Curt : 04 - Beth (M/F)

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Curt : 04 - Beth (M/F)

Post by Canuck100 »

Curt's stories
04 - Soap Opera Nuisance
Story index at the bottom


Wednesday November 10th 1999 04:37:21

Having just got the Dreambook Bum's Rush on Canuck's other excellant site, I thought that I'd add a quick story on this site as well. This story is not really a college story, as my girlfriend at the time and I were not really in college (though I was taking a college art class at the time), but we were of college age. Hope you like it none the less...

I had grown up pretty much being the bondage recipient of my sister's devices (for three years or so), and after she left, I was pretty much in a void (as my bondage playmates had either moved away or on by then). I won't go in to details, as those can be found on Canuck's True Stories site (linked to this page), and if you're interested you can look it up there (Free Plug!).

Suffice it to say that life went on. I graduated school, got a job, and tried to relish those times I spent with my sister, Terry, Pam, and Glenda in my memory. I never imagined that I would find another who might like to tie me up. I had been too lucky already, right?

Then I met Beth...

Beth was my girlfriend in '84, and will always hold a special place in my heart. She was a little tease, but I loved her, and at the time, I thought she was THE ONE. I have since found another, but I'll always remember Beth for giving me what I needed, and I hope, I gave her something in return...

Beth was a nymphomaniac...I have no doubt of this, as she wanted sex all the time, anywhere, no matter the an elevator, in her parents empty house which was up for sale at the time, in the boathouse at the lake, wherever the mood hit her. I, of course, being a red-blooded American male, did my best to comply.

Beth was also a little kink.

She liked to have special things done in sex; dripping candles, foot worship, and a few unmentionables too wild for this forum, so when I first mentioned bondage to her, I was happy to say that she did not bat an eye, but laid on the bed and waited for me to tie her up. She was into it...

I was usually the bondee, not the bonder up to this point, but I was no novice by any means. I quickly produced my self-bondage gear (ropes, scarves, etc.), and if she had any questions as to why I had all that stuff handy, she did not say a word. I quickly had her bound, hand and foot, to the corners of my bed, gagged and blind-folded, and waiting nervously for my next move. She looked hot, I will admit, and though I wished I was in her place, I was excited about being on the delivering end for once. I watched her writhe in her bonds, straining to get free, making little mewling noises through her gag, and I knew she was getting hotter by the second.

By then, I knew what Beth liked, sexually, and I took every advantage of her helpless body. We had the longest session of fore play that I could remember, up to that point (though I won't go into details for the sensors sake), and when I finally untied her about 2 hours later, I had the greatest night of my life, again, up until that point...But then, if you've been reading my stories on 'True Stories', you'll see that life just gets better and better...

Not much of a story, I'll admit, but we're not here to get really graphic. Suffice it to say, we did the nasty, enhanced by the fact that she was bound and helpless through most of it. As I said, I am happier as the captive than as the tormentor, and after this round, our roles were reversed, and I was much the happy camper for my short time with Beth.

It was later that year that I moved some 3000 miles to NYC, broke up with Beth (like a wimp- in a letter) and had a dry spell for a few years until I met my significant other, whom I have been with for the last 12 years...but that's another story altogether...

Well, that's my contribution to this page. Hope you all enjoyed it, and at the least, I hope it inspired some of you to do me one better. This is a great board, but it seems to be a little slow of late, so until I write again...Do fun things, and keep those stories coming...


CURT's stories

Stories retrieved from Stories of Tie-Up Games