The two Squires (mf/m)

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The two Squires (mf/m)

Post by Chris12 »

Young Henri was so happy. His future as a knight was guaranteed. At 14 year of age he squired for the wonderful ser Mathis and their joint entrance in a knightly tournament made Henry famous throughout the realm. ''Henri the bladeless'' they called him because he had been brave enough to fight bandits without even a sword at his side. Well, that was what Henri liked to think. The truth of the matter was that getting his sword stolen by thieving peasant boys was what actually earned him his nickname.

But now Henri stood on the training field with a sword once again, albeit a wooden one. Facing him was a squire his own age with a long blonde braid. Quite the arrogant little brat actually. The blonde named Louis had demanded a duel and promised Henri he would eat dirt. Well, Henry wasn't one to back away from a challenge! This kid would rue the day he underestimated Henri the bladeless!

''Ha! See!? I'm not so weak after all!'' Henri smiled as the two squires clashed. Henri delivered a savage assault on his opponents ''I have you on the ropes! All you can do is block my strikes!''

And blocking his strikes Louis did. One blow after another was parried by his sword or blocked by his shield until Louis disarmed Henry with one clean strike ''Oh look. Ser Henri is bladeless again'' the squire smirked.

''Um....b-but...b-but I'' A blush formed on Henri's cheek ''O-okay I yield so...eeep!'' despite him yielding Henri received no mercy. Louis just pressed on the attack. Seizing his fellow squire Louis pulled Henri's hands behind him and yanked off the boy's belt.

''N-noooooooo!'' Henri screamed out as his pants fell down his legs.

''Oh don't be such a baby about it...hehehe'' Louis chuckled while using Henri's belt as an impromptu rope to tie his hands behind his back. A kick to Henri's bum forced the boy on his knees.

''I already yielded you know'' Henri pouted. He was a lot less happy now. Ser Mathis watched his duel and now saw him defeated, tied and with his bare legs on display ''Could this be any worse'' the squire muttered.

''Oh yes. I didn't say I was done, did I?'' Louis grinned meanly. He walked to Henri's belongings and fetched an apple.

''Hey! I was saving that for lunch!'' Henri protested ''Give it back!''

''Hehehe! then this should work nicely! Open wiiiide!'' Louis laughed before shoving the apple deep into Henri's mouth.

''MMMMMMH! NRMMMMMMMMMMMH!' Henri screamed out. Okay, things could get worse. Every squire knew a gag just made the humiliation more complete. And an apple in the mouth was fit only for pigs, those roasted over a fire! ''Mrmmmh! hhmmmmh!'' he grunted through the apple.

''And that milords is how a true squire fights'' Louis declared, bowing before ser Mathis and his own knightly master who had observed the fight.

''Mmmmmmh! Imm smmmmy!'' Henri whined at his lord. Mathis was too nice and wonderful to ever say it but the blush on his cheek showed Mathis was a little embarrassed at his squire's poor display.

''Hahahahaha! So you're squire is a wimp! Oh don't worry! He's still young and so are you! No knight trains a squire perfectly on his first attempt!'' Louis master laughed and patted Mathis on the back hard.

''HRRMMMMMH!'' It made Henri quite angry. Ser Mathis DID train him perfectly. He was the most thoughtful, attentive and skilled teacher in all of France! Though he couldn't argue that Mathis was quite young. At the age of 17 Mathis was just a boy too. Maidens all over France flocked to see the blonde beauty wherever he went though Henri himself remained the greatest admirer of the young knight.

''Ooowwmmmh!'' Henri peeped. He felt Louis wooden sword land on his butt.

''We're not done here! You still gotta say I'm your superior'' Louis smiled from ear to ear ''Or else!'' He cheerfully wacked Henri with his sword again.

''Eemmm! Bmm mh cmnt!'' Henri whined. The apple in his mouth ensured he couldn't exactly say Louis was better than him.

''Oh....guess you won't be sitting down for a while then'' Louis laughed and spanked Henri again.

''Owmmmh! Owwmpie! Srmmm Mmmthis! Hlmmmmmmmmm!'' Henri pleaded to his lord, shooting him the usual puppy eyes, unaware it made him look even more pitiful.

''Ahem...uh Louis'' Mathis finally stood up and entered the training ring ''That was a very fine display of might. I am sure Henri feels this way too''

''Mmmf...'' Henri pouted but ultimately nodded his head fiercely. He didn't like it but a knight should be honest! And honestly...he got beaten pretty badly.

''Thank you sir! Heehee! That is mighty kind of you'' All smugness left Louis voice to be replaced by a big blush. The blush was just as big as that of Henri when Mathis praised him but ultimately it looked quite a bit more akin to that the many village girls shot Mathis way ''I hope to impress you more milord! Heehee!''

''I am certain we shall expect great things. But can I have my squire back? He and I have work to do'' Mathis requested kindly.

''Ymmmh! Mmmmmh! fmmmmh! MMMMMMMMMMH!'' Now it was Henri's time to get smug. Trying desperately to speak through his apple by moaning loudly and trying to spit it out Henri tried making clear he and lord Mathis were in the area to arrest a robber Knight. The king asked THEM to apprehend the cruel ser Hugh of Vannes. What did the king ask this guy? Nothing!

''Ooh! That makes two of us...well, four of us because me and master Charles are also tasked with bringing in that traitor!'' Louis said overjoyed ''I look so forward to seeing you in action milord!''

''Mmmmmmmm!'' Henri moaned sadly. His special mission wasn't so special afterwards ''Aah! O-oh w-well its a pleasure to work with you two'' he said when he finally spat out the apple, albeit through grinded teeth.

''And don't worry! I'll protect wittle Henri really well'' To Henri's further shame Louis responded by mockingly ruffling his hair and claiming to '''protect'' him. He wasn't the kid of the group, dammit!

With that the practice match was over. Mathis untied his Henri and handed him his belt back.

''I-I'll do better next time milord! I swear!'' Henri peeped more than a little desperate to do his lord proud but calmed down again when Mathis hand went on his shoulder. Together knight and squire went into the castle to plan for their coming days.


The training hadn't just left Henri sore but grumpy as well. The boy pouted all the while cleaning Mathis armor, cooking his food and even tending to their beloved horses. He was shamed in front of his lord. Henri knew very well what his cousin Aycan would do. Aycan would have bribed some peasant boys to kidnap Louis from his bed and leave him tied up at the marketplace in nothing but his underwear. It would certainly decrease Henri's shame by giving Louis lots and lots of reason to be ashamed. But Henri had other ways to wipe away his shame better ways.

That night Henri marched up to Louis room. He would bravely confront that bratty squire and yell ''PLEASE GIVE ME SOME FIGHTING TIPS!'' Yeah, that would do the trick! Henri would learn from Louis and do better next time.

Henri paused when nearing Louis' room. He took a deep breath, calmed his nerves and opened the door ''Please give me some fighting tips, ser Louis!'' he yelled upon entering.

To screams filled the castle hall that night.

''Eeeeeeeeeep! I-interloper!'' Louis screamed with an incredibly high pitched voice. He had been in the process of undressing and desperately covered his chest. Louis entire face became beat red and a frightened look formed on his face.

Henri's scream was even more dramatic ''G-g-g-g...g-girl....GIIIIIIIIIIRL! A GIRL!'' He screamed. He did not know who this person was or what SHE did to Louis but he definitely saw a female body just now. A young girl his own age with long blonde hairs stood in front of him. Henri wasn't prepared to see a girl undress. He wasn't even ready to TALK to a girl! So he ran out of the room as quick as his legs could carry him.

''Shit....'' The blonde girl quickly covered herself with a cloak and ran after Henri, and tripped him. Her hand went over his mouth as she dragged him into the room.

''MMRMMMMMMMMMMMH! NOOOMMMMMH!'' Henri screamed in horror. He wasn't ready for a girl touching him! Didn't matter if it was briefly bumping into his shoulder or forcefully dragging him off. He wasn't ready!

''Oh will you SHUT UP!'' Louis yelled.

''Mmmh?'' Henri muffled confused. Okay, he definitely heard Louis but where was he? The voice was coming out of the mouth of this girl but....''Ohmm!'' He got it! he GOT it!

''Yes Henri I'm a girl'' Louis nodded ''Now shut yer trap and COME!'' while Henri marveled and this revelation Louis roughly tossed Henri in the room.

''Oh wow...its definitely you'' Henri said. He took a better look at the girl. If one was to put her in a squire tunic and tie those blonde locks into a braid she could definitely pass as the boy he had faced on the training field .

''You're going to be silent about this! Swear it!'' Louis demanded and pulled out his, or rather her sword. An actual sword rather than a wooden one. Faced with the sword Henri gulped and swiftly nodded his head.

'''' Henri stammered ''Um....''

''Confused?'' Louis asked the nervous boy.

''Yes. Are girls even allowed to be squires? I don't think so'' Henri mumbled

''You could be a scholar you know' Louis rolled her eyes ''Why else would I disguise myself as a boy?''

''But....that's a lie. Father Melos says liars will go to hell!'' Henri gasped.

''Pfff....that priest can't even read Latin yet he claims he can. So if I go to hell so does he'' Louis shrugged to the utter shock of Henri

''B-b-but...y-you didn'! N-nu-uh! did you just...NO!'' Henri gasped. Did she just offend a priest!? She could go to hell for that too!

''I suppose I should....shit! If you take any enjoyment outa this I'll behead you!'' Louis snapped but to Henri's surprise she went on her knees ''Please don't reveal my secret! I have a good reason I swear!''

''O-oh'' Henri went completely red. A girl was begging him, almost tearing up even. What should he do? Knights weren't allowed to lie but making maidens cry wasn't allowed either!

''I'm only doing this because of my brother!'' Louis said '' I do it because I like it twin brother Louis is weak, twice as weak as you in fact. I'm actually...actually lady Louise, but since I look like Louis I might as well take his place. He'll die if he ever fights a bandit you know!''

''Louise huh?'' Henri had to admit it sounded noble although he could have gone without the insult aimed at him ''Okay my lady I'll...I'll keep your secret'' he promised ''I vow it before god! I'll keep you-aaaaa! P-please don't!'' he peeped when Louise responded by hugging him and giving each cheek a kiss ''''Heehee...hehehe..hee....haahahaha!''

''Thank you Henri. And wow...never talked to a girl before huh?'' Louise giggled at the rampant stammering ''Don't think I shall forget this. Today you earned my eternal friendship....and yeah, I guess I can give you a few fighting tips if you don't mind being taught by a girl''

''Oh I don't think that's required anymore!'' Henri got a wide smile on his face ''I mean I was all worried you were better then me but..haha! I guess it was just a fluke after all!''

''Oh? Go on'' Louise said but her eyes narrowed which Henri somehow didn't recognize as a threat he should move with caution.

''Well its gotta be a fluke! I mean...everyone knows girls aren't as strong as boys so I got nothing to worry about! I just got unlucky today!'' Henri was absolutely delighted. He was still the strongest squire in town!

''Oh Henri'' Louise giggled ''....challenged accepted!''

A new scream filled the castle halls. A scream filled with terror, crying and more than a few desperate pleas for mercy.


The next morning there was quite a sight for those that attended church. Those that came for the morning prayers found a young squire at the altar.

''MRMMMMMMMMMMMMH!'' Henri was lying on the church alter. The boy who so confidently proclaimed boys were stronger than girls was hogtied in his underwear with a big gag over his mouth. There was a note tied to him. Henri couldn't even read but if he could he would have read the words ''Arrogant boy punished. Beaten by a girl''

''Oh no, not again'' Ser Mathis facepalmed at the sight of it.

''Srmm mmmths! Hlmmmmm mmmmmmmme!'' Henri pleaded, wildly flailing around on the altar.

''W-what happened to you? Please don't say you were unkind to a girl. It is not chivalrous'' Mathis sighed

''Mmmmmmh!'' a cold chill went down Henri's spine. Indeed it wasn't! He had been most unchivalrous!

''I'm sure the girl in question forgives him'' Louise, or rather Louis smugly stepped forward. He was dressed in his squire tunic once more and the long blonde hairs were tied in a braid ''But I do not think questioning Henri will achieve much. He knows the one who did this to him would destroy him if he ever tattled''

''Mmmmmmmmmmmmmh!'' Henri went pale in the face ''Y-ymmh ymmmh!'' he nodded. Truly he felt the urge to pee his pants right now and not just because he had lied there for hours.

Louis knelt down, ostensibly to untie Henri but in truth it was to whisper in his ear ''Combat lesson one, don't waste time begging for mercy when there is none. Lesson not get on my bad side!''

''EEEEEMMMMMMH!'' the second combat lesson was followed by Louis giving Henri quite the wedgie ''Ymmm! Ymmmh!'' he shouted.

''I think you and I will get along just fine'' Louis giggled and pulled down Henri's gag.

''I...I think so too Louis'' Henri smiled weakly. It felt funny to share a secret just between of them. There was also a weird feeling in his belly ever since they agreed to share the secret. He definitely hoped this business of tying him up and leaving him at church wasn't repeated though!
Last edited by Chris12 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by MaxRoper »

A delightful tale well told. Thank you sir.
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Post by cj2125 »

Cute story! Enjoyed the small twist and potential can't catch a break!
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Post by Xtc »

It's good to see you in harness (so to speak) again.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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