Let's Build a Story (M/F, F/F)

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Let's Build a Story (M/F, F/F)

Post by tiedpgirl »

Not sure if this is the best place for this.

So, here's my idea. Below is a picture that I found online. Each person will add the next part of the story, and we see where this story goes.

Additions should cover one specific event, or less. They can include dialogue, descriptions of characters/surroundings, details about what's going on, etc. Feel free to add as much detail as you want in your addition, but don't have twenty things happen without much detail in between.

You may add and subtract characters if you wish (add a picture so we can visualize them), but please keep these first two in the story so we have a sense of continuity.

Please be courteous to the previous entry and continue the story where they left off. Ease from one situation to the next without abrupt changes.

And I would prefer to keep this story M/F and F/F. Thanks.

I'll start with the first part to give details on the surroundings and physical features of our first two characters.

Let's have some fun writing a story together!
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Post by tiedpgirl »

Our story takes place at a resort by a lake in the mountains. The resort consisted of a few dozen small cottages around the lake and one large inn with hotel rooms on the east bank. Some of the cottages were right on the shore with small docks, and others were set back among the trees of a large forest, more isolated from other guests. The inn also had a much larger dock and a boathouse.

The resort owned numerous kayaks, canoes, rowboats and paddleboards, and two larger fishing motorboats. Two small sheds were built into the side of the boathouse. In one, there was a wide assortment of freshwater fishing gear. In the other, all the ropes and chains for operating the docks, mooring, and storing the boats.

Two beautiful blonde women were enjoying a night at a nearby abandoned bridge. They worked at the resort, doing various tasks. At any given time, they could be working as maids cleaning out the cottages, cooks preparing food for guests, administration staff at the front desk, or any other tasks as directed. It was now mid-May, and the summer busy season was about to start. Reservations had been placed on almost all of the small cottages around the lake and the hotel rooms in the inn. Some guests were staying for the entire summer, others just a few days.

So the women had decided to spend one last night drinking at an abandoned bridge. The woman on the left is named Sydney. She is 5'4" with an ample bosom (C cups) and is flexible, but cannot touch her elbows behind her back. She is great at fishing.

The woman on the right is named Amy. She stands at 5'6" with a smaller chest (A cups), and is super flexible. Her favorite job was working with the boats, knowing almost everything about anything that floats on the water.

Both girls are submissive in nature with men, but would vary with women, sometimes preferring to be dominant. It had happened previously that they would interact in these ways with guests.

And so, the two ladies found themselves spending their last night before a busy summer drinking at the bridge. They had no idea what was going to happen to them this summer....
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Post by wolfman »

It is a warm night and the girls decide to go for a dip in the river. They leave their clothes under a rock and enter the clear water. It was warm for this time of year.

They relaxed in the river knowing that this may be their last chance before a busy season. They chatted about their cabins and how much nicer they were than last time they came here.

The money wasn't great but all costs were covered so by the end of the season they woud have a decent amount of money each. Sydney suggested that they go to miami for a week at the end of the season, but Amy preferred the idea of Europe. They compromise and decided to do a road trip.

As the sun set, they decided to head back to camp for something to eat.

The lifted the rock where they put their cothes and they were gone, frantically they searched the are but to no avail.

They were wet, cold and alone in the woods, half a mile from camp.

"Perfect." thought the thief of their clothes. "Just how I like them."
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Post by Sociopath3 »

The thief walks up to them asking if their ok and offered a flask if hot chocolate while he went to his cabin to get some of his sisters ild clothes and some towels, the accepted and he walked into the woods and waited, they drank the hot chocolate and collapsed the thief then walked up to them with his bag of 'supplies'. He grabbed Sydney's wrists and tied them together with blue rope cinching it and knotting out of reach, he repeated this process for her elbows, knees and ankles, he then put her into a chest harness and hogtied her, as he also did with Amy. For gags he shoved Sydney's panties into Amy's mouth and Amy's panties into Sydney's mouth followed by a red knotted cleave gag and a blindfold for each.

They both woke and tried struggling and mmmpphhhed constantly, the thief shushed them telling them they'll be in a warm place soon. He proceeded to stuff each of them into a sack, tie of the ends, put them into his boat and rowed to his cabin.
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Post by tiedpgirl »

As the thief rowed across the lake, he thought back to last summer...

Sydney and Amy had each occasionally come around to his cabin to change the sheets and tidy up, and he had offered them some extra tips for some other "services". Each time was amazing, but too soon the summer ended.

During the winter, he had thought about the girls often, wondering what they were doing (or wearing). His company decided to lay him off during cutbacks towards the end of April, and that's when the plan had started.

He knew he would never be able to afford the cabin for the whole summer like last year, so he decided to cram a summer's fun into a single weekend. He had even arrived early for his reservation, hoping to catch the girls before too many witnesses were around.

Now he had them both naked, tied up and struggling in his boat, and they were headed to the cabin furthest from everything else.

This was going to be a fun weekend....
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Post by wolfman »

He could barely contain his excitement as he pulled up to the dock. He lifted Sydney's sack first, she struggled within her cloth prison as her effortlessly lifted her from the boat and carried her inside.

Returning to the boat he picked up Amy. She was barely moving and the sound of her soft crying made him smile, "They will be tears of joy when I am done with you." He said softly, trying to reassure her.

He scooped up the bundle with their clothes and returned to the cabin. He placed Amy next to Syd and looked through the bundle.

Nice shoes, nice phones and watches, not cheap. The girls were rich so the money came from someone else.

A plan started to form. "A weekend with them will be awesome, but if I ransom them after, it might solve my cash flow issues." He thought nodding.
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Post by rafeylovesbonds »

However, unbeknown to Sydney's and Amy's abductor, his nefarious actions had not passed entirely unobserved.

Young resort security guard, Jasmine (pictured), had been making a preliminary patrol that evening, making sure that all seemed in order for the new season. She had heard Sydney and Amy talking in the distance, then the sounds of them in the water, but none of this had concerned her, and as everything otherwise was quiet, she had continued with her patrol which had turned into an evening walk which she had been enjoying.

Lost in her own thoughts, she had rounded the path which gave her a view of where the girls' abductor had made the capture. Whilst she had neither seen the girls collapse from drinking the drugged hot chocolate nor his tying them up, his furtive movements after this had caught her attention. What was he doing? It looked as if he was putting something into a sack, but why would he be doing something like that at this time of night? And the way he kept looking around, as if he were checking that no one else was about who might see - no, something was afoot here, something which was not quite right.

As the man loaded the sacks into his boat, another thought struck Jasmine - where had the two girls gone, the ones she had heard talking and splashing about earlier that night? All of a sudden, it was as if they had just been swallowed up by the darkness! Then, she heard another, quite different noise, and caught her breath in horror - surely it was not them who were in the man's sacks? But what she could hear now did sound like the mmmpphhh-ing noises people might make if they were gagged!

Jasmine watched the man's boat as he rowed across the lake, heading for the dock in the distance. She wondered what she should do, and felt with one hand for the walkie talkie radio at her hip. Her other hand reached to check that her baton and handcuffs were on her belt, as she had a feeling she was going to need both before the night was out.
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Post by tiedpgirl »

As Jasmine tried to call in her concerns to the staff at the inn, she remembered that the radio equipment there wouldn't be turned on until tomorrow. She was on her own.

She had two options. The first would be to go after the man and confront him alone, but that was dangerous. There was no telling what weapons the man might have, or if he had even taken the girls. However, the other option would be to return to the inn for help, which would mean it would be at least an hour until anyone returned to this area.

Jasmine wrestled with her options and decided it was best to obtain more information first. She would try to stay out of sight, but she needed to know if the man had taken the girls.

Making her way around the lake, she arrived at the other dock just as the man exited his cabin. He went to the dock in order to cover the rowboat with the rain cover. While he was occupied, Jasmine approached the side of the cabin, where there was a window that looked in on the main room.

She had to hold in a gasp of surprise. There on the floor were two large sacks, moving around as if some large animals were trapped inside of them. That was all the proof she needed. It was time to report back to the inn and get help.

"Enjoying the view?" Came a voice from behind her. Dreading the source, Jasmine slowly turned around.

There he was, somehow having snuck up behind her. He was tall, probably 6'4" with dark brown hair cropped close to his head. She could see his well-toned muscles easily, even in the dim light coming from within the cabin. "This was a mistake." she thought. "I should have gone back to the inn first."

"What are you doing outside my cabin?" The man asked.

She made a quick decision and tried to bolt for the treeline, but he was too fast for her.

"Whoa there, don't be rude. We just met, and I definitely want to get to know you better." He had her arms pinned behind her back with one hand while his other arm was wrapped around her front. As she struggled in his grasp, he felt the handcuffs at her side.

"My, my. What have we here?" He took the handcuffs and attached them to her wrists, keeping them behind her back.

"Come inside and meet my other guests, why don't you?" And he led Jasmine into the cabin....
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Post by sagitarium »

You're not going to get away with this I have called for back up, and they'll be here any minute!!

Jasmine hoped her captor wouldn't call her bluff, but he just smiled and searched through her pockets finding her cell phone. At that moment she deeply regretted not having a password on her cell phone. He quickly looked through it and smiled.

Yeah I can see you did call but I can also see, they didn't answer. Looks like you are stuck here with me and my friends.

Jasmine looked nervous at the moving bags and then at her captor biting her lip.

Don't worry. We're going to have fun today, he smiled. Now please step out your sneakers and don't try anything. I am armed. As he said that he pulled out a gun.

Jasmine sighed. Her last hope had been, to kick him in the groin and then escape, but him being armed complicated matters considerably.

She pushes her shoes of and looked angrily at him.

Good girl, now go down on your knees and cross your ankles!

Glaring she did as she was told.

Smiling he pulled down her pants and then helped her lay down on her tummy.

Laying there he pulled of her pants and socks and started to tie her ankles crossed followed by her legs above and below knees.

Now my dear. I'm going to remove the cuff's and then you have to remove your clothes on the upper part of your body. No tricks - I've got you covered!!

With her legs all secured she really couldn't do anything, so she had to comply and soon she sat only in her bra and panties.

Good girl, now lay down on your tummy again!

With a sigh she did as she was told and a second later she was straddled and had her hands tied tightly behind her with rope. Next he tied her arms to the side framing her breast before hogtying her tightly.

Please why are you doing this?
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Post by tiedpgirl »

Rather than answering her, he picked up one of her socks and stuffed it in her mouth. Tape was quickly wrapped around her head to keep the sock in place.

He then turned to the two struggling sacks. Opening them one at a time and pulling out the girls, Sydney and Amy met Jasmine, and vice versa.

Now, a man with three hogtied girls in front of him (two naked and the third in her underwear) really only has a few options. He took the most obvious. Starting with Sydney, who was closest, he began to caress her body. She doubled her struggling and squealing immediately. The other girls followed suit.

His hands roamed from her legs to her bottom, and from her belly up to her large breasts. He moved on to Amy and her more flexible body and smaller breasts. These were the two he had planned to have fun with, but now he had a third plaything.

Jasmine had managed to squirm her way several feet across the room in an effort to get away. But in a few short steps, he stopped her from going further. For now, he decided, he was going to keep this one in the closet.

After storing Jasmine for later, his attention turned back to his original victims.

"Alright girls." He said with a hint of sexual lust. "Time to get started...."
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Post by rafeylovesbonds »

Jasmine found herself in a small closet-like compartment, in which there was very little room to move. Not that she had much scope for any movement as such, in her tight hogtie.

Muffled sounds reached her from outside, but they were nowhere clear enough for her to be able to work out what was going on there. She was sure, however, that whatever it was, it could not bode well for the other two girls there.

For a moment, Jasmine felt like giving way to the panic rising within her, however her sense of duty and responsibility came to the fore. She was the one wearing a uniform (or at least, she had been until she had been forced out of it) and she was the one directly employed in a security role. It had to be down to her to gain control of the situation, and save those poor girls outside.

Jasmine struggled for all she was worth against her bonds, but the rope was tied far too snugly around her slim wrists for her to be able to slip her way out of them. Also, of course, the rope holding her arms to her sides restricted her scope for movement even more. She listened intently - was there anyone about outside, by any chance? But then she remembered the very effective way in which she had been gagged - even if anyone were there, she could barely make a sound that might catch their attention. If only she could reach the knots at her wrists! Or rather, if only she could just locate them with her long, slender fingers. Desperately, she tried to focus on the task of freeing herself - there must be some way to do it! - instead of wondering what was happening to the other two girls in the meantime.
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Post by sagitarium »

Jasmine tried for a bit to examine any weaknesses in her bonds, but her captor really knew what he was doing. Jasmine threw herself into a wild kicking and struggling tantrum of frustration.

Her captor calling out taunting her didn't help much, but then she felt it. Something pointy was stinging at her side. She tried to get to it with her hands, but as the closet was rather small it didn't give much room for movement. And neither did the hogtie. Several times she felt like she was almost there, but every it slipped out of her grasp. Close, but no cigar.

She had allmost given up, when finally she reached it. It wasn't very large, but it was sharp, maybe a pice of glass or something. It was a long shot to be able to cut the ropes with this, but it was the only shot she had....
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Post by rafeylovesbonds »

Outside of Jasmine's confinement, meanwhile, the man was taking full advantage of his opportunity with two tied and helpless girls.

Firstly, he had returned to Sydney and, again, had caressed her, had run his hands all over her bound body and up between her tied thighs. There, his fingers had teased her most intimate opening, stroking and tickling it and making Sydney cry out in fear that his fingers would proceed further and into it. Next, he had directed the attention of his lips and tongue to her ample breasts, moaning and gasping over them as his lust built up from within him. Then, laying her down on the floor again on her front, he subjected her arse to the hardest spanking it had ever known, laughing in glee as Sydney firstly squealed, then cried, from each stinging slap.

Eventually he stopped; he had been going to move on to Amy, but he was so excited by this stage that he had to have a break. He unzipped his trousers with one hand, then used both to untie Sydney's gag and pull out Amy's panties from her mouth. Sydney gasped, unable to speak because her mouth was so dry from the gag, though she could still squeal again as he grabbed a huge handful of her hair.

"OK, baby," he breathed, "Now you're going to give me some pleasure. You know what's going in your mouth, don't you?" Her heart sank; Sydney did indeed, but knew there was nothing she could do about it. Forcing her mouth and tongue to work, she was thankful that it was only a short time before he withdrew from her with a loud gasp of satisfaction. As he shoved Amy's soggy, cold, panties back into Sydney's mouth and retied her gag, tears of shame began to roll down her cheeks. Surely this nightmare could not get any worse than this?

Zipping himself up again, the man now turned his attention to Amy. All too soon, her arse was as red as Sydney's - and then, it was her turn to give the man some relief, just as Sydney had had to do.
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Post by tiedpgirl »

Sydney struggled against the ropes again, and again they would not budge. She was getting incredibly sore and wanted to stretch her aching limbs.

Their captor had taken the still bound and gagged Amy with him when he went to bed, turning off the lights as he went. Sydney tried not to think about what was happening in the bedroom. She had recognized their captor as one of the guests from last year (she had even visited him a few times for conjugal visits). But this was so much more than what that had been like. At least she had gotten paid well for it.

Now she and Amy were captives of this man (oh, why couldn't she remember his name?!) along with that other girl, one of the new patrol guards here at the resort. What was her name? Julia? Jana? Well, it didn't matter right now, Sydney needed to get out of these ropes!

Just as she thought she was making some progress, Sydney heard a door open. She held her breath. If her captor discovered that she was able to reach some of the knots, he would surely tie her up even tighter, and then she would never get loose.

Suddenly a face appeared out of the darkness. It was the patrol guard! There were still a couple frayed ends of rope dangling from her body, but it looked like she had found something sharp to cut her way out.

Sydney started pleading with the girl to let her out. The guard shook her hands and head side to side, then put a finger over her lips. "Be quiet!" she whispered. "I'm going to go for help. It's quite a ways to the main lodge though, so I might not be back until after the sun comes up."

Sydney almost lost it. What if their captor awoke before help could arrive and discovered that one of his captives was missing?

"Lmmph mmph mmpht!" Was the best she could do with, "Let me out!"

The guard looked scared. With one last quick glance at Sydney, she stole across the cabin, opened the front door, and disappeared into the night.

"If I see her again, I'm going to have some serious things to say to her." Sydney thought. But for now, she couldn't do anything and tried to get comfortable. It was going to be a long night....

Last bumped by tiedpgirl 4 years ago.
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