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Post by bondagefreak »

So, any of you guys wanna join little Hunter inside big-hunky Kyle's pungent sock?
Pretty sure he'd be able to a stuff a few more prisoners inside there.

Added a poll to the top of the thread.
Will be interesting to see what you guys choose.
Be sure to vote and leave a comment explaining your choice!

Part IV will be up later today.

[mention]that.kid13[/mention] [mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention] [mention]Sockbound1234[/mention] [mention]sniffingyoursocks[/mention] [mention]Ossassin[/mention] [mention]Pup[/mention] [mention]Hmmm[/mention] [mention]MaxRoper[/mention] [mention]GoBucks[/mention] [mention]NotRowan[/mention] [mention]observer1[/mention] [mention]Msueta@2[/mention] [mention]socjuc[/mention] [mention]Tsuhaya[/mention] [mention]ShadowHusky[/mention] [mention]Sniffmyfeet[/mention]
Last edited by bondagefreak 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.

Deleted User 4525

Post by Deleted User 4525 »

I voted for the bully, it’s fun to insert yourself in the role of the sub. Even tho in real life I usually take on mainly the one doing the tying. This story has been a blast to read. You could do so many fun scenarios. Excited to read more and see what twists lay ahead
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Post by lengban »

Would definitely join hunter in those socks, probably, but voted for Ethan. Hunter seemingly only has to deal with this for a weekend, Ethan has a brother and dad who, while they don't seem to bully him intentionally, still wind up making him deal with their foot stink and larger bodies just casually sitting around the house. Just a really fun, great family dynamic.
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Post by bondagefreak »


When I arrived in my twenty-one-year-old stepbrother's smelly bedroom, I was glad to find him sitting on his fold-up futon mattress, busily gaming away on his PS4 console.

Had it not been for my stepdad sleeping downstairs, I would've left Kyle's door wide over to try and air out his room out a bit. Truth be known, the smell of his socks, boxers and gym clothes really tickled my senses...and not in a good way.

But it was late, and I couldn't risk leaving the bedroom door open and cause Kyle's late night gaming to wake his dad up. And so, going against my better judgement, I closed the bedroom door behind me and made my way across the cluttered floor so that I could sit on the bed, next to my stepbrother.

Kyle barely paid me any attention as I walked in.
He just sat there, eyes fixed to the medium-sized TV screen and hands glued to his controls.
The clothes he'd been wearing were on the floor, next to his feet, and even his newly-christened Nike sneakers had been removed, leaving the tattooed muscle-hunk clad in nothing but his socks and underwear.


For a guy who ate so much junk, his body was nothing short of incredible!
In many regards, Kyle looked just like his dad; real big and buff.
Aside from the size of his arms and the fact that his upper body was covered in tattoos, what really stood out about him though, was how big his thighs were and how large his butt was.

His boxers were nothing short of ENORMOUS compared to mine, but given how stretched out they were around his fat rump and massive tights, they clearly weren't big enough.
The thin, bright blue fabric strained to accommodate it's incredibly hunky wearer.

And I have to admit, even though I wasn't into guys, it was kinda hard not to notice the size of Kyle's package.
The big, blue boxer-briefs he was wearing were real tight but came equipped with an extra roomy front pouch for especially well-endowed men.

You should've seen the SIZE of his bulge and the way his package protruded from between those massive thighs of his. He wasn't erect or anything. But even so, his dick and balls must've been HUGE!

A faint whimpering sound suddenly hit my ears and drew my attention away from my stepbrother's awe-inspiring body. A smile grew on my face as my eyes caught sight of a certain sock-clad worm that was squirming around on the far end of the sofa-bed.

Poor Hunter was still trapped inside the raunchy tube sock. And from the looks of it, he wasn't gonna make it out on his own any time soon.

Kyle was engrossed in his game that he took almost an entire minute before speaking to me after I'd sat down next to him on the bed.

"So. You think we should let him outta there yet?" he asked, keeping his gaze fixed on the TV to avoid crashing in one of the trees that lined the simulated race track.

I looked down at wiggling, crying little sock-worm and smiled.
"I think he sorta likes it in there." I laughed, 'causing Kyle to smirk and chuckle.

I could tell from the heavily muffled grunts and screams being produced that Hunter wanted to puke his guts out and die in there. Frankly, I couldn't blame him. I think I would've wanted that too had I been stuck inside big-bad Kyle's pungent gym sock.

Inside my stepbrother's sock, I would've wanted to die.
Inside my stepdad's sock, I WOULD'VE died. Haha!

The big-bad tattooed muscle-hunk ended his final lap and quickly put the PS4 controller down before grabbing the little sock-clad worm and lifting him up off the mattress.
"Alright, let's get him outta there." he mumbled, slowly undoing the knot he'd previously fixed up to stop Hunter from leaving his improvised guest accommodations.

My stepbrother turned his sock upside down and our helpless little prisoner -not to mention a generous amount of cheesy sock lint- tumbled out of the opening and landed onto the bed.

Hunter's gagged face -what little we could see of it anyways- was paler than usual. His complexion looked a little green, even!

You might think of me as heartless, but I had to restrain myself from chuckling too much at the sound of his violent coughing and at the sight of him gagging as he fell outta there.

Poor Hunter.
His hellish nightmare had only just begun, and already he looked like he was about to pass out.

I watched as Kyle tossed his putrid sock to the floor and watched as grabbed the squirming mummy inside his huge hand before lifting him up.

"Not so feisty anymore, eh punk?" he taunted, 'causing the tightly mummified prisoner to grunt and groan in his maddeningly tight tape gag.

Observing my stepbrother's handiwork, it suddenly occurred to me that Kyle might've actually bound up and gagged others guys before. I mean, the mummy was really fuckin' tight, and the gag was extremely effective.

This couldn't be the work of an amateur.

Even though the electrical tape was unbreakable and probably extremely sticky for a guy Hunter's size, my big-bad stepbrother actually wrapped the stupid bully's entire face and head up, leaving only a tiny slot for his eyes and a puny hole for his nostrils.
No small feat considering the size of our minuscule victim relative to the size of our fingers.

"Dude, get your phone. Take some pics of the fucker. We're gonna plaster his ass all over Facebook and Instagram." Kyle ordered.

I knew we wouldn't be posting those pics anywhere, but my stepbrother was smart enough to use this as a way of ensuring Hunter's silence.
If he stayed silent about this whole thing, we'd keep the photos.
If he decided to snitch about what we'd done, the pics would go viral.

Between you and I, well let's just say that we managed to get some very compromising footage of Hunter during his stay at our place.

I knew he wouldn't talk.
If this stuff went viral, he'd become the laughing stock of the entire school.

Kyle wasn't normally the smartest kid on the block, but he was too well-versed in this stuff for it to be a mere coincidence. Something wasn't adding up.
The only conclusion I could come to was that he was no stranger to bondage, blackmailing, torture and taking revenge.

On paper, he may not have been the sharpest tool in the shed. But streetwise, he was pretty sharp.

Little Hunter got angrier and angrier with each photo I took of him.
It even got to the point were he was glaring and cursing at me through his tape gag.

Kyle squeezed the little punk and told him to shut the fuck up, but Hunter apparently still had a bit of fight left in him and wasn't interested in complying.

"Shut up!" my stepbrother growled, glaring down at the puny little guy he had trapped up in his hand.

"Uggghmmph! UuggghUUGHHHMMPH!" Hunter yelled, no doubt furious and frightened by the prospect of us uploading those pics on social media.

"No? Alright, time to go back in my sock." Kyle decided, this time speaking in a much more serious tone.
"Ethan, go get me my sock." he instructed, ignoring our captive Barbie-boy's frantic screaming.

Hunter was yelling and screaming, but he wasn't yelling profanities anymore. Quite the opposite.
He was crying, pleading and begging for mercy.
The idea of going back inside this huge, terrifying dude's revoltingly smelly sock scared the shit out of him!

I gave Kyle his sock back and watched as he balled it up into a huge wad and brought it less than a centimeter in front of Hunter's protesting face.

"You wanna go back in there, eh?! You wanna go back in my sock?!" the giant, tattooed Alpha growled, causing the much smaller man to shake his head no about half a dozen times.

Hunter screamed, begged and pleaded beneath his gag before breaking down into a series of garbled coughs and distressed whimpers. His body convulsed and his head twisted left and right, desperately attempting to get away from my hunky stepbrother's big old rotten sock.

"Then QUIET." Kyle barked, instantly putting an end to the mummified lad's pathetic whimpers.

"Now I'm gonna play some video games with my little brother. And if I hear ONE FUCKIN' PEEP from you, I'm gonna shove you back in that sock and you're gonna spend the rest of the night taped up in there! Is that clear?!" he growled, causing the terrified little man to look up at him wide-eyed and shake his head yes.

Kyle handed me his PS4 controller before picking his second controller up and tossing his sock back to the floor.
Hunter stayed perfectly quiet and I watched as my big brother absentmindedly placed him face up on the sofa-bed, right between his HUGE, beefy thighs.

Even though my heart wasn't really in it, Kyle and I ended up playing video games for quite a while.

I honestly was far more interested in observing our little mummy-boi as he eyed the tattooed hunk's COLOSSAL thighs with both fear and apprehension.

Kyle moved around quite a bit while gaming, and became so absorbed by his need to win that he sometimes forgot about the puny little gagged prisoner between his legs.
Suffice it to say, Hunter came within a hair's breadth of being crushed and smothered to death by my distracted stepbrother's giant thighs-of-thunder.

Having no gaming console in my bedroom, it became abundantly clear that I was far less adept at these shooter games than Kyle was.

My lack of experience often ended up in getting me killed off and waiting for the game to spawn me a new character. Kyle, on the other hand, barely took his eyes off the screen, and demonstrated ZERO regards for the poor soul that was lying just a few inches in front of his bulging front pouch.

At one point, the smelly muscle-King even lifted his right leg up a bit and allowed a gassy eruption to blast out of his huge ass.

I ended up coughing and gagging on the spot, getting up and waving my hand in front of my face to dissipate the revolting stench.

"Awww, dude!" I cried out, causing the enthralled stud to smirk and chuckle with pride as he focused on finishing his rampage through enemy ranks.

Poor Hunter didn't have nearly as much liberty as I did though.

His feet were moving alright, but they weren't carrying him anywhere.
With his entire body taped up and mummified excessively tight, the little guy was just forced to lie there and suffer the full brunt of the giant brute's insanely powerful fart.
And suffer he did.

Little Hunter was left gagging, coughing and screaming inside his monstrously tight tape gag.
His face turned pale, his eyes watered over and his mummified body twisted and strained in a series of violent convulsions.

The tape that had been mercilessly wrapped under his jaw and around his face and head didn't allow his lips to part even a micron. The massive tape gag was so tight and so complete that absolutely NO filet of air could make it in or out of his mouth. The only air going in had to go through his nostrils...a fact that Kyle obviously gave little though to.

Our pathetically helpless prisoner was left to bask in the heavily eradiated blast zone between my beefy stepbrother's giant thighs, and he could do absolutely nothing to escape the rotten gas that was seeping it's way into his defenceless nostrils.

That, in my books, qualified as PURE torture.

It continued like that for a while; us playing video games, Kyle reaching under his prominent bulge to scratch itch between his balls and his butthole. Nothing out of the ordinary really...

Kyle eventually tired of winning and both of us agreed that it was time to take a break.
Besides, it was a bit past midnight at that point, and the two of us were getting pretty tired.

A devious look crossed my stepbrother's handsome face as he glared down at the prisoner between his thighs.
I knew he was up to something. He was always up to something.

"So, punk? You like picking on smaller guys, don't you?" he asked, taunting the well-behaved captive in a sudden display of dominance.

A series of heavily muffled cries made it past Hunter's gagged mouth and up to our ears, but for us it was barely louder than a whisper.

"Yeah, I do too. But unluckily for you, you're the smallest guy around right now. So I'm gonna pick on you." came the tattooed stud's cold reply.

Kyle suddenly reached down and picked up his huge, size 13 shoe before giving it a quick whiff.
"Nah, these aren't bad." he mumbled, flaring his nostrils inside the opening and sampling the air inside his brand new blue and white Nikes.

Before I could get away, the buff hunk wrapped his left arm around my neck and pulled me up against his heavily-built torso.

I was about to tell him to knock it off, but quickly found myself facing the inside of his shoe as it was clamped down over my face.

"Sniff." Kyle ordered, 'causing me to grunt in slight frustration.

I inhaled, and the unmistakably cheesy scent of his feet hit my nostrils. But aside from that, the brand new, three-day-old sneakers weren't bad yet. Not nearly as bad as some of the other sneakers lying around in the stinky-King's cluttered room.

"Yeah, let's give him something more serious to complain about." my stepbrother mumbled, pulling his shoe off of my face and tossing it back to the floor, next to his socked feet.

I watched as he got up and made his way towards the bedroom closet, no doubt in search of something that would make Hunter think twice about ever talking to me again.
My assumptions were proven correct when Kyle decided to announce his intentions.

"Yeah, I've got something that'll make the hair on his head curl up." he chuckled, stepping out of the closet with a pair of his heavily worn-out bad boys in tow.


I immediately recognised the battered Osiris sneakers as being my stepbrother's worst smelling shoes, and instantly got antsy at the thought of those being used against my cruel arch nemesis.

Yup, Hunter was definitely in serious trouble now.

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Post by The slave »

great story i really love it more
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

That's some serious hazing in here. It's also fun to see Kyle torturing Hunter unconciously as much as he does willingly.

Also, I'm really enjoying the unique perspective of this story. Ethan, for the most part, is not a straightforward captor or captive. This way we can see both Kyle and Hunter equally.

Great work as always.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by LK3869 »

Well, well well... :lol:
At first I had doubts about this shrinking potion idea, but this proved to be a new angle to your classics themes (big vs puny, body odors of all kinds...) and that idea of trapping the miniature bully INSIDE a sock won me over.
Having him between Kyle's legs could be the first step to something really playful. If I were Ethan, I'd wear tight jockeys and shove him into the front, so I could feel him wriggling all over my you know what... 8-)
don't run ! I'm friendly ...
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Post by Msueta@2 »

This story gets better and better
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Post by ShadowHusky »

I know it's not for everyone, but I adore farting and facesitting and such and the way it was executed here is gold. Super excited to see what comes next and what becomes of those rotten sneakers <3
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Post by GoBucks »

Hot chapter as always!

I voted Hunter in the poll because man would I love to be tiny and stuck between Kyle's big thighs! I agree with Husky on the farts and facesitting. That's a very hot theme.

It would also be cool to be in Ethan's position, because as [mention]lengban[/mention] said, Hunter only has to deal with this for maybe a weekend, while Ethan is tortured on a daily basis by the smells of his stepbrother and stepfather, even if not done on purpose. Just the little hazing acts like Kyle forcing Ethan to smell his shoe to see if it's a bad enough torture method is hot.

I really like this story and hope it's not a super short one that ends at the end of the weekend. I think Kyle and the stepfather could have some fun with Ethan even after Hunter's time is up!
Deleted User 5033

Post by Deleted User 5033 »

Excellent to see more of your work, boss. Let me start with some thoughts on chapter one and 2, and I will review more as I have the chance to read them.
Chapter 1: I was truly surprised with the shrinking serum, and that's usually not my thing, but I figured if anyone could make it work, it would be you. The characterization of the dudes was well written, and efficient; it set them up as believable, while also setting in motion some great tug material to work with, all without sacrificing the good pacing of the story. It never seemed to drag on, and excited me, while also leaving me wanting more. Well done, sir.
Chapter 2: I loooooove the sock scene. Having read some of your work, I knew that the story would head in that direction, but it didn't matter at all. You savored that scene like a fine wine, and it really heightened it. I actually laughed out loud as Hunter was dropped into the sock. Good mummification as well, really liked the clever use of electrical tape. You're really thinking about the details of this synopsis, and leveraging it. It shows, and may just be making me interested in shrinking scenarios.

Overall, I love your understanding of Dom\sub dynamics. Kyle is an interesting character so far, because he feels like he could become dominant, but hasn't embraced it yet. Good to see Kyle sorta guiding him on the way towards that path, and protecting and helping his weaker brother.

Great start, looking forward to reading the rest later tonight! *Salute
Deleted User 5033

Post by Deleted User 5033 »

Finally had time to visit this again, and I am glad I did.
Chapter 3: as per usual, great characterization. Even without Hunter appearing in this chapter, the thought of him trapped in that sock, totally ignored, but soon to be tortured by these fellas made it FEEL like he was there. Great little chapter.
Chapter 4: probably the best so far, things have really started amping up. Love Kyle's interactions with his prisoner, and the fact that he is also dominant of Ethan style. Just the fact that he had a prisoner there that whole time, and he cared so little that he just gamed in his underwear pretty much summarizes why I like him, haha.
Keep it up, boos, looking forward to more!
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Post by Phoenix »

I feel like I'm tripping on something reading this lol. Not really a story quite like this here. Also, the idea of just being shrunk down like that, it's kind of horrifying lol.

But I'm really into what I'm reading so far! Especially after last chapter, I'm excited to see where it's gonna go.

(And just as a side note, it's nice that you still have plenty of originality left in you, after how many ideas have been used in your much longer story lol)
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Post by socjuc »

[mention]bondagefreak[/mention] This is a great story. Love it. But I cannot vote in your poll just yet.

I have to see where this is going first :lol: Will Hunter get sweet revenge on Ethan? Or will Kyle or his stepfather find a new found desire to practice domination on Ethan? The options are endless. :mrgreen:
This story can be found HERE.
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Post by lengban »

Not gonna lie, with all that shifting around I totally expected Hunter to wind up finding himself trapped fully under Kyle's gooch or ass there. Already had to deal with the gas, but getting trapped under/between those cheeks while bound up like a thong ready-to-be-inserted would've been horrifyng. x3

Honestly, I know the series seems currently like it'll be shorter and only go for the weekend, but I can totally see a spin-off/continuation of this later where Ethan finds himself shrunken and at his dad and brother's mercies sometime down the line. But that's just me, I love this story so much so far, thank you for sharing such an odd scenario to a site like this. <3
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Post by bondagefreak »

Note from the author: A huge thanks for all the support, guys! I'm thrilled to see so many of you enjoying this bizarre concept. You guys are the best!


Kyle walked up to where I was sitting and tossed one of his huge Osiris sneakers onto the sofa-bed.
The other shoe still in his hand, I watched as he stood right in front of my seated form and couldn't help but look up in sudden apprehension as he stretched the rotten thing wide open.

"Here." he spoke, lifting the dreaded sneaker up to my face. "Put your nose in there and take a good whiff." he instructed, causing me to crinkle my nose in protest and eye the inside of his huge shoe with both fear and disgust.

I could smell fetid thing from where I was sitting, and I did NOT wanna sample it from up close.

"No way, bro." I scoffed, turning my head away in the hopes that Kyle would back off and quit trying to force his unbearable foot odour on me.
Unfortunately, the 6'3 muscle-King wasn't interested in my protests and merely grabbed the back of my head with his free hand before pulling my face towards his shoe.

"I'm not asking you, I'm telling you!" he growled. "Now stop being a fuckin' pussy! Put your little face INSIDE my shoe." he ordered, tightening his grip behind my head and glaring down at me.

My stepbrother's worn-out size 13 skate shoe was opened up nice and wide and I could tell from the size of the opening that it was easily big enough to accommodate my entire face. The inside of the sneaker, however, was not too appealing. Quite the opposite, in fact.

The Osiris logo on the bottom sole was stained beyond recognition, and the heavily worn-out fabric that lined the inside of the sneaker could only result from years of consecutive, daily use.

No longer willing to give me more time to decide whether to comply or not, my big, muscular stepbrother pulled my head forward.

I tried to resist, but it was useless.
Kyle worked out at the gym four days a week and his tattooed biceps were nearly the size of my thighs.
I was a twig compared to him. He gave me an order and I was gonna follow it, whether I wanted to or not.
And so, the giant, heavily thrashed Osiris sneaker swallowed me up and clamped itself around the contours of my grimacing face.

Hoping to quickly appease the dominant muscle-brute and seeing no other way of doing so, I begrudgingly allowed my nostrils to flare open took a tentative whiff of his old skate shoe.


BIG mistake!
The stench that hit my nostrils was worse than you could possibly imagine.

I knew they had to be bad, but I'd never stuck my nose in there to sample one of them up close.
I don't know how else to describe this, but the unbearably foul stench going on inside my handsome stepbrother's rotten shoe nearly made me go permanently cross-eyed.

"UUUGGGHHHH!" I cried out, causing Kyle to chuckle triumphantly and pull his giant trainer away from my face.
As soon as it was off, my eyes watered over and my body was nearly overwhelmed with the need to puke.

I turned my head away, gasped and waved a hand in front of my face to try and get rid of the sickeningly potent stench. I swear, it smelled like something had DIED inside there.

It was beyond cheesy.
The stench coming out of Kyle's giant shoe was incredibly strong and just plain ROTTEN.

And I'll admit, even though I absolutely despised Hunter, part of me felt bad for what he was about to go through.

"Haha!" the big, buff, broad-shouldered stud laughed, obviously thrilled at my reaction and at the fact that I wasn't able to deal with the ridiculously powerful stench he'd worked out in there.

He was real proud of himself. Real proud of the odour his feet were producing.
Had I been in his place, I would've been ashamed beyond belief. But neither Kyle not his dad seemed to care about the fact that their feet smelled abnormally strong and that their footwear was a great nuisance to those around them.

Kyle tossed his shoe over to the bed, right next to the other one, and went for his dresser before roaming through the contents of the top drawer. This guy was always up to something, so I was pretty excited when I saw him walk back towards the sofa-bed with what looked like a shoelace in his hand.

I had no idea what he was gonna do with that, but knowing Kyle like I did, I knew he had something fun or cruel in mind.

The big, beefy, tattooed giant absentmindedly sat himself back down on the bed, and in doing so, nearly sent Hunter to an early grave.

"Wait!" I called out, putting my hand against my stepbrother's lower back to stop him from accidently sitting down on our prize.

The fold up bed had a slight inward slant to it, and in his futile attempts to escape, Hunter had probably wiggled his way down to the unfortunate spot where my stepbrother had been sitting just a few moments ago.

Luckily for him I wasn't as absentminded of my brother, and my timely intervention actually saved him from a certain demise.

Worst case scenario, he would've been crushed on the spot.
Best case scenario, he would've wound up being temporarily lodged deep inside the giant 21-year-old's huge butt crack.
A terrifying fate, to say the least.

Kyle immediately came to a halt and turned his head around to look down at the spot where he'd previously been sitting.

His face lit up with an amused smirk as soon as he saw Barbie-boy's terrified eyes staring up at the HUGE butt that threatened to end his existence. From the expression on poor Hunter's face, I'm pretty certain he was as convinced as I was that the giant muscle-King's enormous rump would squash him down to a pulp.

Thankfully, it never came to that.

"Haha. Whatcha doin' back there, kiddo?" Kyle asked, pulling the prisoner back up to his original spot before sitting down and winding the sturdy shoelace around mummy-boy's tightly taped up ankles.

I was a bit confused when Kyle told me to go downstairs and get his dad's toothbrush, but I knew he probably had a good reason for sending me on such a menial quest.

I complied and quietly ran down to the washroom in order to get my stepdad's electric spinbrush.

When I arrived back in the bedroom a minute later, Hunter was roped up and hanging off the edge of the bed from an expertly-devised hangman's noose.
Only, this noose wasn't around his neck. It was around his ankles.

The little mummy-boi was strung up and left dangling upside down off the edge of the sofa-bed.
His head was a good four inches from the ground and the end of the shoelace that had been used to noose his feet up was carefully knotted to the edge of the steel bedframe.

I chuckled at my stepbrother's boundless creativity and quietly closed the bedroom door before jumping back on the sofa-bed with him.

As soon as I handed him the toothbrush, Kyle turned it on and lowered the spinning bristles down onto poor Hunter's perfectly exposed and deliciously vulnerable soles.
This was perfect.

BBBZZZZZZZZ the toothbrush roared, causing the heavily mummified, free-hanging prisoner to explode with laughter and cry out in panic.

Kyle kept it up for only a second before turning the toothbrush off.

"Yup. He's ticklish alright. Here. Have fun with this." he casually instructed, handing me back his dad's powerful spinbrush.

Until this point, I'd been a pretty distant participant to Hunter's "education".
So I was more than happy to finally sink my teeth in him and leave a mark of my own.
After all, this was MY revenge, wasn't it?

A smile quickly formed over my lips as I crouched closer to the edge of the bed and turned the improvised tickle-machine on.

BBBZZZZZZZZ came the familiar buzzing sound of my stepdad's toothbrush.
The thing was strong. I could feel it vibrating in my hand and was pleasantly surprised at how fast the densely bristled rotation-disk was spinning.

My gagged prisoner screamed and wiggled to escape the incoming bristles, but his new suspension-predicament stopped him from going anywhere.
His puny soles were ALL mine.

So caught up I was in this whole getting-ready-to-torture-Hunter thing, that I hardly noticed what Kyle was doing.

It's only when he mentioned having another surprise for our mummified prisoner that I turned around to see him scooting forward and placing one of his carefully-opened up Orisis shoes down on the floor...positioning it
directly under Hunter's head.

It didn't take long for Hunter to let us know what he thought.

"Uggh? Ugghhmph. UUGGGHMMPH!" came the poor lad's heart-wrenching screams.

With his feet noosed up, and his body left dangling a few inches off the ground, the little guy's head was practically INSIDE my stepbrother's giant, putrid old shoe.

Hunter coughed in disgust and screamed to the top of his lungs, but I didn't care.
I just lowered the big, buzzing mass of spinning bristles over his defenceless soles and gave the puny bully something else to scream about.

Last edited by bondagefreak 4 years ago, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by Xtc »

How long did you say the serum would last? I'm quite looking oRward to reading about Hunter's retyrn to "normalcy".
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by socjuc »

F@#%cken H-O-T Love the starting group action, and how Ethan is comfortably taking his participation on. Particularly like when Kyle dominates Ethan by giving him a sampler of what Hunter is about to get. :D
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Post by Volobond »

Love how creative Kyle's punishments on Hunter are! And I can't wait to see how much further Ethan's revenge will go. The tickling is so awesome!
By the way, I voted Kyle on the poll: I'd love being able to have Hunter so far under my control, although like Ethan, I'd be way more into him than the video game!

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Post by GoBucks »

It's a hanging Chad... or Hunter in this case! What I really like about this story is that it's just so fun. There's so much more you can do with a shrunken person than a regular sized person. Everything is more intense. It's just so exciting to see what you will come up with next. I certainly didn't see a hangman tickle scenario coming when I saw those shoes. Keep em coming!
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Post by TiedNW »

I’m not a fan of the shrinking part as it is so unrealistic. However you’re very creative and the storywriting itself is good as ever. So I like the story despite the shrinking.
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Post by Msueta@2 »

This was a great chapter
Deleted User 5033

Post by Deleted User 5033 »

Gosh this is great. I loved how Ethan is evolving in this chapter. Is that a bit of a protectiveness over Hunter we see developing? Considering the torture IMMEDIATELY afterwards, probably not :lol:
Though I will say, it got my mind thinking about how Ethan might convince Hunter that he can shrink him on demand, and simply keep the bully as his slave, haha. What a turn of events that would be.
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Post by Sniffmyfeet »

I'd love to spend some time in Kyle's sock and in his sneakers. So you'll probably be able to guess what choice I picked in the poll ;)

I love the way Kyle somehow manages to forget about tiny Hunter in between his thighs. He's so casual about it. It's also nice to see how easily he gets Hunter to submit once Kyle pushes his sock against Hunter's face. But then, seeing the dirty socks in the picture, I know it's going to be very smelly!
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Post by bondagefreak »

Glad you guys are still having fun!
Though I'll admit, I'm a bit disturbed by the poll results ;)
You guys wanna go through what Hunter's going through?! Geez! Haha.

Given what little Hunter's gonna go through in Chapter VII, I've left the poll open so that you guys can change your votes at any time. Curious to see how many of you are gonna switch sides 8-)

Xtc wrote: 4 years ago How long did you say the serum would last? I'm quite looking oRward to reading about Hunter's retyrn to "normalcy".
Serum's effects should last about 48 hours. Hunter should go back to normal by Sunday afternoon.

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