The beginning of everything (mm / mmm) New Chapter 4 and 5

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The beginning of everything (mm / mmm) New Chapter 4 and 5

Post by Tsuhaya »

This narrative talks about the first time I was tied up and how it all started in my life when I was 16 years old. Everything I write here has really happened and I will not change anything.

Again I ask you not to avoid showing my mistakes, criticism is always welcome to be able to improve

As all this happened throughout the weekend, this little narrative will be divided into a few chapters (I do not know how many). Anyway, good reading.


It was a very hot Friday. I had just come home after an entire morning at school, I was lying shirtless on the cold floor of the room sweating and begging for the heat to pass when the bell of my house rang, I got up to answer, when I opened the door I found my cousin Lucca panting with his hands on his knee trying to catch his breath, Lucca had his hair wet with sweat, probably because of the rush to my house (at least that's what I deduced from the way he was breathing), he was wearing his full football uniform.

"Hi" he said, still catching his breath.

"Hi" I said. "Would you like a glass of ice water?"

"No thanks" Lucca said, pulling her hands up from her knee and rising to look at me, when she realized I was shirtless, I saw her gaze move away from me. Lucca was gay and everyone knew, so this kind of situation always made him uncomfortable for some reason

"Then why are you here?" I asked pretending not to notice his discomfort

"Hum... The boys asked me to call you" Lucca said, still avoiding looking at me.

"Who exactly?" said confused

"Who else?" said Lucca finally looking at me, now with a crooked smile "Our group of friends, you idiot"

"I'm sorry if I'm not a fortune teller" I told him, giving a light punch to his arm that resulted in another punch back. "But what do they want?"

"Albert and Robert's grandparents traveled and left the house for us" Lucca replied. "So let's spend the weekend there, if you want to go, you better run, we'll meet at Mark's house at two in the afternoon" he said

"But it's one-thirty in the afternoon!" said looking at the clock on the wall of the room "I have to take a shower..."

"Stop being an idiot, get some clothes and let's go" Lucca said without patience.

"Okay" I said, realizing I would not have time to do anything. "Wait for me while I go to my room to get some clothes and leave a note for my mother warning that I'm going to spend the weekend with you"

"Go ahead" answered Lucca, sitting on the steps of the stairs in front of my house.

I ran to my room, grabbed a backpack and put some clothes in, took a sheet out of my notebook and wrote a note to my mother. My mother was working and when I got home from work I did not want her to be worried, I warned on the note that I would spend the weekend with my cousins ​​at Albert's grandparents' house, I pasted the note on the refrigerator door with a sister and I came back to the entrance of the house where Lucca was waiting for me.

"Ready!" said putting the backpack on his back.

"Ready?" Lucca asked with a confused expression. "Are you ... going to be shirtless?" he asked half shy

"With this heat? Logical!" said closing the door of the house "And come on, I'm not so pretty" I told him, playing with Lucca

Lucca blushed

"I did not mean it" he said, trying to explain.

"Anyway, that does not matter" I said, trying to keep my cousin from getting any more uncomfortable than he already was. "Let's go to Mark's house because we're already late, he must be wanting to tear our heads off" Then Lucca and I headed for Mark's house.

When we arrived at Mark's house our cousins ​​were already in front of the door

"Fuck, finally" Albert shouted. "I thought you would not come"

"Sorry for the delay" Lucca said. "I had to wait for Matthew to prepare"

"Anyway, come on" Mark said. "We want to enjoy the rest of the day"

We all went out to the home of Albert and Robert grandparents.

My group of friends was composed of me and four of my cousins, Lucca, Albert, Mark and Robert

Lucca was the same age as me, with only 3 months of difference, he was well built at the height of his puberty at age 16 with 5'10" he had black hair and dark brown eyes

Albert was the oldest of us, he was almost in his 18s, Albert was tall and not very muscular, but he still had a beautiful 6'3" body with green eyes and dark blond hair.

Mark was the least built of us 5, he was a true sedentary, he was 15 years old and 5'9" with his chubby body, his light blond hair and his pair of round cheeks made him look like the kindest our group (which was a big lie, since he was the most sadistic of the group)

Robert was the youngest of the group, he was Albert's younger brother, at age 14 he was starting to develop now, he was 5'8" and a developing body with hair and eyes the same color as the brother.

And finally I, Matthew, I've always been the most built of my cousins, having a military mother was responsible for it, my mother encouraged me to practice all the possible sports and was always "training" me in some way, all this helped build very muscular body and now that I was also in the gym this only increased, giving me a good six pack, I have 5'6", light blue eyes and black hair

When we finally arrived in front of Albert and Robert's grandparents' house, I remembered how large the house was, the front gate of the house were about ten feet high and wide enough for a truck to pass easily, the walls around the house were as tall as the gate. After some time opening the gate, my cousins ​​and I entered the property. Albert's grandparents' house looked like a ranch, there was a large forest area, a small creek where ducks bathed, and a small brick road to the small mansion at the end of the property. While Albert locked the heavy padlock that kept the gate closed, Robert said:

"I've always wondered why our grandparents live in such a big place"

"It really does not make sense" I said, "2 old people live alone in the middle of nowhere. Is not that dangerous?" I asked

"They like it" said Albert after locking the gate "Our parents have already tried to talk to them about moving to a smaller house, but they prefer the contact with nature and the peace they have here"

"I like it" Mark said. "It's big and beautiful, look how much space! We'll have all weekend to enjoy it all!" Mark looked at me. "Now help me with this here your walking muscle bag" he said, pointing to the two bags at his feet.

For the first time I paid attention to the bags that Mark brought, were 2 gym bags, probably Mark's father since Mark had horror of gym

"As you wish, Mr. belly" I said, laughing, helping him with his suitcases.

"Now let's walk" said Albert "To the house is about 3 minutes walk"

Albert was right, the little forest was so large that we took a few minutes to cross until we reached the great mansion. It was a small mansion compared to others, but it was still big, it was a 2 story white house with large windows in every room.

"Come in" said Albert, opening the front door.

The interior of the house was even more beautiful, the main hall was red, in the two corners of the hall there were 2 stairs leading up to the bedrooms I presumed, on either side of the great hall were white doors that gave access to the rest of the house.

"Well folks" Albert began. "The rooms are all suites, there are 6 in total, but 1 is from my grandparents and entry is prohibited, one of the four is my grandfather's office, so there are 4 rooms for us to use" He pointed to the door on the right of the Hall. "There's the kitchen entrance, and the door on the other side leads to the living room" he said, pointing to another door. "Do not break anything, and do not touch anything, right?" Matthew and Mark bring their suitcases to the rooms, Me and Robert are going to check out the rest of the house and see what we have to eat, and Lucca .... "Albert handed over a backpack for Lucca "You will install the video games in the living room"

"Since when do you give odens?" said Mark.

"Since the house belongs to my grandparents and I am responsible for it" replied Albert. "Now, let's work, you idiots" said Albert, finally heading toward the kitchen with his brother.

As I walked up the stairs with Mark, I noticed how his bag was heavy

"Dude, what are you carrying here?" I complained "A corpse?"

Mark smiled slightly.

"It's a surprise" he said with a devilish grin on his face that I did not like. "When we get to the room, I'll show you, I'm sure you'll like it" he said.

We continued to climb the stairs to the rooms, when we arrived I was impressed. The rooms were huge, each room had a double bed in the middle and cupboards built into the wall

"These rooms are almost the size of my house," said Mark throwing his bag on the bed along with the bag Robert gave him.

I put Mark's bag on the floor and then I got rid of my backpack and the backpack that Lucca had given me before he went into the living room to install the video games

"Rest finally!" I screamed into the double bed next to one of Mark's bags.

"Enjoy while you can" Mark said with a faint smile.

"What? What do you mean?" I asked without understanding

"We're here alone, in the middle of nowhere, with no adults to mess up, I think this is a great revenge moment," Mark said with a sinister grin on his face.

"Revenge? What do you mean?" I asked looking at Mark still not understanding what he was saying.

My cousin bent down and opened his purse I'd thrown on the floor, so, to my horror, he pulled several rolls of rope from inside his bag.

"No! You can not be thinking about it!" I screamed up from the bed.

"Yes, bag of muscles" said Mark. "Let's teach you good manners" Mark came toward me.

"You know I can not tie myself up" I said confidently to Mark. "I'm a lot bigger and stronger than you, actually anybody is stronger than you, Mr. Belly" I said laughing, confident that Mark could not do anything against me.

"But I know that" my cousin said. "That's why I asked for help"

Before I could ask anything else Mark yelled


I had my back to the bedroom door and before I could react I was grabbed from behind and thrown to the floor, I fell on my stomach, with someone on top of me

"Tie him up now, I will not be able to hold him" Robert said above me. I was still dizzy from the surprise fall so it took me a few seconds to figure out what was going on. My arms were pulled tight to my back and I felt a rope around my wrists, I began to move with all the force that had tried to take Robert off of me and at the same time to pull my arms, but even with my force the position did not help to leave, Robert was completely seated on top of me

"Stop it!" I yelled trying to pull my arm, but Mark had already given the first knot on the rope tying my wrists together

"Finally I'll show your muscle bag place" barked Mark putting more rope into my fists and forcing them to stay together. "Robert, make him shut up, we do not want your brother to hear the troglodyte here screaming" said Mark pulling a knot tightening my fists together

"Get out of me!" I screamed against my cousins ​​"You .... Mmmmpphh .."

The cousin who was on top of me ran his hand over my face tightening my mouth before I could speak more

"Quiet cousin" Rober said. "If my brother hears something we'll be fucked" he said, his hand tightening over my mouth.

To try to get out of Robert's grip I tried to lick the palm of Robert's hand that was prostrated over my mouth

"It tickles" said Robert, laughing. "But my hand will not come out cousin, sorry"

After a few seconds Mark released my wrists from his grip, I struggled to separate them but the strings were tightly tied keeping my wrists tightly attached

"Now the legs" Marko said, taking another coil of rope from his bag.

I started to fight again with all my might trying to get Robert off me

"Calm down, muscle bag" said Mark, coming back with the ropes and holding my legs. "Let's take it easy" he said, forcing my legs together, I tried to fight with all my might trying to kick, I screamed in Robert's hand but it did not, my cousins ​​held me very well

After several useless kicks I gave up and started tying my ankles together, with each knot the rope tightened even more, when he finally finished my tornoclos were tightly connected, Mark took another piece of rope and repeated the same with my knees when he finished my legs were completely together

"I've been training and watching videos of how to tie someone up all week, waiting for the right time to have my revenge on you, cousin" he said. "You're a brave dog, but let's solve this, Now I want to try to do something with you that I've learned" Mark said taking another rope in his bag.

Again I tried to throw Robert out of me, but again unsuccessfully, I also tried to scream but but his hand gagged me very well.

"Okay Robert can get off him" said Mark crouched beside me. "But keep your hand over your mouth, when I'm done here, the bag of muscle will not move a muscle"

Robert leaves me, but still holding his hand in my face. Then he left the top of his body I came back to fight, but this time I had no chance, my legs were tied and my wrists also I tried everything to get out, so about 1 minute I gave up, looked to the side and I saw mark watching my fight laughing

"As cool as it is to finally see you squirming like a worm on the ground, I still have to make your situation worse" said Mark, taking the other rope. "Let's go"

Mark grabbed the new rope and tied it along with the rope that was already tying my ankles and with a strong tug forced my legs to bend, leaving my feet as close to my butt as possible, so Mark tied the rope that strained my leg folded the rope that tied my wrist, gave some of us finally shouting:

"Finished," said Mark gasping for happiness.

I tested my restraints, all my limbs were tightly tied, the rope that forced me into this position was tied tightly and forced me to remain in this uncomfortable position, I was conpleting at the mercy of Mark and Robert

"I've learned this in a video, it's called Hogtied, a very uncomfortable position by what I realize, but it's certainly very effective in keeping bags of muscle like you tied"

I groaned against Robert's hand that still kept me gagged, wanted to scream for my cousin to get me out of it, to call for Albert who certainly would not want to see this, but Robert's hand made me let go of only silent groans.

"Cruel" Robert said. "He seems to be having a hard time against this" he said, tightening his hands over my face when I tried to fight. "Can we do the same with my brother?" Robert asked Mark.

"Certainly my dear cousin" said Mark. "But first we have to gag the little animal here" he said, giving my ribs a light kick.

Mark went to his bag again, he got a roll of Gorilla tape and two black bandanas

"That should serve for the time being" he said, coming to me. "Listen, cousin, I'm going to put that bandana in your mouth to gag you, you better not try anything stupid, understand?"

"Mmmmmmmpppphhhhhh!!" I shouted into Robert's hand, no way I was going to let Mark gag me

My cousin pulled one of my ears, which made me scream

"If you do not agree, I'll gag you with something much worse.You do not know all the incredible ways I've discovered the internet to gag people, and I'm sure you will not want to find out" my cousin said now in a serious and cold voice "Just try to scream when Robert takes the hand of your mouth and I'll show you how bad I can be".

I shuddered at the threat of my cousin, Mark was always the worst of my cousins, he always liked to torment us all with his sadistic and vicious games, I did not want to see what he could do against me, especially when I was tied at his mercy. I nodded and moaned slightly surrendering myself.

"Great, I knew you would cooperate" he said, releasing my now sore ear "Robert, you can take your hand away" Mark said, picking up the bandana and bringing it to the front of my face.

Robert took his hand out of my mouth and I immediately tried to beg for my cousins

"Please let me go, I'll do anything, just let me go"

"There is no chance of this happening cousin" said Mark, pressing the bandana over my lips. "Now open the shit out of your mouth"

I knew I had no more how to resist, so I opened my mouth. Mark stuffed the bandana into my mouth, filling it until my cheeks were almost exploding, and there was still cloth to enter.

"Your mouth is small for such a big s
bag of muscle" complained Mark as he tucked the bandana into my mouth. After he saw that my mouth was completely full he took the Gorilla tape and passed it on my lips, I thought he would cut the tape and stop there, but to my horror he did not do it. Mark kept wrapping the tape over my head several times as hijackers did in movies, I was completely horrified. After many turns of tape (I did not count how many turns he had given), Mark ripped it and it smoothed on my face the last tape, he patted me on the cheek full of tape and gave a smile

"I always wanted to do this to someone" he said. "It's a lot of fun" Mark said with a laugh.

Robert who was now sitting on the bed got up and looked at me

"This is incredible" said Robert, looking at my tied body, It was as if only now he was noticing what he and Mark had done to me. "We have to do the same to my brother, but it has to be even more cruel!" he said in a voice full of anger.

"Yes, yes, little Robert" said Mark. "But before we go after your brother, help me put the muscle bag on the bed"

"All right" said the boy. "But why can not we just leave him on the floor? It seems to be more uncomfortable for him" he said, my 2 cousins ​​laughed

"It really is more uncomfortable" Mark replied. "But look, on the floor he can still move like a worm and get to some furniture or cause trouble, and in bed he'll have to stay there with nowhere to go, unless he want to fall from the bed tied as it is, it would be painful would not it be cousin?" he asked, looking at me.

"Mmmmmmmmmppppphhh!!" I groaned from under the layers of tape on my face

"Exactly" said Mark, pretending to understand what I screamed at the gag

"Alright, let's put him to bed then" Robert said.

My cousins struggled to lift my body tied, but finally they succeeded

"Disgusting!" Mark yelled as his hand held my sweaty back (I was still shirtless since Lucca had called me) "You're soaking wet" Mark made an obvious remark

What did he expect? I was tied up in a horrible position with tape covering half of my face and a bandana filling my mouth until it almost exploded my situation was horrible and he could not complain about it since he put me in it

After much effort from my cousins, they managed to put me in the double bed in the bedroom (Mark had already taken his bags off the bed).

"You're a heavy bag of muscle" Mark said, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMPPPPPPPPHHHHMMMMMM !!!" I screamed with all my might, my cousin had just knotted me and gagged me like an animal and was still complaining

"Quiet!" said Mark, banging my head. "Remember what we talked about the noise, if you cry any more, I'll show you what it's like to be cruel" he threatened.

I lay my head on the bed in desistance, I could feel the sheets of the bed absorbing the sweat of my body, I felt the blood on my body with difficulty of movement because of the restrictions, my chin was starting to hurt with the great bandana filling my mouth, I could not move, I could not even speak, and worse, my cousin could do anything he wanted with me

"Well, cousin, as you can see, Robert helped me with you, and now I'm going to help you with your brother" Mark said. "While we take care of the great down there, you will stay here, quiet and quiet"

I let out a little moan.

"We'll get back to you, do not worry" Robert said, running his hand through my hair. "And we're going to bring Albert in to keep you company" He smiled, probably imagining his brother in the same situation as me.

"One thing is missing" Mark took the other black bandanna he left on the floor "Let's turn out the lights"

Mark put the bandana over my eyes and tied it tightly to my head, the bandana was not such an efficient sale, I could still see through two small holes under my eyes. But my cousin seemed to be aware of this, I heard a noise of tape and soon after felt the tape reinforce my sale, my cousin gave 4 bows of ribbon on my head, just as he had done with the gag only this time in the eyes, after cutting the ribbon and smoothing it over the bandana, I could not see anything else

"Quiet, restrained and blind" said Mark's voice. "You look much better this way, bag of muscles" he chuckled.

I fought again against my ropes, I did not want it, I wanted to leave, my limbs were already starting to hurt, I was completely fucked

"Your muscles are not going to get out of this cram, try as much as you want" said Mark's voice. "Now we're going to invite Albert to join you, wait here until we get back" he said.

I heard my 2 cousins ​​coming out of the room and the door closing. Here I was, for the first time tied up, gagged and bandaged, my cousin got me and I had to accept. I finally got tired and put my head on the bed, hoping that what else my cousin would have for me when he came back, would be a long day.
Last edited by Tsuhaya 6 years ago, edited 6 times in total.
Yes, it's me in the picture. What are you waiting for to tie me up and gag me?
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Post by Johnsnow »

Great story aside from a few grammatical errors that I will leave to our in-house grammar nazis to point out as I am not that nitpicky. Anyways I look forward to reading more.
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Post by cj2125 »

Good story, honestly it's really good, your cousins seem like a lot of fun to hang around and I want to see how this weekend turns out.

Now for the criticism... it's really good, specially for someone who isn't a native speaker, a couple of errors that should be fixed with a second read (like using she instead of he or changing from past to present tense) but nothing that makes this unreadable.

I've been in your shoes bro, my early pieces of writting were complete garbage and even now I still do some glaring mistakes, so my advice is to keep writting, practice makes the master and soon you'll grow more accostumed to the language
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Post by fratboydanny »

Tugs with cousins is always fun. Thanks for sharing the story. I hope we get to learn more about the weekend!
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Post by bondagefreak »

Nice to see some serious gagging!
Anxious to read more and see just how creative and evil Mark can truly be 8-)

Well done, my friend.
Looking forward to the next part.

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Post by Xtc »

I'm glad you've decided to write for the site.

As the resident grammar nazi, I regret that I don't have much time at the moment to give any guidelines (Alright, who just said, "Thank God of that."?) but I do recommend that, instead of using full forms in direct speech, you try to use common contractions. Very few people say, for instance, "I will not do that," prefering instead, "I won't do that".

However, this story seems to be completely in the spirit required by the board and will be an asset to it.
Write on!
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Post by LK3869 »

two - and three, from the tag - successive captures, should be good !
don't run ! I'm friendly ...
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Post by FeetMaster »

A very good story boi. As for the mistakes only some confusions with past / present / future but nothing that hinders the reading

Hope to see what Mark has in store for you.

By the way, if the avatar photo is yours, congratulations! You are very beautiful.
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Post by Canuck100 »

I wish my cousins were like yours! Great story, looking forward to the next parts.
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Post by Tsuhaya »

bondagefreak wrote: 6 years ago Nice to see some serious gagging!
Anxious to read more and see just how creative and evil Mark can truly be 8-)

Well done, my friend.
Looking forward to the next part.
I do not want to give spoilers, but he was really mean

Xtc wrote: 6 years ago I'm glad you've decided to write for the site.

As the resident grammar nazi, I regret that I don't have much time at the moment to give any guidelines (Alright, who just said, "Thank God of that."?) but I do recommend that, instead of using full forms in direct speech, you try to use common contractions. Very few people say, for instance, "I will not do that," prefering instead, "I won't do that".

However, this story seems to be completely in the spirit required by the board and will be an asset to it.
Write on!
Glad you liked it, and thanks for the tip of the common contractions, I'll use them when I edit this later :)
Yes, it's me in the picture. What are you waiting for to tie me up and gag me?
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Post by Tsuhaya »

FeetMaster wrote: 6 years ago A very good story boi. As for the mistakes only some confusions with past / present / future but nothing that hinders the reading

Hope to see what Mark has in store for you.

By the way, if the avatar photo is yours, congratulations! You are very beautiful.

Welcome aboard, sir, it's good to see somebody else with some stinky socks around here.

And the photo is mine, I'm glad you liked it.

Canuck100 wrote: 6 years ago I wish my cousins were like yours! Great story, looking forward to the next parts.
Most of the time they were cool :lol: , happy that you're enjoying the story
Yes, it's me in the picture. What are you waiting for to tie me up and gag me?
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]Tsuhaya[/mention] Hope you're busy writing, boi.

Getting anxious for the next part!

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Post by squirrel »

Awesome chapter, I certainly hope there will be more tormenting of that hot dude :)

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Post by Tsuhaya »

Sorry for the delay to post, to compensate for the delay I will be posting 3 chapters today


After I was left alone, I kept fighting the hogtied that Mark had left me. I tried to push the bandana that was inside my mouth but the cloth was so big that it kept my tongue completely stuck and the tape would not let it out anyway, I finally stopped and decided to wait.

I had lost track of time since Mark and Robert had left the bedroom, When I heard the door opening, I started to fight again, screaming against my gag.

"Why are you so restless, bag of muscle?" I heard Mark voice "I brought you a present" I felt my sale being pulled, when I got used to the light again, I saw something that made my heart start beating faster. Mark was in front of me, he had the end of a rope in his hand, the rope was attached to Lucca neck like a leash, Lucca had a frightened look in her eyes, her mouth was completely closed with ribbon, Her hands were tied in the back and a rope kept his feet apart enough for him to take short steps. Mark smiled at me.

"I was just planning to bring Albert but Lucca tried to help him, and unfortunately I had to bring him too" Mark pulled Lucca by the rope around his neck and made him sit on the bed. "Stay here, if you try something to escape you will to repent, right?".

Lucca nodded in agreement. Lucca was always afraid of Mark so obviously he did not want to challenge him, yet but when he was at a disadvantage.

Mark went to the door and shouted:

"Are you in trouble, cousin? Do you want some help?"

I heard Robert voice shout that everything was fine, so Mark went back to Lucca.

"Let's improve this, you will not have to use your legs for a while" he then released Lucca feet (which was now without his football boots and socks), and tied his ankles together again, after he had finished Mark took a rope from pocket his shorts and started working on the knees of Lucca. Lucca offered no resistance as Mark tied his legs, no doubt he was very frightened.

When Mark finished tying Lucca legs he stood in front of me.

"That's so much fun" Mark messed with my hair "You look a lot cooler that way, do not you?".

I groaned in disagreement, Mark was keeping us tied and gagged against our will and still asking if this was fun? I felt like hitting him.

"Always fighting even though there are no changes" Mark turned around and went to the bedroom door again, he gave a smile as he looked out "Now let's prepare our third guest for the real fun start".

Robert appeared in the doorway, holding a rope in his hands, he was sweating and gasping as he fought a battle against something pulling the rope. Mark took the rope with Robert and pulled Albert into the bedroom. Albert was tied just like Lucca when he arrived, except for the largest amount of rope used to contain it, His hands were tied behind his back and more rope wrapped around his trunk, a rope kept his ankles almost together, his face was full of tape over his mouth . Albert had a look of fury and snorted like a brave bull.

"He does not want to stop struggling" Robert said, pulling the rope around his brother neck, Albert pulled back, but Mark pulled the rope down with all his strength, which caught Albert by surprise and knocked him to the ground.

"I told you, FIGHT IS NOT GOING TO HELP YOU!" Shouted Mark, he went up to Albert back and pushed him to the floor, Albert tried to fight, but now on the ground he did not have many chances.

"Keep him stopped" Mark went to Albert ankle while Robert climbed on top of his brother's back, Mark dropped Albert legs, he tried to kick but Mark was waiting for it and gripped the boy legs tightly, he began tying them together, after he finished Mark did the same with Albert knees, he tied them tightly together with a rope he took from his other pocket.

After a few minutes Mark and Robert left Albert and left him fighting on the ground.

"Now we're ready for fun" Mark smiled. "Robert stays with his brother of him and I'm staying with Matthew" He looked at Lucca who was leaning against the head of the bed. "If you behave, I can spare you from torture" Lucca nodded head and got more quiet than it already was. Mark came up to me and ruffled my hair.

"Prepared?" Mark asked looking straight into my eyes. "You know all this is happening because I'm getting revenge on you, right?".

I screamed at my gag, so far I had no idea what Mark was talking about, than he was getting his revenge. As if he knew what I was thinking, he said:

"Do you remember last month, when you came to my house to play ps3 and after you hit me, you tortured me by tickling?" Mark said in a tone of anger "You sure remember, you made me pee in my pants because of tickling" Mark got up and started taking off one of my shoes, I fought against, I knew what he was about to do "I knew, I just could not handle you on my own and give you changes, so I learned to use ropes for weeks, and when the opportunity arose I caught it" Mark took off my other shoe.

Before Mark continued an aesthetic groan filled the bedroom. Robert was lying on his brother's back and was doing tickled Albert soles, he fought trying to avoid his brother attack. Robert position also left Albert's face against his socks, making Albert sniff at his younger brother socks. No doubt on purpose. Albert squirmed in disgust.

"You see, Robert is very bad when he wants to" said Mark, making me look away from the two brothers. "He had the idea of ​​gagged Albert with Lucca sock, and then we used the other sock to gag Lucca himself" I was horrified, I could imagine how horrible it was to have Lucca sweaty stocking after a football game in my mouth, I felt sorry for my two cousins. "But anyway let's get started" Mark started to run his fingers on my soles still with the socks, I immediately started yelling and tried to pull my feet away from him.

"MMMMMMMMMMPPPPPPPHHHHHHMMMMMMMMMPPHH !!!" I yelled trying to pull my foot, but hogtied would not let me go anywhere.

Mark tickled my feet for a few minutes, the bedroom was now filled with groans of Albert and mine. The torture seemed to last for hours until Mark finally stopped, but before I had time to breathe, he started taking off my socks.

"Nasty" Mark complained. "Your socks smell, and it seems the hot day did not make it easy for them" Mark took off my socks and brought them to my face, I tried to leave but he pulled my hair.

"Now you're going to tell me that you're disgusted with your own socks?" He asked laughing "Come, smell your stinking socks"

Mark put the socks on my nose and made me smell, they were really stinky and wet with sweat, Mark laughed as I tried to avoid the smell of my socks.

"Hahaha, this is so much fun!" Mark was amused as he pressed the socks on my face "Look at you, so big and still being forced to smell your stinky socks" Mark sneered, which made me fight even more, but the fight only made me smell my socks more often.

After a few minutes, Mark finally got tired of torturing me with my socks and threw them on the floor of the bed.
He came back to my feet now barefoot and started to tickle again, I fought and screamed when he attacked my feet, I started to cry with laughter, but none of that made Mark stop his torture, after something that seemed forever Mark finally stopped. I was panting and sweating now, when my breathing returned to normal, I heard screams behind me, when I looked back and saw Mark tickling Lucca barefoot, the boy squirmed from side to side as he screamed at the torture.

Mark laughed as he tormented Lucca, he ran his fingers down Lucca ribs causing the boy to scream. After a few minutes tormenting Lucca Mark came back to me, he touched his fingers to my soles, but before he started to torture me again, he turned his attention to Robert, who was still torturing his brother.

"Are you having fun there, cousin?" Mark asked coming out of bed and to my relief forgetting my feet for now "You really know how to torture someone" Mark commented when he saw that Robert had tape-recorded one of his socks on Albert face.

"This is much more than I expected!" Robert pulled his attention away from his brother and turned to Mark "Thank you for giving me a chance to take revenge on my brother" he thanked Mark.

"I'm glad you're liking it" Mark bent down and pulled Albert face up, forcing him to look at him "But where did the idea of ​​socks come from?" Mark questioned squeezing Robert's stockings on Albert nose, which made the boy moan "No matter how bad I am I would never think about it, it's great!"

"I saw it on some videos I found, the captor wore socks to gag his victim or else he simply forced her to smell his feet, so I decided to test" Robert and Mark laughed.

"It is good that there is internet to teach how to deal with these older idiots" Mark laughed as he took the phone out of his pocket. "It's already 7:00 PM" Mark said looking at his cell phone "Let's play some more with our prisoners here and then we'll get ready to go to sleep"

Robert agreed and returned to Albert, Mark also turned his attentions to me.

"Ready for more?" He asked coming back to my feet, I moaned in disagreement but he ignored me and started tickling again

For the next hour Mark went back and forth between torturing me and torturing Lucca, my cousin's fingers tickling my whole body, feet, legs, ribs, belly, even my neck, all this was done in Lucca too. After all the torture and I was almost peeing in the pants Mark finally stopped. He got up from the bed and walked to one of his bags.

"Time to sleep!" Mark said, Robert was now standing with his foot on top of his brother's head.

"Let's prepare them for the night of sleep you deserve" said Robert smiling.
Yes, it's me in the picture. What are you waiting for to tie me up and gag me?
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Post by drawscore »

Quite good, and well told.

Some hints:

1. Spell checking programs are your friends. Use the one on your computer to catch misspellings. However, SpellCheck will not catch homonyms, like "flak" and "flack," or "capital" and "capitol." For that, you need a pair of human eyes to proofread your copy, and make sure a word is used correctly.

2. I don't know where most of our members hail from, but most spell checkers can be set for either American, or European English. I'm sure the mods can tell you. There isn't a whole lot of difference, but there are spelling inconsistencies, like the American "color," and the European "colour." Americans will say "umbrella," but on the British Isles, it's "brelly." and, on occasion, "bumbershoot." The bottom line, is "Know the language, or get someone who does, to help you,

3. Large numbers may be expressed in both written and in numerals, as in 17 million. Small numbers, between one and nine, are written out. Large numbers, 11 and higher, are usually written numerically. Ten (10) is optional. The exception, is when a number is used to start a sentence or paragraph. Then, it is always written out.

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Post by Tsuhaya »


Mark went to Albert and began untying the ropes that kept his legs contained, both Robert and Mark threatened him if he tried to fight, so my cousin did not react when his legs were free, anyway none of us were in a position to fight anything after torture of tickling.

After Mark finished untying Albert legs, he got to his knees, Mark then tightened the rope around Albert neck and gave the loose end of the rope to Robert.

"I'm going to untie your hands now" Mark said with a serious look at Albert. "If you try anything, Robert will pull the rope tied around the neck and it will not be pleasant" my cousin went to Albert back. "Understood?"

Albert nodded in defeat for the first time. Mark started untying Albert wrist, when his hands finally got rid of, Mark brought them in front of Albert and began tying them up again. After firmly tying Albert hands, Mark made him stand.

"Okay, he's all yours, Robert" Mark told my cousin. "If he tries anything, his collar should remind him not to fight"

"Thank you, Mark" Robert thanked "I'm gonna sleep in the next bedroom, will you be okay with the 2 there?" Robert added looking at me is Lucca

"No problem!" Mark said "I'm gonna have more fun with them before bed" He said giving us a smile.

Robert pulled his brother by the rope tied around his neck out of bedroom, when he was at bedroom door, he turned to Mark

"I think it's best not to keep them gagged at night, they might end up choking on the gag" Robert said in a tone of concern. "At least that's what I saw on the internet, but anyway, you better not risk it, We do not wanna kill anyone" Mark nodded and Robert left bedroom with Albert

After Robert left the bedroom, Mark turned his attention to me and Lucca

"We can do this easily" he began "You guys are hungry, right?"

Lucca and I groaned in agreement, the last thing I had eaten was bread and cheese at school, so I was very hungry, Lucca by what I realized should also be on an empty stomach

"Then I go in the kitchen to prepare something to eat" Mark warned. "And you guys stayed quiet here, if I come back and you're not the way I left, I'll leave you without food until tomorrow and I will not bother leaving you two gagged at night" he threatened

We nod. Mark smiled and left bedroom.

While Mark was away I turned to look into Lucca eyes, my cousin had a tired and sad look, I groaned trying to tell him that it was okay, I felt guilty that he was in this situation, Mark wanted revenge on me and Lucca ended up getting involved in this mess doing nothing. He moaned back, blinked and smiled with his eyes, I was glad to know that at least he could still smile.

I was still angry at Mark for all this, all this was already going too far. My limbs hurt after so many hours tied in the same uncomfortable position, I tried to stretch my feathers but even after so long the hogtied was still strong and did not let me do much movement, I felt my hands and feet numb, my jaw ached of the giant cloth inside my mouth, I wanted to get out of it. But I could not deny that the feeling of being tied even though being uncomfortable was exciting and fun, I had been tied up a few times with some friends for sure nothing compared to this, but I could not deny that I was enjoying a small part of it.

After a few minutes Mark came back, he had a tray in his hands.He placed the tray on the table beside the sofa, I looked up and saw that Mark had brought some sandwiches that looked great and three glasses of juice. My hunger hit me hard and I felt my empty stomach twitching

"Good!" Mark said, "I'll take your gags out so we can eat, if I listen to anything the gags come back and stay the rest of the night, understood?" He warned again

Lucca and I nodded. I wanted to eat more than anything, and even if it meant having to obey Mark for now.

Mark went first to Lucca and began undoing the tape that covered his face, after taking several layers of tapes, Lucca mouth finally became visible again , my cousin did not wait and then spat his dirty sock, the dirty ball, now full of drool fell on the bed

"Simply Horrible" Lucca complained low

"I can imagine" said Mark, throwing the sock on the floor. "But I do not want to hear any more comments" he said seriously. Lucca retreated and closed her mouth "Great, now let's go, time for your dinner"

Mark went to the tray and took one of the snacks and a glass of juice, he voted for Lucca and began to feed him like a baby, giving each piece of sandwich to Lucca waiting for him to chew, when he finished eating the sandwich, Mark gave the glass of juice, Lucca drank at once

"You really were hungry," Mark commented as Lucca finished drinking the juice. "Now stay here while I feed the next hungry puppy"

Mark came to me:

"You know the rules," he said as he began undoing the ribbon on my face. "Not a word!"

Mark took all the tape, in the last part I screamed in disgust as the tape pulled my hair

"Shut up!" My cousin slapped me on the head "Hold this you look like a child crying about everything" he complained

After all the tape was off my face I tried to push the cloth that was in my mouth with all the force of my jaw and tongue but the cloth was incredibly large and I had difficulties, Mark finally helped me, pulling the damp cloth out of my mouth and discarding it on the floor. My cousin went to the tray on the table and got one of the sandwiches and a glass of orange juice

He approached me and pushed the sandwich hard against my still closed lips

"Come on, eat right before I give up on you!" Shouted my cousin

I did not understand why he was brutal like that, but I opened my mouth to bite a slice of the sandwich before I could chew it Mark brought the sandwich back into my mouth and forced me to take another bite, during the minute Mark fed me, he forced me to eat faster than I could chew what almost choked me a few times. As I chewed the last piece of the snack Mark brought the glass of juice, and to my horror he forced me to drink the juice while I was still chewing, it made me choke causing the juice to spill on the bed

"Look what you did!" Mark screamed as the juice fell on the bed and into his hands.

"You almost killed me choking!" I yelled at him "I was still finishing chewing and You forced me to drink the juice"

"Fuck you!" he put the glass on the table "You do not know how to eat, but it doesn't matter" Mark gave me a look of anger "Let's finish this soon, before you prepare for bed, you have to use the bathroom"

That being said my cousin went to Lucca and began to untie his legs, when Lucca legs were free he made the boy get up from bed and began to release his wrists. Even with free wrists Lucca did not dare do anything against Mark, I did not judge my cousin, Mark was holding the rope that was still tied around the neck of Lucca and any movement of the boy would result in a not very nice tug. Mark returned tying Lucca hands in front of the boy, after Lucca hands were tightly bound Mark pulled him into the bathroom

"You have 10 minutes" Mark warned "Once again if you try anything stupid you will regret it"

Lucca entered the bathroom and Mark closed the door.

My cousin came up to me and to my relief he began to undo my hogtied, he undid the hogtied and then did the same with my legs, for first time in hours I could move my legs again. He forced me to get on my knees in bed and with one of the ropes that were tying my legs before, he made a small necklace for me just like Lucca, he tightened the rope around my neck which made me cough.

"I'll loosen your hands to tie them up so you can use the bathroom," Mark warned. "So if you did not want me to pull this rope around your neck, you better let me do this, okay?"

"Okay," I replied timidly, fearing being hanged.

Mark released my wrists and quickly returned tied back in front of me, I offered no resistance. After tying my hands tightly together my cousin pulled the end of the rope that was tied around my neck and forced me off the bed, when I stepped on the floor I felt a little trouble maintaining balance, felt my blood irrigate my legs, being tied up for so many hours disrupted my circulation and made my muscles weak. After I got my balance Mark pulled me to the bathroom door.

"Are you done there?" He asked Lucca inside the bathroom. Lucca opened the door and left timidly "Great, now feel in bed that I will prepare you to sleep" Lucca did as he was told. Mark turned his attention to me "10 minutes, just" he pushed me into the bathroom and closed the door

The bathroom was relatively large, there was a bathtub in the right corner while the toilet was in the left corner of the bathroom, the sink was in the corner next to the tub, I went to the sink and I looked in the mirror, I was terrible, my face was red where the ribbon had been before, my eyes were red from crying so much from tickling. I used my hands tied to turn on the faucet and throw water on my face, I really needed a shower, but I knew Mark would not give me that luxury now, so I was content to just wash my face, I used the toilet, I washed my hands and looked at myself in the mirror again.

I thought about trying to get away from my cousin, maybe jump over him when I left the bathroom, but then a thought struck me, it doesn't matter that I was being tied against my will and as much as I did not like it, I did not want to run away, strange as it may seem I wanted to get out there and face what my cousin would have for me. I got away from my thoughts when Mark knocked on the bathroom door

"Your time is up" he said from the other side of the door.

I took a deep breath, let my thoughts go, and opened the door.

When I left the bathroom Mark quickly picked up the rope door that was tied around my neck (which I had simply forgotten was there despite the strength with which it was tied), my cousin pulled me to bed. I saw Lucca who was now lying on the bed, he had his wrists tied together at the head of the bed and his legs tied in the same way to the foot of the bed, this forced him to keep his limbs straight, but he did not seem to be uncomfortable, Lucca was also without gag

Mark put me on the bed next to Lucca and pulled a rope to tie my wrist to the bed just as he did
with Lucca, although I realized that he was using more force and tying my wrists stronger than Lucca, when he finished with my wrists Mark tied my ankles together and pulled the rope to lock them at the foot of the bed, again using unnecessary strength. After I was well tied up in bed, Mark brought a roll of duct tape

"You said you would not gag us" I questioned "And Robert said it can be dangerous" I remembered

"I said I would not gag them if you did not say anything, but you broke that rule when you yelled at me when I was gently feeding you" Mark said in a sinic tone. "Then you'll be gagged for the night, yes" Mark brought the tape up my face

"NO! Please NO!" I screamed pulling the ropes that once again held me tied

"Lucky for you that I can't make you chew anything, I have some ideas of what I could use" Mark commented "But nothing that some layers of tape will not solve"

I shouted to Mark but did not help, my cousin brought the tape to my lips and wrapped around my head several times, after about 10 layers of tape Mark stopped, and I could not do more than a few grunts.

"Mmmmmmmpppppphh!" I complained

"Quiet as it should be" Mark smiled at me as he slapped my cheek "Tomorrow I'm going to improve your gag, but for now I think it's enough"

Mark left me and went to Lucca.

"If you're good, you can be without a gag, but if I hear anything I'll gag you like Matthew, understand?" Mark threatened. Lucca gave my cousin a sad look and nodded. "Okay, so now I'll go to my bedroom, take a shower and go to sleep." Mark brought a blanket to cover I and Lucca. "Good evening to you two, sweet dreams, boys" he grinned as he turned out the light and left the room locking the door with the key.

After my cousin left I tried to talk to Lucca for a few minutes but he just murmured to me to be quiet and sleep. I took too long to sleep because of my restrictions, it was the first time I slept tied and gagged, so I had some difficulties, but after a few minutes I finally managed to sleep and forget for a while everything that was happening.
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Post by squirrel »

Fantastic development! I love the strictness and the tying and gagging process

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Post by Michael-Colin »

Great story. Mark is delightfully cruel XD
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Post by bondagefreak »

Fun, as usual.

Love the gagging part at the end! And love the fact that you were forced to sleep bound up and gagged 8-)

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Post by sniffingyoursocks »

Yeah, definitely a good read.
Love the cruelness of Mark...poor you.

Wish I had such cousins that did things like that to me!
Can‘t wait for more - and I especially like the massive duct tape gag.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Still looking forward to chapter 4, my friend!
Don't keep us waiting too long ;)

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Post by Tsuhaya »

I'll be posting the last chapters of this event soon, sorry for the long wait, I'm gonna redeem myself :roll:
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Post by Xtc »

You have nothing to redeem yourself for. (Crap English, I know but "correct" usage sounds strained)
Oh, alright then: you have nothing for which to redeem yourself. Take your time so that your work is the best you can make it.
Write on!
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but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Tsuhaya »

Better late than never. I hope the mistakes are not glaring.


It was a really difficult night, I woke up about four times during the night, the ropes that kept my limbs tied were too tight, it made me uncomfortable, my pain protests behind the gag ended up waking Lucca who told me to be quiet and sleep saying that Mark would let us go the next morning, it was easy for him to say since he had no tape around his head pulling his hair! And he clearly had his limbs tied much more gently. Mark no doubt was lighter with Lucca than with me.

After a tiring night I woke up with Mark entering the bedroom, he was dressed in his basketball outfit, a red shirt with white shorts, he was wearing his white Nicks along with black ankle socks. He had a smile on his face.

"Good Morning!" He said loudly, opening the window to allow the strong sunlight to enter the bedroom "Today is a beautiful day! We have to enjoy it"

My cousin approached the bed where I and lucca were

"You look terrible!" Mark said looking disgusted at us. What did he expect of someone who was tied up all night?

"Let's solve this" a voice said suddenly at the door of the bedroom.

Robert came into the bedroom with a smile on his face, he was also wearing his basketball outfit, just like Mark, he was wearing a blue blouse and black shorts along with his black nikes and white ankle socks

"Albert is ready waiting for us on the court, you're late," Robert said. "Let's get on with it!"

"As you wish, cousin," Mark agreed. Mark went to Lucca and began to undo the ties of his legs. "Lucca, I really have nothing against you, You've behaved well so far, different from another person" Mark gave me a disapproving look, I moaned softly. "So if you promise to be good and do not try to let go of any of our little prisoners, I can let you go, what do you think?"

Lucca nodded, he must be desperate to be free.

"Alright then, I'll let you go, you'll use the bathroom, take a shower and get dressed, we're going to play basketball today!" Mark said excitedly

"Remembering that if you try something while you're untied, it's two against one" Robert threatened Lucca "Just to remind him"

Lucca looked at Robert and said quietly,

"I'm not gonna do anything you don't like, I promise"

"I hope," said Mark, starting to untie Lucca's hands.

After Lucca had his free members Mark had him get out of bed and go to use the bathroom. Lucca rubbed her wrists and stood up.

"Don't delay," said Mark, "get your clothes and use the bathroom, you have 15 minutes"

Lucca went to her bag to get some clothes and went into the bathroom

"Now, about you" Mark said looking at me. "We can be good or bad!"

"It all depends on how you're gonna behave," Robert added. "Be good and we'll be cool, be bad and...Well... Albert has learned what happens to boys who don't behave"

My cousin started to untie my legs and then did the same with my wrists, I rubbed my wrists, which were now red, so Robert started to take the tape and kept me gagged, I screamed when it starts to pull my hair and skin

"Don't be a little girl!" Robert said in disapproval giving me a slap on the head

When the tape was completely out Robert pressed his hand over my mouth

"One word and you'll be repent" said my cousin "I'm tired of hearing shouts today"

Robert certainly was not happy, I was almost certain Albert was guilty of his brother's anger.

"Don't be so rude with the bag of muscles," Mark defended me, which no doubt surprised me. "But I do agree, I do not want to hear a word, understand?"

I nodded and moaned in Robert's hand, my cousin took his hand away from my mouth and I dared not speak, just sat on the bed rubbing my aching limbs

My cousins allowed me to use the bathroom as soon as Lucca finished, Mark gave me 10 minutes (as always less time than he had given to Lucca) I took a quick shower I brushed my teeth and donned my clothes, a white tank top, blue shorts and my old black reebok with black socks.
(the photo and a current photo of me wearing the same clothes of the day)

When I left the bathroom my three cousins were waiting for me at the door of the bedroom, they were laughing at a joke Mark had said, when he saw me he gave a smile

"All ready, we can go, I think Albert is feeling lonely, let's keep company for the young boy"

We went down the stairs to the dining room, we went through the room and went to the kitchen, I looked at the clock, it was 9am, when my cousins attacked me yesterday it was around 6pm, I was tied for about 14 hours! That was scary!

We walked out of the kitchen door that led to the basketball court behind the mansion, it was a court the size of professional courts, The court was in the middle of the small forest that surrounded the mansion. It was a nice setting. On each side of the court one pole held a basket 10 feet off the ground, the sun was shining brightly that day so it was a great day to play. Only after a few seconds did I notice that on one of the posts that kept the basketball hoop on top, was a person tied up, it was Albert! My cousin was standing, completely tied to the post of the court, practically mummified with rope, he also had a lot of tape wrapped around his body holding him tightly, he was wearing only his boxers, his athletic body was very sweaty, probably it should have been there under the sun for some time. A shoe was stuck tightly on his face with a lot of tape, I recognized how the all star Robert wore every day, he also must have been gagged since he was grunting while fighting

"What the fuck!" I said indignantly "What did he do?"

"He tried to get away this morning when I let him use the bathroom" Robert said. "So I had to show him that only in the movies the big brother and the boss" He said laughing at his comment

"Dude! I certainly don't want to be your enemy" Mark said, still amazed, looking at the captive boy. "That shoe is your allstar, Dude! They must smell like shit, you wear them every day" Mark commented disbelievingly that his cousin could to be so cruel

"They really are bad" agreed Robert. "You needed to see his gaze when I started tying the sneakers on your face, it was priceless"

I approached Albert, all his muscles seemed tense, he fought like an animal, he shook his head from side to side trying to take off the shoe that was placed on his face, he screamed, certainly gagged, but the scream was muffled too much to be just tape

"What's in his mouth?" I asked (do not ask why I wanted to know what I had in my cousin's mouth, I just asked) "It can't be just tape"

"It sure is not" Robert said with a devilish chuckle. "He's having the honor of trying Grandpa's socks that I found in the laundry basket, by the smell of it, I can say taste must be pretty bad"

Mark had a crisis of laughter, the boy practically got wet from laughing, for about a minute he laughed madly trying to form words


After Mark managed to control his attack of laughter, he looked once more outraged at his captive cousin

"Dude, you're a lot crueler than I expected" Mark said, getting closer to Albert. "Are they tasty, Albert?" Mark provoked the contained boy, my cousin had a fit of fury and shouted at the gag "Hahaha! I'm sure they're" Mark patted the captive boy's head

"I'd never get an idea like that" Mark commented looking at Robert and then at me. "Robert, did you wear the two socks?" Mark asked, I did not understand why

"Yes" he replied. "My brother's mouth is big and talkative, it was very easy indeed, but even so his mouth is clogged with Grandpa's trash"

"Sad" said Mark disappointed with the response "I intended to use one of them" he looked at me

So I understood, he intended to wear one of the socks on me! disgusting! I was grateful that Robert had filled both socks in Albert's mouth, better in his mouth than in mine.

But then Robert ruined my relief, and it gave Mark's eye shine again

"But I still have my socks, which I used to gag Albert yesterday" he said, raising his feet.

"Are you wearing the sock you put on your sister's mouth last night?" Mark frowned. "Is not that kind of disgusting?"

"It depends, probably yes, they actually were a little damp this morning" Robert said as if he'd just thought of it now. "But do you want to use them anyway?"

Mark looked at me with a smile. "Sure!" My cousin said

So I did what any conscious person does when two people then combining to wear dirty socks to gag you, I ran.
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Post by cj2125 »

Nice conntinuation with a good cliff hanger! I really like how your story is shaping up! Keep going!
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