The Immortal : 01 - The first time I was tied up (cowboys and indians) (mf/m)

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The Immortal : 01 - The first time I was tied up (cowboys and indians) (mf/m)

Post by Canuck100 »

The Immortal's stories
01 - The first time I was tied up (cowboys and indians)
Story index at the bottom

By The Immortal

Friday March 10th 2000 12:59:12

As far as I can remember the first time I was ever tied up was when I was 5 years old. At the time I did not know my friend P and being at that young age my parents would not let me go far from the house without somebody with me.

On this occasion I was playing at a park with some older kids, who were 10 and 11 at the time and were friends of the family, when the oldest of the 2 (Josh) decided he wanted to play Cowboys and Indians. He told us that I was to be the Indian and he and his sister (Sue) were to be the Cowboys (or Cowgirl). The Cowboys were going to capture the Indian and hold him hostage unitl the Indian camp returned their friends (pretend friends).

Before we began Josh said that we should go to his house and get dressed for the parts (you know make the game more realistic). His house was not far so I followed him and his sister there. Inside his house Josh and Sue went to their cupboards and pulled out some old clothes, Josh wore the jeans he had on and changed in to a red long sleeved shirt. Sue like wise dressed in a similar shirt and changed her shorts for a skirt (BTW she got changed in her own room). As for me I was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt so Josh suggested I wear his little brothers shorts (Sammy was 5 also but was out with his parents). I stripped off my t-shirt and jeans and put on the black shorts, then Josh got some of his water paints and put the warpaint on my face and chest. Now we were all ready Josh led the way back to the park, grabbing some Cowboy hats that they had for himself and Sue.

On the way out of the house Josh grabbed some rope from his backyard then we went on to the park. There was nobody at the park today so we had the free run of the whole place, Josh explained the rules to the game. I was to go and hide somewhere in or near the park and then himself and Sue would come and look for me. When they find me they can chase me and if they catch me and tap me on the shoulder I must become their prisoner.

I ran off to hide while Josh and Sue closed there eyes and counted (it was more like a game of hide and go seek). I found a good spot to hide and waited.

After about 10 minutes nobody had found me, I got all excited adn thought that I was good at this game but then I heard talking. It was Josh and Sue getting closer, I got up and peeked around the side of the wall I was hiding behind (big mistake). Josh spotted me straight away and gave chase, I ran as fast as my little legs would carry me but Josh was faster and within seconds he had caught me up and tapped me on the shoulder. I stopped running and Josh said, in his best cowboy voice "you are now our prisoner and we are taking you back to our camp", or something like that anyway. Up until now I had no idea why Josh had picked up the rope from his backyard but now I found out. Josh came upto me with the rope and turned me around so my back was facing him and he pulled my arms behind me. Crossing my wrists he tied them together tightly but comfortabley wrapping the rope about 3 times vertical and then the same horizontal. Being only 5 years old I did not know what Josh was doing but I was enjoying myself so I played along.

After tying my hands behind my back Josh took the rest of the rope (which was still attached to my wrists) and wrapped it several times around my waist before knotting it at my front. My wrists were now tied to my back and Josh had about 3 ft of rope left dangling from my waist, he used this to pull me along back to their camp. We walked back to the park, me at the rear, tied up and being pulled along by Josh. When we reach the park Josh took me over to the slide and tied the rope off to a bar, then he went back over with Sue and they began talking. I couldn't hear what they were saying so I just sat down on the floor, hands still tied behind my back.

About 10 minutes later Josh came over and untied the rope from the slide, he helped me to my feet and I followed him and Sue back to there house (followed, more like dragged). Back at the house I was taken in to the backyard and untied. "Is that the gave over" I said, but Josh said "no" and with that he began to tie my hands in front of me. When he was done he took me over to the washing pole and tied my hands up above my head, then said "don't go anywhere". He went back in to the house and was gone for about 15 minutes. He came back outside followed by his mother who told Josh to untie me, which he did.

Josh got a good telling off for tying me up but we all had a good laugh about it in later years.

That was the first but by no means the last time I got tied up.

Thanks for reading and please visit my web site.

The Immortal
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