to snoop around her house so she can punish me for it later."

Mark stood up and walked around the living room and kitchen, he eventually moved outside and stared for several minutes at the torn up grass where he made his dramatic escape. Pieces of the broken chair could be seen poking out of the top of the trash bin. "My life is not normal," he said to a small sparrow that landed on the deck which encircled the pool. A second later Teresa's words filled his mind. "She doesn't enjoy it as much as you." The small bird cocked his head almost as if he had been the one to say it. The thud of the front door closing scared the bird into the trees.

Mark entered the house to see Teresa walking in with a bag of groceries. She pushed her sunglasses into the shiny red curls on top of her head and smiled. "You know with a belt that would look like a cute dress."

Mark smiled and to ensure his own masculinity took a few moments to appreciate Teresa's legs which were being hugged by a pair of glossy black tights that disappeared beneath a fitted blue shirt just long enough to cover her hips. "I'm afraid I just don't have the hips to pull that off."

Teresa smiled. "You're in a better mood, got plenty of sleep then?"

"Yeah, just woke up an hour ago."

"Phew, I haven't slept that long since...well since before I can remember." Teresa pushed the bag of groceries across the counter towards Mark. "I need to run over to your house to talk to Sharon and Nancy about the party tonight, can you put these away?"

"Sure, but what party?" Mark said stepping toward the counter.

Teresa touched the side of her nose. "It's a surprise."

"At least I'll get to see Nancy." Mark muttered under his breath while watching Teresa move towards the door, her tight shirt threatening to slide upwards with each movement of her shiny black thighs.

Mark quickly put away the groceries and decided to see if there were any older clothes stored in another room that might be more suited to a teenage boy. He had opened up a box in the back of Nancy's closet when he heard steps in the hallway. Soon Teresa's head appeared around the door frame. "I thought I heard you rustling around in here?"

"I'm just looking for some more suitable clothes."

"Forget it, I like your cheeks a little rosey every time a see you, it keeps you off guard and easier to manage. Remember you have to do whatever I ask for this whole week and you’ve already breached my trust once."

Mark stood up and glared at Teresa intently.

Teresa smiled. "I'll admit I made mistakes too so we’re back to even which means you still need to honor your agreement."

"I’ll honor my agreement, I also remember the rules."

"Which rules were those?" Teresa asked.

"No one will know I'm here. You can't embarrass me in front of others."

"But you have such a cute bare-ass." Teresa laughed at her own joke. "Get it? Bare-ass. Em-bare-ass."

Mark groaned.

"No appreciation for bad puns. Come out here you've got a decision to make." Teresa said still giggling.

"A decision?" Mark's curiosity was piqued.

Teresa went to the kitchen and sat down at the table. "The four of us are having a party and you are going to decide the costumes for us." Teresa pointed to two white envelopes on the table. "The one on the left is Nancy's suggestion and the one on the right is your Mom's suggestion. Your job is to choose between the two." Mark reached for the cards but Teresa lightly slapped his hand. "Without looking inside. Now who do you think would be nicest to you? I didn't even write one down since you’d never choose my idea."

Mark looked at Teresa and then at the two cards, mulling over in his mind who would humiliate him the least. "You would think the two women I love the most in this world would go easy on me, but I know they won't, you all get a weird thrill out of seeing me squirm." After several more moments of silence Mark leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest. "I'm not choosing either one."

"But you have to. You have to do whatever I say this week."

"Nope, this would involve other people besides you and that violates the agreement."

"But..." Teresa started.

"Nope, you can't make me choose and on top of that you can't make me go. You three ladies can enjoy the party without me."

Teresa stared at Mark for a long time clenching her jaw trying to come up with something to say. Mark held his ground and shook his head. Finally Teresa grabbed her phone and walked into the kitchen. Mark managed to catch the conversation.

"He won't do it, Sharon." Teresa said. "He’s right about the rules."

She listened for several minutes. "Ok, ok I'll figure something else out."

Mark stayed sitting at the table looking curiously at the envelopes. When he heard Teresa step out into the backyard he considered taking a peak at their contents but decided that any curiosity might be construed as a choice so he let them lay. He would ask Nancy and his Mom next week what they had written.

Teresa stuck her head inside the house. "Hey Mark, can you come out here please."

Mark stepped outside and followed Teresa's voice to the far corner of the yard near the shed. Teresa was standing over a spot in the grass painted with a 5 foot orange square. The can of spray paint was still in her hand. "When the pool was being installed there was a large hole here, Nancy was mad at me about something and claimed she put a box full of my favorite jewelry in the hole and buried it. I never really believed her since I figured she just kept it herself and I love a good excuse to shop. However, since you are being uncooperative I would like you to try and find it. It should be somewhere within that orange square. Before you start shoveling though, I need you to come inside first."

Mark followed her back inside. "You want me to dig a hole?"

"Yep, unless you would rather go to our party tonight?" Teresa looked back over her shoulder.

Mark shook his head. "Nope, how deep is it?"

"Well the pool is 8 foot deep but it is raised a bit for the deck, I would guess five or six feet at the most." Teresa walked into her bedroom.

Mark hesitated a bit at the threshold since he had never been allowed in here, catching only glimpses of the interior from a distance. The room was a study in contrasts. White carpet combined with a white bedspread and white curtains gleamed brightly against the dark walnut furniture. A four poster bed, two chest of drawers and a small desk left plenty of room to walk around. Teresa stepped into her closet rummaged around a bit and stepped outside holding a black and silver garment of some kind. "Here put this on."

Mark took the garment and held it up. "What is it?"

"It's one of those fancy swimsuits that professional swimmers wear. I bought it when I thought I was training for a triathlon but that didn't work out. So now you get to wear it. It’s pretty expensive."

"Really, I feel so lucky. I mean how many guys get to wear women's swimsuits. I'm so happy." Mark said with sarcasm dripping from his lips.

Teresa shrugged and stepped over to one of her drawers. She pulled out a mass of bright pink crisscrossing straps that Mark immediately recognized. "Ok, than put this one on. I was only trying to keep you from getting nasty tan lines."

Mark immediately reached for the tighter full length swimsuit. Teresa stepped into her private bathroom. "I'll give you some privacy."

Mark tugged the garment up his legs and pulled it over his torso. The suit was specifically designed to be tight and Mark was wondering if it was a size too small. Eventually though he was able to slide his arms down into the long sleeves. Mark looked in the mirror. The black suit had a silver streak pattern down the arms and across the thighs with the neckline ending just above his collar bone. It did not actually look all that feminine. Mark had never been scuba diving but he imagined this is what it felt like to wear a wetsuit.

Teresa stepped out and looked him over. "Nice and tight eh?" Teresa stepped behind him and pulled up the zipper. "There now, all set. There are some gloves and rubber gardening clogs in the shed, you'd better get started."

"Ok, this is definitely better than the party."

Teresa laughed. "How do you know, you didn't peak in the envelopes did you?"

"No but I am pretty confident." Mark answered.

"We'll see. Make sure and lay down plastic or something to keep the dirt from ruining the grass."

Mark nodded and went out the back door. He found the gloves, black clogs, and shovel and began to dig. The soil was soft and the trees were far enough away that he had to deal with only small roots. However the sun was warm especially dressed head to toe in a black swimsuit, that covered every inch of his body save his hands, feet and head.

Teresa came outside after just half and hour and took several pictures. "Just a few for your scrapbook."

"My scrapbook?"

"Yes, I have been documenting all the fun stuff you did this week. Hopefully when it is all over we'll be able to sit down together for a good laugh." Teresa snapped a couple more pictures. "I'm going into work for a few hours, have fun."

Mark waited another 15 or 20 minutes before pulling down the zipper and tugging his arms out of the tight sleeves. He wrapped the sleeves around this body and tied them in a loose knot. A breeze picked up at that moment blowing across his sweat soaked body. "Oh, that feels good." Digging is hard work. Mark was breathing hard and even wearing only half the suit he still was sweating profusely. The hole was maybe two feet at its deepest when Teresa came back. She held her camera and snapped a few pictures of his progress. "I'm sorry but you have to wear the suit, the whole suit."

"But it's really hot." Mark complained a bit of whine in his voice.

"You're right, go and take a dip in the pool and cool off and I think I have just the thing to fix the problem." Teresa smiled at him as she left.

Mark was worried she would be mad he had stripped to the waist but instead she seemed quite friendly about the whole thing. Mark sank into the cool water of the pool with a sigh of pleasure.

Mark had his ears in the water so he saw the tight black leggings approach before he heard the clack of her low heeled sandals. "Alright, you'll never get finished at this rate." Teresa threw him a towel. "Come here and lie down on this bench."

Mark did as instructed but when he saw Teresa holding a handful of zip ties he started to get up. "Nope, remember you are mine this week." Teresa placed Mark's arms at a his side and used the zip ties to fix them to the bench. She repeated the process with his other wrist and both ankles. '

"Ouch, those are really tight."

"You won't be here long, you have a hole to dig." Teresa grabbed a towel and threaded the bulky cotton through the slats of the bench and pulled it over Mark's eyes blinding him and pinning his head down at the same time. Mark heard Teresa walk away only to return moments later. She applied some kind of thick lotion or liquid to his chest. Then after a couple more minutes he felt her hands holding a heavy object that was resting just below his collar bone.

"What are you doing?" Mark said, trying to get some slack from the biting zip ties.

Teresa giggled. "You'll see soon enough." Her voice was mere inches from Mark's face.

After a few minutes of silence Mark felt Teresa's hands leave his body. "I'm going to get some scissors to release you." Mark could still feel the weight on either side of his sternum and a sick feeling was starting to rise from his bowels.

After a few snips of the scissors, Mark slid out from beneath the towel and sat up. The weight on his chest shifted but did not fall off. He looked down between the cleft of a set of large, though obviously fake, breasts. Mark silently looked at Teresa.

"From here they look quite good, keep that in mind if you choose to go topless. They will get in your way if you don't cover them up. They are quite expensive, if you deliberately damage them I will be rather annoyed."

Mark untied the sleeves of the swimsuit from around his waist and angrily shoved his arms into the sleeves. "You planned this frog the beginning. You knew how hot it was. What is it with you anyway?" Mark shrugged his shoulders into the tight fabric and tried to reach around the back to pull up the zipper.

Teresa walked over to help. Before she pulled up the zipper she reached inside and adjusted his new assets. "I'm evil." She whispered into his ear.

Mark shook his head and tried to look at his feet which still sported horizontal marks from the zip ties. This proved fruitless as he was greeted instead with a swell of black spandex that hid the view of his own stomach. "When can I get these off?"

Teresa walked over to the hole. "It's going to be a while, you aren't even half of the way there yet, that's if it is only five feet down. If you get too hot just jump in the pool." She kicked a few dirt clods down into the hole and walked away.

Mark stomped over to get the shovel but quickly moderated his pace after his new attachments started to bounce in unison to his steps. The attachments were large enough that the tightness of suit caused them to spread out across his chest so that they were visible from almost all directions. Teresa tried her best to hide her mirth but she could not resist snapping several photos. Mark angrily slammed the shovel into the soft earth, using his anger to make good progress.

The monotony and rigor of the work allowed Mark to forget about his predicament after the first hour. Invariably, though, he would slip and press his chest onto the ground or he would brush some bit of dirt off his chest and be instantly reminded. As the hottest part of the day approached Mark found himself taking trips to the pool just to keep on his feet. The black suit absorbed heat like asphalt. Each trip to the stairs leading to the pool would take him by the glass door leading inside the house, it was a near perfect mirror. His mind was so used to looking at women that he would invariably double take and then realize he was looking at his own chest. The realization that he was enticed by his own chest was deeply unnerving.

As the hole got deeper and by necessity, wider, it also became cooler. This fact in combination with the setting sun allowed him to make considerable progress. When Teresa came out of the house again, Mark's neck was level with the grass.

"Any luck yet."

"No, nothing." Mark said without looking at Teresa. He tossed another load of dirt out of the hole.

"Too bad, it's getting late." Teresa commented while looking toward the setting sun.

"So can I call it quits." Mark asked.

"I have one final question for you though." Teresa held two white envelopes in her hands. "Tomorrow night is the party, which one do you choose?"

"You've got to be kidding me. After all of this." Mark swept his hands over the dirt and over his own body.

"What a surprise. If you had simply given in to my demands, you would have gotten off easier." Teresa said. "Now which is it? Nancy or Sharon." She held out each envelope, one in each hand.

All the pent up anger and weariness transformed itself in Mark's body into a solid mass of stubbornness. "Forget it, I'm still not choosing."

Teresa shook her head and knelt down beside the hole where Mark was standing. "Are you sure?"

Mark nodded.

Teresa offered her hand which Mark accepted and she pulled him out of the dark hole. "Alright," Teresa picked up a narrow roll of what looked like tape from a bag near the ground. Mark had not seen her bring it with her. "Please place your hands behind your back, so that your fingers are touching the opposite elbow."

Mark figured something like this would happen so he complied. What Mark assumed to be tape was actually a narrow elastic film which she wrapped around his arms and hands until they were joined into a single unit. She then retrieved from the bag a large piece of plastic that appeared to be one of the long bags that clothing is covered in when it comes back from the cleaners. She wrinkled it in her hands like a massive stocking and knelt down at Mark's feet. "Please step in."

Mark leaned over the swell of his new breasts to see what she was talking about stepped into the circle of plastic. Teresa removed the garden clogs from his feet and then pulled up the bag until it covered his body. She used the wrap to secure it loosely around his neck making sure he had no trouble breathing. She then began to wrap the banding film around the plastic bag starting with his feet. Not enough to prevent movement but he was not able to take a step without hopping. "Ok, please sit down."

Mark struggled to sit but Teresa steadied him and he was soon sitting on the grass. Quickly and without warning Teresa then grabbed Mark by the waist and slid him over to the hole until his feet were inside. She then slowly pushed him down. "What are you doing?"

"Planting you." Teresa stripped down to her bra and panties a ploy which Mark thought was intended to distract him but in fact was Teresa simply protecting her nice clothes. She grabbed the shovel and began refilling the hole.

"You can't do this."

"Huh?" Teresa said tossing the shovel aside and using her arms to quickly shove the dirt down in the hole. "Watch me."

"I'll die out here."

"No way, the plastic will keep you dry and warm, you'll be quite cozy I'm sure."

"Some stray dog will eat my head."

"Doubtful, oh but that reminds me." The dirt was up to Mark's thighs though not packed down at all. Teresa reached into her bag and pulled out a small piece of black cloth. "This goes with the swimsuit." She pulled an open face hood over Mark's head and tucked it down into the collar of the plastic bag. That will keep stuff out of your ears at least. Besides with a little makeup you would look just like your Mom."

"Very funny. I can't believe you’re doing this."

Teresa picked up the edges of the plastic upon which Mark had piled all the dirt. She used it to funnel it quickly into the hole. "You’re the stubborn one, do you actually believe the costume choices in either one of those envelopes is worse than this."

Mark remained silent and watched as the earth rose to the level of his chest. Teresa made no effort to compact the dirt which would have made escape possible if his hands were not bound behind him. As the difference between the edge of the hole and the pile of dirt faded Teresa walked on the hole more packing it down around his upper body. Mark's body occupied so much space and the dirt was not tightly packed there was quite a bit of earth remaining on the plastic sheets even when the hole was filled to the level of Mark's neck. Teresa spread the dirt out and packed it down a little in areas that were not near to Mark's head, "I guess this will have to be good enough. I don't think you’re going anywhere."

The top of the plastic bag was bunched up around Mark's face while Teresa filled the hole. She took a few moments to cut away the excess plastic and used some tape to seal the plastic to the open-face hood of the swimsuit. More dirt hid all trace of the bag's existence. "Well the sun is almost set. I would not scream for help or anything, that will just annoy me and make your time less comfortable."

Mark looked up and scowled at Teresa. Despite his predicament he could not help feeling a twinge of excitement as she stood above him clad only her bra and panties with her hands on her hips. "Ok then." Teresa grabbed her clothes and a few seconds later Mark heard a splash as she dove into the pool. Mark struggled mightily but the earth packed around his upper body eliminated the necessary leverage he needed to get his hands free. He was able to make a sizeable gap around his neck by moving back and forth but it was not near enough to free himself.

Teresa returned with her camera blinding Mark with her flash repeatedly. She was dressed once again in the black tights and tight blue shirt. Her damp red hair hanging limply over one shoulder. "I see you have managed to create a little cavity there. How's that working for you?"

"Are you going to let me out of here?"

"No but I'll make you a sandwich if you smile for the camera."

Mark suddenly realized he was hungry. "How long are you going to keep me here?"

"Shorter if you smile for the camera."

Mark managed a weak smile.

"That looks pretty good," Teresa said studying the preview screen on her camera. I'll be right back with your sandwich."

Mark continued his effort compacting the sides of his earthen prison by rocking back and forth. The more he rocked the more momentum he could establish and thus make the gap even larger. Without his hands free though the effort was futile. There was simply not enough space to get his hands out of the plastic. The half of inch of space did make breathing easier though.

Teresa returned moment later with a plate and a glass. "How's my new flower, enjoying your garden."

Mark shook his head.

Teresa knelt down beside him. The weight of her body compacted the earth and sent dirt spilling into the small gap Mark had managed to create. "Open wide. I guess you could call this fertilizer." Teresa giggled.

Mark silently allowed himself to be fed. His frustration and anger were mounting and also a certain amount of fear. Teresa was always unpredictable and Mark was worried he would be spending the night out here. Having his mouth and eyes on the same level as bugs and rodents was not his idea of a good time. After he finished the sandwich she held a glass of water to his lips. "There now, all better."

"Please let me out of this." Mark tried the polite approach.

"You chose this. All you had to do was pick an envelope."

Mark shook his head and clenched his jaw holding back the string of expletives waiting to erupt from his tongue.

"Besides you like this, you need this."

That was it. Such a preposterous declaration could not be left unchallenged. "What! Are you joking. You think I want to be helplessly buried in your backyard. You lady, have completely lost it."

Teresa scowled at the harsh tone. She stared silently into Mark's eyes for several moments. "I'll be right back and then we'll settle this."

Mark shook his head, "Settle what?" He said under his breath after he heard the back door close.

Teresa was gone for a long time, the sun had truly set, the shadows darkened rapidly in the colorless twilight. The lights around the pool came on illuminating the backyard. Teresa walked slowly toward him the light reflecting off a sexy new outfit gripping her curves. A black leotard gripped her upper body. The tight material glittered in the light and the high cut legs formed a 'V' that pulled the eye towards her most feminine area. Her breasts strained to escape the low cut fabric and displayed a generous cleavage visible even from Mark's low vantage point. Black tights sparkled like light on dark water with her every step. Mark was silent as she approached. Knowing the affect her outfit was having, she did a slow pirouette before his eyes. The thong of the leotard disappeared between the cleft of her buttocks accentuating the firm flesh barely hidden beneath the liquid black nylon.

Mark opened his mouth. "What...."

Teresa quickly cut him off. "Nope, no talking, just listening. I am going to speak and you are going to answer all of my questions truthfully. If you lie to me, you'll be stuck in this hole all night. If you are honest, I'll dig you out enough to free your hands."

Teresa smiled and stretched her arms over her head. "I want you to imagine a beautiful woman with dark brown hair dressed exactly like I am." Teresa slowly slid her hands over her body tracing her curves from her bosom down to her hips. "The only difference is that this woman in your imagination is bound tightly with white silk much like this." Teresa reached into a bag and pulled out a long shiny white ribbon of silk.

Teresa wound the silk around her hands. "Her hands are bound palm to palm behind her. Her elbows forced to touch behind her back so that her chest is forced forward provocatively." She thrust her arms back and her chest out to make her point more complete. "More silk bonds hold her wrists tightly against her buttocks, and more still wraps around her chest above and below her breasts, preventing the slighted movement of her trapped arms. Her long hair is twisted into an inch thick braid with another of the silk ribbons. This ribbon is then tied to her ankles forcing her head back until her ankles lie on top of her trapped hands. Her back is arched and she can barely move her head. She would complain of the strain, but her mouth is stretched open with a large white ball. Her eyes are squeezed tight against the intensity of the bondage."

Teresa pauses and kneels down a few feet from Mark's face. "Would such a scene catch your eye? Does that vision not cause your heart to stir?"

Mark looked at Teresa embarrassed by such blatantly sexual imagery being spoken of by his girlfriend's Mom. He decided to be as honest as possible for fear that she truly could detect any lies on his part. "Yes, of course." He also wanted to add that he was concerned for the woman's health in such an intense position, but decided against such elaboration.

Teresa smiled and crawled to within inches of Mark's face letting the full impact of her endowment have its maximum effect. "I know something else about you Mark. I know something that you will not admit to yourself."

Mark forced himself to look into Teresa's eyes. "And what is that?"

Teresa lowered her voice to a whisper. "Hold the image of the bound woman in your mind for me. Now imagine the feel of those tight silk bonds holding your own wrists captive. Imagine the feel of your own elbows touching behind your back." Teresa grabbed the hair on the back of Mark's head and pulled it backwards. "Imagine the feel of your own long dark hair bound to your ankles forcing your chin inches off the ground. Imagine those silk bonds wrapped around your body like iron bands holding your arms motionless. Do you feel the tightness around your stomach and chest?"

Teresa lowered her voice even further and whispered directly into his ear. "Now imagine the feel of these glossy black tights hugging your legs." Teresa rubbed her hand along her thigh as she spoke. "Imagine the feel of this thong leotard between your own buttocks." Teresa slid her hand beneath the thong of her leotard and pulled it upwards and let it snap against her flesh.

Mark could feel the heat rising in his face. Unconsciously he twisted his shoulders beneath the earth and looked blankly out into the shadows. Teresa sat back and slid her arms over her spandex covered body. She spoke in a sensuous alto. "Imagine your own breasts pushing against the tight fabric. You can feel the silk cords above and below trapping them. You can feel you own weight pressing down on them. You cannot even roll onto your side to keep from crushing them against your body. You could yell for help but your mouth is held open by a giant white ball. Saliva is pooling in the corners of your mouth and just a little leaks past your ruby red lips."

Teresa quits her recitation with a sigh and looks at Mark. "Now tell me the truth, which excited you more?"

The question pulled Mark back from his reverie, he did not realize but his jaw had gone slack and he quickly closed his gaping mouth. He was unable to meet Teresa's gaze. Moisture had fled from his mouth and his breathing was labored.

"Answer me Mark." Teresa demanded.

The sudden shock of her loud voice compared with the sensual whisper she used previously startled him. "You know the answer."

"I want to hear you say it."

"I can't..." Mark paused as his throat seized on the words. "She'll hate me. She'll think I’m weird."

Teresa cocked her head to one side. "Who? Nancy. Why would she think that?" She seemed genuinely surprised by the comment.

"Because I am a man. Nancy wants the masculine ideal, the Fabio romance novel type who sweeps her off her feet and rescues her whenever she is in danger."

"I seem to remember you rescuing her quite dramatically, injuring yourself in the process if I remember right. Oh yeah, you did that twice. You are her knight in shining armor if there ever was one."


"No listen. This conversation is not about my daughter and her needs. This is about who you are and what makes you tick. You need to admit that being bound by a beautiful woman relaxes and comforts you and also has a firm grip on your sexuality. It is not all of who you are but it is there."

"But..." Mark tried to interrupt.

Teresa held up her finger. "Keep listening. Now you are wondering about the girls clothes and sexy curves." Teresa poked her finger into the dirt where his chest was. "Beyond the fact that women are the weaker gender, the clothes themselves, (at least the ones you like), are a type of restraint. Tight leotards, tight skirts, not to mention heels which every woman on earth knows are a torture device straight from the dungeons of medieval Europe. You like these things because they contribute to the helpless, dependent ideal that you need on occasion. You need to be out of control." Teresa took a deep breath. "Now tell me how I'm wrong."

Mark thought for several minutes. "This situation is ludicrous. I'm buried up to my neck in my girlfriend's backyard talking to her mom about being tied up and helpless. I'm on the train to crazy, when can I get off?"

Teresa placed an index finger across her lips staring silently at Mark. "Nice try, you avoiding the question."

"What's the question again?" Mark asked.

"Am I right about you?"

Mark was silent again for several moments going over the events in his life. "Ok, I will say that I have always enjoyed being a captive. That is true. If what you say is correct and this swimsuit and set of breasts is just part of that, then fine, you are correct."

Teresa smiled and opened her mouth. "Now..."

"Just a second, I am not finished." Mark took a breath and settled his thoughts. "It does not matter. I am not going to ask Nancy to tie me up or anyone for that matter, ever."

"Why not?" Teresa asked.

"If I ask, who is really in control?"

Teresa's eyes widened. "Oh I see. That's a good point."

"I cannot ask Nancy, and somehow I doubt she is just going to do it. Everything involving ropes up to this point has either involved you or my Mom or been a fun prank. Those are fine too, and that will just have to be enough."

"So you don't think she would like to see you severely hogtied with white silk ribbon with a ball gag stuffed in your mouth? Teresa smiled. "Rivulets of drool sliding from the corners of your mouth." She slid a finger down Mark's chin.

"No, she wants a strong man who can protect and love her like she deserves." Mark answered.

"She is my daughter, and I have enjoyed most of this week. Are you really sure you know Nancy."

Mark's brow furrowed in consternation. "I can't separate what she wants from your influence. You are her Mom after all."

"I have an idea how to settle this one, at least partially settle it." Teresa said and stood up.

"What?" Mark said looking suspiciously at Teresa.

Teresa ignored him and ran inside the house. She returned moment later wearing a pair of tennis shoes and socks which seemed to highlight just how outrageously sexy her leotard and tights looked. She grabbed a shovel and quickly dug a hole behind Mark's back. The dirt was loose and easy to move. Using her hands she was able to clear the dirt and release Mark's arms from the plastic. "Here's the shovel, you should be out in no time." Teresa went inside after taking a quick dive into the pool.

It did go really quickly. Mark dug out an area around his waist. He was then able to slip out of the plastic cocoon. After levering his body out of the hole aided by the plastic he yanked the plastic out and refilled the hole. Once the sod was replaced as much as possible Mark turned on the sprinkler to guarantee that the muddy mess would be useless for any more of Teresa's bright ideas. Mark then dove into the pool to rid himself of the dirt.

Mark walked inside after drying off. He found Teresa typing on her laptop in her bedroom. "Uh. I don't want to bother you, but can you take these things off."

Teresa shook her head. "No, not tonight, sorry. It is time for bed though, so you won't notice them. I would appreciate it if you would duck into my bathroom and leave the swimsuit on the shower curtain to dry." Teresa pointed toward her private bathroom door.

Mark closed the bathroom door and stripped off the suit. After hanging it up he grabbed a towel to wrap around his naked body. For just a split second he wondered about how to cover up his breasts and that hesitation scared him more than a little. In the end he left the room with a towel wrapped securely around his waist and his faux bosom bouncing free.

Teresa laughed at his sight. "Aren't we the brazen one."

"They aren't real, so it doesn't matter." Mark retorted.

"You're right. It is obvious they are fake." Teresa typed a few more strokes on her keyboard and Mark turned to leave. "To anyone who is within five feet of you that is." Mark heard her say as he turned the corner.

Mark walked up the steps toward Nancy's room. By the time he reached the top step he realized just how exhausted he was. When he reached Nancy's bed he simply fell down face first onto the pillow and fell fast asleep.

* * *

Teresa had changed out of the leotard and tights and into a white satin robe. She picked up the phone in her room and dialed. "Hey Sharon, can I speak to Nancy please?"

"Oh it went well today." Teresa answered.

She listened for several moments. "No he wouldn’t choose, but I think something better might have come of it."

"I'll tell you about it on Wednesday." Teresa said.

"Yeah thanks. See ya."

"Hey Nancy, hows things?" Teresa began.

"You should go ahead and buy him some new sheets, I don't think he'll mind. Every morning he is all wrapped up in yours." Teresa answered

"Yeah he seems to." She responded.

"Yes. Do you think you could be here tomorrow at 11 o'clock in the morning?" Teresa asked.

Teresa smiled. "Don't worry about the rules, Sharon and I made the rules so we can break them. It's a little test for Mark."

"No, I'll be out of the house until 5, like usual." Teresa answered.

"Ok, bye."

Teresa hung up the phone and crawled into her bed.
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Post by Canuck100 »

That “test” should be an interesting one...

Great chapter, once again!
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Post by volatiledesire »

[mention]Canuck100[/mention] Thanks for the comment, thanks for reading.

Here's the next chapter.
Last edited by volatiledesire 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 6 - Mom Swap Part 4

Mark woke to the sound of Teresa's voice. "Mark wake up, I have to go to work soon."

Mark rolled over and immediately realized he was naked. He grabbed the blanket and pulled it around his waist. He turned red as beet in surprise as well as embarrassment upon seeing Teresa's mouth-splitting grin.

"Nothing I haven't seen before. Anyway, I have to go to work, and Nancy is coming over at 11:00."

"Huh, Nancy is coming over?"

Teresa stood up and walked over to the mirror, she adjusted her red hair which had been swept up to the top of her head leaving only one stray lock to dangle down the side of her face. She wore a fitted pair of jeans and a green top which was pinched between her breasts. Mark was never a fan of the jeans but the shirt did look nice. "Yep, I told her to come over," Teresa holds up a small brown bottle. "Here is the remover for your recent additions." She tossed it toward him.

Mark snagged the brown bottle from the air and peered curiously at Teresa while pretending to read the label. "I'm not sure what you are up to, but I'm game. You planned something with her?"

"Just a small challenge, something to amuse me." Teresa left the room, the small heels she wore beneath the flare of her jeans clicking down the hall.

"I thought we were not supposed to see each other for a week?"

"My game, my rules." Teresa shrugged.

It was not yet 10:00 and Mark was dressed in the largest and baggiest white T-shirt he could find in Nancy's closet and a pair of bike shorts, the breast forms were easily removed and now were sitting on the bathroom counter. However the weight of the rubbery material had pulled on his chest and left two red marks as reminders of their previous existence on his chest, not a bruise but the skin was definitely irritated. He hoped it would fade quickly.

Mark had time to find some breakfast in the kitchen and was cleaning up the dishes when Nancy arrived. He half expected her to knock but she just slid into the kitchen from the back door. She wore a pair of shiny black tights with a pastel fitted T-shirt that hugged her body down to her thighs. "Oh you are a sight for sore eyes."

Nancy smiled and pulled her shirt up a bit exposing more of her thighs as she slid into one of the bar stools in the kitchen. "Thank you, I was half worried my Mom might have stolen you away."

Mark sniffed. "I don't even know what to think about your Mom." He sat down next to her and rested his chin in his hands. "I don't know if she likes me, hates me, or is just crazy."

"A bit of all those, probably."

"No wonder I'm confused."

"What has she done to you." Nancy asked with genuine concern in her voice.

"You know about the first couple of days."

Nancy nodded.

"Well, the next day..." Mark went on to lay out everything she had done to him. He left out the part about the breasts but otherwise laid out everything. "She's been taking pictures, I'm sure she means to let you see them sometime."

Nancy’s mouth fell open during his description of his burial. She closed it with a snap and licked her lips. "Oh my, we have to get you out of here."

"Humph. How do you plan on convincing her to do that?"

"Well..." Nancy paused.

Mark looked over. "She told you something for today didn't she?"

Nancy nodded. "She said that when she came home from work if she saw something that made her laugh than she would let you off the hook."

"Off the hook?"

"Yep, off the hook. You can go home."

Mark stood up and paced around the kitchen for several minutes. "The only thing that would make her laugh is her finding me dressed as a pussy cat trapped in a bird cage."

Nancy held her hand to her lips to stifle a giggle. "Yes, that would probably do it. I don't have a big enough bird cage though."

Mark rolled his eyes. "There has got to be a way to turn this around."

"I'm not getting in any bird cage, Mark. Forget it, she would be pissed once she found out it wasn't you."

"She might laugh though." Mark said raising an eyebrow in Nancy's direction.

"I doubt it. She would easily recognize me."

"Forget the cat in a bird cage thing, that was just a joke. What if you were wearing something that was more of a disguise, something that covered your face?"

"Like a veil?" Nancy asked.

"Exactly, a wedding dress with a veil." Mark pulled Nancy out into the living room and pulled the coffee table into the middle of the room. "We could have you tied with your hands in front holding some flowers. With your legs tied so you’ll be forced to kneel before the coffee table like an altar. Your Mom would think it was me."

Nancy shook her head and hefted her chest. "I doubt that she would confuse the two of us."

Mark was about to disagree but he could not bring himself to mention the breast forms he had worn that very morning. "What then?"

"You will have to do it. It's better than your kitty cat in a bird cage idea, at least it’s easier. I can find a wedding dress pretty easy."

Mark shook his head. "I'm tired of that crap."

"But it will be the last time, you'll be home right after."

Mark looked out the window towards his house. "What if we asked Mom to do it?"

Nancy cocked her head. "Do you think she would put on a wedding dress and let us tie her up?"

"She might. She has done some crazy things before. I can try to sweeten the deal with promises to make dinner or do the laundry or things like that. It's worth a shot."

Nancy shrugged. "I'll see if she can come over."

Mark rubbed his hands together. "If this works..."

"My Mom is going to be so pissed."

"I'll have ran out the front door by then."

* * *

Mark looked at his Mom expectantly after explaining the plan. She sat at the kitchen bar sipping a glass of water. "That's quite a plan you have there."

"So you'll do it."

"Seems to me the best solution is for you to do it, Mark."

Nancy nodded her agreement. "I said the same thing, Sharon."

"Mom, I can't do that anymore. She's been having me do that stuff all week, she took all the clothes I brought with me."

Mark's Mom pursed her lips. "Well, I suppose being tied up in my old wedding gown for an hour or two won't kill me but you owe me son."

"I can handle owing you Mom. I doubt you will bury me up to my neck in the back yard for an entire afternoon."

Sharon cocked her head to one side and shrugged her shoulders. "I doubt anything that extreme."

"Think of the look on Teresa's face when she finds out the truth." Mark smiled

"That is the only reason I'm considering this." Sharon stood up and looked at Nancy. "Do you think we can pull this off, it's not like Mark has cleavage and when she sees mine in the dress she may be suspicious."

"Well..." Mark hesitated.

Sharon looked at her son. "Well what?"

"She might not be surprised to see cleavage."

"Really? Why not?"

Nancy smiled and stepped closer. "Yes, do tell."

"She put these rubber things on me yesterday. So she might just think that you made me wear them again." Mark finally admitted.

"Where are they now?" Sharon asked.

"In Nancy's bathroom."

Nancy sprinted upstairs and returned later holding the hemispherical pieces of flesh-toned rubber in her hands. "I didn't even know we had these. Where did Mom get them?"

Mark shrugged. "I don't know since I was tied to a bench outside when she went to get them."

Sharon nodded after giving her son a quizzical look. "Well let's give this a go, I'll go get my dress and you two get the place set up. We have three hours. I wonder if it still fits." Sharon said as she slid her hands over her hips.

"You could not possibly have been thinner back then." Nancy said.

Sharon gave Nancy a quick hug. "You are my favorite young lady."

Mark's Mom left to fetch the dress while Mark arranged the furniture in the living room so that the coffee table would be prominently displayed in the center. It would be impossible to miss for anyone entering the room. Nancy and his Mom returned minutes later and stepped into Teresa's bedroom to get ready. Mark grabbed the bag of long ribbons and selected the white ones to match the dress. He also found a piece of clean cloth to use as a gag. The plastic flowers used for decoration in various places around the house would work for a bouquet.

A few minutes later Nancy returned. "We'll be in Mom's room getting ready, is everything set up here?"

After half of an hour of boredom, Mark reached for the remote control to watch a little television when the bedroom door opened and his Mom and Nancy walked out. Mark was stunned. His Mom looked beautiful in her wedding gown. The dress was a strapless gown with a sheer material covering her shoulders down to her wrists. Bright white satin with subtle embroidery comprised the bodice and continued down the close-fitted skirts. She had to take smaller steps due to the short split in the back of the gown and only the toes of her white heels were visible with each step.

"How did you dance in this thing?" Nancy asked while she trailed Sharon carrying the train of the dress.

"Slowly," Sharon smiled. "So where do you want me."

Mark was staring at his Mom. He had trouble getting past how different she looked, how radiant. "Um, what was that?"

Sharon smiled. "I'll take that as a complement." She ran her hands over the gown and under her bottom. "It is a bit tighter than when I first wore it."

"Jeez Mom, stop that. You're my Mom."

Sharon laughed and held cupped each of her breasts with her hands. "I just want to see you blush."

Mark turned away instantly.

"You're mean." Nancy laughed.

"I'm the one getting tied up here, I get to have a little fun."

Mark indicated the coffee table which had been placed in the center of the living room facing toward the door. Sharon knelt down on a pillow provide for her knees and adjusted her skirt. Mark handed her the plastic flower bouquet and then reached for the white silk bonds. "You ready?"

"How long do I have to be here?" Sharon asked while Mark wrapped her wrists together in front of her."

"Mom should be home in an hour." Nancy answered.

Mark tied her wrists across the top of the coffee table so that the bouquet was held upward and in the center of the table. Another length of white silk forced her elbows together which was then tied to her waist. She could no longer move her arms at all.

Nancy was also busy binding her ankles together. "Ok, just a couple of more things before we let down the veil." Nancy picked up the piece of cloth.

"Is that really necessary." Sharon complained.

"Sorry but I am afraid so." Nancy responded.

Sharon rolled her eyes and opened her mouth. Nancy poked the cloth inside and Mark carefully pulled a shorter silk rope between her lips several times and tied it off behind her neck. Nancy then carefully straightened her hair before lowering the layered veil over her face. The veil was long enough to hang down to her fingertips and also folded over itself in front of her face completely obscuring her features. "Just a second, she looks too awesome not to get a picture."

Sharon grunted her displeasure but was in no position to stop herself from being photographed. Nancy took several shots from many angles including a few with the veil pulled back to reveal her face.

"Alright Mark, I'll be down here to greet Mom when she arrives, you wait in the kitchen. The minute you hear Mom say you are off the hook for the rest of the week just quietly sneak out the back door and head home. Here’s the key."

"Sounds good."

"I'll leave soon after and meet you over there." Nancy said.

Mark walked back to the kitchen and slid the door open enough so that it would not make any noise when he slipped out. He then listened carefully at the entrance to the kitchen.

"She just drove up Mark, be ready."

Mark checked over everything, he had nothing of his own since the beginning of the nightmare week so he was already prepared. If Teresa did not believe that it was him inside the dress, the whole thing was going to get messy. Mark caught himself, how odd it suddenly seemed that his own mother could be confused as him. "I need to get out of here."

The voices were muddled but obvious. Nancy spoke first. "May I present, the blushing bride."

Teresa said something that Mark could not understand but he heard Nancy very clearly. "So, since you laughed, Mark is free to go."

"Sure, as soon as I get a few pictures in that dress."

Mark did not hear anything else, he stepped out the back door ran to the backyard and vaulted over the fence. Five minutes later he was standing in the entrance to his room. Well, it used to be his room. "What the hell?"

His bed looked like his old bed frame but the bed spread was a mixture of floral hues and designs. The normally wood stained frame had been wrapped with satin ribbons to match the bed spread and tied into bows at the corners. His area rug had been replaced with floral colored one, and all the pictures on his walls were now of flowers and ballerinas. The faint smell of paint made Mark realize the walls had been painted as well, a soft lavender color.

"What did she do?" His television and game console were gone replace with a white cabinet which was stenciled with floral designs, and his computer now sat atop a desk which used to be in his Mom's room. His chest of drawers had been replaced with one that had a large oval mirror with fake gilding around the perimeter. Mark stepped toward the closet and slowly opened the door, a feminine odor filled his nostrils and only soft fabrics and dresses filled his eyes. None of his clothes were any where to be seen.

Mark quickly closed the door and left the room. He took two steps down the hall to the spare bedroom and opened the door. A long sigh escaped his lips as he saw his old furniture and clothes laying haphazardly around the room. "This room is closer to the bathroom anyway." Mark took off Nancy's T-shirt and shorts and quickly slipped on a set of his own clothes. There were clothes laying on the bed which Mark quickly relocated to the closet and then proceeded to arrange the room to his liking. It would not be hard to relocate his electronics to this room.

Nancy stuck her head in and smiled. "Ah, you aren't going to stay in your old room? Your Mom and I worked really hard to decorate it."

"Funny joke, I guess the room is yours now. So did she know it was me when you left."

"She was snapping pictures with the veil down when I left. I'm sure she’s figured it out by now." Nancy said. "She's going to be mad."

Mark nodded, "She deserves it."

Nancy bit on her bottom lip. "I wouldn't want to be your Mom though."

"We can check on her if she doesn't show up at home tonight."

Nancy nodded.

"I'm going to bed." Mark walked toward the room and took off his shirt.

Nancy did not leave. When Mark threw back the bed spread he realized why. Nancy's chuckling confirmed it. There was a set of white satin sheets underneath the neutral colored bed spread. "We thought you would might come in here so we swapped the sheets in both rooms."

Mark smiled and climbed into bed with a smile. "Thanks, they are starting to grow on me."

"Would you like a silk nightgown too, that makes it even better."

"Just turn off the light Nancy."

Nancy laughed and left the room.

* * *

A few hours later after a good nap Mark woke up to his Mom's face peaking in the door. She was wearing a bathrobe and her hair was caught up in a towel. "You don't like what we did to your old room?"

"Not my taste really, but I guess Nancy will have a place to sleep if her Mom gets mad."

"I did enjoy having a daughter around. It was a nice change of pace."

"I'm glad you had fun. College is coming soon maybe you can rent out the space."

His Mom laughed. "Oh no, I doubt every girl is as thoughtful as Nancy, or as clean. She also helped a lot with the decorating."

"So did Teresa go easy on you when she found out?" Mark asked. "Trying to change the subject from his lost bedroom."

"She was disappointed at first. Well, more like stark raving mad, but she calmed down and we discussed things over a coffee."

"Discussed things? You mean me?" Mark asked.

"You and Nancy." Mom entered and sat down on the bed, the slippery sheets almost put her on the floor. She caught herself and moved to the center without commenting on the sheets. "We like the fact that you are together."

"I do love her." Mark said. "She makes me crazy."

"Love will do that."

"What else did you talk about? What about the pictures she took?" Mark asked.

"The pictures in an album contain the only copies in existence."

Mark's eyes got big. "Who has the album?"

"Teresa gave it to me."

Mark was quiet for several minutes. "You wish I was a girl. Teresa took away all my clothes and dressed me in several girl’s outfits. Then she gives you the photos."

Mom smiled and shook her head. "I do not wish you were a girl. I have mentioned to Teresa on occasion that I envy her mother/daughter relationship she has with Nancy. I think she devised this week partly to give me a chance to have that with Nancy."

"Why all that crap with me, you saw the photos?"

His mom nodded. "I saw them. Most of that is Teresa. She loves putting you in perilous situations and seeing how you react. The clothing just makes it that much more exciting. She loves knowing you are worried about getting caught. And she really loves seeing you squirm."

"It turns her on?" Mark asked with a rapidly slackening jaw.

"Probably. But she would never admit that. She couches her behavior in ideas about testing your loyalty and concern for Nancy. At least that is what she tells herself."

Mark nodded.

"Ok then, how about a slice of honesty from you?" Sharon asked.

Mark looked up and gave his Mom a suspicious look.

"Did you enjoy anything about this week?"

"Sleeping in Nancy's room was nice. I could do without the injuries that always seem to happen with Teresa's schemes."

"So you like her sheets." Sharon smiled at her son.

"Not the sheets necessarily but her smell, her presence, that kind of thing."

"So why not sleep in your old room, it has all those things."

"Why do you think I don't want to sleep in there?" Mark asked turning the question around. Not really wanting to go down this path.

"Too feminine for a big strong guy like you." Sharon said in a slightly mocking tone. "Though I bet you'd like it if we tied you up in there."

Mark shook his head. "Being tied up is the opposite of comfortable. Why would I like that?"

"What if Nancy was the one tying you up."

"That's different."

"How so?" Sharon pressed.

"I like Nancy, besides that is private stuff between the two of us."

"Hardly," his Mom chuckled. "You need to face the facts that the women in your life think it’s fun to see you helpless."

Mark's mouth hung open. "Teresa does, and she thinks Nancy does though it has yet to be proven. She had something in mind last night but I think our little trick with you may have ruined it. But you Mom, you enjoy it too."

"I don't know what it is, exactly, but having you all tied up makes me feel..." Mark's Mom's eyes took on an odd twinkle as she searched for the correct words.

Mark's mind raced quickly, how could he get out of this.

"...powerful." Sharon finished. "That album Teresa gave me makes me a bit envious. She is very creative. Maybe next time you get in trouble..."

"Mom! What's wrong with you? I'm your son, not your toy."

Sharon blushed. "It is true that we screwed up Teresa's plans. She thought that Nancy would choose to tie you up. That would prove she liked it. You'll find out eventually though, if she likes it she will do it."

"If I let her."

His Mom laughed. "If she is like her Mom, she won't like it unless you resist a bit."

Mark shook his head. "Are we done. I really don't like talking about this."

"Ok, but if you love Nancy as much as it seems you do. You might want to get used to it."
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Post by harveygasson »

God I love this story!
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Post by volatiledesire »

[mention]harveygasson[/mention] Thanks for the comment, I'm glad you like it.

Starting the next chapter...
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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 7 - Nancy's Birthday Part 1

"I just don't know what to do." Mark said with his head resting on his hands. He sat at the table nursing a glass of iced tea while his Mom was putting dishes into the cupboards.

"Buy her jewelry, girls love that." His Mom suggested.

"Not special enough, not unique enough." Mark said. "I have only a week left to figure this out."

"I think if Nancy knew how much you were fretting over her birthday she’d be really pleased."

"Yeah, that's what I'll give her, my fretting. How do I wrap that up?" Mark said his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"If you’re going to give me an attitude than figure it out for yourself."

"I'm sorry." Mark sighed heavily. "It's just I've been thinking about this for a month and come up with nothing."

"Have you asked her Mom yet?"

"Teresa." Mark said sounding surprised. "Why would I ask her? She's been telling Nancy in the last few months that we should take it slower. She even suggested Nancy date other guys."

Mom smiled. "Clever." She mumbled.

Mark with his youthful hearing still caught the comment. "Clever? Why’s that clever?"

"When I was Nancy's age, I would go out with any boy, no matter how horrible, if my mother disapproved of him."

"So you're saying she wants Nancy to like me so she’s trying to push us apart."

"Teresa is very smart." Mom smiled. "You should ask her about your gift problem."

"I am just about that desperate."

* * *

Mark rang the doorbell at Nancy's house, he knew she would not be home from school for at least another hour. Teresa opened the door. "Hello Mark, come in, Nancy isn't home yet." Teresa was wearing a green jumper (her favorite color) and a pair of knit leggings. She was barefoot and had her reading glasses nestled into her red hair which hung loose over one shoulder.

"I know, I was looking for you."

Teresa plopped down on the couch. "What can I do for you?" She pointed to the chair next to hers.

"I wanted to ask your opinion. I'm having trouble deciding what to get for Nancy's birthday."

"Oh I might be able to help, what have you got so far?"

Mark took a breath. "I want it to be something unique, not a typical gift."

"Good, good. That's a start." Teresa smiled resting her elbows on her knees perched on the edge of her seat.

"My first idea was for us to sneak on to Cramer Farms and eat apples and watch the sunset."

Teresa nodded. "Romantic and illegal, but she’ll like that. What else?"

"There is a show happening downtown on her birthday, it is some Shakespeare thing. I was thinking about taking her to that."

Teresa held out her hand and rocked it back and forth. "Meh, not exactly unique. What else?"

Mark shrugged. "Sadly, that's it."

Teresa leaned back on the couch and placed her fingers on her lips. "Let's think, you want unique." Teresa's eyes lit up an she leaned forward suddenly. "How about this? Your Mom and I tie you up at your house in Nancy's room. Then she gets to...."

"Hold on a second." Mark interrupted. "Do you always think tying me up is the answer?"

"It's unique." Teresa smiled.

"Not for us." Mark argued.

"Ok, what about giving her a set of coupons."

"Not unique." Mark frowned.

"That depends on what’s on the coupons."

"What do you mean?"

Teresa stood up and started pacing in front of the couch. "This can be good. We can answer some questions that still need answering."

"Questions? What questions?" Mark said getting more nervous by Teresa's excitement. The fiery red head always made him nervous when she became excited.

"What we talked about months ago, if Nancy likes you when you're powerless?"

Mark stared at Teresa with a blank face. The memory of the conversation between them filled his cheeks with blood and he looked away. "I don't want to know the answers to those questions."

"Why?" Teresa asked.


"Let me guess." Teresa interrupted. "You would hate for her to actually enjoy having you all bundled up and looking cute."

Mark's face continued to surge from pink toward red. "I...don't...maybe..."

"You need to find out." Teresa talked over his nervous muttering. "You need to know the truth." Teresa sat back on the couch. "Here’s what I propose, we make several coupons, you can put those other ideas of yours on them, but we add a couple of others."

"Hold on a second, you sound like this is the idea I'm going to use."

"It's the best one. And based on which of the coupons she uses you’ll have answers to your other vexing problems, whether you like the answers or not is up to you."

Like a redheaded force of nature Teresa quickly made a list of coupon ideas on a pad of paper and handed it to Mark. "Here you go, use these."

Mark looked them over. "I’m not using some of these."

Teresa shrugged. "That's up to you but you'll regret it."

Mark shook his head. "Let's go shoe shopping." Mark read. "What's the point of that one?"

Teresa smiled. "You might like it."

"I might like it? This is for her." Mark responded.

"She will definitely like it. Nancy loves shoes, like most girls." Teresa smiled and placed her hands on Mark's shoulders. "Trust me. Give her all the coupons."

Mark looked down at the list and pointed to one. "I can't do that one."

Teresa glanced at the list and smiled. "Sure you can, you're just afraid." Teresa grabbed a pencil. "Fine, I'll scratch that one out, just do all the rest. What's the worst that could happen?"

"She could show her friends the coupons."

Teresa laughed. "Wow would they be jealous."

Mark shook his head. "I'll do it, but if she dumps me, I'll never forgive you."

"Me neither, Mark, me neither." Teresa said smiling.

* * *

Armed with construction paper and markers, Mark proceeded to build the coupon book for Nancy. He hesitated for several minutes over some of Teresa's suggestions. His Mom's words floated through his mind, "Teresa is very smart." Mark decided to trust her, "And let it be on her head if she's wrong."

Mark walked over to Teresa's house the evening before Nancy's birthday. Teresa opened the door for him. "Hurry Mark, Nancy will be home in just a few minutes."

"I'm just going to lay it on her pillow."

"That's fine, go on up." Teresa smiled.

"What are you going to say when she talks to you about it?" Mark asked on his way back down the stairs.

"Ha! She won't talk to me, she talks to your Mom more than me."

"Really?" Mark said.

"Sure, that's natural. Moms and their teenage daughters have complicated relationships. Sharon tells me everything anyway." Teresa answered.

Mark slunk toward the backdoor just in case Nancy arrived soon. He did not want answer any questions, his guts boiling with fear.

"Why so nervous?"

"You know why?" Mark answered.

"Look Mark, your life will be easier if you just accept that you like the things you like and stop trying to become some masculine paper doll."

"Life would be easier if I was a normal masculine paper doll." Mark answered.

"My life would be less fun though," Teresa smirked. "I could tie you to Nancy's bed and tape the coupons to your chest. I would enjoy that."

Mark sprinted toward the back door with Teresa's laughter in pursuit.

"Admit it!" Teresa yelled. "You'd enjoy it too."

Mark caught her words as he leapt from the deck and moved into the woods behind the house. He knelt down by a tree and listened to the crickets for a few minutes. "Why does it bother me so much? Why do I want to walk back in there?"

* * *

The next morning Mark slept in. No school and overnight rain meant nothing much to do. Hunger finally drove him down to the kitchen where his Mom was sitting down at the table drinking coffee. She wore her workout clothes and had come from the gym. "Hey there, congratulations on your gift. Nancy was super excited."

"Huh? Nancy was here." Mark asked looking around.

"Yup, she just left."

"She told you about the coupons then."

"Oh yeah, showed them to me." Mom's eyes twinkled.

Mark let out a sigh. "So she isn't mad or uncomfortable or anything."

His Mom laughed. "Nope but you have quite the obligation now. You committed yourself quite a bit."

"Not really, I just have to be available."

His Mom cocked her head. "You did write those coupons yourself didn't you?"

A sudden realization entered Mark's mind. He had left them unattended at Teresa's house for several minutes possibly longer depending on when Nancy arrived home. "Hold on a second did she show you all of them?"


"How many were there?"

His Mom thought for a second and counted on her fingers. "I'd say about ten, maybe more."

Mark slapped his hand against his forehead. "How could I have been so stupid."

"Oh no." Sharon said. "How many did you write?"

"Six. Teresa must have added some last night when I dropped them off."

Mom laughed. "She's so clever. You're stuck now. Nancy has already asked if she could move into her bedroom for a few days. I can guess which coupons you didn't write and she was definitely looking forward to a few of them."

"What were they?"

"I think I better let you be surprised."

Mark just shook his head. He was already out on a limb with the coupons he wrote, Teresa had now pushed him right off the cliff. "I wish I could see the bottom."
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Post by Canuck100 »

That’a an interesting twist!

Great chapter once more
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Post by volatiledesire »

[mention]Canuck100[/mention] Thanks for the comment really appreciate it.

Here's the next.
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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 7 - Nancy's Birthday part 2

The phone rang and Mark's Mom grabbed the receiver, Mark was on the couch trying to come to terms with his mistake with the coupons. "It's for you Mark. Nancy."

"Hey Mark, thanks for the awesome gift. I was hoping to use the coupons right away."

Mark's voice cracked and he cleared his throat. "Ok."

"I am celebrating with my gymnastics team this afternoon, but that’s over at 6:00. Maybe we could go to the play downtown and end up at Cramer's farm."

"We'll miss the sunset."

"Sneaking into the orchard is most of the fun anyway." Nancy laughed.

"Ok, can your Mom take us." Mark asked.

"I thought we'd walk, it's only a couple miles downtown. I hope we don't have to be dressed up."

"No, the local community college is doing it, so casual clothes are good."

"Ok, come over at 6:30, I should be back home by then."

"See you then." Mark hung up the phone.

Mom smiled at him with raised eyebrows.

"She's getting the easy ones out of the way I guess. We’re going to the play and then a walk through Cramer's orchard."

Mom nodded. "Don't steal the apples."

"I don't think they are ripe yet anyway."

* * *

It was 5:30, an hour before Nancy said she would be home. Mark rang the doorbell to her house but no one answered. He ran around back and peaked over the fence to see Teresa getting out of the pool and sitting down in one of the lounge chairs. Mark climbed up and stuck his head over the fence. "Hey Teresa, can I come over."

"Sure but Nancy isn't here yet."

"That's ok," Mark said as he vaulted over the fence and walked onto the pool deck sitting down next to Teresa. She was wearing the same pink pretzel suit he had worn all those months ago before he swore off making wagers with her.

Teresa grabbed a towel and draped it over her lap. "Recognize the suit." Teresa laughed.

Mark's cheeks flushed but he smiled anyway. "Yeah, not very comfortable."

"It's ok, wasn't exactly made for you." Teresa shrugged. "What's on your mind?"

"I think you know." Mark answered.

Teresa paused for a moment and looked at him. "How did you find out?"

"Nancy shared them all with Mom and she mentioned to me there were more than six coupons."

Teresa shrugged. "Oh well, it was worth a shot, you can tell her tonight that I put in the extras."

Mark shook his head. "Oh no, Mom said Nancy was really excited. Looks like I'm stuck doing them. Only problem is, I don't know what 'I' wrote."

"Sharon wouldn't tell you?" Teresa stifled a giggle.


"I am glad you wrote them with such thick markers, I would never have been able to match your writing otherwise." Teresa laughed. "Look just tell her tonight that I wrote some of them."

Mark growled. "And what if she is super disappointed. Than I'll really look like an ass. I just want to know what to expect."

"I'm not going to tell you."

"You have to. She'll figure it out the first time I am shocked by what she wants me to do."

Teresa nodded and her brow wrinkled in thought. "Let me see. Get a hole punch and every time she redeems a coupon say you have to punch a hole in it to show it's been used."

"Why would I need to do that?" Mark asked.

"For her scrapbook, she will remember she did them. That will give you a chance to read the coupon before hand so you won't be surprised. None of the coupons I wrote were longer than a few words."

"She is still going to figure out that I didn't write some of them."

"Wanna bet." Teresa smiled.

Mark glanced down at the pink swimsuit she was wearing and sighed. "No, not against you."

Teresa laughed. "There's a margarita chilling in the refrigerator. Can you bring it to me?"


Mark brought her the drink and then ducked back inside to wait for Nancy. He had a bit of time so he wandered upstairs and poked his head inside Nancy's room. He did not want to admit it, but he hoped he could find the coupons inside. The room was neat, the bed was made. Mark ran his hand over the satin pillowcases. The coupons were nowhere in sight and he was not going to rummage around in her drawers. He laid down on the bed and enjoyed the cool softness of the pillow against his neck. He quickly drifted off.

"Mark, wake up."

Consciousness filtered slowly through his mind. "Huh?"

Nancy stood over him with a smile on her face. "Oh sorry, I must have dozed off."

"On my bed?" Nancy smiled.

"I remember it being being pretty comfortable." Mark allowed his gaze to wander over his girlfriend's dancer body. She wore dark red tights with a green sweatshirt which allowed the green leotard to be visible around the neckline.

Nancy smiled and knelt down beside him and leaned close to his ear. "I need to change for the play tonight. You can either leave, or I will blindfold you. Which do you prefer?"

Any vestiges of sleep vanished and Mark's blood pounded in his ears. He could not form any response. Nancy opened a drawer next to the bed and pulled out a pink silk sleeping mask. "I guess I'll decide for you. You like pink don't you?"

Nancy tugged the silk over his eyes and then closed and locked the door. "Now I can't have you stealing a glance." Nancy straddled Mark's body. She raised his hands above his head and wrapped a scarf around them. She used a second scarf to cinch the first between his wrists which she then tied to the headboard keeping the knot out of reach. "There we go, now you can't peek." She raised his shirt and ran her cool fingers along his stomach.

Mark shuddered at her touch. The sounds of clothing being removed were making Mark very excited, his breathing was becoming labored.

"I'm naked Mark." Nancy giggled. "Here's my leotard."

Mark felt the stretchy material get pulled over his face. The unmistakable smell of Nancy filled his nostrils. "Maybe I should make you wear that tonight." Nancy laughed.

"No." Mark finally managed to whisper. "Someone might see."

"Oh, you're no fun." Nancy pouted. "Actually, I take that back. Those coupons of your's prove just how much fun you can be."

There was more rustling of clothes and then Nancy pulled off the leotard taking the blindfold with it. "What do you think?"

Nancy was standing in a green dress with short capped sleeves. The skirt flared out until it reached her knees. It was simple yet beautiful. "Wow!"

"Thanks, we better go. Don't want to be late." Nancy said as she released his arms from the bed.

* * *

The night was pleasantly warm. Mark and Nancy walked the streets side by side. Nancy chatted about the party with her teammates. "What do your friends at gymnastics think of me?" Mark asked.

Nancy looked at him with a quizzical expression. "I never asked. They know about you of course. Do you mean because you're younger?"

Mark shrugged. "That, and I'm not super athletic or anything."

"You can out run me. You should go out for cross country or track and field. Anyway, I don't care about that stuff."

"So they basically don't know anything about me?"

"They know you put yourself in the hospital because of me, they just don't know the true details."

Mark nodded. "So they don't try and get you to dump me?"

Nancy shook her head. "No, Mom is bad enough."

Mark thought for a second. "If your Mom wanted you to date me. Would you still want to?"

"Are you implying that the reason I am with you is because Mom doesn't like it?" Nancy said her anger rising a bit.

Mark went for the honest approach. "I was talking to Mom, she thinks Teresa is faking it. Your Mom likes me, but wants you to think she doesn't so you'll stay with me just to annoy her. Problem is I don't want that to be the reason you're with me."

Nancy stopped and laughed. "My Mom is such a nerd. She way over thinks things." She paused and looked directly into his eyes. "I am with you because I’ve fallen for you, Mark."

"Can I hold your hand then?"

"I thought you'd never ask." Mark entwined his fingers with hers as they walked through the neighborhood streets. "That's interesting though." Nancy said after a few strides.

"What's that?"

"That my Mom is faking it."

"Both our Mom's want us together. I want that too." Mark said. "I get nervous though."

"Nervous?" Nancy said.

"Yeah, our Mom's had kids really young with their high school sweethearts. Look where they are now."

Nancy was quiet for several minutes. "You don't have to leave me."

"Do you know why your Dad left?"

"My Mom said he just didn't want to be married anymore. Raising kids is hard. My brother took it way worse, that's why he doesn't come home."

"Sounds exactly like what Mom says about my Dad." Mark said.

"Our Dads were friends you know."

"I heard that." Mark answered. "I wonder if they still are."

They reached the theater and found their seats. "Do you think our Mom's are telling us everything about why they split up?" Mark asked.

"Not a chance. For instance, I have never heard my Mom ever say a single bad thing about my Dad.”

Mark thought for a second. "Yeah Mom never does either."

"Why do you think that is?" Nancy asked.

"I don't know." Mark responded.

“I bet..." Nancy leaned closer to me as the lights dimmed in the theater. “...the real reason is super boring. Something stupid.”

The curtain rose ending the conversation and Mark though Nancy was probably right.

The play was funny and well acted but Mark was thinking about other things. As they left Mark's questions bubbled to the surface. "Even if Dad was asked to leave, it doesn't excuse him much. I haven't seen him for four years."

Nancy nodded. "Same here, I got a card for my birthday. It had a hundred dollars in it."

"Perhaps they deserved it." Mark said.

"Why does Mom never say anything bad then?"

"You should ask her sometime. I imagine she doesn't want to taint our opinions. And there was probably plenty of blame to go around." Mark said.

"Look who's all mature." Nancy laughed, trying to lighten the mood. "Here's the turn to Cramer's Farm. Let's forget all this depressing stuff and try to have fun." Nancy sprinted down the lane away from him. Mark ran to catch up.

They spent the next hour winding through the neat rows of apple trees while watching the stars. All the worry fell from Mark's shoulders and he felt more than lucky to have Nancy no matter what the future held. It was well past 10 when they finally turned toward home. "Why don't you come to my house?" Mark asked. "Last time I checked you have plenty of clothes in my old room."

"Your old room?" Nancy raised her eyebrows.

Mark laughed. "I mean your room."

"Sure let's go. I was kind of planning on that anyway." She winked at him.

They walked the few yards to Mark's house and went inside. Both their Mom's were sitting on the couch watching television. Mark clutched Nancy's hand as they entered. "Hey you two." Sharon said. "How was the play?"

"Good." Nancy said. "What are you guys doing?"

"Just watching a movie. Want to join?" Teresa said.

"Maybe in a minute." Mark said pulling Nancy after him.

They entered the kitchen but could not help but hear the delighted murmuring coming from the living room. "They were holding hands." Mark's Mom could be heard saying. Followed by Teresa shushing her loudly.

Nancy rolled her eyes. "They are such..."

"Parents?" Mark offered smiling.

"I guess."

"Do you have the coupons for tonight. I want to mark them so you remember we did them, you know for your scrapbook."

Nancy looked askance at him. "Ok, though it's not likely I'll forget."

"Your choice, but I have this nifty hole punch." Mark held up the punch designed to make a hole in the shape of a heart.

"Fine by me." Nancy dug in her purse and flipped through the coupons smiling as she did so. "Here they are."

Mark punched a hole near the corner and handed them back. "So what's next?"

"You mean which coupon am I going to use?"

"Yeah, unless we're done for tonight." Mark said.

Nancy laughed and flipped through the coupons. "Nope I think I'll stay here tonight in my bedroom and redeem this one. I thought it was quite creative." She handed Mark the coupon.
I will be your pillow for a night.
Mark swallowed and tried to wipe the surprise from his face and punched the corner of the coupon. "I will be interested to see how you interpret that one." He successfully kept his voice level despite his surprise, that was not something he could have ever imagined writing.

"Let's find out shall we." Nancy leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek.

"Whoa there. Do you two need some privacy." Teresa said as she entered the kitchen carrying two empty wine glasses.

"Nope, we were just discussing my next coupon. I assume Sharon let you know about Mark's gift to me."

Teresa smiled and nodded.

"I would like to stay here tonight if that's ok?" Nancy asked.

Teresa shrugged. "Fine with me if it is ok with Sharon, but remember our talk."

"Oh Mom." Nancy rolled her eyes. "I already cleared it this morning with Sharon but I didn't tell her when. Let me go check." Nancy left the kitchen.

Teresa smiled at Mark and winked.

Mark shook his head but didn't say anything. Nancy bounded back into the kitchen. "Come on Mark." She grabbed his hand and pulled him up the stairs.

Mark stood nervously in the corner of the bedroom. "What was that little talk your Mom mentioned?"

Nancy went into the closet and threw a set of sheets on the bed. "She just wants me to be careful and not do something I regret."

"You mean sex?" Mark said.

Nancy nodded. "I figure there are so many fun things we can do short of that we will busy for years."

Mark's cheeks blossomed red.

"Ok, you are going to be my pillow tonight. And I am very particular about my pillows. So first of all go into the bathroom take off your clothes, then wrap this sheet around you." Nancy pointed to the door and placed a hand on her hip. "Get going."

Mark took the sheet which was made of white satin and walked across the hall. After removing his shirt and shorts Mark pondered for several moments whether he should also remove his underwear. Thinking it best not to be in a bed nude with his girlfriend while his Mom was in the house he decided to leave them on. He shook out the sheet and wrapped the slippery material around his waist a couple of times and darted across the hall. "As you requested, my lady."

Nancy smiled and walked toward him placing a hand on his leg. "I can feel your underwear though the sheet. I did not say you could leave your underwear on."

"I thought..."

"You are my pillow. You don't get to think tonight." Nancy interrupted by placing her finger across his lips, "but I understand you want to keep your modesty." Nancy moved to one of the chests of drawers and opened it up. She pulled out a silver colored unitard. "This will match the sheets close enough. Go put this on."


"Tut, tut, my pillow. You can’t talk."

Mark grabbed the stretchy fabric and moved toward the door. He looked over his shoulder at Nancy who waved him on. Nancy grabbed the sheet wrapped around his body and tugged causing Mark to spin around. He was left standing wearing only his boxer shorts. "You don't need the sheet this time."

Mark went over to the bathroom, his face was hot with embarrassment as he slipped into the stretchy garment. After pushing his hands into the long sleeves and tugging it up his chest he tried to work the clasp behind his neck but could not manage it. He slid his hands down his body to pull out the wrinkles. It felt good. He did not want it to feel so good. He stuck his head out into the hallway and then dashed across into Nancy's bedroom. "I couldn't..."

"Hey no talking, Pillow. This is your last warning."

Mark pointed behind his neck and Nancy moved behind him to fix the closure. She then slid her hands slowly down his back and then around his waist and over his stomach ending with a soft hug. Mark's knees began to shake the sensations were so strong. The tight fabric amplified her soft and sensuous touches.

"Do you need to sit down?" Nancy smiled, stepping back. "Wait till you feel this." Nancy picked up the white satin sheet from the floor and wrapped it over his shoulders. "Keep your arms at your sides." Nancy tucked the sheet into itself and began to wrap it securely around his body so it covered him from neck to ankles.

Mark was breathing hard and squeezing his eyes shut. The cool material of the sheet sliding over his spandex covered body was an intense experience. He suddenly felt Nancy's hand on his chest. "Careful there, don't fall over on me."

Mark opened his eyes and regained his balance. Nancy finished wrapping the sheet around him and picked up several lengths of white satin ribbons. Each ribbon was tied around his body holding the sheets in place, knotting them vertically along the horizontal wraps to prevent them from slipping up and down his body. "One last thing and we'll be ready. I almost hate to do this." She picked up a matching white pillow case that was quite long, at least five feet in length designed to cover a body-length pillow. Using scissors she cut a hole in the closed end and then slipped the pillowcase over his body forcing his head through the cut opening. The pillowcase hid the lumpy effect created by the silken ribbons. "There. Perfect." Nancy then threw back the sheets on the bed and pointed. "Get in, Pillow."

Mark hopped a couple of steps and allowed himself to fall onto the bed. Nancy pushed his body around so that he was oriented with his feet toward the foot of the bed. "You'll make the perfect body pillow. I can wrap my legs around you and snuggle up, but I need to go back to my house and get some of my toiletries. Don't go anywhere."

Mark opened his mouth to protest but Nancy had already dashed out of the room.

* * *

Teresa and Sharon watched the credits roll on the movie. "I love that one."

"Yeah me too." Sharon responded.

"What do you think they're doing up there?" Teresa asked looking toward the ceiling.

"Do we want to know?"

"Kind of." Teresa smiled.

"Need to live vicariously?" Sharon raised an eyebrow at her friend.

"That's all I have left."

"Not all you have." Sharon nudged Teresa's leg with her foot.

Teresa smiled. "That reminds me. Your wedding dress is back from the dry cleaners. Do you want me to store if for you?"

"Sure if you would. You have a bit more space than I do. So have you told Nancy anything about what happened with her Dad?"

"I do when she asks but she hasn't asked much, she was so young."

"They must be curious though..." Sharon cut off as footsteps pounded on the stairs. Nancy came bounding down heading for the door.

"Where are you off to?" Teresa asked.

"Forgot my night time stuff at home. I'll be back in a few minutes." Nancy shut the front door behind her.

Teresa looked up the stairs. "I wonder what Mark is doing?" She stood to peek up the staircase.

"Teresa, don't." Sharon laughed.

"I'm going to go look, stay down here if you want to."

Teresa dashed upstairs and Sharon paused a brief second before running after her. Teresa was standing by the door with her hand over her mouth when Sharon reached her. Sharon looked past her friend to see her son with a horrified expression on his face. He was wrapped in a shiny white cocoon in the middle of the bed. Teresa stepped into the room. "Hey Mark, you look comfy."

Mark made no response but was visibly shaking. Sharon entered and sat down on the opposite side of the bed from Teresa. "Can't get out?"

Mark shook his head.

Teresa stroked his shoulder and moved her hand down his body. "Naked under all that silkiness?" She reached his feet and pulled back the sheet. She laughed and pointed out the unitard to Sharon. "Guess not."

"Let's go Teresa. You're embarrassing him." Sharon said.

"I know, he's so cute." Teresa leaned down and gave him a full body hug.

Sharon grabbed Teresa's arm. "Come on, we'd better go. Have fun Mark."

Sharon pulled Teresa out into the hall and shut the door. "You're going to give him a heart attack."

"Sorry, couldn't help myself. God he looks so scrumptious."

Sharon shook her head. "You are something else." She pulled Teresa into her bedroom.

"Oh come on. Admit it. He looked awesome all helpless in there."

"He's my son, Teresa. However, I would definitely like to have somebody tied up on my bed wrapped from head to toe in silk." Sharon smiled toward Teresa while locking the door.

* * *

Nancy scrambled through her drawers wondering if it was a good idea to leave Mark alone at the house but figured Sharon would at least respect their privacy. She still hurried back as fast as she could. When she saw the living room was empty she became concerned but everything seemed fine as Mark was exactly where she left him. "No luck getting free?" Nancy smiled. "Have you tried?"

Mark shook his head.

"Give it a go. Just don't get too hot."

Mark wiggled back and forth and rolled over several times but the tight sheets prevented him from getting any leverage and the outer pillow case kept everything in place. He was breathing heavy before giving up. He only managed to move his arms from his sides to lying across his stomach.

"Too bad." Nancy shrugged. "I'm going to get ready for bed." She pulled her dress off her body to reveal matching green underwear. Mark's eyes bulged from his head. Nancy smiled. "Hey no peeking," and tossed the dress so it covered his face. For the second time that day he was enveloped by her heady scent.

"I am now wearing an emerald green nightie with spaghetti straps. It is so short that if I bend over you would get an eyeful. Do you want to see it?" Nancy said.

Mark nodded vigorously.

"Do pillows nod?"

Mark stopped moving.

Nancy peeled her discarded green dress away from his face. Mark blinked twice and nearly cried in frustration he wanted to touch her so badly. The green nightie slid across her dancer body like a second skin. She looked so good. "Time for sleep." Nancy switched off the light and slipped into the bed. She snuggled up to Mark's silken form and placed her head on his shoulder slinging one leg over his waist.

Mark desperately wanted to touch her but there was nothing he could do. He wanted to say how much he loved her but "Pillows don't talk," and he had no doubt he would be sleeping with a gag if he tried. He laid awake for a long time alternating between feeling weird about the position he was in, and feeling so aroused he never wanted to leave. Eventually the softness of Nancy's breathing and the warmth of the cocoon lulled his fevered brain to sleep.
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Post by harveygasson »

Brilliant! Brings a new meaning to the phrase 'pillow talk' haha
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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 7 - Nancy's Birthday part 3

Mark slept fitfully all night. If Nancy moved he would wake and getting back to sleep was difficult. When the sun rose and the light lulled him from sleep Nancy was nowhere to be seen. He was sweating inside his cocoon of silk but any attempt at escape was futile. He sat back and waited wishing for a clock.

"Good morning, Pillow." Nancy glided into the room. She was no longer wearing the nightie but instead a pair of shorts and a fitted T-shirt with a dancer leaping across the front. "I suppose it's time to get you out of there." Nancy helped him to his feet. "I slept like a baby. You?"

Mark shrugged, not sure if he was allowed to speak yet or not.

Nancy laughed and pulled the pillow case off his body. "Ok you can talk now."

"I am pretty sweaty inside this. I slept ok, but woke up a lot. I don't feel tired now though." Mark responded.

"I should think not it's 11:00."

"Holy cow I overslept."

"That's ok, your Mom and I had some good girl-talk downstairs. I hope you haven't been awake long."

"No idea, there aren't any clocks in here."

Nancy looked around. "That's true." By this time Nancy had removed the last of the silk ribbons and started to unwind the sheet. The movement caused a blast of cold onto Mark's sweat covered body. "Wow you were sweaty in there. Don't smell too bad though."

"Good genes I guess." Mark said.

"Well go get a shower and then I'll show you the coupon we’re doing next."

Mark swallowed.

"Don't worry it's tame."

Mark darted across the hall in the unitard. Once inside he tried again to unfasten the clasp behind his neck but still could not figure out how to work it. He finally hurried back into the bedroom to get help but Nancy was gone. "Crap. Now what?"

Mark moved toward the door and yelled down the stairwell. "Nancy! Can you give me a hand please."

"Can I help?" Mark's Mom said from just down the hall. Mark turned quickly to see his Mom grinning from ear to ear standing near the door to her bedroom. "Don't you look adorable."

"Mom I..." Mark began.

"Don't be embarrassed let me help you with that." She stepped behind him and undid the catch and then slapped him on the rear. "Get along there now."

Mark's ears flamed as he quickly jumped in the bathroom and locked the door. He stripped off the unitard and showered taking his time to stretch out his stiff muscles while the warm water splashed off his back. Once finished he wrapped a towel around his waist and quickly dressed in some shorts and T-shirt from his own room.

There was a sandwich waiting on the table when he got downstairs. "Hey thanks."

Nancy and his Mom were on the couch. "Thank Nancy, she made it for you."

"Thanks Nancy." Mark picked up the plate and walked into the living room standing behind the girls on the couch. "What's the plan for today?"

Nancy dug in her purse and pulled out a coupon and handed it to Mark. "We'll start with this."

Mark set the plate down and wiped his hands on his shorts before grabbing the coupon. He read:
I will take you to any movie of your choice.
Mark smiled. This was one he wrote. He used the hole punch and handed it back to Nancy. "I hope we can wait a couple hours I have to mow a lawn down the street."

"That's cool, the movie starts at 4:00."

"Ok, see you soon."

Mark mowed the lawn as fast as he could and returned home to shower again. When he came down Nancy was waiting. "Your Mom will drop us off, if we walk we won't get there in time."

The movie was not exactly Mark's thing but he enjoyed having Nancy's hand lying on his leg the whole time. It was dark outside when they exited the theater. "Let's get a bite to eat."

They walked to a restaurant near the theater. "I told your Mom we would walk home." They quickly found a booth in the corner and picked up their menus. "So have you enjoyed my birthday gift as much as I have." Nancy smiled.

"I'll admit the movie wasn't my style." Mark responded.

Nancy leaned in closer. "What about last night?"

Mark blushed. "You looked great in your nightie."

Nancy playfully swatted his arm. "You ninny, that isn't what I meant."

The waiter interrupted their conversation and afterward the topics ranged to school and her work at the theater. After eating Nancy dug into her purse and held out another coupon. "Now this."

Mark took a deep breath and prepared himself. He need not have worried though since again it was a coupon he had written.
I will go shoe shopping with you.
Mark shrugged. "Where do you want to go?"

"There’s a small shop down the street and around the corner. I've never been there myself, thought we'd take a look."

"Ok, let's go." Mark stood up and left enough money on the table to cover the bill and tip.

The shoe store was a small shop called "Feminine Footwear." Mark had never noticed it before. They entered and a little bell above the door announced their presence. A young brunette sitting behind a counter at the back of the shop put down her book and smiled. "Welcome, come on in."

"Hi," Nancy said.

"My name is Kelli, can I help you find anything?"

"Not yet," Nancy smiled at the bubbly employee. "Just looking."

"Ok, it’s a small shop so most of the sizes are in the back. Just let me know if you want to try anything on."

Nancy moved over to the section of shoes she called ballet flats. "These are what I usually wear."

Mark nodded and looked around the store. Kelly smiled at him and he noticed she was wearing a pair of leggings with an oversized shirt. It was a style he really liked. Conscious not to let his gaze meet hers for too long he noticed a pair of high heeled shoes that were a dark emerald green. "Here you go Nancy, your favorite color."

"Humph," Nancy scoffed. "Those are at least a four inch heel. If you like them so much you can try them on."

Kelli squeaked obviously having heard Nancy's comment. "Sorry, that's funny."

Nancy smiled as Mark blushed.

"Oh how sweet his face almost matches your hair." Kelli said.

Nancy laughed again but as a consolation gave Mark a hug. "He is the cutest."

"You're a neat couple, do you go to school in town?" Kelli asked.

"Yes, I'll be a sophomore, she'll be a junior." Mark responded

Kelli nodded. "I go to the community college, this job helps pay the bills. I don't usually see guys come in with their girlfriends, you must really like her."

Mark smiled but Nancy responded. "Oh he's just redeeming my birthday gift."

"Awesome, you're buying her shoes. How thoughtful." Kelli clapped her hands.

"Not exactly," Nancy said looking at Mark who was silently hoping she would not mention the coupons for fear of how far it could go.

Kelli looked confused.

"You see Mark gave me a really awesome set of coupons for my birthday and one says he has to go shoe shopping with me."

Kelli's mouth dropped open. "Whoa! That is awesome. What are some of the others?"

"Nancy..." Mark said with a warning tone.

"Nancy, I love that name. Nancy and Mark." Kelli pointed at each of them in turn. She bounded out from behind the counter and sat down in a chair near them. "Oh don't leave me hanging here, what were some of the other coupons?"

Nancy shrugged. "Well, he went to a movie with me today."

"Uh huh, what else."

"Yesterday we went to a play at the college theater and then took a walk through an orchard." Nancy continued.

"Ah, how romantic, anything spicy." Kelli said placing her hands on her knees and scooting forward.

"Uh..." Nancy started.

Kelli sensed Nancy's hesitation and placed her hands over her mouth. "Oh I'm sorry. I'm being so nosy." Kelli stood up and stepped back. "I don't get a lot of customers this time of week and I've got a lot of conversation bottled up. Don't tell me me."

"No it's ok, Kelli. Here I'll show you one we haven't done yet."

"Nancy!" Mark said with his mouth hanging open.

Kelli held up her hand. "Oh don't upset him, I don't want to be the cause of an argument."

"Nonsense, he knows he has it good. It's my gift after all. Take a look at this one." Nancy handed Kelli one of the coupons.

Kelli scanned the piece of construction paper and her eyes grew large. She placed one handover her mouth to stifle a high pitched scream. "That's so awesome! You're so lucky."

"I know, right." Nancy smiled in Mark's direction who stood staring outside the door at the street trying to pretend he could not hear.

"You two are like the most awesome couple I've ever met. I wish I had a boyfriend that would do that." Kelli said with a slight wistfulness in her tone.

"Shh! Don't tell him which one you saw. Here check this one out."

Kelli's mouth fell open a she read the coupon. "Can I have him when you are done? This would be so much fun."

"Hey now, don't be getting any ideas." Nancy laughed.

Mark plopped down in one of the chairs as the two girls really began to hit it off. He was glad Nancy found a kindred spirit but they were talking like he was not even in the room. He wished now more than ever that he knew what all the coupons said.

"Oh crap," Kelli said. "I was supposed to close the place twenty minutes ago. Can you hang out for a bit while I lock up and count the register? I would love to talk some more."

"Sure, I'm having fun too. It's almost like we have been friends for years." Nancy responded.

Kelli walked past Mark and winked at him as she locked the door and flipped the sign. "All locked in now. Your trapped here with us."

Mark opened his mouth but any retort vanished from his mind when Nancy laughed. "Ha! He never imagined it would take this long when he wrote that coupon."

Mark shook his head. "Technically you haven't shopped for any shoes yet."

Kelli yelled from the back room, "Give me a second and we can rectify that."

Nancy strolled around the room and picked up several kinds of flats. She eventually picked up the green heels Mark had seen earlier. "Why do girls wear these things? Can you imagine?"

"I think they wear them because they want attention from men. Your Mom wears them occasionally." Mark answered

"So does yours, remember the French Maid costume she had to wear to cover her Monopoly bet?" Nancy laughed.

Mark nodded and opened his mouth but Kelli returned from the back. "Monopoly? French Maid? Oh, do tell."

Mark felt his chest clench out of fear where this conversation might lead but he knew any protest from himself would only pique Kelli's curiosity even further.

"Oh, we placed a bet on a Monopoly game about a year ago. Mark's Mom lost and had to clean my Mom's house in a French Maid's uniform. She looked really sexy. She wore heels all day." Nancy explained.

Mark jumped in trying to change the subject. "See there, you said she looked sexy in the heels. That's why women wear them."

Nancy rolled her eyes. "I just can't imagine."

Mark let out a mental sigh of relief when Kelli offered no questions about the Monopoly game. "Would you like to try them on just to see?"

Nancy looked over at Mark who simply raised his eyebrows.

"Oh sure, just don't laugh if I fall on my posterior." Nancy said.

Kelli smiled. "Let me get your size," she looked down at her feet. "I'd say you’re a size seven."

Nancy nodded. "Wow that's a cool trick, can you do that with anyone?”

“You work in a shoe store long enough you just kind of know.” Kelli answered.

“What size is Mark?" Nancy asked.

Kelli looked. "Size seven in women's, probably a bit smaller in men’s I don’t know men’s shoes."

Nancy nodded again. "Yup, we have the same size feet."

"Would you like me to bring a pair for you to try on too." Kelli smiled from the curtained entrance to to the back of the shop.

Nancy laughed.

"Nope, I'm good." Mark said but felt the heat in his face.

Kelli returned carrying a box. "I'm so sorry but we are out of the little nylon footies you have to wear to try on shoes. She grabbed a package hanging behind the register. We can make do with these though." She ripped open the cellophane and handed some black strips to Nancy.

"Stockings?" Nancy said sliding the gauzy material through her fingers.

"Yeah, the owner is real picky about protecting the shoes, some people have nasty feet."

"How would she ever know, is she here?" Mark asked.

Kelli shook her head. "No but I just don't want to break the rules."

"It's no problem," Nancy said. She slipped off her sneakers and socks and rolled the black nylons up her leg. When they reached her thighs just below her shorts they had a wide lace band that gripped her leg. "Pretty sexy, eh Mark?" Nancy said holding her leg in the air.

Mark nodded not trusting his voice to respond appropriately though his eyes were glued to Nancy's shiny black leg glittering in the light of the store.

Kelli grinned but said nothing.

Soon Nancy was sporting two black stockings which looked a little out of place with her khaki shorts and T-shirt. She set the shoes on the floor and slipped her toes into the heels using her finger to settle her feet into them. She then used the chair to slowly stand up. She was always a bit taller than Mark but now she towered over him. Nancy wobbled a bit as she let go of the chair.

"Walk around a bit." Kelli encouraged her.

"I don't know, I've never worn anything this tall before."

"Looks like you might want to get used to them. You have Mark’s full attention." Kelli pointed.

Mark closed his mouth when Nancy swung her head back to look at him.

"You like them huh?" Nancy asked. She turned around to get a better look at his face. The heels slipped into a space between two tiles and caught. The sudden stop of the heel caused her to take a little tumble and ended with her knees on the floor.

Mark snorted and ran to help her up.

"Think its funny huh?" Nancy said.

"No, it's just... they aren't really you." Mark stammered.

"For that you should make him try them on." Kelli said. Mark was beginning to think of her as a serious troublemaker.

"Yeah, let me snicker while you totter around in the heels." Nancy said.

"I'm sorry for laughing, I'll be quiet now." Mark said

Kelli leaned over Nancy's shoulder as she removed the shoes. She whispered something into her ear. Nancy smiled and nodded. Nancy left the nylons on her legs but quickly walked to the counter where the cash register was and selected one of the coupons from her purse. "I want to do this one now."

Mark looked at the coupon. "Ok, but not until we get home."

"The coupon doesn't say we have to do it at home."

Mark read the coupon again. It was one of his but he never imagined it would be done in public. He scanned it again looking for someway out.
You can tie me up and tease me for two hours.
"But Kelli..." Mark said his voice burgeoning on a whine.

"She won't tell anyone, and the shop is locked up. Right Kelli?"

"Absolutely, nobody would believe me anyway."

"In that case, I have to insist. Kelli do you have anything we can use?" Nancy asked.

The brunette college girl darted into the back room and returned holding some clear tape likely used for packages. "Will this work?"

"Yes, that will be fine." Nancy looked around the shop. It was a new shop in an old building the high ceiling was all beams and exposed ductwork painted black. Two central pillars dominated the showroom. On each pillar was a large hook embedded into the ancient stone, flower pots were hooked there for decoration. "Do you think we could use that hook?" Nancy pointed to the pillar?"

Kelli pulled a chair over to the pillar and stood on it to remove the decoration. "There you go."

Nancy looked at Mark, "Ok laughing boy. Come here."

Mark stared at the floor and shuffled toward Nancy. "But two hours..."

"I may decide to split up. Maybe an hour here and an hour at home."

Mark glanced at Kelli whose hands covered her mouth in an attempt to stifle her giggles. "Nancy, this is supposed to be private."

Nancy's green eyes bored into him. "Ok hands out front."

Mark hesitated but could not look away from Nancy's gaze and finally held his hands out. Nancy wrapped the clear plastic tape around his wrists. She also wrapped each hand into a fist.

"Oh that's a good idea. No way for him to pick at the tape." Kelli said watching intently.

"Ok, Mark, put your back against the column." Nancy ordered

"Oh wait a second." Kelli said. "She ran behind the counter and returned with a blanket. The stone might be bit uncomfortable on your back. Lean against this." Kelli place the blanket between Mark's back and the pole.

"Oh how considerate of you," Nancy said. "Isn't that nice of her?"

Mark looked up and nodded unable to speak.

"No problem." Kelli grinned. She bounced with excitement.

Nancy then stood on a chair and pulled Mark's hands above his head and ran the tape around his wrists and then over the hook several times. A few solid tugs proved that he would not be escaping. More tape was ran behind the column over his wrists welding them to the stone. Nancy then used more across his chest and stomach ensuring he would be going nowhere until Nancy was ready for him to. "There we go. Now for his legs."

Kelli again whispered into Nancy's ear again. "Yeah, your right let's wait on his legs."

Mark wondered what was going on and tried to prepare himself for anything. Nancy stepped closer lightly running her fingers down his arms tickling his under arms. She then slowly moved lower until her hands were inside the waistband of his shorts and tugging them down his legs.

"Hey, Nancy, stop. What are you doing?" He hissed. "No."

Kelli looked on smiling.

"You still have your underwear on." Nancy smiled

Mark was crimson and the tape squealed and cracked as he pulled and tugged at it in vain. Kelli moved behind the counter again and removed the cellophane from another package and handed the tan colored contents to Nancy. She held them up in front of his face. "I bet these tights feel really nice."

"Nancy, no." Mark whispered intently.

"Hey, I could have put you in these." Nancy pointed down at the stockings still covering her legs. Nancy rolled the nylon into a ball. "Now be nice and lift a leg."

Mark hesitated.

"Oh come now, you don't have a choice here. The sooner you give in the sooner we leave." Nancy said.

Mark sighed and leaned his head back to stare at the ceiling while lifting one leg. The soft stretchy nylon slid over his leg. Nancy touched the other leg and soon she was pulling the tights up his thighs and snapping the waistband under his shirt. "Too bad you don't have any thong underwear. These sheer-to-waist tights would look better without your boxers bunched up underneath."

Kelli laughed.

"At least your shirt is long enough to cover that part. With that tape acting like a tight belt it almost looks like you have a skirt on. Way too short for someone your age mind you." Nancy giggled.

Mark thought he could never be more embarrassed with all the stuff he had done in the past, he was wrong. This was worse. He chanced a look down and saw his legs glittering in the nude-colored tights. "Are we done now?"

Nancy shook her head. "Oh no. The only reason we had you wear the tights was so you could try on the shoes."

Mark's eyes bulged at these words. "No, you wouldn't."

Nancy giggled. "That's the whole plan, laughing boy."

Mark tried to kick out but Nancy caught his leg. "Kelli, I'm going to need some help here."

"I thought you'd never ask." Kelli said and quickly pinned one leg to the post with her arms.

Nancy grabbed the heels she had worn earlier and slipped one onto his foot before forcing the leg down and taping the ankle to the column while Kelli raised his other leg up forcing him to stand in the high heeled shoe. "Ugh, that hurts."

"Relax, it will be better if you let us put the other shoe on." Kelli said while struggling with his leg.

Mark acquiesced and he was then standing in the green heels while Nancy wrapped more of the clear tape around the stone column and his ankles. She stood back when finished. "There not laughing now are you."

Mark squeezed his eyes shut, though the smiling feminine faces still invaded his thoughts..

"Huh, how 'bout that, those heels do make you look sexy." Nancy laughed.

"For sure." Kelli agreed. "Now what do you do with him?"

"Oh, he's fun to tickle." Nancy said.

"Oh can I try?" Kelli asked.

"Sure, but stay above the belt. I know you college girls are real naughty." Nancy smiled.

Kelli giggled and held up her hand. "I will, promise."

Mark did not watch be he felt fingers trace circles around his neck and armpits. He twitched and jerked but the situation was so humiliating he could not laugh. For the next several minutes hands moved up and down his body tickling and stroking him. Kelli, true to her word never touched him below his belt but Nancy sure did. He was sweating heavily and breathing hard when they finally stepped away.

"Wow, that is fun." Kelli said. "You should rent him out."

Nancy laughed but stopped suddenly when the sound of a door opening and closing came from the back room. Mark nearly vomited when another voice called out. "Kelli, you still here? I came to check the safe. I was in..." The curtain was pushed aside and a mature woman in her mid thirties stepped into the showroom. She was wearing a knee length black skirt that shined like leather and a colorful blouse that showed off her curves. If she was a tad overweight her generous bosom made her seem thinner. She stopped and stared at Mark her mouth hanging open.

"Mrs. Little. I can explain."

Mrs. Little shook her head and blinked a couple of time. "I don't see how."

"The shop is closed and I was just having some fun with my new friends."

"Fun!" The older woman exclaimed. She stepped toward Mark. "What is going on?"

Mark was now purple, blood pounded in his ear and he felt he was about to pass out.

"Mrs. Little..." Kelli began but the woman held up her hand.

"Who did this to you?" Mrs. Little addressed Mark.

Mark was catching his breath and took several seconds before he could respond. "I gave my girlfriend these coupons for her birthday." Mark nodded toward Nancy, he had to be honest or she could get in real trouble, though thinking clearly was difficult considering the circumstances.

Mrs. Little got a confused look on her face and looked at Nancy.

"One of them was to take her shoe shopping."

"It's my fault..." Nancy tried to begin but Mrs. little stopped her.

"We came in here to fulfill the coupon." Mark continued. "Kelli and Nancy, really hit it off and Nancy showed her the rest of the coupons. One of them was to do this."

"You gave your girlfriend a gift that would let her tie you up and put heels and tights on you."

"Not exactly, the tights and heels were because I laughed at Nancy when she fell trying these on." Mark nodded toward his own feet.

"That's a pretty far fetched story, let me see these coupons."

"Oh God." Mark whispered which got a look from Mrs. Little. "Can someone let me go now please."

"Just a moment, young man, I just want to confirm your story." The older woman said.

Nancy handed the bundle of coupons to Mrs. Little with a contrite look on her face. She too struggled to look anywhere but the floor.

Mrs. Little thumbed through them and had to stifle a laugh when she read a few of them. "Wow, looks like your story checks out. Do your parents know about these?" Mrs. Little waved the coupons and handed them back to Nancy.

"Yes." Mark said.

"I'll have to call them about this."

"Yes, ma'am." Nancy said.

"You get him down." Mrs. Little pointed at Nancy. "Kelli this is a real mark against you."

Nancy stopped and turned towards Mrs. Little. "Oh please don't do anything to Kelli. I will make sure we shop here for all my shoes. I'll make sure and tell my classmates and gymnastics team to shop here too. Kelli really is the best saleslady ever."

Mrs. Little smiled at Nancy's begging. "Hmmm, I guess she has earned at least one loyal customer."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Ok, Nancy, buy that hosiery you both are wearing and those shoes, " She pointed at Mark's feet, "and Kelli keeps her job. If your connections prove to be as good as you claim than Kelli can expect a raise."

"Thank you, thank you." Nancy said.

"Now get your boyfriend down, and give me your home phone numbers."

Nancy quickly cut Mark down from the pole and handed him his shorts. Mark kicked off the shoes but did not know what to do about the tights. He did not want to be so naked in front of Mrs. Little. "Just pull your shorts on over the top of them so we can leave." Nancy proceeded to recite both their phone numbers as Mrs. Little jotted them down.

Mark noticed that Nancy took the time to peel her stockings off but took her advice and left the tights on under his shorts and shoes. Kelli walked over and handed Nancy the box with the heels. "I'm so sorry." She was nearly in tears.

"It's ok."

"I'm going to pay for the shoes, stockings and tights, you two go on home, use the backdoor." Kelli said.

Mark and Nancy left as Mrs. Little was dialing the phone.

It was late and the streets were dark. Mark was a little self conscious but they took back streets and avoided streetlights on the way home. "I'm sorry Mark."

"Yeah, let's not do something like that again."

"Ok, but you did look cute in the heels though." Nancy said kissing him on the cheek.

Mark rolled his eyes. "Let's go through the storm drain canal and up through the woods."

"Right," Nancy nodded.

In another fifteen minutes they were jumping into Nancy's back yard and opening her back door. Both of their Mom's were sitting at the table with the biggest grins on their faces.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Another good chapter, full of unexpected twists and turns. Well done!
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Post by Windrunner »

(in my best Mr. Sulu impression)

Oh My!
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