On Vacation (M/M)

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Post by squirrel »

Chapter 6 - Guest's Visit

I was watching the TV for a few minutes when my uncle came to the room and sat on the couch near me. He took the remote and switched the channel, probably just to make me see how helpless I was. If it was his intention he succeeded; I started to grunt and pointed at the remote, wanting him to give it back. He just laughed and made himself comfortable. After an hour or so my uncle said:

“I guess, it’s time for dinner, what do you say, Steven?” He turned his face to mine, awaiting the answer.

“Mmmhhp!” I wasn’t able to say much, but my uncle had a great time teasing me this way.

“Come with me!” He commanded.

My uncle stood me up and marched me to the kitchen, where he sat me on the chair. He went upstairs and disappeared into his room; moments later I saw him getting out, this time with many coils of rope and a roll of gaffer tape in his hands. I mumbled with displeasure; I was beginning to feel a little tired of this whole imprisonment thing, but there was no way I could tell my uncle about this. Plus, I wanted him to think that I was a tough dude, so I didn’t complain when he approached me with a huge smile around his freshly lit stogie.

“You’ve had enough freedom today, kid. Let’s truss you up a little.”

Uncle Jack knelt at my side, grabbed my leg, forced it against the leg of the chair and told me to keep it there. I did. He took one of the coils and started wrapping my left thigh to the seat of the chair; he coiled the rope around my leg and the seat many times before he cinched the knot. Then he tied my ankle to the chair leg and finally my calf, making sure that the knots were neat and tight. When he was done with one leg he proceeded to the other one. In a matter of minutes I was completely immobile.

“There you go, lad. I hope you are enjoying this as much as I am!” My uncle said taking a deep drag on his cigar and blowing the smoke out.

“mmphhh!!” I tried to deny by shaking my head.

“We both know you do, kid.” He winked and went behind me.

I felt him take another coil of rope and start tying my arms to the bars of the chair. He fastened my shoulders too, then went to the elbows. I had them immobilized in no time. Finally I felt him retie the knots on my wrists and then loop some more rope around them. Soon he bound my crossed wrists to the middle bar of the chair, making me completely helpless. I tried to move my limbs a little, but absolutely nothing happened; I could move only my fingers and head now.

“Almost done with you, lad.” I heard my uncle say.


He stood in front of me with a huge bandana in his hand.

“I know that the gag of yours is enough, but it’s always better to reinforce it, don’t you think?”

My uncle folded the bandana nicely and pushed it into my mouth, over the previous one. He took the two ends of it and tied it really tightly at the back of my head, forcing the socks deeper into my mouth. I coughed a little, but he didn’t mind that.

“I like when my prisoners are restrained and quiet, boy. You won’t be an exception here.”

He was stern this time and I had no idea what to think about it. Anyway, thinking was the only think I could do now and I didn’t even bother trying to speak. It was pretty obvious that - with two socks in my mouth, a cleave gag and the extra strong tape around my lower face – any attempts to communicate with anyone will come to naught.

I watched as my uncle gathered the ingredients for dinner and started cooking. He cut the meat, chopped the vegetables and put rice on the fire. I loved this kind of food and was glad he was preparing it; when he was frying the meat, we heard a knock on the door.

“Coming!” My uncle shouted and went to open the door.

I was terrified. Whoever it was, I definitely didn’t want to be seen all tied up and gagged. I moaned and tugged on the ropes, but nothing came loose. I got sweaty like hell, but all my efforts to free myself were futile; my uncle really knew well how to keep a guy restrained.

“Holy shit, Jack, what the fuck is going on here?!” I heard a familiar voice.

It was Matt Howard, the guy from another cottage. He was a very good friend of my dad and uncle and we usually spend much time together during the holiday.
Matt Howard.jpg
Mr. Howard is 40 years old, but he looks much younger than that. He used to be in military; he left a few months ago and was still in very good shape; now he was working as a construction worker in the nearby town. He was a type of a joker and probably found my predicament really amusing, because the moment he saw me he started laughing like crazy. When he finally stopped and sat down on another chair my uncle answered his question.

“Nothing really, Steven wanted to see what it feels like to be fully restrained.”

“Seems to me he is restrained all right.” Mr. Howard replied and checked my bonds. “Damn, Jack, this is some serious roping!”

“When you do something, do it right!” My uncle put two bottles of beer on the table. “Help yourself, dude.”

“Thanks, man. I spotted your car earlier today when I was passing by and thought I should drop by to say hi.”

“Will you stay for dinner?”

“Why not? Luke is out tonight, so I might as well hang out with you guys.”

The two guys chatted and drank their beer while my uncle was preparing the meal. It took him about twenty more minutes to make it ready. My uncle took three plates and dished out the rice, meat and vegetables onto them. He gave one of the plates to Mr. Howard and put the other one in front of me. He grabbed the last plate for himself and both guys started to eat. I gulped when I saw the steaming plate and moaned a little.

“Patience, kid, I’ll feed you when we’re done.” My uncle said and the guys laughed loudly.

So I waited there, fortunately not for long. The guys finished eating and my uncle went behind my chair and started to undo the gag. First he undid the bandanas and placed them on the table. Next he pulled the socks out of my mouth and placed them near my plate. I moved my jaw to get rid of the pain.

“How does it feel, kid?” Mr. Howard asked me when I stopped stretching my jaw.

“Well, I didn’t wanmmmpppphh!!” I made a huge mistake; my uncle has clamped his huge palm over my mouth.

“What the fuck, dude!?” Mr. Howard was stunned.

“He just broke the rules.” My uncle replied

He took one of the moist socks and released my mouth for a split second. He forced the sock into my protesting mouth. Then the other one, until my whole mouth was packed again. The bandanas came next: first the one with a knot in the middle, then the second one, much bigger.

“What rules?”

“No speaking when without a gag.”

“You’re mean, dude… But I like it!”

My uncle took the roll of gaffer tape he had left in the kitchen earlier and unwrapped some.

“It seems that you really need to be gagged for good, prisoner!”

Having said that he plastered the tape on my cheek, over the bandanas. He circled my lover face with the tape five times, making sure it’s tight and secure. Then he ripped off two long pieces and stuck them under my chin and up to the cheeks. He unwrapped the tape again and wrapped it five more times around my mouth again. My fate was sealed; only pathetic grunts could escape my mouth now.

“mmhhhhmm” I muttered.

The guys laughed at my predicament again and lit up cigars; the room was soon filled with smoke. I watched them suck on their big stogies and drink beers. One bottle, two bottles, three bottles… I was quite all right with it’ my uncle had an incredible ability: he could drink a barrel of alcohol and was completely sober. I never knew how he was doing that.

“You want to stay overnight, man?” My uncle asked his pal when it was already late and there were many empty bottles on the table.

“If it’s not a problem…” Came the reply from a little intoxicated man.

“Let me get show you to your room then.” Uncle Jack helped his buddy to his room and returned to me.

“Hope you don’t mind sleeping on this chair, Steven. And even if you do, I don’t give it a shit. This is what a prisoner should be treated like.” He said sternly and left me alone.

I could only moan and look at him getting up the stairs… A few more minutes of struggling and I fell asleep.
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Post by socjuc »

Great story so far. Can't wait to see how Steven's uncle progresses with his controlling of him! :)
This story can be found HERE.
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Post by Tsuhaya »

How did I not see this story here? Truly an incredible story, I loved the way Jack knows what he does. And [mention]LK3869[/mention] one more time with an incredible art. Congratulations
Yes, it's me in the picture. What are you waiting for to tie me up and gag me?
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Post by squirrel »

Chapter 7 - Another Day

I woke up early the next morning and moaned loudly into my gag. I was still tired from sleeping in the sitting position and I wanted out. Unfortunately both of guys were still fast asleep, and I was gagged too well to be able to wake them up. So I waited.

Around nine Mr. Howard came out of his room and sat at the table, next to me.

“Mmmpphhhmmm!” I tried to plead with him.

“Sorry, lad. Can’t help you here. It’s between you and your uncle, so we must wait for him do decide what to do with you.” He said and opened the fridge.

He helped himself with the breakfast and started reading newspaper. I still yelled, but stopped when he threatened he would recommend my uncle to keep my gagged all day without food and water.

My uncle got up not much later and came to us. He was still wearing his outfit from yesterday.

“The kid wants his gag out.” Mr. Howard told him.

“No wonder…” My uncle turned to me. “Listen up, lad. I’m going to remove your gag and give you breakfast and water. Then you’ll go to the bathroom, take a shower, brush your teeth and wear some fresh clothes. Then I’ll tie you up again. Do you understand?”

I did and I didn’t like it. I thought I was restrained enough. But I knew too well that if I didn’t agree to his terms I would have to stay like that for much longer so I nodded my head.

“Good boy. And remember, no speaking! One word and the gag goes right back in. You had a proof yesterday that I don’t joke”

He unwrapped the gaffer tape from my mouth and removed the bandanas. I spat the two socks out; my uncle took both of them and hid them in the pocket of his jeans. I stretched my jaw as much as I could while my uncle heated the dinner from yesterday. He fed me and when I gulped down a glass of water he and his buddy untied me from the chair. My uncle marched me to the bathroom by my arm.

“You’ve got half an hour, kid. I’ll be standing right here, boy. If you dare to speak you’re gonna be punished.” He said and closed the door behind me.

I undressed and put the clothes into the laundry basket. I got a long shower to get rid of the sweat. I looked on my arms; they were covered in rope marks. After the shower I brushed my teeth and finally used the toilet. I needed this so badly… Finally I took fresh boxers and socks and put them on. Then a light blue T-shirt and shorts. I took a deep breath and opened the bathroom door.

When I left it my uncle grabbed my arms and forced them behind my back. He wrapped one of his arms around mine and hand gagged me with the other. It seemed that my freedom was soon to be taken away from me once more. I knew there was no way I could escape him, especially when Mr. Howard was around; I had no other choice but to cooperate when my uncle marched me to the living room and lay me on the floor. I was surprised when he didn’t release his vice like grip, and wondered what were his intentions, but soon my curiosity was satisfied.

“Dude, can you tie Steven’s legs? Since you are here I guess I will just hold him still, so he won’t try anything stupid.” I heard my uncle ask his buddy.

“Damn, dude, you’re taking this whole restraining thing for real.. And yeah, I’ll gladly help.”

I felt Mr. Howard force my legs together and wrap a coil of rope around my ankles. I hoped him to be much less strict than my uncle, but I soon found out that he knew well what to do. In a matter of minutes my whole legs were wrapped expertly in rope, with absolutely no slack. There was no hope I could free myself from the roping, especially if one of the studs was nearby.

“Nice work, man! Can you cover his mouth, so I can do the arms?” My uncle said, praising his pal.

“No problem, dude.”

I felt my uncle release the grip on my lower face, but before I could utter a sound another palm was over my mouth. There was no point in resisting so I accepted my face and let Mr. Howard hand gag me as he liked. He sat on my back and forced my head up, still covering my face and making breathing a little more difficult.

In the meantime my uncle was binding my arms: he bound my wrists together with long piece of rope and then forced my arms to each other, parallel. He roped my elbows together and reinforced the knots on my wrists. He wrapped much more rope around my torso, pinning my arms to my back and creating some sort of sophisticated rope harness, which held the ropes in place. When he was done with my arms I felt him get up and bend my legs. He sat on them, forcing the calves on my thighs. He took another coil of rope and connected my ankles to my wrists and elbows, hogtying me.

“Wow, you really don’t want him to get away, do you, Jack?”

“He is a prisoner now, so has to be fully trussed up! Remove your hand from his mouth so I can gag him.”

“mmmphhh!” I pleaded into Mr. Howards hand.

“Let me help you a little.” He said and pinched my nose shut before releasing my mouth.

Of course, I opened my mouth to get some air, which gave my uncle enough time to force the putrid socks back into my mouth. I was coughing and groaning, but they took no notice of this. Mr. Howard held my head up and my uncle pushed the wet material further and further. When my mouth was stuffed, he placed one of the bandanas in my mouth and knotted it behind my head. Next came the other one, much larger. My uncle thrust it between my lips and knotted it tightly over the first bandana.

“mmppphhhh” I tried to speak.

“Shut up!” My uncle yelled and both of them laughed.

I did and watched my two captors sit on the couch and light up cigars. They turned the TV on and watched some news, commenting passionately. They seemed to be completely fine with the fact that there was a hogtied teenager on the floor. I also didn’t want to remind me of that, so I just lay there in silence, looking at my uncle and his buddy. From time to time I squirmed a little, but other that I was rather quiet and calm.

“I have to go now, dude.” Mr. Howard said after an hour.

“Sure, no problem. Come later tonight, we can have some more fun.”
They got up and my uncle walked his friend to the door. Soon I heard the car engine start and Mr. Howard drove away.

“You hanging there, kid?”


“Good, tight as it should be.” He said after checking on my bonds and added. “I’ll take a nap, kid, don’t go anywhere!”

He playfully ruffled my hair and went to his room. I heard him lock the door and then there was silence. I started bucking on the floor, hoping to wiggle something out from the ropes. I trashed and trashed, but got nowhere. Nothing came loose, I was bound as perfectly as before. I sighed into my gag and calmed down. I looked around, trying to find something that could help me cut the ropes. Again: nothing. I gave up and waited, all bound and gagged.

About three hours later my uncle got up and left his bedroom. He walked to me and, without saying a word, checked the bonds again. I tried to plead with him but he ignored me completely. Instead he smacked my head and left me. I watched him go into his room again and then, with some fresh clothes, to the bathroom. I heard the water going; he was taking a shower. A few minutes later he came back to me and knelt down. He was wearing dark jeans with his deputy belt on and black T-shirt. He was barefoot.

“You hungry?” He asked. I nodded.

“I’ll fix the dinner and feed you, ok?” I nodded again.

He got up and went to the kitchenette, leaving me on the floor. I heard him prepare the meal and after another half an hour he came back to me and put a plate in front of my gagged mouth. I rolled on my side and grunted into my gag. He was teasing me and had great fun with it.

“I’ll take the gag out and feed you, kid. But one word and the socks go right back in!” He warned me and took the bandanas and socks out of my mouth.

It was strange to eat like this but I had no choice. I was hungry as hell and didn’t intend to lose another dinner. Plus, the fries and steak were really good so I just ate them obediently and quietly. Next came a glass of apple juice, then another one. I gulped them in no time at all; after being gagged for so long I definitely needed that.

“Let me take care of it.”

He took the plates and went to do the washing up. I struggled a little, but remained quiet. When my uncle was done with the dishes he stood over me and before I could react he pushed one of his socks back into my mouth. Then another one and, again, I was gagged. His bandanas came next, followed by the gaffer tape. He wrapped my head over ten times, pressing the tape to my face. I was stuck.


“I know that’s now what you expected, lad, but prisoners must be kept bound and gagged all the time. Otherwise they get cocky and plot against the guards.” He whispered into my ear.

Not much time later I heard the car at the porch. I assumed that Mr. Howard was back, buck when the door opened I was more than mortified. I saw Mr. Howards’ son, Luke, enter the house. When he saw me he roared with laughter and immediately came to me to see my predicament. He rolled me from side to side, ruffled my hair and made fun of me.
Luke Howard.jpg
“Why is Steven all tied up, Sir?” He asked my uncle when he stopped laughing and stood up.

“He wanted to see what it feels like.” My uncle told him the truth.

“Is he all right”

“Probably… He’s not complaining, you know…” My uncle said and winked. Then added: “Never mind the kid. Let’s play poker, guys, Steven will be fine.”

The three of them sat at the table and started playing cards, chatting with each other. My uncle and Mr. Howard lit cigars and I was surprised to see that Luke did the same. But, when I thought about that, his dad has always treated him like an adult and practically allowed his son everything. I writhed a little on the floor and moaned into my gag. The guys were all into the game now and didn’t bother my pathetic whimpers.

“Well, time to go to bed, dude.” Mr. Howard said just before midnight.

All of them stood up and headed to their rooms.

“What about Steven?” Luke asked.

“He’s staying like this.” Mu uncle replied and I grunted in disapproval. They all laughed.

“See you tomorrow, then, buddy!” Luke said to me and soon they disappeared into their bedrooms, leaving me hogtied for the night. I was wondering what else would happen to me…
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Post by LK3869 »

Still going steady :)
I'm a big fan of your scenes involving big guys playing poker and smoking cigars while ignoring the bound and gagged boy in the corner...
It's not really offensive but so unsettling and exciting, would have loved to live that ( "victim" side )...
Plus huge bigup for the visuals of characters, I'll wait a few chapters more so I see if that too good looking Luke gets some action worth a pic, maybe a combo with Steven... Taking notes and making funny little drawings in corner of papers already :P
Keep it up !
don't run ! I'm friendly ...
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Post by bondagefreak »

Loving this, as usual my friend!

Tight gagging, smelly socks, handsome guys and well-written scenes, what is there not to love?
I have to agree with [mention]LK3869[/mention], photos are great for those of us who value visual aids.

Looking forward to part 8.

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Post by squirrel »

Chapter 8 - A Friend in Misery

Sleeping hogtied turned out to be much easier than when I was tied to a chair. It was mainly because I could at least change my position to a certain degree, by rolling from side to side. Although it was strict and inescapable I had quite a pleasant night. When I woke up the next day the sun was already up and my uncle was already in the kitchen, preparing breakfast for the four of us. I was taken aback by this; I must have been sleeping really deeply if all the noise he was doing wasn’t enough to wake me up. I moaned into my gag when I saw him.

“Morning, prisoner, did you have a good night?” He asked playfully.


“Sorry, busy right now. I’ll deal with you later, kid.”

I guess mocking me and making fun of me was really amusing for my uncle. Probably he was doing the same with his real prisoners at the police station. Nonetheless, I could do nothing to make him untie me, or at least undo the hogtie, so I just stayed there, trussed up and with his two putrid socks filling my mouth. I watched him bustle around and smoke one of his cigars. A few minutes later I heard the doors open and both Luke and his father went out of their bedrooms. I grunted into my gag, but they ignored me; I thought I saw a glimpse of interest on the kid’s face, but that was probably just my imagination.

“Still keeping him tied up, Jack?” Mr. Howard said when he sat at the table.

“Yeah, I like him much more this way!”

“Can I talk to him later, Sir?” Luke asked my uncle.

That was definitely not a good sign. Since he was asking for permission to do it he must have acknowledged that my uncle was in charge here and he won’t do anything without his permission. That meant that my presumable attempts to convince him to untie my would be futile.

“What do you think, Matt?”

“Well, I guess no harm will come out of it..” Mr. Howard asked lazily, yawning.

“All right then. I’ll give both o you half an hour later.” My uncle agreed to Luke’s request.

“Thanks, Sir.”

Then, much to my surprise, all of them sat at the table and began eating. I rolled on the floor, angrily, also demanding the food and water, but the guys didn’t take any notice of me. I gave up soon and just waited for them to release me from the hogtie and feed me. It didn’t take long for them to finish their sandwiches and water; when they were done my uncle and Mr. Howard came to me and untied the ropes connecting my ankles with elbows and wrists; it was a huge relief to be able to stretch my legs again. I grunted a quiet ‘thanks’ into my gag. When my legs were untied they stood me up and marched me to the kitchen chair and sat me on it.

“I’ll take the gag out. But you can’t speak yet. You’ll eat, then I’ll untie you completely so you can use the toilet and take a shower. Then I’ll retie you to this chair and you two can talk to each other. But if you dare to speak before that, you’ll get punished. Did you understand, kid?” My uncle’s voice was firm and his eyes cold. I nodded my head.

It was really painful when the gaffer tape was being unwrapped from my face, but I remained completely silent. Now that I was with other guys there was no way I could show any weakness. The tape was gone and my uncle untied the two bandanas from my mouth. He took the socks out and put them on the table. They looked so gross…

“That’s a nasty gag, Sir…” Luke said when he saw the wet material.

“Well, the prisoners should know their place…” Uncle Jack replied.

I kept my mouth shut and didn’t utter a word. My uncle placed a plate with three sandwiches on it in front of me and sat next to me. While he was feeding me Mr. Howard and his son went to the bathrooms . I ate everything quickly and gulped two glasses of water. When the breakfast was finished I remained on the chair and my uncle took all the dishes and put them in the sink. A while later Luke and his father came back and my uncle untied me completely.

“You may go, kid.” He told me.

I left the room without replying and went to the toilet. I used it and took a shower. I brushed my teeth and went outside, knowing well that with two muscular studs there was no way I could escape. So I didn’t comply when my uncle ordered me to sit on the same chair in the kitchen and started roping me to it. First my thighs to the seat, then legs to the legs of the chair. Next my arms were bound to the bars and my wrists immobilized completely. Finally uncle Jack took some longer coils of rope and fastened my torso to the back of the chair. Mr. Howard and Luke watched in silence.

“Matt, can you help me in the basement, dude?” My uncle asked his buddy.

“Sure thing. And in the meantime the kids can chat for a while.” Mr. Howard stood up and the two of them left.

“So, what is this shit?” Luke asked when he sat on another chair.

“Nothing, I just wanted to see what it feels like to be restrained. I thought my uncle would just cuff my hands, but he moved it to much higher
level I suppose…” It was great so talk again.

“Yeah, he seems to be really rough with you, man…”

“It’s not that bad, you know… my circulation is fine and I know he wouldn’t harm me for real.”

We chatted for some more time when my uncle and Mr. Howard came back. Uncle Jack told me not to speak any more and I complied.

“I have to go to town, kid. But Matt agreed to stay and watch over you when I’m gone. So behave and let me gag you.”

I sighed, but opened my mouth. The two vile socks went into my mouth, followed by the two bandanas and then many wraps of gaffer tape around my head.

“Impressive…” Luke said.

“Before I go…” My uncle started and turned to Luke. “Do you want to try this, too, kid?”

“Try what, Sir?”

“Being tied up. We can tie you up for an hour or so. You two would have some bonding time together.” Uncle Jack laughed and so did Mr. Howard.

“Well… it does seem interesting…”

“Come on then, sit here.” My uncle offered Luke a chair and he sat on it.

Luke’s father helped to tie his son up. He crossed Luke’s arms behind the back of the chair and roped them neatly. Then, he tied his son’s arms to the bars and his torso to the chair, making him totally helpless. Meanwhile, my uncle dealt with his legs; he forced them together and roped them tightly, leaving no slack between them. Finally he bent his legs and Mr. Howard connected his tied ankles with his wrists, hogtying Luke in the sitting position.

“Wow, you guys really tied me up good…” Luke stated when he tried to free himself.

“No problem, kid.” My uncle replied.

Without warning Mr. Howard forced some material into his son’s mouth, gagging him. He took his time pushing it in, and by the time he was done, Luke was silenced. My uncle took another bandana and cleave gagged their new victim. Then came the gaffer tape and in a matter of seconds, Luke’s lower face was completely covered in the sticky tape.

“Mmpphhhh” His grunts were barely audible.

“Now that none of them will cause you any trouble, I can leave.” My uncle said with a huge smile on his face and left.

“How does it feel, son?” Mr. Howard asked while lighting up a cigar. Luke just shrugged his shoulders.

Mr. Howard didn’t say anything else. He simply went to the living room and sat on the couch with a newspaper in his hands. He started reading, sucking on his stogie from time to time. I smiled under my gag; seeing Luke tied up was quite fascinating. The dude was really handsome and the ropes looked very good on him. I squirmed and struggled a bit, just to encourage him to do the same. He did and after a short while his face was all covered in sweat.

“Mmmphhh!” Luke tried to say when his time was up. He definitely wanted to be untied.

“Not a chance, son. It’s probably not what you expected, but I’m going to keep you like this for the rest of the day. I love the peace and quiet, and with you all bound and gagged it’s much easier to relax. Plus, being restrained is about not being able to escape… Oh, and I hope you like the taste of my socks.” Mr. Howard replied without even looking at his son.

“MMPPHHHH!!!” Luke was furious.

He struggled like mad but got nowhere. I can’t say I blamed him; it was like a treason to him, probably. But I couldn’t help and was really glad that I would have a companion to share my predicament with. At least for a few hours…

It was already dark when my uncle returned. He and Mr. Howard started cooking dinner and Luke was trying to shout and yell almost all the time. The dude had much strength; he must have been tired as hell, yet didn’t stop fighting.

“Relax, son, I’ll untie you before we leave…” Mr. Howard said irritated.
When the dinner was ready the guys told us to be perfectly quiet. If either of us would talk, both will get punished. That was tempting… I definitely wanted to see Luke in more trouble, but I suppressed the nasty feeling and didn’t utter a word when my uncle was feeding me.

After dinner I was gagged again with my uncle’s socks, the bandanas and the tape. Luke, on the other hand, was untied and set free. He stretched his body when he finally got up.

“How did you like it, son?” His father asked.

“It wasn’t the worst, dad…”

“Sorry for keeping you tied for that long, but when you are tied up, it’s not up to you when you get untied.” His father apologized and hugged his son.

“It’s fine, dad. I should have predicted that.” Luke smiled

Soon he and Mr. Howard went home and I was alone with my uncle again. It was getting late, so he untied my from the chair and marched me upstairs, to my room.

“Sit on the bed, kid.” He ordered when we came in.

“mmphh….” I tried to ask him to untie me.

“If you won’t do as I say you’ll spend another night hogtied. Your call.”

I sighed and sat on the bed. He tied my left ankle to the bed, then did the same with the other ankle. He did a nice job and I couldn’t move my legs much. He pushed me on my back and sat on my waist. With a smile on his face he untied my hands and grabbed one of them. With very little effort he stretched it and forced my wrist close to the bedpost. He tied my hand to it. Then he did the same with my other arm. I was spread eagled on my own bed.

“Guess this will be much more comfortable.” Uncle Jack said when he got up, all sweaty.

“Mmmpphhh..” I nodded my head and smiled under my gag.

“See you tomorrow, prisoner!”

He closed the door behind him and I was alone. Having nothing else to do I dozed off.

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Post by squirrel »

Chapter 9 - Something New

Spending the night on my own bed was definitely something better than sleeping on the floor or on the chair. And although I was still tied up and gagged with my own uncle’s sweaty socks I couldn’t help but feel grateful. I guess I was getting uses to being trussed up and sleeping while restrained wasn’t that big deal for me. Of course, there was also the fact, that I liked my predicament, maybe even too much. So when I woke up the next morning it was already a bright daylight; I just lay on the bed, enjoying the feeling. By the time my uncle entered the room it was already eleven o’clock.

“Slept well?” He asked me while sucking on his big cigar.

I nodded; trying to speak was pointless anyway.

“Glad to hear that, prisoner.”

Without saying anything else, my uncle got on me and sat on my abdomen with his legs alongside my sides. I looked at him questioningly and mumbled something behind my gag; he just laughed and told me to stay still. I did and watched him puff on his stogie for some time before clenching it between his teeth. Now he had his hands free and didn’t hesitate to use them; without a warning he started tickling my exposed armpits. The moment his fingers touched my skin I jolted as much as my bonds allowed. I was extremely ticklish and this was a real torture for me. Due to the gag it was even hard to breathe properly, but, fortunately, my uncle stopped after only a minute.

“Still as ticklish as ever, huh, kid?” He asked taking a drag.

I just lay there, panting and regaining my strength. Uncle Jack untied the ropes from the bedposts and sat me on the bed. He gave me a few more seconds then unwrapped the tape from my mouth. He untied the bandanas holding his putrid socks inside my mouth and, after warning me to remain silent, allowed me to spit the groggy wad out.

“The same drill as usual, kid. Bathroom, breakfast, restraints.” He said sternly.

I knew there was no way to talk my way out of it; since my uncle has decided to keep me his prisoner the only way to avoid it was escaping. And that was definitely not an option, so I grabbed some fresh clothes and headed to the bathroom. There I used the toilet, which I needed badly after the tickling and took a long shower. I got dressed in a fresh T-shirt and a pair of shorts and went to the kitchen.

Uncle Jack was already sitting at the table and the meal was ready. He told me to eat, which I eagerly did. Although I liked bondage it was nice to get rid of the cruel gag for some time and chew on something else, than guy’s socks. I engulfed the breakfast in no time; I must have been much more hungry than I thought. My uncle gave me a glass of orange juice to drink.

“Ok, kid. Let’s truss you up a little.” My uncle said getting up. He lit another cigar.

I tried to plea with my uncle not to tie me up for a while, but one look of his cold eyes was enough to make me stand up. He grabbed me by my arm and walked me to the living room, where he had ropes ready. He worked in silence; first my wrists were crossed behind my back and roped up really neatly and tightly. Then my elbows: forced together and tied up. Next came ropes around my torso, binding my already tied arms to my back and immobilizing them. By the time uncle Jack was done with his work I was totally helpless.

“I must say I like tying you up, Steven.” Said my uncle when he finished tying my upper body and came in front of me. “It‘s much easier to keep an eye on you and keep you out of trouble this way. Plus, judging by your little soldier down there, you like this shit too, so it’s kind of win-win situation here.”

I hoped he wouldn’t notice, but I did have a bulge in my shorts. But that could have been expected: after all, I was a teenager and was as horny as probably every other guy at my age. But being tied up in front of my own uncle with my crotch visible was something I couldn’t even describe. I felt humiliated as hell. Luckily, my uncle turned this into a joke.

“Nothing to be ashamed of, Steven. It’s natural. Now, enough of this sweet talk, lad, time to shut your mouth for good.” He said and put his cigar between his teeth.

He went behind me and wrapped his left arm around my torso, pining me to his body. With his right hand he took some material from the pocket of his jeans; the damned socks again. Reluctantly, I opened my mouth, allowing my uncle to stuff my mouth again. But when the material touched my tongue I knew something was different; the wad was moist and tasted sweaty and salty, but that wasn’t a sock. I grunted angrily, but my uncle ignored my and kept pushing the huge wad into my protesting mouth. It took him over two minutes to deal with the gagging, but when he was done I was screwed up; the material was filling my entire mouth and spitting it out was almost impossible without help.

“That’s a nice gag, kid.” Uncle Jack laughed at me when saw my attempts to get rid of it. He took some deeper drags on the stogie and carried on. “Nice it may be, but it still needs to be finished.”

I watched him take the large bandana from his back pocket and fold it neatly. When he was done, he pushed the bandana between my teeth, forcing the gag even deeper. He tied the bandana securely behind my head, making sure the gag would stay inside my mouth.

“That should do it, kid.” He patted my cheek. “By the way, do you know what you’re gagged with?”

I looked him in the eye and shook my head no.

“My boxers. They need a nice washing up, and since you did a great job with the socks I thought I could use you some more.”

“Mmpphh!!!” I yelled in horror, but only fake grunts came out.

“Don’t worry, kid. I haven’t done anything… gross… to them. They are just drenched with my sweat, but that won’t be a problem for you.”

I started to struggle violently.

“If you don’t stop, I’ll hogtie you and throw you into a closet, kid!” He warned me and I settled down.

“Good boy. You are free to walk all over the house. If I spot you trying anything funny, you’ll regret this. Understood?” Again, I nodded my head.

Without further ado he went to the couch and lay on it. After a few moments he dozed off. I was stuck; being partially free was strange. I had a freedom to walk, but not to do anything else. It was only before one o’clock and the day was really nice. I decided I’ll risk it and opened the front door. After spending so much time indoor I wanted to breathe some fresh air. I went outside, on the porch and sat on one the wooden bench. It was wonderful: cloudless sky, fresh air, magnificent, green trees all around. One could ask no more.

I didn’t know how much time I spent there, but when I came back to the house my uncle was up and reading a book on the couch. I grunted and mumbled into my gag. He just chuckled and ignored me. I decided to turn the TV on and watch it for some time. But before I could do anything I heard a car from outside; someone was parking at our porch.

It didn’t take long before my own father entered the cabin. I was so embarrassed and humiliated. There I was, all bound and gagged with his own brother’s sweaty boxers. Totally helpless and unable to even speak for myself. I expected him to be furious, but when he saw me he just roared with laughter. My weak grunting made him laugh even more...
My father.jpg
“Holy shit, Jack, what the fuck is that?!” My dad pointed at me and shook his brother’s hand.

“Steven wanted to see what it feels like to be restrained, that’s all.”

“For how long has he been tied up now?”

“Only a few days, bro.”

“DAYS!! Fuck, son, you must really love it. Anyway, I need to take the suitcases inside. Give me a hand, dude.”

My father and uncle went outside and brought the cases to my dad’s bedroom. I was just standing there, not able to do much else. When they were done my dad grabbed a beer from the fridge and sat at the table; he and uncle Jack were soon absorbed in a conversation, leaving me alone. I just sat next to my dad and listened to them. They behaved as if having a tied up teenager around was completely normal…

“Jack, can you leave us alone for a moment? I need to have a word with the kid.” My father said after about half an hour; I gulped.

“No problem, bro. Just gag him when you’re done.” My uncle said and went outside. I could see him though the window.

My dad untied the two bandanas and took the material from my mouth.

“Jack doesn’t go easy on you, huh?” He more stated than asked.

“I guess not…”

“So…” My father started and lit up a cigar. “You finally persuaded someone to tie you up. How do you like it, son?”

“It’s not bad, dad. I quite enjoy it, although I guess I’ve been tied up for long enough already..”

“You think so, kid? You know it’s not for you to decide.”

“What? Oh come on, dad! I’ve been tied up since we came here…” I didn’t like where this conversation was going…

“Too bad, son. You wanted it and you asked uncle Jack to do it. He’s the one to decide in this matter.”

“But dammppphh!!”

I didn’t manage to finish the sentence as my dad suddenly started jamming the boxers inside my mouth. I fought as much as I could, but I was condemned to lose. After several minutes mu uncle’s sweaty boxers were stuffed inside my mouth and the bandana was back in place, holding the gag in.

“I must admit that it does have merits to keep you like this, son. So quiet…” He teased me.

I was left alone again. My dad went outside and sat with his brother. They were sucking stogies, drinking beer, talking and laughing. I decided to go outside as well and join them. They seemed to be surprised when they saw me, but let me join them. We spent several hours like this.

“Guess it’s time to eat something, don’t you think, Frank?” My uncle asked when it was getting a little dark.

“Hell yeah, I’m starving!”

We went inside and, to my surprise, my father tackled me to the floor.

“Give me some rope, Jack.”

I squirmed but my dad held me firmly. My uncle brought him the rope and I felt them tie my legs together. My dad was tying my ankles, calves, knees and thighs together. Then he bent my legs and sat on my shins, pinning my heels into my butt. I groaned, but he was merciless; he hogtied me really tightly and uncomfortably.

“There you go, son. Since you like this shit so much, get some real roping!” He sucked on his stogie. “Oh, and no dinner for you today.”

I was furious. What the hell was going on?!

“Aren’t you too strict, bro? Prisoners do need to eat, you know…” My uncle asked with a smile on his face.

“It’s just one meal, plus the kid deserves a punishment.”

“For what?”

“For talking when the gag was out.” My dad replied and my uncle was stunned with the brilliance of the idea.

“Fuck, you are right… I forgot to give the prisoner permission to speak… Bro, you’re genius!”

They both laughed at my predicament and there was nothing I could do about it. I could only lay there and squirm a little. Which I did, but got tires soon. I was now watching the two masculine hunks prepare the meal and eat. I was hungry, too, but it seemed I wouldn’t be able to grab a bite that night. It was strange, but I realized I sort of liked my father’s brutality….

“We’re off, kid.” My dad said standing over me. “I’ve been driving a lot today and I need a rest. If you’re a good boy over the night you’ll get food and water tomorrow. See you, son.”

They both left, leaving me on the floor… Fuck, I was SCREWED…
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Post by squirrel »

Chapter 10 - A little Work

It wasn’t easy to sleep trussed up in a really strict hogtie. My arms and legs were numb and raw. My mouth was parched dry. I tried to struggle, to wiggle something from the bonds, but my father and uncle did a great job, and all my efforts to free myself were futile. I could only lay there on the hard floor, chewing on uncle Jack’s sweaty boxers and roll from side to side. When I woke up in the morning I was sore and I desperately wanted to be untied, but I knew perfectly well that won’t happen until my folks decide otherwise.

I tried to think of a good way to escape, but there was none; no slack in the ropes, no sharp objects around to use to cut the rope. I sighed and rested; I could only wait for my dad and uncle to wake up and untie me, even if it would be for a short time. I didn’t have much to time to think, though; soon I could hear the doors open and my uncle and father came into the living room.

“Mmmphhh!!” I tried to plea with them, indicating that I want to be untied.

“Quiet, kid!” My dad said and sat at the table.

I was angry with him, I was really tired and hungry. I also needed to go to the toilet.. badly. But neither my dad, not my uncle seemed to worry about that. My uncle started making breakfast, and my father went to take a quick shower. When he was done, they switched places: uncle went to the bathroom and dad finished preparing food. But even then, they didn’t let me go; they ate and talked for a while, and I was moaning and grunting angrily into my gag, totally disgruntled.

“I think he’s learnt his lesson, bro, don’t you think?” My father asked.

“Yeah, let’s hope next time he’ll be more obedient.”

They both laughed at my predicament, but after a few more minutes came closer to me and started undoing the ropes. It was such a relief when the hogtie was gone and I could finally stretch my legs. It took the guys some time to completely untie me and stand me up. After being hogtied for so long I had some difficulties to stand, but with my father’s little help I managed somehow and my uncle unwrapped the tape from my mouth; it hurt like hell, but I remained silent, as usual.

“You have half an hour to use the toilet, take a shower and change.” My uncle said.

I knew there was no point in arguing, so I went to my room, grabbed some fresh clothes headed to the bathroom. Firs I used the toilet, then took a warm, nice shower. After struggling all night and producing lots of sweat I felt wonderful. I brushed my teeth, trying to get rid of the taste my uncle’s putrid boxers.

When I was done I sighed and opened the door. I expected to be grabbed and tied up again, but nothing like that happened. I was a little taken aback, but didn’t dare to speak.

“Come here, prisoner!” My uncle called me from the kitchenette.

I went there and sat at the table, next to my dad. He and uncle Jack were wearing shorts and cleats, but were shirtless; it was really hot that day. My uncle gave me a plate with sandwiches on it and sat on the other side of the table. My folks lit their cigars and talked to each other, while I was gobbling down the breakfast; I was really hungry, so I ate everything in no time.

“Drink it, kid.” My dad gave a glass filled with water.

I nodded and did as he told me. The cold water was amazing, I had never realized how good it could be.

“Listen carefully, son.” My dad started. “We’ve got some work to do in the shed today. And you’re gonna help us with it. You won’t be restrained in any manner, but if you try to do anything stupid or say a word you’ll get punished. Severely. And I guess we’ve already proven to you that we won’t hesitate to do it.”

I nodded that I understood. I was happy to be free for at least some time, although I still would be their prisoner. Probably one can restrain a guy without using ropes or cuffs; authority, or a threat to be punished can be enough.

“Good. Let’s go, guys.”

My dad and uncle took their stogies and we all left the house. On the way to the shed I removed my shirt; it was really hot and the sky was cloudless, so I thought it would be nice to get at least some tan.

The shed was a big one and it was divided into two parts. In the first one there were tools, shovels, wheelbarrows, some old pieces of junk and lumber. It was a huge mess, since we were storing everything in there; all the stuff we didn’t need at home any more ended here. The second part was empty at the moment; we usually stored wood for the fireplace there. Since it was empty we could use the space while tidying the garbage stored in the first part.

“Fuck, bro, what the hell are we going to do with all that stuff?” My uncle asked

“I’ll get the car. We can throw all the useless shit into the trunk and to the back seat and I’ll take it to town later.” My dad replied after some thinking.

“Well… I guess we won’t hit on any better idea so let’s get to work.”

The shed was dusty and muggy. After only a few minutes inside we were all sweating like crazy. We were working slowly and carefully; the guys talked to each other and I had to remain silent. When they decided to throw away something they gave it to me and I carried it to the car. Of course, with some bigger stuff like old dishwasher I needed help. It took us several hours to deal with the mess, but eventually we were done; gardening tools in one place, other tools like hammers, screwdrivers, saws in the other. We got rid of most bigger junk.

“That was tough, man” My dad said, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

“Yeah, we’ve done some nice work here, guys.” Uncle Jack said and we all turned around to go back to the cottage.

We were heading home to cook dinner when we saw a car approaching; it was Mr. Howard and his son, Luke. We waited for them to arrive at our porch and get out of the vehicle.

“How are you guys doing?” Mr. Howard asked and shook hands with us.

“Just finished tidying the shed, tomorrow I’ll go to the town to get rid of the garbage. Should you need anything, just ask.” My dad said.

“Thanks, man, I appreciate that.”

I wanted to say hi to Luke, but when I was about to open my mouth my father clamped his huge palm over my mouth and squeezed it a little. I knew there was no way I could run away, so I just stood there, shirtless, smelling my own father’s sweaty hand. My dad pressed my head against his chest to prevent me from moving around too much.

“Is Steven still your prisoner, Sir?” Luke asked.

“You bet, kid!” My dad replied and I moaned; they all laughed at that.

“Will you guys stay for dinner?” I heard my uncle speak.

“Actually we brought pizzas with us, we can eat while having a little poker game, what do you say?” Mr. Howard replied.

“Awesome! I don’t feel like cooking anyway…”

Luke brought the pizzas from their car and put the boxes on the table on the porch. It was really nice outside so the guys decided to eat there. I was surprised my father was still hand gagging me when they started eating.

“Calm down, you’ll get some, too. You’ve earned it today, kid.” He said when I moaned.

My dad removed his hand allowing me to eat the pizzas with the others. It didn’t take long for us to deal with them; they were really good and me and my folks were quite hungry after working in that damned shed. After we had finished eating my dad hand gagged me again.

“Bring the ropes, bro, and we’ll tie the kid up.” He said.

“You care to join, Luke?” My uncle asked when he got up.

“He does.” Mr. Howard said on behalf of his son.

I was surprised that Luke didn’t argue with that, but after a while I had something else to think about. My uncle forced my arms behind my back and started tying my wrists. As always, the bonds were neat and tight; I moaned in my father’s hand, resigned. Next they bound my elbows together and fastened my arms to my torso; I wasn’t going anywhere. My dad removed his hand from my mouth and my uncle thrust his boxers into my mouth. Again. He made sure my mouth was stuffed and cleave gagged me with one of the bandanas. Then came the gaffer tape and I was stuck for good.

“We’ll leave your legs untied, kid.” My uncle said.

“Your turn, boy!” Mr. Howard said, turning to his son.

Luke obeyed and stood up. His dad moved the kid’s arms behind his back and tied them up. Next he bound his son’s elbows and, with my father’s help, roped Luke’s arms to his torso. Mr. Howard stuffed the boy’s mouth with something and my uncle cleave gagged him with one of the bandanas. Then they gaffer taped his mouth shut.

“Get the stuff, guys, I’ll take care of the brats here.” My dad said.

Uncle Jack and Mr. Howard went inside and my dad helped me and Luke sit down on the wooden chairs. He placed us near each other, so our bound arms touched. It was nice of him to let us stay with them and watch the game.

“There you go, guys. Cards, beer, cigars. What can a guy want more?” My uncle said.

The opened their bottles and lit their cigars. The game went on for a few hours. My dad lost a couple of bucks and was definitely unhappy with that. My uncle teased him a little, but he also ended up losing to Mr. Howard. All in all the guys had a great time; they were totally focused on the game and conversations, ignoring the fact that they had two teenage boys bound and gagged with them. I can’t say it bothered me…

“Time to go, kid.” Mr. Howard said and stood his son.

I was surprised to see that he didn’t untie him, but helped him get into the car. He was going to drive home with his bound son on the back seat. I didn’t know what to think of it; it was already dark and there was little chance for someone to see them. But still, if they were caught Mr. Howard could be in serious trouble.

“Don’t worry, no one will see us.” Said Mr. Howard, as if reading my mind. “It’s not that far, and the kid seems to like this shit…”

When they drove away my dad stood me up and marched me to the toilet. He asked me if I need to use it and when I nodded yes, he unzipped my jeans and let me piss. When I was done he dressed me again, zipped the jeans and walked me upstairs, to my bedroom.

“Can’t have you walk around the house, kid, so I’m gonna tie you up for the night.” He said and pushed me on my bed.

He tied my ankles and calves together. Tightly but not uncomfortably.

“If you try anything stupid, son, I won’t hesitate to hogtie you for the night, so just lie still and get some sleep.”

I nodded and he left, leaving me alone, with a huge boner in my boxers…

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Post by bondagefreak »

Fantastic, as always my friend.
I wanted to say hi to Luke, but when I was about to open my mouth my father clamped his huge palm over my mouth and squeezed it a little. I knew there was no way I could run away, so I just stood there, shirtless, smelling my own father’s sweaty hand. My dad pressed my head against his chest to prevent me from moving around too much.
Mmm...I forgot how absolutely perfect that scene was.
Feels good to read it over again. Definitely enjoyable 8-)

Tight ropes, boxer gags, strict captors, handgags...what's not to like?

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Post by Harlequinn »

I agree with bondagefreak!!!
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Harlequinn wrote: 6 years ago I agree with bondagefreak!!!
Nice to see you commenting, my friend!
You've been quiet so far ;)

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Post by squirrel »

Chapter 11 - Something Different

I was alone in my room, again tied up and gagged, but at least this time I wasn’t bound in any uncomfortable way; my dad decided to rope my legs and arms to prevent me from moving around too much, but didn’t hogtie me. I was really grateful for that: after all that physical work and being tied up for several days now, I was exhausted and didn’t want any more restraints than necessary. Of course, my father didn’t even think of undoing my gag, so I was forced to taste my uncle’s sweaty boxers all night long. I must say it didn’t bother me at that moment, which could easily be proved by a huge bulge in my pants. But I was really tired that evening so after a few minutes of weak struggling I fell asleep.

I woke up next morning only to find out that I was still in my bonds. The sun was already high and it was going to be a hot day. I moaned into my thick gag and tried to remove it, but the bandanas and sticky duct tape kept the damn boxers in my mouth, until my dad or uncle decided otherwise. I had no choice but to wait for either of them to come and untie me, or at least remove the gag so I can eat and drink some water; I was already hungry and thirsty.
I knew well that struggling and wiggling will fail, so it was best for me to just lie there on my bed and wait.

Some time later I heard the door open and uncle Jack entered the room. Since it was really hot he was shirtless and wearing only his shorts. He sat on my bed and watched me for a few moments. I looked back at him, not knowing what he was up to. But I didn’t want to spend the whole day bound and gagged so I grunted and moaned, indicating that I want to be set free. To my great surprise, he started untying my legs, then my arms and finally took the unwrapped the tape from my mouth, allowing me to spit his boxers out.

“You have permission to talk, prisoner.” He said and lit up a cigar.

That surprised me even more; from the moment he tied me up and gagged me a few days ago, my uncle has been treating me like I was his hostage or something, and now this? I couldn’t help but think that was some kind of a trap and that this whole situation was a little suspicious.

“I am serious, kid, you can talk until I decide otherwise. But if you don’t want to I can just retie and re-gag you.” He said, this time much more sternly.

“No, uncle Jack, I am fine.” I replied, my voice a little croaky.

“I thought so… Now go to the bathroom, after the night you probably need to use it.”

“Yeah, thanks, uncle!”

I got up from the bed, still a little sore from being in one position for several hours, but happy that I was no longer tied up. I grabbed some clothes and went to the bathroom, did my business and took a long, relaxing shower; I could finally get rid of all the sweat from yesterday. Then I got dressed in some fresh clothes and threw the dirty ones into the bin. It was already full and in a day or two we needed to do the laundry.

When I stepped into the corridor, there was another surprise; I expected to be grabbed, tackled to the floor, tied up and gagged again, but nothing like this happened. Everything seemed normal. Still very leery I went to the kitchenette, where my dad was preparing dinner. He looked at me and invited me to sit on the chair; he put a plate with beacon and scrambled eggs on.

“All right guys, what’s going on??” I asked after I had finished the breakfast and gulped two glasses of water.

“What do you mean?” My dad said innocently and smiled; now I was sure something was going on…

“For instance: why am I not tied up anymore?”

“Do you want to be? If so, I can easily arrange that….”

“That’s not what I meant and you know it, dad!” This conversation was getting really irritating…

“Then why are you complaining? ”

I gave up. I was one hundred percent sure my father and uncle had something in their mind and I was a little worried about it. But on the other hand it was great to have my freedom back, so after a few minutes I calmed down and decided to enjoy it as much as I could. I did the washing up and went outside to read a book on the porch. The sun was strong and I had to sit in the shade, but nevertheless I was glad to spend some time out in the open.

An hour or so later my folks joined me and sat on the wooden chairs me and Luke were tied on last night.

“Come on, kid, we’re leaving.” My uncle said to me, still smoking his huge stogie.

“Leaving? Where?” I asked in a suspicious tone.

“Matt needs some help, that’s all. He wants us to help him deal with the wood to the fireplace. We think that the more people the better, so pick up your ass and take some clothes for tomorrow, we’ll be spending the night at Matt’s.” My dad said, ruffling my hair playfully.

I sighed and went to my room to take a pair of fresh underwear, socks, T-shirt and my baseball cap with me. I stuffed the clothes into my back pack, placed the cap on my head and went outside. My uncle was already in the car; me and my father closed the door and joined him. Uncle Jack started the engine and we left.

Mr. Howard’s house wasn’t far from ours, so after half an hour we were at his place. We got off the car and I looked around; near the house there was a large shed and on the grass there were many, many logs of wood. Really large ones. It was clear that we’d have to cut it into smaller pieces and then chop it before storing it inside the shed. Another day filled with hard, physical work..

“Hi there, guys, glad you could come!” Mr. Howard came to greet us.

He and his son, Luke were wearing jeans with brown belts and heavy boots. Both were shirtless and I couldn’t help but notice how their torsos were glistening with sweat. The sight made my little soldier grow a little in my pants.

“Fuck, dude, why did you order so much lumber?!” My father was amazed by the amount of wood.

“Last time it wasn’t even enough for the winter, so I decided to order more this year. Probably I overdid…” Mr. Howard replied, a little embarrassed.

“We can handle it. Come on, boys, get to work!” My dad stated.

Soon all of us were shirtless and working on the wood. Mr. Howard, my father and uncle were cutting the logs with chainsaws and me and Luke were chopping the pieces. After the chopping we were carried the timber into the shed. The job was really demanding and by the time we were done it was getting dark. We were all sweaty as hell and panting heavily. But I was also proud of us to be able to deal with all that wood in just one day.

“Thanks, guys, it would have taken us three or four days if we had to do it by ourselves.” Mr. Howard said and shook our hands. I realized that his sweaty palm was very nice in touch…

“Yeah, thank you very much.” Luke added and also shook our hands.

“Come inside, take a shower and we’ll eat something, I am starving!” Mr. Howard added and we went inside.

The house was very nice; a huge living room with two sofas and four comfortable chairs around a big table. Kitchen was in a separate room. On the first floor there were also two bedrooms, one bathroom and a toilet; very practical to separate the toilet from an actual bathroom. On the second floor, there were three more bedrooms, one toilet and some rooms used as a storage room.

“I’m gonna order some food guys, you go and take a shower.” Mr. Howard told us and we all did as suggested.

Two hours later we were sitting at the table in the living room and in front of us there were lying empty boxes. Me and my dad had Chinese food, my uncle got a nice hamburger with fries and Luke and his father enjoyed pasta with some spicy sauce. We were chatting and generally having a great time together.

“Man, I am exhausted!” My uncle said and got up. “You mind if I go to bed, guys?”

“Nah, we all should do the same.” My dad replied.

I went to my bedroom and changed. Well, actually I just took off all my clothes and only left my fresh boxers on. It was a warm night and sleeping without clothes on was a good idea. I lay on the bed and waited; I guess I expected my dad or uncle enter my room and tie me up for the night, but nothing like that happened. Anyway, I was too tired to analyze the situation and after a few moments I dozed off….

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Post by bondagefreak »

A moment of respite and some hard work accomplished.
Will it last?
I don't think so ;)

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Post by Harlequinn »

Can’t wait to see what comes next! Loving dad now he’s in the story!
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Post by squirrel »

Chapter 12 - Preparations

I woke up at half past eight. I looked outside the window and saw that it wasn’t going to be a sunny day. There were dark clouds all over the sky and it seemed to be much cooler than yesterday. It didn’t bother me too much; actually I was kind of glad that after so many hot days it was finally going to be a little more bearable. I yawned and did a little stretching; my muscles were still a little sore after all the physical work I did yesterday. After several minutes of exercising I put on a green T-shirt, black jeans and went to the kitchen.

Mr. Howard was already up and sitting at the table, drinking coffee and reading newspaper. He was wearing only his boxers, exposing his six pack and wide chest muscles.

“Hey, kid. I didn’t expect you to wake up this early.” He said when he saw me on the stairs.

“Yeah, I thought after the yesterdays’ work out I’d be sleeping until midday..” I smiled at him and couldn’t help but admire how well built he was.

“Well, yeah, thanks again for your help, kid. You want something to drink?”

“Beer should be cool, thanks.” I replied and smiled at him.

“Not until you turn 21, Steven.” Mr. Howard smiled back at me. “But I can offer you some orange juice if you want.”

“That would be fine, thanks, Sir.”

Mr. Howard got the juice from one of the drawers in the kitchen and poured me a glass. I gulped it all down in no time; I guess I must have been really thirsty. Then he brought me breakfast; sandwiches with ham and cheese. To be honest I am not a huge fan of cheese, but, being a guest, I ate everything and didn’t say a word of complaint.

“If you want you can use the bathroom, take a bath or a shower; everybody else is fast asleep, so you can take as much time as you want.”

“Yeah, that would be great, Mr. Howard!” I replied enthusiastically.

“No problem, lad. You’ll find some fresh towels on the shelf, next to the shower cubicle.

I thanked him again and headed to the toilet first. I did mu business and then went to the bathroom. It was quite big; there was enough room for both shower and a bath, although I have no idea why would someone want to put both of them in one bathroom. But it wasn’t my place and I guess that was up to Mr. Howard how to arrange his own house; if he wanted he could place even a fireplace next to the bath.

Nevertheless I decided to a nice bath. I filled it with hot water, took everything off and got into the bath. Next to it there was a small shelf with sport magazines on it. I took one and began reading; it was all about baseball and basketball and, since I like both, I took my time and read everything I found interesting. When I was done I realized that the water had become much colder; I washed myself and got out. I dried myself with one of the towels and got dressed again. Unfortunately I didn’t have my toothbrush with me, so I couldn’t brush my teeth. But there was a mouthwash on the sink and I decided to at least flush my mouth with it.

When I opened the door and stepped into the corridor I was grabbed from behind and hand gagged. But this time it wasn’t just a hand gag; I realized that the guy had a black, thin leather gloves on his hand. I tried to struggle a little, but the guy’s grip on my jaw was tight and all my efforts to escape or at least loosen the grip were futile. While I was struggling My father and uncle Jack came in front of me. Now that I calmed down a little a noticed that all of the guys, including the one gagging me, were wearing full khaki uniforms with belts on their waists, military boots and had similar leather gloves on. Plus all of them had lit cigars clenched between their teeth.

“You’ve been unrestrained enough, prisoner!” My uncle said and grinned.

“Yeah, time to rope you up for something special! But first, we’re gonna put this on you.” My father added showing me a military uniform he had in his hands.

“MMPPHH!!!” I tried to yell, but Mr. Howard was doing a great job silencing me.

“Told you he’d fight, it’s so much more fun when they resist…” My uncle said and all of them began working on me.

To prevent me from shouting Mr. Howard kept hand gagging me, but he moved a little to my side and grabbed my head in a vice like grip, one hand pressed firmly against my mouth and the other one at the back of my head. Uncle Jack moved behind me and, with my father’s help, they forced my arms behind my back, where they were grabbed and held firmly together by my uncle.

“If you know what’s good for you, stay still son, and let your father do the job.” My dad said and started to unbutton my jeans.

Of course I tried to fight, but being held by two masculine hunks it’s not easy. When my dad removed my trousers my huge boner was clearly visible, making a huge tent in my boxers.

“You may pretend you don’t want this to happen, but you little soldier here says otherwise, lad!” My dad commented and all of them laughed.

I was so humiliated and furious. But fighting was pointless and I had to endure whatever they had in store for me. My father put the military pants on my and buttoned it. Then he went to one of the armchairs, where he got another pair of military boots. He put them on my feet and laced them up.

“Now the difficult part, guys.”


“Shut up, kid!”

My father took the military jacket and my uncle released my left hand. My dad forced my arm through the sleeve; when it was through my uncle grabbed that hand and released the second one. My father moved it through the second sleeve and started to button it on my chest. In the meantime my uncle took hold of my arms again and kept them firmly behind my back. When my dad was done putting the uniform on me he took one more military belt and buckled it around my waist. Throughout all the process Mr. Howard was effectively silencing me with his glove gag.

“Nice job, guys!” My dad commented when he was done. Then he turned to me: “You look good in uniform, son, you should wear one more often.” He ruffled my hair.

“Anyway, let’s rope him up for good!” Mr. Howard said.

“You don’t have to tell me this twice, dude!” My dad replied and brought a duffel bag from the living room.

He opened it and I saw coils of rope, rolls of duct tape and some other materials I didn’t recognize. My dad took one coil and went behind my back. Soon I felt him wrap the rope over my crossed wrists, much tighter than necessary. I grunted into Mr. Howard’s hand but was ignored completely. My dad circled the rope around my wrists horizontally, vertically and diagonally, making it tight as hell and cinching the knot far beyond my reach. Next he took a really long piece of rope and started on my right upper arm. He wrapped the rope around my torso, around my shoulders, under my armpits and by the time he was done I realized he made a great rope harness, immobilizing my upper arms to my torso. Having done that he created another harness over my forearms and wrists, pinning them to my back. As a last touch he made a strict crotch rope and made sure that whenever I try to move my wrists my dick would feel it.

“MMMPPPHPP!!!!” I tried to yell, totally taken aback and frustrated by what my father did.

“Shut the fuck up!” My uncle yelled at me. He was being a ruthless, merciless, strict cop again.

“Get his legs, Dave.” Mr. Howard said and my dad nodded and got to work.

First he bound my ankles together, then calves and thighs. He made sure the ropes are extra tight and inescapable. Next he took some more rope and bound my feet together. I was trussed up for real.

“Now for the best part, son!” My dad said and took some material from the pocket on his military pants. “You’ve already tasted Jack’s boxers, now it’s time to taste mine. Open wide, son!”

I tried to prevent that happening, but I had no chance against the three of them. When Mr. Howard released the grip on my jaw my father forced his boxers into my mouth; they were slimy and sweaty. I coughed a lot on the terrible taste and stench, but my dad just laughed at me and kept pushing the boxers inside my mouth. When it was all inside, my uncle cleave gagged me with one of his bandanas. Then came another one and I was silenced completely.

“Add one more Jack, we need him really quiet.” My dad told his brother.

“My pleasure!”

My uncle pushed another bandana between my teeth and tied it at the back of my head. My dad took a roll of gaffer tape and started wrapping my already well silenced mouth. He made more than twenty circles over my mouth and by the time he was done my lower jaw was all covered by sticky, grey tape.

“mmpphhhh…” My attempts to speak were really miserable; the gag was flawless.

What the guys did next was another surprise to me; they grabbed their mobiles and started taking photos of me. This irritated me even more; and the more angry I was, the more photos the guys took. By the time they were done they did like hundreds of them; me alone, with my dad, with my uncle, with Mr. Howard. To humiliate me more they forced me on the floor and took the photos with my uncle and dad with their military boots on my chest, as if I was their prisoner of war or something…

“OK, guys, time to leave.” My uncle said after several minutes of teasing and mocking me.

He rolled me on my stomach and bent my bound legs. He sat on them, forcing my heels as close to my butt as possible. I groaned in pain. Mr. Howard took yet another coil of rope and soon I was lying in a particularly tight hogtie. I was panting heavily; this was definitely much more than I expected when I told my folks that I liked being restrained.

“Come on guys, let’s get him to the car.” Mr. Howard said when he cinched the final knot on my hogtie.

My dad took me by my legs and Mr. Howard by my arms. They dragged me outside to the car and, to my great surprise put me into the trunk of Mr. Howard’s car. Even more strange was the fact that in the trunk there was Luke, also in military outfit, completely bound and gagged. Before the hunks laid me in the trunk I had spotted a huge wet spot at Luke’s crotch; the guy must really be into this stuff.

“Try to get comfortable boys!” My dad said and placed us chest to chest, with our gagged mouths almost touching. I could feel Luke’s breath on my face.

I turned my head a little to the guys and saw they were lightning up fresh stogies.

“See you in an hour or so, boys!” My dad said and closed the trunk…

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Post by bondagefreak »

Is everyone sleeping?! Almost 2000 views, yet so few comments.
I wish the readers on here were a little (make that A LOT) more proactive when it came to rating and commenting on stuff they enjoy.

I know from following this on the old board that you have a lot of readers and fans who enjoy this series.
Hopefully more of them will pop up to voice their support.

This is one of my favourite stories so far, and I must say, chapter 12 is BY FAR my favourite.

You really put a lot of detail and thought into this one.
I don't think I or anyone else could've better describe the tightness and strictness of the bondage here.

Dave, Jack and Mr. Howard make quite a team! Especially in all their military gear and leather gloves.
They sound positively ruthless.
I would've LOVED to join them in binding up and gagging those two twerps.
Would be f*ckin' great getting together with those three guys and forcefully trussing up and gagging [mention]sniffingyoursocks[/mention]. I'm sure my boi would be more than happy to chow down my worn boxers and spend some time moaning and groaning with poor Steven and Luke in the trunk.

You know what would be awesome my friend?
Reading a short chapter about Luke's POV...about him getting jumped by the three big, muscular guys in his sleep and being forcefully bound up and gagged.
My horny mind can't help but wonder what his mouth is stuffed with 8-)

I hope Steven has fun eating his dad's big boxers!

Btw, this story isn't in the Story Catalogue.
Hurry up and get it posted mate!

As always, loving your work.
Keep it up!

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Post by squirrel »

Chapter 13 - Game - the Beginning

Riding in the trunk of a car wasn’t an easy task, especially due to the fact that the road was rough; I could literally feel every single bump through my body when the car was running on it. With my arms bound behind my back and legs wrapped in rope I could do little to at least lessen the discomfort; and with my mouth flawlessly gagged with my father’s boxers, three bandanas and over twenty wraps of heavy duty gaffer tape I could only whimper pathetically. What was even worse, my friend Luke was also bound with me in the trunk; we were squashed chest to chest, crotch to crotch and I it was more than obvious that he was thrilling with joy. he was moaning into his thick gag and rubbing against me as much as his bonds allowed; I could feel his rock hard manhood on my own bulge. Plus, he kept pressing his taped lips against mine, trying to kiss me; his brain was definitely off and his little soldier must have taken total control over him…

We were driving like this for approximately an hour, just as father said before shutting the trunk of the car. By the time the engine stopped me and Luke were all covered in sweat and we both were pretty numb from the restrictive roping. I hoped that the guys would open the trunk and at least let us breath some fresh air, but nothing like that happened. Instead we could hear male voices; the guys were talking to someone and, from what I could understand, there were several other guys than my father, uncle and Mr. Howard.

After a few more minutes I heard someone unlock the trunk and open it. I rolled a little on my back and saw my dad puffing on a cigar and looking down at me. There were also three other dudes, all dressed in military uniforms.

“Fuck, dude, the kids are really tied up!” One of them said.

“Told you man.” My dad replied.

“Let’s get them out and check their bonds.” My uncle added.

I was grabbed by my father and one other guy and tossed on the ground, seconds later Luke landed next to me. I looked around a little; we were in the forest, not very large one, but still. There were many kinds of trees and bushes around. I squirmed a little when my bends were checked and retied, but the hunks ignored me. Luke on the other hand was in heaven, when someone retied the ropes on his wrists he let out a loud ( or at least audible ) moan of pleasure. He was probably much more into this prisoner thing than I was.

“You shouldn’t have bothered retying the knots, guys.” It was a deep, masculine voice.

I turned my head and saw one more guy; this wan huge, probably over 200cm tall, really well built, his muscles were visible even though he was wearing full military uniform. The guy was a natural alpha dominator, a true leader; when he spoke all other guys immediately stopped talking, as if he was someone they should obey. He knelt in front of my face and I couldn’t stop thinking how manly and masculine the guy was; he had some sort of an aura around him; the one that makes everyone want to submit to him. And I was no exception. When he was expecting my bonds and his fingers touched my skin I was shivering from anticipation. If it wasn’t for the gag, I would have probably licked and kissed his military boots.
“All right guys, untie their legs, but leave everything else just the way it is. Nice job with the ropes, by the way.” The guy said after checking Luke’s bonds.

“Thanks, Greg!”

I saw my dad and uncle stick their chests out in pride; they were obviously glad to be praised by him. First they untied Luke; they undid the hogtie, allowing him to stretch his legs. Then removed the rope from his thighs, knees and ankles. Next they untied me. When our legs were free, my dad and uncle stood me and Luke up. It was quite humiliating to stand there with my arms bound and face covered in layers of duct tape, but I decided it would be best to walk with my head high. I looked at the strangers; there were three of them. One smiled at me when he spotted me checking him out, the second one ignored me and the last one just smirked.

“What are the kids’ names?” Greg asked.

“This is Steven.” My dad said and put his palm on my shoulder. “And that is Luke.”

“All right boys. I’ll explain the rules, then take Steven with me. Mark will be here any minute and he’ll take care of Luke. “

I saw that Luke was disappointed; I knew well he would prefer to go with this bloke.

“So.” Greg started. “You’ll be divided into two teams. As I understand Matt, Dave and Jack will be one team and Frank, Will and Rick will be the other. Fine by me. Mark will give you the masks, guns and ammunition. Each of you will have 500 bullets, you can buy more if you want, it’s up to you. Now: when you are shot in the arm, you can’t use it, if in the leg – you can’t run. And if you are shot in the head, chest, stomach or back, you’re considered dead and have to return here. Do you understand?”

“Sure think, Greg.” One of the guys said.

“Me and Mark will hide the kids somewhere. Your task is to rescue both of them. If one team has rescued two prisoners – they win and the other one has to pay for the whole game. If each team has one prisoner – everyone pays for themselves. If you don’t rescue the prisoners – see the previous rule. Is everything clear?”

“How much time do we have to find the kids?” My dad asked.

“Let’s see… It’s after one now, so I guess you’ve got time until eight. OK, all the rules are set. Apart from what I said you can do whatever you want; capture members of other team, shoot them, tie them up and hide them. And something special for the final: me and Mark will also be in the woods. We’ll be… judges and also your hunters, so you’ll have to watch not only for the hostages but also for us.

So that was it. A paintball game with me and Luke as prisoners to rescue. I had to admit that I liked the idea; mainly because it was one more reason to stay tied up. I didn’t have much time to enjoy the strange sensation in my stomach; Greg grabbed me by my arm and we started walking deeper into the woods. We were marching for maybe twenty minutes when Greg moved some bushes aside and revealed a small hatch. He opened it and I saw a few stairs going down.

“Inside kid!” Greg ordered and took out a cigar from his chest pocket. He didn’t light it, just put it between his teeth.

He pushed me and I went inside. It was dark, but when Greg entered and turned the lights on it occurred to be a small bunker. It was only one room with two old beds, two chairs and a table inside.

“Before the game starts, Mark will conceal the entrance, the guys won’t find us here.” Greg said and lit his huge cigar. He puffed on it several times and filled the space with smoke.

“Mppphhh…” I tried to speak.

“Judging by your bulge you must really like being tied up, am I right, kid?” I nodded. “From what I saw, lad, many guys like it. I’ve tied up many guys in the army, both prisoners and my buddies. Very few protested and tried to escape. Most just resigned and waited for someone to untie them.”

I watched him suck his cigar; to be honest I couldn’t do much else. After a few moments Greg took a bag from under one of the beds.

“So, since you’ve been tied up for some time, kid, I’ll let you choose how you’ll be restrained. If you walk to the bed, I’ll hogtie you, if you move to the chair – I’ll tie you to it. You’ve got five seconds.” Greg said and took a really long coil of rope from the bag.

I didn’t need time to think and immediately walked to the chair. I was tied up in a hogtie for long enough that day.

“Good choice. Now sit!” Greg barked and I obeyed.

He walked behind me and started undoing the rope harness my uncle and father had created earlier. When only my wrists and elbows were bound he forced the behind the back of the chair and pressed my back against it. He took the rope and started wrapping it around my torso and the chair. The rope fastened me really well, but Greg was far from over. He tied my arms to the chair, my wrists and even my abdomen.

“Nice and tight, son.” He patted me on the cheek, while sucking on the cigar. “Let’s finish binding you.”

He took more rope from the bag and bound my legs to the legs of the chair at my ankles, calves, and thighs. When he finished I realized something else: the chair was bolted to the concrete floor and there was no way I could move it. I was stuck for good.

“How do you like it?” Greg asked me when he cinched the final knot.

“Mmmpphh…” I tried to say. I just nodded.

“Now, there is just one more thing for me to do.” Greg took a roll of duct tape from the bag and unwound some.

He sat on my thighs and, to my horror, placed the strip of duct tape over my eyes. I moaned and grunted a lot, but he just wrapped the tape around my head several times, blindfolding me completely. He tore the tape and smoothed it on my temple.

“I know I told you I’d stay here, but I guess I’ll just leave you here and have some fun with the guys.”


I heard Greg walk away from me and open the hatch. I was now completely alone, a hostage kept under the surface of the earth. My dick was throbbing….
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Post by WonderBoy »

I am really enjoying this story. Hopefully, Steven will get some relief soon. Also hoping for some more foot or tickle action! Either way, one of my favorites on here.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Hugely enjoyable!
Finally some new content that we haven't seen on the old board!

Really exciting, my friend.
Brilliantly told 8-)

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Post by RopedBud »

This was the one story that I was waiting for the most. When the old board went down, it stopped right after they were put into the trunk. I'm very glad to see that your still working on it! Can't wait to see what happens next!!!
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Post by squirrel »

Chapter 14 - The Company

When Greg left I immediately started to struggle as much as I could. I tried to loosen the ropes around my wrists with my fingers or wiggle anything from bonds. Unfortunately ( or maybe fortunately ), Greg did an amazing job tying me to the chair and all I could do was to move my head from side to side. Which wasn’t helpful at all; in a few minutes my military outfit was all drenched in sweat and I was as screwed as at the moment Greg finished binding me. My father’s boxers stuffed into my mouth and held in place by bandanas and gaffer tape made all my attempts to scream and shout futile; I didn’t even bother trying. Even if I did manage to make some noise there was no one around to hear it. There was only one option for me: sitting quietly and waiting for someone to find me.

Many strange thought appeared in my mind when I was in the bunker. I loved the fact that such a masculine guy restrained me, but at the very same time I was wondering if I could trust him. He seemed like a nice fellow, but all I knew about him was the fact that my uncle and father were friends with him, and that he liked tying up guys. This wasn’t much and at the back of my head there was this irritating thought: what if he left me here to have his own way with me? I knew very well that I was overreacting, but when someone has nothing else to do but think I guess it’s inevitable to have such ideas…

I have no idea how much time has passed since Greg left. But after what seemed to me like an hour I heard the door open and someone enter the bunker. Immediately I started struggling again and yelling into my enormous gag.

“Still gone nowhere with the bonds, kid?” Greg asked.


“Don’t move!” He said in a stern voice and I did at once.

I felt Greg grab the loose end of duct tape on my temple and start to unwind it from around my eyes. Man, it hurt like hell, but I stayed perfectly still and silent; I definitely didn’t want him to think that I was a weakling or something. When the tape was finally gone I blinked my eyes a few times to adjust them to the light. Then I realized that Greg wasn’t alone; my father was also in the bunker. I saw that he had a red smudge of paint on his chest; which meant that he was ‘shot’.

“I brought you company, kid.” Greg said, smiling.

“Having a good time, son?” My dad asked.

“Quiet! Prisoners aren’t allowed to talk!”

My father smiled to that, but remained silent. I saw Greg take some coils of rope from the bag. He told my dad to lie on the bed and began to tie him up. First he roped the wrists crossed behind my father’s back, then the elbows. It seemed to be harsh, but my dad said nothing. I watched Greg tie his legs at the ankles and below the knees. Finally me father’s legs were bent and his captor tied another rope at his wrists and connected them with the ankles, creating a snug hogtie.

“There you go boy!” Greg smacked my dad playfully.

“Fuck you!” Came the reply. I saw that both my dad and Greg were smiling.

“Oh yeah?!”

The bloke took some material from the bag and pushed it into my father’s mouth. He took his time stuffing his mouth, and when he was done he placed a bandana between my dad’s teeth and tied it behind his head, making it impossible to spit the wad out. As a last touch he wrapped my father’s lower face with duct tape; apparently he didn’t want my dad to make a noise…

“Hope you two enjoy each other’s company…” Greg said with a smirk.

He checked our knots, made sure everything is as tight as it should be and left the bunker. My father immediately started to struggle, trying to set himself free. Since he was a very well built guy for a moment I thought he might succeed and break through the ropes. But that didn’t happen. After several minutes of intense struggling my dad gave up. His face was glistening with sweat and he was panting heavily. When he realized I was watching him all the time he just smiled under his gag and winked at me. I smiled too, assured now that I will be all right and that Greg is just a normal and neat guy.

Now it was the two of us in the bunker. Two bound and gagged guys, with no way to communicate with each other. We knew well that our attempts to free ourselves would get us nowhere, so we just calmed down and stared at each other. To be honest there was not much else we could do… It didn’t last long when I heard the door open again and Greg came inside with yet another dude, also ‘shot down’. I didn’t know who it was, but he was definitely from the other team.

“As you can see Frank, Dave is already here, so it’s even now. You lost one soldier, and they lost one, too. “ Greg said pushing the guy inside.

“Unnmmmmtmmm…” Me and my father tried to speak.

Greg ignored our muffled pleas and pushed Frank on the second bed. In a matter of minutes Frank was tightly hogtied and gagged, just like my father. I had to admit that seeing Greg tying up that dude made me really turned on…

“Ok, boys. It’s nearly six, so it’s no use going hunting again. I’m just gonna stay with you here until the end of the game.” Greg said and sat on the free chair.

The three of us watched him take another cigar from his military jacket and light it, soon the bunker was filled with smoke again. Greg didn’t confine himself to sitting and smoking; he made fun of us, smacked our head, kicked us, yelled at us. He was behaving as if he was a high rank officer in the army and we were his recruits to train. After two hours of teasing and mocking us Greg decided it was time to finish the fun.

“All right boys, the time is up, let’s return. “ He said calmly and untied my dad and Frank from their beds and took their gags out.

“You all right, guys?” He asked.

“Sure thing, man!” They replied.


“The hostages are kept bound and gagged, since they weren’t rescued.” Greg explained; I tried to plea with my father, but it was no use…

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Post by bondagefreak »

Haha, damn! Poor Steven is STILL tied up and chewing on his dad's big, smelly briefs 8-)

Those guys really know how to party. Wish I knew them in RL. I'd definitely be up for playing this military-themed game with them!

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Post by RopedBud »

I love the military theme as well [mention]bondagefreak[/mention]. It's never a dull time with some masculine men, rope, briefs, and duct tape! You decide to play one of these games, make sure to invite me! :lol:
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Will do, but you probably wouldn't enjoy those games as much if I managed to capture you and bring you down to my bunker 8-)

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