My Cousin Emma (fm/fff)

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My Cousin Emma (fm/fff)

Post by Bobep »

A few months ago I wrote a fairly long story called (I think) “Jamie Gets Her Payback,” about when my friend “challenged me” that should could tie me up so I wouldn’t escape, but once she had me hogtied and gagged she revealed this was a trap, a way for her to get revenge on me for something I did to her a couple weeks earlier. She wound up tickling me to the point of insanity over the period of a few hours before finally untying me and letting me go.

In that story I alluded to the fact that my interest in “tie-up games” began a few years earlier when I was 13-14 (I was in college when Jamie tied me up and tickled me). It started with my cousin Emma, who was a year older but who I was really close to and I really looked up to – we lived in the same town and we were always close. Emma was the one who got me interested in the idea of being tied up and trying to escape, and we had several “games” we played where we tried to outdo each other. Emma was really good at tying people up and liked to show off her skills. Some of those games involved her tickling me when I was too slow in getting loose, which is where I learned it’s not always the worst thing to be tied up and tickled by a pretty girl. Despite how much torture it is.

Emma was very pretty and slender and a really good athlete. She was an accomplished gymnast even though she was taller than most of them, like 5’7 or so at age 14-15. She had long red hair and green eyes and was funny and wild and sarcastic and I just loved her. Still do – we’re first cousins and we remain close. I was a pretty good athlete too, Emma excelled in gymnastics and soccer, I was very, very good at baseball and basketball. We each have younger sisters who are the same age, at the time 11. My little sister is Molly and hers is Jenny. We spent a lot of our childhood together.

Our games began when I was 13 and Emma was 14 and we were watching Molly and Jenny, who were extremely close too. One thing Emma loved to do each spring and summer was camp out, and she and Jenny and my uncle and aunt lived on a big piece of property with woods behind it. It must have been 10 acres. (We lived in a big house across town but didn’t have property like that). She had set up a couple of tents out in the woods maybe 50 feet in at a small clearing (pretty big tents) and kept them up there from like May through August. Emma called it the camp area. She would sleep out there with friends, often a few times a week, and Jenny would too, and often times it would be the two of us or even the four of us. She also had a tent set up by their pool, which was at the edge of the property just before the woods. We would lounge around in that tent when we swam, almost like a cabana.

One day Emma’s parents were away for the whole day and we were in charge of watching Molly and Jenny, and they were monopolizing the pool while Emma and I wanted it for ourselves. They refused to get out, so Emma pulled me aside and told me we were going to tie them up and hold them prisoner in the tent by the pool. That way they wouldn’t bother us while we swam and we could keep an eye on them.

It was lunchtime so they HAD to get out, and they did and put their shorts and t-shirts on over their wet bathing suits and Emma and I brought stuff for sandwiches outside to the picnic area. We told them they had to observe the “no swimming for 45 minutes after eating rule” and they agreed. They ate and they went into the tent by the pool to hang out. Emma showed me a beach bag she had brought out when she brought lunch out, and it was filled with ropes. I was wearing a t-shirt and bathing suit. Emma had a pink tennis shirt and tan Bermuda shorts over her bathing suit. We both were barefoot. She whispered her plan in my ear and we snuck up to the tent.

“Molly, Mom’s on the phone and wants to talk to you,” I said, and my sister took off running to the house. It was a lie.

At that moment Emma burst into the tent and tackled Jenny, and then called on me to help her. I did. Jenny thrashed around but she was 11 and no match for a 13-year-old boy and 14-year-old girl. Emma got Jenny on her stomach and we pulled her hands behind her back and Emma tied them tight. Jenny started to scream for us to let her go but Emma put her hand over her mouth and whispered to me go get Molly.

I left the tent and Molly came out of the house saying, “No one was on the phone!”

I said that was weird and shrugged, and asked to come here. She did and she entered the tent in front of me and saw Jenny with her hands tied behind her back and with her big sister’s hand over her mouth to gag her.

“Get her, Bobby! Hold her down!” Emma yelled and I dragged Molly down to the ground. Molly is an adorable girl with long blonde hair and blue eyes, but a lot smaller than me. Jenny looks just like Emma – very pretty with red hair and big green eyes. But I was a lot stronger and pinned her down to the ground inside the tent. She struggled to resist and get free but I held her down.

While did that Emma took more rope and tied Jenny’s bare feet, pretty tight, and Jenny wasn’t going anywhere. She got off of Jenny and we laughed as she thrashed around with her hands and feet tied.

“Now it’s your turn, little cousin!” Emma taunted. “Time to tie you up, Moll-Molls!”

Molly screamed “NO!” but I held her and Emma tied her feet first, just like Jenny’s, and then tied Molly’s hands behind her back. She and Jenny flopped around in the tent, all tied up now.

“Our little fish who wouldn’t leave the pool – look at you now!” Emma taunted with a big grin at our bound sisters. “Now you’re both fish out of water, flopping around. Hahahaha!”

“Let us go! Let us go!” Molly screamed and Jenny joined in.

We both laughed and Emma whispered in my ear to go into the house and get some socks out of her drawer. I left to run into the house and I heard Emma say, “Never!!!” Then as I ran into the house I heard screaming and laughter from both Molly and Jenny, along with screams of “Stop! No! No!”

I ran upstairs to Emma’s room, found her sock drawer, and took out two pairs of those athletic type knee socks with the stripes at the top of them near the knee. One pair was black and one pair was grey. I ran downstairs and out to the tent and heard they were still screaming as I walked in.

Emma was crouching between them both and tickling them wildly in their stomachs and ribs. Both were very ticklish and Emma was loving it. (Emma loved tickle-torture and was skilled at it. She had tickled me many times before, but never – yet – while I was tied up.)

“Look at my two little tickle girls! They just love it when I tickle them!” Emma said laughing and kept tickling them while Jenny and Molly kept screaming. I sat down and just laughed alongside them.

“PLEASE! PLEASE STOP!” they both screamed.

Emma got to her feet and said, “Okay, that’s enough. Bobby, let’s go swimming. Give me the socks.”

I handed her the pair of grey socks and Emma unfolded and went behind Molly and gagged her, tying it around her head. Then she did the same thing with Jenny, gagging her with the other sock. The two were still laughing and breathing hard from Emma’s tickle torture.

Emma then motioned for me to throw her the other pair of socks and I did. She unfolded the black socks and used the socks to blindfold Molly and then Jenny. The two squealed and tried to beg us to let them go, though everything they said was muffled.

“Keep quiet!” Emma demanded, getting to her feet and walking to the doorway of the tent. “Bobby and I are going to swim now. We’ll let you go when we’re done. But if you make any noise I’ll tickle you both again, only WAY longer this time.”

Jenny and Molly squealed into their gags but then quieted down. We left them bound, gagged and blindfolded in the tent and went a few feet away to the pool. We were laughing hard.

After we jumped in I said to Emma, “Do you think they can escape?”

She said, “No way. I know how to tie someone up! Girl scouts and knot-tying! They’re never getting loose unless I loosen the ropes or untie them.”

“How do you know?” I asked, and Emma explained various aspects of knot-tying, and the way she did it which makes it very inescapable. She mentioned reading about some of it in magic books and mastering it.

“I’ll show you sometime soon – I’ll tie you up and I’ll teach you how to escape,” Emma said, climbing into a floating chair in the pool. I laughed and said sure and we swam and relaxed for awhile.

Maybe an hour later we went into the tent.

“Take off their blindfolds,” Emma told me, and I took off the socks that covered their eyes. They looked up at us, basically defeated.

“Have you learned your lesson, or do I need to tickle you some more?” Emma asked, grinning and wiggling her fingers.

Jenny and Molly squealed into their gags and made it clear they had definitely learned their lesson.

“OK, we’ll untie you then,” Emma said. “Bobby, take their gags out and I’ll start on their feet. And next time, do as we say when we say it’s our turn in the pool!”

The two nodded their heads and I took the socks out of their mouths. Emma untied their feet and then their hands, and told them to go use the pool. We both grinned as Molly and Jenny ran off, laughing hard and still in disbelief at what happened.

Emma started to gather the ropes up and I lay down on a towel in the tent. She held a length of rope up and smiled.

“Want to try now? See if you can escape?” she asked.

"Later, ok?” I said. “I don’t want them around when you do that – that would be annoying and I don’t trust them after what we just did!”

Emma laughed and said, “OK. Tonight them. We’ll sleep in the big tents in the camp area and I’ll tie you up then. It takes practice but I’ll teach you to be an escape artist!”

I agreed and we laughed and went outside and laid on our towels in the grass, while our former captives thrashed around in the pool.

So that’s how it began. Next time I’ll tell a couple stories of Emma tying me up.

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Post by BoundByJimmy »

Fantastic story and experience! Thank you for sharing this memory with the community.
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Post by rash357 »

This is a great story! You’re without question one of those prolific writers as you weave these tales.

Thanks for sharing this one with us - looking forward to hearing more of your adventures with Emma!
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Post by Canuck100 »

I enjoyed your story quite a lot. Seems that the next chapter will be a fun read too. Can’t wait to read it!
Deleted User 3595

Post by Deleted User 3595 »

Fantastic story , thanks to share it , i love your games with those girls
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Post by Tieup1 »

Good story, I enjoyed reading it, thanks for posting. ;)
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